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Messages - Cid Highwind

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Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: June 02, 2008, 12:49:37 AM »
Thank you for flying Highwind #$@%$#& Airlines. We hope you enjoy the rest of your flight after we punt you from the cargo bay into the endless abyss.

##Vote: Worf


Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: June 01, 2008, 11:11:42 AM »
As the facts of this situation are easily observable, I did not consider it bad form for me to point them out in my own defense.  It is a proven fact that Captain Sparrow and Megatron were town, it is a fact that I did not pursue them and pushed hard for other lynches, it is a fact that it would have been more beneficial for the Borg to simply sit back and accept their easy town lynches. 

The point of this battle is to figure out who Borg are by their behavior, by what Borg would and would not do.

$%#$@& seconding this for the benefit of Mr. T. and Yoda since they insist on calling the entire %#$@%$ train of though WIFOM. Mainly for T., since I'm pretty $%#$%& sure Yoda is scum--but hey, wasn't it Mr. T. who had an issue when $%#%$& Megatron used terms like this to describe someone else's arguments? %#$%#& interesting.

The thing that %&$%$# gets me about you guys is that, once you remove all consideration of what's "town behavior" and what's $%$#$& "scum behavior," what's left of the %#%$#& game? Having stated criteria for "scum behavior" gives $#%$#& scum something to exploit, yeah. But it's a fact that certain things are $%#%$& advantageous for scum players. They $#%$#& have to lynch town to win, and they have to avoid $#%$#& criticism so that they don't get lynched themselves. Worf's reversal on Jacko totally contradicts both $%#$%& goals. Part of the case against him now seems to come down to him looking %#@$#& scummy for not helping to lynch townies, and this is just $#%$#& baffling to me.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: June 01, 2008, 10:29:55 AM »
Dunno when you'll $%#@$& see this, Holmes, but I saw your $#%$#& post while working on somethin' else and had a couple things to say about it.

Also, something caught my eye about Cid.

And lasts of all, there's no point in voting for someone whens none'll be joining you there.

Now that's a %$%&@# weird thing to say. I mean, how do you *&#@$% know no one else'll $%#%$& join you if you don't %$%#&@ try? You see something $$@%&$ scummy, you ##@%$& point it out; a %&$%@# vote always adds weight to an argument, and people will %$&@$# follow if you $@!$@# do it right. Try throwin' in some gratuitous $#&!@# profanity, that always gets some !%#*&# attention.

That's speakin' &@#$%! generally, though. In these #$@$!& circumstances, I've gotta concede that you have a %#$&!@ point, given how few @$#@%! hours we've got left. We ain't got all !@#$%& night here to make a &!#@$% decision. As for the rest of your $#!@&# post, I can see some %$%#%& sense there. 'specially calling out the $#%#&@ pirate. Where the %$%& is he, anyhow? I'm not agreein' with every $#%$&@ thing you say, but there's enough $#%$&# reason for me to $#$@#$

##Unvote: Gollum

When he wrote that, Gollum had just voted for me, with no other votes on me. His own actions contradicted the argument that you praised and used as partial justification to unvote him, but you don't say word one about them? I was too focused on Gollum himself at the time for your response to register before, but it made me sit up and take notice on the reread.

Wasn't as much praise as it was a simple %#$@#& observation: if you think you're right about who's scum, you $%#%$& owe it to yourself to try and convince others, coupled with the disclaimer that right before deadline is not the %$&#@# to start a new case. As for why I didn't follow up on his $#%$#& argument against you? I can only say, like you, that I was $#%$@# focused on somethin' else at the time. Jacko and $%#$%& Megatron weren't being very helpful and I thought putting some $#%$#& pressure on them was a better option--which I $@%#$& pointed out in the rest of the post, right after that quote you pulled out.

It also rankles a bit with me that he floated the "I'd rather lynch Holmes than Megatron" idea six minutes from deadline, for two reasons. One, it was six minutes from deadline. That's pretty late to have any reasonable chance of convincing people to switch. Two, he's still barely made an actual argument about me! Am I the only one who thinks that's a bit late to begin a serious push?

You're not &#$@%# alone there, no. I thought it was a $%#$@# weird move at the time and noted it, but there was too much other &#@$ going on for me to focus on this. $%#@$# somethin' to think about, yeah. A %@$#%& blink before deadline is not the right &#@$#% time to be starting a new train, but I don't think this alone is enough to condemn the &$@#$% Klingon in my eyes. The $#@%$& lack of Holmes-related content in conjunction with that is a more valid point but I think it's gonna take a lot to %&#@$# sway me by now.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: June 01, 2008, 09:33:56 AM »
I will be readin' more over tonight. I would really like to hear from Cid what happened to turn his opinion on me so much that I'm really close to #2 on his list for lynch, especially when he doesn't actually seem to have anythin' to say about me. I would like to hear Worf's response to what I've said above. And I'd like to hear from Holmes, period.

I said you and #%$@&% Holmes were the distant next candidates. Neither of you has done much that raises &@$#%@ warning flags, apart from the %&#@$% limey's earlygame high-content lurking, but it's a $%#$&@ fact that I've been wrong about my past suspects and I will now have to look elsewhere for scum. It's not a sudden %^$%@# reversal of opinion. It's a &$@%#$ acknowledgement that I have to start considering people who haven't seemed &#%$@# suspicious to me before just by virtue of there still being two &#$@%# scum left. I got more to read and more to %&#@$# say, but I wanted to get this out first.

