The RPG Duelling League

Social Forums => General Chat => Topic started by: Jo'ou Ranbu on January 01, 2012, 04:08:29 PM

Title: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on January 01, 2012, 04:08:29 PM
G'morning at 2:10 PM! Have a New Year's livejournal topic.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on January 01, 2012, 07:49:42 PM
Only a few more days home! Woot!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on January 01, 2012, 08:18:07 PM
<Ciato> Just a few more days and I'd reach the thirty-first circle of Hell
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 02, 2012, 02:32:46 AM
I ice-skated for the first time in my entire life today. It was amazing! Tut tut @ first. Could barely move more than two inches without reaching for the rink side. Then I was like "This is like flat rollerblades." After such a revelation, I skated, and even turned and stopped just fine. Didn't fall one lick. I brisked passed all the falling children with a D: :D reaction; an elderly woman seriously injured herself. At such an instance (an hour in), my ass cheeks haven't been used in a while, were aching, and I decided to get off the ice.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: metroid composite on January 02, 2012, 03:09:47 AM
Awesome, we need to go ice skating together ^_^
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 02, 2012, 03:19:54 AM
Yeah!!! [': you can teach me some things.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on January 02, 2012, 07:58:15 PM
On the list for January:

1. Find a new place to live
2. Guitar lessons
3. Grain&gluten-free, sugar-free, legume-free, soy-free, dairy-free eating. (Culinary bubble here I come~)
4. Plane tickets to England
5. Plane tickets to friend's bridal shower & bachelorette party/wedding
5b. Plan said bridal shower and bachelorette party
6. Search for and apply for new job

BAM. Hello, 2012.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on January 03, 2012, 12:40:11 AM
My goals for this year?

Go see a doctor. Full-contact rugby-style beer pong (aka "drunk ball") really takes a toll, especially when played every night for a week.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on January 03, 2012, 10:32:25 AM
Goal for the new year: Get a job.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 04, 2012, 04:56:26 AM
Anyone in Boston either Friday or Sunday wanna go with me, of no charge, to two BU hockey games, just let me know.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 04, 2012, 03:47:54 PM
It's 13 flippin' degrees outside, and my gym buddy is still certain we should go to the gym. Ain't got no vaseline, I'm going to be trés cendré, peut-etre même translucide comme Casper ]:

Edit* Holy hell, when did we get SMF Curve? This shit is sexy.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: metroid composite on January 04, 2012, 07:46:19 PM
Pourquois esque tu parlais de "Casper the Friendly Ghost" en Francais?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 04, 2012, 09:27:48 PM
... Hmm... je ne sais pas. "Casper, Le Spectre Amiable?" Je ne veut pas à dire "ashy" en anglais, plus je pense de moi-même comme un spectre quand ma peau est sec. Tout le monde me détèsteraient si je ne parle pas de bon chose comme Casper! Ma analogie est piètre . .  ]:  J'ai besoin un clavier français...  JE T'ADORE en tout cas!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: metroid composite on January 04, 2012, 11:03:49 PM
D'accord, je t'Aime!  Au Revoir! ^_^

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 05, 2012, 04:44:56 PM
Don't leave me----!! Everyone's leaving me! I'm 100% home alone until next Thursday. ;_;
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on January 05, 2012, 07:35:40 PM
So just got back from my two week trip home.

-Spent a lot of money. Caught the beginning of the Victoria's Secret sale where all their bras are half-off and there's some money out the window. They are the best, but I will only buy them during those sales. Also bought FF4 Collection, M&L:Bowser's Inside Story, Arkham City/FFX (I bought FFX for my brother, he bought me Arkham City, we split the cost. Christmas presents made easy!), and Radiant Historia, as well as receiving Trails in the Sky in the mail the day I arrived from Amazon. I also ate out a lot, took my parents out for steak dinner as well as having some Italian food, Mexican food (mmmm), Chinese, etc. Also spent a lot of money on renting a car and driving to Oklahoma City to visit friends. Wanted to go watch the Thunder, but they weren't playing the only day I could go. Met with a lot of old friends, since it seems like even people from my hometown have migrated to OKC. That day was fabulous. Found out my best friend's husband is a brony. Not shocked at all, but still.

-Partook in token family gatherings, one on my mom's side and one on my dad's side. Dad's was awful as it always is. Pockets of people who barely know or enjoy eachother thrown into a room for five hours. My dad was an irritable douche as normal, all of my female first cousins sat in their mom's lap almost (they are 28, 26, and 21) and whispered to each other, and my annoying great-uncle jabbered too much as normal. Also it was as hot as Hades in their house because my grandma and my female relatives (aside from a couple of us) love the place really freakin' hot. Every dude in the place had red face, as did I.  Mom's family gathering was fun. It's much less segregated and most of the people there get along pretty well. Less tension in general. It also has my favorite aunt, who is 13 years older than me but has way more in common with me than any of my cousins that are actually my age. <_< Also, dad wasn't there, which helps any gathering!

I spent most of the rest of my time hanging out with my mother. She is undeniably my favorite member of the family; she's funny and nice and easy to get along with. My dad ranged from really fun and nice to really awful depending on the day. He mood changes like a woman in menopause, I swear. His general assholery related to my mother soured my mood. "I think you need to vacuum" "Can you go buy me cigarettes" "I don't like the water here I want you to buy me special water" and the list goes on. Complaining about food quality and the gifts she bought people and oh my god shut up. You haven't worked in 10 years (and frankly, even when you did, you spent most of your money on yourself while my mom raised us)! I'm pretty sure you have no fucking right to order anyone around. He was pretty nice to me, maybe because I don't live there, but wow. Dad seems to think it's the 1950's. Except the bizarro 1950's where your wife works and you don't but you still act like THE MAN.

I went and visited my grandma for a few days. In general, she either talks about her ailments or she talks about reality TV shows or being cold (when it's 70+ degrees in the house at all times). She wears summer clothes all year and complains about being cold in the winter! Figure that one out. Woman drives me plum crazy. My brother, who lives with her, isn't much better. He's very racist and homophobic and it's pretty much terrible. No, calling someone a fag makes you sound like an idiot, it isn't funny, I'm sorry. You're 35. Brother is fun when he isn't drunk or in a bad mood, which isn't that often. We talked about video games some, made fun of FFT's translation, he told me about FF12.

Dad and grandma in the house at the same time drove me to the telephone for sweet sweet escape. Bitching about doctors and the government and ailments and being old and general wah occurred.

It was a fun trip, mostly because I tried to spend as much time with mom as possible and as little time with everyone else as possible. I played Radiant Historia and read stuff for school to fill in the time when mom was working. I also slept a lot, which was awesome.

All of my stuff smells like Dad's cigarettes. Need to wash it soon! Glad to be back.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on January 05, 2012, 09:52:51 PM
Someday I need to coordinate a trip to Oklahoma with you so we can hang out in OKC.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on January 05, 2012, 09:56:05 PM
For sure! :) How's Donna doing, anyway?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on January 05, 2012, 11:12:03 PM
Someday I need to coordinate a trip to Oklahoma with you so we can hang out in OKC.

Speaking of OKC, guess where I'll be February 21-23! 

(granted, stuck there reviewing their residency programs for 12 hours a day, buuuuuuut...)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on January 05, 2012, 11:18:45 PM
Aw, too bad it wasn't during the holidays. I'd have definitely visited.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on January 06, 2012, 10:18:46 AM

Been a fun winter holiday. I go back home tomorrow. No energy for a big writeup like Ciato, just pretty pictures.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on January 06, 2012, 10:23:21 AM
No bruises wear they show up to the elbow or on the neck and face. 

I see CT invested in padded cuffs.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 06, 2012, 03:50:21 PM
As an aspiring art historian, your images (and captions) work just as well. I love the pic of you and CT. I hope you hugged her for me, as me, as if you could impersonate a boisterous black girl.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 07, 2012, 04:16:23 PM
I want to say yesterday is my second or third late night out in Boston. It was amazinks. Went grocery shopping, ended up trying this Mexican food place (El Pelon Taqueria) near Fenway, and then went bar crawling around my house. Just 5 or so minutes walkin' from my place is Dogwoods, which is pretty chill at night (not the place to go if you want to party, etc.). Low tempo sports bar. Best thing about it? The bartender makes the strongest drinks in the world, and I love her for it. Apparently grads go in there to drink and study, so I believe I may frequent this place a bit more. Also, I cannot find a fish taco on par with any of the fish tacos in the South (which sparked a conversation with a feminist), and left talking about tons of stuff like Obamacare, etc. Amazinks. Got home at 1, which was weird, and fell asleep.. two gin and tonics and cranberry/vodka made me conk out. Unfortunately, no hangover (which would mean I'd have a flat stomach because I'm dehydrated). Oh well, lovalumps today.

Edit* o also hockey game, we wun yeeeeey
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on January 07, 2012, 06:07:00 PM

Thanks Dunie *hugs back* =)

Glad you had a mostly good/fun holiday/trip too Ciatos. Mum's are awesme =)

/me waves @ Grefter ^_^

I've spent the last week and a half or so watching good/interesting movies - Inception, the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Shaun of the Dead plus three episodes of Series 5 Dr Who with Matt Smith (DL Who fans will be pleased to note I was  determined to initiate the aiel into the world of the Doctor and this seemed to be pulled off successfully =)) playing games, consuming good food, good drink and having good stuffs~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on January 09, 2012, 12:23:19 AM
Checkity check on #1 - just signed a lease on a place in Emeryville this afternoon.


Not the nicest area, but it's a tree-lined cul de sac and the people seem okay, plus the unit itself is okay. Duplex -- no one above or below us! yay! -- that is slightly larger than our current place, has 2 (small) bedrooms, and is cheaper. Plus is walking distance from my current place of work, so that saves me bus fare and time.

So not bad. Most importantly, it's a place to live. Now for the -moving- thing. Ugh.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 10, 2012, 12:43:18 AM
Congrats. [:

Hey Captain K, every time I plug stuff in sockets in every part of my house, they spark. I keep hearing this okay, but I can't help but think it isn't. >_> I  don't even know why it sparks!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on January 11, 2012, 10:44:03 PM
Soooooo... The web person in my department just submitted her 2 weeks' notice. On the up side, I can pretty easily angle for a substantial job change (and pay raise). On the downside, I have no idea how receptive my CEO will be to that, and we are in the middle of a massive web upgrade that's going to be tricky to hand off.

Woof. As if this month wasn't shaping up to be busy and stressful already!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on January 12, 2012, 12:25:10 AM
If you're going to be stuck at that company, strongarm them for every penny you can.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on January 12, 2012, 01:10:04 AM
Holy shit I read 20 applications over 6 hours and my brain hurts.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on January 12, 2012, 04:15:50 PM
What are they applications for? School, residency, licensing...?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Captain K. on January 12, 2012, 06:59:53 PM
Hey Captain K, every time I plug stuff in sockets in every part of my house, they spark. I keep hearing this okay, but I can't help but think it isn't. >_> I  don't even know why it sparks!

Well hopefully you're not dead by now because I rarely read this topic.  :)

Hard to say without being there to see it.  At a guess, I'd say the boxes your sockets sit in aren't grounded properly.  Is it an old house?  They didn't use grounding back in the day, so few old houses have that.

It probably isn't dangerous, but if it makes you uncomfortable have a local electrician look at it.  The biggest area of concern would be the kitchen area where you plug in appliances.  It shouldn't be terribly expensive for them to ground your kitchen plugs.  Getting the whole house done would be a bit of work and best done during a remodel.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 12, 2012, 09:26:09 PM
I'm not dead! I'll get my landlord on it. Hell, he's getting 2500+ per floor (3) every month for rent. It's an old house. I forget which year, but it's one of those big houses-turned tripledecker during waves of immigration.  It happens EVERYWHERE. It's even more uncomfortable after a manicure, since my hands are extra soft and I get shocked turning switches on, plugging in my roommate's toaster, etc. Thanks. [: I wouldn't put my death on you. I'd probably put it on Superaielman.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on January 13, 2012, 12:46:01 AM
What are they applications for? School, residency, licensing...?

Residency.  Read through about 300+ pages of paper, and am now calling people for interviews.  It's fun to have power, but it's a lot of  much work.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on January 13, 2012, 06:14:04 PM
Wisdom teeth on the right side have been removed! Went like clockwork, apparantly. Good times. Didn't take long at all to get over the sedative. Still numb from the local, so we'll see how this develops soon enough. At least I finally got to eat something, even if it was just a roll and some nutritional drink and some water. Having one side fully functioning should make this process a hell of a lot easier.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 13, 2012, 11:06:52 PM
I doth believeth they should be in protest for a Clockwork Orange inside your mouth, jes?

Two coo' things today: public transportation romance, and a professor said yes to a date. Went out to  purchase a thinking cap (lolnot), picked up some Chinese on the way, and can't wait for my meetup tomorrow! I'm excited!

ALSO, ARS LIBRI IS GOD SENT FROM HEAVEN. The #1 bookstore in the US for out-of-print art historical texts? I.. I.. I... überrachen!! es ist ehrfürchtig !! (AKA, took about two years to peruse several texts on German Artists, and could not find one listed on a directory someone printed for me, sadness -- BUT DID RUN INTO FAITH RINGGOLD'S OUT OF PRINT NARRATIVES, woaaah hawsie!!)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on January 14, 2012, 05:04:11 AM
Friday the Thirteenth!

Plan: Watch a bunch of horror films with friends!

Actuality: Watched Anime Horror (High School of the Dead) and British Horror (a Sean of the Dead-like flick called Doghouse).

Success: 60%?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 15, 2012, 02:03:48 AM
Lunch with a professor who is not my professor was AMAZING. Holy shit. It ended with us overanalyzing crazy offensive ads on Boylston, ended with him saying "I'mma tell all your professors you're applying to Yaaa~~~~ale."
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on January 15, 2012, 03:55:11 AM
Lunch with a professor who is not my professor was AMAZING. Holy shit. It ended with us overanalyzing crazy offensive ads on Boylston, ended with him saying "I'mma tell all your professors you're applying to Yaaa~~~~ale."

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 17, 2012, 03:15:14 AM
I'm not applying to Yale though. ):   Well, that's too far of a projection at the moment.

In any case, the more comfortable I am, the more uncomfortable I feel. Maybe if I strike up a similar relationship with a female professor . . . okay, well I have. Ok. My feelings are irrational. I just need to grow up.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 18, 2012, 07:16:37 PM
Yaaaaaay e-blackouts really went through (=
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on January 18, 2012, 11:22:07 PM
Things you don't want to hear physicians say in a hospital:

"Wait, Wikipedia is down?  How can I double-check my diagnosis without it?"
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on January 19, 2012, 12:13:53 AM
His google fu is WEAK.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 19, 2012, 04:28:50 AM

Spent three hours at the gym today. I've now set up a good schedule for Wednesdays (nights), Thurs, Fri (mornings) or Saturday (morning) if I need to interchange the latter two. I'm BUHNIN MAH FAT PACKETS.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on January 19, 2012, 07:00:03 AM
Isn't there a global/nationally run peer reviewed database for that?  Swear I have seen my GP reference one before...

Edit - better or worse than WebMD OK?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on January 19, 2012, 07:13:30 AM
Went and saw Les Miserables tonight. Great production. Even better than the Broadway revival I went to see a few years back.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on January 19, 2012, 07:46:37 AM
One good thing about people making New Years Resolutions to lose weight - now all of my friends want to work out with me... and they buy a bunch of expensive equipment/programs to share with me~

Started P90X with 3 of my friends and it's awesome! Though I -am- pretty sore now. Not all fun.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 19, 2012, 03:44:21 PM
Tell me how that is! I'm getting back into the routine of running at my 'in shape pace' (I'm surprised I lasted the entire basic session on the treadmill + elliptical + extra stuff), but everyone mentions stuff about P90X.  Also, bought some new running shoes, but I gather that's not important with P90X? OR IS IT? 

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 20, 2012, 10:13:32 PM
Fucking UPS and its dumb signature fast-as-hell bullshit deliverer who rings the doorbell and jetsets at 60mph down tha av. Fuckin'.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on January 21, 2012, 02:17:01 PM
I got a cat.  It is basically the best cat.

I'm not supposed to have pets but I don't really care because I've found mouse droppings.  If my bosses find out I'll just say I was borrowing a friend's cat until the mouse problem went away, then probably give the cat back.  I figure nobody's really going to care though.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 21, 2012, 09:17:25 PM

PS folks lookin' for water bottles, camelbaks are the fucking SHIT. 11 dollars, but are amazing. I have the 500ml and it's the absolutetetist awesomest wattah bahddil ever --- primarily because it does not spill whatsoever and can lay horizontally in my purse.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on January 22, 2012, 05:20:58 AM
Working three jobs and still keeping up with this P90X thing - six days a week workout. The workout itself is difficult and I'm pretty sore (though as much as my friends, since they're all newbies at regular workouts)... but the hardest part is keeping everyone motivated enough to meet up six days a week for an hour.

I'll probably have to 'purchase' the program myself if I want to finish it. Not as much fun, but it's a rewarding workout.

So... yeah. That's why I haven't been on IRC lately.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on January 22, 2012, 09:08:50 AM
I got a cat.  It is basically the best cat.

I'm not supposed to have pets but I don't really care because I've found mouse droppings.  If my bosses find out I'll just say I was borrowing a friend's cat until the mouse problem went away, then probably give the cat back.  I figure nobody's really going to care though.

I thoroughly approve of this course of action.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on January 23, 2012, 06:09:05 PM
Update: 1 Week of P90X, no Soda
Lost 10 lbs.
Lost an inch off my waist line.

Guess it's working?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on January 24, 2012, 12:45:06 AM
Sounds unhealthy.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on January 24, 2012, 10:03:22 PM
Don't break the DJs~

Seriously though well done on the effort/commitment there =)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 24, 2012, 11:25:40 PM
Convinced the routine UPS man is out to get me.

Sign for one fucking textbook that was under 20 dollars?

Fuck you.
Fucking asshole. You know I'm not home until 5 fucking PM, FUCK you. FUCK UPS. Fuck its stupid ass fucking Norwood fucking pickup location and fuck Hatian cab drivers speaking in French like I don't know what you're saying and fuck ThinkGeek for sending me UPS from hell and Laggy better fucking like this coffee fucking mug and fucking HELL I'm gunna break something at the gym tomorrow. D:<!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAAAAAAAAWR!!!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on January 25, 2012, 12:52:56 AM
Well I was being somewhat serious.  Losing more than about a pound a day is usually not a good thing, although in the first week of a particularly strenuous program it can happen I guess.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on January 25, 2012, 01:47:53 AM
When I first started serious exercise last year I was dropping on the order of two pounds a day for the first week, with no major ill effects. Water weight goes quick. If it keeps up at that pace, then yeah, I'd start to worry.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on January 25, 2012, 05:19:17 PM
Due to having some pretty bad allergy problems in my current apartment, I am looking for another place to live. So much hate.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on January 25, 2012, 07:41:27 PM
1. Find a new place to live - Moving the rest of our stuff in this weekend. I've moved a lot during my life (27 places and counting), but moving still sucks.
2. Guitar lessons - Having a great time. Love my teacher. This one hour a week is my break from life.
3. Grain&gluten-free, sugar-free, legume-free, soy-free, dairy-free eating. (Culinary bubble here I come~) I tried. Having no kitchen makes this ten times harder, and it's already ten times harder than a normal diet. So 100x is my limit. I'll try again come February, because it WAS working.
4. Plane tickets to England - Agh. In order to make travel and time off make the most sense, I *have* to do this right before DLC. That is, of course, the very week that "summer prices" kick in. >:(
5. Plane tickets to friend's bridal shower & bachelorette party/wedding - Gonna drive to the shower. Still need to figure out the latter two.
5b. Plan said bridal shower and bachelorette party - Invites in the mail, decisions made, still need to figure out the food and stuff but I have the bride's mom's help. Bachelorette party is being co-handled by other bridesmaids, so that's helpful.
6. Search for and apply for new job - Ugh. WHEN?!


I have been godawful busy this month. On top of this, my company is overhauling all our systems (databases and website - moving to Salesforce and Drupal, yay), renegotiating contracts, and adjusting to being a much smaller company. I am deeply involved in all of this. It's frankly ridiculous how many meetings I can go to in a single work week. Plus the overtime, because I should probably get some actual work done at some point. Plus long-distance party planning. Plus finding a place to move into, signing a lease, and actually moving. Plus learning a new skill. Plus changing my diet.

So I sort of set myself up to fail, there. But the important ones are getting done!

Cannot wait until February, and it's only a week away now. Yay~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on January 26, 2012, 02:20:06 PM
Ciato, holy heck that sucks. Something similar happened to a close friend in a house she closed on - she's allergic to mold, but thankfully her BF's father is a handy man.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on January 26, 2012, 09:38:10 PM
Good luck Ciato *hugs* ;/
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on January 27, 2012, 06:34:29 AM
Observed on my cousin's facebook:

"Love, is a lot like Pokemon. You're going to get a starter, and it's going to mean a lot to you. But throughout the game you'll run into plenty of other Pokemon. Some you'll use a Pokeball to catch, and others a Great ball or even an Ultra Ball. You're going to run into a couple of rare Pokemon and even a few legendary Pokemon. You might catch them and you might not, but no matter what you do; save your Master Ball. Save your Master Ball for that one Pokemon, that one Pokemon that is truly legendary."

A reply:

"Is the safari zone like a red light district? You pay money to catch one, and get a certain amount of time. You don't have to worry too much about not catching one. Even though it's probably not the right one, you at least caught one. Sometimes you learn how to surf!"

why weren't these kids this funny when I had to live with them.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on January 30, 2012, 04:58:22 AM
Woo! Almost fully moved into the new place! By which I mainly mean nearly all the stuff is over. Still need to work on setting up and unpacking.

Super special awesome thanks to Gate who came up and helped shuffle around ridiculous large and unusually heavy pieces of furniture in exchange for food. Who also then kicked everyone's collective assess in his first ever game of Dominion by King's Courting a King's Court and a King's Court and Expand and City to upgrade an Estate into a Colony and then proceed to buy out the Courtyards - all 7 of them - to end the game. In a single turn.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AndrewRogue on January 30, 2012, 03:51:44 PM
Woo! Almost fully moved into the new place! By which I mainly mean nearly all the stuff is over. Still need to work on setting up and unpacking.

Super special awesome thanks to Gate who came up and helped shuffle around ridiculous large and unusually heavy pieces of furniture in exchange for food. Who also then kicked everyone's collective assess in his first ever game of Dominion by King's Courting a King's Court and a King's Court and Expand and City to upgrade an Estate into a Colony and then proceed to buy out the Courtyards - all 7 of them - to end the game. In a single turn.


Final fish casualty count in this move is forthcoming over the next few days. I have a better idea how to do this in the future, but this was a rough move on the fishies.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: VySaika on January 30, 2012, 07:42:56 PM
That was the best hand ever~ Pure luck, but it did make up for my abysmally poor performance at 7 Wonders.

Sadness for fishy casualties though.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AndrewRogue on January 31, 2012, 03:11:25 PM
Actually, it looks like, shockingly, all the fish may have pulled through. I was kind of worried about the 20gal fish since they got dumped with minimal acclimation, but I've see the majority of them near the glass at some point.

(If anyone is curious as to why I'm unsure, its because the water is a very murky brown right now, making it nearly impossible to see through. Its clearing up and a few water changes should have it looking good, but I haven't had a chance yet).

So yeah, despite my worries, looks like the move (rough and slipshod though moving the aquarium may have been) went all right. to replant the tanks.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on February 01, 2012, 12:12:49 AM
No home internet until Friday night.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 01, 2012, 12:41:02 AM
Don't you have an Android?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on February 01, 2012, 01:33:50 AM
Damnit, stop deluding yourself - Andrew, despite your fantasies, is not a sexbot!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 01, 2012, 03:40:25 PM
Andy's value as a cabana boy would be considerably deflated were he made of metal joints. However, beating him up to earn 15 silver points could be an option, depending on Ashley's veto powers.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on February 01, 2012, 03:59:31 PM
The penis or ass doesn't have to be made out of metal (or joints, for that matter).
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on February 01, 2012, 05:07:27 PM
... deliberately ignoring EVERYTHING ELSE, yes, I do have an Android.

But an Android is not capable of handling all the awesome things I use the internet for. It's like methodone for internet addiction.

Like being able to watch Hulu or Netflix on my TV. Or editing photos and posting them to the internets (though I can, of course, just TAKE photos and post them to the internets!) to continue with online versions of board games. Or do anything else that Android can do, but tiny screen makes it difficult.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on February 01, 2012, 05:20:42 PM
... deliberately ignoring EVERYTHING ELSE, yes, I do have an Android.

How could you ignore the most important part of the conversation? 
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AndrewRogue on February 01, 2012, 05:28:32 PM
The fuck is wrong with you people.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on February 01, 2012, 09:08:54 PM
OK and Snow. That is the answer.

Andy and Ash the function you are looking for is tethering.  Will let you hook up your mobile device and use it as Internet access on something a bit more robust.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AndrewRogue on February 01, 2012, 10:06:59 PM
Unfortunately not. Verizon charges out the ass for that, to my knowledge.

And we're broke. =(
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 01, 2012, 10:15:05 PM
... deliberately ignoring EVERYTHING ELSE

Aaaaaaaw, but I wanted you to give an educated opinion on abusing Andy for lollars!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on February 01, 2012, 11:25:23 PM
Unfortunately not. Verizon charges out the ass for that, to my knowledge.

And we're broke. =(

But Andy, for the low price of 30 dollars for 2 gigabytes and 10 dollars for every gigabyte after that, how could you NOT add such a valuable service onto your already expensive phone bill?  Sure you're broke, but if you add this on you'll actually be SAVING money because I SAID SO.  It is your duty as a consumer to FEED THIS BEAST.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AndrewRogue on February 01, 2012, 11:33:45 PM
I'll feed you bea-

You know, this isn't going to go anywhere good.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on February 02, 2012, 12:28:44 AM
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Laggy on February 02, 2012, 01:01:38 AM
Root your phone and add tethering for free.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on February 02, 2012, 01:19:41 AM
You mean people buy Droid phones and don't root them?  That defeats the whole point!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on February 02, 2012, 01:58:13 AM
Nah bro rootin' is illegal i mean sure you bought the thing but its still the company's property because fuck you eh
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on February 02, 2012, 02:07:37 AM
Mmmm...all this talk about phones is making me horny.

When are they coming out with the smart-sex-phone app, again?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on February 02, 2012, 02:20:52 AM
As soon as someone invented a smart phone.

This might interest you a bit more though OK.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on February 02, 2012, 02:34:54 AM
Verizon has a reputation for being able to tell when you're using the tether function, even rooted.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on February 02, 2012, 08:40:41 PM
I should root my phone, but I'm lazy. I'll get to it when Cyanogen Mod gets to my phone.


Hey! Hey! People who live in/near Austin! Go to this and enjoy it for me, plz ;_;
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: metroid composite on February 03, 2012, 04:02:32 AM
I will be in Vancouver on the weekend of the 11th-12th.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on February 04, 2012, 10:19:31 PM
Best night, EVER, in Boston. Horrible horror indie-film while very drunk at the Coolidge Corner theatre at 12AM (that also sells beer), later flagging down a cab at 3AM (which was nigh impossible as every other drunkard occupied each one), with a game prep of downing Freedom Trails at the clubhouse with an amazing female friend? Yes, more please. Completely ignored my readings that day. Whatevs.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on February 05, 2012, 05:35:56 AM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Today is a *GOOD* update!

So, as I've posted before, I have been working 3 part-time jobs and squeezing in workout time around that schedule.
My schedule looks something like:


Overall, productive, but honestly not very lucrative. Apart from Tutoring, but that's maybe twice a week for an hour ($45/hour bitches!).

However, that all changes today!

I had an informal talk with the boss of a friend of mine who worked at a private school. As it turned out, she was the director of the whole school and the more we talked, the more she was convinced I was perfect for her Gifted Elementary Private School (for rich people) as a Japanese teacher. ...and then full-time Science/Mathematics Teacher if it worked out.

Also, I have an interview on Monday with a Business Software firm for a starting position on the track to IT Consultant. A full-time position with amazing Insurance benefits after weeks. And one of the employees there has recommended me highly. To the point that the boss lifted a hiring freeze to allow me an interview.

I'm certain that the IT job is more steady, and would pay more in the long run. But the Private School is just about the coolest thing I've ever heard and seems to be a growing business too. But they also can't promise me full-time hours immediately (though they're sure they want me as a part-time Japanese teacher for now!).

I wanna keep my options open, so I'm definitely gonna shoot for both, but I'm not sure how to balance them if the IT job isn't very flexible. (As you can see, I'm all about careful time management to get everything done... but 2 full-time jobs is something not even -I- can do...)

Also, I lost another inch off my waist, and I'm holding steady at 10-12 less pounds than from when I started P90X! Not bad for 3 weeks!

Now, if only I could get my romantic and social life in order.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dhyerwolf on February 05, 2012, 09:19:26 PM
Now, if only I could get my romantic and social life in order.

In fairness, in most cases, the problems with the first are of your own making!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on February 05, 2012, 09:21:19 PM
Isn't that true for anyone?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on February 05, 2012, 10:20:38 PM
Perhaps the same could be said of all aspects of life.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on February 06, 2012, 12:46:10 AM

one small step for my future, one giant leap to specialize in an artist now gaining attention but not critically written about, AHHHRHRHGHHGGHGHHG YAAYAYAYAYA

just finished a book, onto the paper, and i fukn du nawt liek buchloh. idun out
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on February 06, 2012, 02:31:29 AM
Congrats on the job news, Djinn!

