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Messages - Deltaflyer

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Forum Games / Re: That soldier's a SPY!
« on: September 11, 2009, 11:56:53 PM »
Going to have to drop out. Sorry.

Forum Games / Re: That soldier's a SPY!
« on: September 01, 2009, 09:41:41 AM »
Yeah. Him too. *sigh*

Forum Games / Re: That soldier's a SPY!
« on: August 31, 2009, 04:38:01 PM »
ET, I PM'd rat about it. My internet failed, so I could not get online.

Forum Games / Re: That soldier's a SPY!
« on: August 28, 2009, 12:01:58 PM »
Ill bite. Sign me up as a pyro, please.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 1] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 19, 2009, 08:05:46 PM »
##VOTE: SirAlex

Jokevote phase over!

See how you like it!

Forum Games / Re: Worms Mafia Signups (Start Date: Wed 8/19)
« on: August 18, 2009, 12:15:48 PM »

Also, I need to improve. Lots.

Forum Games / Re: Time to backstab each other...... DL plays Diplomacy
« on: August 17, 2009, 11:55:08 AM »
I might play, pending on when Arkham ends.

Screw that: I WILL play, but I don't fully understand the rules yet.

Forum Games / Re: Worms Mafia Signups
« on: August 17, 2009, 10:50:31 AM »
Whatever. Ill bite.

Bard, how do you think I feel? I fight it all the time.

If I am jumping on a convienient bandwagon, then why haven't I voted, and why have I provided my thoughts and arguement against you like that? (same as I would have done with Sopko, had the post not been lost.

My role is Vanilla Townie.

Current status on events:

Bardiche: He is pinging quite a few scumdars, based on a re-read of the thread. Page 4:

What? So uh, I need to look at people other than Sopko?Well, yeah. Obviously.

Making a list is worthless, but alright, let's see what I think of others.

I'm slightly wary of Laggy/Alex. Not because of their content, because I find their participation to be solid and benevolent. But the fact they keep hiveminding/ninjaposting eachother? >_> It's just too coincidental and things that are coincidental deserve scrutiny. Otherwise neither strike me particularly as people I want to pursue as possible scum.See third Bold.

Delta is like he always is. Nothing he says is new to me, and overall while he's trying to be of use he doesn't bring anything new to the table. This is nothing different from his usual conduit. I get why people want to lynch him, but I have never-ending faith in people not screwing up constantly.Trying to buddy up here?

Actually, the only other person I'm specifically wary of other than Sopko is Tonfa. I'm afraid I can't really explain my suspicions for Tonfa rationally, but he rubs me the wrong way in that it seems he's... not really presenting new cases? He jumps on Sopko when I did, and jumped on Magetastic when everyone else did. His only other vote was a prod vote on Sopko Day 1, then an ultimate switch for hammer on Mage?Ah, so this is everyone else, and you claim not to be tunnel visioned.

I'm not a massive proponent of lists as all it does is usually provide various shades of "I don't distrust these people" making up most the members and "I distrust these people". Here, you appear to simply be deflecting an arguement made by Yoshi. You state that you dislike lists as an excuse for tunnel-visioning. It's just as well they tunnel-visioned, because in the end there's just about no one you can trust unless you have specific roles. We're not getting into that discussion though.

Also, he attempts to counter my thoughts against him by explaining what I mean:

Deltaflyer, what are you trying to get at with your paragraph re: me? You're climbing my ladder of suspicion at a very rapid pace, and unless you're volunteering yourself to be the next lynch target, I suggest you start making sense.
All your bit about me does is parroting Alex, accusing me of looking only at Sopko.

This remains to be untrue. I've voiced my suspicions of Tonfa, I simply see no reason to deviate from my present course since I feel Sopko is scummiest among those alive today. His lynch, for good or for bad, will teach us more about the other people, and in turn speculating about the scant possibilities of all others being scum is not going to be enlightening. There has not been much material to work with today, or the day before. I grasp what reaches out to me most strongly.