I do agree that $@#%$& Holmes needs to speak up. I'm not happy throwing down a %#@$#& vote until everyone's had a chance to talk.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 06:23:31 PM »
...%@$#%$ #@&%

I've been wrong about three people so far this game, so I wanna make a full review of the &@$#@% thread before makin' a $@%$#& decision here. Brace yourselves, 'cause this post is gonna be a %@$#@& big one. Gonna try to take everything into account, though I dunno how much the &$@#%$ voting record is gonna help us in this case. Everyone who's still alive made a serious &@$#@% case against a confirmed townie yesterday and day one's abrupt ending just %@$#%& muddies the waters. But I'm not gonna say the &@$#@% voting record's completely useless even in a situation this &@$#@% crazy, so I'll try to make use of it in conjunction with other scummy behavior.

Gonna tackle one %@$#@% person at a time, just goin' down the %$%$&# list on the first page.

A) Sherlock Holmes. Got some bad press early on for posting %@$#@% words without meaning. This is a valid $#@%$& criticism and a mark against him, but he got more %#$@%& involved on the second day. It remains possible that this is %&#@$% scum responding to pressure rather than just town having more %#$@%$ material to work with, but he did have plenty of %$%&@# analysis geared against Jack and the robot--criticisms I find it &%@$#% hard to disagree with even though both of 'em flipped town. I don't agree with him on everything, but there are few specific statements I can %&^#@$ pull out to use against him.

Well, there's always %$%&#$ this:

The same goes for Cid. Choosing a lynch on the logic that one way or the other, the flip will be informative is a dangerous game, especially when a mislynch puts us in LYLO. If we lynch town and get a ton of information from it, we're still one incorrect vote from losing the game. I'd rather hit uninformative scum.

I already responded to this &%$#, but I'm trying to be %#$@%& comprehensive here so: this ignores my actual %#$%#& stance on the player in question and boils it down to %#@$#% "lynching for information." Could be a misreading, could be bad %#$#%& wording on my part, but Yoda made the same %#$%#& observation and I'll explain at length when I get to him why the argument %&$%#@ bothers me. In short, ignoring the %&%$@# specifics of someone else's post is just bad $%$&#@ logic.

But aside from that, I'm not finding a whole lot I can %$&%#@ pin on Holmes. I'm willing to ^$%^&# consider him if someone has some &%$%#@ persuasive arguments, but he takes a backseat to the &#$@%$ Jedi.

B) Worf. Looks pretty %$%&#@ much like town to me. The big &#$@%$ issue is his total reversal on the &@$#%@ pirate yesterday. Now, I voiced my &#$%@# skepticism of that move at the time but didn't consider it cause for a vote both for finding the Klingon's other points %#$@%& agreeable and for having more pressing suspects. With Jacko's cardflip in hand, I think he only looks $%#%$& better. The argument could be made that he backed off of Jacko to avoid bein' seen &%#@$% training a $%#$@% townie, but I don't see any &$@%#$ logic behind that. I'll go into that point more when I get to talking about &$#@%$ Yoda, since it's &$#@%$ hard to disentangle the two by this point, but in sum: I do not #%@$#& see it as a wise move for a scum Worf to make. It involves simultaneously passing up a %@$#%& easy townie lynch AND opening himself up to massive &%&#@$ criticism for the reversal--and he did get plenty of &#@$#% criticism for it, that's for %$&%@# sure. It's %$%&@# untenable to suggest that a scum player would take both these risks at once.

Barring some $%#$&@ major screwups on his part, I'm unlikely to consider him for lynching today.

C) Yoda. This breakdown's gonna be %$%&@# long since he was and remains my main $%#%&$ suspect. Let's start with his day one case against &#$@%# Megatron. I admit there was good cause to suspect the &#$%@# robot, and I did so myself, but Yoda's reasoning never %&$#@% worked for me. In the %&#$@% Jedi's own words:

Flailing against my argument Megatron is. Point you have missed. Ignore discussion without reason you did. By my own action had joke voting begun to fade. Little reason to joke vote when you did there was.

Check out those last two %#@$#& sentences. I called attention to this before, but it looks %#@$#& worse in light of Megatron being confirmed town. Ending of the &#@$#% jokevote phase isn't as %#@$&% clearcut as the Jedi makes it out to be. Now, I've admitted before that Yoda's day one vote on &#@$#% Captain Sparrow did make a valid point, but tryin' to pin a definitive %@$#@& end to the jokevote phase on one of his own posts both artificially inflates Yoda's townie cred and exaggerates a point to build a %@#$%& case against someone. It's not the last &#$@%$ time he does somethin' like that, either, and this style of argument isn't &#@%$# something I associate with a town perspective. Scum arguments have to be built from %@$#%& scratch and you can see the seams in willful generalizations like this. Yoda's posts are %$#@%& riddled with this kind of argument.

And that argument against $%#$%& Megatron is most of Yoda's day one content. Not only that, but he $%#@$& helped lynch Megatron yesterday without greatly expanding his %$%&@# case against him. Of course, Yoda himself was the other $@$#&$ candidate for lynching there, and I'll concede that even from a town perspective someone other than yourself dying is always the best course of events, so it's hard to hold that $#%$#& vote against him.

