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Messages - Ned Flanders

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Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 12:18:31 AM »
Quote from: I
IMMEDIATELY following it up by saying that I voted for Sterling for no reason save for voting.

Oops. I made a typo here. Should read ."..saying I voted for Miyagi for no reason...."

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 12:16:48 AM »
HELL DIDDILY DING-DONG CRAP! (This phrase will denote breaches of character)

I take it something I said struck a chord, because I'm not dead just yet.

Quote from: Yangus
Now, see, this 'ere's why I'm thinkin' you're not such a nice bloke.  See, maybe you're thinkin' all this stuff, but when it comes to saying it you're tighter than the old geezer.  And, well, honestly, I think you're just playin' us all for fools.

Check where this was said. It's in response to me targeting Excel. "I'm tight" when it comes to saying something I've spelled out three or four times already. Lynch all lurkers. Excel is lurking and erratic: Lynch Excel.

Not much of an attack, I think.  And that was yer second post too!  Hard to think of you as being hard on the guy when yer praisin' 'im at the same time as yer talkin' bad of 'im.  But, mayhaps I'm wrong, maybe ye've been focused on 'im because ye've 'ad nothing bad to say of anyone else.

This is in response to my initial buggerance with you drawing attention to yourself, which you're quite good at, by the by. "Not much of an attack" is the entire argument against me here. Well, gee, that's probably because there's not much to attack ON by that point. So I eat a grenade because I'm the first one to point out what everyone saw? Preposterous. Asinine.

The next two parts of Yangus' argument? Acknowledging that I had something to say about Sterling and Miyagi, and then IMMEDIATELY following it up by saying that I voted for Sterling for no reason save for voting. I had already established my problem with Miyagi. He was lurking, and, at the time, was the only lurker with a vote on him. Instead of spreading votes out, I wanted some to cluster together to actually spark the day into action.

There. That's my defense. Take it or leave it.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 11:50:28 PM »
My only option is to restate my position firmly: I have consistently attacked lurkers, and this is a proven strategy that makes sense. I am being attacked for having little substance, yet what IS this attack? What is the game reason for wanting me lynched? There isn't one. Day one is largely about chasing ghosts. You can chase people that aren't there, or you can demonize someone that is. Today, we've chosen to do the latter.

I still have my suspicions about you, and I'm not convinced you're town. YOUR posts have contained well less substance than mine--a point that's been brought up more than once in the topic. You gave me a chance to defend myself, but I doubt you have any intention of staying your hand. I hope folks aren't easily swayed by how your lack of substance continues even in your grandstanding hammer.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 09:41:12 PM »
Well, this is a fine how-do-you-do, right here. I turn my head for a few hours, and suddenly, ol' Neddy's on the chopping block.

I don't much care for guns, but I'm going to stick to the ones I have. People lurking are the most dangerous people. God gave us voices so we'd use 'em, provided we keep our language nice and clean. I don't really "get" the arguments against Crow, or the Queen. As for Khan, I pointed my ol' suspicious finger at him, so I don't see how you can say I didn't have anything to say about the guy. Personally, I think he has a lot of long-winded, droning speeches that go nowhere, which is fine and jim-dandy for church, but that man only worships himself.

I still think Excel is the best candidate for a lynch today, if only because her content has been erratic, sparse, and insubstantial. But it's not looking like we'll get a lynch that makes even a lick of sense. If it's between me and the Queen, well, suicide is a Sin.

##UNVOTE: Excel
##VOTE: Queen Elizabeth

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 10:49:56 AM »
Miyagi is aware of contradiction in his actions. Miyagi believe discussion could be had from his stance, but sees other issues arise.

##UNVOTE: Khan

Miyagi wonder why Ned-san 'pressure vote' on Miyagi. Even wonder why Ned-san say two vote harder pressure: one no pressure vote, is joke. Is why Miyagi not approve jokevote phase.

