The RPG Duelling League
RPG Debate => Tournaments => Topic started by: superaielman on November 25, 2013, 11:44:34 PM
For those that don't know, Adam rules means you vote for the person who is worse/loses the fight. IE: Jogurt>Dekar>Ghaleon here, where you'd reverse that in the DL. There will be a winner's bracket starting thursday for the people who won their matches.
Anyway! onto the matches.
Nicolus 6, Taloon 5 (Hatbot tiebreak)
Piplup (Diamond/Pearl) vs Sandy (FF4)
Mogu (BoF1) vs Mindy (FF4)
Adam (SF1) vs Hetzel (FE10)
Shion Uzuki (XS3 boss) vs Slime (Saga)
Cinna (FF9) vs Big Joe (XG)
Magikarp (RBY) vs Solt (CC)
Pichu (GSC) vs Leon Felpool (SO2)
Connie (S3) vs Siegfried [Ghost Train] (FF6)
Mogu (BoF1) vs Mindy (FF4)- Mogu loses speed and possibly HP, but has a large enough damage edge for it to not matter.
Adam (SF1) vs Hetzel (FE10)- Adam's superior offense should carry the day.
Shion Uzuki (XS3 boss) vs Slime (Saga)- Draining's enough offhand.
Cinna (FF9) vs Big Joe (XG)- I remember Big Joe being within shouting distance of competent at HP and speed. Cinna is bad at everything. Cinna's damage is much better but I don't think it's enough?
Magikarp (RBY) vs Solt (CC)- Magikarp might not beat Euram. Solt is an awful puny but at least has more offense.
Pichu (GSC) vs Leon Felpool (SO2)- Surely Leon can muster a 2HKO here.
Connie (S3) vs Siegfried [Ghost Train] (FF6)- Surely Connie is durable enough to handle Siegfried.
Piplup (Diamond/Pearl) vs Sandy (FF4): Sandy's not puny against the confuse-vulnerable, just took her until week 2 to meet someone who is. The combination of Confuse and Slow pretty much wrecks everyone I think. Confuse may fail occasionally but a slowed Piplup gets so few turns it won't matter.
Mogu (BoF1) vs Mindy (FF4): Mogu has too much more damage.
Adam (SF1) vs Hetzel (FE10): Adam can't take less than 1 damage, so dies in 32 attacks. He does 1 damage himself. This comes down to who has more HP... and FE bosses are def-over-HP, and Hetzel's HP particularly sucks (similar to Sephiran's). Adam should kill first.
Shion Uzuki (XS3 boss) vs Slime (Saga): Okay, Slime is almost as undamaging as Shiho. And slower. So it's actually less threatening to Shion offensively than Shiho was. And runs out of WP eventually, leaving it with EVEN WORSE DAMAGE which no longer drains, so Shion wins this... eventually.
Cinna (FF9) vs Big Joe (XG): Cinna's got like a 8-9HKO and a third average durability. This is terrible, but I -think- Joe is worse. I don't remember him well and he doesn't have a stat topic entry so I could be wrong.
Magikarp (RBY) vs Solt (CC): No. Solt's not THAT bad.
Pichu (GSC) vs Leon Felpool (SO2): I'd be stunned if Leon loses this. For starters I half expect he can reduce lightning in some way.
Connie (S3) vs Siegfried [Ghost Train] (FF6): Connie is apparently a bit more physically durable than I thought (over 35% pdur!) so she should tank Siegfried's opening chain, which does roughly 27%, and one extra physical since she somehow fails to OHKO. Pretty close, though.
Piplup (Diamond/Pearl) vs Sandy (FF4) - :(
Mogu (BoF1) vs Mindy (FF4)
Adam (SF1) vs Hetzel (FE10)
Cinna (FF9) vs Big Joe (XG) - Big Joe does something like 30HKO average IIRC
Magikarp (RBY) vs Solt (CC)
Pichu (GSC) vs Leon Felpool (SO2)
Connie (S3) vs Siegfried [Ghost Train] (FF6)
Piplup (Diamond/Pearl) vs Sandy (FF4) - I'm guessing FF4 Confuse checks some kind of stat for hit rate, and Piplup's stats are generally terrible compared to the endgame average, so a confuse lock isn't hard to buy.
Pichu (GSC) vs Leon Felpool (SO2) - Cat versus mouse. Easy-peasy.