Lot's been made of him dropping off the %@#$%& radar near the end of the day. He claims he didn't see the end of the day coming so %@#$%& soon, and I gotta admit that there's no $@%#$& way someone could. But he did have nineteen %@#$&% hours between his last day one post and the time the %@#$%& lawyer got herself killed. I don't know the Jedi's %&$@#% schedule, but that seems like a lotta time. This isn't %@$#&% grounds for condemnation by itself, but it's something to consider in conjunction with his other mistakes.

Moving on to day two, there's the %&#@$% infamous argument about jokevotes. What $%#@%& set people off is right here:

Matter not does reason for voting, for even joke votes may serve the Dark Side.

I admit more's been made of this &#@$#% point than is probably warranted, but it's &$@#%$ easy to see why Worf reacted to it. It's %&#@$% phrased generally enough that I find it %&#@$% easy to see it as a calculated scum attempt to drum up suspicion of someone else, at least in light of similar arguments the %#$@$& Jedi's made. Again, not &#@$%# damning by itself, but it's characteristic of the way Yoda's been arguing throughout the %&#@$% game.

Next up's the $%$#@& debate over Jacko's misreadin' of Worf--and it's pretty &#$@%# clear now that that's what it was, since the &#$@%# pirate's now confirmed as town--and how people reacted to it. Most of this %@$#$& mess involved people questioning Worf's %&#@$% reasoning and I admit to sharing some skepticism there. I'm not one to put a lot of stock in %&#@$% "gut feelings." The fact that Sparrow's now %@$#%& confirmed as town casts this whole argument in a new light, though. There are a couple ways to look at the whole %&@$#% mess: 1) Worf's motivation for switching his vote was $@%$#& exactly what he said it was; 2) Worf, if $%$#@% scum in this scenario, didn't wish to be seen building a train against a townie and took a %#$@%& opportunity to back off. The second $#%$#& explanation's pretty &%^&$# hard for me to believe just for it bein' such an obvious &$#@$% blunder. No, I'm not saying scum can't make %#$%#& mistakes, I just can't see how it woulda been advantageous for Worf to make a reversal that so clearly exposes him to criticism if he was $#%$#& scum.

A deciding factor here is that while %@$#&% everyone called Jacko out on his infamous misreading, most did it in the context of $#%$#@ correcting a simple error. Yoda's the one who &@$#%# jumped on it and used it as the reason for a vote. There were plenty of %@$#%& good reasons to suspect the pirate at the time and plenty of people did, but only Yoda seized on what we now know was a %@$#@& townie making an honest mistake.

Moving on, here's another one of those %&#@$% generalizations I %&#@$% dislike so much:

Final point which concerns me. Split desires, many people have. Falling back to "suspicious" vs "what we will learn from the lynch," many people are. Think suspicions should take precedent, I do. If think one target more suspicious, vote them you should. Let lurking scum slip by does lynching based on information.

He didn't $%#$%& address this to anyone specifically, but both Megatron and myself noted that a point in favor of &@$#%$ lynching Yoda was that we'd get plenty of &$#@$% information out of it so I gotta assume he at least had me in mind. I never %@#$%& said I was for lynching Yoda JUST for the sake of &#@$#% getting information. Said I suspected both him and %@$#%& Sparrow, about equal for the %@$#@& record, and that I chose Yoda at the time because he'd give us more to work with the next %&#@$% day. It was never about %&#@$% ignoring lurking scum, it was about setting &#$@$# priorities. The %&#$@% Jedi has a habit of ignoring the specifics of a situation and this is just one %@$#@& example. Sherlock made the same %$#%&# comment but I feel he lacks Yoda's other tells.

In sum? Yoda's got a #@$#%& wide variety of nagging scumtells, none of which is %@$#%& damning on its own but which collectively make up a &@$#@% pattern of behavior which is far more reminiscent of scum constructing arguments than it is of a %@$#@& townie. The fact that he's spent most of the last %&#@$% day goin' after someone who reads town to me--not to mention that Yoda's %$&@$# case against Worf only started when the Klingon voted for him, which looks odd even if he genuinely disagreed with Worf's logic--only &#@$#% adds to this impression. I feel very $%@$#& strongly that lynching him is our best bet right now and I will continue to press for this. One of the $@#$%& Sith, I think he is.

D) Mr. T.'s in the same boat as the $%#%$& limey, only without the liability of $#%$#& low presence early in the game. This makes him look a little %&@$#@ better, but they're &#@$#% close to second place in line for getting &#@$#% booted off the Highwind. Still a $#@% sight passed Yoda, of course. I admit to having somethin' of a %$%&@# blind spot in regards to the T., and that if there's anyone I need to look at more closely it's him, but I just can't recall anything specific that raises $#%$#& warning flags here.

Now, this post took way too &#@%$# long and I need a %@$#@& drink, but I'll be around as much today as I can $%#%$& afford to be. As a final %#$@%$ word, I got nothing helpful to add in the way of %$%&@# roleclaims. Just %$%#&@ vanilla, an airship pilot without a &%#@$% airship. Could be I don't have to %$%&@# claim since there's no votes on me, but the &#@$%# Klingon did say he was waiting on claims. I figure, hey, it's LYLO, may as well put all cards on the %&#@$% table. Shame I haven't got any &#@$%# useful ones.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:19:32 AM »
Also if there is no support for hammering Yoda I would prefer moving to Holmes rather than Megatron.

