The RPG Duelling League

Social Forums => Discussion => Topic started by: Niu on February 14, 2013, 03:47:52 AM

Title: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on February 14, 2013, 03:47:52 AM
Hiya, the Con this year will be hosted by me in Monterey Park, California, which is not too far away from Los Angeles.

The con dates are between 7/11 to 7/14 base on the discussion so far, and will not change unless some emergencies occurs.

My house has 4 TVs and two living rooms. One is connected to the dinning room and another is connect to the small yard in the back. Individual rooms are not big, but the house should be bale to contain 20+ people by spreading the people out.
The last TV is in my bedroom, enter at your own risk.

The yard can also be used for BBQ, so those who can cook, please do. The market is close by, so we can get all the material we need not too far away from the front door.

But I won't be able to keep people over night, so everyone will be lodging in the hotel.

There are three hotels close by. One is the Comfort Inn, $90-$120 a night.

Another two are Floral Inn and Lincoln Plaza showing in the below link. It does not have on-line reservation, but likely has cheaper price. I can go down there to make arrangement in person once I know how many people are coming.

EDIT: Just found out Floral Inn's on line reservation is up

And let's continue the discussion on the amusement park here if people are still interested.

1. Niu
2. Dhyerwolf
3. Tala
4. Lady Door
5. Andrew
6. Gatewalker
7. Laggy
8. Alex
9. Tonfa
10. Grefter
11. Archmage
12. Soppy
13. Jo'Ou
14. Cmdr King
15. VSM
16. Djinn
17. Meep
18. Nitori
19. Super
20. Tide
21. Elf
22. MC
23. Luther

Not Coming:
1. Herbie
2. Monkeyfinger
3. Snowfire
4. Ok
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on February 14, 2013, 01:50:59 PM
Is there absolutely no room for anyone to bunk at your house?  Wondering because if you could bunk like one or two people, that would be good to know for international people.

Doesn't affect me because I'll be grabbing a hotel room, but thought I'd mention that.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 14, 2013, 02:00:04 PM
I'm probably getting dibs on Dhyer's housing offer if it stands until then. Otherwise, I'll save some money to split a room with someone (I'd say the AndyDoors, but wouldn't sharing a room with a couple be embarrassing?).

As for travel times, I'm postponing buying tickets until April or so. But since I'm flying to NorCal first, my arrival time will probably be up to my hosts. >_>
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: OblivionKnight on February 14, 2013, 05:43:22 PM
Otherwise, I'll save some money to split a room with someone (I'd say the AndyDoors, but wouldn't sharing a room with a couple be embarrassing?).

"More fun" you mean.  Just join in.  It's a hetereosexual couple, so there's something for EVERYONE there. 

Unless you like midgets.

Or hermaphrodites. 

Or goats.

CONSTRUCTIVE POST:  I will share a hotel room with COOL people.  Will have to check to make sure those dates are good (new resident class starts then). 
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 14, 2013, 05:55:40 PM

Never change.

EDIT: Also, for a more constructive posting experience, could I request a mod to keep this topic and the travel topic stickied for the duration? It's pretty convenient for us, even if the Discussion board is quiet.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on February 14, 2013, 05:58:36 PM
May or may not be bunking in a hotel room. Will depend on a lot of things we simply aren't sure of right now. We'll definitely let you know as soon as we do.

 If we do end up with room to spare, anyone is free to join. If past years are any indication, there's about a 33% chance Andy and I will be in the middle of a huge fight, and who doesn't want to be in the middle of that?

Timing is a-okay with me! Caveat again that there is a slim but nonzero chance I can't make it at all, but Andy would go without me. I'd say we're 90% confirmed right now.

Also: Andy and I wouldn't be able to go unless it happened after the Con (Monday or Tuesday), but is there interest in a trip to a theme park or the like in general? Would be best to find out now because our limiting factor in ALL non-gaming activity is definitely cars, so planning ahead is good.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 14, 2013, 06:02:41 PM
I'm pretty apathetic about going to a theme park myself. I don't regret the Universal trip, but I honestly think I couldn't stomach going to an even bigger, more plastic theme park. I suspect it'd trigger my madness buttons to the limit and then I'd have to go back in a straitjacket. Regardless, there should be enough people interested assuming the prices are only moderately outrageous.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on February 14, 2013, 07:43:05 PM
Disneyland is $87 for one park, $125 for D-land + California Adventure -- not cheap!

Six Flags: Magic Mountain, more like a "normal" theme park (read: roller coasters), is $40 if you buy in advance online, $65 if you buy at the park. If 15 or more of us commit to going, it's $28.50 a person.

Knott's Berry Farm is more normal than Disneyland, not quite as awesome as Six Flags, and is somewhere between $35 and $60 depending on when you buy it.


There's plenty of other stuff of interest in the immediate area, too, from beaches to mountains to shopping to museums to ... well, yeah, it's Los Angeles. Go wild. But plan in advance.

I will say again: WE WILL NEED CARS. If you want to do something, it's going to take a car to get there. I think we will be okay with the cars that we think we're going to have on hand, but you will need a car to get to just about everything of interest. (And a stomach for traffic.)
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on February 14, 2013, 08:44:05 PM
I have plans but want to run stuff by Andybro and Ashbro first so probs rabble at Disquiet meeting.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Dhyerwolf on February 15, 2013, 02:32:52 AM
Yes, I can definitely house a few people. Please note that it will be a bit far from Monterey Park (nothing extreme, but obviously in terms of driving people would have to be coming over and leaving with me via car those days). My one worry is that I may potentially have to work that Thursday depending on how bad a time crunch it is, but I won't really know until the days leading up to that. Ideal is definitely to avoid that if at all possible.

Universal Studios is like the most plastic of the theme parks, I believe. Well, Disneyland is close. Disneyland is also a synonym for hell to me (unless you love Disney, it's not remotely geared to our age group), not like I would necessarily have the time for it anyways.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on February 15, 2013, 02:43:04 AM
Pretty open to the theme park idea myself, and don't really have any dramatic preference towards which we go to.

I'd say "not Universal" because we went there last year, but I don't think that's going to be much of an issue, since it seems most are in agreement about that.  Any of the three are fine.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on February 15, 2013, 03:49:47 AM
Disneyland is also a synonym for hell to me

Gets my vote then.  I am all for awkward simulated joy and uncomfortable self loathing.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on February 15, 2013, 04:15:55 AM
BTW, I'd like to keep a count on the cars available.
Right now, me+Dhyer+Lady Door guarantees 3 cars.
Depends on the situation, I can get one spare car.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: OblivionKnight on February 15, 2013, 05:50:08 AM
Stickied like a bouse.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on February 15, 2013, 08:58:54 AM
Some general goals I would like to accomplish at DLC8:

-Theme park with roller coasters day
-A proper sit-down demonstration of Andy's team's prototype game with everyone + discussion
-RPG charades (optional drinking)
-Bowling trip
-Box-style Karaoke (where the group gets a room to ourselves to go crazy in, optional drinking)
-Djinn gets taught how to play Mah Jong
-If all else fails, XS3 cutscene drinking game
-Oh, and the Music Quiz, because one day I will get more than 2 points!
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 15, 2013, 12:50:01 PM
Oooh, this reminds me as a pre-con thing: Ashley, Andy, how is the music concert scene in the Bay Area? I'd be happy to attend something indie and interesting (obviously, doesn't have to be a band I know, but cookie points if any happens to hit the area during that week). Heck, maybe even if it's only one of indie and interesting.

(This has been brought by an Aimee Mann gig to be held in San Francisco by the end of February I'm pre-emptively bitter about)
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on February 15, 2013, 02:40:10 PM
-Bowling trip

Con tradition, it will happen Saturday Evening as always.  Those who argue otherwise will be forced to converse with my brother.

-Djinn gets taught how to play Mah Jong

And give you the keys to ULTIMATE SUPER POWERS!? Like that'll ever happen! Note: No super powers actually exist

-If all else fails, XS3 cutscene drinking game

I'm gonna put MAJOR EMPHASIS on "all" because if we can't come up with at least 5 better ideas to use with our time than this, we've failed at life.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: AndrewRogue on February 15, 2013, 03:03:39 PM
Oooh, this reminds me as a pre-con thing: Ashley, Andy, how is the music concert scene in the Bay Area? I'd be happy to attend something indie and interesting (obviously, doesn't have to be a band I know, but cookie points if any happens to hit the area during that week). Heck, maybe even if it's only one of indie and interesting.

(This has been brought by an Aimee Mann gig to be held in San Francisco by the end of February I'm pre-emptively bitter about)

Sadly, I know more about the theater scene then the music scene. I can check around, though.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 15, 2013, 03:24:39 PM
Tell me a bit about the theater scene anyway. Can't hurt to add yet another cultural activity to the circuit.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on February 15, 2013, 08:42:49 PM
Timing is everything. Since you'll be here in July, there should be plenty of stuff to occupy you. The indie music scene in SF is pretty awesome, though Andy and I don't go into it much. It depends a LOT on what you're looking for in particular, but I'm betting you could find it pretty easily.