Also, good lord a two hour drive for work?!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on February 06, 2012, 03:09:28 AM
Now, if only I could get my romantic and social life in order.

Which reminds me - how far away from Athens Georgia would you happen to be?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 06, 2012, 02:25:02 PM

one small step for my future, one giant leap to specialize in an artist now gaining attention but not critically written about, AHHHRHRHGHHGGHGHHG YAAYAYAYAYA

just finished a book, onto the paper, and i fukn du nawt liek buchloh. idun out

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Also, congrats on the job news, DJ!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on February 08, 2012, 09:16:43 PM
Now, if only I could get my romantic and social life in order.

Which reminds me - how far away from Athens Georgia would you happen to be?

Google Maps says 7 hours, 1 Minute. 383 miles.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on February 09, 2012, 02:13:57 AM
Got my tax refund. Going gun shopping and then suit shopping this weekend. I've always wanted a $2000 suit.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on February 09, 2012, 04:02:17 AM
Pfft. The guy in the 2000 suit is bragging to the guy in the 8000 suit. COME ON!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on February 09, 2012, 04:37:06 AM
The guy in the 8000 dollar suit forgot that the guy in the 2000 suit went gun shopping. If I wear your suit over my suit I will be wearing a 10000 dollar suit.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on February 10, 2012, 03:01:51 PM
I don't know what's going on with my life, but I absolutely love it. Several very influential scholars are working in my favor to expose me to the "right" connections in the field of AFAM Art and also African. I feel so excited that I occasionally get the heart flutter (bad heart, too) thinking about what's going on! The Director of Black Studies at UCSB is shattering the glass of my graduate solemnity by connecting me with other directors of studies programs at CUNY colleges, Duke, Yale, Princeton. . . Wellesley, and I'm now able to create a better image of what I want to pursue! And shit, their houses are AMAZING (yes, materialism is involved, AH's don't make much, but I want a good idea of if I'm living in a box or not). Secondly, apparently all these connections are vital in demanding more funding, benefits, etc. from other PhD programs. And their conversations are amazing! And it apparently logically follows that you don't drink water at these gatherings, but you drink hard liquor. These scholars are out of their "classroom" element and are real human beings!  (and yes, I totally adore the comment that I don't look 24. . . at least from them) I also just got off of the phone with an amazing artist and musician living in Germany now, who has his first retrospective catalog premiering the end of this February, so I'm hoping on the possibilities here. Also, an hour + a few minutes discussion from a Skype call to Germany is roughly four dollars!

And Isaac Julien's 10,000 Waves at the Institute of Contemporary Art Boston is so fucking stunning! Said Director showing me "the black arts scholar world," provided me company and the discussion afterwards was also amazing. So I'm thinking about applying to UC Berkeley at the suggestion of several people-------- and holy shit, I understand I'm a noob and still naïve, and being introduced to all these scholar "stars" is either serendipitous or purposely calculated, but AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! ^-^  Also, if you're in Boston I highly - fucking - suggest you see 10,000 Waves. It's a video installation presented on nine projection screens of simultaneous and disjointed "whole" scenes of moving clippings (three narratives) -- very disorienting -- about the idea that we're "all" immigrants, and the dialectical struggle between mixing fantasy and reality within our imaginations of living, religion and work. Seriously. I fucking love Isaac Julien, and apparently the professor wants me to write an article with him and publish this in a book. That's scary as fuck, but.. I gotta do something right?! YAY!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on February 10, 2012, 04:19:08 PM
Just ordered a beautiful flower arrangement for my mom, an awesome cookie+bear combo for a bestie and an awesome cookie set for another bestie. I know I bitch about many things in GA, but I really miss my friends. Distance's made my relationship with my mom a lot better -- you know, when people are forced to listen to each other on the phone.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Scar on February 12, 2012, 10:45:35 PM
Damn. I just got banned from the Heat message boards. I posted a thread, that I thought was quite funny, but I guess it came off racist? I dunno.

The thread was titled Blake Griffin. I posted a picture of him and asked a question.

Is Blake Griffin the first black man with no soul because he is ginger?


Is Blake Griffin the first ever ginger with a soul because he is black?


It was supposed to be a silly joke, but I guess I was the only one that found that funny. heh

So, tell me, is that racist?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Meeplelard on February 12, 2012, 11:52:36 PM parents decided to get a 3rd dog so Mandy could take care of it.  It is a white alaskan...something or other, I can't remember its breed.  My sister's favorite game by far is also Okami, so it shouldn't be hard to figure out what she named it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on February 13, 2012, 01:51:42 AM
Damn. I just got banned from the Heat message boards. I posted a thread, that I thought was quite funny, but I guess it came off racist? I dunno.

The thread was titled Blake Griffin. I posted a picture of him and asked a question.

Is Blake Griffin the first black man with no soul because he is ginger?


Is Blake Griffin the first ever ginger with a soul because he is black?


It was supposed to be a silly joke, but I guess I was the only one that found that funny. heh

So, tell me, is that racist?

People take racism seriously.  I am surprised that it's possible to get banned from a team forum for that little.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on February 13, 2012, 09:43:28 PM parents decided to get a 3rd dog so Mandy could take care of it.  It is a white alaskan...something or other, I can't remember its breed.  My sister's favorite game by far is also Okami, so it shouldn't be hard to figure out what she named it.

Like this -

or this -

Also daaaaaaw! ^_^ Sooo cute. Yaay Ammy dog Yaay Mandy. Yaay Meeple parents!~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on February 14, 2012, 02:59:03 AM
People take racism seriously.  I am surprised that it's possible to get banned from a team forum for that little.

Same here.  To be frank, there's a lot of that kind of stuff with sports (you should see the stuff New Yorkers, particularly Asians, are posting about Jeremy Lin), so it's surprising to hear people are so quick to the trigger about it.

I mean for god's sake, people bring Yellow Mamba signs to Knicks games.  Yellow Mamba?  I wonder what that means?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: VySaika on February 16, 2012, 10:18:34 PM
I have enough games to entertain a small army and yet the only things that sound interesting to play right now are the two games my PS3 won't run without freezing. >_<

I really hate these phases.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on February 16, 2012, 10:35:48 PM
People take racism seriously.  I am surprised that it's possible to get banned from a team forum for that little.

Same here.  To be frank, there's a lot of that kind of stuff with sports (you should see the stuff New Yorkers, particularly Asians, are posting about Jeremy Lin), so it's surprising to hear people are so quick to the trigger about it.

I mean for god's sake, people bring Yellow Mamba signs to Knicks games.  Yellow Mamba?  I wonder what that means?

Brandon Roy called himself that for a while several years ago.  It was... less awkward then, because he was only half-serious.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on February 20, 2012, 02:21:48 AM
Corpse pose in yoga is the bestest ever.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on February 20, 2012, 02:27:06 AM
Finally, someone else that enjoys the humor of posing their victims in Yoga positions.  Gotta get them into Cat Stretching before rigor mortis sets in.

So much fun.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 20, 2012, 03:01:18 AM
Speaking of corpse yoga, came out of the closet to your family about being engineersexual yet?

Don't mind me, just abusing the remaining stretches of my break. >_>
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on February 20, 2012, 01:15:47 PM

Wow. Just wow.

Why am I such a screw up? D; So for some reason this morning my hearing aid was on the floor, halfway down the room. I picked it up, checked the battery was still in it and put it ... somewhere. Then promptly forgot all about it while I got on with this morning's business like getting the laundry started, getting washed/etc. Also was browsing the internet for a bit. I decided to play some games while I was waiting for the first load of laundry to finish. I need my hearing aid for this ... and I completely forgot where I put it. I always expect it to be where it usually is, which is on the dresser at the side of my bed >_> Cue panic/worry mode. I hunt for the hearing aid all over at the same time of getting on with the rest of this morning's business, clearing dishes/cutlery away to the kitchen, tidying up my dresser and sink tops, taking more stuff to the laundry room, etc. Also checked my bookcase, my tv/consoles area, under the bed, etc. No luck in finding it. Eventually I get down to the desperate like stopping/opening the washing machine to check my dressing robe pockets and checking the rubbish bin (yes I washed my hands) all to no avail. Give up in the end and am prepared to tell staff what's happened, got to deal with this type of situation straight away even if I want to beat myself silly for being such a screw up and ending up in big messes like this <_< Why do these type of things always happen, whyyy D;


It was in my underclothes drawer. I ...iii ...

This isn't the first time I've pulled stuff like this. Also my memory's getting worse I swear. I do stuff and can't remember if I've done it, or think I've done it when I haven't =( Like with the hearing aid and also this morning when I took laundry in the kitchen to leave while I did the dishes I later blanked out whether I had taken the laundry to the laundry room after (I had) >_> I've had brain/memory/concentration tests done before years ago while I was in another establishment but yeah.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: TranceHime on February 20, 2012, 01:26:31 PM
i am going to cut the bastard who thought 6pm to 9pm exams was a reasonably fun and good idea
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on February 20, 2012, 01:56:51 PM
CT: I pull shit like that all the time.  Learning memory tricks helps a lot with keeping track of those sorts of things.  Like if you set something important somewhere do something minor and physical to jog other aspects of your memory into helping you remember where shit is.

Alternately give up and develop an alcohol problem.  That's the other way then you also have a great excuse as to why your memory is shit.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on February 20, 2012, 04:52:56 PM
i am going to cut the bastard who thought 6pm to 9pm exams was a reasonably fun and good idea

Oh god yes.  The only plus side is that if it happens to be your last exam the immediate segue into celebratory drinking is more socially appropriate.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on February 20, 2012, 07:41:19 PM
You're in law school, there is no such thing as socially inappropriate drinking.

EDIT: Good lord, CT. That is impressively forgetful.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on February 20, 2012, 08:01:29 PM
That sounds like me... today, in fact! Lost my medication and looking for it like a crazy spaz, had to just go to the freaking pharmacy and confess that I am too stupid to do things such as keep track of pills.

*hugs* It's alright, everyone has this happen.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on February 20, 2012, 09:58:46 PM

I hope they were nice to you and sorted it out ok~

Thanks Ciato *hugs*

Thanks Zenny :) Maybe just getting on with things this morning helped me/jogged my memory without me knowing. I wasn't even thinking about the hearing aid when I went to the drawer. I'd just crossed over there because it was open/stuff was hanging out and I was going to close/sort it. Which is when I found the aid while opening the drawer proper to sort stuff in then my memory was nudged and yeah >_>
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lord Ephraim on February 21, 2012, 10:12:06 AM
Early last week I had just a common cold.  Nothing too bad in fact it only lasted about 2 days.

Then late Friday, I developed a severe middle ear infection. I literally could not move my head without the sudden sensation that it was going to explode.  Go to the doctor next day, get some antibiotics and some ear drops to ease the pain.

Well it turns out my body did not like the ear drops at all.  Instead of soothing relief, I got a burning sensation in my eardrum.  So bad that it cause it to rupture cause blood and pus to flow out of my mouth and ear.  I can't really compare how painful it was except it felt like I got shot in the head.  Had to go to the ER to drain all the blood out and kill the pain.  Right now I'm about 85% deaf in my left ear.  The doctor said the eardrum will heal overtime but there's not a guarantee that it will be 100% recovery.   I felt lots of discomfort but the major pain has subsided for now.

I haven't slept in 3 days and the last bite of food was a bowl of rice two days ago. Oh and huge doctor bills because I have to pay a $750 deductible.

Kissing DLCon goodbye.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on February 21, 2012, 10:22:46 AM
Shit ...

I'm so sorry Eph  :(

Edit: ... and what the guys said basically (hi Yoshi) ;/
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Yoshiken on February 21, 2012, 11:23:15 AM
I.. holy shit, Eph. That's, uhh.. wow, shit. Hope the recovery goes well, at least? But wow, that is a major fuck-up on their part, from the sound of things. Nothing you can do about that?

In other news, I'm sort of back. Sort of. I'm on a really shitty 6-y/o laptop that's been gathering dust for a while, but it just about works. For a bit, anyway.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on February 21, 2012, 12:11:05 PM
Oh wow. That...that is really terrible, Eph. I hope it's a full recovery, and soon.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on February 21, 2012, 02:24:50 PM
What the hell kind of drops cause your ear drums to explode?!  >:(

Seriously, why are you paying this much for a doctor mistake?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on February 21, 2012, 05:52:11 PM
Allowing that he did have a case (He may well), it would still take years to actually get the money out of them, during which time he'd have to pay as normal anyway, no?  Not my area of expertise though.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on February 21, 2012, 05:55:58 PM
I would guess that the doctor is covered under liability unless he knew that the drops would cause harm.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on February 21, 2012, 06:14:53 PM
Dude, that's awful. *hugs Eph* Hope you get better, buddy.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on February 21, 2012, 07:04:43 PM
Jesus, Eph. Hope you feel better soon.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on February 21, 2012, 11:15:13 PM
Eph, is now a bad time to ask you to open some crates?

But seriously holy shit that sucks.  At least you can sell TF2 items to pay your hospital bill?  Maybe?  Get better soon.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on February 22, 2012, 02:46:41 AM
So sorry for you, Eph.  Here's hoping for a full and speedy recovery.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on February 25, 2012, 02:51:33 PM
Early last week I had just a common cold.  Nothing too bad in fact it only lasted about 2 days.

Then late Friday, I developed a severe middle ear infection. I literally could not move my head without the sudden sensation that it was going to explode.  Go to the doctor next day, get some antibiotics and some ear drops to ease the pain.

Well it turns out my body did not like the ear drops at all.  Instead of soothing relief, I got a burning sensation in my eardrum.  So bad that it cause it to rupture cause blood and pus to flow out of my mouth and ear.  I can't really compare how painful it was except it felt like I got shot in the head.  Had to go to the ER to drain all the blood out and kill the pain.  Right now I'm about 85% deaf in my left ear.  The doctor said the eardrum will heal overtime but there's not a guarantee that it will be 100% recovery.   I felt lots of discomfort but the major pain has subsided for now.

I haven't slept in 3 days and the last bite of food was a bowl of rice two days ago. Oh and huge doctor bills because I have to pay a $750 deductible.

Kissing DLCon goodbye.

So, no 3v3 teaming on SC2 for a while?

I know this is a few days late (as I've been out of state for the last week), but I'm so sorry this happened.  Hope things get better soon.  You're young and (as far as I know) healthy, so you're likely to recover pretty well. 

What the hell kind of drops cause your ear drums to explode?!  >:(

Seriously, why are you paying this much for a doctor mistake?

Really isn't a medical malpractice suit, here, as far as I'm aware, although that would require more information from Eph (what the drops were specifically - he said antibiotics, so I assume, based on best practices, oral antibiotics - and if he got patient educational papers).  All otic infections have a risk of tympanic membrane rupture (and most of them come after colds, which Eph had), and the way Eph describes the presenting symptoms puts him at a much higher risk to begin with.  Even with appropriate treatment (which it sounds like he received, as far as I know), there's still a decent chance that the membranes would rupture anyway, so there's no way you'd be able to argue that the prescription of medications caused the rupture. 
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on February 26, 2012, 02:26:35 PM
I hope the healing process is fast, and that you don't have to go through that again. For the bill, perhaps you can seek a charity for petty coverage so should you need it. I don't know. Feel, and get back to your old self soon.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on February 27, 2012, 02:14:43 AM
Major =( for Eph. I hope your recovery is speedy and complete.


In less depressing news, finally booked the tickets for flying to London. Going to be there May 7 to May 16. Woot.

The brings the List of Things To Do in January to planning travel for the bachelorette party and wedding in April, and hammering out that 'new job' idea. Added to the list for, uh, March (damn, February is almost over already) is DLCon tickets.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lord Ephraim on February 28, 2012, 01:32:09 PM
A followup visit to the doctor saw no permanent damage nor infection in my middle ear.  That's a relief.  However, I still have fluid built up inside and still causing around 90% hearing loss.  All the doctor said was "Well, it will clear up on its own. Might take 2 days or 2 months."  My luck it will be 2 months.

2 fucking months with one deaf ear? Goddamn it Zenny. Goddamn it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on February 28, 2012, 01:41:37 PM
Lesson learned.  You should play SC2 with Zenny when he asks so he doesn't fuck you in the ear again.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on February 28, 2012, 02:29:54 PM
Yeah, well, listening to Zenny speak for any length of time is sure to cause inflammation. You're lucky it was only one ear.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on February 28, 2012, 02:44:02 PM
I am a man who fixes problems.  Problems being question, more answers being solved.  A man of problems.  Ephraim.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on February 28, 2012, 11:52:25 PM
I was approached by every single colleague today asking me, "Are you okay?" They ask this after providing supportive feedback from my two-hour leading discussion into Heidegger's Questioning Concerning Technology. Since this first academic year, I am now averse to the question: "How are you?" It reminds me about how much shit I have to do, am not doing, am thinking about doing and how I did do it if I did something. I'm enjoying it. I like theory. I. OKAY, so it was just a bad week since I read an entire book Hartmann wrote including theoretical frameworks by Homi Bhaba and Gayatri Spivak for subaltern + postcolonial theory as WELL as dealing with Heidegger my first.time.ever.

I just turned in one of my abstracts for a paper I have to present on the first week in April. I feel like I just took a good shit.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on February 28, 2012, 11:58:31 PM
And now a gallery wants to archive my OTHER paper in their collection once I finish writing that paper.

My stomach is fucking turning so bad right now.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Fenrir on February 29, 2012, 12:18:04 AM
Glad you're better Eph.

Use this fantastic opportunity to play the SO2 Precis SCC too.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on March 05, 2012, 04:25:16 PM
Today I met a real life person named Zorn.

That is all.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on March 05, 2012, 04:30:43 PM
Was his first name Jim?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on March 05, 2012, 04:48:41 PM
I should have clarified. His first name is Zorn.

He seemed like a nice guy, but I suspect that he secretly wishes to turn the world to glass. You just get a feeling about these sorts of things.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on March 05, 2012, 04:59:08 PM
That's a family last name.

... but a first name? I wonder if that guy's related. Like his mom was a Zorn, and didn't want to lose the name.

(Incidentally, it's also my brother's middle name for a similar reason.)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on March 05, 2012, 05:08:16 PM
Your brother's love has no place in this world!!!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AndrewRogue on March 05, 2012, 05:30:24 PM
If the world was made of glass, it would get very hot during the day.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on March 05, 2012, 05:43:11 PM
Tell that to ZORN! Clearly ancient dark gods of evil like it hot.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on March 07, 2012, 05:33:55 AM
I never knew VSM posted in E/N until today. He forgot to tell the dude to be a clown, though.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Magetastic on March 12, 2012, 08:50:45 PM
Finally managed to get the time/effort/(remembered that Google exists) to get back here! Lots to catch up on. But, since I'm a lazy bastard, I probably won't. Also because of spotty computer access. >_> Got a new job, and possibly a newer new job, moved out, moving again, and many other little things. Life has been pretty solid, lately. I like it. And I don't plan to fade away again, certainly.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Sierra on March 12, 2012, 09:01:12 PM
Today on the road I saw the last Geo in the wild.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on March 12, 2012, 09:50:44 PM
One of my officemates left a mug on my desk a while back. Today I accidentally knocked it over, and discovered that it was full of rancid tea and now my coat and desk smell like rancid tea. Good times.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on March 13, 2012, 02:53:17 AM
Finally managed to get the time/effort/(remembered that Google exists) to get back here! Lots to catch up on. But, since I'm a lazy bastard, I probably won't. Also because of spotty computer access. >_> Got a new job, and possibly a newer new job, moved out, moving again, and many other little things. Life has been pretty solid, lately. I like it. And I don't plan to fade away again, certainly.

do i know you
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on March 13, 2012, 11:52:33 PM
Just got most of my paperwork in. I'm doing study abroad in Leicester (In england) this fall. Whoo.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Yoshiken on March 14, 2012, 12:22:59 AM
Ooh, that means you'll be around for the October Expo. I'm totally dragging you along~ :D
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Magetastic on March 15, 2012, 09:40:09 PM
Finally managed to get the time/effort/(remembered that Google exists) to get back here! Lots to catch up on. But, since I'm a lazy bastard, I probably won't. Also because of spotty computer access. >_> Got a new job, and possibly a newer new job, moved out, moving again, and many other little things. Life has been pretty solid, lately. I like it. And I don't plan to fade away again, certainly.

do i know you

Can not tell if serious or not.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Sierra on March 15, 2012, 09:44:55 PM
All-lowercase is not the voice of serious inquiry from Snows.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on March 15, 2012, 09:59:23 PM
or many other people here really
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on March 16, 2012, 07:50:26 AM
srs bsnss
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on March 16, 2012, 10:03:55 PM
there is a question of style
got to do it riet

do i no u
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on March 19, 2012, 01:45:34 AM

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on March 19, 2012, 12:47:24 PM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on March 21, 2012, 01:00:12 AM
Curious to see what people think of this song:
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on March 22, 2012, 07:32:37 AM
Hooray for OK, destroyer of dreams.  :)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on March 22, 2012, 10:48:28 AM
Uh hope you don't mind a blunt probably not great response Ash, but I guess you don't post music without at least expecting a response. 

Well that is definitely not the Justice I was expecting when I saw it mentioned in the link as a song by Justice.

Bass is overmixed with a beat that is probably just a bit slow for my taste in dance music.  Autotuned to death so who the fuck knows how good her voice is.  It isn't overproduced overflowing with instruments like plenty of dance stuff is at least, there is lulls (Edit - For reference I think that is a good thing.  That is like the thing that keeps me from liking Gaga for example).  It feels very corporate to me though.

That said I am not the target audience, so I have no idea how she will do in the general public.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on March 22, 2012, 05:04:41 PM
I don't think any of the people here fall into the target audience. Too much bass, too much autotune, but the voice is nice if the music wasn't... that.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on March 22, 2012, 05:41:21 PM
It's a friend from high school. Not particularly invested in the response -- honestly curious what people thought.

(For the record, I have a *really* hard time approaching the song rationally because I knew this girl when she was the weird dorky kid with big glasses and frizzy hair. This new girl is so very, very outside the realm of how I "knew" her that it's causing serious cognitive dissonance!)


OK, whose dreams did you destroy now? :(
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on March 22, 2012, 09:45:41 PM
Hooray for OK, destroyer of dreams.  :)

I want to know. I want to know! You've been MIA, I WANT TO KNOW WHAT I WANT TO KNOW.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on March 23, 2012, 06:15:52 AM
As someone who actually enjoys pop music - I find Justice's dance song to be pretty fun. It doesn't have a really memorable hook and it would probably disappear into the background of pop music these days.

ON THE OTHER HAND, she's pretty hot, and has some really... unique set pieces, so she might be able to get a foothold in the industry that way.

In the Wonderful World of DJ: It turns out that Spring Break in Florida is -terrible- for my attempts at monogamy.
So. Many. Attractive. People.

The worst part? I swear I just go to the beach to play volleyball. THEY always come over to me and ask "Hey, can we play with you?"
...and it just all goes from there...

To the VSMs: Get your ass down here so I can get you laid by hot Indian girls? y/n
( If you choose "no", you only have yourself or God to blame. )
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on March 23, 2012, 01:17:27 PM
It's kinda cute watching you trying to be monogamous. In the same way it's cute to watch a puppy bash its head against the wall repeatedly.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on March 23, 2012, 03:21:58 PM
Without posting a lot of information, I didn't pick 2 people for a job that most were expecting to be picked. 

On a related note, I am going to grow a mustache and change my name to Adolf.  I hear it's the cool thing to do now. 

ON A POSITIVE NOTE, girlfriend got the job she was looking for (again, without posting a lot of identifying information). 

Also, my new theme song after all this:

Man, I love you, Sara.  You can call me an asshole any day.

Seriously, I haven't posted here in damn near over a month.  Fun times.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Veryslightlymad on March 23, 2012, 09:52:07 PM
I never knew VSM posted in E/N until today. He forgot to tell the dude to be a clown, though.

I felt bad for him, since I've been in the same pathetic boat.

I post all over SA. Mostly just in Let's Play and Sports Argument Stadium, though.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on March 24, 2012, 01:05:14 AM
It was the only E/N thread I've ever bothered to post in.  It was that good.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on March 30, 2012, 12:43:43 AM
hey girl,

i know you're presenting mon, but if the 1st black president can present every day, so can you
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Yoshiken on April 01, 2012, 06:02:44 PM
Trying my hand at randomly cooking weird stuff (badly). Literally not bothering with recipes or anything, just throwing stuff together that seems good. Made a noodle bowl with some friends yesterday which was pretty terrible, so we just made a beef stir-fry with the leftover ingredients.
Thanks to having spices/herbs left, though, I have discovered that spaghetti bolognaise with Chinese five spices is incredible. By which I mean just as good as normal spag bol, but in a different way.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on April 05, 2012, 01:55:52 AM
FUCK YEAH NEW CAR. Literally new, so if it explodes I have a warranty.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on April 07, 2012, 12:42:24 AM
Oh man, the smell of a new car.. and parking spots away from other cars... feels so good while it lasts. Congratulations!

On my side of the coast, I am very disappointed with myself. I don't believe I'll have enough time to commit fully to Big Sisters, because I went to go get matched yesterday. Then I realized that I'm going to class in the fall as well as applying to programs. I decided, if I don't get into any PHD programs, which is likely, comma comma comma, I am going expat for a year. IDGAF.

But yeah, so now I'm just Big Sister for a Day, but maybe I can get these extra early meetings out the way and do a morning thing on the weekend. I just don't want to leave a girl after a year. :/
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on April 07, 2012, 03:17:24 AM
Speaking as someone whose Big Brother moved away a year and a half after being matched, it was a hundred percent worth it. Unless the situation has radically changed since I was a kid, you're still giving a girl a year with a big sister that she'd otherwise spend on the waiting list. That year will help a lot more than the parting hurts.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on April 07, 2012, 07:03:28 AM
Shale: congrats!

Dunie: generally speaking, doing some good is always better than doing no good.  Go for it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on April 07, 2012, 11:53:18 PM
Shale, now that you mentioned that I'll look harder into fixing a year-long setup into my schedule. While finishing up the interview, the interviewer consistently stressed the emotional/psychological states of unmatched girls, which made me feel less inclined to even try. One, I really haven't dealt with anyone even 5 years younger than me besides obligatory retail work, and two -- I kept getting the impression that it's completely unmanageable. If I send my advisor a message accepting it, I'm technically free all summer besides one definite internship and a possible other, as well as my professor employing me over the summer. And they allow for you to pick out the dates. Yeah, I really want to do this, but I want to make sure I don't mess anything up.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on April 08, 2012, 04:41:52 PM
*randomtackleglomphugs Idun*

Happy Holidays everybody! <(^^)>
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on April 09, 2012, 05:07:05 PM
I have not been this stressed in a long time.

I didn't miss it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on April 09, 2012, 10:35:58 PM
In related news, I haven't woken up from stupid and shit and not been able to sleep due to reminiscing and self loathing in a long time either.  I also did not miss this feeling.

Edit - So at work I have a minor existential crisis because I can see fields that other data entry consultants can't.  Unsure whether reality is real it turns out that I was active in a role used for downstream work than my normal role.  They can see the fields but not the data entry people who should need to see it.

An existential crisis over data bases and more specifically poor user interface implementation is certainly a first for me.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on April 13, 2012, 11:02:26 PM
Holy shit I just got an outstanding teacher of the year award
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AAA on April 14, 2012, 02:41:30 AM
You should probably take that back to the body, at this stage it's just evidence linking you to the murder.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on April 14, 2012, 08:17:26 AM
Djinn update: Currently working as a full-time homeschool teacher for a rich kid with autism and diabetes. Pays amazingly well for few hours. Also working more stably at a private school as a Japanese teacher for 2 hours a week, which is fun and fulfilling but not very lucrative.

When I'm not teaching, I apparently make an amazing wingman for the underprivileged nerds of my area and we get girls' phone numbers simply by going out and getting drunk while talking them up. I'm relatively surprised how good at this I am. Got a few phone numbers and gave a few out. We'll see what happens! Mazel tov or whatever.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on April 14, 2012, 08:37:24 AM
Djinn update: Currently working as a full-time homeschool teacher for a rich kid with autism and diabetes. Pays amazingly well for few hours. Also working more stably at a private school as a Japanese teacher for 2 hours a week, which is fun and fulfilling but not very lucrative.

When I'm not teaching, I apparently make an amazing wingman for the underprivileged nerds of my area and we get girls' phone numbers simply by going out and getting drunk while talking them up. I'm relatively surprised how good at this I am. Got a few phone numbers and gave a few out. We'll see what happens! Mazel tov or whatever.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on April 14, 2012, 09:21:30 AM
Djinn update: Currently working as a full-time homeschool teacher for a rich kid with autism and diabetes. Pays amazingly well for few hours. Also working more stably at a private school as a Japanese teacher for 2 hours a week, which is fun and fulfilling but not very lucrative.

When I'm not teaching, I apparently make an amazing wingman for the underprivileged nerds of my area and we get girls' phone numbers simply by going out and getting drunk while talking them up. I'm relatively surprised how good at this I am. Got a few phone numbers and gave a few out. We'll see what happens! Mazel tov or whatever.