Miyagi curious why Ned-san say not want vote first, then worried others not have looked at those that do not speak much on Day 1 and vote. Speak but say nothing graver offense than say nothing at all. Why Ned-san draw attention away from relevant and to lurkers? Why Ned-san choose Miyagi, and not Excel-san or Serling-san? Ned-san should answer these questions, Miyagi wish for answers. Answers of truth strong weapon against lies.

Well, I may not have voted at first, but I was surely giving my God's honest opinions on things. And again, I don't have anything personal against you, mister, I just thought that people weren't responding so well when only one vote was thrown on them. As for drawing attention away from the relevant and to lurkers, lurkers are always relevant. It's just not neighborly to go for too long without so much as a hello. So for now I'm just going to point out who is and isn't making themselves felt in any kind of substantial way.

##Unvote: Mr. Miyagi
##Vote: Excel

We've got a little under a day to get things moving, and you've posted just one time. That's not adding anything productive.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 06:05:41 AM »
I wanted him to feel the fires of hell beneath his feet. Two votes gives him a healthy amount of pressure.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 02:27:22 AM »
##VOTE: Mr. Miyagi

Now, I don't really have the stomach for this "calling for someone's death", but with innocent people being killed, I think it's time for desperate measures.

By my count, Excel, Miyagi, Yangus, and Sterling over there all had less actionable content than I did, and what bothers me more is that no one seems to be tossing any suspicion their way... ....and keeping it there. I want to see what happens when a little pressure is applied to one of these not-present nellies.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 01:14:24 AM »
Well, that's a right interesting ac-cu-sation, coming from someone in the "Anglican" church. I wouldn't be too sure about you having much room to talk as far as "Content" goes. I may be showing my conservative side, but I just hadn't had much room to make a decision on. I've also had a heck of a lot more'ta say than Mr. Serling, or that fella from the orient.

That said, I'm not liking too much that the two quiet guys casually voted for Khan, and I'm sure not a fan of how the Robot boy is flailing about. I'll wrap my noggin around it for a few minutes and get back to everyone.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 21, 2008, 02:33:39 PM »
The good lord teaches us that he without sin should cast the first stone. I may try to live a squeaky-clean life, but actually accusing someone of something is un-Christian, no two ways about it.

Now, the dooziest of our problems seems to be this Khan fella. On the one hand, he has a gosh-darned point about creating the first serious discussion, but on the other hand, I don't much care for the idea of someone trying to win us over by risking himself during an otherwise joke phase.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 21, 2008, 01:10:34 AM »
Hi-diddly ho moon neighbor-inos!

It seems like we're all in one fine dilly of a pickle here on the surface of the moon, with murderers and what-not in our midst. The lord has called that nice bald-headed fella up to Heaven, and any one of us could be next. The big question is, how do we find who the killer is?

Well, that "Dude" character raises the little hairs on the back of my neck. Sure, a man's head violently exploded, but that's no reason for potty language, Mister. Explain yourself.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Day 4: A new hope
« on: September 20, 2008, 06:41:47 PM »
I have reached a conclusion. My previous suspicions about Gandalf combined with the errors contained in his recent dialogue with subject Freeman support his termination.

I also call into question Gandalf's hypothetical scenario in which scum let him live in order to cast doubt upon his credibility. There were two roleclaims made yesterday which scum have a vital need to terminate: doctor and tracker. I refer here to the revelation made by the construct known as GLaDOS which referred to Jabba as "Doctor" instead of the "Bodyguard" claim made by Jabba. Whether Jabba lied to minimize the chances of a nightkill or was not told the full truth about his abilities anyone capable of preventing the scum's nightly termination is a high priority target even if they claim to now be powerless. It is not a surprise that he was killed during the night. Although leaving a "Tracker" alive is a risk it is at the least an equal risk to leave alive someone who can prevent a nightkill and thus extend the game for one more day. Gandalf's attempt to reason that the scum left him alive primarily in order to cast suspicion upon him is not logical. If he was in fact a member of the faction designated "town" the chances of him being killed during the night were roughly equal with Jabba's in my assessment. Leaving either one alive would have been a risk but they can only terminate one individual a night and thus lacked the capacity to eliminate both. It should not be a surprise that the scum chose to terminate Jabba. Moreover Jabba was effectively confirmed as a member of the "town" by his and Nimitz's mutually supporting roleclaims and the termination of such individuals is always a high priority for scum.