The theater scene is similar. Andrew and I go to a couple independent theaters around us, most notably CalShakes which does 2-3 Shakespearean plays, a classic, and a new independent play every summer. There are also true indie spaces -- like the one that's run in the basement of a pizza shop -- and the Broadway Tour venues in SF, like the Orpheum. Then there are smatterings of "street" performances that are plays that happen when and wherever people are interested.

This is also going to be true of LA, btw, perhaps even more so. Andy and I just don't know directly about it.



I am tired of missing out on alcohol shenanigans. >:( I don't care if we go bar hopping or just bring bottles back for drinking games somewhere (actually, I kinda prefer the latter unless we're at a karaoke bar or something), but it needs to happen. I only ever drink socially, and none of my friends here drink, which means I never get to drink. Boo on that!

Other than that, y'all know I'm not much of the "sit around and play games all day" type, so this shouldn't be too surprising:

Some stuff I'm interested in doing while I'm in SoCal:

Things other people are probably interested in that I couldn't care less about but would be willing to go along with:
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on February 15, 2013, 08:54:56 PM this the point where I bring up that perhaps we should make an "Gaming and Activities" topic?  We usually have 3 of those things...

...oh crap, I have to start the Music Quiz topic, don't I?

*insert swearing incessantly here*
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on February 15, 2013, 09:09:27 PM
Eh, I dunno if we need another thread. At least not until we get closer.

Having a separate one for travel is great, because it lets us coordinate arrivals and departures and make sure everyone's taken care of. Activities and games? Meh, what else is this thread we're in right now for?

Probably would be good to do a Music Quiz topic, though.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 15, 2013, 10:34:04 PM

AMEN. I'll see if I can bring you girls some Brazilian alcohol.

Quote from: Lady Door
Some stuff I'm interested in doing while I'm in SoCal:
  • The Huntington Library is really near Monterey Park. I've been before, but it's a gorgeous place. Of course, it's a museum (boooooooks <3) and botanical garden, so I don't expect many people will be going with me for that.

Quote from: Lady Door
  • The Getty. Because, museum.

I'm so game for these.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on February 15, 2013, 10:43:38 PM
  • The Huntington Library is really near Monterey Park. I've been before, but it's a gorgeous place. Of course, it's a museum (boooooooks <3) and botanical garden, so I don't expect many people will be going with me for that.

Finally site seeing stuff that is up my alley.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 15, 2013, 11:14:29 PM
A corgi, an Australian and a South-American midget walk into a bar library...
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Yoshiken on February 16, 2013, 03:02:35 AM
oh gods posts not reading everything now since money will always be an issue buuuut
it is roughly £760 for flights so I'm gonna see if I can make it. Any help with accommodation stuff would be awesome, but I'm going to have to figure out if I can afford flights first. I'm a 'probably not' at this stage, but I'll try to change that.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Hunter Sopko on February 16, 2013, 04:27:31 AM
  • The Huntington Library is really near Monterey Park. I've been before, but it's a gorgeous place. Of course, it's a museum (boooooooks <3) and botanical garden, so I don't expect many people will be going with me for that.

Finally site seeing stuff that is up my alley.

Usually Grefter has to pay extra to see stuff up his alley
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Cmdr_King on February 16, 2013, 08:06:16 AM
A bar-library.  And they were nevver seen again~
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on February 16, 2013, 06:24:38 PM
My internet connection is not cool enough to warrant attention by SDCC, so we didn't get badges. We are probably still going to head down to San Diego after DLCon because I have a friend who lives there, and hanging out in SD for the spill-out from the Con will be fun, but it means our schedule is a little more flexible now.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 16, 2013, 06:35:15 PM
So, torment?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on February 16, 2013, 10:12:42 PM
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 17, 2013, 02:05:22 PM
You are unwell.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Idun on February 17, 2013, 02:10:50 PM
30% a yes.

Would be staying with my fashion friend. Would be heading to LACMA Thurs night, and Getty Fri, for obv. programming reasons. Want to see more that is at LACMA. Any case, 30%, so planning doesn't much matter, but if you tag along with me, you get in free. Getty is best near night timez. I am, however, very likely to separate myself from you in all of the galleries, so free and autonomy if you are with me. That could suck for many people.

Also, whether I am there or not, I support the charades endeavor. Why didn't we take pics or drink then???
Also also, my friend is a night goer. Salsa and heavy drinking and clubbing if I go, just for one night-morning. School/work is not tiring me out to where I sleep the majority of the con (my bad).
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 17, 2013, 02:30:49 PM
I'm impressed that you're even at 30% yes for a Cali endeavor. Hope you make it anyway.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Idun on February 17, 2013, 02:44:30 PM
Part of it self-imposed since I am a raging East coaster..... but, LACMA, Getty, friends, games, dancing raises it about 20. I love creepin through con photos though..... (;
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on February 17, 2013, 07:36:47 PM

I will trade you a jacket.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Idun on February 17, 2013, 08:10:25 PM
Chances just increased to 50%, no joke.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 17, 2013, 08:36:39 PM
Isn't Grefter holding a jacket that he tried to give you to begin with? Add another 20% to the odds, girl, two jackets. Come on, come on.

EDIT: Also, I'm totes gonna find a dress you look even more stunning on than that green piece.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on February 17, 2013, 10:55:27 PM
Any case, 30%, so planning doesn't much matter, but if you tag along with me, you get in free.

Just want to know, is this for LACMA or Getty?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Idun on February 18, 2013, 02:27:53 AM
Both. Hm, I may also... share my info if I can't go, and a girl could pose as me. The ID cards don't have pics.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 18, 2013, 01:57:31 PM
Now I'm torn on whether I try to pass off as you for a double-whammy "Idun is fat and bearded" joke or I just let Ashley save us. Either way, I'm sure I'll be able to offend people on levels only super could ever dream of.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: superaielman on February 20, 2013, 03:26:24 PM
Don't flatter yourself.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 20, 2013, 03:51:03 PM
The usage of an aielscale  as the comparison point makes any sort of flattery impossible.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Dhyerwolf on February 22, 2013, 08:52:39 AM
So we should probably add this in so that we can start planning purposes. Niu, can you please add this into the first post of the topic?

1. Niu
2. Dhyerwolf
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on February 23, 2013, 02:31:48 PM
Add a list of maybes and deconfirms as well, so you can keep track of who to ignore, who to bug, etc.

Put me on the Maybe list for now.  I probably can come, but it's still a few months away and who knows what's happening, so not gonna make anything definite.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on February 24, 2013, 08:25:11 AM

And for easy organization's sake, those coming and those definitely not mind raise their hands?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Talaysen on February 24, 2013, 05:19:31 PM
Very good chance of me going.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on February 24, 2013, 05:50:53 PM
Can't confirm 100% just yet due to new jobs, but very high chance of me coming.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: OblivionKnight on February 24, 2013, 06:25:34 PM
Maybe.  Need to wait a month or two for a better idea of my schedule
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on February 24, 2013, 06:32:18 PM
If Andrew and I can't make it down to SoCal for a week, something's gone terribly wrong.

We're coming!
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 24, 2013, 08:29:02 PM
I won't confirm for good until I buy the tickets, but odds are good. Tentative yes.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Hunter Sopko on February 25, 2013, 01:39:30 AM
2 months later...

Something's gone terribly wrong
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 25, 2013, 01:41:10 AM
Quote from: LadyRogues
Goddammit Soppy.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: VySaika on February 27, 2013, 08:57:11 PM
I'm in, just won't be able to get ticket until mid-march.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Veryslightlymad on February 28, 2013, 03:16:52 AM
Put me down as a "Maybe". I need to scrounge up about four to five hundred extra dollars.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Idun on March 02, 2013, 01:52:12 AM
I am a no. Won award, will be in Ghana.

If you still want my info for free museum stuff, let me know.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on March 02, 2013, 02:43:01 AM
I am a no. Won award, will be in Ghana.

I'd be sad, but you fucking won an award and will be in another country. Holy fuck, this is beautiful.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on March 02, 2013, 08:48:10 AM
Do tell us an award of what?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Idun on March 02, 2013, 12:25:51 PM
(*-= Thanks!

Niu: Diasporas summer grant from the US Department of Education and the West African Research Center. First offered this year, and more generally is a shorter, but funded, version of a Fulbright. I'll perhaps apply for a Fulbright to Germany in the coming years (since it is annual).
Edit* I'll be interning with the Center for Contemporary Arts in Ghana, and working as a liaison with the W.E.B. Dubois Center.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on March 02, 2013, 01:58:15 PM
Fuck you and fuck your amazing life.

Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Laggy on March 20, 2013, 09:46:50 PM
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Ranmilia on March 20, 2013, 09:49:09 PM
/in with the Laggy train
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on March 20, 2013, 10:01:59 PM


/in with the Laggy train

Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Tonfa on March 20, 2013, 10:11:56 PM
getting in
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on March 20, 2013, 10:24:48 PM
Well that is me in as well then.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Hunter Sopko on March 21, 2013, 01:39:31 AM
Put me down as a maybe
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Monkeyfinger on March 22, 2013, 05:29:26 AM
Not doing the LA con, but I might show up to the post-con bay area meetup you were talking about in the travel thread.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on March 22, 2013, 05:49:49 AM
That's more pre-con than post-con. Post-con for us won't be until July 22nd or so, and it will probably just be us (and maybe a Grefter back on his way up to Vancouver).
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: metroid composite on March 23, 2013, 03:33:34 AM
I have been told I should poke my head into this topic.