I... wouldn't. Rules state that it goes to sudden death, and I'm fairly sure on Yoda. Much more than Holmes, whose stock has risen to me post-Jack roleclaim.

This is true. It's past the &@%$#@ deadline by my clock, which means anyone removing a &@$#@% vote automatically condemns the other player sitting at three votes. And this hardly seems like the best &@$#@% time to be building a new train anyway. EDIT: Abe &@$$$# gets in a post before me. Yeah, that's what I &@$#@% thought.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:02:09 AM »
Worf or Holmes, willingly lynch I will. Bad feeling about Cid, do I have, but nothing concrete can I put together beyond the gut. Not trust Sparrow, I would either, but not willing to put it away at this point, I am.

Never said I %&@$#@ trusted him. Just that there were two main points persuadin' me to put my %@$#@& vote elsewhere: 1) doc claim's always something to be careful about; 2) judging by the mass response to the claim, a Jacko lynch was just &@$#@% unrealistic even if I was totally &@%$#@ convinced his roleclaim was a lie.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 07:46:08 AM »
Okay. Yoda has a lot of small %@$#@& grievances against him. Lot of 'em aren't much alone, but taken together they make him the best %@$@#& candidate around. %@$#@& disappearance near the end of day one, vague and general phrasing of arguments, overemphasis on %@$#@& joke votes--yeah, I admit people have overstated how much Yoda stressed this angle, but the accusation didn't come outta ^@%$#@ nowhere--and some logic I just flat out don't &@%$#@ agree with. Megatron's dealt with some of my &@#@#$ issues with him, Yoda hasn't. The fact that my other &@$#@% suspect is on the same train of thought &@$#@% bothers me, but I don't see another @%$#@& option right now.

##Vote: Yoda

That's &@$#@% minus one to lynch right there and we've got thirty &@$#@% minutes left. Anyone has anything to say to change my mind, now's the &@$#@% time. Well, no, the time was &@$#@% hours ago, but anything's better than hitting the &@$#@% deadline without a majority.

EDIT: New $@%$#& posts from Yoda and Jacko. Doesn't %@$#@& change much, but since Jack mentions it, yeah, acknowledging a %@$#@& mistake is somethin' that looks a &@$# sight better than equivocation. It doesn't have to come with the feeling that someone's &$@%#$ resigned himself to death, though.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 07:21:48 AM »
Well, #$@%&% %@$#, but this is a %@^&## mess. Apart from Mr. T. stealing my &@%$#@ gimmick, my main suspect's claiming &$@%#$ doc.

First things %@$#%& first: there's a streak of %&@*$# defeatism through Jack's post that bothers me, but I gotta agree with the &@$#@% T. that lynching someone claiming %&@$#@ doc isn't in our best interest. The arguments against him are still %@$#%& sound, and he not only acknowledges this but explains most of them away by confessing to &@$#@% emotional distress. Still, it's pretty clear a %$@#$& Jack lynch ins't happenin' today, so:

##Unvote: Jack Sparrow

$@%#$& hate to have to jumpstart the &@$#@% conversation this close to deadline, but most of us are %@$#%& here right now and we'll have to make the best of it. Looks like people are falling back on $@%#&$ previous cases: Worf, Yoda, Megatron, Sherlock...I disagreed with the arguments against the &@#@$% Klingon before and still do, so that one's out. Yoda and Megatron I've expressed my &@$#@% doubts about before and I'm likely to settle on one or the other. The &@$#@% limey hasn't done much to set me off except for being &@$#@% noncommittal earlier, as others pointed out. Bears watching, but I haven't got time to do a full %@$#@& review of the topic and build a case against him. There's only a &@%$#@ hour left here and I mean to focus on cases I'm %@^$@% familiar with.

I gotta reread some $@%# and sort out my thoughts, but I'll be here 'til the &@$#@% deadline if people have any specific questions. I mean to have a vote up &@$#@% soon.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 02:45:24 AM »
The same goes for Cid. Choosing a lynch on the logic that one way or the other, the flip will be informative is a dangerous game, especially when a mislynch puts us in LYLO. If we lynch town and get a ton of information from it, we're still one incorrect vote from losing the game. I'd rather hit uninformative scum.

I wouldn't %@$#&$ vote to kill anyone if I didn't think there was a %@$#$& good chance of him bein' scum. Never been a %@$#@& gambler and I don't &@$#@% advocate lynching town "just for information." My $@#%$& point was that given two people I think might be &@$#@% vile scum, I'd rather go for the one that gives us more %@$#&$ connections to work off of the next day. Given how &@$#@% much of the recent talk's been geared toward the &@$#@% pirate, about him if not &@$#@% directed at him, I think him and Yoda are about even right now on that account. Jacko's latest post is a step in the right &@$#@% direction, but there's not a lot there hasn't been said by others. We're running outta #@$%#& time here and someone has to tip the &@$#@% balance one way or another, so:

##Unvote: Yoda
##Vote: Jack Sparrow

I've given my %@$#@& reasons for suspecting him before, and if someone doesn't know then they're not &@$#%@ paying attention. I'm not too $@#%$& happy about my other main suspect also bein' on Jacko's case, lemme tell you, but that in itself doesn't do anything to clear the %@$#@& pirate. It's somethin' to think about in the %@$#&$ morning, that's for %$#@#& sure. This puts the pirate one vote below the %@$#@& threshhold unless I'm %@$#@& worse with &@%$#@ numbers than I thought.

