The RPG Duelling League
RPG Debate => RPGDL Discussion => Topic started by: Jo'ou Ranbu on May 03, 2008, 06:34:07 AM
Lady (SH3) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC)
Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs Arc Eda Ricolne (AtLC)
Yuki (G3) vs Alice Elliot (SH1)
FuSoYa (FF4) vs Dinn (S5)
Lady (SH3) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC)- Takes two Rays for me, that should be that.
Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs Arc Eda Ricolne (AtLC)- Arc can't hack through the HP in time.
Yuki (G3) vs Alice Elliot (SH1)- Go away Yuki, part four.
FuSoYa (FF4) vs Dinn (S5)- Death, Dinn can't block it.
Lady (SH3) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC) - Burns into the ground. EBO FA's only solid instead of downright frightening offense kicks her ass here.
Lady (SH3) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC): Mm, I forgot the Malice Dirge counter. Crimson Raid + some D-Combo + final Malice Dirge might just pull it off. I'll think about it / numbercrunch it.
No way does Lady survive two Rays though. That'd put average damage in-game at 257 (for me; even lower by the Dhyer view!). Barely above DL legal.
Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs Arc Eda Ricolne (AtLC)
Yuki (G3) vs Alice Elliot (SH1): Don't see Flash stopping Advent. Think that's all there is to this match, really.
FuSoYa (FF4) vs Dinn (S5): I doubt Dinn's MDef is high enough to make Death turn 2. I also doubt he goes first, and doubt he OHKOs. He needs at least two out of three.
Lady (SH3) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC)- I forgot that no matter how much damage you did when you killed Umbral, she'll do a Malice Dirge before she dies. Which basically means she survives 2 Rays, and that's that.
Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs Arc Eda Ricolne (AtLC)- My Leopold respect is lacking, but it's Arc vs. a durable boss.
Yuki (G3) vs Alice Elliot (SH1)- Not seeing Advent as dodgable. Flash only really dodged ST, LT and iffy-ish AoEs.
FuSoYa (FF4) vs Dinn (S5)
Lady (SH3) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC)- FA. Giant smash that Lady has issues with.
Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs Arc Eda Ricolne (AtLC)- Arc. Leopold can't really do anything scary that Weak Enemy can't take of. Arc at least has a 2HKO after Weak Enemy, so it's not like his damage is always super horrid either. Leopold could spam his Stun move...but that went 35% to me on a move that can't be doubled. Not something I'm all that impressed with.
Yuki (G3) vs Alice Elliot (SH1)- Alice. Yep, not seeing Flash hit high level, MT magic that I never saw evaded in game.
FuSoYa (FF4) vs Dinn (S5)- FuSoYa
Lady (SH3) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC): I'd take a different view if I had TS for her, I'm sure.
Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs Arc Eda Ricolne (AtLC): Leo doesn't resist stat downs at all? Go figure. Anyway, he miiiggght still kill with a critical attack or something? I'm at a loss here. Edit: 50% resistance? Oh, then crits work there way in there somewhere. Yeah.
Yuki (G3) vs Alice Elliot (SH1): Flash is as much Mevade as FE evade is. Thats really the only way I can feel consistent with how we take ITD/ITE definitions everywhere else (similar to how I let FE evade work on status stuff, and just call status staves ITE). Anyway, Pretty sure Advent wasn't specifically tagged ITE, not that there'd be a way to find out since Mevade existed in that game about as much as it did in S2.
FuSoYa (FF4) vs Dinn (S5): Go away.
Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs Arc Eda Ricolne (AtLC): Leo doesn't resist stat downs at all? Go figure. Anyway, he miiiggght still kill with a critical attack or something? I'm at a loss here.
Leo has 50% resistance to stat downs.
Yuki (G3) vs Alice Elliot (SH1) - Blow me, Lani haters. Also, no vote, but go Alice. *grumbles about Lani missing a shot at being Middle champ*
Lady (SH3) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC): Lady, barring some strong arguments for exact math in the other direction; My kneejerk view is strongly against FA as is all the mental arithmatic I'm doing, and I'm too ill to do exact math this week. ._.
Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs Arc Eda Ricolne (AtLC): Leopold, tenatively. Stun is pretty anti-Invincible, I don't have a 35% opinion of it, and I...okay, in fairness, if Weak Enemy can't miss at all short of immunity, I may rethink this, it's a pretty interesting match and it makes some rather weird resistance-vs-100% headaches possible. As it is, thinking Leo takes it.
Yuki (G3) vs Alice Elliot (SH1): Alice. Don't buy Flash/G3 MEvade in general evading all magic, much like I don't buy FF6/FFT Reflect hitting all spells. It's a skill/stat that causes you to move out of the way of attacks that don't stop time and have low AoEs, like Reflect is a skill that hits only specific classes of spells. Basically, it's not traditional MEvade to me.
Reminds me of Sailor Moon: Another Story "evade" which actually just determined status spell accuracy IIRC; Doesn't mean I see it as a useful stat, just doesn't mean I see everything else being ITE just because the stat's called Evade. (...I may be remembering this wrong. I'm not feeling good, again. <_<;)
(Of course....this doesn't mean I won't give a major accuracy boost to G3 high-end spells, like I would a game without MEvade. They have no applicable evade stat.)
FuSoYa (FF4) vs Dinn (S5): FuSoYa. The only really boring match here.
Lady (SH3) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC): Lady, barring some strong arguments for exact math in the other direction; My kneejerk view is strongly against FA as is all the mental arithmatic I'm doing, and I'm too ill to do exact math this week. ._.
FA kills Lady in two turns. There's an outside chance she kills in one but nah. Already explained why her taking more than two isn't reasonable (barring AI restrictions obviously, or a different type of scaling).
Lady, assuming you allow death counters, does about 2.95 PCHP damage with Crimson Raid + Hex something + Calamity Gaze + Malice Dirge + Malice Dirge.
FA, after adjusting for defences, has about 2.85 PCHP in-game. That is to say, her actual raw HP is better, but after defences it's about this, if she faces the same proportion of physical/magical damage as she does in-game.
(These numbers are based on my scaling. But eh, close enough.)
However, the damage done to FA in-game is majority physical, i.e., it takes advantage of her lower defence, while Lady's damage is majority magical. Sooo despite seeming like enough, it may very well not be.
It's a really excellent match. I suspect most everyone will kneejerk Lady due to in-game difficulty reasons, and I'm cool with that, I guess. But yeah, neato finals, especially since it's between two fresh faces.
Lady (SH3) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC): Oh, awesome match. Not actually sure who I'm voting for right now, but I'm honestly happy seeing either one champ. About damn time FA had a run.
No votes in Heavy or Middle (and just when I finally saw Leo!) Gogo Alice, though.
FuSoYa (FF4) vs Dinn (S5): Some status. So much apathy for this match.
Reminds me of Sailor Moon: Another Story "evade" which actually just determined status spell accuracy IIRC; Doesn't mean I see it as a useful stat, just doesn't mean I see everything else being ITE just because the stat's called Evade. (...I may be remembering this wrong. I'm not feeling good, again. <_<;)
Nope, you're remembering correctly. SM:AS Evade is a pure status resistant stat. Chibi-Usa has an accessory in game that boosts it 255, afterall, and I've never seen hype for her in anyway, not even "Physical immune!" Its a misleading Stat name IOWs.
Lady (SH3) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC): Gets 2 Rays off, isn't killed before then.
Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs Arc Eda Ricolne (AtLC): Not Arc's Fight
Yuki (G3) vs Alice Elliot (SH1): Flash dodged shit like BURN or in, low level crap that really sucked ass. It'd work on like Blessed Light, or whatever Alice's low level spell is! But fuck if it works on Advent.
FuSoYa (FF4) vs Dinn (S5): Status.
Lady (SH3) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC): Oh, awesome match. Not actually sure who I'm voting for right now, but I'm honestly happy seeing either one champ. About damn time FA had a run.
See Cid, leaning Lady vaguely but hey. Kneejerk is to say False Althena will just barely fall? Maybe? Mmm. Cute match anyway.
Lady (SH3) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC) - It comes down to whether Lady can kill before Ray does. Not seeing it. FA
Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs Arc Eda Ricolne (AtLC)
Yuki (G3) vs Alice Elliot (SH1)
FuSoYa (FF4) vs Dinn (S5)