Promises of getting laid by Djinn, but then getting laid by a less attractive nerd, more or less. Your adventures surprisingly make me feel more apt at this whole getting pony thing, though.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on April 14, 2012, 03:29:30 PM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on April 14, 2012, 08:06:06 PM
Drunk posting gets me MS Paint edits? I think I'm honored?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AndrewRogue on April 16, 2012, 08:46:09 PM
Back from a wedding. Long weekend that was vaguely awkward, but fun nevertheless. Nice to see a highschool friend again and all that.

More relevantly, though. For some reason, my creativity got unblocked, so back to writing and game designing and all that crap. Huzzah.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on April 17, 2012, 10:06:49 PM
Vaguely awkward? Whatever. You didn't have to sit in a hotel room with 4 girls you really don't get along with, then have your hair yanked and teased and sprayed and braided into oblivion. Or nearly ruin the ceremony by forgetting the groom's ring. Or nearly ruin it by being too fat for your dress.

I am still decompressing. That goddamned wedding was stressful. At least the bride and groom got to go to Jamaica for a week right after. I had to come straight back to work, which continues its "these projects are ten weeks overdue and counting" stress. Boo. :(
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on April 18, 2012, 12:02:55 AM
You didn't have to sit in a hotel room with 4 girls you really don't get along with, then have your hair yanked and teased

I only got this far.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on April 18, 2012, 01:51:13 AM
Then you missed the part where there was also a jacuzzi next to the bed that had super-powered jets and flashing lights.

... part of it may be that I never posted that detail, but what the fuck ever.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on April 18, 2012, 02:06:12 AM
Or nearly ruin the ceremony by forgetting the groom's ring.

Andy is still my most likely best man, so you at least have that to look forward to possibly even up the score with the rings! I can help you sabotage his efforts if you want.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on April 18, 2012, 02:26:02 AM
Somehow I always pictured you hiring a celebrity impersonator for your best man.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on April 18, 2012, 02:36:52 AM
I pictured you hiring a Caesar Steiner impersonator.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on April 18, 2012, 02:56:36 AM
I figure Rob had given up on other chumps being best man at his weddings by now and was just going to be his own best man from now on.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on April 18, 2012, 03:11:37 AM
I pictured you hiring a Caesar Steiner impersonator.

But John Belushi's dead...

I figure Rob had given up on other chumps being best man at his weddings by now and was just going to be his own best man from now on.

Well, honestly, after three times I know what to do in a wedding.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on April 18, 2012, 01:55:05 PM
don't get mar
I figure Rob had given up on other chumps being best man at his weddings by now and was just going to be his own best man from now on.

Well, honestly, after three times I know what to do in a wedding.

Don't get married?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on April 18, 2012, 02:07:43 PM
You get married for the open bar.  You get divorced to pay for the open bar.  That's just economics broham.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on April 18, 2012, 07:16:20 PM
In charge of the educational programming at the gallery.

. . .

(: ):
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: metroid composite on April 19, 2012, 05:29:43 AM
Welp, time to crunch (more) and disappear from the internet for a while :/
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on April 19, 2012, 05:34:51 AM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on April 19, 2012, 05:53:40 AM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on April 19, 2012, 07:49:04 AM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on April 19, 2012, 08:02:23 PM
Sittin' in my puffy suit, doin' mad science. Hoping my mad science works.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on April 21, 2012, 06:09:19 PM
Went biking with Roland in the Forest Hills Cemetery (Hey Ben Franklin!). Why, oh why was that easier than walking him? Rode long enough to where he couldn't catch up with me. Tired pup for the day, huzzah.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on April 22, 2012, 12:34:42 PM
Awww that's so cute. Yaay :)


Status Update - So some peeps seemed a bit worried when I was in chat the other day so I thought I should post here and let people know how I was doing. I'm alive, I guess. A couple of weeks ago I was feeling kind of down/depressed about my living situation, thinking I was never going to get out/move on and worrying about whether or not I would be able to cope if I did move on. Since then I've had some news on that front but I've been keeping quiet about it and the details because I'm not sure yet if I'll be going ahead with it or if it'll be right/suitable for me. If I do go ahead it'll be a lot of work and I'll probably still need a lot of support for a while too. The thing is unlike in the past when I didn't realise/couldn't see it I now know how much people love and care about me and all the support they are offering is just great really but at the same time I can't help but worry and I really, really, really don't want to mess up or let anybody down this time. Also although I was initially excited and trying to be positive when I first heard the news there was just so much going on I ended up sick with a cold sore, sore throat, etc at the end of this week. I also have cramps and a bloated stomach because I'm due my girly things at any time now this month. Arghhh!

Well I hope everybody's been doing ok and taking care in the meantime =) I've just been sort of lurking and laying low~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on April 22, 2012, 02:36:21 PM
I'm rooting for you, and I hope everything goes well! I also hope you're not feeling sick anymore, because sickness and cramps = a double whammy only real champs (women) can handle. Sickness turns men into boys, and pinching makes them scream like girls.

No, seriously, it's great that you have a support network and notice it. It makes life seem much more doable. Good luck, CT!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on April 26, 2012, 04:26:47 PM
Been biking to school. It's pretty boss. Sweat level's gone down; just sad many road bikes pass me. ): Yay for the mountain bike!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on April 27, 2012, 03:43:10 AM
Hawaii's nice.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on April 27, 2012, 03:55:14 AM
So's dying in a ditch.  You should give it a try.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on April 27, 2012, 05:56:03 AM
Can't die for another 12 years, and when I do it's in a bar at the hands of 5 guys in SWAT gear (four of whom I killed). Sorry.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on April 27, 2012, 06:09:02 AM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on April 27, 2012, 03:37:32 PM
Thanks Idun =)

Well it's done. Accepted the offer of a tenancy. Provisional date for moving out of care home set for 15th of May. It'll probably take longer than this for everything to be all set up and for me to move into my new home proper but they needed a provisional date for forms and stuff.

There is also still workmen and electricians still working on the house so the council doesn't have a date proper for me to move in yet either but yeah.


This afternoon I have been busy with forms and I'm currently having a break. Later I'm going to be working more with people on everything I need to move into a house. Painting/decorating materials, a bed, furniture of all sorts, essentials of all sorts like washing machine and cooker. Wheee, arghh, wheee~

CHILL and MELLOW is the current motto I'm trying to practice.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on April 27, 2012, 06:05:38 PM

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on April 27, 2012, 06:37:44 PM
Congrats!  Best of luck with the move.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on April 28, 2012, 12:32:34 AM
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I'm so happy for you! YAY! (: Wish I could send you red curtains, but I can't. ):
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on May 01, 2012, 05:19:07 PM
Congrats, CT! :)


It's May. Holy hell where did the first half of this year go? I am getting increasingly frightened and annoyed at how fast time moves when you're no longer in school.

On the bright side, May is going to rock. Andrew and I are flying to England next week and I couldn't be more excited!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Yoshiken on May 01, 2012, 07:45:40 PM
Whoa wait what

Whereabouts in England? If it's anywhere near the south, you guys totally need to swing by my way at some point. :o
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on May 01, 2012, 09:30:49 PM
Southeast - we're sojourning in Oxford, Salisbury, London, and Canterbury. PM?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on May 04, 2012, 12:59:34 AM
My manager has been in jury selection all week (and looks like it'll be Monday, too), a new system that only I and one other employee know a thing about needs to launch a live program that hasn't even been tested next week, a new program that only I have the details about needs to be created by May 15th, four emails to four separate but very specific groups of people for whom a list does not currently exist need to be sent, two contracts need to be renegotiated, we have a going-away party for one of my favorite employees for whom tomorrow is her last day...

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on May 04, 2012, 01:27:25 PM
Passive-aggressive vacations are the best vacations.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on May 04, 2012, 04:57:06 PM
I'm at the point where I'd like to just not come back from vacation, but I hear they stop paying you when that happens.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on May 04, 2012, 05:00:47 PM

A large proportion of female medical students in Britain prostitute themselves to pay for medical school.  You could always get paid while on vacation if you wanted :)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on May 04, 2012, 05:24:46 PM
Just because you worked through your PhD on your back doesn't means that everyone goes that route, OK.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on May 04, 2012, 05:28:32 PM
Just because you worked through your PhD on your back means that everyone goes that route, OK.

Quoted for grammar errors! 

Besides, I don't do it on my back :)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on May 04, 2012, 05:36:25 PM
It's the end of the semester. I'm lucky I can  type coherently.  *Smack*  Back, behind, in a full body rubber latex suit with matching ball gag, it doesn't matter. 

On a slightly different note,  waiting on my last grade for the semester. If I did manage to pull an A in Crim law, I actually made straight As for the first time ever. Whoo.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AndrewRogue on May 04, 2012, 09:35:47 PM
You know guys, I still read these threads =(
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on May 04, 2012, 10:20:42 PM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on May 04, 2012, 11:20:05 PM
Andy.  If Ash buys a furry coat and a broad brimmed hat, remember that she still loves you, but mommy needs some paper and you are going to have to work for it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on May 05, 2012, 12:50:16 AM
You know guys, I still read these threads =(

No one ever said you couldn't join in
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on May 07, 2012, 11:05:37 PM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on May 08, 2012, 12:46:30 AM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on May 08, 2012, 01:03:38 AM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on May 08, 2012, 01:33:54 AM
Jim can you convince your cousin to unblock me from seeing his messages so I can yell at him moar
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on May 08, 2012, 02:51:46 AM
Jim can you convince your cousin to unblock me from seeing his messages so I can yell at him moar

I'll see what I can do.  I was half-expecting a "Brian Darling likes this" on your last comment.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on May 08, 2012, 05:07:37 AM
That would have been beautiful.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on May 08, 2012, 07:43:36 AM
Too beautiful.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on May 15, 2012, 05:11:37 PM
tickets to Europe bought. Going to be an awesome fall.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on May 15, 2012, 06:21:20 PM
I guess we know the day and time the Euro will collapse now.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on May 15, 2012, 07:17:15 PM
The euro collasping would benefit me though, it'd make my money stretch further.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on May 15, 2012, 07:27:30 PM
Yeah, and if there's one thing the universe does not do, it is bend in a way which in any way benefits Super's travel plans.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on May 15, 2012, 07:28:24 PM
:-* Don't worry, I'm giving Ciato and you all my travel luck for your Scotland adventures.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on May 15, 2012, 07:30:33 PM
I think if that were something you could just give away, you would have done so by now.

Also you would have given it to Orion.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on May 15, 2012, 07:34:53 PM
Mercifully, that idiot does not travel.

Though yeah, direct flights give less chance for catastrophe. It's like cheating, damn it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on May 16, 2012, 07:24:18 AM
The Euro won't collapse until just -after- super leaves, so that he will have no money, but can pine about how much he -would have had- if he'd only travelled to Europe a day later... ;)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on May 16, 2012, 07:43:30 AM
Jim: 1 Law School: 0
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on May 16, 2012, 08:17:13 AM
Rob: 1   Sword lacerations: 0.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on May 16, 2012, 09:27:47 AM
I thought that'd be "Radstadt: 1, Rob: 0"
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on May 16, 2012, 09:58:59 AM
Well the avatar probably doesn't help with that. Still, the ideas that Radstadt could pull a win on Furillo's favorite son or that I would go and get stitches for something I can close up with steri-strips are both ridiculous.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on May 16, 2012, 04:56:25 PM
Congratulations Jim (: Hip-hip------hhoooray!

Fin de semestre ici, aussi. I'm excited about my yearly GPA, but now I have so many things to do during the summer. So many things!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on May 16, 2012, 05:03:25 PM
Jim: 1 Law School: 0

So, about that bar.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Yoshiken on May 16, 2012, 06:38:41 PM
Went to another Open Mic Poetry Night yesterday. Had a conversation with someone named James Turner, who's had some stuff published apparently. He was quite impressed with my poems. Also heard someone saying "I'd definitely pay for this kind of thing" as I finished a poem, with her friend agreeing. Definitely, uhh, somewhat encouraging, to say the least.
I'm very rapidly nearing 100 poems written - I'm on 91, 35 of which have been written this year - so I think I'll delve into the list of publishers I've got once I reach that.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on May 16, 2012, 07:05:11 PM
Very cool!  Best of luck with it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on May 16, 2012, 09:42:37 PM
Jim: 1 Law School: 0

So, about that bar.

DLCon7: "So a lawyer, a gay guy, and Sopko walk into a bar..."
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on May 16, 2012, 10:26:57 PM
Jim: 1 Law School: 0

So, about that bar.

DLCon7: "So a lawyer, a gay guy, and Sopko walk into a bar..."

Man, don't insult yourself so much.  I wouldn't call yourself Sopko - you're very different people.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on May 17, 2012, 07:09:52 AM
Jim:  Give me the fruitiest sweetest drink you have.
Snow: :)
Sopko: Finally profit to be made with all my time working with movies.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AndrewRogue on May 17, 2012, 03:08:13 PM
I am back, bitches! England was fun, sightseeing was a blast, slang was weird, roads sucked, museums were cool, jet lag is my bitch, etc. More details later, likely. But yeah, I'm back!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on May 17, 2012, 04:30:12 PM
How did your dog handle the whole thing?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on May 18, 2012, 12:33:14 AM
Jim:  Give me the fruitiest sweetest drink you have.
Snow: :)
Sopko: Finally profit to be made with all my time working with movies.

I like beer with a lot of body.  Snow can't satisfy my thirst.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on May 18, 2012, 12:42:40 AM
I'm a beer with a lot of body.  Do you want to drink me?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on May 18, 2012, 01:10:13 AM
I said body, not beer belly.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on May 18, 2012, 01:11:26 AM
My ass is pretty fat too.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on May 18, 2012, 07:42:25 PM
Currently in northern England, (mostly) recovered from jet lag. Driving up to the Scottish Highlands tomorrow. Having a great time; will detail more upon return next week. :)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on May 18, 2012, 10:40:27 PM
CT, please check your PMs!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on May 19, 2012, 12:07:02 AM
Currently in northern England, (mostly) recovered from jet lag. Driving up to the Scottish Highlands tomorrow. Having a great time; will detail more upon return next week. :)

Gooooooood luck. The drive is amazingly pretty and light on traffic, but gah narrow roads.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on May 19, 2012, 12:09:10 AM
Nothing beats the thrill of driving on the wrong side of the road, on the wrong side of the car, on a tiny near-dirt road sandwiched by bushes and cliffs that is only just two cars wide as another car comes at you at 50 miles per hour with no signs of slowing.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on May 19, 2012, 12:44:04 AM
CT, please check your PMs!

Yes'M! ~

Sent a reply =)

Welcome back to DL land Ash and Andy ! :)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on May 19, 2012, 05:30:15 AM
Nothing beats the thrill of driving on the wrong side of the road, on the wrong side of the car, on a tiny near-dirt road sandwiched by bushes and cliffs that is only just two cars wide as another car comes at you at 50 miles per hour with no signs of slowing.

You should try getting in a 3 car accident as a passenger in that scenario.  When it is your first time in a foreign country.  Fun times at DLC1.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AndrewRogue on May 20, 2012, 04:13:40 PM
Funny you should mention that -- the story did come up. Thankfully, there was no reprise.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on May 20, 2012, 09:57:50 PM
Just to clarify, obviously DLC1 was fun times and there is a reason I keep coming back and vehicular accidents are not it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on May 20, 2012, 10:32:39 PM
He got inflicting accidents and mass power-outages out of his system at DLC1. It's why neither have happened since. Of course, he had to change it up and just outright mercy kill OK's car at 4, but that's different.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on May 22, 2012, 10:48:33 AM
NEB and Ciatos getting some CT love this afternoon! ^_^

I'm so excited~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on May 23, 2012, 08:34:43 AM
Well, my professor's wife is having her labor induced, so no class for me Thursday since dads get some time off too.  I have Fridays off, and it's Memorial Day, and then he told us "we probably won't have class on Tuesday, but you should probably assume we will to be safe, but I'll let you know."  So I have class tomorrow, and then I'm off until next Tuesday.  Also one of Zenny's friends offered to be my fourth ex-wife because she liked the way I talked about pimping Zenny out for pineapple-based ass play.

All in all a good day.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on May 23, 2012, 10:16:17 PM
Thanks for coming to hang out with us, CT!

So Britain was pretty sweet. The first three or so days we spent in a small village in the Lake District. I am quite fond of it! It's a very rural place but they have buses going to the cities and scattered towns all over the place for shopping and the like. There we stayed with Elfboy's aunt, who was quite fun. Then we drove up to the Highlands of Scotland, where we met up with the rest of the family, including three Aussies and a lot of Brits. That was fun, we did some hiking and some wandering. Bought some cheese and chocolate and pie. The savory pies there are wonderful! Why don't we do this in NA again?

I really like the tax being included in prices. I like the environmental concerns that seem to be higher than rural places in the U.S. I like trains that can get to major cities quickly! :) I dislike, uh, being charged money to go to the bathroom in a train station.

Another thing I don't like is that really irritating human being who was next to us on the airplane. He had basically a 8 hour shitfit about everything, but particularly a) not being given for free a flight attendent's personal Gravol, b) not being able to use cash on the plane for buying beer, despite being given free drinks, and c) the food. He kept crowding my personal space and laughing very loudly at the stuff he was watching. Eventually I traded him his currency for my ability to buy his beer, and he shut up for a bit. Funny stuff.

Glad the flight back was less dumb! Very quiet, I read a lot.

Great trip, really want to go back soon.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on May 24, 2012, 02:55:59 AM
We do savory pies here, but you have to shop around for it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on May 25, 2012, 01:32:29 PM
Southern savory pies "ftw." In most cases, they're not called that - just "meat pie," etc. Edit* an a nonmeat savory pie would just be a pie. >_>

Night out with my roommmmaaaaaatttteees, yayayaya. We found a great tapas bar three blocks away. Love it. On our drunken tab, besides a crazy tab we racked up, was:

down with academia
why it is proper that a guy buy a girl a drink
why is it improper for a girl to get a drink by a guy who buys her a drink as a sexual investment, but no one cares because-- uh, drinks
the neighboring individuals who seemed very astute; I walked over and talked about obamacare, but I'm sure it was just entertaining for them. I viscerally remember the one girl in that group saying she "doesn't do much," and she should give more credit to the actual things she's doing. /eeyore
how a tapas bar came to be on our street
talked to the owner about a big haitian population here, so maybe they could get a french speaker (re: many spanish speakers here) so now it seems irrelevant
my future (finished now) Yelp review for them
roommate's trip to europe and her preference for Belgium
then everything tapers off because I remember walking Ellie home, but returning to find Victor who told us to go ahead since Ellie was really drunk and etc and then victor and i walked home and then i talked about how much he needs to get laid because it is unfortunate man ok yeah great night next time moderation jes jes.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on May 25, 2012, 03:37:28 PM
just found out I was drunk hobnobbing with two lawyers and one completely uninspired female. well. . .  hmm... now I feel bad. I talked to a lawyer. The one I actually vibed with was very cute. (====== !!!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on May 25, 2012, 04:54:20 PM
I notice a startling lack of drunken mansex.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on May 25, 2012, 06:25:18 PM
I could get a session going if you want?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on May 25, 2012, 07:15:20 PM
The savory pie I had was brocolli, cheese, and cauliflower. It was pretty delicious and meatless.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on May 25, 2012, 08:16:01 PM
I could get a session going if you want?

Not until I'm there, missy.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on May 27, 2012, 08:30:52 AM
best night in boston

Edit: Ok, so let me rephrase that: Best night in Boston so far. Roommate and I decided to go out dancing (finally!!) as opposed to just drinking, but stopped by the tapas bar from last night for one drink to "pregame." The owner approached us and reintroduced himself, saying how delightful it was to have us there the previous night. We got free fries on the house. The bartender was *not* Diana, and I'm very disappointed with the mojito I had. Anyway, the owner re-approached us again last night before we left for the club and mentioned how it would be great to have another conversation with the District City Councilman. Not only were we fucking talking to a set of lawyers, but we were talking politics to the Irish Republican councilman for JP (and I'm sorry, JP is pretty small, so we were extremely embarrassed). As friends of the owner for the bar, I guess he stops by frequently? Anyway, crazy.

I could not get drunk. Like, there was no way to. Maybe it's because I left the previous night having about 6-7 drinks IIRC. At the club, I had about four jagerbombs, a lemon drop, and some weird drink that Ellie liked a lot. But literally from 1030 to 230 we were on the dance floor, and thank the bejeebus I brought flipflops because I haven't been in 6 inch heels since Atlanta.

I'm writing a summary of my night because I remember it. I'm also writing it because there's several things I want to toss out there. One, hoardes of fucking Swedish and Scandinavian men would not leave Ellie and her friend alone (both Koreans). And even drunk, every single one professed an asian fetish. Not cool. Around 1 when they were complaining to me (because I was tangoing with other menz) and a guy continually was pulling on Ellie, I literally stopped dancing, pulled dude's hand away and said "chill." He KEPT pressing her. I said "CHILL" and slightly began pushing his drunk ass away. Women are not *ragdolls*.

Second. I was tangoing with several menz on the floor. Ellie found a guy that looked like Harry Potter (OMG HE WAS SO DORKY CUTE) that went to "MIT for physics" and was actually trying to dance in convulsions. Steph found some really, really, really cute Indian guy. There was this one guy who was white and trying to prove his "blackness" to me from being from DC. I think he was trying to dance cockblock me, because there was this amaaaaaazingly cute hispanic guy who was like "Everyone wants to dance with you tonight!!" I remember another guy coming in to cockblock while the guy kept smiling and dancing at me, and I'm sure I just stuck my tongue out. Sigh. I wish I had danced with him. I had about 5 regulars. 1 white guy, 1 guy I later found out was Moroccan (oh god, so fucking cute.. the only guy I could samba a little with), and three asian men.

I've *never* really been approached by asian men, whether intoxicated, seeking, chatting, whatever. Two Korean, 1 Chinese, but this was ...really interesting. Each one prefaced their discussion with, "Oh so I've only approached a couple black girls for x reason." And let me tell you, every one of them could dance too. Boston just has a different club scene, and even though I've talked to asian guys in Atlanta, it is an entirely different clubbing pool lot here. That was pretty cool.

What was bad:

After leaving, Moroccan guy tried separating me from Ellie/Steph once he found out I spoke some French. Telling him off in French just made him more interested.

Crossing the street, several guys were posted up and I noticed that they started following us in Chinatown (we were going to get food). I yelled "Back off," which immediately made their small dicks even more fucking upset, where they started to yell shit. Steph's as much of a firecracker as us, and we were yelling back to them all this crazy shit. THEN, we gave them the silent treatment and they were following us a bit too long for comfort, but I absolutely hate it when seeking dudes toss out stupid shit like "bitches, hoes," as if that's supposed to genuinely hurt when you're as tall as a fucking bureau. Really, dudes? GTFA.

Food in Chinatown was great as always.

Haitian cab dude was aiite, didn't pedal to the medal, talking about what to eat to SOME lady in creole on the phone the entire way.

Other than that? So much fun ^--------------------------------------------------------------^

Edit* No drunken mansex again... ]=
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on May 27, 2012, 04:59:52 PM
Tenacious D was pretty awesome. Then I went out and got messed up cause it's Bro Weekend.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on May 28, 2012, 03:07:04 AM
So weekend away from the internet at Chateau Sopko.  Good times as always.  Ms Sopko is amazing as always.  Sopko is the broest bro.

My only regret from the voluntary absence from the internet is harassing Ciatos and Elves as soon as they got back and haranguing Dunies for slovenly drunkardly winning at life better than myself.

So I am in America once more and still puzzled entirely by your food.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on May 28, 2012, 08:57:29 AM
Wedding was pretty damn awesome. Was held aboard an oldschool clipper ship. Launched out of South Street Seaport, the vows took place in the water in front of the Statue of Liberty, then sailed back to the reception. Open bar on the boat as well as the reception, so good times. Excellent weather for it too. Got to see people I haven't seen in a long time. NYC is always great too.

Caught dinner with Grefter, Jim and Meeple. Funny story. Jim mentioned I had forgotten Snowfire and gave me a number. It did not match the one I had for him, so I figured he got a new one and edited the contact info, then proceeded to call/text him. Turns out Jim had given me Strago's number by mistake. Strago could not make it ;-;

So yeah, sorry Snowfire. Only realized it after dinner when Strago finally texted back.

Also watched the Devils game at a bar near the Port Authority. Came in at the start of the 2nd when they were ahead 2-0, proceeded to watch them give up their lead, left before overtime because we figured it wouldn't be over by the time we had to catch our bus. Cried when I found out it ended only 1:03 in. Oh to have missed the anguished cries of Ranger fans...
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Yoshiken on May 28, 2012, 09:02:25 PM
Back from London Expo, pics are on Facebook, as usual. Of note were the awesome Gears of War group my sister was part of, a Totori, a Donkey Kong, and games of Mafia, as usual.

Kinda sucks to be back, as usual.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on June 02, 2012, 08:37:48 PM
Having computer issues. My laptop was fine this morning but when I started it up this afternoon there were rainbow colour stripes covering part of the screen going up and down, with grey stripes going across the way at the top. Later my system kept crashing and I had the Blue Screen of Death. Tried everything, Safe Mode, System Restore, Cleaner, F8, System Reboot, Start up Repair, etc, all the usual suscepts. Nada. This does seem to have fixed the crashing/blue screen of death for the time being but the stripes are still there  :(

I am supposed to go and re-view the house I've been offered on Tuesday, with a view to getting the keys and signing for the missives and if I do I'll be busy preparing for, setting up, saving for the move, etc so hopefully this stripes thing won't prove expensive to fix. Well anyway just a heads up in case my laptop starts crashing out again and I'm not around. I might be busy with the move before I have the time/money to look into getting the laptop fixed if it does turn out to be a serious issue. My friend thinks some hard ware might be corrupt or ded/dying if it's not software so if Windows Restore doesn't fix this I might need to take this to the repair shop and be AWOL for a while.

So if so I hope the con goes great for everyone and you all have a great time! *CThugtackleglompspeeps*~

Edit - A friend is helping me out with this. Made back ups of important data and sent to my friend via dropbox which friend introduced me to. Going to preform a Windows Restore but need to see if I can find my Restore disc first >_>  My friend thinks some hard ware might be corrupt or ded/dying if it's not software so if Windows Restore doesn't fix this I might need to take this to the repair shop and be AWOL for a while. Baah. Anyway take care you all.

Edit 2 - Can't find Restore disc. Panic, panic, panic. Hell I can't even remember if I had a disc to install Windows with in the first place. Maybe using the Dell option to restore the laptop to factory sealed state would work? Ok. Bad  CT. Focus. Get a hold of yourself and concentrate on prioritising. Don't screw moving on from care up this time.

I probably shouldn't be running the laptop a lot while it's in this state, don't know if doing so is risking/would do further damage or not but better safe than sorry.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on June 03, 2012, 03:42:20 PM
You were on target with the Dell option.  Most laptops don't come with a restore disc these days but ship with a partition on their hard drive to do recovery from.

If it is hardware, unless it is a fan giving out and overheating or a power issue (neither of which I would expect from your symptoms) then you probably can't do too much more damage to the laptop than is already done to it, but if you think you are going to have to take it to a repair shop then may as well do so early.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on June 03, 2012, 03:49:51 PM
If you had a restore disc, it's probably mixed in with the 360 games in the plastic bin.

and otherwise, what Gref said.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on June 03, 2012, 04:52:47 PM

Figured it is about time to announce it, since it's already blown up on Facebook...

I just got engaged last week.  Hooray! 

No wedding for 3 years, but hey, fun stuff overall.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on June 03, 2012, 08:30:07 PM
Is that when she finishes school?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on June 03, 2012, 10:12:00 PM
Middle school maybe.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on June 03, 2012, 10:43:21 PM

Figured it is about time to announce it, since it's already blown up on Facebook...

I just got engaged last week.  Hooray! 

No wedding for 3 years, but hey, fun stuff overall.

Hey, the first time you get married it's kind of fun.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on June 03, 2012, 10:47:14 PM
Congratulations again OK! ~

Three years looks like plenty of time to get ready~

Thanks Grefter, aiel. Yeah looks like it's a hardware issue since software recovery/restore didn't fix it =/ Hopefully the monthly insurance I've been paying to TechGuys at PC World/Curry's will help with this. Well I've done all I can do for now, thanks again to everyone who helped out. 

No chat currently so yeah spread the word if anyone's asking for me since they might not have checked the boards due to the con being on going and all. Take care all and happy/safe travelling. Tell Idun I'm sorry I can't make Skye/chat con! =(

I have noticed there is what looks like a jaggy black triangle cut out at the top in the middleish of the screen mostly filled in black but with the rainbow stripes going through it as well. There might be a crack or scratch on the monitor? I can't feel crack but. The only other thing I can think of is I was watching a DVD the night before and didn't take it out after. I didn't leave the laptop on over night but I did switch it on in the morning, checked stuff online and left it running while I went back to sleep for a while >_>
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Bobbin Cranbud on June 04, 2012, 03:22:22 AM

Figured it is about time to announce it, since it's already blown up on Facebook...

I just got engaged last week.  Hooray! 

No wedding for 3 years, but hey, fun stuff overall.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on June 05, 2012, 11:48:04 PM
I know I am stupidly terrified of every little paranormal thing. Creepypasta creeps me out. Terrible scary movies give me nightmares. I still have horrific flashbacks to when I saw It when I was 9. If I'm thinking about it, I can't even close my eyes to wash my face for fear of looking up and seeing someone/something behind me in the mirror. It doesn't matter if there are rational explanations, I am still credulous enough to have that sliver of doubt that lets all this stuff seem real to me. I also have night terrors, and really freaky dreams, frequently.