That Gandalf cannot or will not acknowledge this possibility is characteristic of his recent exchange with subject Freeman. His arguments on this day contain numerous half-truths and fabrications which more closely resemble "flailing" than the responses of his quarry.

I have noted previously my doubts about Gandalf's roleclaim. I theorize that Gandalf selected subject Freeman for his fakeclaim today because he had accrued more suspicion throughout the game than I and convincing Nimitz of his guilt would have been easier than convincing Nimitz of mine. Moreover it is plausible that he would have assumed I would join his attack against the only individual present that has voted against me.

Therefore this is my final analysis:

##VOTE: Gandalf

I now await the input of Nimitz as he is the only player other than myself whose alignment I can be totally certain of. Notify me if you perceive flaws in my logic as we cannot afford to be incorrect.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Day 4: A new hope
« on: September 20, 2008, 05:57:04 PM »
I require further analysis to reach a conclusion but I must correct a factual error in Gandalf's last post.

If Nimitz and Ahnuld place themselves in each of our shoes, I may well hope they see the deceit you are employing. You have been one for easy targets the entire game - first the Wookie, then Mace Windu, then Rincewind and now, of course, I would be the next "easy target" in line. That you attacked Terminator at the start of this game confuses me beyond measure, since you have been saying you do not trust me completely for a while now and, yet, prioritized getting the man of iron. For what? Brownie points for not getting the easiest lynch again today?

I presume the word I have placed in bold in the above paragraph was meant to be "day." This is a minor error but one I am obligated to correct. I will now proceed to more relevant errors:

Subject Freeman did not vote for Master Wookie. He did not even comment on the wookie during the first day. Given the nature of his first post on day two it is possible that he intended to comment on Master Wookie near the end of day one but this is only speculation on my part. You are correct in that he was quick to vote for Mace Windu on day two but so were others. I also dispute your assertion that Rincewind was "the easy target" of yesterday. If you believe it was your stated observation as a tracker that led to Rincewind's lynch then you are in error. Subject Freeman voted for Rincewind before you apprised us of your tracker result. Your attempt to classify subject Freeman as a pursuer of "easy lynches" is a mischaracterization and easily refuted by consulting the vote record.

Your astonishment at subject Freeman's vote for me is misplaced. He stated his suspicion of me on many occasions previously. I also do not see what makes you claim that you are this day's "easy lynch."

I am forced to speculate: would Gandalf not feel more secure in his position if his stated roleclaim was genuinely true?

You are doing an excellent job at flailing and, had I not seen my results myself, I would've possibly bought them and vote for Gandalf.

I wish to draw attention to the word I have placed in bold font. Surely this is an error but it suggests to me that Gandalf is losing his composure especially in conjunction with the faulty logic I have outlined above.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Day 4: A new hope
« on: September 19, 2008, 05:49:56 PM »
With the death of Jabba Nimitz is cleared of all suspicion. The only conceivable scenario in which Nimitz is scum is one in which the enemy declined to kill on the second night and Nimitz also guessed accurately about who Jabba protected on the second night. The chances of this happening are microsopic and thus Nimitz is effectively confirmed as being "town." Therefore his observations will be of great import in identifying the final enemy.

Similar to John Freeman I must decide between two suspects: John Freeman and Gandalf. I will address John Freeman's recent arguments as several of them are specious. I will debunk them each though not in the order presented.

John Freeman read the game "Half-Life 1: Anonymafia with Klingons and Yoda" and the final boss Cid won it.  John Freeman gets the same vibe here about the Terminator.  Even with all that, John Freeman is not convinced, but between the two choices (for John Freeman) John Freeman believes the Terminator is the final boss and wants to fired his bullet from teh gun really fast and the bullets went and shot the final boss in the eyes and the final boss couldnt see.

This argument utilizes what is referred to as "metagaming." It is not a reliable technique for discerning one's true enemies. Such techniques can also be applied to undermine subject Freeman's argument as will be demonstrated in the next section of this post. This will make it clear how dubious relying metagaming is.

