The RPG Duelling League

RPG Debate => Tournaments => Topic started by: SnowFire on June 22, 2014, 03:42:31 AM

Title: Hair Tourney: Group B
Post by: SnowFire on June 22, 2014, 03:42:31 AM
Group A results:
Orange > Green > Brown > Red > Blond

"Well...   that was an amazing killing spree.  BY THE OTHER TEAMS." (

Kornell was clearly annoyed.  Marle was still hooked up to the white magic IV line from the immediate thrashing she'd received every match.  Ziggy was back at the shop for repairs.  The elite legal team was in shambles.  Who would research the briefs and fetch the coffee and call the other attorneys to tell them things they didn't want to hear?  Clearly drastic action to regain morale was required.

Love Attorney Flonne considered her options.  Steal a powerful magical artifact and use it to threaten the judge?  Nah, been tried before, doesn't usually work out.  File a motion for change-of-venue?  But she liked the views here in Midgar's upper section, what if they got transferred to the Qlippoth or the like?  Too risky.  Marathon 5 seasons of Prism Rangers?  Hold a fighting tournament to determine the best fighters, but secretly have it be for unclear malign purposes? there's a tried-and-tested legal strategy.

"It's fine.  Really, despite getting walloped in our attempt to murder the filthy other hair colors, this was really all according to my love-plan.  The invitations have already been sent out to 5 new hair colors.  They'll tire themselves out fighting each other, and they'll never see our true purpose!   ...I think.  Whatever our true purpose is.  It'll definitely help win the lawsuit, I can feel it!"

Borus weakly nodded his head from his bed, before passing out again.

Our contestants this week:

Team Silver - Setzer (FF6), Hope (FF13), Akihiko (P3), Pamela (MK), Micaiah (FE10)
Team Blue - Midboss (D1), Lucina (FEA), Yuki (G3), Ike (FEs)
Team Teal - Lenneth (VPs), Rune (PS4), Enna (MK2), Mia (GS)
Team Purple - Lyon (FE8), Liete (G1), Liza (Saga Frontier), Miang (XG)
Team Pink - Lightning (FF13), Rika (PS4), Nel (SO3), Seraphitia (XG)

Team Silver vs. Team Blue
Team Silver vs. Team Teal
Team Silver vs. Team Purple
Team Silver vs. Team Pink

Team Blue vs. Team Teal
Team Blue vs. Team Purple
Team Blue vs. Team Pink

Team Teal vs. Team Purple
Team Teal vs. Team Pink

Team Purple vs. Team Pink
Title: Re: Hair Tourney: Group B
Post by: SnowFire on June 22, 2014, 03:43:46 AM
Also, the sanity speed-checks to speed up research:

Setzer (1.03) > Akihiko / Micaiah (1) > Hope (1?) > Pamela (.94)
Midboss / Lucina / Ike (1), Yuki (.94?)
Enna (1.04) > Rune (1.01) > Lenneth (1) > Mia (.83)
Liza (1.08) > Lyon (1) > Liete (~.79) > Miang (~.75)
Rika (1.28) > Seraphitia (1.14) > Nel (1) > Lightning (1?)
Title: Re: Hair Tourney: Group B
Post by: SnowFire on June 23, 2014, 02:07:01 AM
Per Elf's comments last week, tentative early votes here, quite likely I am missing something, so please argue against me.

Team Silver vs. Team Blue - Can anyone on Team Blue even damage Pamela?  Midboss maybe?  This is good since even if Akihiko uses Matarunda, the rest of Team Silver is getting messily slaughtered.
Team Silver vs. Team Teal - Negatis.  Setzer can try and Doom Dart Rune out first, but yeah.
Team Silver vs. Team Purple - Liza murders...  Hope, I guess?  I think he had revival.  Lyon could kill Pamela, but she has auto-life so not much point, so he aims at Akihiko I suppose?  Akihiko throws down MT Lightning, Setzer chips in against...  Liete I guess and hopes for a kill on Fixed Dice?  Micaiah finishes off the Executioner (Miang).  Pamela throws more damage vs. Liete...  Liete might be dead by now if Setzer's roll was decent.  So that leaves Liza & Lyon (both slightly wounded by MT Lightning) vs. Setzer / Akihiko / Micaiah / Pamela.  Liza murders somebody (Micaiah?), Lyon hits someone (Akihiko?), but surely Setzer's defense-ignoring dice do a number on Lyon, and any other survivors / Pamela can finish Lyon off.  Liza can't harm Pamela so that's that.  (there's another strategy where Team Silver fouses down Liza rather than Liete in round 1, but then somebody gets Enclosed, not sure how that'll play.)
Team Silver vs. Team Pink - Rika ID's Akihiko.  Seraphitia throws down an MT Fire just-barely-a-2HKO.  Setzer dices...  Lightning I guess?  Micaiah & Hope can maaaaaaaaaybe go aggro on Lightning and kill her, but then everyone's gonna die to remaining Pink offense.  Even though Pamela blocks status Seraphitia, backed by Nel healing, should be able to magic damage her out past her draining...  could be argued, just seems uphill for Team Silver.