Deltaflyer. Please provide your thoughts, rather than quoting others and banking off of what they have said. You are painting yourself a grim future like this.

I'll quote it again:

What? So uh, I need to look at people other than Sopko?Well, yeah. Obviously.

Making a list is worthless, but alright, let's see what I think of others.

I'm slightly wary of Laggy/Alex. Not because of their content, because I find their participation to be solid and benevolent. But the fact they keep hiveminding/ninjaposting eachother? >_> It's just too coincidental and things that are coincidental deserve scrutiny. Otherwise neither strike me particularly as people I want to pursue as possible scum.
Actually, the only other person I'm specifically wary of other than Sopko is Tonfa. I'm afraid I can't really explain my suspicions for Tonfa rationally, but he rubs me the wrong way in that it seems he's... not really presenting new cases? He jumps on Sopko when I did, and jumped on Magetastic when everyone else did. His only other vote was a prod vote on Sopko Day 1, then an ultimate switch for hammer on Mage?

You state that making a list is worthless, and then proceed to do it anyway. What? You say that you have voiced your suspicions of Tonfa. However, your suspicions are simply feelings.
I'm afraid I can't really explain my suspicions for Tonfa rationally, but he rubs me the wrong way
What? You think that is a suspicion? Where was your evidence of a suspicion, hmm? You stated that he wasnt makng new cases. No, but he contributed lots, and he provided different views on said cases. I am really suspicious of you now though. However, I am nervous incase these signs are bad townie play. Of course, one misplaced vote and scum could both jump on the bandwagon and win. Holding my vote for now, but seconding Laggy in ##FoS:Bardiche

Ive done enough lists. Here's my suspicion.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 1] Generic Boring Mafia
« on: August 15, 2009, 02:06:38 AM »
Re: Delta- Don't talk hypocracy until you take a firm stance on anyone other than who is being trained at the moment.

Before hammer, I would at least suggest people who've been on me the most (who haven't already done so) get their thoughts on who the most scummy person/people are other than me. That'd be Bard especially. Delta too.

Firstly, I was outlining my stances on other people in that post that I lost, and seeing as it is now 2AM, this will be my last post of the day, most likely.

I dont know about Firm Stances, since I really -do- need sleep, but I'll be thinking it over until I fall asleep.

Sopko's last post is quite intresting to be honest. Im having second thoughts. Is it a convincing last stand or an honest post? I just don't know. Taking my vote off Sopko seems wrong, since my gut says yes but my brain says no. I really just don't know anymore. Sorry if this is a bad last day post, but I'll be better tommorow, or whenever the night ends or whatever.


Ah feck it. Sleep.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 1] Generic Boring Mafia
« on: August 15, 2009, 01:16:45 AM »
Also, sorry for my outburst earlier. If a moderator or whatever would like to edit the swearing out or delete the post, that's cool.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 1] Generic Boring Mafia
« on: August 15, 2009, 01:12:30 AM »
He already claimed Vanilla Town.

H'okay. First off, since I'm -1. Vanilla town. I also was roleblocked last night apparantly.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 1] Generic Boring Mafia
« on: August 15, 2009, 01:06:54 AM »
Basically, as concisely as possible.


1.Sopko began by being suspicious of both Laggy and Alex. Then focused exclusively on Laggy without being one Alex.

2.He slips off them onto the Mage Train, then only explains after being pressed for it.

3.He accuses Tonfa of long absences, and is then refuted. He is hypocritical here.

4.He simply states that he is 'irking' him. Sopko,

5.Does a list stating no real strong feelings, and the ones that are he puts down to 'gut feeling'

Sopko Questions:

On Tonfa, is it scum-irk or confused-irk?

On Alex/Lag, if one of them was hammered today, not you, what would be your view on the other? Gambit theory or Golden town? As they appear to be the extremes that you set out.