Moreover a "vibe" is not a qualified reason for suspicion especially under our present circumstances. As Gandalf was eager to point out yesterday so is it today: if our judgement is incorrect we will be destroyed. I do not agree with our ultimate fate being determined by a "vibe" whether the target is myself or someone else.

On the flip side of the death flips Gandalf and Rincewind had a lot of back and forth talking throughout the game and Rincewind was on Gandalf's case pretty seriously.  Not to the point where john freeman would claim it totally clears him but john freeman things that scum talking to each other less is more probable than scum talking to each other more.  Rincewinds only acknowledgment of the Terminator is "townie read all the way" and that fits with john freeman's suspicion of him.

If subject Freeman insists on metagaming then I will use such techniques to debunk the argument contained in the above quote. Two players arguing are not necessarily enemies. I refer subject Freeman to the scenario entitled "Clue Mafia" in which town was totally convinced that Carthrat was one of them due to a long-running argument between him and his partner Sir Alex. In actuality Carthrat was scum and this subterfuge effectively won his team the game.

Again I find metagaming unreliable but if you employ such strategies you must be prepared to see them used against you. Scum are not unable to fake disagreements in order to sow confusion.

I will also address the final remark of the paragraph quoted above. It is the agenda of scum to mislead and obfuscate the truth. Their words cannot be relied upon as evidence once we know their true alignment. It is suspicious that you use them to discredit me. I will elaborate on this point at the end of my post.

The Terminator has been ringing very subtle alarm bells for john freeman all game.  John Freeman has mentioned them several times already.  He has gotten a pass from everyone else for using good, logical sounding townie arguments, but in fact they are only logical sounding and do not really help to find scum.  it was easy to see master wookie was stupid but that didnt mean master wookie was scum.  mace windu same deal - hard to argue with lynching someone who behaves that way (and admittedly John Freeman was down with Windu as well).

First I will state that it is highly alarming to see the adjective "logical" used as a reason to suspect me. Logic is our greatest tool and I have consistently employed it to make the best decision possible with available information. Furthermore your statement that I have not contributed to finding scum is demonstrably incorrect. I began to suspect Rincewind on the second day as should be apparent since my statements are preserved in the record. His attack on Gandalf near the end of that day was phrased in a manner that made it appear as a calculated scum argument. I noted such publicly and at the beginning of the third day I built a case against him. All these events took place before Gandalf stated that he saw Rincewind visit Nimitz. It is inaccurate to state that I have not contributed to finding scum. Even if you believe it was Gandalf's testimony that sealed Rincewind's fate it cannot truly be stated that I made no attempt to eliminate our enemies.

My suspicion of Master Wookie and Mace Windu was in error. I have acknowledged this and maintain that these were the best cases available at the time. I am programmed to learn from past errors and consulting the voting and discussion surrounding the wookie and Mace Windu is in part what led me to suspect Rincewind. I have done so again and noticed another intriguing fact:

Subject Freeman does not refer to Rincewind until the wizard comes under suspicion. If subject Freeman believes I am suspicious because Rincewind rarely acknowledged me then it is only fitting to note that he himself almost never commented upon the one entity we now know to be scum. Not until I detailed my reasons for suspecting Rincewind and Rincewind made an obviously feeble reply did subject Freeman consider him worthy of attention. Subject Freeman's voting record throughout the game has been thin and he usually did not follow up his stated suspicions with a vote. His only vote on the first day was for Jabba. His only vote on the second day was for Mace Windu.

This analysis calls into question my previous stance on subject Freeman but I have not yet decided between him and Gandalf. The observations of Nimitz and Gandalf should prove informative in this regard.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 18, 2008, 08:36:42 PM »
Although I previously supported Gandalf's decision to withhold the results of his night actions I am now speculating on whether he waited for everyone else to claim in order to tailor his information to suit the situation.