Team Blue vs. Team Teal - Dat Negatis.
Team Blue vs. Team Purple - Liza kills...  Ike I suppose to turn off Leadership?  Although if she misses this team is -boned-.  Then the rest of Liza's team dies horribly.
Team Blue vs. Team Pink - Rika uses Saner, and despite the insane accuracy Team Blue is in trouble.  Yuki can use Flash for his own perfect evasion, and arguably blocks ID, but dunno how much I respect the evasion vs. a mob of attacks, many of which are magic.  Dragon Slash will break the evade at least...  eh, the lowish threat range on Team Blue means that Nel has an argument to unload her nastiness first, so seems likely for Team Pink, though it's actually kinda close.

Team Teal vs. Team Purple - Liza kills Rune.  Enna...  does something (set up backloaded time-card damage on Liete I guess).  Lenneth...  overkills Miang?  Lyon attacks Mia.  Mia full-revives Rune.  Liete can get an Enclose off now on...  Lenneth probably.  Liza kills Rune again.  Enna throws down even more timed cards.  Lyon...  finishs off Mia?  Liete might get another turn though before she dies to the cards, which is bad times.  Liza is going to either kill Enna or murder the Enclosed Lenneth next turn, too.  Despite having 2 solid revivers in Mia & Lenneth, just think Team Teal is too backfooted here.  Unless you see Lenneth as having sufficient SP to Invoke Feather Rune *and* kill Miang at the same time?  Miang's HP is pretty bad, but dunno if it's THAT bad.
Team Teal vs. Team Pink - Rika IDs Rune.  Seraphitia uses her Fire MT 2HKO.  Enna sets up damage on Lightning.  Lenneth/Nel/Lightning all act roughly simultaneously in a gaint headache, as if Lenneth revives Lightning wants to instantly kill the revived Rune and the like...  let's say that Nel & Lightning just kill Mia, while Lenneth hurts Lightning while reviving Rune.  Rika...  probably uses Saner actually.  Seraphitia burns up the revived Rune (unless he has Fire res?).  Enna finishes off Lightning, but now Lenneth's offense is neutered due to all the evade from Saner.  Lenneth revives someone, but Nel / Rika / Seraphitia offense should be able to kill Lenneth, and then finish the job, I think.  Maybe?  (Also Rika's initial ID on Rune could miss, which leads to hilarious failure for the Pink team.)  Could definitely be argued here...

Team Purple vs. Team Pink - Rika IDs Liza, Seraphitia MT burninates, Lightning finishes off Miang, Nel finishes off Liete, Lyon isn't soloing.

Pink 4-0
Silver 2-2
Teal 2-2
Blue 1-3
Purple 1-3
Title: Re: Hair Tourney: Group B
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on June 23, 2014, 06:16:16 AM
Why is Lenneth bothering with Miang instead of taking out Liza in the Teal vs. Purple fight?
Title: Re: Hair Tourney: Group B
Post by: DragonKnight Zero on June 23, 2014, 07:04:20 AM
Team Silver vs. Team Blue
Team Silver vs. Team Teal
Team Silver vs. Team Purple
Team Silver vs. Team Pink

Team Blue vs. Team Teal
Team Blue vs. Team Purple
So team Blue is packed with physical sluggers.  Ha ha, Liete and Miang physical durability.  I reach MidBoss' Celestia form at lower levels and he usually one-shots my weaker characters with Adonic Buster.
Team Blue vs. Team Pink
Seraphitia removes Midboss' SP and there goes his scary damage.  Deban makes the other team cry.

Team Teal vs. Team Purple
Psy Shield hype.  Teal still loses.  Let's see.  Liza murders Rune.  Enna's timed cards.  Lyon hits Mia.  Lenneth murders Liza.  Mia full revives Rune.  Miang's ID becomes turn 2 on Rune so she drops Lenneth.  Liete nails Rune with Enclose.  Second round of actions comes around and I see no way for Enna to stop Lyon from knocking out Mia.  Enclosed Rune and Enna vs. Lyon, Liete, and Miang all at full health.  Gee, who's going to win that mess?
Even if Rune gets a turn, his options are limited.  Negatis is foiled by immunities.  His magic runs into Liete's and Miang's magic durability.  Rever on Lenneth would be his best bet at turning things around.  I see him getting downed while Enclosed though.
Team Teal vs. Team Pink
I see Psy equips dropping the success of ID as well.  So Rune does horrible things with Negatis.  Rika will have a Psy Shield to live through this but with a fragile Seraphitia as backup, is probably outgunned. 