Starting new job soon; no guarantee I'll be able to get time off, but I should at very least make it for the weekend.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Archmage on March 26, 2013, 07:48:06 PM
Laggy has enlisted me to be his galley slave this year, with the promise that I will get to spend 5 hours in a car with Grefter or something.

How can I refuse?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Veryslightlymad on March 31, 2013, 09:38:11 PM
Holy fuck that's a lot of cool people all at once. I really, really wish I could offer more than a maybe. With every fiber of my being.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on April 01, 2013, 10:08:51 PM
Might as well put me in the Confirmed section.  It's not quite 100%, but at this point, something drastic would have to come up to prevent me from coming.  Impossible to tell but at this point, there is nothing happening on those dates preventing me from coming, and I already know work won't get in the way, etc.

Also, what's the deal with Post-Con or Pre-Con this year?  Important so I know what dates to grab my plane tickets on (given it's LA, I'd rather have some time after or before the Con to do actual LA related things.  Feels like a waste to go to SoCal and do nothing.)
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on April 02, 2013, 05:05:16 PM
So... do we have any confirmed plans for pre- and post-con?

I need to know what dates I'm flying in for.

Also, Niu: are there any Hilton/Embassy/Hampton hotels in your area? My new part-time job affords me some super-cheap room discounts.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on April 02, 2013, 09:22:08 PM
Confirmed nothing.

I know I'll be in NorCal before the con! I know we'll be driving down on Wednesday, July 10th! I am planning on staying longer in SoCal after the Con, but the dates are flexible. Still planning on going to San Diego during SDCC, then driving back up to NorCal on July 21st or 22nd.

At this point: Con is as good as confirmed. Pre- and post-con are flexible, depending on who's with us, Andrew's and my job situation come July, and what people want to do.

If I had to guess? We'd do the "theme park" stuff on the Thursday before (July 11th) or Monday after (July 15th) -- that really depends on how we're arranging getting people to and from the airport before and after the con, and who's interested in going, and to where. My preference is for the Thursday before.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on April 02, 2013, 11:46:16 PM
Thursday for an amusement park trip sounds like a poor idea if you ask me.  That's when a lot of people are coming in and often the day is relegated to a lot of Airport shenanigans.

Universal, for example, happened on the Wednesday before, I believe.  Monday sounds way better for that reason alone.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: SnowFire on April 04, 2013, 04:19:53 AM
I'll pass on the main con, but I might be down for the pre-con in the Bay Area (where Jo'ou and possibly Djinn and the other Bay Area natives lurk if they want to get all socialed-out far too early).  That would be me flying in somewhere in the July 4-7 range.  I suspect the weekend will be more conducive to random pre-con activities (sitting around watching someone play video games?  tourism?), but I'd be totally down for dinner & the like on Monday 8 / Tuesday 9 as well (I'd likely work during the day on those two days, as would most of the Bay Area natives).  (And no need for someone to put me up at their house, I'll grab a hotel.)
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on April 04, 2013, 05:26:41 AM
I think I said it when we met in NYC that one time (if not I apologise for not doing so).  You are one seriously strange dude bro.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on April 05, 2013, 01:26:46 AM
So... do we have any confirmed plans for pre- and post-con?

I need to know what dates I'm flying in for.

Also, Niu: are there any Hilton/Embassy/Hampton hotels in your area? My new part-time job affords me some super-cheap room discounts.

Looked around, the closest one is about two cities away from my home. So , no.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Hunter Sopko on April 15, 2013, 03:11:24 AM
Change me to a definite yes.

Some things changed. Mom's decided to forgo Europe and visit relatives in San Diego instead around the same time. Would probably be heading down there after the con/theme park stuff.

Monday would probably work best for theme park peoples. Sunday is kind of a mess travelwise and it's not cool to have possible backup drivers away at a park (although I do see the only confirmed flights for Monday >.>) "Thursday before" would actually be July 4th. Con starts on the Thursday<G>

Anyway. Would be up for Disney, Universal, Knott's Berry Farm or whatever. Not picky. Haven't been to the area in forever.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on April 15, 2013, 04:51:01 AM
Generally speaking, any of the 4 days of the Con (Thursday -> Sunday) should NOT be used for the Theme Park trip unless it's planned as a con activity, and given how people tend to's totally a Pre/Post con thing.

Thinking Monday is probably best too, if Wednesday isn't good.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on April 15, 2013, 06:30:47 PM
Wednesday is when Andrew, Snow and I (and DJ?) are going to be driving down. I highly doubt we can swing leaving a day earlier. That'd mean Monday. And given that Snow is leaving on Wednesday, and we're going to San Diego Tuesday night (probably), that makes Monday kind of unappealing.

I'd say we're about 50% for going to the theme park. I'll go if other people really want to, most especially if it's Disneyland, but I also want to have the time with Andrew's family and with my friends in SoCal and it'll partially depend on how that shakes out.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: AndrewRogue on April 15, 2013, 06:57:57 PM
We should go to Disneyland specifically so we can wander around Main Street and reenact Bioshock Infinite.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on April 15, 2013, 07:01:29 PM
I'm actually leaving on Thursday, but doesn't make much difference in the boiling of eggs, the plane's departing at noon and I still have to grab the SAN => SFO flight.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on April 15, 2013, 07:12:10 PM
Andrew: That's why I'm okay with making time for Disneyland.

Snow: ... right. Well, we need to be in San Diego Wednesday night, which still would only leave Tuesday + part of Wednesday if we did theme park on Monday. I guess I'll bump up the odds of a Monday trip to 67%? Depends on how People In My Car Headed to San Diego feel about that. I'm not going to drag everyone to visit Andy's mom, especially if they'd rather be riding a roller coaster.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on April 15, 2013, 07:20:58 PM
I personally don't care about Disneyland one way or another, but I'm just tagging along for the ride as far as things go. >_> Really, your call to make.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Hunter Sopko on April 16, 2013, 01:37:38 AM
Where in San Diego, OOC? My relatives live in Escondido.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on April 16, 2013, 03:50:35 AM
Sorrento Mesa/Miramar.

Sometime post-Con and pre-San Diego we'll be in the San Bernardino Mountains.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on April 19, 2013, 12:04:19 AM
For those of you who are into being around San Diego post-Con, might want to consider this:

San Diego Zoo is pretty awesome, but it's very expensive. This is a great deal if you're interested!
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on April 19, 2013, 01:57:40 AM
Sounds better than Disney!
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Hunter Sopko on April 19, 2013, 04:05:34 AM
For those of you who are into being around San Diego post-Con, might want to consider this:

San Diego Zoo is pretty awesome, but it's very expensive. This is a great deal if you're interested!

Already going to the Wild Animal Park. My Uncle works there as an elephant keeper.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on April 25, 2013, 03:41:47 AM we have ANY plans for Pre/Post-Con?  At least, for people who aren't going to San Diego.  If so, we should finalize those within the next few weeks.  If we aren't discussing anything, I'm going to assume "no" and grab tickets based around this assumption.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Hunter Sopko on April 25, 2013, 03:46:12 AM
Family plans have dictated I'm going to Disney on Monday regardless. Since DL can't make a decision, I say we go there. I know Grefter and a few others were interested, so if we can't decide, making the decision for everyone.

Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on April 25, 2013, 04:20:05 AM
My ability to go to Disney depends on the money situation come July. If I can't go, I'm still happy enough to hang around Downtown Disney for the day while DLers have fun (boo).

So it looks like there is no solid pre-Con (except that a number of us will be around), and post-Con is a Monday, July 15th trip to Disneyland/California Adventure.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on April 25, 2013, 06:24:16 AM
I kinda have been told that I need to do Disney in SF regardless of my opinion of Disney and everything by a very good friend.  So yeah I am down for that.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Dhyerwolf on April 25, 2013, 08:23:26 AM
I probably wouldn't go to Disney because 1. Monday after taking 2 days off would be difficult. 2. I couldn't stand the place a decade ago due to going there too often and I doubt my opinion would have upgraded. Would definitely attempt to be around for pre-con stuff, although again work will be a limit potentially.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on April 25, 2013, 01:33:09 PM
Disney on Monday sounds fine to me.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on April 25, 2013, 01:39:09 PM
My ability to go to Disney depends on the money situation come July. If I can't go, I'm still happy enough to hang around Downtown Disney for the day while DLers have fun (boo).

So it looks like there is no solid pre-Con (except that a number of us will be around), and post-Con is a Monday, July 15th trip to Disneyland/California Adventure.

