The RPG Duelling League
Social Forums => General Chat => Topic started by: Magic Fanatic on July 12, 2012, 01:31:53 PM
So, I figure it's about time that someone made a thread for stuff like this.
The main purpose of this thread will essentially be stating what games we have open for multiplayer, and how to go about getting contacts for that kind of stuff if necessary.
Main post will just be links to everyone's lists. Updated whenever, really.
AndrewRogue (,6057.msg144537.html#msg144537) - PC, PS3
Bobbin Cranbud (,6057.msg145988.html#msg145988) - PC, PS3, PSP, Wii
Captain K. (,6057.msg144523.html#msg144523) - 3DS, PC, X-Box
Cromage (,6057.msg146331.html#msg146331) - PC
El Cideon (,6057.msg144554.html#msg144554) - PC, PS3
Hunter Sopko (,6057.msg145046.html#msg145046) - PC, PS3
Lord Ephraim (,6057.msg146335.html#msg146335) - PC, PS3, X-Box
Magic Fanatic (,6057.msg144502.html#msg144502) - 3DS, PC, PS3, Wii
Makkotah (,6057.msg144527.html#msg144527) - PC
NotMiki (,6057.msg144533.html#msg144533) - PC
Superaielman (,6057.msg145013.html#msg145013) - PC, PS3
Talaysen (,6057.msg144535.html#msg144535) - PC, PS3, Wii
Yoshiken (,6057.msg145989.html#msg145989) - PC, Wii
The 3DS Mario Kart topic -> 3DS Friend Codes (,6260.0.html)
3DS: 1907 - 9679 - 9979
Bravely Default
Diablo 3 - MagicFanatic#1391
Perfect World (I barely play this, but I'm on Heaven's Tear)
Steam (Magic Fanatic) - Awesomenauts, Terraria
World of Warcraft (Yep.)
PS3 - MagicalFury
Blazblue: Calamity Trigger
Blazblue: Continuum Shift
Blazblue: Continuum Shift - Extend
Persona 4 Arena
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Wii - I barely ever play this, but I'll look up the codes if there's interest
Super Smash Brothers: Brawl
Perfect World (Sanctuary server)
Xbox - shibakevin
lot of fighting games
all Halo games
can be talked into buying other games if people are going to actually be playing them
3DS Friend Code: 4184 1405 9307
Diablo 3 - I've posted this elsewhere but forget the number after my name offhand
Starcraft 2 - kodijyounzu at g mail dot corn
Minecraft - Makkotah, got a server up and running if people want in. Been up since November, a bunch of people have a lot of stuff built. Mostly vanilla/legit.
Other games basically don't exist.
Diablo 3 - NotMiki#1973
Steam - NotMiki
Steam - TalaysenFBW
Diablo 3 - Talaysen#1383
Phantasy Star Online 2 - Talaysen
PS3 - TalaysenFBW
Blazblue: Continuum Shift
Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Street Fighter IV
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Mario Kart Wii
Probably other stuff I forgot.
Steam: AndrewRogue
Diablo 3: AndrewRogue#1770 (Ash also plays here)
League of Legends: AndrewRogue
PS3: AndrewRogue
Not really playing much with others involved right now.
Lerxstmobile on PSN.
I don't play a heckuva lot online though. HoD when Super clubs me into it, Dark Souls if somebody wants summons but I figure everyone who wants to play that has by now...Dragon's Dogma if anyone wants a free level 91 ally and whatever spare endgame gear I can throw at them I guess. Well, I have Blazblue and Street Fighter IV as far as fighters go (and Skullgirls, but I've really not played this at all), haven't tested my fickle connection's patience by playing any of 'em online, however.
Also Cidward on Steam, which I nearly forgot about and that should tell you how often I use it these days.
Edit: I guess I should add (being really goddamn bad at) P4A!
Steam, PS3: superaielman
I bought Orcs must die for Steam. Haven't played any other multiplayer games for it in a while though. PS3 is mostly "Harmony of despair.
Steam: HunterSopko
MapleStory: KeithChiemi (Windia Server)
Perfect World: KeithChiemi (Sanctuary Server)
PSN: HunterSopko
BlazBlue: CT
BlazBlue: CS
Persona 4: Arena (when it comes out)
Just added Persona 4 Arena to my list, no major changes.
Steam: Moogle Emperor
I have Magicka (though I've yet to get it to work in multiplayer), Terraria, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, Warlock Master of the Arcane, and a bunch of Paradox games no one else will want to play multiplayer. I guess Team Fortress 2 is free, so, uh, I've got that, though I don't have it installed.
League of Legends: MoogleEmpMog
Other PC games: I'd love to play Civilization 4, Battle for Wesnoth or Heroes of Might and Magic 3 or 5 multiplayer.
PS ID: MoogleEmpMog
I have Metal Gear Solid 4 (and thus MGO), Dragon's Dogma (for pawn exchange), and... I actually have no idea if any of my other PS3 games have online multiplayer. >_>
PS ID: MoogleEmpMog (shocking, I know)
I have Final Fantasy Tactics, Metal Gear Acid 2, Tactics Ogre and Valkyria Chronicles 2.
I have Super Smash Bros. Brawl. As if people play other Wii games online?
EDIT: Corrected my Steam ID.
Steam is YoshiKyon. Don't really play much on there, though, since I fried my graphics card. >.>;
I'll add Wii stuff when I get round to looking for it, but I have SSBB there.
Don't think I've anything else to add now. ;o
Steam: Crolapras
League of Legends: Crolapras
Haven't played any other multiplayer games in a long while.
Steam: rapmasterseifer - Usually Team Fortress 2, but sometimes Laggy gets me to buy games I suck at so right now I'm not playing anything at the moment.
PS3: Lord_Ephraim - don't play multiplayer games except Dark Souls, so let me add you so I can stalk while you play games~
360: ngagethetaco - I play Madden on it only with my brother even then I haven't turned it on in over a year.
League of Legends: TheImmortalDog - Level 30
Starcraft 2: ngagethetaco (at) - join us for the best game of all time BOMBERBOT (and sometimes photon cycles)
I had a Wii but it sits in a closet and I'm too lazy to bring it out for Super Smash Bros Brawl. Maybe another time.
bump, bump.
Can we get DL Mario Kart 7 (3DS) going, ya'll? I know that Snow and... aaaay carumba, Snow, Elf, myself, and several others (I dunno) have MK3Ds. SO. We should all play it. We can make our own cups, IIRC.
Definitely interested!
/me waves.
I do have Mario Kart 7 though I haven't played it all that much yet.
Me as well. There are some shortcuts in almost every stage. I don't know them yet, but if you're with as good/better players, there's normally no chance for you to catch up unless you get lebleueshell or score some awesome shrooms. I am just tired of playing with random folks online. [=
Added my 3DS Friend Code, although I don't have Mario Kart yet.
Just make a post about your Online games or a post about updating your current post, and I'll update the OP with the new info when I see it.
Just updated mine with my 3DS code and Bravely Default. Wondering if I should harvest the 3DS Mario Kart topic for info to update with.
General reminder for 3DS codes, both parties have to input each other's codes in order to register them as friends. So make sure you add all the codes from the Mario Kart topic.