Team Purple vs. Team Pink
Blood Chalice.  Edit: Liete blocks ID.  And Seraphitia loses speed and durability to access full MP nuking.  Well then...  That said, Sera is probably better off with her first form.  Liza will murder someone (Lightning I guess) unless DoubleSlash + MT Fire drops her or Deban raises defense enough.   Lightning dying hurts because Liete or Miang will probably get a turn in.  Encluse on Rika probably tilts things enough for Purple.  Still think the match belongs to Pink but isn't as clearcut as I thought.
Title: Re: Hair Tourney: Group B
Post by: SnowFire on June 24, 2014, 03:47:20 AM
Djinn: I didn't actually math it out, but I think Lenneth needs to be VP1 Lenneth to OHKO Liza rather than VP2 Lenneth?  Anyway, fine, assume VP1 Lenneth despite the lack of revival, but the fight can proceed the same way except replace "Liza kills the revived Rune" with "Miang ID's revived Rune" for late round 1 / early round 2 shenanigans.
Title: Re: Hair Tourney: Group B
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on June 25, 2014, 12:43:25 PM

Team Silver - Setzer (FF6), Hope (FF13), Akihiko (P3), Pamela (MK), Micaiah (FE10)
Team Blue - Midboss (D1), Lucina (FEA), Yuki (G3), Ike (FEs)
Team Teal - Lenneth (VPs), Rune (PS4), Enna (MK2), Mia (GS)
Team Purple - Lyon (FE8), Liete (G1), Liza (Saga Frontier), Miang (XG)
Team Pink - Lightning (FF13), Rika (PS4), Nel (SO3), Seraphitia (XG)

TIL: Bosses w/ PC support are the way to win team matches.

Team Silver vs. Team Blue - Pamela spoiling (her hair is totally lavender/purple, though... should be a default loss)
Team Silver vs. Team Teal - Go go Negatis spoiling PCs. If anyone survives it, there's the chance Pamela will revive, but I suspect the rest of team Teal can bum rush the leftovers.
Team Silver vs. Team Purple - I don't respect Miang or Liete durability enough for them to live to see a turn. Liza is troublesome, but Lyon's mostly just there and they have to basically save Pamela for last, who could status out either of them.
Team Silver vs. Team Pink - Rika does some point-and-kill on Hope, stopping Silver's hope of reviving anyone. Sera, Light, and Nel offense takes out most of the rest of Silver. Pamela's not spoiling a whole team (even though I think she can completely negate Rika?) Team Silver would have to take out Lightning first to stop revival, and then Nel and Sera, but leaving Rika alive means ID is happening too often to hope for a stalemate with Pamela against Rika? I'm not entirely sure this is Pink's win... I don't remember Sera all that well.

Team Blue vs. Team Teal - Seems straightforward to me.
Team Blue vs. Team Purple - Blue needed to be faster to make this build work...
Team Blue vs. Team Pink - Four basically pure average speed or slower vanilla physical sluggers (decent ones, and at least MidBoss has some boss tricks/scaling that could have helped, but...) just doesn't work in a team setting. And Yuki's hair is barely blue... I am calling shenanigans on this team.

Team Teal vs. Team Purple - See above posts, I agree with them.
Team Teal vs. Team Pink - Rika nukes Rune, others gang up on Lenneth. Enna and Mia's revival aren't keeping up with the offense.

Team Purple vs. Team Pink - Rika nukes X, others gang up on Y; Curly, Moe, and Larry can't keep up with the offense. </copypasta>
Title: Re: Hair Tourney: Group B
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on June 25, 2014, 02:58:10 PM
Team Silver - Setzer (FF6), Hope (FF13), Akihiko (P3), Pamela (MK), Micaiah (FE10)
Team Blue - Midboss (D1), Lucina (FEA), Yuki (G3), Ike (FEs)
Team Teal - Lenneth (VPs), Rune (PS4), Enna (MK2), Mia (GS)
Team Purple - Lyon (FE8), Liete (G1), Liza (Saga Frontier), Miang (XG)
Team Pink - Lightning (FF13), Rika (PS4), Nel (SO3), Seraphitia (XG)