I'll be up for sticking around Downtown Disney as well. Really don't feel like taking another trip to an amusement park unless it's pretty cheap, but if the prices are affordable, I may change my mind about staying at the ballpen.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on April 25, 2013, 02:15:37 PM
So the guy with the DONALD DUCK avatar is only QUESTIONABLE about going to Disney?  Am I reading this right?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on April 25, 2013, 02:26:37 PM
I love Donald Duck, but I'm not much of a fan of theme parks. By the end of the Universal trip, I was pretty much blanking.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Hunter Sopko on April 26, 2013, 12:14:36 AM
Better off going with what people are comfortable with. It's better to have the group be one interested in going rather than just going because other people are.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on April 26, 2013, 12:47:39 AM
Disneyland is fantastic. I had a season pass when I lived in SoCal. Part of my joy with it likely has to do with the fact that there was NOTHING to do in my hometown, but I'm okay with that. When I go now, I no longer feel obligated to do the "OMG HAVE TO RIDE ALL THE RIDES" thing I do with other theme parks. To be honest, the only rides I tend to care about are Jungle Cruise, Space Mountain, Indiana Jones, Haunted Mansion, Matterhorn, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Some of the other favorites I do depending on my mood and the trend in my group. I have had several experiences that were made up of nothing but a small handful of those rides repeatedly -- this works especially well for Jungle Cruise, which is personalized by the person who's giving the "tour." I've also spent enough time in the open-air shopping mall that is "Downtown Disney" and don't mind doing that.

Anyway. Rides aside, Disneyland is so very much about the overall experience. And the ridiculously overpriced food. Goddamn I love those turkey legs. And churros. And the Tiki Lounge's pineapple freezes. And, in the winter, the design-your-own cookies, and white cotton candy with sprinkles.

If you've never been, and you can handle the $87 ticket, and maybe have $20-50 to spend inside, I HIGHLY recommend going.

(For what it's worth, I never bother with California Adventure if I have to pay for it. There are like 2 rides I care about -- the big coaster and Tower of Terror -- and the rest of the park is uninteresting.)
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Hunter Sopko on April 26, 2013, 02:44:55 AM
If there's a small number of people going, I totes wouldn't mind trying to get into the Blue Bayou restaurant in Pirates.

Also important to remember, though I'm not sure of how SoCal tourist seasons go, if it's anything like Orlando we're walking to peak summer crowds.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on April 26, 2013, 05:41:00 AM
If we can't do Blue Bayou, or we don't actually go *in* the park, I'm all for Storyteller's Cafe at the Grand Californian. I freaking love that place. It's still the only time I've ever tipped 100% for a meal, and it was worth every penny.

Also, yes, all of July is peak season. It will be super busy and likely very hot. Lots of lines, lots of people. If we go, I am planning on getting there as close to open as possible (which is 8am), and staying until close (midnight) or until everyone gets bored. I don't care if we sleep on the grass for half the day; it's just not worth it to get caught up in the traffic during the rest of the day, and I'm going to get as much out of my $15 parking fee as possible.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on April 26, 2013, 11:26:43 AM
Tell me more about this Storyteller's Cafe.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on April 27, 2013, 07:05:39 AM
Frankly, it's not really anything special. It's just so very Disney. All the times I've been there, the food has been so good, and the service so amazing, and the little details around the restaurant so delightful...

It helps, too, that it's "California" food. Fresh, lots of seafood, lots of green things, etc.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on April 27, 2013, 07:40:34 AM
Wants to find out something: Is Laggy driving to con?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Cmdr_King on April 27, 2013, 08:51:32 AM
Looks like I can in fact Confirm.  It might be a couple weeks before I book tickets, depending on a few factors, but there don't seem to be any work conflicts so yeah.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Laggy on April 27, 2013, 06:33:25 PM
Check the travel thread, Niu, but yes I will be driving down.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on April 29, 2013, 07:15:54 AM
Har, how did I miss that post in the travel thread?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on May 02, 2013, 10:52:45 PM
So...Disney on Monday after the Con, is that the general idea still?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on May 03, 2013, 12:56:52 AM
Seems to be, yep.

Possibly with the exception that a few of us who don't want to/can't pay for Disney but are otherwise stuck/interested in something else might go do... something else.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on May 03, 2013, 01:43:26 AM
I can't see how you wouldn't be interested in the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH (unless you are Snow).
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on May 03, 2013, 01:47:21 AM
You just answered the question yourself, Australian Donald Duck.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Veryslightlymad on May 04, 2013, 06:10:59 PM

The lower of the two paychecks I was waiting for ended up being enough to put me over the edge, so I'll be able to make the trip AND actually stay at a damn hotel this time. *(Still would like to split a room with someone)
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on May 04, 2013, 09:06:09 PM
PLanning on coming in on Wednesday, leaving on Tuesday, any thoughts about that?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on May 11, 2013, 05:10:48 PM

Need to split a room with someone. I suggest Djinn, VSM, Meeple for comic hijinks and shenanigans. There's potentially room for one more~
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on May 11, 2013, 06:24:01 PM
Yeah, I'll grab a room with you.   Just need to get my tickets and all, but wanted to get room stuff confirmed beforehand.  How much is it going to cost before the split?  Just wanna get an idea how much it'll cost ahead of time.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on May 12, 2013, 03:14:10 AM
I dunno, you can book the room and I'll pay you back in cash. Whichever hotel that Niu/Dhyer sends everyone else to is probably fine.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on May 12, 2013, 03:15:07 AM
Ok, sure, works for me
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on May 12, 2013, 08:19:57 AM
Just a note, Floral Inn is the closest one to my house, and probably the most convenient with a grocery store near by.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Tide on May 13, 2013, 02:53:54 AM
Late, but put me down as maybe. I likely won't find out until June as it depends on work so it will be really last minute unfortunately.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on May 21, 2013, 03:37:44 AM
Room Booked.

Floral Inn.  7/10 to 7/16.  That's 6 nights, double queen sized bed, Non-Smoking.

I believe VSM and Djinn have already claimed spots in this room.  Can probably take one more person.  I'll send you guys the prices of this, just tell me how long you need the rooms for and I'll figure out how much we're each paying for the total.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Cmdr_King on May 21, 2013, 04:12:18 AM
I'm down for the sexy sexy Meeple room.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on May 21, 2013, 04:22:42 AM
And CK wins it!

So that's me, Djinn, VSM and CK in a room together.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on May 21, 2013, 08:34:22 AM
Who shares the bed with Djinn?  Meeple or VSM?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on May 21, 2013, 11:08:15 AM
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on May 22, 2013, 08:31:45 AM
Either way, I win.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on May 22, 2013, 01:04:26 PM
Either way, I lose.

Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Nitori on May 22, 2013, 10:48:15 PM
i'm in consider me confirmed

also i need a hotel room is there a spare one
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: superaielman on May 28, 2013, 02:43:42 PM
Coming after all, see good morning.

EDIT: Open question. Does anyone know you can do custom questions in you don't know jack? I've drawn up some questions for DL Jeopardy, but I'm trying ot have it be more organized than last time.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Shale on May 28, 2013, 05:50:26 PM
Apparently you can but it "takes work." I have not actually found the method online.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on May 29, 2013, 02:57:37 AM
Wait, what, Super is coming??
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on May 29, 2013, 03:06:21 AM
He got a job in LA. Have a fun.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on May 29, 2013, 09:46:42 AM

I am having Super next door?  There must be something really wrong with the law of the universe!!
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on May 29, 2013, 11:41:28 AM
fundamental distortion in the very fabric of reality

pick twenty
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: superaielman on May 29, 2013, 02:38:11 PM

I am having Super next door?  There must be something really wrong with the law of the universe!!

A: I'm moving there on June 10th, so yes. Very soon.

B: Snow is bitterly jealous.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on May 29, 2013, 03:50:56 PM
Pffft. Move to NorCal in the Bay Area and then I might consider even a tinge of emotion.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on May 30, 2013, 06:01:00 AM
Reminder for myself in a place Ashleys and Andrews will see.

I need to pick up a copy of House of Leaves when I am in the US.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Dhyerwolf on June 01, 2013, 04:19:38 AM
I guess I should ask who will not be staying in a hotel and will need extra room? At my parent's there's pretty much infinite extra room as long as you don't mind couches/floor. The more critical part may be how many driver's are starting out there each day depending on how people are there. I believe Super, Nitori and Snow have all expressed interest.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: superaielman on June 01, 2013, 02:16:28 PM
Can people bring PS3 controllers? We need some for DL Jeopardy.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on June 02, 2013, 11:24:07 PM
Oh, I should ask. Super, after you move here, will you have a car?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Tide on June 03, 2013, 02:47:10 AM
Update from me since I am bad and don't post in relevant topics. I should be able to make it looking at the vacation time I have booked on hand. I haven't made arrangements yet, but I'll say I'm about 90% sure it should be fine given I have the days and that summer time is usually pretty quiet for accounting.

ON that note, I need a room with people. Mr. N. Tori has told me he also needs a room, so we're looking for two other people to join the Canadian azn invasion
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Nitori on June 03, 2013, 03:12:36 AM
Actually I'm probably going to try to stay with Dhyer now
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on June 03, 2013, 06:07:28 PM
I can bring our two PS3 controllers (and their cords. which I will label so I do not end up losing them.).