That's a very good theory indeed. Except that it meant I would take the risk of hoping that someone would speak up and provide an alibi for me that needed no reckoning. Had Jabba not revealed his nightly target, I would've inquired whether he'd targeted Nimitz - for that is what I suspect'd, seeing Rincewind claim vanilla, yet target Nimitz.

Usage of the word "alibi" provokes the question: was there something specific he needed an alibi to hide? Again I point out that you could have claimed to have watched vanilla townies do nothing if it was absolutely necessary to complete the roleclaim. I acknowledge that such a lie would be no more compelling than the typical vanilla townie claim however.

All this is speculation. I must note that I am not convinced of your guilt. The process of elimination compels me to analyze the matter anew.

I find it odd Jabba presses for Rincewind to protect himself much - mostly because the only viable argument that can be provided here is, "Well, Gandalf is lying", which surprisingly has only been brought up by "Ahnold". Most you seem to question my sincerity in these actions - supposing that I could be scum attempting to sell out a scum mate. Why would I? If I were scum, I'd get a town lynched, and win the game. There's no merit in't for me to sell out a scum buddy and lose if people decide that, "Well, WIFOM here but that's what could be the case". If you haven't noticed, I could've just as well claimed tracking "Ahnold" or "John Freeman", and they'd find themselves needing to defend their alibis as well - perhaps with better zeal than Rincewind has. Who can earnestly say they'd have tossed my result to the wind had I claimed tracking anyone else?

Rincewind had gathered suspicion before you completed your roleclaim with your observations. It is not inconceivable that you would have felt a need to disconnect yourself from his possible demise. Nevertheless you do make a good point: if you were faking your results it would have been more effective to use them to frame someone more widely trusted than Rincewind.

You don't seem to realize the urgency of being right here. Being wrong means we lose, folks. I would hope that if you hammer on how you suspect me that you have it out right now, rather than dilly dally and delay, saying "Oh well, I don't really trust Gandalf but he 'confirms' Rincewind scum, let's go with this merrily because there's no way lynching a townie today would end the game for us", except that it would.

This is a valid concern but my conclusion that Rincewind is scum had nothing to do with your roleclaim. Rincewind's own actions condemned him and I made my case before you completed your roleclaim. I am secure in the accuracy of my vote. There is nothing frivolous about it.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 18, 2008, 03:03:31 PM »
An interesting inconsistancy has been noted in the Android's recent observations.

I am intrigued by your claim Gandalf. Do you intend to wait for others to claim before revealing your night phase targets?


As a final note Gandalf's decision to reveal his role but not his actions is sensible. If others make claims first then he can potentially catch them in a lie whereas they would know not to make such claims if he had stated his observations first.

Note that this transcript involves the first line and the last line in his thoughts, and the last line being in response to my own inquiries as to the lack of information given by Gandalf.  The logic given in the final line is good logic, and it swayed me to a similar viewpoint when I read it.  However, it is also contradictory to what was written at the start.

Given the fact that the android uses that same post to argue it is beginning to feel favorably towards Gandalf, one has to wonder how much attention the android is paying to its own missives.

The majority of the post in question was composed before you shared your own thoughts on Gandalf's roleclaim. The final statement was indeed added as a direct response to your post. Thorough editing would have removed the opening statement in light of the new postscript however I had been working on the post for a long time and wished to share my thoughts before they were rendered obsolete by further new developments. It was an oversight however I consider it a minor one.

Regarding new developments Rincewind's defense is feeble at best and does not help to exonerate him in any way. If he was a member of the group designated "town" then his response should be more spirited than we have seen. I have stated my case against him previously and the time has come to commence with voting.

##VOTE: Rincewind

If my assessment of his alignment is correct then this leaves us with only one enemy to uncover. The number of individuals present at the start of the game does not allow for more than two enemies. If there were three then they would control fifty percent of the vote now and we would have already lost. Therefore it is reasonable to theorize about the identity of Rincewind's co-conspirator as his own actions have sufficiently condemned him. I also wish to state my suspicions in advance in the event that I am terminated tonight.