I &@$#%$ wish Mr. T. would show up. A fresh perspective on the current discussion would be %@$#@% nice right about now.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 30, 2008, 03:53:59 PM »
I have to agree with Yoda on this one. I'll give Cid the point about the generalization he made, but the quick vote on Yoda is going too far for my taste, because generalization or not he has a point.

This isn't the first %@$#&$ thing Yoda's done to get my &@%$#@ hackles up. His day one presence left somethin' to be desired and his overemphasis on $@%#$& joke votes has been hashed over by others. In combination with that, there's plenty %@$#&% grounds for a vote.

I do admit that there's good $@$#%& reason to question Worf's change of opinion on the %@$#%& pirate, and I noted my confusion about it in my last &@$#%# post. But the %@$#&$ clincher for me is that Worf's conduct aside from this point has been $@%#&$ straightforward and consistent, and he's recently given a thorough $@#%#& accounting of his reason for flipping his vote on Jacko. I'm not sure I &@%$#@ agree with it myself, but it makes enough &@%$# sense that I can see where he's coming from and I'm not likely to hold it against him. Somethin' to consider in conjunction with any mistakes he might make in the $@$#&# future, but right now? I'll side with someone I &@%$#@ agree with on most points rather than someone I disagree with on ALL but one point, especially since I was uneasy with how Yoda %$@$#& presented it.

What I don't like, and I've said this before in a more long-winded way, is the "I don't understand anybody" thing being brought out so suddenly when it was obvious from the first page that we were posting in character. Especially since he still hasn't asked for clarification on any particular point or post at all, I'm inclined to doubt that explanation for his quietness. And unless I'm missing something (it's possible, tiredness does things to the brain) his only contribution to the debate on anyone other than himself or the people who've accused him has been one-liners. I'd very much like to hear more breadth from him.

This here is a valid &@$#%# point, though. Jack's only real attempt at goin' on the offensive was the $@%#$& case against Worf, part of which looks a %@$#%# lot like a misreading at best. Well, yeah, he had a &@$#%@ vote against Yoda day one, but that was his first &@%#$@ post and he never followed up on it. The pirate's spent most of the &@$#%@ game goin' after people voting for him. Short of that, he's had %@$#&$ one-line observations and $@%#&$ admissions of confusion which don't %@$#%& help us even if they are genuine. &@$#%@ pirate badly needs to give us opinions on wider topics and I think that's the main strike against him.

Movin' on to other $@%& now, though.

Megatron: I'll $@#%$& accept that for now, and we seem to be on the same $@#%$& page about Sparrow. I've gotta admit your response to my criticism has been pretty &@%$%# straightforward and without the %@#$&# evasive wheedling I'd expect outta scum. This knocks you down a peg on the %@&$#% list of suspects, though not off of it.

Right now I'm %&@$#@ split between Sparrow and Yoda, and I think either one would be a good %@$#&% bet for our lynch today. The question is, would Sparrow's cardflip @%$#&@ tell us anything? Aside from its reflection on the @%$#&@ Klingon, I'm not sure we'd get much information out of it. The %@$#&$ pirate is bein' pretty &@%$#$ unhelpful right now, and the more he hangs back the more he looks like %@%#$& lurking scum to me, but between two people who look suspicious I'm gonna go for the one who's had plenty of #@%$#& interaction for us to sort through tomorrow.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 30, 2008, 12:23:08 AM »
I can't tell you exactly what about Worf makes me more uneasy than the others. His reasoning is awkward and he adopts a tone that makes me uneasy. I can't provide you with an adquate answer.

You seem to know this $#%@#& response wasn't what I was lookin' for, but just acknowledging that doesn't get you out of making a %$@#%& explanation. I'm the kinda guy that wants some good %&%@#$ examples of why someone's %$%&@$# suspicious before sending him to the gibbet, and the fact that you can't $%@#&# explain why you're hangin' onto your main suspect like a %@#$&% pitbull makes me very %$#@&# uneasy. "It's just a feeling" is a justification I can't $@$#&% take seriously. If you've got something more than %&$#@% instinct, I'm willing to listen--quotes pointin' out what in his tone makes you &@$#%# suspicious of him, maybe--but right now you've only said things to make me question your %$&@$# judgement.

EDIT: I see you've $@&#$@ backed off now, but that doesn't excuse the #@%$&# poor reasoning that was there in the first place, so the above comments $@%#&$ stand.

I know that's not the only %&@%$# thing you said about him, yeah, but the accusation of train-hopping is $@#&%$ bunk for reasons pointed out by Mr. T. and your attack on Worf near the end of $@#$&% day one has already been hashed over. Now, I'm willing to accept the occasional $@#$%& mistake, as I've said before, but I hope to %@$# I don't see you building a case on a misreading again 'cause it'll make me wonder if it was really a $@#%$& misreading in the first place. Whether or not all this makes you look worse than the $@%#$& robot is something I gotta sort out still. Looks like there's plenty of new $@#& for me to read over, first.

