The RPG Duelling League
Social Forums => General Chat => Topic started by: NotMiki on September 06, 2015, 12:49:57 AM
Haha I love it. Cry some more. Already basking in hate and the season hasn't even started.
Giants excluded? That's a pretty big concession.
If I give the Giants the finger they'll try to keep it. Hear there's a shortage.
Like 2 ring fingers short, yeah.
I would just like to take a minute away from this schadenfreude to revel in my own Tebow-less schadenfreude.
It coulda been so great! for the rest of us I mean. Ugh, such a wasted opportunity.
- (
Tahm! Tahmmy! Wha...whaddya doin' Tahmmy!
I would just like to take a minute away from this schadenfreude to revel in my own Tebow-less schadenfreude.
God is Dead.
E: In spite of Jordy Nelson's season ending injury I am still super excited for the Packers season.
Dolphins look poised for big things this year.
Stay healthy Miami!
And Tampa is a wild card. I have no idea what to expect.
Haha I love it. Cry some more. Already basking in hate and the season hasn't even started.
Psh, who cares about the NFL? We play Mutant League Football in Texas Highschools.
Psh, who cares about the NFL? We play Mutant League Football in Texas Highschools.
What did they expect would happen? The ref called 15 yards for Nosepicking. It's a clear sign the ref was bribed and needed to be taken care of.
Supposedly it was touched off by a combination of penalty calls the players thought were unfair, and the ref letting loose a couple of racial slurs at one of the kids.
I guess it's too short notice to see if anyone would want to do a DL fantasy league...
If we can do the draft in the next couple days/tomorrow afternoon, we'd only miss the Pats game for scoring. We'd also need at least 8 people, 10/12 preferably
Well... glad I have Gronk on my fantasy team.
Steelers defense looked fucking wretched there, holy shit.
That's to be expected, their secondary is really bad and they can't generate a pass rush (Worilds retiring really sucks for them). Any halfway decent offense is going to torch them this year (although they aren't facing too many save Indy). They'll have to win by passing a billion times to Antonio Brown (and Martavis Bryant when he comes back) and unleashing Le'Veon Bell, but that will probably work out for them enough to make up for that godawful defense.
Well... glad I have Gronk on my fantasy team.
Oh yeah, Aldon Smith back in the league. That is such a classic Raiders move. That defense could be scary if Smith can play up to his usual standards.
We should totally bring back the dl league.
We should totally bring back the dl league.
I'd totally be on board with that although we'll likely have to skip week 1. I use ESPN.
Also, that was not a good start to the season for the Bucs, yikes. E: The Packers won in spite of missing several pieces on defense, so I'm happy.
I think setting the NFL record for longest extra-point attempt may be the Brownsiest thing the Browns have done since their revival.
Thank goodness the dolphins won.
I got to witness jameis live for his first NFL game!
Man, that was a bad performance...
Hey, Favre also threw a pick 6 his first pass attempt too!
Skies the limit for winston.
Jets won. A pleasant surprise, but it WAS the Browns.
Giants loss made me want to kill myself. Make no mistake, they lost the game for themselves with that awful Andy Reid clock management at the end. But that Pass Interference on Rodgers-Cromartie was godawful and kept the Cowboys in the game. The only solace I can take is Dallas looks pretty bad compared to how they should've been, and the Giants look relatively good compared to how bad I feared they would be. The offensive line was congealing in the second half, and the secondary just kept coming up with big plays.
awful Andy Reid clock management
I am not really sure why this surprises anyone by now. After a contestable play, Coughlin once called a time out, used the time out to review the play, challenged the play, and lost the challenge. ( That was in 2013. Time to take the car keys away from grandpa.
I got to witness jameis live for his first NFL game!
Man, that was a bad performance...
In the understatement of the year, Winston is a poor decision-maker.
The Bucs made Tennessee look competent, and that's been a completely foreign feeling for, oh, the past 8 years?
The Bucs made Tennessee look competent, and that's been a completely foreign feeling for, oh, the past 8 years?
"Tennessee?" "The Bucs?" Are...we're still talking about the NFL, right? Are they like new expansion teams or something?
The Bucs made Tennessee look competent, and that's been a completely foreign feeling for, oh, the past 8 years?
"Tennessee?" "The Bucs?" Are...we're still talking about the NFL, right? Are they like new expansion teams or something?