Booking a room on Friday, so it's the last call for people! There are currently four of us (maybe three -- Snow? Are you going to crash with Dhyer?). If the numbers work out, I'm going to book a vacation rental-type thing, like an apartment. If it doesn't, we're rooming at the Floral Inn.

Let me know by PM ASAP so I can make plans!
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on June 03, 2013, 06:42:52 PM
Ashley: I'm honestly considering rooming with Dhyer if there's space for me, since my money situation is actually tighter than I thought, but I'll have to PM him first. I'll try to hit him up and give you an answer tomorrow at the latest.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on June 03, 2013, 07:14:14 PM
No worries. Just let me know so I can take it into account for finding a room. I just need to know by Friday.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on June 04, 2013, 12:25:14 AM
Ashleys, PM.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on June 04, 2013, 02:15:25 AM
On the same topic I haven't organized room yet, any plans anyone else?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on June 04, 2013, 05:26:35 AM
Still technically got room for the not-yet-booked arrangements. That would be me, Andy, and Soppy.

EDIT: And by technically, I mean we have infinite room because it isn't booked until I know how many people I'm booking for.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on June 04, 2013, 12:34:01 PM
Wait I missed Sopko on there.  Sign me up for the Brodown room.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Hunter Sopko on June 04, 2013, 05:13:40 PM
You have chosen wisely.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Hunter Sopko on June 04, 2013, 10:16:46 PM
K. So IIRC, it was me, Andy, Ash, Gref and Meeple so far interested in Disney on the Monday after the con?  It's that time to start confirming plans and such, so I want to get this squared away if people are serious.

Again, I highly recommend that people go only if they're really into it, not just because others are going. The plan is to be there a long time, possibly from open to close, and it will be expensive, crowded, and hot.

Rumblings about trying something special for lunch, IIRC? Lunch/Dinner at Blue Bayou has always been a dream of mine, but getting in if the group is too large would be difficult. Thoughts on this?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: AndrewRogue on June 04, 2013, 10:52:27 PM
Group eating is a pain in the ass.

Blue Bayou is indeed fun (I <3 eating there whenever we are in), but would only work really well with a small group or a split group. Otherwise I don't really think there are good in-park options for large groups.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Hunter Sopko on June 04, 2013, 10:53:32 PM
Depends on what you'd consider a large group, really. 5-6 people would be the upper threshhold of doable
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Cmdr_King on June 04, 2013, 11:03:49 PM
Definitely want to be in on Disneyland.  I missed out last year and want to make sure I hit this one.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on June 04, 2013, 11:29:15 PM
Just going to second Soppy's claim of "go only if you legitimately want to go, not because others are doing it."  If you're not into the Amusement Park thing, it will likely be a miserable experience (and expensive!) 
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Veryslightlymad on June 04, 2013, 11:42:23 PM
I'm onboard as well.

I'm not a big "Amusement park" guy, in the sense that I don't really like a lot of rides, but BOY HOWDY do I love the ambiance and general site-seeing.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on June 05, 2013, 12:09:32 AM
All those preteen girls and all those mascots.  Its enough to make a grown VSM weep.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on June 05, 2013, 01:38:35 AM
Ah, why the hell not. In.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on June 05, 2013, 02:49:01 AM did you miss me in that list?

I've been clamoring for it since the first page of this topic... >.>;;
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on June 05, 2013, 02:53:52 AM
It's clearly a clever (?) scheme to make you lose all hope of ever going on the Cinderella Merry Go Round?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on June 05, 2013, 04:05:19 AM
in b4 snow sits in tea cup ride all day listening to DOA.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Tide on June 05, 2013, 11:00:41 PM
Oh in that case, can you add me there too?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on June 07, 2013, 10:04:11 PM
Last call! Booking the room tonight.

Me, Andy, Soppy, Grefter, Tide
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Hunter Sopko on June 08, 2013, 02:41:38 AM
Disney thusfar:


Obviously we'll need another car. Anyone in that group renting a car?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Cmdr_King on June 08, 2013, 08:53:47 AM
You forgot me as well.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: AndrewRogue on June 10, 2013, 08:44:35 PM
Since I'm pretty sure electronic gaming can be covered by everyone else, let us see what board games I have available. I have two sets: ones I own, ones I can likely (maybe) borrow.

There might be more by the time DLCon arrives, if I can convince Ashley to let me spend money. =(

If there is anything in particular you want me to bring, please let me know, because fitting all my shit in the car would be hard. Also, I kinda need to ask to borrow the things I don't own.


Arkham Horror (+Dunwich, Innsmouth, Kingsport, Lurker, Curse of the Dark Pharoah, Black Goat, King in Yellow) ( Ya'll know what this is.

Yggdrasil ( We players heroically team up to thwart Ragnorak via desperate card counting, reaching into bags, and swearing.

Flash Point: Fire Rescue ( We players heroically team up and die in a fire/collapsing building/explosions. And maybe save a cat.

Shadows Over Camelot (+Merlin) ( We players heroically reenact Le Morte and save Camelot. Except maybe one of us is a traitor and screws everyone else over and the game devolves into accusations and swearing.

Betrayal at House on the Hill ( We players heroically bumble about a haunted house until it turns out one of us is evil. Then the fire bats come.

Space Hulk Deathangel - The Card Game ( We players heroically get eaten by genestealers.

Bang (+Dodge City) ( Sort of like Mafia, except we're all cowboys and we bang a lot.

Blood Bowl Team Manager - The Card Game ( We are all managers of fantasy football teams and swear a lot at dice and HOW THE FUCK DID MY MINOTAUR FALL OVER GODDAMMIT ALL.

Cosmic Encounter (+Conflict) ( Sort of like Diplomacy, except we're all aliens with crazy powers that do ridiculous shit and how did you turn that 4 attack card into 63000 attack, good thing I made my loss into a win, bitch!

Discworld: Ankh-Morpork ( A game of hidden roles set in Ankh-Morpork, where you pass the buck of not losing to the guy to the left of the dude about to win because you need to worry about winning, not stopping the other guy from winning!

Dominant Species ( Where your ocean spiders that photosynthesize can drop a glacier on the seed eating swamp monkies because that bastard depleted all of the sun from your ocean.

Dungeon Petz ( The only game I've played where making sure you clean up the shit cubes is important. Not that it matters, because the monster you're raising is going to die/escape/mutate anyway.

Kill the Overlord ( Hot potato where almost everyone will die.

King's Blood ( Uno, but significantly funnier.

Lords of Waterdeep ( A decent, DnD themed worker placement game. Sorry, no funny description here!

Small World ( (+Be Not Afraid, +Grand Dames, +Cursed, +Tunnels): Kind of like the Disneyland ride, but with more murder and high fantasy.

Small World: Underground ( Same as the above, but underground!

Tanto Cuore (+Expanding the House) ( Dominion, with more boobs.

We Didn't Playtest This At All ( What it says on the tin.

Whack a Catgirl ( Goofy little game about hitting con-girls with stuff.

7 Wonders ( A draft game where you where curse the bastard to your left for not having wood. SERIOUSLY, WHY DON'T YOU HAVE WOOD? I NEED IT.

Love Letter ( Fun little filler game about getting a love letter to a princess.

Game of Thrones (2nd Ed) ( A distressingly accurate representation of the book/show, filled with treachery, betrayal, sabotage, and slaughter.

Chaos in the Old World (+Horned Rat) ( We play as the gods of Chaos, competing to see who can fuck up the Warhammer world hardest.

Mansions of Madness (+Forbidden Alchemy): Kinda like Arkham, except one person is the elder gods.

Twilight Imperium 3rd Ed (+Expansions): Goddamn giant space opera epic.

Descent (+Expansions): Kinda like DnD, except competitive.

Cyclades: Conquer Greece through the power of AUCTIONS to curry the favor of the gods.

The Resistance (+Expansion): Mafia, but without elimination.

The Resistance: Avalon: Same as above, but with some new wrinkles.

Twilight Struggle
Shadow Hunters
Galaxy Truckers
Dominion (+Expansions)
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Ranmilia on June 10, 2013, 11:31:10 PM
The laggycar will probably be helping bring these things to the masses.  Recommendations for things people ought to play:

- Shadows Over Camelot, this sounds cool
- Bang, this is short and gun.  I mean fun.  But also gun.  It is not like Mafia at all.
- Cosmic Encounter + expansion messes, this takes a while and will utterly addict you and also ruin all your friendships forever.
- Tanto Cuore.  You have this game?  Of course you have this game.  As seen at AGDQ bonus stream.  This is mandatory.

- Mansions of Madness.  I've been wanting to give this one a try since Arkham fever wore off.
- The Resistance.  This is a good game.  We could play it on IRC too.
- Shadow Hunters.  This one actually is like Mafia, except fast and really fun.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on June 10, 2013, 11:41:41 PM
Arkham Fever never wore off in my heart :(
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Hunter Sopko on June 10, 2013, 11:44:39 PM
Definitely want to try Mansions of Madness, Discworld, and Game of Thrones. Bring Small World and its expansions too. Can't have a con without Betrayal either~

I also have Cthulhu Gloom which I'll be bringing. And a deck of normal playing cards, of course.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on June 11, 2013, 01:07:56 AM
I adore Shadows Over Camelot, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with how I'm the traitor every time we play.