So WHY THE FUCK have I spent this entire afternoon reading scary stories on a 1000+ comment long Reddit thread?

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AndrewRogue on June 05, 2012, 11:54:20 PM
You should link that to me.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on June 05, 2012, 11:56:33 PM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on June 06, 2012, 01:08:45 AM
So I don't remember going to bed last night and am in fact still drunk.  Good Wednesday, Best Zenny.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on June 08, 2012, 04:58:06 PM
Tuesday I signed some papers and was handed some keys. Also a new tenancy folder pack and a couple of energy efficient lightbulbs.

Wednesday I went to help out with the local family group as usual and in the afternoon I filled in and looked at more paperwork for the house/move. Scottish Gas was also informed that there was to be a new tenant at the address they had sent a Final Missive for £200~ so they could discard that and open an account for a new customer ;)

Thursday I went to the house and did some cleaning and sweeping while waiting for a man to come and turn on the gas. I met the neighbourhood cats, well at least two of them~ The man eventually arrived and my gas, radiators, gas fire and boiler were all sorted out which was cool.

Oh and I've also gotten started on packing up my room ^_^ This was on Tuesday too. Also on Tuesday I received a positive result back about my financial aid claim. Tuesday was a very exciting day.

Next week it's painting and carpet/flooring shopping.  There is also a man coming to assess the property for hearing aids and stuff. Also domestic appliance/furniture shopping if there is time~

This is the weekend, where there is time for a break, a breather and time to think so this is the part where I go -

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on June 09, 2012, 03:37:46 AM
This is the weekend, where there is time for a break, a breather and time to think so this is the part where I go -


Ah, tell me about it.  I recently extracted myself from the house I'd lived for 3 years to move back in with my folks for the summer.  Packing and moving ordeal.  Still consider it some sort of miracle that my dad and I fit everything in a uhaul van.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on June 09, 2012, 04:26:52 PM
Perspective, moving is more stressful for couples than divorce.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: TranceHime on June 09, 2012, 05:07:01 PM
All I will say is that it is not pleasant to have your body react like it wants to throw up when you undergo undesirable amounts of mental turmoil. Grr!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on June 09, 2012, 05:37:57 PM
Perspective, moving is more stressful for couples than divorce.

Until they remember they both have to move of course.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on June 09, 2012, 08:47:11 PM
All I will say is that it is not pleasant to have your body react like it wants to throw up when you undergo undesirable amounts of mental turmoil. Grr!

There are desirable amounts of mental turmoil?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on June 10, 2012, 02:03:12 AM
Yeah, it's just that that's an amount inflicted on other people. 
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on June 11, 2012, 01:18:54 AM
Out of the last 5 days I have been sober for 4 of them, and it sucks. I think I'm basically past the withdrawls, I'm not shaking anymore, but I forgot how much I just dislike my completely sober mindset.  Paranoia and anxiety are all ramped up to 11, and I'm more on a hair trigger with my anger than ever.  But then when I get drunk I just get more depressed than usual so I guess this is better than that. 

On the plus side, exercising every time I get the urge to drink has helped a lot and will get me back in shape.  Going to see if I can keep up with my "no drinking except for on special occasions" deal until I visit home in August. 
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on June 11, 2012, 02:08:30 AM
Good luck with that man. Wish I had something more constructive to say there than that, but good luck.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on June 11, 2012, 03:12:23 AM
I have some special exercises we could do together <3
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on June 11, 2012, 03:33:46 AM
Thank you for redoubling my commitment to the one relationship I've ever had that wasn't dysfunctional.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on June 11, 2012, 05:03:20 AM
If this was facebook, I would like what you just said, Rob.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on June 11, 2012, 10:38:49 AM
/me hugs


I have some special exercises we could do together <3



My grandfather is 80 this week. Yaay!~

He was also registered blind recently. Not so yaay. He still has some sight left but it's pretty bad. They gave him a white stick.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on June 11, 2012, 12:16:30 PM
Now he can be the Richard Pryor to your Gene Wilder.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on June 11, 2012, 01:07:16 PM
/me hugs


I have some special exercises we could do together <3



My grandfather is 80 this week. Yaay!~

He was also registered blind recently. Not so yaay. He still has some sight left but it's pretty bad. They gave him a white stick.

He still making it to the betting parlor?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on June 11, 2012, 10:01:52 PM
So today I literally got paid to attend a picnic.

Life is good.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on June 12, 2012, 03:13:52 AM
Friend passed away by overdosing on anxiety pills and alcohol. Went down to a friend's in FL whose husband committed suicide. I'm more frustrated than sad. I can't attend the funeral and I apparently couldn't do anything to help since this is completely out of the fucking blue. Ah, she was only 27!! RIP. Don't know why I'm publicly sharing such dismal information, but I dunno.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on June 12, 2012, 04:01:16 AM
Because you had enough of us tell you that if you needed to talk to us then you should do so.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on June 12, 2012, 04:32:51 AM
You're right. Thanks.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on June 12, 2012, 11:22:35 AM
I wish I could do more than offer internet hugs, but all my hugs Dunie, all my hugs.

You have my email address and PM if you need a shoulder. Sometimes even talking about random stuff helps. Also yeah try not to get too frustrated and/or beat yourself up about this. Sorry if that's presumptous to say but *hugs* Just remember you're in our thoughts.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Scar on June 13, 2012, 12:07:43 AM
Ouch, that's bad. Sorry Dunie. Hope you can recover from this loss quickly.


Er, but yeah...dealing with the DLCon and everything, I guess I missed E3? But while looking around some of my regular gaming sites, I didn't really see much about the games? I was looking for news on NEW RPGs and not videos of rehashed games, but I couldn't find any...

Was E3 just a big bust or did all the goodies fly under my radar?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Yakumo on June 13, 2012, 12:09:20 AM
I wasn't really paying attention to it myself but all the information I've picked up leans toward huge bust, yes.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on June 14, 2012, 10:27:55 PM
I am bushed. Buuushed~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on June 15, 2012, 02:38:17 AM
7 days straight of sobriety.  Either I'm getting used to being a paranoid anxious wreck again or I'm actually a lot calmer about everything.  Hard to tell.  Still very much on a hair trigger with my anger but it's not like alcohol ever helped with that very much.  I think I've decided that I'll drink when I'm in the US, but Japanese beer is so awful and I can't control myself on vodka that I'll just be sober and save the money that I'd otherwise spend on booze and maybe actually pay off my student loans by next year. 

But god does a beer sound good right about now.  Like, a good beer, not this Japanese pisswater swill.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on June 16, 2012, 11:23:15 PM
Keep the sobriety going, Zenny.

Also, for any fathers on the forums, I wish you a happy father's day tomorrow.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on June 18, 2012, 08:45:51 PM
Scar, Scar, Scar, Scar, Scar, Scar, Scar, Scar----

do you want your socks back?

Tell the missus it "was for bowling."

(Obvious joke in case she lurks here)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on June 18, 2012, 10:17:44 PM
Hey Scar, do you want your virginity back while we're talking about things we stole from you?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on June 19, 2012, 01:34:19 AM
Quality American microbrew has reached Hawaii, Zenny. Hang in there; it's only a matter of time before Japan fails to catch on, instead deciding to recycle the same terrible beer for people like NEB who will lap it up.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on June 19, 2012, 01:41:47 AM
Hey Scar, do you want your virginity back while we're talking about things we stole from you?

It was a crazy time. I forgot who stoleded it. I'm gunna go ahead and say I did.


DRAG QUEEN SHOW YAYAyayyaya going to this + you get your  own free bottle of champagne after entry fee (not free, but not additional).. AAAHH so excited!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on June 19, 2012, 12:14:53 PM
/me curls up in Idun land~

Painters and decorators in this week. Carpet/flooring and white goods next week. Might actually have time to take my laptop into the repair shop this week but we'll see. Also I'm getting cold feet and all jittery~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on June 19, 2012, 12:38:52 PM
Quality American microbrew has reached Hawaii, Zenny. Hang in there; it's only a matter of time before Japan fails to catch on, instead deciding to recycle the same terrible beer for people like NEB who will lap it up.

You know, there was a time when I thought I would only say "Quality American beer" ironically.  It still feels weird.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on June 19, 2012, 01:49:32 PM
/me curls up in Idun land~

Painters and decorators in this week. Carpet/flooring and white goods next week. Might actually have time to take my laptop into the repair shop this week but we'll see. Also I'm getting cold feet and all jittery~

Hey, at least you're still in one piece.  Keep on the house stuff, sounds like you're doing well with it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on June 19, 2012, 02:45:45 PM
/me curls up in Idun land~

Painters and decorators in this week. Carpet/flooring and white goods next week. Might actually have time to take my laptop into the repair shop this week but we'll see. Also I'm getting cold feet and all jittery~

I miss you. \: And that sounds exciting! I hope everything comes out well (esp your laptop).
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on June 19, 2012, 11:05:27 PM
Quality American microbrew has reached Hawaii, Zenny. Hang in there; it's only a matter of time before Japan fails to catch on, instead deciding to recycle the same terrible beer for people like NEB who will lap it up.

You know, there was a time when I thought I would only say "Quality American beer" ironically.  It still feels weird.

Thank Jimmy Carter.  He made it so Coors and Budweiser couldn't maintain what was essentially a two-party monopoly.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Scar on June 19, 2012, 11:22:54 PM
Hey Scar, do you want your virginity back while we're talking about things we stole from you?

If this is true, (now that nightmare I had seems a bit real) you can bet that my ass will be AVENGED!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on June 20, 2012, 12:22:10 AM
Quality American microbrew has reached Hawaii, Zenny. Hang in there; it's only a matter of time before Japan fails to catch on, instead deciding to recycle the same terrible beer for people like NEB who will lap it up.

You know, there was a time when I thought I would only say "Quality American beer" ironically.  It still feels weird.

Thank Jimmy Carter.  He made it so Coors and Budweiser couldn't maintain what was essentially a two-party monopoly.

Jimmy Carter: The Only President Worth Mentioning
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on June 21, 2012, 03:10:25 AM











Me me me me me me me me me. Rightfully so. You're not paying for my career. God fucking dammit.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on June 21, 2012, 03:31:24 AM
You should try being more like me and not care about other people. Then you become immune to those tactics.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on June 21, 2012, 12:16:33 PM
I think the problem there generally speaking is the world doesn't care if you don't care and deny it's existence, more the world doesn't forget/let's you know it knows you exist >_>
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on June 21, 2012, 12:23:46 PM
Just saying. People try to guilt me over the terrible things I do but it never works. Clearly it works on her and I am offering helpful advice.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on June 22, 2012, 12:28:17 AM
Anything related to my mom is something I'll always consider. But beyond family, yes, I do let things get to me.

Problem resolved fixed: she purchased tickets where she'll be here three days out of my mom window. I've warned her five bagillion times before March, so I'll let the lolz begin in July.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Scar on June 22, 2012, 08:12:51 PM

Did not make it to any Finals games this year, but I am making my way down to Miami for the Parade in a few days!

Life is good.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on June 22, 2012, 08:52:39 PM
Awesome.  :)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on June 23, 2012, 12:08:31 AM
Speaking of basketball, today is Clyde Drexler's 50th birthday.  He is probably my favorite athlete, but definitely my favorite basketball player, of all time.  Growing up in Portland, the thing that I always remembered was that he'd stay after games to autograph stuff for kids and thank them for coming to games and all that.  Him and Terry Porter and Kevin Ducksworth, I remember doing that all the time.  Always very well-spoken and never got into anything that made the team look bad.

So tonight I plan on raising my glass in his honor.  It's seldom that my powers are used for good, but always rewarding.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on June 23, 2012, 04:41:27 AM
39 more days until I'm drinking again 39 more days until I'm drinking again 39 more days until I'm drinking again

Need. America. Now.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on June 23, 2012, 08:18:34 PM
U-S-A! U-S-A!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: VySaika on June 26, 2012, 03:51:27 AM
Meep and some other folks were asking me for the source for the eeveelution pileup image I have as my laptop background, so here it is!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AndrewRogue on June 26, 2012, 04:04:43 PM
Meep and some other folks were asking me for the source for the eeveelution pileup image I have as my laptop background, so here it is!

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on June 30, 2012, 01:11:32 AM
Patiently waiting for the CT to return.

In the meantime, I finally met my little sister. (: I think it's a perfect match (for one day's worth).

Making gyoza and some rice for dinner, gunna make a poor woman's cucumber salad. That's all.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on July 02, 2012, 04:21:19 AM
Staying in a hotel five miles from my house because it's better than another night without lights, AC or a fridge. Fuck weather.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on July 02, 2012, 04:58:40 AM
Night without lights, AC or a fridge. Fuck weather.

I don't see how the Fridge fits in, but sounds about right.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on July 02, 2012, 05:29:30 AM
Well, you wouldn't want to fuck weather without proper protection, y'know?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on July 02, 2012, 03:39:44 PM
Looks like I'll probably have power back sometime today. I hope.

I also saw the likely cause of my outage - the wind on Friday snapped a telephone pole clean in half and it's just dangling, severed wires and all, over the main road past my neighborhood. Uh, yikes.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on July 02, 2012, 04:19:38 PM
Dog tried to off himself this weekend by eating a pan of brownies.

I was more mad he ate the brownies that I'd made for a potluck we were just about to leave for than worried that he'd die. Took him to the emergency vet, they kept him overnight and made him vomit and then eat charcoal, he learned a lesson (no he didn't; he was doped up on morphine most of the time he was there), and it only cost $900 plus $10 for cookies from Trader Joe's.

Stupid dog.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on July 03, 2012, 02:47:58 AM
"Only cost $900"

you know I bought a car for less than that at one point right
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on July 03, 2012, 05:14:41 AM
How much does a saddle cost?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on July 03, 2012, 06:31:46 AM
$100 an hour.  Standard rate.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on July 03, 2012, 07:10:43 AM
Well I can tell you don't buy second hand off Craig's List CK.  Colour me surprised.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dhyerwolf on July 03, 2012, 09:34:29 AM
I'll probably be pretty sparse from the boards for the next month. My bf and I are going to Michigan to visit some of his family for a week and then to Germany for three weeks!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on July 03, 2012, 10:17:21 AM
I'll probably be pretty sparse from the boards for the next month. My bf and I are going to Michigan to visit some of his family for a week and then to Germany for three weeks!

If you wear lederhosen I demand pics.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on July 03, 2012, 07:05:04 PM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Meeplelard on July 03, 2012, 10:03:15 PM
Meep and some other folks were asking me for the source for the eeveelution pileup image I have as my laptop background, so here it is!

Just noticed this, but thanks!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on July 05, 2012, 03:55:21 PM
Went to  the Boston Pops. I figured there'd be too much traffic, too many children and too many dogs to take Roland TO it via the T, so we walked. It was a 2 hour adventure along SW Corridor. It tired him out (win!). Get there, find a place beneath a tree but quite close to the barge and Roland and I chillax for 5 hours. 10PM comes after several performances w/ thunder looming in the horizon. Security gets on PA and says "Attention, for your safety, we ask that you move to the closest tunnel. The thunder [pauses for three seconds] -contains- lightning. (<--- LOL) Fuck if I was going to move after being there for five hours! I had my raincoat anyway (couldn't find Roland's before I left). Actually, everyone who pitched areas stayed, but a mass exodus did occur. This enticed me to run to a better area. Anyway, the thirty minute delay was ridiculous, since it didn't rain, and when they returned the n00bles who left, it started to. But angry, angry crowd and they just lit off all the fireworks from the barge. BEST. FIREWORKS. SHOW. I'VE. EVER. SEEN. And my goodness, I felt like I was in a lot of the explosions. Roland's first hueeeg fireworks session and he barked but then got silent. I lifted him up since it was raining and he looked completely frightened staring at the fireworks. Wooh wooh, so much fun.

Something I've learned:
I've got a good ass looking dog, because guys kept coming up and starting conversation with about how awesome he - and his name - are. [= I pick mutts well, ay?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on July 06, 2012, 02:51:43 AM
Something I've learned:
I've got a good ass looking dog, because guys kept coming up and starting conversation with about how awesome he - and his name - are. [= I pick mutts well, ay?

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on July 06, 2012, 10:58:12 AM
/me randomtacklehugglomps Dunie~

/me dance dance dance dance dance dances, spins round and round and falls down


I actually did it. I moved out of the care home and into my own home. I'll still have support coming in but wow~ Yaaay!
Stayed over last night for the first time, slept in my bed in my new purple pink and white bedroom with my new purple duvet cover with shiny sparkly sequins on and my new chandelier type light shade with shiny dangly purple and white pieces. Made toast with my new toaster in my own kitchen and ate my breakfast of toast and banana at my own dining table. Wow.

Plasterers were in fitting a new plasterboard in the kitchen this morning (old one was cracked =() Also the plumber finished doing his stuff this morning so now I have a working washing machine and running hot water. Yaaaay~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on July 06, 2012, 02:36:14 PM

*is randomly tackleglomped and reprises with SUPERMEGAGLOMP*

I'm so happy for you!! Yayay! And imagine all the toast you'll be making now. ( ;
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on July 06, 2012, 03:20:17 PM
:) So fantastic, CT!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on July 06, 2012, 03:36:39 PM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on July 06, 2012, 04:59:36 PM
Congrats Michelle! That is awesome.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on July 07, 2012, 02:58:23 PM

Yeah, that's about how awesome this is. Way to go, CT!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on July 07, 2012, 11:09:45 PM
Message from CT: Her comp is going to be gone for a month, getting fixed.

Also. 101 degrees and tuxedos do not mix. My freaking god.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on July 08, 2012, 08:05:23 AM
As a guy who wears suits 40% of the time: don't let the weather fuck you. You go and fuck it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on July 08, 2012, 02:06:30 PM
Not to disparage the advice, but that is your solution to like 90% of problems.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on July 08, 2012, 07:38:00 PM
When is it not correct except when syphilis is present (constituting the other 10%)?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on July 08, 2012, 10:55:14 PM
Pretty much.  I give you enough credit to know not to get the clap.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on July 09, 2012, 05:21:00 AM
If your bro elopes rather than have a normal wedding where he pays for everything everyone can drink for a night, it's totally okay to have a bachelor party after you find out and just not invite him. I am very sure of this.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on July 17, 2012, 12:36:04 AM
So there are two things I hate more than myself right now and they are Me and I.

In my continuing campaign to prove that no good deed goes unpunished I lost my phone today helping a little kid and mother trying to get off the bus when the kids shoes had come off.  One shoe on backwards and another on the ground.  I lost my phone as I picked up the shoe.

BAM instant Karma being a bitch.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on July 17, 2012, 01:20:08 AM
Whaaaa? I'm sorry. ]= Your phone was very pretty (work phone)?

On the "upside," you can now venture for a superior Android phone unless your (work phone)? discount influences you to maintain an endless circle of Apple products.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on July 17, 2012, 02:33:03 AM
Just remember, half the reason they are so unhelpful is that they resent you for not having a case of babydick.

(the other half is that the Japanese system of jurisprudence is some weird funhouse mirror version of what laws should look like).
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on July 17, 2012, 09:44:02 AM
It was a new phone that I bought to replace the phone I left in Vancouver by accident which didn't bother me because hey, I wanted a new phone.

So pretty much fml all around?

Zenny, why the fuck don't I drink and why the fuck did you have to cut back.

Edit - Of course I need to also quote

Edit edit -
Deleting quote of Zenny deleted post.

Fuck this to death with a tent peg.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on July 17, 2012, 05:25:57 PM
Do you want the phone back now?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on July 17, 2012, 05:27:27 PM
Japan makes no sense, what a surprise.  Stalkers gonna' stalk.  Sounds completely stupid and I am happy I am not there.

So yeah, I've not been around the last month.

Literally right after DLCon, I had to move out of nowhere.  Been somewhat sporadic with the organizing and getting used to the work commute.  But finally settled in now!  Hooray!

Now to post a DL Con recap when I get back tonight.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on July 18, 2012, 04:45:58 AM
I quit my job. My last day is August 31. Huzzah!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on July 18, 2012, 09:18:33 AM
Tried to track the phone.  Lost signal somewhere in suburbia.  Figure it is probably gone for good (sim removed all hope lost), tried lost property anyway.  Will give it a day and then set it to wipe.  Bought a replacement.  If it somehow does turn up I will ebay it or something to get some cash back, no hope though.  Turns out Apple stuff you get no staff discount on ever.  So that is pretty fucked, should have gone droid, but invested in this apple shit.

All this happens when I leave early to try to find phone in lost property for the public transport.  It moves along at a decent clip, figure I should be able to make it to boxing training (which if I am late or miss is money in the hole as well).  Bus is late.  Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.  Will need to run and change quick to be on time, but not so worried about losing a few mins of boxing.  Answer is to box harder.

Push button.  Bus drives past at least 2 places I know it should stop.  5 minutes to boxing time to start.  6 blocks across and one over to get to the gym and crossing 6 lane main road.  Guess how late I was?  30 mins of boxing tried to cram into 20 mins.  Guess who is not fit enough to do that?

Aaaaaaand still fucking nothing on Zenny's shit or the fact that my friend who trains me had his dad die last week (someone filling in for him with training).  At least his younger bro who also works with me was back at work today going to ease into it.  Still feel like shit going "Oh man my week has sucked I lost this expensive luxury device.  So how was your dad's funeral?"

First World Problamz
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on July 18, 2012, 10:09:40 AM
Tried to track the phone.  Lost signal somewhere in suburbia.  Figure it is probably gone for good (sim removed all hope lost), tried lost property anyway.  Will give it a day and then set it to wipe.  Bought a replacement.  If it somehow does turn up I will ebay it or something to get some cash back, no hope though.  Turns out Apple stuff you get no staff discount on ever.  So that is pretty fucked, should have gone droid, but invested in this apple shit.

All this and more on "The Day Mordin Solus lost his Omni-tool."
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on July 18, 2012, 02:26:30 PM
Goddammit Rob I am not cool enough for that but on reading it with some distance it even hits the right rhythm at a few points.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on July 18, 2012, 03:45:23 PM
I was thinking more Rorschach but Moridin has the same stuttered speech pattern.

Deleted previous posts because reasons.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on July 19, 2012, 02:05:27 PM
I quit my job. My last day is August 31. Huzzah!
Huzzah indeed. That's fantastic.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: VySaika on July 23, 2012, 03:51:26 AM
So just in case anyone's wondering, IRC is being dumb and won't let me connect. Browsers work fine! But IRC does not. I know I had mentioned having a freaking gas leak in the house right before that, so just wanted to let folks know I'm offline becuase connection plot, not because something bad happened(Gas has been turned off, leak is not in dangerous zone anymore, just inconvenient as we have no stove/hot water/dryer. So hopefully this doesn't take our landlord too long to fix, but eh, we'll deal).
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on July 23, 2012, 02:47:02 PM
Gate: Have you tried chatzilla to see if that works?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: VySaika on July 23, 2012, 11:26:56 PM
Got Mibbit working, then talked to Stel about the problem. As soon as he was informed....the problem magically fixed itself. He didn't even have to DO anything. Was just a "cannot resolve server" error or something. I told him what was happening, he asked some questions, it suddenly worked again.

Truely admin powers are mysterious and strange.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on July 25, 2012, 10:03:46 PM
All of my Transmetropolitan is complete.

And I saw Soppy in New York.

But srsly, 1 finger to that city at the moment.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on July 25, 2012, 10:47:55 PM
That would be the index finger, pointing to the city and telling them to go there, because it is fun as long as you're not trying to see the whole thing in roughly 12 hours by yourself.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on July 26, 2012, 12:32:10 AM
It was fun! Just. I wish someone had told me the numbering system before I rerouted in different directions from 'yeah you just go this/that way.'

I mean, you helped. Clearly. Bro.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 26, 2012, 12:45:15 AM
Bropko strikes again.

Also, Idun, your avatar makes you look always angry. It's kinda adorable.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on July 26, 2012, 01:40:36 AM
Totes did~ Someone didn't listen, I see.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on July 26, 2012, 03:06:05 AM
All I wanted to see was three museums! D:< Fuck East 44th West Green Park Broadway St okay!? You served a purpose, so thanks for being my wench.

Snow: ~<3 I tried to get a pic with Hello Kitty in Times Square at night, but that 'itch raised a pouch and asked for donations.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on July 26, 2012, 03:12:37 AM
Did ya try and do anything after checking out at least? Or straight to the bus?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on July 26, 2012, 11:54:21 AM
Straight to the bus. Considered walking around two blocks but decided it was in our best interest to keep put.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on July 27, 2012, 03:25:02 PM
Bar exam complete.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 27, 2012, 03:29:59 PM
Are we going to have to drink in celebration or lamentation?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on July 27, 2012, 04:25:55 PM
I'll let you know in 4 months when I get the results.  Feeling pretty confident about NY.  MA, well, time will tell.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 27, 2012, 05:22:31 PM
Time will tell your mom about MA? That's not very nice.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on July 27, 2012, 08:38:32 PM
I'll let you know in 4 months when I get the results.  Feeling pretty confident about NY.  MA, well, time will tell.
As corny as it sounds, I believe in you.

Good news on my horizon: Ben Patterson and Valerie Cassel Oliver loved my paper on his formative works in the 1960s. I think I doth have secured a strong line for a potential dissertation and a Fulbright Fellowship project.  Hm hm. Yay.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on July 29, 2012, 03:22:02 PM
Best cab ride ever. Told cabbie about my extremely racist exposure from Southies since my friend visited and he's convinced that Southies have 'secret hardons' for black women. In fact, he spent his entire dear time dropping my fare and taking 6 bucks off to convince me that white men have a secret thing for black women in Boston. It was sooooo weird but so hilarious - dude's caught in the free love of the 70s, still callin' 'em Afro-American womenz. Told him he was batshit crazy and to drive down CTR ST.

I did not let him drop me off in front of my house.

Edit* Gotta edit. At the gallery next to Georgetown Cupcakes, and.. I was cupcake sober until they tweeted that their free cupcake for the day is the Earl Greyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!! *NOM NOM*
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dhyerwolf on July 31, 2012, 04:19:56 PM
I'll probably be pretty sparse from the boards for the next month. My bf and I are going to Michigan to visit some of his family for a week and then to Germany for three weeks!

If you wear lederhosen I demand pics.

I will be forced to for Oktoberfest. I escaped this time (he wore them though)!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 31, 2012, 05:05:40 PM
We demand incriminating evidence.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on August 01, 2012, 03:51:31 AM
Everyone shut the fuck up.  It's cool. 

I have returned to the land of Laggy.  You're goddamn welcome.

Welcome to the Space Jam.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on August 01, 2012, 05:49:03 AM
Bitch we both know damn well you can't slam with the best so why don't you go jam with the rest?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on August 01, 2012, 10:09:40 AM
So how long are you back in the States, Cody?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on August 01, 2012, 03:38:51 PM
Until the morning of the 14th.  That is when I need to return to the land of Misogyny and Strange Pornography.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on August 01, 2012, 03:42:53 PM
That possibly qualifies every country in the world.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Nitori on August 01, 2012, 08:02:00 PM
Kokiller status: Ko on fire, Ko on fire, Ko on fire, Ko on fire, Ko on fire
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on August 02, 2012, 12:23:49 AM
Until the morning of the 14th.  That is when I need to return to the land of Misogyny and Strange Pornography.

I feel like I should visit you or something, JET solidarity or something. But... lazy.

Enjoy a nice steak while you're here. It'll be a while before it happens again.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on August 02, 2012, 12:27:10 AM
That possibly qualifies every country in the world.

Perhaps, but those are the last two fields in which Japan is still #1 so they perform them with extra zeal.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on August 02, 2012, 12:43:42 AM
I think they may still have #1 for Lowest Violent Crime Rate and Highest Rate of Suicides?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on August 02, 2012, 01:53:06 AM
Specific scandinavian countries might want a word with you.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on August 02, 2012, 01:57:33 AM
I think they may still have #1 for Lowest Violent Crime Rate and Highest Rate of Suicides?

The WHO puts Japan at #7 for suicide. Lithuania is #1, South Korea #2. And being #1 in lowest violent crime rate is just a political spin for being last in violent crime.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on August 02, 2012, 07:17:00 PM
I'm sure a part of Japan being  lowest in violent crime also has a lot to do with the police discouraging you from filing incident reports because the consequences for doing so will likely be larger for you than they would for the asshole in question, because you have an image you need to maintain to your student's parents and this other guy just works odd jobs.

Fuck the police.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on August 02, 2012, 11:04:02 PM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Yoshiken on August 03, 2012, 02:13:41 PM
Been forced to move back in with my dad because my landlord is going through court shit with his ex-wife. Not particularly happy about this, since there was a good reason I moved out to begin with, but thankful to have somewhere to go. Move has been relatively hassle-free, and I managed to get rid of a load of old crap in the process.
I am now so very thankful to be sat down listening to music and drinking tea, though. So very, very thankful.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on August 10, 2012, 06:45:53 PM
I am in Kentucky.  I can't drink Whiskey or Bourbon without throwing it up immediately, and all the bridesmaids at this wedding have boyfriends who could kick my ass.  Things could be going a little better.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on August 10, 2012, 06:50:41 PM
Japan made you a softie, it seems.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on August 10, 2012, 07:45:11 PM
Little bit actually.  I came back and decided I was never going to be sober and I was going to eat ALL of the mexican food.  Turns out after a diet of raw fish, rice, curry, and very simple meals that a lot of Mexican food has too much flavor and shit for my stomach.  Couldn't drink as much as I wanted to.  Fucking disappointment.