Team Silver vs. Team Blue - Nobody in team Blue can even -damage- Pamela, right? That's so -very- bad.
Team Silver vs. Team Teal - Rune's faster than LITERALLY every opposing Team Silver member (and they're -all- ID-vulnerable), so Negatis sweeps at least half the entourage (likely only Micaiah lives to see a turn). Psy Shields ensure Pamela's Silence and Sleep are turn never against Rune -if- she even lives and Lenneth just OHKOs Micaiah off the bat. You don't want Rune getting turns in team matches, gents.
Team Silver vs. Team Purple - Team Purple doesn't really work that great as a team, does it? Anyhow, Liza goes first and OHKOs Hope pretty flat (otherwise, he just keeps the party going forever). Now... there are -three- people the Silver team want dead before they get a turn: Lyon, since he splatters Pamela if he gets a turn, Liete (who needs to be focused on by at least three of the remaining party members to be killed and can keep the party going strong otherwise) and Miang, since she IDs everybody there. Of course, they can at least handle half the problems here (Lyon and Miang) between Aki, Setzer and Micaiah. And uh I'm just not sure how Liete could possibly solo a party with such a numeric advantage. Liza can even methodically OHKO everybody until she reaches Pamela, but once that happens she reaches a stalemate.
Team Silver vs. Team Pink - I -think-. Rika is just such a consummate team player and this team's pretty well built to take out Hope before he even gets a turn. If Rika Saners, Light and Nel rip Hope's heart out and Seraphita SP drains Akihiko, leaving uh a bunch of ST undamaging losers who are getting 3-2'd off the bat. Even if Light gets killed afterwards (due to revival), Rika and Nel can clean clock straight up.

Team Blue vs. Team Teal - Yuki is faster than Rune! It doesn't really matter, he doesn't OHKO, nobody else is faster and Negatis sweeps this fight pretty much clean.
Team Blue vs. Team Purple - Liza goes first, OHKOs Yuki, since he's the only one with actual crowd control (and SF, DSC is ITE). Then uh Lucina OHKOs Liete, Ike one-rounds Lyon and Midboss likely OHKOs Miang. I don't think Liza can really recover from this even if she kills Lucina next. Killing Lucina first does pretty much nothing because Yuki's MT OHKOs Miang (seriously, she's a pixel away from being OHKOed by average damage off amazing 4444 XG HP at a point where Hyper Deathblows start showing up -and- she has sketchy pdef to boot) and leaves Liete ripe for the picking, as well as putting Liza closer to death.
Team Blue vs. Team Pink - Mostly evadable physical team against Deban and Saner, this is a -great- idea. Nel and Lightning bumrush Yuki and things just go all the way downhill from there.

Team Teal vs. Team Purple - Liza of course kills Rune first, since his MT leaves the entire group as easy pickings. Lenneth can revive him then hope to kill Miang... and I think this actually works? She's so horrendously frail. Mia can then fullheal Rune and I'm not really sure how Team Purple really -does- catch up, there's a lot of revival floating around here and Enna, at worst, adds up damage with his timed cards. Being so ST-reliant really hurts how far Purple can go.
Team Teal vs. Team Pink - Saner => Lightning+Nel eat Rune alive => Seraphita drains Mia's MP => team Teal cries tears of blood. Lenneth even can stall things to a degree by reviving people, but she's entirely ST and she can't damage anyone post-Saner. Hard to recover from the opening buffblitz.

Team Purple vs. Team Pink - Team Pink's hands down the best in this reel due to Rika being so ridiculously good in teams. This is emphasized further due to team Purple kind of sucking outside Liza's awesome offense.
Title: Re: Hair Tourney: Group B
Post by: SnowFire on June 25, 2014, 08:50:08 PM
For whatever it's worth, Djinn, checking again - VP2 Lenneth is listed as doing 4401 damage w/ Heal, so something similar if a little less for her combo when using Invoke Feather (40 AP to Heal's 35 AP).  This is to a damage average of 4473, possibly even higher, so if you see Miang as having truly awful HP a la Jo'ou, Lenneth can kill Miang AND revive Rune, which should seal things up for Teal.

Also, for Seraphitia, her full EP-burst only comes from Seraphitia 2, who is either slightly faster than average or slightly slower than average depending on which of Dhyer's 2 speed averages are used.  (I think I'd just see her as average then?  Dunno which one is right.)  Also Seraphitia 2 has truly miserable HP - more support credit than Seraphita 1, but the same literal HP while damage has -tripled- according to CK.  (But S2's fire damage is still MT at least, if an MT 3HKO!  stat topic doesn't mention that at the moment.)
Title: Re: Hair Tourney: Group B
Post by: SnowFire on June 27, 2014, 05:49:58 PM
Closing this tomorrow evening, so last call for votes.