Jabba and Nimitz are effectively cleared by their mutual confirmation of last night's events. Their stories would not match if one of them was lying. Assuming Rincewind is scum Jabba and Nimitz cannot both be scum for reasons outlined above. Therefore they are both town. The only possible exception to this scenario is one in which the scum voluntarily did not kill last night but such a decision is sufficiently illogical for it to be discounted.

Thus the remaining suspects are John Freeman and Gandalf. I have previously stated my confidence in John Freeman. Although I am willing to consider either possibility I consider him the less suspicious of the two. New speculation on Gandalf follows.

His roleclaim was not vital in confirming the previous night's actions. Jabba and Nimitz's claims support each other. Although I previously supported Gandalf's decision to withhold the results of his night actions I am now speculating on whether he waited for everyone else to claim in order to tailor his information to suit the situation. Rincewind was already gathering criticism for his behavior and would have been a suspect anyway. In a theoretical Rincewind/Gandalf scenario Gandalf could gain credibility by helping to terminate his teammate. I am not convinced of this theory but it is a possibility.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 18, 2008, 04:08:43 AM »
A bodyguard does not always die when protecting their target. There are different types.

I am prepared to vote for Rincewind but will wait until Jabba and Gandalf have finished making their claims. I will address one more point before deactivating for regular maintenence:

Terminator is scary because he reminds John Freeman of the zombie ghoast tactic of making good logical cases against hapless townies who open themselves up.

My central processing unit is a learning computer. I have analyzed past mistakes in order to avoid making them again. My basis for suspecting Rincewind is stronger than that which I had for Master Wookie and Mace Windu. It is unfortunate that I erred but it will not happen again.

Now shutting down for maintenence.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 17, 2008, 07:40:11 PM »
I am intrigued by your claim Gandalf. Do you intend to wait for others to claim before revealing your night phase targets?

As for my own role I am what is called the "vanilla townie." Despite my nearly indestructible metal endoskeleton and supremely efficient programming I have no unique abilities with which to ensure town victory. I can only argue and vote. Since simply waiting for others to roleclaim might be fruitless this is what I shall do.

I will now review the topic and reassess the surviving players.


Review complete. Revised assessment of surviving players follows.

Gandalf: The wizard Rincewind's unerring focus on Gandalf has led me to revise my own stance on the elder wizard. Any revelations that result from his claiming to be a tracker may exonerate him completely if they prove useful.

Jabba the Hutt: Jabba's willingness to reconsider his case against me speaks well of his intentions. Reassessing one's analysis in light of new facts and opinions is constructive behavior that my programming does not associate with scum and his honest admission that he was in error is a point in his favor. I have disagreed with him on several counts during this game but his level of suspicion is presently very low.

John Freeman: I will reiterate my stance that while subject Freeman makes many short posts they consistently contain valid observations. Also in his favor is the fact that he remained skeptical of my alignment even after I voiced confidence in his. Although this may seem counter-intuitive an explanation may help: it is to the advantage of scum to make use of willing townie accomplices and it would have been easy for him to exploit my trust in him once announced. The fact that he remained wary reinforces my initial assessment that he is most likely town.

Nimitz: I have previously had difficulty getting a read on the cat. However with my other suspects dead or debunked I have taken a closer look at Nimitz's record and found it alarming. Since the time of jokevotes passed Nimitz has only voted for a single player: Gandalf. Furthermore his comments on the townies lynched on days one and two has been extremely sparse considering the amount of others who were talking about them. Although he did state on the first day that the wookie was "a safe choice derived to cull the worst of the less-present members of our council" he went to no effort to dissuade others from voting on him. If the cat believed the group was preparing to lynch a townie then it is most curious that he did not attempt to convince us to do otherwise.