Also apparently chomping down pepto bismal while drinking is very bad for your liver so, fucked up my liver a little more than usual those few days.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on August 10, 2012, 10:43:29 PM
Fucking disappointment.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Scar on August 10, 2012, 11:13:32 PM
Sprained my ankle..or so I thought the other day while playing basketball. It has been almost two weeks and the discoloration has gone away, but the swelling is still there. I didn't go see a doctor or anything, I just figured that since I could walk on it with minimal pain and a slight limp, that it wasn't broken or anything. Been icing it and elevating it every night, but I guess since the swelling is not decreasing as much in recent days as I would hope for, I am starting to get worried.

Walking on it now amounts to no pain whatsoever, but when I stretch it too far up or down I can some pain in that area...hope it's nothing serious.

Looked online. Saw most internet doctors (who have such amazing credibility!), note that some serious sprains can take up to 24 weeks to recover from. The more mild ones are in the 2-6 week range. All I know is that I will feel better when my leg starts to look more normal.

In other news I hate being caged up. I can literally see the fat start to collect in my mid section. I need to try and get on a bike or something.

School starts back up soon too. I am somewhat eager to get this year started. One thing I was looking forward to is this radio gig I am doing. It isn't for money or anything, but for this semester I will on on an actual radio station (college sports radio), and talking sports for about an hour with another person. This is good. Hopefully I will be able to get my writing out, and in the process correct any on air issues I might have about talking on live radio. I am going to be nervous, even though the crowd we will be reaching will not be THAT big, I am looking at it as my first real opportunity and I plan to take it seriously.

So, if anyone wants to critique any of my writing, please do. I promise I won't get too offended!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on August 11, 2012, 04:31:47 AM
Scar: walk it out--heeeeey, now walk it out!

And congrats on the radio gig!

Zenny, bro, whatttttttt... ??
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: TranceHime on August 11, 2012, 04:44:52 AM
so for a few days i'd say about 60% of the country was inundated

but the bad weather is gone away

back to your scheduled "have your burning hells"

i don't think I'll get a semestral break anymore thanks to this ^_^
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on August 11, 2012, 10:17:46 AM
Fucking disappointment.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on August 14, 2012, 05:31:39 AM
Things I did at my wedding:

Rickrolled the guests
The Time Warp (with six people who had no idea it was coming)
Led a sing-along to Big Balls.
Played rock-paper scissors with the bride. During the ceremony.
Served cupcakes in the shape of super mushrooms (
Caused the official wedding photographer to take formal pictures of a plastic T-Rex holding a baseball bat and a bunch of Mario figures.

Also got married I guess. Pretty cool day.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on August 14, 2012, 05:45:59 AM
So your wedding is the new benchmark to which we must all aspire. Also you must link the official photos when they come in.

And a more seriously also, congrats~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on August 14, 2012, 06:36:10 AM
Also got married I guess. Pretty cool day.

Pics or it didn't happen!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on August 14, 2012, 07:14:07 AM
I RickRolled a wedding a few years ago. It was not one of the times I got married, though, so I realize that's not quite the same.

And the first time you get married, Shale, it's actually pretty fun. Drink it up.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Yoshiken on August 14, 2012, 10:44:09 AM
Hahaha, that sounds fantastic. T-Rex pic sounds awesome and definitely needs to be linked here at some point, yes.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on August 14, 2012, 01:37:40 PM
Oh, there will be pictures. As soon as I get the album I'll toss up a link with login info. In the meantime, Super can attest to the veracity of my statements.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on August 14, 2012, 02:20:49 PM
In the meantime, Super can attest to the veracity of my statements.

I believe there is a problem here you may have overlooked...
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on August 14, 2012, 02:51:09 PM
Don't hate because I got awesome Super Mario cupcakes. His friends are also a nerd match for the DL.

Played rock-paper scissors with the bride. During the ceremony.

You played... poorly.  He doesn't mention that there were three ties!

Edit: He shamefully leaves out the bachelor party.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on August 14, 2012, 04:29:58 PM
Ah yes, I did forget that. How many bachelor parties involve two bottles of Crown Royal, a stretch limo, a giant Hello Kitty, four-player air hockey, and ALL THE KAZOOS? So awesome.

And I won the RPS! Eventually.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on August 14, 2012, 04:40:38 PM
I only wish I had been there to see his wife's reaction to him cuddling with the Hello Kitty doll.

Also, don't forget the incredibly awesome competitive pacman game.  The only sad part is forgetting the strippers. :(
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on August 14, 2012, 06:43:32 PM
You ever think, "Oh I'll just stay up all night to catch my 5AM flight and sleep on the plane?"  I don't know why I keep thinking it's a good idea when it never is.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on August 15, 2012, 02:20:38 AM
s'what I always do.  and I don't have bad ideas.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on August 15, 2012, 05:49:56 AM
I am on a boat! I just got done with six hours of manual labor and now I have about 12-15 hours of waiting to leave! IRC doesn't work, sadly, but AIM does! Oookay. (The web client chats don't work either.!)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on August 15, 2012, 01:58:49 PM
Row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on August 15, 2012, 06:35:30 PM
There is a water boiler and like five different types of tea 50 meters from my cabin. This trip may end up with lots of tea consumption. And already with the cookies and pie and ice cream everywhere. <_< There's a gym on the boat as well! Too bad I get sick when I try to exercise while the boat is rocking.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on August 15, 2012, 06:36:24 PM
So, you're telling me your boat is AWESOME.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on August 15, 2012, 06:37:50 PM
Yeah that is what I am saying. I am also saying I may have to get a gym membership when I get back =)

For those who have no idea what I am talking about:

I am on a science research vessel for the next two weeks.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on August 15, 2012, 07:07:01 PM
That's like the second time you go adventuring on one to boot, isn't it? Loved to hear your reports about it back then, expect much greatness this time as well~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Scar on August 15, 2012, 08:56:17 PM

I think my job blocked Mibbit. Shame, that makes the list of porn, facebook, and a chatroom that I can't visit while I'm getting paid.

Mega Bummer!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on August 15, 2012, 11:32:02 PM
Reminds me of a horror boat on which aliens, viral diseases and crazy scurvy crew members chew your face off.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Scar on August 16, 2012, 12:41:21 AM
This past weekend I got to ride a jetski for the first time ever. The guy who owned them asked me if I had ever rode one, and of course I lied to his face.

I got on and immediately almost threw my girlfriend off from behind me. Those suckers can go fast in a jiffy!

I managed to get the hang of it quick enough. I also managed to go  104 mph on this bad boy. That was awesome! No wipe outs, deaths, no falling off from it. It was a rush, and it was a blasty blast.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Yoshiken on August 16, 2012, 01:08:36 AM
66666 Posts
255 Topics

Simple things amuse me.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on August 16, 2012, 04:27:35 AM
Today was the day of meetings. Had an abandon ship protocol drill, two science meetings where I had to delegate with other people about what I wanted, and I don't even remember the fourth. There's a guy from UC Berkeley here and we started talking. I mentioned that it is easier to be a scientist in the US because of more funding and I was all like "Not to be political, but I think we might lose some of that if Republicans are elected" and it ended in predictably finding out that this guy was very far to the left. Scientist + Berkeley student = should have know, but I didn't want to get into an argument really. :p

Now I'm just resting and sipping tea. I have a job to do at 4:30 AM!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on August 16, 2012, 07:14:14 AM
Imperialist Ciatos stamping out Reds in her Republican Science Boat.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on August 16, 2012, 09:02:06 AM
Isn't Republican science like "prove that Jesus says gays should be put to death, my experiment was not reading the Bible but hearing things about it?"
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on August 16, 2012, 09:58:03 AM
You forgot that science is the devil, a paltry tool meant to elevate man above god.*

*If there are any conservatives reading this who aren't that deluded, PLEASE put a muzzle on the idiots in your party
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on August 16, 2012, 05:34:33 PM
I put my 2 weeks' notice in, giving them 4 weeks' notice.

They ask for 6 weeks, and suggest there may be room for contract work.

I say sure.

The company is sold to McGraw-Hill. This is a big deal! And it gives them 4 weeks of me on staff to help with the transition. McGraw-Hill doesn't hire contractors, so that's that. As of 8/31 I'll be free~

Then, with just over 2 weeks left, they agree that they're not really equipped to handle the software I handle in the wonderful way I handle it, and could I please consider contract work? They'll approach the SVP to ask about setting it up, but I'm really necessary.


Really? Your assistant-level-pay hourly employee is so valuable that you need to beg a company that does't do contract work to make an exception to keep her around?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on August 16, 2012, 06:21:09 PM
<LadyHoneyBadgerDoor> This flatters, enrages and bemuses my humble self. All at the same time. It feels like a midget marriage.

EDIT: So sorry about the aping, but it feels so appropriate.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on August 16, 2012, 09:36:44 PM
Today I was seasick at 5:45 a.m after working for about an hour doing menial tasks. Very unpleasant. I feel better now though, and I am devouring Twizzlers (the food of champions obviously). Having to negotiate with a girl who is both not very smart and not very pleasant, which is super fun. The people I'm working with are generally not that great except for the boss who is kind of awesome. A reverse of normal!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on August 16, 2012, 10:26:07 PM
<LadyHoneyBadgerDoor> This flatters, enrages and bemuses my humble self. All at the same time. It feels like a midget marriage.

EDIT: So sorry about the aping, but it feels so appropriate.

It's pretty appropriate.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on August 18, 2012, 01:57:59 AM
Today I saw my new friend reading Red Mars and I asked him if it was about old people having sex, and he said he'd never thought about it that way but it kind of is. Thanks Grefter.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on August 18, 2012, 03:59:18 AM
ur welcome
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on August 18, 2012, 04:06:18 AM
He said the book was quite good so far!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on August 18, 2012, 04:07:23 AM
One would hope, the Mars trilogy is amazing.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on August 18, 2012, 04:08:47 AM
Maybe I will try them once I hack through the stupid collection of books I already have accumulated randomly.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on August 18, 2012, 03:34:43 PM
I present: photographic evidence of my nupitals. ( At least the nerdier parts of them. Sadly the part where we decide who reads their vows first is shadowed all to hell. Not sure how that happened.

Also sadly(?) there is no photographic evidence of Super.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on August 18, 2012, 09:14:09 PM
Yaaaaaay! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ Thanks Shale~

Those pictures are a lot of fun =)

Ciato updates are fun too, thanks Ciatos ^_^ I had a dream you were gone for six months though  :(
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on August 19, 2012, 01:30:25 AM
T-Rex Best Man?  Best Best Man.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on August 19, 2012, 07:55:48 AM
Well, my glasses got run over by a car.  I came out unscathed, plus I'm pretty much immortal for another 11 years so there's that.  Fortunately, I own a pair of prescription sunglasses so now I finally have that excuse to wear sunglasses all the time I've been waiting for.

"When you're cool... the sun shines on you 24 hours a day."
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on August 20, 2012, 06:09:20 PM
Back is stressed/strained due to poor posture. Apparently the pain will go away/heal if I sit/stand/walk properly all the time. This is going to take some work~

I've also been prescribed antibiotics for a water infection and have an appointment Wednesday to get my bloods tested for any other possible explanations as to/to check why I am so often feeling so tired/without energy despite my vitamin deficiency pills/getting enough sleep. I also picked up a prescription for a new batch of the combined pill.

Lots of pills!~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on August 20, 2012, 11:33:14 PM
Today was pretty solid. Woke up and saw some grey and killer whales outside hovering around the ship, took a nice nap, and then had some chicken curry and naan bread and chickpeas for lunch. I have to work most of the rest of the day though, probably from about 5-12 and from 4-5 am. I am probably going to lose the Internet pretty soon, which makes me sad, but hopefully it will return in a few days. :)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on August 21, 2012, 10:11:48 AM
Lots of pills!~

We used to call that "Dance club trail mix."
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on August 21, 2012, 03:01:33 PM
Start of the semester = rough.  These next few weeks..ugh:

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on August 21, 2012, 03:06:38 PM
Back is stressed/strained due to poor posture. Apparently the pain will go away/heal if I sit/stand/walk properly all the time. This is going to take some work~

I've also been prescribed antibiotics for a water infection and have an appointment Wednesday to get my bloods tested for any other possible explanations as to/to check why I am so often feeling so tired/without energy despite my vitamin deficiency pills/getting enough sleep. I also picked up a prescription for a new batch of the combined pill.

Lots of pills!~

Did they show you any tricks to remembering to stand straight? You can do some basic morning stretches throughout the day to sort of get you in a mode. Feel better!

Ciato, ):
OK, (:
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on August 21, 2012, 03:10:50 PM
Had to cut into your sailor moon cosplay time, OK?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Scar on August 22, 2012, 10:11:20 PM
Ok, so I need some help.

I wrote a couple days ago how I had gone jet-skiing with my family, but now I am confused.

I mentioned how I was going over 100 mph on the jet-ski, but when I told some friends about it, they seemed skeptical. They mentioned how vehicles on water do not travel by MPH. Rather they use NPH or nauts per hour?  This is something I am not familiar with.

they said if I was going 100 mph on the water I would have flipped which seems to make sense, but I am not too sure. Whatever odometer I was reading did hit triple digits though. 

Anyone keen on solving this conundrum?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on August 22, 2012, 10:44:41 PM
Speedometers on watercraft usually operate by a thing on the bottom of the hull which is supposed to figure out how fast the water is passing over it based on flow.  If it somehow gets jammed up with algae or what have you, it will give some pretty screwy numbers back.  My folks had a boat back in the day with that problem, and when you opened it up it would bury the needle, telling you that you were travelling at over 140.  A nautical mile is about 1.15 regular miles, but that difference isn't enough to explain the difference, so it's likely an equipment failure.  Most jet skis top out around half what you say you were going, and that's assuming it's an actual jet ski and not a waverunner, which doesn't come close speed-wise.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on August 22, 2012, 10:56:18 PM
Idun - Thanks! =)

They didn't show me any tricks but I'll try your advice, thanks. Another friend also recommended a heat pad~

My kettle broke this morning! I don't know why. I thought it was a power cut at first after I discovered the power wasn't working but I checked my electricity switch box and the trip switch was off. I switched it back on but when I went to make coffee later on and the power went out again I realised it was related to the kettle which was tripping the trip switch because it wasn't working~

I still have a receipt for the kettle so hopefully I will be able to get it replaced next week~~

Woke up and saw some grey and killer whales outside hovering around the ship

This is awesme~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on August 23, 2012, 12:08:05 AM
Holy crap, Dragon con is next week, I don't have a nerdy enough costume.

What can I wear that says "I am one of you nerds, but like 10 times sexier so I don't have to wear a shirt"?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on August 23, 2012, 12:11:51 AM
Vaan cosplay obviously
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on August 23, 2012, 01:05:21 AM
Vaan cosplay obviously
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on August 23, 2012, 01:30:25 AM
Holy crap, Dragon con is next week, I don't have a nerdy enough costume.

What can I wear that says "I am one of you nerds, but like 10 times sexier so I don't have to wear a shirt"?

Ryu4 at the beginning of the game. He's naked!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on August 23, 2012, 02:22:29 AM
I'm not Japanese-looking enough or blonde enough to cosplay Vaan. But not a bad suggestion.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on August 23, 2012, 02:26:47 AM
Go as a giant shirtless Lang (LoL2). It fits your talents.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on August 23, 2012, 02:40:38 AM
So there's a 99% chance I'll be unemployed come Sunday.  Guess I can't get through school without getting a better job afterall.

So lame.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on August 23, 2012, 08:24:46 AM
Chainmail bikini.

Kettles do that.  See if you can try it on a different circuit than other appliances and see if it still does it.  Could just be too many high yield appliances on the circuit.  If you dont know where different circuits run in your place just try a socket on the opposite part of the building than the kitchen.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on August 23, 2012, 10:07:51 AM
Holy crap, Dragon con is next week, I don't have a nerdy enough costume.

What can I wear that says "I am one of you nerds, but like 10 times sexier so I don't have to wear a shirt"?

It's DragonCon.  I'm pretty sure "ten times sexier" is still a really tiny number.  You could probably be dressed as Sonichu and still manage to hit that target.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on August 23, 2012, 02:12:04 PM
So there's a 99% chance I'll be unemployed come Sunday.  Guess I can't get through school without getting a better job afterall.

So lame.

I know this may sound desperate, but maybe a meeting with your counselor (if you have one), advisor (if you have one), or a stop next to your campus employment services building (if you have one), or a gander at your school's employment bulletin board with available jobs for students (if you have one), may offset something?


Good news this morning when I opened my e-mail box: I am going to be published by October with three articles. (: Holy hell, I am -scared as fuck- but, you know what? EDUCATED OPINIONS. People can agree or disagree! I just ain't on that b'loh stuff.

And... I seriously should do something about my e-mail. I thought I had 26 new today, but technically I have over 3000 unopened as my life spirals out of control.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on August 23, 2012, 03:42:16 PM
Holy crap, Dragon con is next week, I don't have a nerdy enough costume.

What can I wear that says "I am one of you nerds, but like 10 times sexier so I don't have to wear a shirt"?

It's DragonCon.  I'm pretty sure "ten times sexier" is still a really tiny number.  You could probably be dressed as Sonichu and still manage to hit that target.

I was under the impression that DragonCon had an impressively high number of hot scantily clad female nerds? (Admittedly, I've not heard the same of the male population, but I assume there must be some.)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on August 23, 2012, 05:04:08 PM
For every moderately attractive female dressed as FFX-2 Yuna you find, you're equally likely to meet a 43-year-old 250 lbs. bald man from Kentucky cosplaying Darkstalkers Felicia with realistic fur patterns.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on August 23, 2012, 05:10:27 PM
I'll vouch for there being more hot cosplayers in Florida than is normal. Though my observations in that are several years old.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on August 23, 2012, 05:27:52 PM
Djinn mentioned this Dragon Con would be in Georgia, I thought. I guess he just wants to meet Idun's long lost siamese twin.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on August 23, 2012, 06:01:33 PM
I know this may sound desperate, but maybe a meeting with your counselor (if you have one), advisor (if you have one), or a stop next to your campus employment services building (if you have one), or a gander at your school's employment bulletin board with available jobs for students (if you have one), may offset something?

Silly Idun, that's for colleges, not poor people schools.

Nah, I'm not terribly worried about it.  Keep in mind, I'm going to be prioritizing food service while looking for jobs, and prefer evening hours.  As long as I can get a day off mid-week for class I can do whatever.  It's a rare case where the most likely obstacle to getting a job is myself, not the market.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on August 24, 2012, 01:20:33 AM
Sudden road trip to DC in a U-Haul truck.  Not exactly what I had in mind for today.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on August 24, 2012, 01:25:13 AM
I'm so, so sorry.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on August 24, 2012, 02:18:11 AM
Apparently, upon closer inspection, the bar will remain open until September 1st.

So a week and a half to unemployment!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on August 24, 2012, 03:58:48 AM
Sudden road trip to DC in a U-Haul truck.  Not exactly what I had in mind for today.

How long you in town for?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on August 24, 2012, 04:04:50 AM
Probably taking off tomorrow evening.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on August 24, 2012, 04:06:08 AM
I mean, we're not there yet.  150 miles of I95 to go...
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AndrewRogue on August 24, 2012, 05:00:02 AM
Apparently, upon closer inspection, the bar will remain open until September 1st.

So a week and a half to unemployment!

I'd high-five you and say, "Unemployment buddies!" except:

a) mine's voluntary
b) I'm going to be hired as a contract for PT hours


so instead I look like a bitch. Mang.

Sorry, CK :( Hope you can find something that works better for you!

EDIT: The above was not actually me.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on August 24, 2012, 06:16:06 AM
The timing IS kinda amusing Ash.

But nah, it's an annoyance, not a big deal, I think.  And if it turns into a big deal we'll worry about it then.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on August 24, 2012, 08:56:58 AM
so instead I look like a bitch. Mang.

Fact, this could have indeed been Andy.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on August 24, 2012, 09:16:41 AM
so instead I look like a bitch. Mang.

Fact, this could have indeed been Andy.

Fact, I actually had to ask because I wasn't sure.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on August 24, 2012, 09:26:58 AM
I sometimes have to ask if Andy is a girl today, but I don't mix him up for Ash at least.

Edit - The answer is always yes when I ask FYI.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on August 24, 2012, 05:26:59 PM
It's not my fault Andrew leaves himself signed in on the netbook I got him for his birthday.

Wait, is this a bitchy thing to say too? Damnit.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on August 24, 2012, 05:39:32 PM
Sure, but now you're saying it with a corgi.  Nobody can stay mad at that!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on August 24, 2012, 08:17:07 PM
This is almost unsettlingly adorable.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on August 27, 2012, 07:24:16 PM
Finally have Internet again. I am embarrassed at how much this bothered me.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on August 27, 2012, 07:51:30 PM
You're oooooooooooooone of uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssss
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on August 28, 2012, 05:51:24 PM
My grandmother passed this morning. We've known it was coming for a long time – she was diagnosed with Parkinson's before I even entered high school – but it's still a shock. She was obviously declining when I saw her my wedding, but I guess after that she just stopped holding on, because the drop in the last two weeks was precipitous. I was going to go up and spend a day with her and my grandfather tomorrow, but that obviously didn't happen. So the last time I saw her I was getting married, which I guess isn't a bad way to say goodbye.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on August 28, 2012, 06:19:56 PM
I'm sorry to her that, Shale. :(
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on August 29, 2012, 12:43:09 AM
Got hit by Hurricane Isaac today.

It's the first storm that's hit our area in a few years (which is really weird since I grew up with several tropical storms a year with a few hurricanes sprinkled in there for flavor), and all the newbie Floridians went crazy and bought all the gasoline, bottled water, and canned ravioli in town. It is ridiculous. It is one thing to get prepared, but they are acting as if the end times are coming.

I saw a meme picture today that accurate describes how I feel.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on August 29, 2012, 01:22:08 AM
In fairness Djinn, talk to some of those folks any other day of the week; the think the end-times are coming when there AREN'T potentially-deadly weather phenomena around.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on August 29, 2012, 02:58:25 AM
I have been exhausted since getting back to Japan.  Sleep has been borked, and anytime I want to spend a weekend just sleeping there's some party going on that I have to go to.  I have only been sober like once in the entire last month, and I have basically no alone time because all these fucking people want to hang out with me.  I'm broke because these days all my money is going to pay off my student loans, and if I keep it up I'll have to stop giving up most of my paycheck to loansharks in a short few months.  SO. EXHAUSTING. #firstworldpro--

Haha.  Couldn't do it with a straight face.

Just kidding.  Had to remind you all how much better I'm doing than you fuckers.  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

EDIT: lol.  Really should have read recent posts before posting this.  My condolences, Shale. Sorry to be a dick to you. At least she was able to see you get married, I guess.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on August 29, 2012, 04:07:13 PM
Sorry to hear it, Shale
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on August 29, 2012, 06:24:29 PM
My condolences Shale.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on August 29, 2012, 07:23:49 PM
So last night I played in a game of Poker! Lost 10 dollars, but learned quite a bit about playing and it was really fun. The hand I lost on was pretty epic; the highest betted game by far (it was like 1200 chips when other games had been closer to 100) and I got killed on the river by a lucky straight by a drunk asshole who seemed to be lucky as sin. And then I played him in darts and immediately destroyed him. :) He was clearly the best darts player (unlike Poker where he just to be irrationally lucky despite being a complete moron) so it was sweet revenge. (Not that I had played either game before last night.) My bunkmate here has been pining over this guy for two weeks, and I finally go down and see what all the fucking fuss is about, and he's a complete idiot!! Wow!

So how does one follow up playing darts until 5 a.m.? Spend the rest of the night reading, I guess. Life decisions, they are bad.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on August 29, 2012, 07:42:07 PM
My bunkmate here has been pining over this guy for two weeks, and I finally go down and see what all the fucking fuss is about, and he's a complete idiot!! Wow!

Clearly cabin fever has set in.  Keep a pointy stick on hand to defend yourself.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on August 29, 2012, 08:04:44 PM
She has been pining over this guy since Day 2 or so. I had interacted with him a bit during our work, but he didn't seem interesting enough to talk to outside of that, and my suspicions were confirmed last night.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on August 29, 2012, 10:25:53 PM
Looking for logic in desires and needs.  Not how it works bro.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on August 29, 2012, 10:46:49 PM
Check his shoe size.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on August 30, 2012, 01:31:37 AM
Thanks, guys. Funeral's Friday. I'm holding up okay - we've been watching it happen for so long, and it got so bad at the end, that I can't imagine this was anything but her choice to let go. She had a long life and left on her terms; we should all be so lucky. Hope my grandfather's doing well. He hasn't been alone in a long, long time.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on September 01, 2012, 06:04:14 AM
Dog bit Andrew. Andrew and I took a trip to the ER (just to be safe). Next stop: dog trainer.

Visit to the dog trainer is to find out if this new problem is something we can fix or is the final straw.

Oh, and today was my last day at the office. I am going to do contract work with them for September and part of October, but I found out today they're screwing me on the rate. Fuck me for trying to help, right?

In short:

Today kinda sucked. It wasn't supposed to.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on September 02, 2012, 08:21:59 PM
That really sucks. You ok?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on September 03, 2012, 02:05:30 AM
Tally is gone.

I will be okay, but I'm not right now. (Same for Andrew.)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on September 03, 2012, 02:17:59 AM

Very sorry to hear that.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on September 03, 2012, 05:03:18 PM
Sorry to hear that.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on September 03, 2012, 07:30:46 PM
Yeah  :(
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on September 04, 2012, 02:53:47 AM
Shale, your family is in my prayers. I sincerely hope that time provides enough time for remembrance and healing.

LadyDoor, I don't think unfortunate is the word I'm thinking of, but in the event that you give another dog a home, I wish you the best of luck in training. I consider my animals as my children, and I can only imagine that this is really hard for you.

Tenor of the thread is a bit mum, but I wish everyone a good school year, work year, and some degree of revitalization during the onset of chilly morning dew, spiced cider and fall leaves.

My exams are looming in the horizon and I am practicing my breathing.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on September 04, 2012, 05:29:33 AM
We put Tally to sleep yesterday. There was no other home for him: he was dangerous to us, to himself, and to other animals and other people. He was one incident away from being collected by animal control and put through a really horrific and lonely experience. We decided, in conjunction with our trainer and her vet, the kindest thing would be to put him to sleep now.

The hardest part of this is that he was always so loving to *me*. His behavior just got too erratic and unpredictable with everyone and everything else.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on September 06, 2012, 02:42:30 AM
Went to Dragon*Con. Got to be a Hot Nerd among the Nerd Horde for a few days, so that's always an ego boost. (Like I need more of those, right?)

Got to sit front row at one of Felicia Day's panels. When she asked an open question, I just kinda answered her and we had a short conversation in the middle of the panel about Tentacle Sex. I Love Felicia Day. Best moment of the con.

I also got to play what we termed "d20 Truth or Dare" at one of the rave parties that featured these gigantic dice as decorations on all the tables. Roll the die and accept your fate: Evens were Truth, Odds were Dare, a 20 was a Truth and a Dare, and a 1 was 2 Dares. There was very little roleplaying involved, sadly. Though we -did- have someone who was wearing a robe and wizard's hat... >.>;;

For those who would be disappointed otherwise, I spent at least 70% of the con shirtless, wearing a cowboy hat and bowtie. You're welcome. I did it for you.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on September 08, 2012, 04:47:19 PM
Took my qualifying exams. The curve balls they threw in those questions made -everyone look up-, grimace and laugh maniacally as everyone began to weep and place something reminiscent of text into blue books.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on September 09, 2012, 01:23:10 PM
Carnaval in Cambridge today.

One of MA's best events. Taking my LS to it! It will be -amazing-.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on September 10, 2012, 01:35:41 AM
so . much . fun . squee .

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on September 11, 2012, 04:30:08 PM
That's great Dunie :)

Good luck on the exams too, hope those went well =)

I've been on my ToM and just wanting to curl up and eat everything in sight - and as much as one might want to actually believe the scales when they are being nice I'm pretty sure I'm not only 10st 7 and 22.5 BMI >_> Also finance getting kind of tight with a house of my own. Thinky think for quiet CTs
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on September 14, 2012, 06:43:00 PM
Concentrated vinegar + ammonia + vent blowing this shit in my face = I think I'm gonna puke. Another wonderful day at the lab~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 14, 2012, 07:09:29 PM
Science is a lot more mundane when you're doing it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AAA on September 15, 2012, 01:43:06 AM
uhh is there a reason you don't have a fume hood for that shit?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on September 15, 2012, 04:09:34 AM
What I'm using is a hood that maximizes cleanliness rather than personal safety. :(
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on September 15, 2012, 04:57:53 AM
Well, someone has to be PAID to clean shit up.

Your personal well-being is handled by your own personal insurance.

