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Messages - Razor Raven

Pages: [1]
RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 57 nom pools
« on: December 19, 2009, 09:12:15 PM »
Odd Eye (SF1)
Profound Darkness (PS4)
Chris Lightfellow (S3)
Zeromus (FF4)
Dark Force (PSs)
Citan (Xenogears)

Scias (BOF4)
Ness (EB) Needs to redeem himself
Isaac (GS) Grand Slam Attempt
Steiner (FF9) Hasn't competed in awhile
Rei (BOF3)
Momo (BOF3) Momo for Heavy Champ?

Pesmerga (Suikos)
Mia (FE9)
Ramza (FFT)
Tengaar (Suikos)
Rand (BOF2)
Kimahri Ronso (FFX) Grand Slam Attempt

Peco (BOF3) Grand Slam Attempt
Reis Dular (FFT) Champ already!
Lucia (Lunar 2) Weak Grand Slam Attempt
Gogo (FF6) Final Fantasy 6 Character
Banon (FF6) Final Fantasy 6 Character
Luccia (CC) The Light who has gone the longest without competing

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Your top five favorite...
« on: November 14, 2009, 05:31:02 PM »
Moves in the DL
Shadow Flare
Shining Blade
Holy Dragon Sword
Silent Lake
Beta Shield

Chris Lightfellow
Citan Uzuki

Momo (BOF3)
Scias (BOF4)
Mia (FE9)
Rei (BOF3)
Kasumi (Suikoden 1)
Lyon (Suikoden 5)

(Yeah, I know, 6 fighters, but I can't seem to narrow it from there)


Reis Dular

Worker 8 Champing Middle

Fighters that will never be ranked
Sango (?)
Miroku (?)

Fighters you love to see lose
Cait Sith

Spoiler matches (IE Kain beating Serph, etc)
I can't remember any

Oh my God, a match I can vote on =O there'd be two if only I had finished Chrono Trigger X_x

Eileen (S1) vs Barret Wallace (FF7)

And it's also a no brainer. Copper Flesh for damage immunity, Voice of the Earth for chipping damage, and Earthquake for a finisher. Eileen doesn't even break a sweat ^_^; But yay for a non-Seph FF7 character winning a match?

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 46 Noms
« on: September 07, 2008, 01:32:58 AM »
(Thanks to Clear Tranquil for the greetings, I'd wouldn't mind rejoining the chats, but I believe my time on that ran out)

Zenon (Disgaea 2) –
Tibarn (FE9) – New
Asgard (WA3) –
X-Death (FF5) -
Brahms (VP) – Luck Change Test
Gilgamesh (FF5) – Farthest back Godlike I can find that isn’t a High Godlike

Zeal, Queen (Chrono Trigger) – Godlike, Heavy Champion, Godlike…Heavy Champion?
Poo (Earthbound) – Champ in the making?
Steiner (Final Fantasy 9) – Needs more opportunities
Lyon (Suikoden 5) – I want to see more of her…something wrong with that? >>
Mia (F39) – First Timer. Also a personal favorite
Momo (BoF3) – Helps BOF3 claim its third separate title?

Nina (Breath of Fire 5) – One effort? Let’s give her another shot
Cagnazzo (Final Fantasy 4) – Going for the Grand Slam here, also been a long time
Kimahri Ronso (Final Fantasy X) – FFX’s best hope for a Middle Championship maybe?
Vahn (LoL) – Random Middle
Charizard (PKMN) – Wow, been awhile. One of my favorite Pokemon
Pesmerga (Suikos) -

Gijimu (Suikoden 2) –
Skelly (Chrono Cross) – I have a strange fascination with the Undead >>
Soren (F39) –
Blank (FF9) –
Slash (Chrono Trigger) – Cool swordsman
Cyan Garamone (Final Fantasy 6) – FF6 is one Championship away from the Grand Slam

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Rate these games in the DL: Pokemon and Legaia 2
« on: August 22, 2008, 03:48:35 AM »
Pokemon Series:

Strongest Dueler: Mewtwo
Weakest Dueler: Pikachu. Yeah, kind of hard to argue this ^^;

Favorite Dueler: Mewtwo
Least Favorite Dueler: Don't really have one

Favorite DL moment with this game: Probably seeing the "Mewtwo vs the World" topic, that was fun.
Least favorite DL moment with this game: Mewtwo's losing streak, also a nod to Mewtwo losing to Citan

Other Thoughts? Nothing comes to mind, sorry ^^;;

I haven't had anything important to say in a long time. Just like in the chat, I couldn't contribute. Guess I'll speak out again. =o

Final Fantasy 7:

Strongest Dueler: Sephiroth, hard to argue. PC Front? Hmm, Cloud respect is a bit low due to the way his weapon works....and Yuffie translates surprisingly well.