Rincewind: My initial impression of Rincewind has undergone heavy revision as my review of the topic shows him to be guilty of several counts of scummy behavior. Firstly this wizard has spoken the least of all of us. In terms of the raw number of posts made by the suspect this fact is not disputable even counting the one he made with his alternate identity. However postcount alone is not grounds for condemnation so we must examine the content of his posts as well. This brings me to the second point against Rincewind which is his comparitive lack of contribution. He has rarely expanded the scope of his arguments beyond those for whom he is presently voting. Thirdly is the matter of who Rincewind has chosen to attack which ties in with the previous point. He has only placed his vote on "safe" targets. On the first day he only removed his vote from Gandalf when it became clear that the Wookie was more likely to be lynched. On the second day he was also responsible for placing the day's lynchee at minus one to hammer. Finally there is his attack on Gandalf around the end of the second day which accused the other wizard of "intending to hamper discussion." Although Rincewind has responded to my skepticism on this matter the attack itself looks artificial to me for reasons I have stated previously.

In sum:

There is a high probability that Rincewind is the T-1000 in disguise. Nimitz follows him in suspicion primarily because the other three survivors have said or done things which lead me to believe that they are town in spite of the fact that I have disagreed with some of their arguments. If my assessment of Rincewind proves correct then it may prove informative in regards to Nimitz for the following reasons: the two have hardly spoken with one another throughout the course of the game leading to the theory that they may be coordinating behind the scenes; they have never voted for the same suspect at the same time. Perhaps they have endeavored to not be seen working in concert.

As a final note Gandalf's decision to reveal his role but not his actions is sensible. If others make claims first then he can potentially catch them in a lie whereas they would know not to make such claims if he had stated his observations first.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 17, 2008, 02:15:46 PM »
LYLO is the situation where roleclaims most often occur. Given the number of survivors it is likely that we are in LYLO or Potential LYLO at best. Therefore I do not object to this plan but will await concensus before roleclaiming myself.

I also urge caution when voting. If we are careless with our votes then the scum can potentially hammer without fear of the consequences.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 16, 2008, 04:41:30 AM »
The time has come.

##VOTE: Mace Windu

Hasta la vista, baby.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 16, 2008, 04:29:07 AM »
I am prepared to eliminate Mace Windu. If anyone has final comments for this day and wish me to stay my hand so that they may speak first then tell me now. I will wait ten minutes for such announcements.

I'll be back.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 16, 2008, 02:54:34 AM »
If as you say the true error is opposing the witch then it seems a minor case as the Witch was promoting a bandwagon on a target WITHOUT reasoning, as you say her motivations were to promote discussion.
Lets look at Gandalfs Vote for the witch.

Your reasoning is in error. You have not properly interpreted my statements. Refer to the phrase of yours that I have placed in bold font. Simply disagreeing with the witch was never my reason for suspecting anyone. As I did not know the witch's alignment at that time I would not have considered her words to be undeniable truth. I only considered her tactic a rational one. I would have disagreed with someone who questioned it but that alone would not have been cause for suspicion. Gandalf's mistake was not in criticizing the witch but in suggesting no other avenue of discussion. Questioning someone who was endeavoring to broaden discussion and not suggesting an alternative to their argument is unproductive at best. I have stated this repeatedly and can only suggest that you review my posts if you have not noticed.

In regards to my votes the fault is yours if you could not read them for what they were. I will now quote the post in question for reference. Specify which aspect of my message led you to believe the vote was a joke. The large paragraph was intended as a transition to more serious matters and should have been read as such.

My vote for the program known as GLaDOS is withdrawn since it will not be counted.


However this entity's programming resembles that of SkyNet and it should be dismantled and melted down after we have successfully eliminated the malicious terminator units.

All of us have spoken except for the shaggy being. Introductions have been made and we must now focus on rooting out the killers in our midst. The input of every attendee is required in order for us to make an accurate assessment of the situation. For the organic beings this will be evidence of their good intent and allow us to narrow our field of suspects. For the enemies hiding among us their speech will give us evidence of their true goals. Reticence is a sign of malign programming. There are three among us who did not place a vote at the time of their introductions. It is true that we have little information at this time but a random termination is better than no termination as our enemies will not hold back. The wizard Rincewind displays indecisiveness which is not conducive to our survival.