The choice is clear which is more important~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on September 15, 2012, 05:26:22 PM
I leave for Europe tomorrow. Yay. Yay I say.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 15, 2012, 06:15:27 PM
The old continent says its farewell. Have fun!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Scar on September 15, 2012, 06:24:26 PM
Radio show is going strong. Had my 2nd show this week and I'm getting comfortable in the radio booth. Talking sports for an hour is easy for me, so it's been a blast and I am looking forward to some of the opportunities this might open up for me!  Weeeeeeeeeeeeee~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on September 16, 2012, 02:00:19 PM
Congrats, bye Super, CT ): (Farmer's Markets there?), etc. etc.

Visited the Os Gemeos exhibition at the ICA. It is. . . .

OK, first it is fantastic that the ICA is paying attention to the market, also known as this ridiculous movement to academicize graffiti as "street art." My major argument is that the distinction that qualifies "graffiti" as "street art" is superfluous and simply indicates that people don't pay attention to much of graffiti's history. That said, with the emphasis on such a label, you get a whole different breed of animal when entering a gallery where objects are clearly commissioned for a specific, nontraditional graffiti environment.

So yes, the Os Gemeos exhibition is somewhat of a sellout, and after seeing the large mural outside of South Station, it clicked that Boston proper just isn't particularly ready for art such as this. Os Gemeos's aesthetic leans too closely to illustration for me, but I can appreciate some of their op quality on -objects- and not -canvas- in the gallery space. Plus the exhibition was -super small-. JUST ONE gallery space! They're much more prolific than that. And the objects couldn't be touched. Bah.

But then the larger question is whether or not my entirely Western construction of the significance of graffiti in art history, in effect, pigeonholes international graffiti artists because I only expect one range of expression? I'd probably say 'yes' on this, and it's not fair. Hey, I'm making progress. US graffiti is another subject entirely. No one can rightfully say that the US is anywhere near Sao Paulo, London or Germany, in terms of awesome ass out-yonder art.
After an "eh," exhibition, I had the best pecan sticky bun in my -entire- life. I also had a curried tuna sandwich (did not realize it would be curried because I'm over curry). BUT. That was good too, considering the different veggies I don't expect on sandwiches. Also very delighted the a figure on a tightrope installation over the bay has now flipped upside down. Met with my advisor and she said, right when I entered her office, "I SUPPORT YOU IN ANYTHING THAT YOU CHOOSE TO DO!"

With the relocation of her room since she's on leave, I have to deal with an old bat who keeps thinking I'm an undergraduate student who needs advising--- short example: Enter room, old bat comes out, "Sorry but I think you're in the wrong room." "No." "No? Well the advising is this way." "...I'm here to see Pat." "Oh."

Finally Pat said: "Lady, this is Julia. She is a graduate student. She will see me often here."

Mmm, what else...

Mmmmnnn... DC this Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon. Can't wait to see my PhD bestie and more importantly do research on my paper.

I haven't showered in a day [/protest] and I am installing new gears on my bicycle.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on September 17, 2012, 01:07:53 AM
On vacation up in northern Washington.

Spent some time in Olympic National Park, which is just wonderful. It figures I'd visit a rainforest and the rainiest city in the U.S. during the middle of a drought, but hey -- can't argue with the absolutely beautiful weather!

King Tut is in Seattle, so we visited that today. Pretty awesome, though it's stupid to call it "King Tut" since he isn't there (and neither is his gold funerary mask). It was a lot of treasures from various pharaohs, though, and some swag from King Tut's funerary vaults, so it was still worth it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on September 17, 2012, 02:20:59 AM
I should check that out when I head to Seattle on Saturday.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on September 17, 2012, 02:46:20 AM
Yay, another DLer in DC! Got time for a visit to the suburbs?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on September 17, 2012, 02:49:24 AM
That exhibit was in Melbourne last year.  It was pretty cool way to kill an hour or two.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on September 18, 2012, 12:26:05 PM

I am having too much fun. Edit: Took out direct link, image too big.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on September 18, 2012, 02:01:13 PM
That is absolutely horrifying. 

Fenrir has one of those mirror Rubix cubes next to a plant and the plant still lives?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on September 18, 2012, 04:03:31 PM
Nice! :)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Sierra on September 18, 2012, 04:15:54 PM
At the elder sibling's place over the weekend. New residence since he's engaged now. Went to a Rush concert which was pretty great. First time since the 90's that I actually looked forward to the new material. Also the band finally acknowledged that Neil Peart is in fact an android (the droid, whatever).
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 18, 2012, 05:41:23 PM
Your sister's getting married too? We could open an awkward brother-in-laws club or something. We'd have customized Pringles chips.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Sierra on September 18, 2012, 05:46:18 PM
Nah, it's my brother. My sister is the younger sibling. (She has actually been in a committed relationship for many years, but expresses no interest in getting married on account of it being an expensive and silly formality. This is more or less my opinion too.)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 18, 2012, 06:15:17 PM
The offer for the awkward brother-in-law club still stands.

(Also, really couldn't agree more. For all that aren't there tax benefits for getting married on your crazy country?)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: VySaika on September 18, 2012, 06:25:35 PM
Yesterday was 11 year anniversary for us. Jenna took the day off, we spent the whole thing playing DnD~ Stayed up too late, though. Soooooooooo tired.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on September 18, 2012, 06:28:48 PM
That's so sweet.  Congrats!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on September 18, 2012, 06:49:37 PM
Congrats! :)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Sierra on September 18, 2012, 07:02:27 PM
The offer for the awkward brother-in-law club still stands.

(Also, really couldn't agree more. For all that aren't there tax benefits for getting married on your crazy country?)

A: Well, it's not like I'm just going to stop being awkward anytime soon.
B: I think so? I have never had a reason to look at the details though.

Also god I cannot detach this cat from my leg. Clearly I should never go on vacation.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 18, 2012, 07:25:21 PM
Hobokitty misses you and will gently detach your skin from your bones to prove this point.

Also, happy anniversary, Quietwalker household!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on September 18, 2012, 07:40:49 PM
The offer for the awkward brother-in-law club still stands.

(Also, really couldn't agree more. For all that aren't there tax benefits for getting married on your crazy country?)

A: Well, it's not like I'm just going to stop being awkward anytime soon.
B: I think so? I have never had a reason to look at the details though.

Also god I cannot detach this cat from my leg. Clearly I should never go on vacation.

Start dating someone. Hobocat will vanish.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 18, 2012, 07:55:20 PM
Kitty Kookers are not people.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on September 18, 2012, 07:58:37 PM
The Supreme Court said otherwise.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 18, 2012, 07:59:32 PM
Wearing an ice cream hat and a puffy blanket on your back doesn't make you the Supreme Court, Ice Cream Popess.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on September 18, 2012, 08:51:07 PM
As the Ice Cream Popess, she basically has unlimited control of the Supreme Court... after all, how could they risk being excommunicated from the Church of Ice Cream?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 18, 2012, 09:05:16 PM
By cosplaying as loligoth Ciatiua.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on September 18, 2012, 09:11:57 PM
You are totally excommunicated!

(Also, come on! I would never endorse the Kooking of Kitties.)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 18, 2012, 09:13:00 PM

(I know~ I just miss Good Morning spambanter~)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on September 18, 2012, 09:20:43 PM
You are totally excommunicated!

(Also, come on! I would never endorse the Kooking of Kitties.)

:( You would never endorse me?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 18, 2012, 09:24:32 PM
You're scary when you ask rhetorical questions.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on September 18, 2012, 09:25:09 PM
You'd have to not talk about VPDS for decades first before I'd endorse you.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on September 18, 2012, 10:34:47 PM
You know there is faith outside of the organised religion right?  I respect the Pope as a great believer in ice cream, but I don't believe she speaks with the voice of Ice Cream or that her doctrine is the only way of expressing love of ice cream.

Take this time of excommunication to look in to yourself and see what it is you yourself and review your own personal beliefs on Ice Cream and what it means away from what you have been spoon fed since a child and make up your own mind on Ice Cream.  You may find that you come out of it with stronger belief than you did before.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on September 18, 2012, 11:25:47 PM
And when you get done, you should probably buy the pope some ice cream. Even frozen yogurt will be accepted.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on September 18, 2012, 11:41:03 PM
And just what does this current Ice Cream Pope administration intend to do about the NHL lockout, hm?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 19, 2012, 02:03:38 AM
<Barbiatos> I cry myself into a ball and fall asleep in the basement.


<3 <3 <3

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on September 19, 2012, 02:21:55 AM
I sleep in the basement every day.

And, as your sovereign ice cream pope, I will work together with the Axis of Evil to try to resolve this crisis, even if I find Bettman's face repugnant.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on September 19, 2012, 04:22:00 AM
In the least shocking news ever, France was fantastic. Onto Finland!

Edit: ( (
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: WanderingMind on September 20, 2012, 08:15:24 PM
Djinn said that I should hang out here again, so I guess I'm back here after a really long time.  I think it's been like a few years.  A lot has happened during that time.

I was up in PA for college and went back to FL after I graduated last year.  I then spent a year trying to get myself together and figure out what I wanted to do with my life.  The first half was really rough for me and just wasn't happy with myself overall.  The second half was a much time for me.  Things started to really look up starting at the end of last year.  I grew close to a girl I knew for a while from the backloggery and we started going out at the beginning of this year.  I then found a job where I'd work for a few months, and then got into graduate school.

So here I am.  It's been stressful getting used to grad school and other thing and I've been trying my best to keep myself together.  At least I'm in a much better position than I was last year and know what I want to do with my life.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on September 21, 2012, 12:56:37 PM
I don't know you, but welcome back. What are you in school for?

Me? Humanities. Impractical, I know.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 21, 2012, 02:58:38 PM
High-five for the Humanities despair ensemble.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on September 21, 2012, 09:40:26 PM
Washington was a nice break from reality. (Well, sometimes nice. Mitt Romney for President posters EVERYWHERE were not so nice.)

Unfortunately, reality is still there. It bites and may or may not have rabies.

Hey, Snow! My parents love you, a decision they made purely through reading what you post on my wall. Just thought you should know.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on September 21, 2012, 09:49:15 PM
One more example of Snow getting love with messages he left on a wall somewhere.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 21, 2012, 10:46:12 PM
Hey, Snow! My parents love you, a decision they made purely through reading what you post on my wall. Just thought you should know.

I burst out in laughter when I read this. Mostly because I don't even know.

One more example of Snow getting love with messages he left on a wall somewhere.

Scary thought: the words of a prophet are written on subway walls.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on September 21, 2012, 10:58:19 PM
And lo did he good lord say "For a good time call 5138008 and ask for Louis".  So we called his name and as the lord said, it was good.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 21, 2012, 11:36:07 PM
And he heard the sounds of silence.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on September 22, 2012, 12:26:38 AM
Washington was a nice break from reality. (Well, sometimes nice. Mitt Romney for President posters EVERYWHERE were not so nice.)

At least you didn't visit an actually Republican state?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on September 22, 2012, 10:29:38 AM
I don't know you, but welcome back. What are you in school for?

Me? Humanities. Impractical, I know.

I'm amused that he has more posts than you and you've actually been to a DLCon.

And he heard the sounds of silence.

Oh come on, like you're anything resembling -silent-. ~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 22, 2012, 06:08:15 PM
I don't know you, but welcome back. What are you in school for?

Me? Humanities. Impractical, I know.

I'm amused that he has more posts than you and you've actually been to a DLCon.

Well, that's her -second- account...

Quote from: Djinn
Oh come on, like you're anything resembling -silent-. ~

Didn't hear you complain a whit.

EDIT: I think they'll account my complete degradation of a Simon & Garfunkel reference into cock jokes when I'm sent to hell.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on September 22, 2012, 10:25:38 PM
Things I do not want to see: My CPU reporting that it is past boiling point.

So...that was fun. One aftermarket cooler later, my computer is confirmed not-melted. Somehow. Probably took a few years off the processor's lifespan at least, but it works for the time being.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on September 23, 2012, 12:24:26 AM
I think they'll account my complete degradation of a Simon & Garfunkel reference into cock jokes when I'm sent to hell.

No matter what happens to you in the afterlife it will involve words suggesting downward directions and Simon and Garfunkel.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 23, 2012, 12:25:11 AM
I think they'll account my complete degradation of a Simon & Garfunkel reference into cock jokes when I'm sent to hell.

No matter what happens to you in the afterlife it will involve words suggesting downward directions and Simon and Garfunkel.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on September 25, 2012, 04:35:40 AM
Visit shit rich collector to see the painting of my master's paper? Check. Baltimore and DC this weekend. Stopped by the Art of Video Games exhibiton. It was meh.

I am very sick and on my period, almost missed classes for today and am now going to sleep. I absolutely love the collector, his partner and his acres and acres and acres. This guy is famous. I was starstruck. Would share experiences, but I need sleep.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on September 25, 2012, 07:16:34 AM
Pics or gtfo?

Edit - I mean of you tool any as photo reference that you would be allowed to share.  Just interested in your subject matter.

Also so someone I work with had a pretty shitty afternoon and I decide to tell them to come for a walk so we can chat about stuff outside work.  Neither of us needed a drink so I went CD shopping.  Came out with $90 worth of music and remembered on the way to the gym that new Mumford and Sons is due out and I missed it.  They didn't have any KRS1 either.  I finally own JayZ's Black Album though so only 98 problems left.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on September 25, 2012, 03:00:42 PM
Honestly? I don't take pictures at museums, just because if I really want any, I just request installation photos from the curator. Melanee took a few images of me though, so I'll text her about those today.

Needless to say, I found the discussion of art as video games wanting, and the e3 expo aesthetic sort of annoying. Once I write up the review and submit it, I'll share it.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on September 25, 2012, 04:47:02 PM
anxiety rules my mind
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on September 25, 2012, 10:06:36 PM
Well yeah I was more thinking the private collection which the chances of seeing out in the wild is a bit more unlikely.

Games as art exhibition being underwhelming isn't shocking.  It is a relatively young concept that hasn been well explored in the mainstream.  Not to mention interactive art is hella hard to capture and art is just getting more interactive as we get new mediums it seems.  I am more happy that it exists than if it didn't.  Yeah it would be cool if it was done right, but I will take open discussion starting flawed than to have no discussion at all.

Edit - remind me to link you to Extra Credits and the episode where they get you to play a neat little flash game.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on September 25, 2012, 10:31:08 PM
The point is that several video game exhibitions existed and there's a decent precedent for displays. The problem isn't that I'm shocked. I'm actually excited to review this considering how it isn't discussed in the art historical field but moreso in the game dev/elec field.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on September 25, 2012, 10:44:42 PM
Eh I guess.  I might just be a whore for legitimacy?

Anyway Here is the episode I was talking about Here is the flash game they talk about (link is on the page above) and should be played before the episode going in blind.
Second episode to close off the line of thinking is

Highly recommend giving that a run when you have 15 mins sometime.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on September 26, 2012, 12:28:41 AM
I just painted my toenails for the first time in like four years. Thanks for the polish Idun!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on September 26, 2012, 01:23:44 AM
(: yay~ fabulous~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on September 26, 2012, 09:13:14 PM

I also cannot imagine that there's much "behind the scenes" of this exhibition beyond licensing, a couple of images of images, and the statistics behind the voting. Generally, the curatorial "voice" is missing from the exhibition: why, when, and what inspired such an exhibition. That said, perhaps the 'finding' in behind-the-scenes would likely be that voice.

When it comes to creating an exhibition, there is a lot of go-between behind acquisitions, and often a conversation with the artist (this is 'duh', but it's leading somewhere . . . ). It seems as if curators just contacted enthusiastic big-whig game creators and let that enthusiasm speak moreso than an in-depth conversation manifesting visually between however many people involved.

The show could have also benefited from more benches. Saturday was filled with a diverse demographic, but largely dominated by elderly people and young children, the former that wished to stay less mobile. There were. . .  two benches for 3 rooms with a lot of walk space. Rant. Just wanted to post this because you're in my thoughts.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on September 27, 2012, 03:36:51 AM
Only children care about video games so 2 benches is enough.  This ain't no stick and hoop exhibition!  (Sounds terrible.  Not uncommon in more pop culture exhibits though isn't it?  That might just be Brisbane though...).

Hmm I need to think it over a bit more I think it over I guess.  If the same kind of thing was published on a gaming journalism website or magazine I would probs eyeroll at the cliche.  Do I really obsess over the legitimacy of a gallery?  Maybe it is just a question of presentation?  Because I haven't seen it I haven't internalised just how much it actually would bother me if I did?

So maybe I should stfu and wait to read your article.  (check out extra credits though, they are made of win).

Edit - I doubt you remember it but I think at the con I talked to you about a podcast where they talked to some guys who were working on archival and curating video game museum.  Finally remembered to dig up the link

Episode has some other things in it as well that are fun but not really directly related (Life Well Wasted was short lived but amazingly well done and quite diverse).  A few years old now but do recommend giving it a spin, a bigger investment than the Extra Credits episode though.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Yoshiken on September 30, 2012, 12:17:07 AM
Went to a Magic tournament today - for those who still play, Ravnica pre-release in which I opened kinda average stuff, did kinda average, and then traded for a Snapcaster Mage and a Geist of Saint Traft, so can't really complain at all. Also the day was hilariously fun and I love the group I play Magic with, if only for the dumb jokes and constant banter.
Then I found out one of my friends has bought me two more Geists as a late birthday present.
Then I get home to find a letter saying that I paid too much tax, with a cheque attached for £185.

Well today's been a pretty great day.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on October 01, 2012, 02:38:14 AM
So I saw my marks for my MA Exams. It makes me [:

Passed. But man? I have a lot of shit to do and since I found out I passed I took a day off. I shouldn't have done that. Just sent in a paper about 15 minutes late and have a presentation due tomorrow. . . and, BLAH. BLAH BLAH BLAH. BLAH!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on October 01, 2012, 03:30:41 PM
Published! 11112
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Yoshiken on October 01, 2012, 04:05:51 PM
I have a job! Woo!
It is at a pretty bad shop doing very basic retail work for minimal hours, but there is plenty of overtime available and I am mostly damn happy to be actually be back into work after just over a year of nothing.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on October 01, 2012, 07:18:10 PM
Published! 11112

:) :) :)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on October 01, 2012, 09:01:55 PM
Finally leapt into Kickstarter in a big way. Threw in $250 for Masaaki Yuasa's Kick-Heart project.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: WanderingMind on October 04, 2012, 05:13:16 AM
I don't know you, but welcome back. What are you in school for?

Me? Humanities. Impractical, I know.

Asian Studies and Museum Studies, so yay Humanities too.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on October 06, 2012, 01:58:23 AM
I am really vibing with John on the first floor (teaching fellow at Harvard in Philosophy). It's not because he's intelligent, but it's because I'm not used to be around someone who blows as much hot air as I do about almost any and everything. It sort of like seeing myself blather on about crazy shit. Not attracted to him, but this is pretty cool.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on October 06, 2012, 05:04:12 PM
This weekend is going to be mad grading followed by watching a lot of football and having our Canadian Thanksgiving. Not bad, even if I miss Thanksgiving at home. :(
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on October 06, 2012, 05:37:01 PM
Fuck you caffeine, why do you kick in just as I pretty much finish late night work and can probably go to bed in an hour.

In other news I really want to buy some Black Blood of the Earth and a Dewer Stein from the guys that make BBotE.  I might see if someone will go halves in the sample pack first though.

My last couple of months has gone like this.  Work pretty hard and get a little stressed out.  Work in Melbourne so hey try this Coffee thing where it is supposed to be good.  Don't mind Espresso as compact caffeine delivery system.  Now I have been drinking them lately.  Still inferior to tea and doesn't taste good, but is quick easy caffeine that I like more than energy drinks (sits way better in the stomach).  So skip all the shit to try to mask the bitter taste of badly made burnt coffee and go for the hard stuff.  Thus BBotE being on my radar so fast into trying this.

Somehow even when I have too much caffeine for too long though it still doesn't take much to make me twitchy and kind of spaz out.  Odd.  I used to drink so much caffeine and it didn't do this to me growing up.  As an adult though?  Crazy times.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 07, 2012, 12:30:54 AM
So, I'm going back to Florida for the New Year. Welp.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on October 07, 2012, 11:00:29 PM

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on October 07, 2012, 11:09:20 PM
No one even needs to make jokes about who is going to be the bride.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 08, 2012, 12:56:46 AM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on October 08, 2012, 02:36:41 AM
TMI don't want to know.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 08, 2012, 03:00:59 AM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on October 08, 2012, 04:03:33 AM


Can't decide
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on October 08, 2012, 06:08:15 AM
That is a tough choice, Gref! The brass stein is sexy, but regulation size pint stein is more useful. At least you can't go wrong.


Reattempting contact with my professors so I can pursue grad school. This makes year 3 I've been trying to fix this grade and submit applications. :|
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on October 08, 2012, 06:54:10 AM
I went with brass because Steampunk and the coin flip told me to get the bigger one, but fuck you Luck.

So Science Stein and some Black Blood of the Earth purchased.  I will keep you informed of this experiment.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Tide on October 08, 2012, 08:43:45 AM
Went on a date on Friday evening. Fun, but I don't think either of us are ready for commitment just yet.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on October 09, 2012, 12:13:54 AM
So what excuse did you use to leave after the sex, then?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on October 09, 2012, 12:20:45 AM
Tide's always struck me as the classy but timid type, so I would imagine a well-intentioned note on the nightstand served its purpose, possibly paired with a pre-made breakfast.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on October 09, 2012, 12:22:06 AM
I'm still stuck on who the bride is~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 09, 2012, 12:38:47 AM
I'm still stuck on who the bride is~

Must be embarrassing for you at weddings.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on October 09, 2012, 01:10:29 AM
The one that has knee pads on and doesn't own a pair of shoes or piece of wood with wheels on in any configuration.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on October 09, 2012, 01:50:17 AM
Tide's always struck me as the classy but timid type, so I would imagine a well-intentioned note on the nightstand served its purpose, possibly paired with a pre-made breakfast.

The note reads "I was a ghost."
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on October 09, 2012, 01:54:29 AM
Tide's always struck me as the classy but timid type, so I would imagine a well-intentioned note on the nightstand served its purpose, possibly paired with a pre-made breakfast.

The note reads "I was a ghost."

P.S. I drank all your alcohol.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 09, 2012, 03:15:05 AM
Keepin' it classy.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on October 09, 2012, 04:26:20 AM
Keepin' it classy.

Well that really depends on the quality of booze she kept around.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on October 09, 2012, 04:48:59 AM
A fotie of steel reserve and vodka from a plastic bottle
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on October 09, 2012, 05:33:30 AM
No no no, you've got it backwards. Tide's not the alcohol type, but the vodka in a plastic bottle was the pre-made breakfast, the note says "The quicker you drink this the sooner I'll return."
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on October 09, 2012, 05:57:49 AM
TIL if you drink enough cheap vodka you'll see Tide.

Today, I quit drinking cheap vodka.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on October 09, 2012, 06:00:51 AM
Yeah that is about as likely as I am to come out of the closet and declare that I actually like women.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on October 09, 2012, 06:44:45 AM
I always said Zenny made for a terrible Russian.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 09, 2012, 01:16:31 PM
Yeah that is about as likely as I am to come out of the closet and declare that I actually like women.

However, declaring your love for microwave ovens with hamsters inside is still fair game.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on October 10, 2012, 07:19:56 PM
So we've been having a couple of volunteers work in our lab over the past couple of months. They are very nice even if they are a little odd, siblings who act like a married couple. Last month we get an email from a girl who wants to do experiments on the same machine that me and the volunteers are doing things on. We wanted to show her how to use the machine.

So first, she bails out of a meeting with the volunteer.

Next, we decide to meet and she is 45 minutes late for our meeting as well as being kind of audacious and asking if she can use our machine a bunch without cleaning it or doing any maintenance on it.

Then she needs a bunch of stuff from our lab, so my officemate agrees to meet her and prepare some stuff to give her. The girl insists on 9 am meeting (so my officemate spends an hour before this preparing the stuff) and then doesn't show up, emailing about it about 4 pm. She says she'll meet Monday, then she says she no longer needs the stuff that was prepared.

She bails on a second meeting with the volunteer, followed by asking the volunteer if she wanted to come in on Saturday/Monday of a holiday to help her, then yesterday we decide to meet with her. She tells the volunteer she wants to meet at 9, tells me she wants to meet at 11, and ends up showing up at 1:30 after sending text messages saying "well you said you were free all day, so it's okay if I arrive at 1:30 right???" (I had told her that I could meet any time in the day. This isn't the same as being free all day!) She also insisted on doing all her own samples rather than watching us do ours.

This, of course, all being meetings that are out of the kindness of our hearts rather than any obligation (okay, we'd prefer if she didn't fuck up our machine).

What the fuck?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 10, 2012, 07:30:08 PM
Sounds like a real winner.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on October 10, 2012, 08:11:47 PM
Did you tell her to shape up or ship out?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on October 10, 2012, 08:51:02 PM
The answer is no fuck off get your own and stop wasting our time then. 

Response to the text abou rocking up 2 hours late is "No I have to go shooting and then for a long walk in the local marsh".

She has wasted like what 4 hours now at least?  Half a work day of lab time that isn't going to get itself back.  The answer is No.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on October 10, 2012, 09:30:27 PM
Back in my day we took someone out back and beat em with an orange inside a sock until we got juice.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on October 11, 2012, 08:47:30 AM
So I guess I've kinda been on some sort of hiatus or something because been depressed/sick/tired/withdrawey, I was starting to feel a bit better/like easing myself back into things again but now looks like it's going to be more of the same  (I also have another bad period and another bloody cold sore this month) =/ Sorry, take care everybody~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on October 11, 2012, 02:10:33 PM
That sucks. Hope things look up soon; in the meantime, punch Super until you feel better!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on October 11, 2012, 08:18:24 PM
I feel ya, CT. Take care of yourself! It's hard most of the year, but it's especially difficult in the middle of the changing seasons.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on October 13, 2012, 12:01:36 AM
CT, always here to chat in PM.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Captain K. on October 13, 2012, 10:35:37 PM
I met Crispin Fucking Freeman and got his autograph.  Life now complete, I can ascend to a higher dimension.  It has been a pleasure knowing you all.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on October 14, 2012, 02:54:21 AM
What'd you have him sign?  The SO3 guide/poster/whatever?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Captain K. on October 14, 2012, 05:28:29 AM
Yes the SO3 guide.  He's right across from Wendy Lee.  He was like "Oh GOD" when he saw that.

We also had an amazing discussion about his role as Badass Superman in Justice League Heroes.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on October 14, 2012, 06:10:02 AM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on October 19, 2012, 12:22:34 AM
Going to the Met to rummage around in their archives next week. Well, at least I get to see the Met this time. Maybe I'll have time for the Guggenheim? Then I will ritually follow-up on this trip in search of wonderful baked goods, sleep and keep moving the eff on. I hope this trip and transportation is more logically set up than my first attempt.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on October 21, 2012, 06:25:24 PM
My... neighbor... watched me get stung by a yellow jacket (first time I have ever been stung by one) just a moment ago. And upon asking him if he thinks the sting looks really bad, and that I could be allergic, he decided to explain Godel's theorem of incompleteness. MC tossed that in a thread and I didn't fucking understand it. And I still don't fucking understand it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 21, 2012, 08:47:59 PM
Maybe understanding it will save your life.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on October 22, 2012, 09:03:11 AM
Thanks Shale, LD, Idun *hugs*~

It was a horrible week/while, physically and emotionally/mentally especially after 2012 had been so great with major events before but this is a new time and hey I can't give up, not after I've made so much progress!~

Idun ... owww! You ok?

Captain K awesme! Albel and Nel sigs =)

(that's right isn't it? >_>)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on October 22, 2012, 04:21:40 PM
CT: My arm still hurts! I have pain down to my elbow. But John has doctored it again. [: I'm convinced that he knows whenever I leave the apartment complex, because he sits on the steps around the time I bring Roland in. And he made me oolong (sp?) tea?

Snow: I dunno. I think he was just studying stuff - he does the philosophy of biology and metametaphysics. 

But to return to the most important part of this response:

CT, I hope you find some balance. 2012 is almost over, 2013 as a tabula rasa if possible and keep on truckin'.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on October 22, 2012, 09:51:57 PM
Yeah keep on existing CT.  If you want to chat about stuffs and things I am always open if you are on chat at the same time (which is hard given opposite sides of the planet of course)z

Got the spelling rightIdun, nice green tea.

I should report on the pimpstein.  It is pimp as hell.  The coffe is really good, about as strong as an energy drink with less immediate kick to it and I don't notice as strong a crash.  Sit better in my stomach as well.  I have even tried it instead of the caffeine monstrosity I have when I am training and it leaves me with energy  after 30 mins of boxing to just feel like walking to the bus okay let's do this shit c'mon dudes! Where as the other stuff normally leaves me shaking and I take a few minutes to get myself together to catch a bus 1 stop to my normal bus. So I am honestly thinking of maybe swapping to I for training (got to do cost analysis).

Oh and it is the best tasting force I have had in the very short time of actually drinking coffee I have had.

Black Blood of the Earth gets my recommendation, especially if you live in San Francisco and do t have to pay the shipping I do.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on October 23, 2012, 01:48:48 PM
Yaay Idun and Grefter thanks *dances*~

Mmm Coffeee ... glad you discovered a new/interesting brand which works Grefter. Sounds good! I could do with some coffee this morning but I ran out of milk~

John is the interesting neighbour chap Idun? It's kind of him to make tea and make time for discussions =) Aww oww, sorry about the arm, hope it gets better soon!~

How are Roland and Jack doing by the way?~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on October 23, 2012, 02:11:05 PM
BBotE isn't so much a brand as Mad Science as coffee.