Weakest Dueler: Probably Rufus. While my Palmer respect is low, he at least can take a hit.

Favorite Dueler: Sephiroth, I just love his style. (Wall + great damage on both fronts, and fast) Also the only one who translates well ^^;
Least Favorite Dueler: Mm, dunno

Favorite DL moment with this game: Nothing really stands I'll just say Aeris and Nanaki actually winning matches.
Least favorite DL moment with this game: Cait Sith Transform Materia Domination. Also Sephiroth losing to Kuja.

Other thoughts?: Excellent game, easily one of the better RPGs. No denying that it is among those that translates the worst to the RPGDL, which is disappointing, but, ah well.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 42 Nomination pools
« on: March 22, 2008, 04:29:48 AM »
Ryu (BoF4): Hasn't been in since Season 29, no one from earlier then that! May be able to vote if I get my ass back to work on BoF4
Ryu (BoF2): Hasn't been in since Season 31. Ryu hype is a go!
Evens (BoF2): See Ryu2
Dhoulmagus (DQ8): Last competed in Season 31, also deserves another shot.
Citan Uzuki: Last appeared in Season 31, you may be noticing a pattern here. Also, PC awesomeness! From a PC not named Ryu, Yuna, or Yuri xp
Kuja (FF9): Time to downgrade, buddy

Ryu (BoF1): Now, let's try this again...yeah, fairly recently, but here's to hoping his luck changes....WITHOUT controversy.
Jenova (FFVII): Hasn't competed in a long time, also interesting.
Poo (EB): Potential champ? Certainly hasn't been in lately.
Rei (BoF3): Potential champ? Been awhile since he competed, and I now can vote on him!
Momo (BoF3): One of my favorite Duelists, I'm hoping she can get a good field draw. Also, I can vote on her!
Groudon (PKMN): Good time as any to start a career.

Alen (Suikos): Hasn't competed in awhile....and I can vote? Yeah....
Charizard (PKMN):
Shoon (Suikoden): Random duelist who hasn't competed ever.
Barret (FFVII):
Zynk (SF2): Random pick, hasn't competed in a long time.
Alice Elliot (SH1): Random pick, in kind of a hurry >> Also a character I'm vaguely familiar with.

Gijimu (S2): Potential 2-Time Light Champ? I wish I had played more of S2...
Fu So La (FF4) Random pick/Interesting name. Again, in a hurry here >>
Skelly (CC) Skeleton, always cool. "Braaaaains...." oh wait, thats zombies...
Gremio (S1) Random pick, also, someone I'm familiar with.
Kongol (LoD) I want to learn more about the duelists from this game.
Blank (FF9) Random scrub

I was in a rush, and we're leaving tomorrow, so if anything here is off, it may be necessary just to discount my votes >>

EDIT: Just realized I was off on my numbers, fixed now.

Lufia 2

Favorite dueller: Artea. Dekar is a close second
Least favorite dueller: Hmm, probably Gades. I'd probably like his other forms, but this one fails. *Needs to check the other stat topics*

Strongest dueller: Off the top of my head...probably Amon, good speed and damage, plus a lot of hit points. There's also Daos, maybe, I'd need my notes to be sure of his damage.
Weakest dueller: Tia, terrible durability, followed by the game relying on Storebought magic, ouch.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: None, really.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: None, really

A character you'd like to see added to the game: Pass
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Pass

Any other notes/thoughts about the game? Nothing that isn't obvious

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Rate this game in the DL: FF4 and CT
« on: February 19, 2008, 02:40:49 AM »
Chrono Trigger
Favorite dueller: Probably Marle, love that moveset, shame the stats and damage are so crappy
Least favorite dueller: Lavos. Not because I actually dislike him, but because I have no freaking clue which form to take, which bugs the hell out of me

Strongest dueller: Lavos
Weakest dueller: Probably Slash, I haven't really looked that closely, I'm afraid.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Umm, probably Magus’ upgrade to Godlike, or Marle vs Worker 8 just for the Iron Chef parody.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: None

A character you'd like to see added to the game: I think you guys got everybody important.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Maybe Dalton?