Piplup (Diamond/Pearl) vs Sandy (FF4)
Mogu (BoF1) vs Mindy (FF4)
For Shion vs. Slime, I'm not sure if other people care, but it should be pointed out again what flipped my vote in Shion vs. Shiho - Shion has an absolutely *abysmal* BP. Average break spam from 3 party members spamming break is like 180/round, she has 80 BP. Even if you see non-XS3 duelers dealing minimal break per attack (say 10 -> 30 scaled), Shion gets broken REALLY fast. I'm not sure that's enough for Slime to win since he has to actually close the deal with some offense, but it's there.
Cinna (FF9) vs Big Joe (XG)
Pichu (GSC) vs Leon Felpool (SO2)
I wouldn't normally vote on Pichu, but Malcom's logic makes perfect sense to me.
Connie (S3) vs Siegfried [Ghost Train] (FF6)
WTF, Elf's right, Connie doesn't OHKO, how does that haaaaaaapen (but it doesn't matter). (Connie deals ~.05 PCHP, Siegfried has maybe .08 PCHP or so.)
Hmm, non-XS3 3HKOing Shion with break damage sounds fine to me, but it's not really that big a deal? Break in XS3 is just one lost turn + 50% bonus damage on that one turn? So basically Shion loses one out of every four turns. I don't think that's enough, at best it just offsets the speed difference. The problem Slime has is that not only does it do horrible damage which can be healed off, but it can only do it 31 times, so if Shion can even just mostly stall Slime, she wins. Shiho both did more damage over time and could do it forever, so this is an easier fight for Shion than the last.
I'm still amazed that Slime's offensive output is worse than Shiho's.
Pichu (GSC) vs Leon Felpool (SO2): I'd be stunned if Leon loses this. For starters I half expect he can reduce lightning in some way.
Leon has unquestionably legal Thunder halving (and legal to me Thunder nulling, let alone to someone like Super who I think allows even better stuff than me).
Yay! I was wondering if we'd do a PUNIEST OF PUNIES version.
Piplup (Diamond/Pearl) vs Sandy (FF4)
Mogu (BoF1) vs Mindy (FF4)- Mindy's got L1 spells yeah? Don't take much to own Mogu.
Adam (SF1) vs Hetzel (FE10)- No vote. Thank Aidios.
Shion Uzuki (XS3 boss) vs Slime (Saga)- ... god, I think? Either vote here seems pretty valid.
Cinna (FF9) vs Big Joe (XG)- For what it's worth, off the top of my head Big Joe's got 777 HP, can chain his punches three times (ie 3 damage), and is slower than Fei but I'm not certain how much. I kneejerk 9 speed, but could be worse. He's fought moooore or less at the same time as Ramsus, with the caveat that he only fights Fei if you take that into account in either direction (less pcs! Oh wait Fei is straight up better than Bart in every stat at this stage in the game, although if you also include phantom Citan you've somehow reduced his damage by like a third. His. 3. Damage.)
Magikarp (RBY) vs Solt (CC)- .... I. I'm not sure. If this wasn't specifically RBY Magikarp I wouldn't even have to think about this. As is... sure.
Pichu (GSC) vs Leon Felpool (SO2)
Connie (S3) vs Siegfried [Ghost Train] (FF6)
Piplup (Diamond/Pearl) vs Sandy (FF4) - Sandy beats Punies who aren't Confuse-immune.
Mogu (BoF1) vs Mindy (FF4) - Mindy's damage without Virus is so obscenely -bad-. Mogu has too big of an edge.
Shion Uzuki (XS3 boss) vs Slime (Saga) - Dear lord, Slime.
Cinna (FF9) vs Big Joe (XG) - Big Joe is one of the -worst- Punies we have.
Magikarp (RBY) vs Solt (CC) - Magikarp is -worse- than Big Joe. Cinna-level durability and 23HKO damage!?
Pichu (GSC) vs Leon S. Geeste (SO2) - Dear god.
Connie (S3) vs Siegfried [Ghost Train] (FF6) - I'm amazed.
SPOILERS: CK is the puniest of punies
Cinna (FF9) vs Big Joe (XG) -Big Joe did 3 damage?! Amazatronics
Magikarp (RBY) vs Solt (CC) - RBY Karp is so bad. Didn't one form of Solt have Thunderstorm to boot?
Cinna (FF9) vs Big Joe (XG): Cinna has a defense stat of zero. His magic durability is average, too bad Big Joe punches are physical.