As a note, you sound more like an Original 6 douche right now, not an NFL fan.
My douchery cannot be contained by mere boundaries between sports.
To a Bostonian all sports look the same anyway: Boston being Smug and everyone else being haters. The actual shape of the ball involved is pretty irrelevant.
Nah, we have the sense to only be smug when we're good. You're thinking of New York.
Nah, we have the sense to only be smug when we're good. You're thinking of New York.
Not true for the Red Sox. They can be awful, but the fans will still be smug as long as New York is also bad/worse.
If taking pleasure in the misery of New Yorkers is wrong, I don't want to be right.
I can't wait until the ocean swallows both your cities.
Don't you live in, like, Florida something?
Okay, so on the one hand the Eagles offense may be historically bad this year. Like, just epically putrid. It took until the fourth quarter for the team to reach positive rushing yards, and their most promising drive ended in a pass directly to a Cowboys player while an Eagles receiver was wide open twenty feet away. Also this happened. (|contentId%3A0ap3000000535304&tab=videos)
On the other hand, the defense broke Tony Romo. So....push?
Brandon Weeden/Kellen Moore/Matt Cassel. That is the QB depth chart from hell.
Dolphins will be dolphins.
Fucking every year they fool me with this presentation season hype bull shit.
They might as well stay in london.
Well hey, the Dolphins might disappoint you but at least they're not notable Garbage Person Jameis Winston.
Well hey, the Dolphins might disappoint you but at least they're not notable Garbage Person Jameis Winston.
Who can at least cry himself to sleep at night knowing he's not the Bears
The Bears are going to be lucky to win three games this season.
The best thing for the Dolphins long term would be to get blown out today.
Ah, the Philbin gets shitcanned rumors if they lose you mean? I liked Philbin as OC but he looks completely overmatched as a HC. (He should've lost his job during the Incognito/Martin shitshow, if only to save face)
The Bears are going to be lucky to win three games this season.
The Eagles are going to be lucky to have the prospects of the Bears.
The jags let Matt bring hassle back win a game.
Can any Florida team not suck?
You were counting on the Jags to not disappoint you. When you do this with the Dolphins it makes them look bad. When you do this with the Jags, YOU look bad.
But then you realize the jags play the bus this week and have the a chance to be the best team in Florida.
How fucking sad is that.
That Harvard or Stanford duck that predicted the fins going to the superbowl should hang them self
The Bears are going to be lucky to win three games this season.
The Eagles are going to be lucky to have the prospects of the Bears.
That defense is good enough to pull the Eagles to at least four wins. The offense is uh. Well, the Eagles are going to be drafting a lot of linemen this year!
Well, the Eagles are going to be drafting a lot of running backs this year!
That would be the one game out from leading the NFC East Eagles. NFC East: Bad at everything.
So it's official.
Dolphins are the worst team in Florida.
So it's official.
Dolphins are the worst team in Florida.
NFL team. There's always UCF!
Speaking of college, tough loss for UF.
back to the nfl, dolphins have a new coach, new philosophy, new outlook on game management...
I fully expect them to get worked by the titans this week.
It's time. (
That was so baffling that I wouldn't know exactly who to be angry at if I were a Colts fan, but I'm not so I laughed for like five straight minutes.
What the heck is happening there?
If I am reading it right. The dude at the top at the back will be passed the ball and then needs to not be tackled. He will be well defended by the 7 guys closer to the camera. Especially from the 5 guys closer to him than the rest of his team.
did a american pass ball good?
football equivalent of, I dunno, showing up to school and then you realize you're naked? this is 'bizarre nightmare' territory. this doesn't happen in real life.
(this would be a riff on the Colts' '2014 AFC Finalist' banner which actually exists, for some reason)
Also this:
Roooooooad trip!
Scar is going to the bucs skins game this weekend.
Hoping for something similar to last year's game!
You're going up to DC for the game? Oh, cool. I live in the area, PM me if you want to meet up. I think I'll be in town this weekend.
Are you going to be free saturday?
It would be nice to finally meet you after you constantly have avoided me at every dl con I've gone to.
(I'm busy that night but free morning/afternoon. What about you guys?)
You only went to one DLcon, don't give me that kind of lip!
And yeah, Saturday I'm free.