Why did you wait until pressured to state your reasons for Magevote?

Why did you attempt to accuse Tonfa of 'long absences'? Were you trying to draw attention away from yourself?

Why were you attempting to say that scummy townies is a good thing, when it obviously isnt. To me that seems like an excuse for your earlier scummy actions.

I had quotes to go with this, and answers to Bard/Yoshi posts. I might do them now or in morning. Just want to fire this post off and make sure of it.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 1] Generic Boring Mafia
« on: August 15, 2009, 12:54:29 AM »

Ill try to type it all up again now if people want, or in the morning as soon as I wake if not. Sorry guys.

I hate this computer.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 1] Generic Boring Mafia
« on: August 14, 2009, 08:42:05 PM »
Apologies for lateness people.

Current view on people:


Delta.  Honestly, asking Delta his thoughts on things never helps, I can't read him.  Instead I'd like to see everyone else say what they think about Delta.  For my part to start off, I think he's been a little more lucid this game, but also more in the background than I would expect for two people voting him immediately, even as jokes.  I could definitely see him as scum being told to sit quietly. 

Or a normal human who requires Sleep once in a while. :/. Coincidentally, why are you saying that you could 'Definatly' see me as scum, and yet in the same paragraph you state that you cannot read me? Surely that means that you have a neutral view of me until you can read me? Because if I am not wrong, that's a self-contradiction.

Anyway. In all honesty, I cannot see Alex as scum right now. Appears to be contributing well, even if he seems to have a grudge against me and my 'new-ness' to the game.

Bardiche: To be honest, I cannot get a read. Seems to be focusing solely on Sopko, which is alarming. However,
What? So uh, I need to look at people other than Sopko?

I'm slightly wary of Laggy/Alex. Not because of their content, because I find their participation to be solid and benevolent. But the fact they keep hiveminding/ninjaposting eachother? >_> It's just too coincidental and things that are coincidental deserve scrutiny. Otherwise neither strike me particularly as people I want to pursue as possible scum.

Appears indeicisive here, like he does not wish to  make a strong arguement against anyone but Sopko. I can definatly agree with Sir Alex here:
Bardiche, who has extremely aggressively pushed Soppy both days and... not said too much about anyone else.

Sopko: Pushes Laggy around Day one, but not Alex? Completely ignores Alex, saying that it is 'because Laggy was first to respond'. Hmmph. Strong scummy feeling, so Im going with my gut here:

##VOTE: Hunter Sopko That's L-1.

Laggy: Has been interwined with Alex in thought patterns all game until just now, but even so, coincidence? Laggy appears to have denied any collaboration here:

(People who keep bringing up LagAlex hivemind... man, what do you want me to tell you >_>)

I don't know. I still think that one is buddying up to the other, and I am feeling that Laggy would be a stronger suspect for this, but just barely.

Tonfa- Makes a good point in counter-arguement of Sopko here:

I'll bite.

absent for long stretches of time

Oh. Yes, like that one I time I slept. Lovely use of plural here when plural cases do not exist. Unless 4 hours counts as a long absence somehow. Funny that you would bring it up though considering you were absent for over a 23 hour period during a 48 hour day though!

Yes Sopko, please, do explain.

As per your question: Whom do I think is scum now?

In all honesty, you.

Yoshiken: Looks better today than he did yesterday, contributing more, and I find myself oddly agreeing with much of what he has to say.

More at some point tonight.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 1] Generic Boring Mafia
« on: August 13, 2009, 04:51:41 PM »

Excal: Seems to be trying to guess the game setup, with maths. However seems to have failed to read the Topic Starter.
He... did? As far as I can tell, he's assumed there's only one scumteam, and that it most likely has two players due to the numbers in-game, which makes a lot of sense to me...

What I meant by that was his 1 scum, one survivor vig theory for the setup. Apologies for not clarifying enough.