...And now I've $@#&%$ read it all, I see Worf switched his %@$#%& vote and started a fracas with $#@%$& Yoda. This is makin' my &%@$#% spin as much as Yuffie's does on the $@%#$& Highwind, so I'll deal with this #@%$&# mess last and look at Megatron for now.

As for %*&@$# Megatron? Points against him are: 1) $@$#&% hanging back day one; 2) comin' into day two with a $@#%$& flimsy argument against Worf, totally dropping his day one case against Yoda in the process; 3) not bothering to respond today to the %@$#&% outstanding points against him from day one. This last one's #@%$&$ tricky, 'cause the scenario Megatron describes is something I can see happening: you start out day two #@%$#& defendin' yourself and someone $@%$#& calls you suspicious just for that. It makes some %@$#&$ sense when he explains it, yeah, but put all these points together and it looks like someone trying to make a $@#%$& distraction so's we don't pick up where we left off yesterday. His $@%$#& argument against Worf bein' pretty %@$#%& shoddy fits right in with that.

He's changed his $@&$#% tune now, of course, but that doesn't #%@$#& clear him automatically.

I'm sure the %@$#%& tin can is itching* to point out that he didn't $@%#$& forget about Yoda right about now, as he already reminded Mr. T. of that, so lemme do it for him:

Yoda also fell off near the end of the day. Granted, there is no way the little creature could have known that would happen, coming on strongly and then disappearing bears noting.

He said that in the first $@%#$& post of the day, yeah, but I gotta point out that it's a pretty basic $@%#$& observation AND one that has no $@#%$& connection with the arguments he used against Yoda on day one, so you can't %@$#& say he continued what he started there. I'm pretty &@$#%@ comfortable leaving my vote right where it is unless somethin' about the Worf & Yoda debate really gets under my %@$#%& skin.

...And now that I've #$@%$& read that @%$#%$#@%$&, I need a %@$#&$ drink. Wait, there $@%#$& aren't any? I hate bein' stuck on this %@$#&$ rock.

Anyway, what %@$#%& gets me about the little green $@$# is this:

Worf, almost your entire case for moving off Sparrow rest on the theory that scum cannot make mistakes, it seems.

That's making a %@$#&% generalization. The &@$# Klingon laid out two kinds of behavior and specified the one he felt the %@$#&% pirate followed--the less $@%$#& suspicious one. He didn't &@%#$@ say "Scum don't make %@$#&# mistakes." I'm not sure what the $@%# I think of Worf's reversal with Sparrow right now, but I'm %@$#&# sure I don't like seeing Yoda chop a %@$#&$ post down to a generalization and ignore the %@$#%& specifics of the situation. Maybe this'll %@$#%& help me figure things out:

##Unvote: Megatron
##Vote: Yoda

This doesn't mean I'm not #@%#&@ paying attention to you any more, Megatron, it's just there's someone else I want some %@%#$& answers from right now. If you've got somethin' new to say, I'm still %@&$#@ listening.

*- Do robots itch? I don't $@%#$& know. I don't &*@%$# want to know.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 29, 2008, 02:35:43 AM »
Ever since the beginning, I've found it difficult to read this topic, let alone post.

Trying to conceal identities, trying to figure out what in the fuck everyone in the topic is saying... what I'm trying to say is that it's been really cumbersome.

If you're having trouble reading a specific %$@$#& poster's comments, the best thing to do is just $#%@&# say so. Posting in character is %$@&#$ fun, hey, but we've got some &@%$#% problems if it's impeding basic &#@%$# communication. If you don't think you can tell what the $%#& someone's tryin' to say, the best thing to do is %$&%@# tell 'em. Concealing identities is one thing, being impenetrable is a different &#%$#& business. This is pretty much all the $#%$#& Klingon was saying when you jumped on him. Me, I think I've $%@#&# sorted things out now and I don't have trouble reading the topic, though wrapping my mind around %$&@$# Yoda's syntax still gives me half a headache.

The problem is trying to decode what everyone is saying and trying to figure out who is scum from vague fragments of ideas. It's impossibile.

I don't know what to &*@%#$ say to this. That's pretty much the $@#$&$ game in a nutshell, boyo. You knew what you were $@#%$& signin' up for, right?

The person I still find most suspicious is Worf. I find his hopping around strange, and as mentioned, his arguments toward Ms. von Karma seem to be trying to pull things out of thin air. Which admittedly, it seems like the Captain has done. I simply detected something that made me uneasy, and it was poorly phrased.

My $@#$&% question is, what do you think of the other people who $@#$@& voted for Karma for the same reason? And this question's for %#$@%& Megatron as well as you. Worf wasn't the only one who $@%$@# singled out the argument you &%&@$# suspect him for criticizing. When the $@#%$& lawyer called out Mr. T. for asking about $#@$%& "plans," three people responded calling her $@%#$& argument suspect: Worf, Gollum, and Mr. T. himself. Gollum's %@#$#& dead and we know he was town, but T.'s still $@#$%& live and kicking (though the crazy son of a %@#&% hasn't said a word today, I notice). What about Worf makes him more of a %$%#&@ suspect to you? Because $#%$#& hopping around doesn't feel like enough to me.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 28, 2008, 03:04:01 PM »
Well, #@%$. First things $#%@#$ first: the three people I'm %$%#&@ lookin' at right now are Jack, Yoda, and the #@$#%$ robot.