I'm down to meet up. I'm not sure what we are doing saturday, but if you know a good brunch place that deals with obsurd diets (doing a 30 day chalenge), I'd love to try and meet up.
Dunno, how this will work out since I'm taking my gf, and meeting a friend there already, but dammit. If I can have everything, so be it.
You only went to one DLcon, don't give me that kind of lip!
And yeah, Saturday I'm free.
Thank god YOU didn't go to that one. Had enough disasters there already...
Well you hid them well.
Also, there was a nice amount of booze.
Twas a good time.
Florida provides a lot of places to hide a body and nothing tops experience.
Good times at the mini meet in dc. I blame shale n supes for my alcoholism.
That was barely gettting warmed up! And yeah, was awesome to meet you man.
I was drinking water! Blame Al Golden.
Well, you guys got to see 1st hand the pains of a Florida sports fan.
I mean, it kept getting uglier after we left. Yeeeesh.
Well I'll be damned, your optimism actually paid off.
I am so sorry Scar.
It is rare that the Lions are not the most inept team in a given week.
Doin it rite
Lovie needs to go.
Man cambell is awesome.
The NFL can fuck itself.
The NFL is into the whole pinkwashing thing, not new.
Uh huh. They can still go fuck themselves.
Not disgareeing! The Williams thing is repulsive, I just expect no better from an organization headed by Roger Goodell.
I don't even know why I watch football.
In all seriousness, though, sorry to hear Wake's out.
That could be it for him.
The two games yesterday pretty much sum up the teams perfectly. For the Giants, Eli throwing 6 TDs and the team still losing. The Jets, losing all their QBs and being SOL.
Bus playing with house money at this point.
More wins then last year already!
Giants/Saints was, I think, the game I've watched that was disrupted the most by penalties. It was just painful down the stretch. Not bad calls, for the most part, but yeesh.
I was five the last time the Lions beat the Packers in Lambeau.
That game was pretty amazing. I've long since learned to shrug off losses and enjoy the wins. It was pretty hilarious all around!
Green Bay, it was a little sickening to watch - this happened on two plays just of what I saw. Wide receiver runs route, does a 180 toward defender, initiates contact with both hands (which the defender matches) then misses the catch behind him and throws his hands up in the air looking for pass interference. Just blatantly trying to draw PI instead of making an attempt at the ball. I'm glad they lost for that alone.
Today, like so many games before, the entire nation were Giants fans. And like most Giants fans, they were let down at the last possible moment.
Oh yeah, just for the record,
John Mara can suck a fat one. Also:
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
Giants were literally the last team on our enemies list that nothing particularly bad had happened to, and we beat 'em in a game we shoulda lost. Eat it.
Am I still bitter about deflategate? I am still bitter about deflategate.
Yah Florida teams.
Bucs made Philly fans humble?
Bah. Who am I kidding. I bet one unlucky bucs fan got stabbed that was attending that historic beatdown.
We have scored that many points in 15 years!
Thanks for being so nice eagles.
The NFC East is the biggest joke in the NFL, somehow. That says something with the AFC South being lead by two teams starting Matt Hasselbeck and TJ Yates.
It was sure nice of Fox to broadcast a Mirror Universe NFL game yesterday.
Backwards day in Foxborough.
Can someone beat the Panthers already?
What, you don't think the Bucs can play spoiler in week 17?
Famous will lead the way.
But seriously, if they can lose before week 17, they will bench their starters for rest.
Which would give the bucs an easier shot at making the playoffs.
Crazy to think they are still in the hunt!
There's a real possibility that the NFC East will finish with all four teams at 6-10.
Just wanted to remind everybody of that.
There's a real possibility that the NFC East will finish with all four teams at 6-10.
Just wanted to remind everybody of that.
This almost happened with the NFC south last year. These things usually get teased a few years in a row before it happens, like when a team went 0-16. We all thought it would be the Dolphins the prior year (who were probably a worse overall team than the 08 Lions) and then they managed to get one over on the Ravens.
The postgame press conference in my mind:
J.J. Watt: "Our real goal here today was to make the G.O.A.T. look like a goat. Unfortunately we couldn't do that."
The postgame press conference in my mind:
J.J. Watt: "Our real goal here today was to make the G.O.A.T. look like a goat. Unfortunately we couldn't do that."