I also really enjoy Lords of Waterdeep, but the flavor is irrelevant to the game play. (Except OWLBEARS. ... no, still irrelevant, but reading the quest titles is fun.)

Discworld game is fun. Mansions of Madness was so terrible at release I haven't tried to play it with the expansion that's supposed to "fix" it.

Game of Thrones will make everyone hate each other almost as much as The Resistance will.

Cosmic Encounter is all about space pancake battles, and it is good. Plus a random selection from 100+ crazy aliens!
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on June 11, 2013, 05:10:58 AM
I want to know, for those confirmed to come, has anyone don't have a place to stay yet?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on June 11, 2013, 06:42:31 PM
Booked a room at the Floral Inn. I gave up on finding a vacation rental that wasn't a "chic Los Angeles loft" (ie, $300 a night) -- Monterey Park is not a very friendly area for guests on a budget.

I've requested a rollaway bed, but note that it only comes with 2 queens; with 5 of us, we might have to make some arrangements! It's also a smoking room (blech).

If any of that changes your mind, Soppy, Grefter, Tide, let me know.

EDIT: I should mention the plus side: With 5 of us, it's only $81 for the whole stay, Wednesday night through Sunday night.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: OblivionKnight on June 12, 2013, 12:20:01 AM

I have been holding out and waiting as long as I could to try to stave this off, but unfortunately, I am going to have to cancel.  We've had several issues pop up that are financially painful (cat broke her hip, other family members had medical issues we needed to help with, etc.).  Not like we're going under or anything, but elective experiences basically need to be cut now.  I am very sad about this :(  Hopefully someone has Skype on so I can at least do some distance communication with people. 

Again, sorry for the late notice, but I was really trying to make it work.  Unfortunately, I don't think it will.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on June 12, 2013, 12:47:32 AM
Booked a room at the Floral Inn. I gave up on finding a vacation rental that wasn't a "chic Los Angeles loft" (ie, $300 a night) -- Monterey Park is not a very friendly area for guests on a budget.

I've requested a rollaway bed, but note that it only comes with 2 queens; with 5 of us, we might have to make some arrangements! It's also a smoking room (blech).

It's karma's way of making my presence felt.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on June 12, 2013, 05:59:21 AM
Continue hecking on people's place to stay....

Does Nitori and Gate have a room t stay yet? Or did I miss it somewhere?
Edit: Oh, and Tonfa too.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on June 12, 2013, 09:48:12 AM
Throwing another vote to the Discworld game. Seriously... how did I not know this existed?

Bang is fun. We should all Bang more.

Arkham of course. And Betrayal I've heard good things about, too.

Sucks about not having OK again. Seriously bro, this makes me sad.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on June 12, 2013, 02:54:15 PM
Continue hecking on people's place to stay....

Does Nitori and Gate have a room t stay yet? Or did I miss it somewhere?
Edit: Oh, and Tonfa too.

Nitori, super and I are staying with Dhyer, unless an unforeseen catastrophe happens (the three of us together registering as a -foreseen- catastrophe).
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: VySaika on June 12, 2013, 11:36:49 PM
I put my room confirmation info in teh same post as my travel info. Seemed logical at the time, apparently it was in the wrong topic or something now? It's me, Tonfa, Tal and was supposed to have OK as well, but since he's out we now have a free space if anyone wants to claim it. Floral inn, same one Ash and co are in.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Tide on June 13, 2013, 12:53:11 AM
Got the days off from my boss. So yeah, confirming that I'll be making it
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on June 13, 2013, 07:58:32 AM
I put my room confirmation info in teh same post as my travel info. Seemed logical at the time, apparently it was in the wrong topic or something now? It's me, Tonfa, Tal and was supposed to have OK as well, but since he's out we now have a free space if anyone wants to claim it. Floral inn, same one Ash and co are in.

Thanks... now I just need to find out Tally's schedule....
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on June 13, 2013, 06:01:55 PM
Confirming the room:

July 10-July 15


Tide is joining the Gate-room, so that way there'll be 4 and 4 instead of 5 and 3. But who cares, because we're all in the same hotel and will be doing other things most of the time as it is. Yay!


One thing to consider is what we're doing for Disneyland day. We'll have checked out of the Floral Inn before we go.

Andy and I would like to drive to his mom's house, but that's a 1.5 hour drive. Grefter and Snow, you two are supposed to come with us for that, yes? Would you prefer to hang out in LA an extra day? If so, you'll need to figure out rooming stuff for the 15th. We're driving down to San Diego Tuesday or Wednesday night (your choice, though I know Snow has to be ready for AM flight from San Diego on Thursday).
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on June 13, 2013, 06:33:57 PM
I'm all for doing things at the earliest time possible. So yeah, I'm going with you guys Tuesday. Probably more placid this way, even with the earlier trip. I just hope it's not imposing too much on Andy's family.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on June 13, 2013, 07:03:09 PM
Just to be clear: we're driving to Andy's mom's place on Monday night. What happens Tuesday or Wednesday night depends on when you want to drive down to San Diego.

And his mom will probably love the company. Prepare to be amused.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on June 13, 2013, 07:11:21 PM
So, straight from Disney to there? I'm fine with that.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on June 13, 2013, 08:26:05 PM
Yup. Everyone gets to sleep in the car!
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on June 13, 2013, 08:41:32 PM
I'm fully expecting to wake up with crayon doodles on my face.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on June 13, 2013, 08:56:41 PM
It is pretty much all you want in life.

I need to sort how I am getting to Vancouver still.  Will talk to a couple of people and let you know.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on June 13, 2013, 09:01:15 PM
Is crayon southern hemisphere speak for Sharpie/permanent marker? Because we don't play nice, but that only really comes into play with the drinking.


Drinking? Who what when where why?

I'll warn y'all I'm fat and have high tolerance. Imma drink you all under the table.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on June 13, 2013, 09:23:33 PM
Is crayon southern hemisphere speak for Sharpie/permanent marker? Because we don't play nice, but that only really comes into play with the drinking.

I meant sharpies. My English is egregiously bad.

Quote from: LadyDoor

Drinking? Who what when where why?

I'll warn y'all I'm fat and have high tolerance. Imma drink you all under the table.

My body is ready to make you feel like a light drinker.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: superaielman on June 14, 2013, 03:14:02 AM
Zombies Ate my neighbors drinking game!
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on June 15, 2013, 07:51:48 AM
Drinking? Who what when where why?

I'll warn y'all I'm fat and have high tolerance. Imma drink you all under the table.

Los Angeles downtown is close, and that place is never short of bars.....
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on June 19, 2013, 07:17:30 PM
MC, wanna share a room with me and elf?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on June 20, 2013, 04:08:33 AM
Speaking of rooms.

With the exception of Grefter. People in Laggy car, have you got a room yet?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Laggy on June 20, 2013, 04:52:59 AM
Yes, we're at the Comfort Inn.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on June 22, 2013, 03:29:22 AM
Do we have a gaming topic yet?  We should totally make one and get a sense of whose bringing what, and also use it as a chance for people to request things!
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on June 23, 2013, 07:34:49 PM
Somebody needs to bring an "Optional Dungeon Area" Tales of Graces save. Four Player ToG is a thing of beauty.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on June 23, 2013, 09:42:56 PM
Somebody needs to bring an "Optional Dungeon Area" Tales of Graces save. Four Player ToG is a thing of beauty.

I have ToG, so I guess we don't have to worry about that.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on June 24, 2013, 04:22:27 AM
I said it in chat multiple times, but probably say it here:

We need to make sure someone has downloaded DnD: Chronicles of Mystara, so we can do 4 player Shadows Over Mystara at DLCon.  Don't care what console, just so long as it's downloaded and we have 4 controllers!
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on June 28, 2013, 07:23:45 AM
Anywhere I can shoe shop nearby? ;)
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on June 28, 2013, 10:08:45 AM
Is there a place to do karaoke nearby? Specifically the karaoke box type setup so that us shy DLers can make fools of ourselves exclusively infront of each other and no random bar strangers...
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on June 28, 2013, 01:32:57 PM
Shoe shopping? In Los Angeles? This requires a wild Dhyer call!
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on June 28, 2013, 02:27:58 PM
Bitch please I am going to shoe shop the shit out of you already.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on June 28, 2013, 02:38:27 PM
But that's in San Francisco. Popess shopping requires a separate trip.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Dhyerwolf on June 28, 2013, 08:35:15 PM
Shoe shopping? In Los Angeles? This requires a wild Dhyer call!


No wait...I do have an awesome shoe shopping place. The employees (except for dat one bitch there) go an extreme length to make sure that you get the right show. I would recommend them to anyone.