1: Jack for bein' $#%&@# MIA most of day one and not sayin' much of anything when he was $@#$#@ here past an attack on Worf that looks more like a %$%&@# misreading the more I look at it. I agree he needs some %#%$#& pressure to get him active, but our #@$#@$ warrior friend's already on that one. It's $@#$%& early in the day still and I'll follow my own $%#%$& course for now.

2: Yoda needs to get his #@$#%& green #@$ in here and weigh on recent $%#&$# developments too. Him claimin' to have ended the %#@$%# jokevote phase yesterday and putting pressure on someone for violatin' the "new phase" still seems $@#$%& odd to me. Sure, he made a serious %@#$&# argument, and he gets some %#@$#% credit for that, but I think he made too %$%&@# much out of it later in order to magn'fy a case against someone. He also dropped off the %@#$$# radar late in the day, and I dunno what the %#$# to make of that. Long story short, I'm willin' to vote for him if he doesn't get us a $#%$#@ reaction to the first day's $#%@#$ deaths soon.

3: But right now, I'm lookin' at $#%$#@ Megatron for him having $#!@%& little to say yesterday. Sure, he's $#%$#@ back now and with a new $%#$@# argument against the Klingon. Good $%%$&# effort, but the actual &%$@#$ words leave somethin' to be desired. Causin' %@@#$% discussion isn't an end in itself if the &@$#%$ discussion's misguided or empty, and the $%#%$@ robot seems like he's tryin' to paint the %@#$%$ Klingon as against *&@%$# discussion just 'cause he questioned the $@#$%& lawyer. That and my impression that he hasn't much else to say makes me $#%@#$ happy to

##Vote: Megatron

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 28, 2008, 03:24:11 AM »
And lasts of all, there's no point in voting for someone whens none'll be joining you there.

Now that's a %$%&@# weird thing to say. I mean, how do you *&#@$% know no one else'll $%#%$& join you if you don't %$%#&@ try? You see something $$@%&$ scummy, you ##@%$& point it out; a %&$%@# vote always adds weight to an argument, and people will %$&@$# follow if you $@!$@# do it right. Try throwin' in some gratuitous $#&!@# profanity, that always gets some !%#*&# attention.

That's speakin' &@#$%! generally, though. In these #$@$!& circumstances, I've gotta concede that you have a %#$&!@ point, given how few @$#@%! hours we've got left. We ain't got all !@#$%& night here to make a &!#@$% decision. As for the rest of your $#!@&# post, I can see some %$%#%& sense there. 'specially calling out the $#%#&@ pirate. Where the %$%& is he, anyhow? I'm not agreein' with every $#%$&@ thing you say, but there's enough $#%$&# reason for me to $#$@#$

##Unvote: Gollum

As you $#%#&@ put it, others look #$@$#% worse right now.

And now our $%#@#& jive-talking friend has something to say, coming in with a vote for $%#%$@ Megatron. I'd counter with the fact that $#%$&@ Cap'n Jack's said even less than the %$#$&@# robot. Three $#$@$& posts! Check this $#@% out:

1) one part joke-vote, part $%#$%& OMGUS on the first page (;quote=20157;topic=1111.0;num_replies=40;sesc=24d224160f6d920db574d560b24c25e3);
2) one $#%$&@ one-liner that says "Oops, someone $#$@%& posted while I was typing" (;quote=20158;topic=1111.0;num_replies=40;sesc=24d224160f6d920db574d560b24c25e3, use the $#$@%& Preview button, Cap'n);
3) and one post that's half %$%&#$ summary with what looks like a misunderstanding of the %$%#&# Klingon tacked on at the end (;quote=20256;topic=1111.25;num_replies=40;sesc=24d224160f6d920db574d560b24c25e3). If that's not $#$@$& lurking, I don't know what $#%@$^ is.

No %$%&*# time to collect votes against him, though, and I gotta concede that lynching the %$%&^@ pirate tells us #@%$#&%$ anyway since no one #$@#$&! talks to him. So, I gotta agree with the $#$@%$ mohawk man when he chooses Megatron as the best $%#%$& option. Mr. T. &%&$#% broke it down already: %$%$&@ toaster hasn't done much past %$%*&@ talk in defense when someone #@$#%$ pokes it, but at least several people have $#$@$% talked about him and we might be able to learn something in the %$#@#& morning if we scrap the %$@#$& rust heap. Maybe I'll %$#@&$ think again if the bucket of bolts has something &%#@$# interesting to say, but I'm %$%&@# happier lynching him than most others right now.