Excal: Seems to be trying to guess the game setup, with maths. However seems to have failed to read the Topic Starter.

Third Party (None will exist in a game with less than 13 people in it, guaranteed.)
Serial Killer (May be bulletproof, may flip town to investigations.)
Survivor (Doesn't need to be eliminated by either side, may possess any other role.)


Forum Games / Re: [Day 1] Generic Boring Mafia
« on: August 13, 2009, 02:18:23 PM »
On Mage:

I am confused as to your alignment. I don't know if you are bad scum or bad townie, because:

Alright, alright. Incentive noted. And yes, Yoshi, I completely missed that. I'm going to be taking a closer look at the rules in the morning. While I'm still not entirely comfortable making a vote now, I'll put up a basic listing of my thoughts about who I believe to be possi-scum, and then follow up tomorrow when I've got some sleep under my belt and can think more rationally.

Laggy, well, I'm not sure if his posts are actually a 'get things going' or if he's trying to throw out some false leads/clues here.

Alex is definitely looking a little shaky, especially since he still seems to be after me when Yoshi noted (before I could) that my unvote on Delta wasn't a 'I unvoted so unvote me!' but rather a 'I thought Laggy had a point with the lurking, guess I was wrong. Also, he's active now.' If you re-read my unvote post, I make my mention to you after noting that I had already tried to post everything before it, but there were a couple posts that came before I could do that. Although, yeah. I shouldn't have made a serious vote on Delta without something more substantial. That's a fair argument there, and so I can kinda see why you'd think I'm scum.

Yoshi suffers a little bit from Alex Syndrome, in that he seems to have an eye out for me as scum despite being the one to note that my unvote on Delta wasn't a 'I unvoted, so unvote me!' thing.

Actually, thinking about it, some of the better cases (from my PoV) have been made against Alex. My eye is still out on Laggy for all the 'initiative boosts' but... for now...

##Vote Alex

This is as much as a 'he rubs me the wrong way for not enough reason' thing as it is a 'hey, there's actually something that might be going on here.'

Hokay. What are these 'false leads' or 'clues' that Laggy has been throwing out? Is this just a scummy attempt to get attention away from you? It appears to be, since you still haven't described them by this stage:

Well, I have no solid cases whatsoever,

On the underlined parts, two posts above, you appear to belittle what Alex was doing, however in the same post you also appear to be throwing an accusation at Yoshi for the same thing. On the third underlined part, you almost make it seem like an OMGUS, which is still not good play. Even if this is a desparate attempt to get yourself saved, it is still unhelpful to town. I know, I learned that the hard way in previous games.


Actually, thinking about it, some of the better cases (from my PoV) have been made against Alex. My eye is still out on Laggy for all the 'initiative boosts' but... for now...

Here, you seem to attempt to say that Alex is scum. However, just because people have cases on them, it does not mean that they are better. You may be trying to paint Alex here.


Magetastic to me seems to be scummiest at the moment. Currently, he has no cases (and hasnt formed one all game, to my view), so:


##VOTE: Magetastic

As far as I am aware, that puts him at -1 to hammer.

Quick run-through of other people:

Alex: Wants to press people, pushing Mage around a bit. Seems to be generally town to me. Some good ideas, but I don't know. Leaning town.

Laggy: Neutral, seems to be mostly agreeing or re-phrasing what Alex says, in my opinion.

Mage: Well, this sums it up for me:
If I were scum, and there are only two,

Tonfa: Not really contributing much, seems set on a Lag/Alex... thing.

Heck, looking at his posts, I notice that the guy hasn't said anything about anyone else except for one mention of Delta in passing, as well as one mention of me, in the first DL Mafia game ever.

 I have to agree with Excal here. Although you may have been asleep, you were present when Sopko/Laggy/Alex started, and no comment on them, and still you appear to be focusing on Mage, apart from:

Waiting on Soppy before any further conclusions.