... (

(I don't think this is what you were looking for)
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on June 28, 2013, 08:44:10 PM
That's an impressively tacky website. Regardless, as long as there are other shoes besides running shoes at that store, it might be an option.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on June 28, 2013, 08:53:00 PM
I wouldn't mind some pink tennis shoes and maybe some nice (closed-toed) shoes for summer. We'll see. A little low on funds at the moment, but I absolutely need new tennies, mine are broked.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on June 30, 2013, 07:17:43 PM
Got a room for Friday - Sunday at the Comfort Inn.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: AndrewRogue on July 01, 2013, 12:11:05 AM
FYI: it's been unseasonably hot here for the past week or two - minimum 80F/26C with 40-60% humidity. It's supposed to stay like this for the entire time those of you who are joining us in NorCal will be here.

Pack, like, linen pants and an extra layer in the increasingly unlikely case that our SF trip hits it when it's magically colder. The rest of the time you're going to be more comfortable dressing for 30C*+.

- ashley-being-too-lazy-to-log-out-of-andrew's-account-to-post
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: SnowFire on July 01, 2013, 12:50:48 AM
For the precon in San Francisco area on July 6-10...  that's still myself, Grefter, Jo'ou, (Brian?), Djinn on Monday, + area DLers?  (Andy / Ashley / Laggy / Gate)  I mentioned this before, but I'd recommend at least one day randomly wandering around San Francisco doing tourism there over the weekend (July 6 or July 7), and probably one day screwing around (Andy's house?  Someone else's house?) + anything of interest in the Valley.  Anyway, does anyone have a preference over which weekend day is which?  It can really be either one, but if there's some special event on one of the days, or traffic is notably different, that can sway it.  Otherwise, let's arbitrarily pick a day for each.  (Or decide to do tourism / playing games two days in a row.  Either one works, really.)

Reminder for myself in a place Ashleys and Andrews will see.

I need to pick up a copy of House of Leaves when I am in the US.

I own a copy - want me to bring it?  (That said, hipster bookshops in SF should definitely stock a copy anyway.)

Since I'm pretty sure electronic gaming can be covered by everyone else, let us see what board games I have available. I have two sets: ones I own, ones I can likely (maybe) borrow.

I realize that was intended for the real con, but seems to apply to the precon as well.  It's possible that we can be antisocial and sit in the corner playing Twilight Struggle (finally!) over the weekend on the day that's set for "screw around someone's house playing games" and using bad Russian accents.  You should also borrow Tichu because it is awesome and fits into any time slot.  (Or heck.  I'd be fine with purchasing a copy and ensuring we have it.)  The Resistance and/or Avalon would work, too.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on July 01, 2013, 01:03:38 AM
I want to lend it to people over here so unless you want to part ways with it permanently I will need to hit up a book shop.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 01, 2013, 01:25:57 AM
Just one thing: ONE DAY in the 6/7 weekend, I'm pretty set to hitting up the Castro district for reasons of: teh gays clubbing. Any companions up for this adventure?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on July 01, 2013, 01:35:05 AM
The window on borrowing games for this weekend is closed. We might still be able to get stuff to bring down to DLC, but the person we borrow from is gone until Tuesday now. Sorry! :( No TI, Resistance/Avalon or tichu -- although I'm sure we could find a cheap tichu deck around if no one owns one already. We're relatively close to a decently stocked gaming store.

I'm up for weekend SF plans. Aforementioned friend (who is also the mahjong friend, and the brony) is up for coming down to South Bay on Tuesday to go in for some MASS GAMING if anyone's interested. Otherwise, Andy and I are working Friday, Monday, Tuesday and half of Wednesday, so y'all can do whatever you'd like with Laggy & co.

Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 01, 2013, 01:42:26 AM
I'd offer to bring my Call of Cthulhu board, but I'm sure it'd be entirely excessive.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on July 01, 2013, 01:54:54 AM
I'm up for clubbing of course. But I won't be there til Monday. Stupid work :(
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on July 02, 2013, 04:29:34 AM
BTW, for the standard fighting games stuff. I don't have any outside Blazblue and Persona4.
So any body wants to play that well have to bring a copy of their own.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on July 02, 2013, 06:23:09 PM
NorCal pre-con peeps:

The current plan is to swing by Berkeley in the afternoon on Saturday. We can do one or two things in SF after that, or we can save the SF trip for Sunday. East Bay has a couple amusements of its own, but nothing too exciting. UC Berkeley's campus. The reptile superstore. The marina. Rolling by Pixar. Hiking the hills. Walking through downtown Berkeley.

SF has lots of stuff, obv, but it depends on what y'all want to do. I recommend a targeted approach because 1) the BART may still be on strike then; 2) parking is a bitch in the city, and once we find a spot we're likely staying there.

Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 02, 2013, 06:27:47 PM
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: SnowFire on July 02, 2013, 07:08:55 PM
If BART is still on strike this weekend, my enthusiasm for doing much of anything at all in San Fran is greatly diminished.  Berkeley sounds like a solid substitute.  (Although sure, drive to one single location and chill there and have dinner or the like is still fine.)
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: AndrewRogue on July 02, 2013, 07:45:52 PM
Awkward week for the BART strike.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 02, 2013, 08:47:10 PM
We could hijack one of the buses and get ourselves arrested en masse.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Laggy on July 02, 2013, 09:18:50 PM
Cheesecake Factory is so overrated, Snow. We have better places to feed you here. (That said if you want to go clubbing in SF I suppose a visit to the Macy's in Union Square is probably mandatory anyway.)
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on July 02, 2013, 09:46:18 PM
Allan Edmonds.  Grefter needs a new pair of shoes.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: VySaika on July 03, 2013, 01:09:08 AM
I may or may not be able to do pre-con stuff, depending on when/where? Transportation is kinda an issue for me and all. But if folks have any specific plans, feel free to toss me a poke in chat or just call and I'll see if I can make it?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 03, 2013, 03:55:17 AM
Cheesecake Factory is so overrated, Snow. We have better places to feed you here. (That said if you want to go clubbing in SF I suppose a visit to the Macy's in Union Square is probably mandatory anyway.)

I just want the cheesecakes. I don't care about anything else in the Factory. And OF COURSE clothes+shoes shopping is mandatory.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on July 03, 2013, 07:19:36 PM
Gate: We'll let you know when we decide on firm plans. Which will probably be Friday night. <_<

SnowFire: Do you have a car? BART strike, if it continues (so far it seems like it might), will make getting anywhere a bitch. There's always the AC Transit Transbay bus, but ugh.

Grefter: Do you have a particular preference for the Allen Edmonds store in SF? Because Valley Fair Mall in San Jose has an outlet, and Laggy could take y'all there on Monday or Tuesday. (We could still do SF, too, since the AE is near-ish Union Square. It just closes at 6pm.)
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: SnowFire on July 03, 2013, 07:49:01 PM
I don't want to rent a car because I don't like driving.  However, as long as people are cool with hopefully short drives to the Caltrain to pick me up / drop me off, we should be good.

So, from the tentative plan described, I'll take the Caltrain to Berkeley on Saturday... which... doesn't exist, that's BART again.  Goddamnit.  Well, we'll see if I can hitch a ride or just take a taxi over there.  Afterward, depends on what the plans are; going back to the Valley + taking Caltrain back to SF works, as does briefly going into San Francisco so long as it's not an insanely long walk back to my hotel.  (As expensive as a taxi is, it's still cheaper then renting a car + garage fees.)

Sunday should be easier; I'll just take Caltrain into Sunnyvale or wherever else people are meeting up, and can be picked up there.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on July 03, 2013, 09:03:58 PM
No particular attachment to store in SF itself, going to another outlet should be fine.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on July 03, 2013, 10:37:40 PM
Depending on traffic and timing and etc., we (at least one of us) could take the up-the-peninsula route so we can swing by and grab you, rather than the East Bay route. A bit longer, but if BART is still striking it's the only feasible way you'll get to join. (Except, again, the Transbay bus.)

... which reminds me, I should find out for sure whether ACTransit has decided to strike. I think they may have decided not to simply because with BART out the entire East Bay would be unable to get anywhere.

Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on July 04, 2013, 02:14:47 AM

I've made reservations for lunch at the Blue Bayou Restaurant, 2:30pm. I only made the reservation for 6 because the restaurant is kinda pricey, and I expect not all of us want to do that. If you are interested in going, please let me know! I can make adjustments to the reservation. The earlier the better. (I can also offer that you make a separate reservation. Blue Bayou is more of a "small, intimate" kind of restaurant.)

I also made us reservations to do breakfast at Storytellers Cafe at 7am. "Oh my god, that's so early!" Suck it. Disneyland opens at 8am, I need breakfast to function at a theme park, and I'm driving. You can sleep in the car if you want. I made the reservation for 9 -- let me know if you are going to be in DJ's car and don't want to go so early.  Again, I can modify reservations.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Grefter on July 04, 2013, 02:27:27 AM
I am in like Snow is Out.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Hunter Sopko on July 04, 2013, 02:31:03 AM
Also in, obv.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 04, 2013, 02:43:19 AM
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on July 04, 2013, 07:02:24 AM
Cheesecake Factory is so overrated, Snow. We have better places to feed you here. (That said if you want to go clubbing in SF I suppose a visit to the Macy's in Union Square is probably mandatory anyway.)