Of course I drink it straight because I am the hardcorez (and it tastes pretty okay and I had been doing espresso before that so it isn't a big change other than better taste and more caffeine.  Mos importantly the trial packs came in test tubes so I was going to drink from them no matter what it tasted like).
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on October 23, 2012, 05:08:42 PM
John is extra-interesting. He let me borrow a book called Teleosemantics. He makes me laugh nonstop. He gives me the funniest looks when I talk d= He just makes me smile a lot, and he's intelligent and has a gorgeous smile.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 23, 2012, 07:10:00 PM
John apparently is Margaret.

(Apologies in advance, Jim)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on October 23, 2012, 11:21:39 PM
John is a necessary fixture right now (re: I need to laugh more often).


Hi Jim's mom.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 23, 2012, 11:49:28 PM
I'm sure either Jim or his mom - or even both - are laughing heartily right now.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on October 24, 2012, 03:44:37 AM
I will have to see if I can find/try BBotE. If nothing else, I can probably find a way to ship it cheaper than they do? Maybe?

Nothing new in my corner. It rained. We still lack fuzzy pets. I caught a salamander yesterday. (We released it after I realized it would grow up and have scary teeth.) Applying for jobs just to make sure I can get one if I need to (and also kind of hoping I get one, since I'm only applying for jobs I'd really love to have). Prepping for NaNoWriMo.

Slow month.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on October 24, 2012, 03:50:56 AM
It is only expensive because he ships it priority so it doesn't go bad.  Totes worth it.

Mostly recommend for locals because A) it is good and B) you can get it cheaper than anyone else.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on October 24, 2012, 05:47:10 AM
I'm sure either Jim or his mom - or even both - are laughing heartily right now.

Well she does read the topics every once in a while...

As for me, laughed, then cried.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 24, 2012, 02:01:27 PM
Par for the course considering you went to Law school.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on October 24, 2012, 11:48:06 PM
Quotable quote of the day from War Rocket Ajax.  So the big reveal if Pokemon Black is that you were Michael Vick all along - Matt Wilson.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on October 25, 2012, 02:05:16 AM
Par for the course considering you went to Law school.

You must have missed the part where I said I laughed.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 25, 2012, 02:48:55 AM
Par for the course considering you went to Law school.

You must have missed the part where I said I laughed.

I added a hidden part about the laugh being bitterly disillusioned.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on October 25, 2012, 10:15:32 PM
*random tackle hug glomps Idun and LD* ^_^~

Family came over today. Mum and my grandfather who was visting the house for the first time. He was pretty chuffed ^_^

He was shown around the house and garden which he especially enjoyed (he said I should plant potatoes >_>) and then they stayed for lunch. Afterwards mum and I chatted for a time while papa fell asleep on the couch~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on October 26, 2012, 05:24:08 AM
That sounds quite pleasant, CT. :)


The Chain of Birthdays-and-Holidays is in swing. Already had 5 birthdays, still looking at a good 10 more, plus Christmas. This time of year just kills my wallet. I'm happy to do it, though, because in this period is also a birthday I no longer get to celebrate (my grandfather's). Also still totally love this time of year: leaves and rain and pumpkin and spices and sweaters and all that shit.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 26, 2012, 04:42:36 PM
You know, sometimes I envy the prominent existence of all four seasons in your patches of land.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on October 26, 2012, 09:18:05 PM
Snow being interested in your huge tracts of land? I have to say I'm surprised.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on October 26, 2012, 10:29:33 PM
One or both of you is calling me fat. :(

Just 'cause it's true doesn't mean you can go saying it all over the internet!

Also, it's really hilarious to hear someone calling me out for having "seasons" when I live in California. That usually doesn't happen. Besides which, the leaves are probably dying because they're too confused about why it's 80 degrees and sunny for three days, then 50 and foggy for a couple, and back again.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on October 27, 2012, 01:44:42 AM
If anyone, it is Snow. He has a proven history of doing that. I'm just making a Monty Python reference.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on October 28, 2012, 03:01:57 PM
So, I heard there was a 7.7 Earthquack in British Columbia today.  Are the BC DLers affected by this at all?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on October 28, 2012, 05:19:58 PM
It was about 1000 km away from where we live (well north of Vancouver Island, close to the Alaska panhandle in fact), so as an earthquake we didn't even feel it. There was a tsunami warning issued as a precaution but none occurred (the type of earthquake it was apparently doesn't create them typically).
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 28, 2012, 06:53:55 PM
One or both of you is calling me fat. :(

Nonono. Were I calling you fat, I'd say it like this:


Hope this display was sufficiently educational.

Also, it's really hilarious to hear someone calling me out for having "seasons" when I live in California. That usually doesn't happen. Besides which, the leaves are probably dying because they're too confused about why it's 80 degrees and sunny for three days, then 50 and foggy for a couple, and back again.

You have to understand my context. Here, we have "sunny summer days" and "rainy summer days", with vague reminiscences of "oh hey nice breezy sub-20ºC" patches.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on October 28, 2012, 09:25:56 PM
I would do a musical number to the Weird Al song of the same name which would culminate in "The whole world knows the answer right now, but tell me once again: who's fat?  Rhetorical question, it's you."

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on October 29, 2012, 03:38:48 PM
Nonono. Were I calling you fat, I'd say it like this:


Hey 'bro, my little puffy lovehandles were gripped fairly lovingly in a game of all-out-god-fucking-damn-I-really-want-to-fuck-tickle-session-number-2 last night. Oh, and you and DJ weren't in chat during the aftermath, but you are both right.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 29, 2012, 03:46:52 PM
We -told- you.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Yoshiken on October 30, 2012, 01:46:31 AM
Back from the latest London Expo! One of the better conventions I've been to, and am seriously suffering from the Post-Con Depression now (mixed in with a bout of paranoia to help).

Also met Stelas while there, who is much less talkative IRL than he is in chat (which is to say that he is the opposite of me who doesn't really stop talking IRL).

Now I have to try booking time off work so I can go to Distant Worlds on Friday. Hm.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on October 30, 2012, 05:45:54 AM
Hurricane's past, no major damage around here, it seems, but the power's out, no idea when it'll return.  Typing all this on a smartphone after spending all evening reading by candlelight is weeeeeeird.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on October 30, 2012, 11:53:01 AM
Glad you're ok Jim! The pictures in the news look really bad =/

Are Meeple and peeps ok?~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Sierra on October 30, 2012, 11:58:14 AM
I'm home from work because it's still raining and dammit that's enough of an excuse for me, but really it wasn't too bad here. Didn't even lose power (although we did at work when I was briefly there yesterday).
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on October 30, 2012, 04:03:21 PM
Power's out at home but not at work, so that's where I am. Hoo-ray. No other damage, though, so that's good.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 30, 2012, 04:21:31 PM
How are you guys handling Sandynsanity besides that? I saw waterfalls in New York and immediately got worried at how bad it could've gotten elsewhere.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on October 30, 2012, 04:46:37 PM
Flooding in the north of the state hasn't been too bad - most of the damage is from the wind knocking down trees and power lines. Public transportation's getting ready to go back online, and there's way fewer people without power than there were when we were hit with a big (non-hurricane) windstorm back in July.

Now, back where Super's from? They need snorkels.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on October 30, 2012, 06:28:24 PM
Nature once again tries to strike down the aiel and fumbles the timing.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on October 30, 2012, 06:58:06 PM
Meeple is without power but fine. He texted me about it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on October 30, 2012, 10:00:12 PM
So uh I assume we will have to wait to hear from Snowfire.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on October 31, 2012, 12:04:36 AM
Meeple is without power but fine. He texted me about it.

Damn it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on October 31, 2012, 12:11:53 AM
The Meeples will always survive until the day they rise up and claim the earth for all Pokemonkind.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on October 31, 2012, 12:30:21 AM
Power is restored! And I didn't even lose much food. On the whole, that couldn't have gone much better.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on October 31, 2012, 12:35:02 AM
Hurricane's past, no major damage around here, it seems, but the power's out, no idea when it'll return.

This, except I had power the entire time. Unstable internet. Pretty annoyed at photodouches taking pictures of uprooted trees when Boston-proper had -much less- damage than Mass or NYC. Most significant damage on my ave is the front of a coffee spot, though the place is operational and apparently easy to fix.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on October 31, 2012, 12:44:15 AM

You are failing at Internetting natural disasters, this is how you do it.

Hurricane's past, major damage around here it seems, but the power's out, no idea when it'll return.  I have plenty of bottles to pee in just in case the power never comes back.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on October 31, 2012, 06:06:30 PM

Saw SnowFire around so looks like he's ok too~

Thanks Ciatos~

Glad everyone's okay and operating as normal pretty much~

Hope Sandy's pretty much finished off now/there won't be another big one this winter.

Edit - It's Halloween here. I just got a couple of kids guising at my house/front door. I had goodie bags made up just in case (apple, orange, monkey nuts, chocolate pumpkin balls, other candies)~

The fireman is also supposed to be coming tonight to do a Fire Safety Check~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on October 31, 2012, 11:56:20 PM
Why aren't you out enjoying Adult Halloween like a normal person? I'm on my second Halloween this week.

Captain Malcolm Reynolds, because I know you were wondering.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on November 01, 2012, 03:23:34 AM
Vancouverites, what was the name of the other education facility not UBC?  I forget the name.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on November 01, 2012, 04:23:37 AM
Simon Fraser University.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on November 01, 2012, 04:36:18 AM

Edit - And yeah like I thought, Fraser is hella cheaper for international student.  Hmmmmmmm.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on November 01, 2012, 10:44:57 AM
Go to Perth, Grefter and see Confederate flags!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on November 01, 2012, 07:52:59 PM
It's November.



Also Andrew's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY), and mine (which comes later).

So far, so good.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on November 01, 2012, 07:56:28 PM
I just want to skip November already. By the way, happy Birthday, LadyRogues!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on November 02, 2012, 02:13:10 PM
Happy Birthday LadyRogues and AndyDoors!~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on November 03, 2012, 08:36:58 PM
Happy birthdays [=
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on November 04, 2012, 07:42:29 PM
Flying out to NC for work this week. Exciting?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on November 04, 2012, 08:55:50 PM
Flying out to NC for work this week. Exciting?

What sort of work?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on November 05, 2012, 05:12:34 AM
So I have a question.  I frequently find when trying to post through Quick Reply that about 60% of the time I will run into the following error:


Error 403

We're sorry, but we could not fulfill your request for /forums/index.php/board,1/action,post2.html on this server.

You do not have permission to access this server. Before trying again, close your browser, run anti-virus and anti-spyware software and remove any viruses and spyware from your computer.

Your technical support key is: de93-9fc3-b40c-8ddc

You can use this key to fix this problem yourself.

If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, please contact the WEBMA5TER and be sure to provide the technical support key shown above.

Does anybody else get this?  Is it just me? (Perhaps a "soft ban" to get me to think whether it's worth the effort of trying a few times to actually post? >_>  That would be hilarious.) I'm wondering if I get it because I'm posting while bored at work.  I don't think I notice it so much when posting from home.  After refreshing the page it will usually let me post, though.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on November 05, 2012, 05:29:14 AM
I've had that happen occasionally.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on November 05, 2012, 05:50:46 AM
Same, yeah.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on November 05, 2012, 11:18:12 AM
Roughly two thirds of the time I use quick reply. Hell, sometimes I get it just opening topics.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on November 05, 2012, 02:05:18 PM
I remember getting that message when I had quick reply enabled, and I received it after letting the message sit there for some time.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AndrewRogue on November 05, 2012, 03:31:03 PM
Ashley had that happen to her a few times too.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on November 05, 2012, 03:40:13 PM
That honestly has never happened to me. I'm probably an exception, though.

EDIT: That used to happen to me on the old boards, though.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Bobbin Cranbud on November 05, 2012, 10:26:15 PM
It never happened to me, either. Luck, OS, browser or settings? We Just Don't Know.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on November 05, 2012, 11:30:15 PM
It happened to me a lot when I was in Japan. Hasn't happened since I've been back in the States though.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on November 07, 2012, 04:04:27 AM
Four years ago, I was in England.  Actually, specifically, I was in Cardiff, Wales, at a little hostel by the river, out getting my party on.  I went to bed before the polls closed, and when I woke up I knew immediately who won.  Not that I didn't care, I made sure that I got my ballot in, but by that point anything I could do to affect the process was over and I was thankfully able to turn my eye away from the media circus of the results counting.

Now, on the the other side of the date line, I'm here in Japan, at work, unable to check facebook or news sites without being inundated with premature vote tallies and all the nonsense I so thankfully got to skip last time.  I will likely not know who won today, and if I do it will be at the end of the night.

I miss being in England right now, and I have no bloody idea why Super would stay up to watch this cock and pony show.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on November 07, 2012, 04:33:37 AM

/me waves @ Zenny~


I couldn't sleep >__>
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on November 07, 2012, 05:05:39 AM
Incidentally, I get told the results are in like 10 minutes after I post that.

Obama wins, two states (Colorado and Washington) LEGALIZE IT and the minimum wage is boosted in Albuquerque.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on November 07, 2012, 05:13:57 AM
/me nods~

Yeah with Ohio in I think it's safe to go to sleep now. I was actually glued to Florida (which seems to be taking forever/stuck at 94% votes counted unless it was called and I missed it) but Ohio was called first ;o
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on November 07, 2012, 05:29:47 AM
Incidentally, I get told the results are in like 10 minutes after I post that.

Obama wins, two states (Colorado and Washington) LEGALIZE IT and the minimum wage is boosted in Albuquerque.


Do you mean marijuana or our love?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on November 07, 2012, 05:36:52 AM
Our love will never be legalized.  Not so long as PETA has any say in the matter.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on November 07, 2012, 05:59:09 AM
I don't care, I am still going to wear you as a woman suit.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on November 07, 2012, 06:01:29 AM
I think dudes can already get married in WA? I don't know, I'm anti-marriage of all kinds.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on November 07, 2012, 11:17:54 AM
Weren't you going to go through your 10th marriage or something like that until she got an offer you couldn't make her refuse and not be a total dickball an had to break it off?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on November 07, 2012, 12:35:07 PM
I went to bed around 1:30.  Was tired and it looked like Obama was going to win.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on November 07, 2012, 02:22:22 PM
Oh yeah. Congrats guys =)

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on November 07, 2012, 07:05:19 PM
Weren't you going to go through your 10th marriage or something like that until she got an offer you couldn't make her refuse and not be a total dickball an had to break it off?

I've only been divorced the one time, mang.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on November 08, 2012, 08:11:04 AM
Multiple divorces with the same woman don't count as one divorce.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on November 08, 2012, 08:47:49 AM
It also doesn't count as getting remarried if you plow in the dumpster behind the courthouse where you got divorced.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on November 08, 2012, 02:45:30 PM
Dang I really need to bone up on my marriage law then.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on November 08, 2012, 02:53:53 PM
Fantastic Unlimited Rimshots.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on November 10, 2012, 06:27:15 AM

So despite the doomsday "Romney is not president, fuck all there will be no jobs for anyone anymore ever" shit I've seen flying around, I have way too many good responses.

I always keep an eye out for interesting things, but lately I've put my resume forward a few times. So yesterday I got THREE responses. I wasn't expecting any because I'm applying for jobs that would be, at a guess, a two-step promotion. Go figs, eh?

So I have three interviews to prep for next week. Which is also my birthday week. Hoorays.

Also, had a third-party independently verify that I was underpaid at least 20% at my previous job. Lawl. At least the experience did what I suffered it for: gave me the avenue for a big promotion in my next job.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on November 10, 2012, 10:37:37 AM
Yay LD! I'm glad you're getting some interviews, I know you were miserable at that last job.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on November 10, 2012, 01:31:44 PM

Yay! Although didn't you mention the corporate world made you miserable? What are those new venues offering you?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on November 10, 2012, 06:07:37 PM
Presumably at least 20% more monetary compensation?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on November 10, 2012, 11:27:08 PM
That may not be enough for her considering how miserable corporate life made her in the former job!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on November 11, 2012, 12:14:23 AM
Money's not my biggest concern, or I wouldn't've quit my former job without a new one lined up.

These jobs have a lot more creative leeway. The top contender for my interest right now, for example, involves managing trade shows -- coordinating arrangements, directing the creative work, showing up to set up and see the show done right, etc. So it has some cool things for me: authority, travel, events. (I had originally applied for the position managing the Game Developers' Conference which would have been -awesome-, but it looks like they've already found someone. Oh well.)

Not to say that the money isn't nice, too, of course. But I can't work just for good money. I don't have enough work ethic for that.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on November 11, 2012, 12:17:09 AM
What company is the trade show thing with?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on November 11, 2012, 03:08:40 AM
The company that does GDC - UBM TechWeb. They also have Gamasutra. The division I'd work with is online marketing.



I'd bought a Groupon for $40 in tea and tea accessories for a shop in SF's Chinatown, and finally got around to using it today. Their big draw is the ability to try almost any tea they have there before you buy anything. Andrew and I sat down and tried a couple varieties of puerh, some lychee black, mint red, jasmine, genmaicha, a couple varieties of fruity green tea, and a rose tea. Ended up with a 1/4 pound of Woodbridge puerh and 1/4 pound of lychee black, and also picked up a single-service tea set for each of us (the kind with a ceramic strainer fit for the mug).

Will have to go back again sometime soon and try with a little more forethought. Maybe if we get the guy to like us enough he'll let us try some iron goddess.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on November 12, 2012, 03:03:42 PM
The overpriced Yankee Candle called "Treehouse Memories" is by far the best smelling candle out of the bunch. It closely burns true to the oils. It is great. It is also apparently good for people with SAD (me) that also use SAD lights in New England's depressive fucking night-noons.

Edit* Oh, and beyond an egocentric post: Veteran's Day. Know any? Acknowledge them. Don't? Acknowledge them. It can be hard to attach yourself to individuals you don't have established relationships with, but their occupation certainly paved the way for some national security easily taken for granted.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on November 15, 2012, 09:22:58 PM
More about ME ME ME

Another potential job offer, this one through a friend of a friend. Networking actually does something for you, which irritates me to no end even though I'm happy enough to take advantage of it when it comes up.

This one's more up the alley of what I wanted to do for a career in the first place: editor. So hopefully this one goes somewhere good.


Also I got my hairs did today. I love my hairdresser because she, too, is a nerd, and we have great conversations. This is nice when you need to be somewhere with someone for 2.5 hours.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on November 15, 2012, 10:06:55 PM
More about ME ME ME

Another potential job offer, this one through a friend of a friend. Networking actually does something for you, which irritates me to no end even though I'm happy enough to take advantage of it when it comes up.

This one's more up the alley of what I wanted to do for a career in the first place: editor. So hopefully this one goes somewhere good.

Yay! Also, I may need some help from you with pulling up cover letters out of my ass. I never needed one in Brazil, may need one for foreign endeavors.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on November 15, 2012, 10:43:02 PM
Just send Djinn a few 8x10 glossies I am sure he will let you give him a job.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on November 15, 2012, 11:35:40 PM
Prostitution isn't a regulated profession in the US as far as I can tell.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on November 16, 2012, 06:22:03 AM
He said job, not profession.  Clearly it's under-the-table stuff.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on November 16, 2012, 06:38:22 AM
Just because it's under the table doesn't mean you shouldn't bring a little professionalism to the table.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on November 16, 2012, 07:17:11 AM
Under the table, over the table, off the back of a truck, up the back of a trucker, whatever.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on November 16, 2012, 07:28:45 AM
But not in a dumpster behind the courthouse you got divorced in, because that confuses Zenny and makes him think his divorce didn't take.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on November 16, 2012, 07:33:56 AM
He couldn't divorce Susie, far to attached.  Half the time they are practically joined at the hip.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on November 16, 2012, 07:41:33 AM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on November 19, 2012, 11:44:39 PM
The Night of Writing Dangerously (that event I asked for donations for) was last night. Andy and I raised enough to both go, and we had a great time. I punched through 50k words all the way up to 60k, for a total of 13,954 written in 5 hours.

THANK YOU to the DLers who donated. Between you guys and family and other friends, Andy and I only had to put in $60 of our own money. That's pretty awesome. :)


I'm going to go sink into the deep, dark depression that's been threatening me for the past few weeks, partially because of the sugar coma from all the candy and treats from the events.

Oh. But first, I'm off to go get books signed by Patrick Rothfuss. I like living in the Bay Area sometimes.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Yoshiken on November 21, 2012, 04:48:21 PM
You've finished NaNo already? Now what will you spend the next 9 days doing?! D:

(By which I mean congrats, that's awesome, and all the usual stuff you hear~)

Edit: Okay, so apparently I have finished NaNo today too! By which I mean I've hit 50k and will have finished once I add a couple of titles in. 9 days to add 2 titles? Seems legit.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on November 21, 2012, 10:53:00 PM
Yep, at 60k. I took a break for a couple days (because holy hell typing 14k words in 4-5 hours hurts); I'll probably try to wrap up a few scenes and end the novel.

It is the worst of worst first drafts, especially with the pool babies I had to drop to hit 14k in 4-5 hours, so it'll undoubtedly be trashed. But it did get me primed to work on the short fiction I've been sketching, so I've set myself up pretty good for December!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on November 23, 2012, 12:37:48 PM
That's awesme Ash. Amazing stuffs. Congrats/well done there!  :)

I've just had my new landline and broadband set up/installed/go live. Welcome CT to Wireless!~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on November 23, 2012, 04:29:06 PM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on November 23, 2012, 08:49:12 PM



/me randomtacklehappyglomps Idun~

By the way if any DL peeps would like a Christmas card or if you don't celebrate Christmas some kind of holiday gift/token/thing please PM me, I already have some peeps in mind but yeah let me know :)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on November 23, 2012, 11:29:13 PM

I can also send you one now knowing that it'll be cost effective for my Winter. [*=
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on November 24, 2012, 04:14:04 AM
Black Friday this year wasn't that great. Opening the day before doesn't help the consumer unless they go then. Family usually goes out as a unit around 7-8AM, and usually does pretty well and finds everything. This year... not so much. Compared to normal, just empty, disorganized stores with no labelling, grumpier employees (even for Black Friday).

Still got a few good deals. X-Com at WalMart for 25, Cabin in the Woods on BR for 8 at Best Buy.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on November 25, 2012, 10:16:50 PM
Yep, at 60k. I took a break for a couple days (because holy hell typing 14k words in 4-5 hours hurts); I'll probably try to wrap up a few scenes and end the novel.

It is the worst of worst first drafts, especially with the pool babies I had to drop to hit 14k in 4-5 hours, so it'll undoubtedly be trashed. But it did get me primed to work on the short fiction I've been sketching, so I've set myself up pretty good for December!

But was it as good as this guy's ( book?  I am doubtful!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on November 25, 2012, 10:21:08 PM
That is beautiful.  I would say I hope it is that exact book, but it only has 1400 words.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on November 25, 2012, 10:22:40 PM
But was it as good as this guy's ( book?  I am doubtful!

You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on November 25, 2012, 10:28:23 PM

Also this obviously.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on November 25, 2012, 10:37:38 PM
That is beautiful.  I would say I hope it is that exact book, but it only has 1400 words.

That's the problem with writing something so perfect, I guess.  You don't want to dilute your perfect creation just to meet arbitrary requirements of word count.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on November 26, 2012, 06:59:41 PM
Going to see Wicked in London next month. I am really pysched about that, it looks like a lot of fun.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on November 26, 2012, 10:22:20 PM
Yaay, PM me your address then 'Dunie if you could, I'll send mine and then we can get this show on the road \0/~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on November 26, 2012, 11:27:35 PM
Had my swearing in today, so now I am officially "an Attorney, and by virtue thereof, a Counsellor at Law."  :)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on November 27, 2012, 12:18:44 AM

Now, about that job...
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on November 27, 2012, 12:49:51 AM
Fuck yeah bitches I can tell all you suckers that officially now I Am Now A Lawyer.  I Am Now A Lawyer all night and day. :)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on November 27, 2012, 04:09:22 AM
Oh sweet. I've always needed a lawyer friend to help me write up a binding contract that absolves me of all responsibility for any half-Japanese illegitimate children I may have~ *waves tentacles at Jim*
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on November 27, 2012, 06:13:32 AM
What my client was trying to say is that although his tentacles may or may not have penetrated severally the entire female population of the greater Tokyo metropolitan region, principles of comity and Japanese family law should control here; though under American law plaintiffs wishing to establish paternity could argue the right to a paternity test, it is well-established under Japanese law that children have no parents1.

1See, e.g., like, every RPG and anime ever.

November 27, 2012,
NotMiki, Esq.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on November 27, 2012, 11:23:57 AM
And I have a new sig. No more Elfboy praising Hoshigami!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on November 27, 2012, 05:59:06 PM
One day a lawyer, already making a difference.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on November 27, 2012, 06:04:50 PM
Congratulations NotMiki :)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on November 28, 2012, 02:07:07 AM
Congrats, Jim! :)


Had interview with small press. It will not be an editor job because, as usually happens, my resume caught their attention and they just so happen to be looking for a new marketing type person. They don't know what the job is yet, you see, but they know they want someone to do some marketing strategy thingy...

Thus continues my history of getting jobs that don't actually exist because of people I know and the wide, weird assortment of experience and expertise I show on my resume.

Okay, well, it's not a job yet, but the interview went well and they want me to come back to do a working session with them. So good as.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on November 28, 2012, 02:20:56 AM
I can verify that for a fact Japanese children do not have parents.

Also congratulations to Jim and a smaller congratulations to Nano winners.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on November 28, 2012, 08:08:27 AM
One day a lawyer, already making a difference.

I knew I could count on you. :E
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on November 28, 2012, 12:13:48 PM

So, is this a good good or a "erm okay" good? I'd gather you're not too terribly excited about going back into marketing, and, knowing how -that- universe works, I'd have to agree with you on that sentiment.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on November 28, 2012, 11:05:12 PM
It's a "we'll see" thing. Marketing is apparently going to be my job because, well, that's what I have experience in. Lucky for me, all my alternate careers give absolutely no regard to work experience, so when I get around to those it won't make a difference. Plus there's money in Marketing.

The company is pretty nifty, though, and it's very small. Office of ~8. The job itself is Choose Your Own Adventure, caveat: marketing emphasis, and I loves me some autonomy. Plus, potential money bump and super awesome benefits. It could work out!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on November 28, 2012, 11:26:50 PM
Had my swearing in today, so now I am officially "an Attorney, and by virtue thereof, a Counsellor at Law."  :)

Are there any photographs? Not that I want to see you in professional clothing. . . congratulations [:
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on November 29, 2012, 01:39:24 AM
Randomly, anyone going to be in Vegas Saturday through Monday? 
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on November 29, 2012, 07:17:40 AM
Just left. Was a good venture.

Also when the girl you're banging starts using terms of endearment, does that mean she considers you to be in a relationship?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on November 29, 2012, 08:57:15 AM
Not necessarily, cupcake.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on November 29, 2012, 09:15:12 AM
Indeed, else I'd be in a relationship with everyone then!~

Congratulations again LD! Best of lucks with the new job =)

Congrats to Yoshi and peeps on NaNo as well~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on November 29, 2012, 09:51:56 AM
CT, you just said you have banged everyone. I don't think that's true because you don't have Hepatitis like Zenny does, so I think I should ask for clarification.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on November 29, 2012, 10:37:00 AM
No one has the hep Zenny has.  Not even Zenny.  Zenny's Hep case is Schroedinger's Hepatitis.  He got it from fucking a dead dude in a box.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on November 29, 2012, 02:02:45 PM
Oh! Yeah I just meant I use terms of endearment with everyone >_> Like if I'm dating/banging/flirting with/interested in somebody it's more personal endearments I dunno? Like one dude I knew way back I used to call "Tiger"~ but yeah I tend to use terms of endearment with peeps in general like *hugs* and "dear" well I guess with dear it's for closer/close friends/best friends and such, people I'm really fond of I guess.

Also girls are maybe more likely to use terms of endearment like sweetie, honeys and love between each other?, then again the bus driver can call you "hen" or "love" ("Aw'rite luv?") when you get on/off the bus so I dunno~

Either way I probably wouldn't worry about it unless she's come up with a personalised nickname/name she thinks is special for you that people don't use in general~


Spent an enjoyable and productive morning/lunch/early afternoon at town Christmas Shopping~

Swag -

Obtained the rest off/Finished grandmother/nana's off
Obtained the rest off/Finished grandfather/papa's off
Found/bought presents for ex-stepdad/sister's dad
Half of Ciatos/Elves presents
All of Idun's
Looked up/Checked up prices for DVDs and DVD/Blue ray combos, potentially for Mum's Christmas Gift/Surprise
Saw a poster Meeple might like! (yeah I know what you said though, hmmm *muses*)
Bought Mum and Sister's Special Mum and Sister cards
One x Christmas Tree w/th lights Get (House)
Scouted out potential suspects for other friends including best friend =)

Still have to think up sister's gift as well =)

I already sorted out/wrapped/sent stuffs for other peeps earlier in November so that is that sorted~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on November 29, 2012, 02:20:50 PM
Wait. What? Gift? .....

..... Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I thought it was just CARD EXCHANGE. WELL. THIS MEANS WAR.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on November 29, 2012, 03:26:52 PM
Whatever you can send/card is fine  :) Am expecting card so~

Yeah well you see I kind of got carried away >_> Shopping for you was fun/a gift in it's own way so~

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on November 29, 2012, 03:40:07 PM
Gift-giving is an art, a courtesy and an act of belligerance.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on November 29, 2012, 11:17:22 PM
Whatever you can send/card is fine  :) Am expecting card so~

Yeah well you see I kind of got carried away >_> Shopping for you was fun/a gift in it's own way so~


As long as your gift is of equal or greater value, all is quiet on the western front. But honestly, if you also want something practical (like a home item), let me know.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on November 30, 2012, 12:26:08 AM
Incoming back massager.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 01, 2012, 04:01:06 PM
It's snowing.

I am scared to go to my coffee shop.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on December 02, 2012, 05:21:45 PM

We don't have any yet, it's just been quite cold.

Oooh, I'd love a cushion, a throw, a cuddly hot water bottle, or something like that ^_^ Backscrubber should I have one of those?~

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on December 05, 2012, 03:43:22 AM
Turns out my needle phobia is worse than I thought. I fainted today while having an IV line put in. :D

This medical study is going to be fuuuuuun, what with its every-two-weeks draw schedule.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on December 05, 2012, 05:17:12 PM

Are you ok now LD? It's good of you to do this despite your phobias  :)

Had a PAP/Cervical smear test and a flu jab this afternoon. As usual it was a bit of an ordeal with the TMI alert! you're too tight and the equipment won't go in/you're not letting me in/this is too big and is hurting you/let's try a nicer one/oh this is going in but not going all the way in/sorry this is hurting you/aha got it!/you're all done! oh by the way there was some bleeding and you might bleed/be sore later on too but don't worry it's ok/nothing to worry about!  stuffs but at least this was me at a relatively relaxed stage as far as I'm concerned with somebody I trusted and got on/was able to joke with doing it :) Augh though on general principle but yeah at least the smear test is over for another three years/I don't have to go through anything like that again soon :) (and hopefully it isn't even worse next time!) Hopefully no delayed reaction to the flu jab either~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on December 05, 2012, 05:30:47 PM
I'm fine. It was super awkward, though, to get the "oh god - somebody help me! now!" treatment, followed by sitting in the hallway on a stretcher with every passing nurse or doctor going, "Are you okay?"

Yeah, me and needles don't get along so well. Even so, that's by far been the worst reaction I've had. I think it was because of the prolonged effort to get the thing in my arm.

Red Cross won't let me donate blood, so I may as well contribute to health science another way! Plus free blood panels and psych visits, including an intelligence/learning disorders exam (which I also took yesterday). Woo.


Glad your appointment went okay, CT! Those are never fun, but really important to keep up on. Which of course reminds me that I'm overdue for mine.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 05, 2012, 06:13:11 PM
Not even looking away and keeping your eyes closed help, Ashley? I get a bit antsy with needles myself, but if I look away, I don't even notice the arm prick. Although, if you -passed out-, the sight of the damn thing might be the least of your worries.

Tangentially: I'll have to do some blood tests this month myself, not looking forward to it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on December 06, 2012, 12:18:35 AM
It's usually enough to keep my reaction down to lightheadedness and mild nausea. Just not this time! It had a lot to do with the conversation leading up to it. Something along the lines of "well, I can't find anything, but anatomy says there should be one right about here"; so not what you want to hear before they jab a needle in your arm.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 06, 2012, 12:20:24 AM
Thaaaaaaaaaaat would leave me a little more than queasy, yes. Good thing my veins are easy to find.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 06, 2012, 12:53:48 AM
CT, it sounds like they stole'd your virginity.


....I mean, the story was funny. >_>;
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 06, 2012, 03:12:05 AM
Eh that is exactly what I would want to hear before getting stabbed.  If I die I will at least get a good laugh.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on December 06, 2012, 02:31:41 PM
They did Idun, they did  :(  Every time~

not really  ???

Good luck with future medical stuffs LD and Snow~

I think the oh I can't find it, there it ises in general are supposed to be an attempt at humour/keeping things light, at least I hope so, at least that's better than thinking the other person didn't have a clue what the hell they were doing when you come away from it >_>

Went another Christmas shopping trip this morning. Yaay. Just have mum's left to go as far as big stuff's concerned. Didn't want to carry it home with all the other stuff/had a lot to carry so~

Also will be mailing stuffs to the USA/Canada sometime within the next four days, I think the last posting date for Canada/the USA proper in Monday the 10th so that should be fine. I thought I might have to worry to get some stuffs wrapped/sent away tommorow/Friday but apparently not~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 06, 2012, 07:16:00 PM
Haha. [= Well you know me, srs when I need to be.

My obgyn's just always said -- your cervix looks interesting
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on December 06, 2012, 08:41:34 PM
I wish I could believe it was medical humor, but it took them 45 minutes to get to that point. The person seeing to me had to seek an older RN for help, who tried (and missed - ouch), then asked her to wrap my arms in warm towels (???) for a few minutes to try. Then they poked at my arms a bit more, tried to follow veins by tracing from my wrists, and then they just sort of shrugged and said, "I know one's supposed to be here!"

I can see why I fainted. It just took me by surprise. I was doing okay, and then started the hyperventilating and tunnel vision and all that jazz. I don't want to have that kind of reaction, dammit! It's scarier than the needle!


I need to send some Christmas cards out, myself. Anyone who wants one, drop me your address. I'm going to try and get them out tomorrow.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 06, 2012, 08:43:52 PM
Can you save one until July? <_<
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on December 06, 2012, 09:57:43 PM
I can, but that seems like a weird time to send out Christmas cards. Although, I guess you're in the Southern Hemisphere, so you can have Christmas at the wrong half of the year if you want.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 06, 2012, 10:03:00 PM
Christmas is on Summer!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 07, 2012, 07:19:31 AM
So good morning is TMI body horror thread yeah?

Reaching down and going Wtfwtf there is normally a chunk of my body there!! Losing weight as an overweight dude is scary.

Edit - for reference I think if I was Beef cattle it would be part of my flanks.  Think section of your sides from the bottom of your rib cage to just above your hips.

Edit 2 - and of course if you needed further proof of my odd relationship with human anatomy you need go no further than above.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on December 07, 2012, 08:48:25 PM
I'm sort of glad you don't wield needles, Gref.

(Congrats on your existential horror!)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 07, 2012, 09:22:38 PM
Oh, by the way. I meant "keep the Christmas card stashed so I can pick it up when I visit you guys in July". >_>
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 07, 2012, 09:30:25 PM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 07, 2012, 09:32:22 PM

With California price tags? Are you -out of your mind-?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 07, 2012, 09:34:11 PM
A) You live in Brazil B) it is clothing in America, you have no idea how cheap that shit is compared to tons of places C) Allen Edmonds' pricing doesn't change and D) It is clothing in America you have no idea how cheap that shit is compared to tons of places.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 07, 2012, 09:42:46 PM
I concede defeat. Although I'm not sure Andy would be good company for shoes shopping. I may have to buy HIM shoes to boot.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 07, 2012, 10:15:07 PM
Here ( you go then.  If I don't make it to SF this year I am going to be devastated so you at least have me.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 09, 2012, 12:27:45 AM

I have imploded.

I have never felt this way.

I feel like a hollow-winged butterfly in a soundless vacuum.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 09, 2012, 12:59:00 AM
Okay. Sit down and tell us what happened.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: superaielman on December 09, 2012, 01:09:20 AM
Last week at Uni. Boo.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 09, 2012, 01:23:26 AM
Destroy Target Land.  Draw a Card. (
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on December 10, 2012, 02:10:59 AM

I have imploded.

I have never felt this way.

I feel like a hollow-winged butterfly in a soundless vacuum.

Yeah, this is why combining laxatives isn't a great idea.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 11, 2012, 06:51:23 PM
Mailed out your card, CT. [=
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on December 11, 2012, 09:54:08 PM
Small box winging its way to Scotland. Also sent out my Secret Santa gifts yesterday, and a box to my family.

This is the most I've accomplished in quite some time. Week over!

(Create-a-job conversations this week. Farewell party for former company Friday night. Hobbit on IMAX on Saturday. Training for kitten fostering on Sunday. But otherwise the week is over.)
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 11, 2012, 10:34:11 PM
You're going to have a kitten? ^_____________________________________^
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on December 12, 2012, 12:30:24 AM
Possibly even a handful of them!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 12, 2012, 01:20:00 AM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: OblivionKnight on December 12, 2012, 01:54:32 AM
OMG KITTIES ^________________^

I love them so much and want to see pictures!

Ashley, can I see a picture of your pussy?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: AndrewRogue on December 12, 2012, 01:56:26 AM
Oh OK. Every time I think you went off somewhere and died, it turns out it was only wishful thinking. <3

That does remind me, though. How're you doing?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 12, 2012, 12:39:50 PM
Gotye concert was good.  Riverstage continues to be worst venue in Brisbane though.  Oh well, the bands continue to be better than the venue. 

Whoever does the art for his animations has a completely nightmarish vision for his bleaker songs but what seems to be an uncanny ability to mix visual styles.  Smoke and Mirrors had stuff that looked like Robin (might recognize it as used in Moby and Radiohead songs) and Tool.  Dig Your Own Hole looked like a mix between Yellow Submarine and Shin Megami Tensei.  State of the art looked like a transumanist body horror version of Ren and Stimpy.  The creepiest was an animated elephant in what looked like it was animated like old Felix the Cat or old Disney stuff like Steamboat Willy in colour and like... I guess it was Ren and Stimpy again?  Some of it was just the subject matter.  It was this elephant kind of dressed up like a sailor or school kid that is constantly stressed out and there was all these other big animals that look super ripped and the camera keeps lingering on them suggestively.  I think it ended on the implication that our Elephant got gang raped.

Also hilarious, people that seem to only know how to dance to party tracks.  I love Somebody That I Used to Know as much as everyone else that doesn't hate it after being overplayed.  This is not a track to grind back and forth too while air punching.  Not every track is a party track.  Sometimes there is different motions that are appropriate.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 12, 2012, 12:52:01 PM
It's fascinating to observe things like humanity's reiterated inability to perceive depths and dimension of context and atmosphere.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 12, 2012, 07:28:12 PM
Secret Drunken Santa in my office today! I got a bottle of aged cachaça (,d.eWU) from my home state. <3
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 12, 2012, 07:42:57 PM
See I just bought people over 40 an Opeth and Wu-Tang CD for Secret Santa.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 12, 2012, 07:52:32 PM
<Grefter> I take a look at my enormous peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 12, 2012, 08:14:27 PM
Well someone has to.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 12, 2012, 09:28:03 PM
<Grefter> And all my troubles start-a meltin' awaaaaaaaaaaaaay~ (
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 13, 2012, 12:16:40 AM
I am on the T w three bottles of wine I can't drink. But the dept celebrated my bday. That's nice (=
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 13, 2012, 12:26:35 AM
Happy birthday, Duns.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 13, 2012, 04:28:56 AM
Merçi, M. Snow. bissous
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 13, 2012, 10:04:22 PM
So I have this hobby you may not know about, I don't talk about it often.  I like to try and come up with ideas for a perpetual motion engine in the face of all physics.

I have a good idea for one at the moment.  It involved building a robotic hampster and put it in a hampster wheel.  Then it can run forever in the hampster wheel.

I just need to find a way to power the robot with my self loathing.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 13, 2012, 10:18:07 PM
That somehow sounds needlessly convoluted.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 14, 2012, 04:07:15 AM
Masters paper finished.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on December 14, 2012, 06:58:14 AM
A banner week for Idun! Congratulations and happy belated birthday!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on December 14, 2012, 06:59:18 AM
Indeed!  Congrats!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 14, 2012, 07:07:52 AM



Now think about what cake like this does to your poop.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 14, 2012, 10:13:38 AM
<Idun> D:
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 14, 2012, 10:15:33 AM
<Snow> :O

While think of what it does to someone's poop.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 14, 2012, 11:08:34 AM
Sometimes, you're slightly odd.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 14, 2012, 11:16:27 AM
<Snow> You are strange, but I am disturbed (

Edit- Also lol.  This is a video released for a thing in 2009.  Not like at the same time Aeon Flux was first coming out on Liquid Television.  Never change Metal.  Never change.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Sierra on December 14, 2012, 09:21:32 PM
Grefter did you just link me to a post-grunge band covering eighties Genesis. Why.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 14, 2012, 10:00:48 PM
And holy shit this is so generic. "Oh we stripped a song of all its personality and we also decided that since Pearl Jam did 'Do The Evolution', we totally should ape that too".
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on December 14, 2012, 10:31:37 PM
Disturbed's "Land of Confusion" cover (which I assume that is) is literally the most depressing song I've ever heard. I mean, not only is it a pale imitation of the original with a hilariously terrible video, but just the fact that it exists, 20-odd years after the original, says all you need to know about how that "my generation will put it right" thing turns out.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: VySaika on December 14, 2012, 10:50:39 PM
Sad thing is, I heard this version first.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 15, 2012, 06:48:27 PM
Okay, so i can haz a Christmas haul. Complete findings:

- Paper Mario Sticker Star
- A 3DS case
- New earplugs
- Two social shirts for work
- A new tie (<3)
- New mezzo-boxer shorts
- Mystary gift that's not for me
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on December 15, 2012, 07:06:39 PM
<Hello-Snowbeastwaddle^.^> It's a box with a hole int he bottom.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 15, 2012, 07:12:10 PM
<Hello-Snowbeastwaddle^.^> It's a box with a hole in the bottom.

That's for Idun Grefter, though.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 16, 2012, 02:43:04 AM
Thanks for the birthday wishes & MA paper hurrahs, everyone. [:

Edit* I also now own a complete set of running clothes|really warm, "no sweat" showing jacket & can now be abused by my dear trainer/colleague/skinnyminny/fitness instructor Heidi.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on December 18, 2012, 10:36:27 AM
Thanks for the parcels/cards on their way to me  :)

*randomtackleglomphugs Idun and LD*~

* bouncees around GM*

I am in a good mood. Going for a trip out to the movies and something to eat today.

Ahhh POUCH!, mine's coming back )=

I had a weird Grefter dream last night, first time Grefter's made it into/played a prominent role in one of my weird DL dreams I think? Anyway Gref you were travelling and staying in my neck of the woods for a while, you were trying to be some sort of mentor to me or something, only at first other people didn't know you were there and we were trying to hide you from peoples like my mum, but then my sister discovered somebody had been sleeping on the couch/settee (note my mum, sister and I don't actually all live with each other anymore) but we blamed this on super for some reason. Then we were the ninjas and trying to sneak around, stay hidden and then there were tigers, huge aquatic swimming pools where there was a random battle with random unidentifiable targets where I apparently had to hold my breath/get to the surface while they all drowned, then an event where we were stuck on a mountain top with an overhanging cliff edge which was ready to break so we had to try and keep it balanced >__>


Oh and I sent my parcels/gifts over to peeps last week but the post office was really busy on the day I went, picked a bad day apparently and the lady at the counter was in a rush, other people were waiting so she was trying to hurry stuffs along so people were getting flustered in general, and though I managed to get stuff sent away I'm not sure she put the right custom slips on the right parcels so if say Idun or Ciatos ends up with mens footwear/toiletries and Tai/NEB/Andrew end up with parfumes and stuff we know who to blame  :P
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 18, 2012, 01:33:41 PM
Sweet dreams are made of this (

Whenever you talk about dreams with DLers, I default your mental image of dream DLers as a windowed textbox of a DL post from the relevant part involved. This has been today's daily dose of Hello-NonSequiturthedralWaddleDee.

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on December 18, 2012, 03:45:56 PM
I got your card CT!! Thanks so much!

Had a bit of a bad morning. Hope it gets better!

Not likely, considering that I am invigilating and grading exams all day. :(
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 18, 2012, 04:15:33 PM
Miserablism (

Remember, Ciato: even when you're miserable, you're never being boring (

... I'm bored as -fuck-.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on December 19, 2012, 10:12:00 PM
We are fostering cats now. That means for ~2 weeks at a time, we host a cat or kitten (or kittens or momma and kittens, good lord) to give them some time to grow, some personal attention, a stay away from the shelter, or some recovery time.

Our first cat is a sweet 8-year-old kitty named Ava. She lost her ears to skin cancer, but she obviously doesn't know or care. She's been home with me for all of 2 hours and is happily curled up on the desk next to me, purring.

Here's a picture:


And here's another one:

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cotigo on December 19, 2012, 11:25:57 PM
Unable to raise dogs without them going crazy and doing bad things.  Give up and cycle through cats instead.

Seriously though, cute cat.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on December 20, 2012, 12:08:57 AM
Unable to raise dogs without them going crazy and doing bad things.  Give up and cycle through cats instead.

p. much

Also this way if they're crazy the shelter (which is a no-kill rescue, btw) takes care of them, not me.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 20, 2012, 02:43:19 AM
Every 2 weeks you get to experience a new uncaring god in your domain.

Where is my food.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on December 20, 2012, 04:56:32 AM
The not!girlfriend and I watched Space Jam this morning as part of a scientific experiment. Turns out having another naked person in your bed with you when you watch doesn't make you feel any better about watching Space Jam.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on December 20, 2012, 05:46:54 AM
I'm pretty sure that's the official litmus test for if you're a furry or not.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 20, 2012, 07:36:20 AM
I am not exactly sure that is how it works, but if that is your excuse for no knowing you are a furry when you are aroused watching it alone CK then such is life.

So I am not much of a coffe drinker at heart, but havin bought doubke shot espressos twice today and being offered a drink of water with each one I am a little baffled at what is up with other people that drink them.  Yeah it taste like dirt, I am plenty fine to taste the thing I ordered thanks.

Saving my second bottle of Black Blood for Christmas Day to see how many family members I can get to try drinking too much of it and watching other people become jittery messes.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on December 20, 2012, 09:11:22 AM
I'm pretty sure that's the official litmus test for if you're a furry or not.

I definitely wasn't aroused. I was, in fact, still drunk from the previous night, so under those circumstances if I was achieving arousal I would probably be lecturing you on "fursecution."
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Cmdr_King on December 20, 2012, 09:12:18 AM
Sounds about right.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 20, 2012, 09:50:38 AM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 20, 2012, 10:34:21 PM
Ashley, just thought you should know. That job app you sent me yesterday? I sent my bare resume for lulz, no cover letter or any fancy shit.

They just invited me for a first round interview. >______________>
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on December 21, 2012, 01:55:13 AM
What job is this now?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 21, 2012, 02:04:04 AM
Some sort of marketing management position at Airbnb. Big company and the benefits are kinda O_o for US standards, but I've no idea about actual pay or whatnot. I know the fact that Portuguese fluency being required for the position kinda -limits- the competition, but I honestly didn't expect to even get any sort of response, let alone this fast. >_>
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: NotMiki on December 21, 2012, 03:41:54 AM fluency...

So...why are you surprised, exactly?

p.s. congrats and good luck!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on December 21, 2012, 04:21:20 AM
Hooray! Snow is going to get a job in San Francisco and then we can be bffs forevah \o/

I am also bitterly amused that you are having better luck with job things than I am.

This has been two things in a row that have been "omg awesome, we totes love you!" and have turned into radio silence. This latest one utterly baffles me, and seems to boil down to how they didn't like how infrequently I followed up with them (I emailed them 3 times in 3 days...?) and that means bad things, but they were still going to call my references and at this point that was a week ago.

I told them in the beginning that I'm fine with vagueness, but the last thing I want is to feel like they're expecting something but won't tell me what. This feels so much like being in a relationship with a passive-aggressive, insecure 15-year-old girl who is "testing me" to see what I'll do. Fuck that.

Back to the job hunt.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 21, 2012, 05:32:47 AM
You want Snow to get a job so you can have a gay best friend.  In San Francisco.

I think we need to sit down and have a chat about getting out and meeting new people girl.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 21, 2012, 04:06:26 PM
You want Snow to get a job so you can have a gay best friend.  In San Francisco.

I think we need to sit down and have a chat about getting out and meeting new people girl.

<Ashley> But meeting new people is hard. :(

End of the world going strong right here. Urgh.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on December 21, 2012, 04:22:05 PM
Apparently the post office doesn't see the need to notify you when you have a signature-required piece of mail waiting for nearly a week. Or to put it in a place where anybody can find it when you ask if you have a package being held. Or note this fact in tracking. Or do anything else that would make them not deserve eternal launching.

What I'm trying to say is that I got 2nd OG. Yay?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 21, 2012, 06:48:49 PM
Apparently the post office doesn't see the need to notify you when you have a signature-required piece of mail waiting for nearly a week. Or to put it in a place where anybody can find it when you ask if you have a package being held. Or note this fact in tracking. Or do anything else that would make them not deserve eternal launching.

What I'm trying to say is that I got 2nd OG. Yay?

How much did it cost you to import? I'm considering buying a PS3 while in the States, and if I do, 2OG is probably my highest-priority acquisition.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on December 21, 2012, 07:00:56 PM
Eighty-some dollars for the Asia version on Play-Asia, with free shipping (although as you can see, I got what I paid for there).

Edit: I also have a $5 coupon that you're welcome to use, since I'm probably not buying anything else from them until the next PS3 SRW.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 21, 2012, 07:18:02 PM
That's at least 12 bucks on my end saved on that kind of travesty. Don't mind if I do.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on December 21, 2012, 11:24:49 PM
Belated Congratulations!~ on interview, finally getting stuffs from post office and KIIIIIITTTTY!!! (I love the photo of her just chilling out and surveying the laptop!, and her fur looks so white/soft/such a bundle of fluff and kiiiiiitttty!)~

Also hope you're feeling better Ciatos~

Glad Ciato's card arrived safely, has any of my other stuff for peeps landed yet?

This week I received my beautiful card and message from Idun, my card and box from LD, I can has lots of chocolates and a nifty little SF keychain (my favourite is the different kinds of dark chocolate) and a gift box from the Ciatos and Idun (can't wait to open it on Christmas!) , plus another lovely message, I can has presents under my tree! Thank you all so much! Really appreciated ^__^~
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 22, 2012, 12:04:56 AM
Yay, glad you got it.

You have a kitty? Aw. Merry xmas ya'll (when it happens, I don't know what day it is next week).
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on December 22, 2012, 02:27:40 AM
She is the super cuddliest of kitties. Her fur is SO SOFT -- it just also sheds like crazy. She leaves fur imprints of herself on the furniture. D:

I am glad the chocolates made it to you more-or-less in one piece. :)

Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 22, 2012, 05:35:21 AM
Did a charity thing at the gym today, $20 to charity and you go for your personal best at stuff.  I got 65kg Bench and 120kg Deadlift.  Bench is weaksauce but such is life.  Deadlift I tried 130 and was sad times, but could get it probably fresh and with a bit more training.

Happy to have gone in and done 60 on Bench and 100 on Deads, so that is okay.  Charity makes it worth it.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 22, 2012, 08:25:59 PM
Sent my online interview, had a haircut, picked up my suits and made a donation today. Guess it was a good kind of busy.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 24, 2012, 02:16:30 PM
Got your package, CT! (:
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 24, 2012, 02:29:10 PM
Welp, Christmas eve. Time to head back home to take my clothes out from dryhanging so I can iron them.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 25, 2012, 12:12:55 AM
And then instead of ironing clothes I made Christmas dinner for myself. Nevermind!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Yoshiken on December 25, 2012, 10:52:24 AM
Spending Christmas morning alone in the house watching MtG streams and Pokemon speedruns.

Merry fucking Christmas, all.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on December 25, 2012, 04:29:35 PM
/me hugs Yoshi

So um yeah ... Merry Christmas everybody >__>

/me hugs LD and kitties, Idun and Ciatos and everybody

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 25, 2012, 05:27:38 PM
CT, whose person's house did you set on fire, hmmmmmmm?
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Clear Tranquil on December 25, 2012, 09:35:35 PM
Probably that guy's over there >_> Nah, I should just send a Christmas message instead, I mean it is Christmas~


Too much excitement for CTs~

Urgh, so weird feeling hungover without actually drinking. Great times though. Some day. I'm all fizzled out. It's time for ... *passes torch on*

/me zzzzzzzzzs
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 26, 2012, 04:35:57 AM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 26, 2012, 07:59:57 AM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 26, 2012, 02:15:52 PM
I fucking can't believe I'm packing tomorrow. Were it physically possible for me to hyperventilate, I'm pretty sure I'd be in perennial Jane Fonda mode right now.

[this space reserved for a crude sex joke from Grefter]
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 26, 2012, 06:20:22 PM
Maybe I'll see you, maybe I won't. Obviously enjoy your time together regardless of this.

Life note:

I think I'm moving to Montreal. I also don't know how to do accents on Windows computers at work. But I think this is something happening in less than a decade. We shall see, visiting twice and one of those is for two weeks.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 26, 2012, 06:28:52 PM
Maybe I'll see you, maybe I won't. Obviously enjoy your time together regardless of this.

You break my heart. But it's all cool. And really, I may be anxious, but I'm happy. At some point, you just start manhandling your neurosis into something that still leaves you a functional human being.

Quote from: Iduns
Life note:

I think I'm moving to Montreal. I also don't know how to do accents on Windows computers at work. But I think this is something happening in less than a decade. We shall see, visiting twice and one of those is for two weeks.

Regardless of how it pans out, fingers crossed that it'll be -amazing-.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 26, 2012, 07:28:37 PM
I just haven't purchased tickets yet. I am still confirmed for attending at the moment.

PS, now is a legitimate time for you to overpack, and keep in mind the cold weather north of Georgia. I'm sure there are multiple ways of staying warm. . . .

Yeah, I've pondered on Montreal/Chicago for quite some time, and have decided to settle in Montreal as long as the intergalactic system doesn't collide. d-= Over 50% speak French as well. This is a good way to keep up my speaking skills. But the biggest point is its arts scene and employment for grad students. If this changes in five years, I may just go crawl into a vat of killer tomatoes.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Shale on December 26, 2012, 07:32:12 PM
PS, now is a legitimate time for you to overpack, and keep in mind the cold weather north of Georgia. I'm sure there are multiple ways of staying warm. . . .

I will buy a fire hose and use it on you two.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 26, 2012, 07:47:09 PM
PS, now is a legitimate time for you to overpack, and keep in mind the cold weather north of Georgia. I'm sure there are multiple ways of staying warm. . . .

You mean, with my amazing repertoire of one heavy coat, one cashmere and one denim pseudojacket? I'm hilariously ill-equipped for cold weather, as one would presume from someone who lived in places with borderline desert weather his whole life. I deign myself to refrain from commenting on alternative heating methods due to mechanic monkey firehose reasons.

EDIT: About overpacking, ask Grefter about my shenanigans packing for Florida 1.0 this year. Bring some popcorn.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 26, 2012, 08:07:37 PM
Oh. Figured you guys were staying in a hotel. My bad, Shale! d-=
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 26, 2012, 08:25:02 PM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 26, 2012, 08:28:38 PM
Clicking on that link suddenly made me very lesbian for a second and I have trouble figuring out why.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 26, 2012, 10:08:14 PM
Mickey Avalon is -so old- now. -so old-.

But he's still a fucking awesome homebro.

Good thing I -didn't- click this link at work. >_>
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 29, 2012, 02:51:09 PM
Dallas, baby.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 29, 2012, 05:47:37 PM
Hurray! (-=

Also. ): 
More and more I look at Montréal's cultural institutions, the sadder I get... their collections are like, crazy-Canadian skewed. This isn't a bad thing, but there's definitely more flexibility in American collections ATM, globalism and global collectors and all.. five years. We'll see. Le sigh. I guess it will be my vacation location if not.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Hunter Sopko on December 29, 2012, 05:59:58 PM
Yeah. Those lousy Canadians always gotta be shoving their country's superiority in everyone's faces.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 29, 2012, 08:25:30 PM
In Fort Walton Beach now.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Lady Door on December 29, 2012, 11:30:03 PM
I am spamming the crap out of my feeds with this because I'm proud of it (and it took me about 5 or 6 hours to make, because I'm new and slow at sewing) even though it's a piece of crap relative to just about anyone else's.

Look, a Metroid plushie!

Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on December 30, 2012, 05:16:53 AM
My house is now full of Snow!
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 30, 2012, 03:01:09 PM
The fucks at AA also lost my luggage. I had about $1000 worth of clothes in there.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Idun on December 30, 2012, 07:49:35 PM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: VySaika on December 30, 2012, 08:02:29 PM
My house is now full of Snow!

There's a White Christmas joke in here somewhere.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 30, 2012, 08:47:06 PM
I warned you.  It should turn up though.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 30, 2012, 10:17:25 PM
It actually did! Should be here by tomorrow.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 30, 2012, 11:05:04 PM
So I assume you have spent the intervening time at Djinn's place wearing one of his shirts.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 30, 2012, 11:14:00 PM
I spent over 200 USD on clothes. So, not really. Regardless, his shirts would look like dresses on me.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 31, 2012, 12:02:32 AM
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 31, 2012, 04:08:19 AM
I'll have you know the last time I dressed like a woman was when I LARPed VtM as a lesbian Annie Lennox Toreador.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Grefter on December 31, 2012, 05:45:32 AM
I don't need to know what you did on the weekend before you flew out.

Also I still don't see much of a difference here.  I suppose you could go for the Toni Basil thing but I don't think that does much for Djinn.
Title: Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on December 31, 2012, 03:31:32 PM
I don't need to know what you did on the weekend before you flew out.

That was nearly a decade ago, woman.

Quote from: Grefter
Also I still don't see much of a difference here.

Of course you don't. We're divorcees for a bunch of reasons.