Which is simply an excuse for not contributing in my view, but having never played with Tonfa before, I don't know. I know that is metagaming (in a weird way) but I don't know. Got my eye on Tonfa.

Lag/Alex possibilities: One might be trying to buddy up to the other for later, but I simply cannot see what is going on, and I'm not going to start that kind of shitstorm thinking right now.

Bard: Seems to have stayed in the jokevote phase, needs to post soon in all honesty. Only one post that seems serious, which asks Sopko for reasons as per his 'suspicions'.

Sopko: As before.

Excal: Seems to be trying to guess the game setup, with maths. However seems to have failed to read the Topic Starter.
Third Party (None will exist in a game with less than 13 people in it, guaranteed.)
Serial Killer (May be bulletproof, may flip town to investigations.)
Survivor (Doesn't need to be eliminated by either side, may possess any other role.)


Yoshiken: Appears to be trying to half-defend Mage, whilst Mage is seemingly painting Yoshi as scum. Based on Mage's behaviour towards them (assuming there are two members of the mafia), I can see a Yoshi/Mage or Mage/Tonfa scumteam right now, but I don't want to go to far ahead with my thinking right now, instead preferring to focus on current and past events.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 1] Generic Boring Mafia
« on: August 12, 2009, 08:51:20 PM »
Nah, my reasons for voting Delta are the same as Alex's (funnily enough), I just didn't state them outright.

So I'm not accused of dancing around the issue: voting for Delta because from past record he causes town the most damage and distraction. I obviously wouldn't know he would be lurkering, but that merely makes my vote hold.

"I know Alex was metagaming. I am too. I just didnt want to mention it, you know."

"Oh hey! He isnt here! I have a reason to lynch!"

Not an attack on Laggy although just realised that Laggy would appear to also be metagaming here.

Excal: Only one jokepost at the start, needs to post and give input on current matters.

Alex: Appears to have disappeared for a 'I need to think' session. Excuse to lurk some? He and Laggy appear to agree on some matters. Namely me.

Laggy: As above but without the lurking bit.

Bard & Tonfa: Both need to slap themselves and start contributing, because now between them it appears to be simply joke-argue, counter-joke etc.

Yoshi: Falling off the radar, as a Laggy said.

Magetastic: Appears to be new to our game of mafia. (Welcome) Appears to be on the fence about issues, but understandable right now.

Myself: I dont have much to go on as per suspicions. Excal needs to post.


ALENINJA: I can agree with your point about Sopko pressing people. However, I don't like this line:

Like maybe you got some info we don't that you wanna get things goin early in the mornin.

That sounds to me like you are trying to paint Sopko as a Cop or something, which is impossible to tell since there has not been a night yet. I do not like some of the things that you are doing, but I dont see them as scummy.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 1] Generic Boring Mafia
« on: August 12, 2009, 08:23:35 PM »

Everyone else, Hi.

Yes, the above bit was for humor


Anyway. Apologies for my absence. I would have been online about 9 hours ago, but the internet hasn't been working until now.

It's day 1.  I have my vote on the person I currently consider most harmful to town, due to past experiences and the fact that he hasn't posted anything yet.  *snip*

As you say, it is day one. I could have any number of reasons for not being here. I was not lurking, otherwise my name would be at the bottom of the main page, since I do not hide my name. I am not suggesting that you specifically accused me of lurking, it is just saying to everyone, that I am not lurking.

However the second part intrigues me. Metagaming? This early? I know, not really much to go on, but still.


Just initial thoughts. Possibly more to follow.

Forum Games / Re: Generic Boring Mafia Signups
« on: August 11, 2009, 12:33:16 PM »

Forum Games / Re: Generic Boring Mafia Signups
« on: August 08, 2009, 07:54:07 PM »

Forum Games / Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« on: August 06, 2009, 01:46:07 PM »
Same here. is just not right for me somehow.

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