I just want the cheesecakes. I don't care about anything else in the Factory. And OF COURSE clothes+shoes shopping is mandatory.

Wait, we can bring Snow to Portos!
Whatever they make is usually better than cheesecake factory.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 04, 2013, 10:05:32 PM
Check-in made, boarding tickets handy. It starts.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on July 05, 2013, 01:10:53 AM
I'm down with whatever.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Cmdr_King on July 05, 2013, 08:35:50 AM
I'm up for fancy Disneyland restaurants if nobody else is gonna jump in.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on July 05, 2013, 03:12:20 PM
I suppose what I should say is that I don't care either way.  If someone has a burning desire to take a spot in that group, I'll gladly give it up, but if there's an open spot, I'll take it. I guess waiting list me <_<

Mind you, I have every intention of Disney Land still, I just mean whether I'll be part of the Ashley crew or not.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on July 05, 2013, 06:31:51 PM
I can make adjustments to the reservation! I just don't want to sign up for 9 people and then only have 6 or 7 show. With $30+ entrees, I can understand that not everyone might want to do this. No pressure. There's plenty of fun to do and foods to eat for less than that. :)

Although I guess I should mention...


Disneyland ticket prices have increased to $92 (up $5 from the previous). Keep that in mind as you're budgeting.



BART strike is temporarily over. This means the BART will be running this weekend. Hooray!
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on July 06, 2013, 06:18:46 AM
Any one can get a hold of Nitori?
I am still looking for his cell phone number for the pick up on Wednesday.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Meeplelard on July 06, 2013, 06:47:43 PM
Niu, if it wouldn't be too difficult, do you think you can make yourself notably more active on IM, IRC, etc. in the next few upcoming days?  PM and e-mailing is good and all, but being able to converse directly with the person in a chat really helps.  These next few days are big for the con, after all.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Clear Tranquil on July 07, 2013, 01:23:49 AM
Somebody needs to bring an "Optional Dungeon Area" Tales of Graces save. Four Player ToG is a thing of beauty.


Somebody should main Cheria so I'll be there in spirit at least~
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on July 07, 2013, 01:41:22 PM
I think it's more like "Okay, who -wasn't- intending on maining Cheria?"... She's a fairly popular pick to main in this group last I saw.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 07, 2013, 06:20:51 PM
By the way, Djinn, if you don't mind Caltrain/BARTing, Monday clubbing is an option.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Tide on July 07, 2013, 11:04:01 PM
Can whoever's doing the pick up for people arriving by plane PM a cell phone or contact number? We exchanged cell phone numbers before mini-meet and it helped find people quickly at the airport.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on July 08, 2013, 04:43:21 AM
By the way, Djinn, if you don't mind Caltrain/BARTing, Monday clubbing is an option.

Sweet! Bringing my club clothes! *packs a bowtie and boxer shorts*
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 08, 2013, 08:13:19 AM
Do you know how to take the public transit to the Castro, though? And aren't you arriving at like 8PM?

EDIT: Jesus, you're arriving at nearly 9PM. I'm not sure it'll be viable, you're arriving at the house at nearly 10PM.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on July 08, 2013, 10:22:15 AM
What self-respecting club-goer gets to a club before 11PM?
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: AndrewRogue on July 08, 2013, 04:52:33 PM
Just a reminder that two of us are working tomorrow morning. I obviously don't care a lot what people need/want to do, but any actual clubbing likely means ya'll are on your own for getting home. Or begging Laggy. But yeah. Definitely not able to accommodate super late rides tomorrow.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on July 08, 2013, 06:42:38 PM
Well, I could always bring Snow with me to pick up DJ. Then, assuming DJ doesn't feel the need for much primping, just drop them off in SF.

But yes, ride home would be the issue. You'd need to either Caltrain, which ends kinda early, or BART, which requires a pick-up 30ish miles away from us. Since Andy and I are working, a late pickup means you need to beg Laggy.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 08, 2013, 07:23:35 PM
DJ: yeah, the logistics are kinda nightmarish to work with on such short notice. I thought you were arriving considerably earlier than you are to boot. There's always LA to go for clubbing as well.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on July 08, 2013, 07:31:58 PM
Nightmarish? Bah! That's what motels are for! We'll just commute back in the morning like Japanese businessmen.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 08, 2013, 08:00:57 PM
/me fiddles.

If we do go, we may well do something a bit friendlier. There's a karaoke bar ( that's open until 2AM that seems pretty good in the Castro. The district seems to privilege bars over nightclubs, which is all well and good for me. I'll check about motels in the district as well - preferrably closeish to a BART station.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on July 08, 2013, 08:04:16 PM
Caltrain is more likely to be useful to you, though it may be further away from where you plan to be. Caltrain gets you most directly back to South Bay, FYI. BART requires someone to make a 45 minute trip to the closest BART station; Caltrain is a 5-10 minute drive away.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: AndrewRogue on July 08, 2013, 08:10:20 PM
You could also do BART to Caltrain to Sunnyvale as well, pending on where you end up. I forget how many Caltrain stations there are, but I know one or two are right by BART stations.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 08, 2013, 08:15:15 PM
Caltrain is more likely to be useful to you, though it may be further away from where you plan to be. Caltrain gets you most directly back to South Bay, FYI. BART requires someone to make a 45 minute trip to the closest BART station; Caltrain is a 5-10 minute drive away.

Yeah, I mostly thought we'd need to BART to a Caltrain station at first.

EDIT: hey, during the week, Caltrain goes to Sunnyvale pretty much all day. This is good to know.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on July 08, 2013, 11:05:50 PM
If you're staying in the City overnight, the transit isn't as much of an issue - Caltrain will definitely get you back down again, and close.

I need to know by the time we leave to pick up DJ, which should be ~7:30 tonight. We'll have a bit of time to figure it out before I/we take off to pick him -- and, now, bonus Archmage! -- up.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 09, 2013, 12:56:10 AM
My plan is to be outdoors-ready by the time you guys are picking up DJ. I'll go with you to the airport. If he needs primping, tough luck. <_< Not like karaoke needs much of a makeover anyway.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Niu on July 09, 2013, 03:32:20 AM
Shit, forget to say this.

I don't have extra controllers at my house.
Whoever is doing multi-player games, remember to bring cntrollers.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on July 09, 2013, 06:07:08 PM
Between Andy, Laggy and Archmage, we have 4 PS3 controllers, I think.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Dhyerwolf on July 09, 2013, 11:01:14 PM
Along with my 2.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on July 11, 2013, 04:11:09 AM
Down at the hotel, woo! Got my first ever speeding ticket. Far less woo. Especially when it's an 86 in a 65 (which is a LIE!). Ugh.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on July 11, 2013, 06:25:23 AM

Our reservation is for tomorrow at 12:30.

I have no recollection of who was planning to be there. So... yeah. We should figure that out. The reservation is for 8!
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: metroid composite on July 11, 2013, 07:03:50 AM
Caaaarunch!  I have been averaging about 12-13 hours at work a day this week.

That said, hey've still cleared me for sat/sun of DLcon.  But I might be smelly and my laundry won't be washed.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Laggy on July 11, 2013, 09:08:57 AM
Kappa, myself, and Brian are in, and Grefter has expressed interest to be in as well (I don't think he was on the original 8 though) for Fogo de Chao.

Also, heads up: unless it's a destination that I myself am going to and there's a spare seat, I won't be doing car chauffeuring down in LA. Please arrange transportation requests with the hosts.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on July 11, 2013, 05:04:36 PM
Are you going to be here in time to do that? Maybe I should change the reservation to tomorrow.


Laggy just left, at 10:45 Thursday morning, so it's preeeeetty unlikely he'll be here for a 12:30 lunch. No one else told me who was planning on today, sooooo I moved the reservation to tomorrow at 12:30.

If you're going, please let me know so we can arrange how to get there!
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: OblivionKnight on July 12, 2013, 05:35:06 AM
Kappa, myself, and Brian are in, and Grefter has expressed interest to be in as well (I don't think he was on the original 8 though) for Fogo de Chao.

...goddamnit :(  Missing this year, and probably the next 2 years, so stop having so much damn fun!
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Laggy on July 12, 2013, 04:20:37 PM
Final head count of people going:

(12 people)
My car - myself, Brian, Grefter, Tonfa
Ashley's car - Ashley, Andy, Gate, Tallychu, DJ
Dhyer's car (Super driving) - Super, Nitori, Snow

The reservation is at 12:30pm today.  Here is a link to the restaurant's location and address. (

IF YOU WISH TO ATTEND I HAVE ONE SPOT LEFT IN MY CAR. Be present @ Niu's at 11:30 at the latest and I will take you along. Otherwise, consider this finalized.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: Lady Door on July 12, 2013, 11:51:42 PM
Just for the record, it ended up including Dhyer and Tide. The bill came out to a delightful $700+. Much fun was had by all. Much, much meat was consumed.
Title: Re: DLCon 8: California
Post by: metroid composite on July 13, 2013, 03:50:37 AM
Ok, I'll be driving up now; see you guys in an hour or two.