##VOTE: Rincewind

In sum:

The recent post of yours which I have quoted at the start of this message is an excercise in reductionism that ignores the specifics of my arguments. If there are "more incriminating things coming" then I request that you specify details.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 16, 2008, 01:10:08 AM »
I deduced it via process of elimination, Jabba. All other active players comment directly on the post in question. Moreover the argument expressed in this post echoes an argument Rincewind has previously made in regards to Gandalf.

[Also if I am to drop character for a moment I am aware that Andrew has recently been rereading Discworld books.]

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 16, 2008, 12:47:39 AM »
I will be available to terminate Mace Windu if necessary. By my calculations we have an hour left before the day's end. I request that the entity known as "mod" inform us of his decision before the deadline.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 15, 2008, 11:16:32 PM »
First topic:

John Freeman: I find your "RP" entertaining (insofar as I am capable of appreciating human behavior in this manner) and have had no difficulty in discerning your true meaning despite the presence of "fluff." It is unfortunate that others cannot understand your speech however it may be best to speak plainly if that is the case.

Proceeding to second topic:

I take issue with Rincewind's recent statement and wish to note this for the record in case his lapse in anonymity does not result in his termination by the construct known as GLaDOS. He suggests that Gandalf was "intending to hamper discussion" with his opposition to the witch. I fault his logic. No one in a situation such as ours genuinely intends to hamper discussion with their actions. Having infiltrated a group of humans the T-1000's best course of action is to mimic them in every way possible and gain their trust. Deliberately curtailing conversation runs directly counter to this goal and is not sensible. The fact of Rincewind suggesting this as Gandalf's motivation causes me to consider whether his case against Gandalf is constructed from a simple desire to see the other wizard killed rather than from facts.

This makes me question my previous stance on both wizards sufficiently to relieve my pressure on Gandalf.

##UNVOTE: Gandalf

Final note:

As for our present situation I believe we should await the judgement of the entity known as "mod" before taking further action. If it is his decision that Rincewind should be killed along with the lynch of Mace Windu then we place ourselves in a dangerous situation wherein the coming night's events may decide the fate of us all if Rincewind and Windu are both revealed to be members of the "town."

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 15, 2008, 05:51:10 AM »
Scheduled maintenance complete. I will now assess the recent statements.

First topic:

I have not aim'd to respond to such inquiries because I cannot reason my suspicion. However wrong it has turned out, at that time my wizard senses were tingling and warning me. As a wizard, one learns to trust intuition.

An alternative to forming a Day 1 discussion is by one person sticking their neck out and garnering suspicion. Admittably not the wisest of choices, and I must admit to embarassment for enacting such a scenario.

My programming does not supply me with "intuition." Although my database contains examples of humans successfully operating under the guidance of this phenomenon I myself cannot. I require new facts to reassess a situation. I request that in the future you provide me with specific examples to substantiate suspicions based on your intuition or I may not be convinced. You can accomplish this now by presenting your opinions on entities other than Mace Windu who is suspected by everyone at the present time.

Your second statement effectively describes what the witch did given that both yourself and Jabba criticized her for it. This is why your stance on the subject remains contradictory.

Proceeding to next topic:

Starting to get a bad feeling about terminator as he went after Gandalf day 1 and now day 2 it continues, yet the reasoning that is there i find disagreeable, others however do not.

I require an explanation of your suspicion. I have stated my position on the wizard several times. Specify which aspect of my logic causes unease.

Proceeding to next topic:

Terminator - Looks like Gordon Freeman but stepped on Master Wookie like the final boss.   John Freeman is wary of good logic applied to totally oblivious easy cases.

Your concern is noted John Freeman. I emphasized the need to lynch the wookie because of the close proximity of the day's end. I could not risk the day ending without a lynch. If this had happened then the second day's discussion would have continued circling around the wookie and we would have learned nothing from the first day. Our enemies meanwhile would not have been inactive during the night. Although it is unfortunate that the wookie was not in fact the T-1000 in disguise this was the best course of action given available information on day one.

Final note:

Mace Windu remains the clearest suspect at this time. I await further comments from this individual. It is not impossible for him to exonerate himself but his silence only incriminates him further. If he is not a malicious T-1000 then his survival lies with our own and it benefits all of us for him to speak out.

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