##Vote: Megatron

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 27, 2008, 09:08:55 PM »
#@$&%$ tin can does have a point about Yoda. Calling someone out on sticking with a $#%$&@ joke vote when the 'bot hadn't made a #$@%$& post since after the jokevote phase ended? $#%@$& Jedi says he'd stopped the %$%&%# jokevote phase himself by the time the $#%$#& toaster first voted, but did he? Yoda had only $#$@%& voted Sparrow for not posting yet, that's all. Valid #$@%$# observation, sure. More grounded than a $#%$&@ jokevote, sure, but you can't tell me a single #@$#%& post marks the official start of a new "This are serious $#&%$# Mafia" stage. #$&&%@ if I can't be skeptical when at someone trumpeting his own $%#%$& achievements; plenty $#%$&@ cause to think the #%$#@& robot's hanging back, yeah, but %$&%@# Yoda gives himself too much $%#%$& credit and then accuses someone else just for not realizing the $#$$%@ "serious" phase had started? That's not %$%&%@ sitting right.

Not changing my $#$@%& vote until that creepy $#%$#& weirdo Gollum gives us a #@$@#$ response to the pressure against him, though.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 27, 2008, 05:14:52 PM »
Ain't gonna stand by Cid standin' there callin' other people out without justifyin' himself. Why leave your vote where it is when you clearly got somethin' to say 'bout other things?

No #%@$^& reason to change the vote when the crazy %*&#$ hadn't said anything past a jokevote at the time. Looks like she has now, so I'll drop the %#$%@# vote (unless she's made some bad $@#%&$ arguments since then, but I got plenty of #@%$ to read and I'll make up my &%*#$% mind afterwards).

##Unvote: Franziska von Karma

...And now that I've $#%&*% read all that %*&#, the crazy $#%*& makes a good $#@%$# point about &$%#@$ Gollum. All that #@$%#$ talk about Yoda and he switches his vote between two $@#$%^ people who hadn't said one &#@$%# thing in the meantime? Everyone's got a right to change his $@#$@# mind on account of thinkin' things over, yeah, but you gotta know it looks $%#@&$ strange to us if you don't tell us the %#$@$# reason you had for doing so. All he $@#%$# had to say about her earlier was this:

What's that Precious?  Oh yes, Precious, I'm still watching that nasty, vile lawyerses too!  Has something to hide she does, keeping things back and saying we all should.  And what with her hurting the nice, sweet man who's saying the things that will help protect the Precious.  Yes, I thinks we should be well wary of her.

Now, I'm no #$@%$# fan of %*$#%& lawyers, but I think the %#$@# with the whip made a good %$&#@$ response to this and I want to know what this $&&#@$ schizo Gollum thinks about it.

##Vote: Gollum

I'm lookin' at the $@#%$& robot here, too. Can't say I've got any good $%#$%& history with those, and this tin-plated $#@%$# toaster ain't saying much for me to make a %@#&%$ off of. That sets off a $@#%&# alarm or two, that's for %$%&#% sure.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 27, 2008, 12:00:32 AM »
I do no trust anyone who advocates that you "Drink your greens, eat your school, stay in milk, don't do sleep, and get 8 hours of drugs."

Try it some time, it's more $@*&$3 fun that you'd expect. Not that I'd expect a talking %#*&#^ junkheap to know anything about "fun." I stick with the %*@%# cigs myself, anyhow.

What's that, little metal man?  Your vote doesn't count!  Can you see why?  Clever Smeagol can!

A vote must be bold!  Not that wretched little thing you have, looking just like any other words.

Oh, Precious, you see something?  Ahhhh, yessss Precious!  A pathetic mewling little vote he makes, but no words does he say!  Why is that I wonder?  All I sees is things which are not, and nothing of what is.  Most curious, most curious!

Everyone's entitled to one @&$#^% mistake a day. He does it again, I'll be right there in line to %#*&5 kick his $@*&#% face in, though.

So we're all here and we're all *@^#$& talking, I guess. Well, everyone's got his ^@*@^$ mouth moving, but just because some &#@^#$ joe's blabbering on doesn't mean he's &*@^#% saying a ^@*#&% thing. This %@*&$$ Mr. T., for one--guy talks like this *&#@%# terrorist I used to work with. Can't say I know what the #^$# I'm supposed to make out of that one way or another. Hey T., outta curiosity, you got a #@$#& gun arm to go with that &*#&% slang too?

's the %#$*@# midget that gets me, though. Points to the $@&#@$ limey and then votes for the #%($&* pirate instead. Sure, the %@$$#@ cap'n hadn't said a $%## word yet (prob'ly #@$#%& drunk off his &@$ on rum), but when you say one $%#%&$ thing and then do another, it looks pretty %#$*& odd.

And what's with the way the little green %#*% talks, huh? Of course, all you %#*%$ talk pretty #$@%&$ weird, in my book, so I can''t %(#@$% hold that against him.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 26, 2008, 04:25:48 PM »
Well, *@^!& me, but this is a $@%&# and a half, innit? There'd better be a %*)#0@ good cigar store on this %&#$$ rock, that's all I can say, 'cause I'm gonna be REALLY %&*#$ pissed when I run out of smokes.

Well, I guess it's not ALL I can say.

Trusting the foolishness from such an artifact is listening to voices one alone can hear. As the rest of us have little idea what, precisely, is being said, the court cannot accept this evidence, Mr. Smeagol Gollum!

Check out that #@^$& bolding! The l'il mutant just said his name was Gollum, not this $#*&% Smeagol Gollum. How d'you know his %#*&% first name anyway, huh? I get it, you're both %*&@$ conspirators trying to throw off suspicion by shouting at each other. You made a fatal %*&@# error right there, girl.

##Vote: Franziska von Karma

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