Any other notes/thoughts about the game? I like the game itself, and for the most part, I like its translation to the DL, but it seems to be one of those games where the whole cast manages to screw themselves in the damage average. Shame, it hurt my respect for Crono (for example) as a duelist, however much I like him

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Rate this game in the DL: FFT and SoA
« on: January 24, 2008, 10:37:18 PM »
Final Fantasy Tactics

Favorite dueller: Either Orlandu or Worker 8. Leaning Worker 8. Love those defenses, wish he had better damage, though. Throwing an honorable mention to Ramza
Least favorite dueller: Altima, very disappoint endboss. Doesn't suck quite as much as I thought, still fails, though. As an alternate, Alma. Not because I have anything against her, but because of the headaches she causes in regards to what people allow. I'd like to have her as a strong duelist, but what she gets (high defense, for example) just feels wrong

Strongest dueller: Orlandu, opens up so many cans of whoopass, it's a good thing whoopass isn't alcohol, or he'd be drunker then Barney Gumble
Weakest dueller: Umm, gosh, I'd have to check the stats. Low respect for Miluda and Algus, but Mustadio is hard to argue with

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Various, Orlandu besting Jade was fricking awesome, how many PC's do you see legally beating a High Godlike Boss? Then there's Worker 8's run in Middle, if only because of Halbarad's description of Worker 8 vs Marle, still makes me chuckle. I suppose I also like Agrias upgrading to Heavy...I'm going to stop before I get shot.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Probably Worker 8 losing to Kary. Probably legit, but still a blow to me, then there's Altima winning a match in Godlike

A character you'd like to see added to the game: Hmm, probably Velius, feels like a nasty dueler, all things considered, and actually scary in-game, unlike Miss Endgame Failure.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Hm, probably Miluda and Algus, they're kinda dull, although Algus' remake form sounds interesting....There's also Olan, but at least HERE he isn't massively overhyped (Not that I've seen, anyway)

Any other notes/thoughts about the game? Used to be stunned that Reis scored so low, she always seemed good in-game to me. Then again, like Ramza she doesn't get stuff that'd make her kickass. Still, Reis for Light Champ!

Suggestions for next time: Suikoden or Breath of Fire 3, maybe

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Rate this game in the DL: BoF1 and SO2.
« on: January 11, 2008, 03:40:35 AM »
Breath of Fire 1:

Favorite dueller: Ryu
Least favorite dueller: Gobi

Strongest dueller: Myria.
Weakest dueller: Mogu. I like him more then I like Gobi, but it's hard to argue with the stats.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Probably Ox vs Rei. I feel kind of bad for Ox, but this kind of mismatch often amuses me. Sha,e Ox's durability turned out not to be as good as previously believed, but even if it was, it wouldn't have mattered with that speed difference. As an alternative, Ryu finally winning matches, and three in a row to boot!
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Probably Zog beating Geshp. I don't really care about Geshp one way or another, but somehow him losing to Zog just seemed wrong.

A character you'd like to see added to the game: N/A
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: N/A

Any other notes/thoughts about the game?

Star Ocean 2:

Favorite dueller:
Least favorite dueller:

Strongest dueller:
Weakest dueller:

Favorite moment in the DL with this game:
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game:

A character you'd like to see added to the game:
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game:

Any other notes/thoughts about the game?


Also, suggest ideas for what to use in the next round.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: What games can you vote on?
« on: December 20, 2007, 02:32:32 PM »
Can Vote
Breath of Fire
Breath of Fire 3
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy Tactics
Lufia 2
Pokemon (Red)
Super Mario RPG

Partial Vote
Breath of Fire 2
Breath of Fire 4 (Working on this)
Chrono Trigger (Need to get back to this)
Final Fantasy V
Golden Sun

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