Is everyone saying this? That asshole on my Facebook also posted this.
Mine too! It's a fucking epidemic.
Also, NFC East: Still a tire fire.
A: I called a 9-7 Redskins division championship in September. Might have given the division too much credit. Related: Shale, I will take you for FREE To the Eagles/Redskins game next week! (Note for observers: This was rather strongly rejected the first time the offer was made)
B: Eddie Lacy is a bad, bad man.
Mine too! It's a fucking epidemic.
I keep forgetting almost everyone who reads this topic is a friend on facebook (and actually reads stuff).
The NFC East is the biggest joke in the NFL, somehow. That says something with the AFC South being lead by a team starting Brandon Weeden.
I have typed jfc Eagles so many times on my phone this season that it autofills j to that.
The good news?
I'm in the money in my fantasy league.
150 or 550 for me..woohooo!
The NFC East is the biggest joke in the NFL, somehow. That says something with the AFC South being lead by a team starting Brandon Weeden.
I have typed jfc Eagles so many times on my phone this season that it autofills j to that.
one last time for the game last night: jfc eagles
I'm not sure whether to laugh at cousins for the end of the first half or the Eagles for losing anyway. Both?
a thousand times both.
Either way the patriots are also going on that list.
Jordy Nelson needs to be put in the hall of fame, immediately, if he makes this big a difference for the Packers.
Yay I won big bucks in my fantasy football league.
Here's how I did it.
It's week 5 of the football season.
A down on his luck scar has an underperforming squad. Eli Manning has been good, but not great. My week 5 opponent has qb issues and the best available qb on the waivers was Sam Bradford.
I scoop him up.
Another person, the guy who has Cam Newton is also in need of a qb, since cam was on a bye that week. He text me, "Give me Sam Bradford."
Cool. I like trading. I comb over his squad and try to find a suitable trade chip for the chipmunk. I respond, "Ok, how about for Jordan Matthews."
He replies pretty quickly with a, "Your crazy."
Ok. I thought. Maybe I was asking for too much, but before I can think of a different player to trade, he shoots me another trade saying, "How about for Cam Newton?"
I went 6 and 3 after that trade, barely squeaked into the playoffs with a 7n6 record and then won 3 more games to claim the master sword and 550 bucks!
MVPs on my team were cam via trade, Julio with my 1st pick (pick 7), eric decker who was my great white hope, and Danny Woodhead as my late round sleeper.
Anybody who would trade Cam Newton for Sam Bradford at any point this season, including before game 1 of the preseason, should not be legally allowed to control their own finances.
My team unfortunately shit the bed last week, but I've got 3rd place locked down. Struck it rich in the draft with all my mid-round picks. Brandon Marshall (5th), Amari Cooper (6th), Keenan Allen (7th), Chris Ivory (10th). Plus Gronk in the first, Brees in the 4th. Struck out on my high drafted RBs though. Shame Keenan Allen got hurt, he was on a roll there for a while. Still, picked up Doug Martin on waivers after someone got jittery due to his slow start, had Arizona's D too. Did NOT play Brees in his 50 point game. Didn't make a difference but still.
Ok. Tampa. Now what?
Enter dirk diggler to the rescure?
Did not expect a Packers win, so gonna take it though.
How many people immediately thought of ace ventura after that Seattle game?
An easy way to spot a pathological liar would be to see if anybody says "not me" to that question.
That was Gary Anderson-esque.
The Patriots said Jones did not miss any practice or meetings this week. Coach Bill Belichick also declined to comment earlier Thursday on whether Jones would be benched for his behavior.
‘‘We'll find out on Saturday,’’ the coach said dismissively. ‘‘I can just Xerox you a copy of the game plan, you can send it over to Kansas City. That might be easier for all of us.’’
Peak hoodie
This happens to the Packers every year.
I don't really follow football so I'm not exactly sure what's going on here, but I trust it is accurate enough.
Did not expect a Packers win, so gonna take it though.
I don't really follow football so I'm not exactly sure what's going on here, but I trust it is accurate enough.
seems legit
DID YOU KNOW: The proposal to move the extra point from the 2-yard-line to the 15-yard-line came from the Patriots?
Seemed like a good idea at the time!
(it is a good idea. sdfgsfsdgsfdgsfgdsfgsdfg.)