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Messages - Nimitz

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Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Day 4: A new hope
« on: September 20, 2008, 08:02:10 PM »
No, there is no serious flaw in your logic and reasoning that I can see, Ah-Nuld.  Moreover, the recent behavior of the suspects, in addition to behavior over the course of the game has led to increased suspicion on the figure known as Gandalf.  As such, I have no compunctions with joining you on this and ending these debates.

##Vote: Gandalf

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Day 4: A new hope
« on: September 20, 2008, 01:44:47 AM »
This is fortuitous.  We now have but two targets from which to choose.  The question now is, which one?

As I deliberate, I would like to ask you, Gandalf, as to why you chose Freeman over the Android when you chose who to scout last night?

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 19, 2008, 12:43:40 AM »
##Vote: Rincewind

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 18, 2008, 09:58:23 AM »
I will say this.  We have found scum.  Gandalf and Rincewind cannot both be allies, and as such the vote has to be on them.  Sadly, there is no way of telling if one or both are Peep agents, but we'll take what we're given.

Now, as for picking which one to interrogate, I have been suspicious of Gandalf for the whole of this session, but...  three people have called for Rincewind's head, at most one of them is Havenite.  This means that, at the very least, there is some support there.  I'll sleep on this, and place my vote in the morning.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 18, 2008, 04:50:58 AM »
An interesting inconsistancy has been noted in the Android's recent observations.

I am intrigued by your claim Gandalf. Do you intend to wait for others to claim before revealing your night phase targets?


As a final note Gandalf's decision to reveal his role but not his actions is sensible. If others make claims first then he can potentially catch them in a lie whereas they would know not to make such claims if he had stated his observations first.

Note that this transcript involves the first line and the last line in his thoughts, and the last line being in response to my own inquiries as to the lack of information given by Gandalf.  The logic given in the final line is good logic, and it swayed me to a similar viewpoint when I read it.  However, it is also contradictory to what was written at the start.

Given the fact that the android uses that same post to argue it is beginning to feel favorably towards Gandalf, one has to wonder how much attention the android is paying to its own missives.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 18, 2008, 04:30:38 AM »
I was given a report as to an assassination attempt last night upon Lady Harrington's Treecat, and told that a third party had intervened in order to prevent this.  As such, I am convinced that you are exactly what you claim you are, and that you are an ally of the Star Kingdom of Manticore.

At present, I am conferring with Nimitz to prepare a dossier on the four remaining candidates in order to best use our remaining time.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 18, 2008, 04:15:54 AM »
I concur with the additional analysis provided by the Hutt, and agree with the information on the second target being made public.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 18, 2008, 02:31:34 AM »
Yes, Mr. Freeman, I was expecting something, and Jabba kindly provided it.  Granted, it wasn't quite what I expected, but given the questionable sanity of GlaDOS I am willing to accept it.  The key is that Nurses rarely work alone, and though they are usually the second for a Doctor, I am willing to accept that in this case our companion the White Witch was tied to Jabba the Bodyguard,

This brings me to our second point.  Given that we did not have a kill last night, we are in a situation where the Havenites either are trying to pull a fast one, and Jabba is among their number, or Jabba has the name of someone they tried, and consequently failed, to kill.  However, I also approve of his not mentioning who he targetted on either night just yet.

Given the nature of his role, and the fact that no one claimed against him I am inclined to trust that he speaks truth.  This means that we can now make use of the full knowledge of how Gandalf acted, and use that to assist in judging the wizard.  Once that is done, we can hear who Jabba defended on the second night, and have at least a small measure of certainty in our following discussion.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 17, 2008, 06:56:38 PM »
Gandalf, while I appreciate your forthrightness and accurate read of the situation, your claim is incomplete.  If the skill of a tracker is yours, then on whom did you use it during the two nights, and why?

For my own position, though the might of Manticore is great, none of it can be spared from the Peep threat to assist here, nor can Nimitz properly communicate with me, nor search the group of you with your own strange powers, leaving us classified as 'Vanilla'.

As for the rest, I suggest you follow our lead.  There is something to be learned here.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 17, 2008, 10:41:28 AM »
I was intending to research the matter more before I spoke, however, seeing the Hutt's reaction to the beginning of this day, I feel it is of vital importance to bring this to everyone's attention now.

Assuming two Havenite Agents, we are now at LYLO.

Granted, it is a soft LYLO, with the possibility that another night with negligable casualties would allow us to make one more mistake.  But I do not feel comfortable resting in such a position.  Especially if the peaceful night was the result of a Peep strategy meant to lull us into a false sense of security.  As for thoughts that we would be warned if we were at such a crucial point in our meeting, I would remind you all that the entity known as GlaDOS which presently watches over our fates has warned us at the beginning that we would receive no such warnings.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 15, 2008, 09:50:58 PM »
Very well, Gandalf.  We shall leave this to you, and the burden of a successful end of the day shall rest on your shoulders.

As to your query, our issue with you is that your concern lies less with a feeling of having failed the alliance, for how can being a font of discussion be a failing for those under the allied banner, but in instead being under suspicion and potentially having courted death.  These are not befitting traits in an ally, and suggest that it is not discussion you seek, but instead survival, a trait often linked to cowardly Havenite scum.

Your renewed curiosity speaks well for you, but cannot erase the doubts caused by your initial behaviour.

Edit: Greetings Andrew of the Rogues.  Have you, also forgotten to don your mask?

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 15, 2008, 08:52:51 PM »
This silence is most disconcerting, and forming an atmosphere where Havenite Agents can more easily do their work.  At present, not only is our companion Master Windu the most suspicious looking of the group, but he has yet to speak up in his own defense.  If he does not do so within the next hour, then I will consider him guilty of being a Peep, and move the weight of Manticore's might against him, ensuring that this day ends with a proper execution.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 14, 2008, 07:37:09 PM »
While following a good hunch is always a worthwhile and viable tactic, one must always strive to find reasons with which to back up such accusations.  As it is, we now stand at the regrettable crossroads where not only have we lost a valuable asset, but it seems that our medical support is now offline.  That said, we still have a duty to discover which of us are the Havenite Agents.

I will agree that, with his attitude and very little in the way of helpful information that Master Windu seems an appealing choice.  More interesting is his disinclination to assist, and his mistaken views on why Rincewind acted as he did.

Freeman also encourages review.  His text is mostly gibberish with worthwhile material hidden within.  The main reason this is not given a higher priority than it is is because this may be opposed to how a Havenite should do business, with the appearance of helpfulness hiding empty words.

Gandalf begins this day by noting that he now needs to begin finding cause to defend his accusations?  Even after the pressure placed upon him in our first Day?  Even given that if the Wookie had been less suicidal, he is the one who might have been suspected of Peep inclinations?  As well, he states that his alternative to bandwagoning as a source of founding discussion was both regrettable and accidental.  This is something which I find difficult to believe.

Finally, Manticoran Intelligence suggests a neutral reading on this Rincewind (he apparently is good at outrunning our agents), a slight inclination that this android is devoid of Havenite influence, and feel fairly certain that the Hutt is allied.

Given this summary, and the present state of our assemblage, it is felt that it best serves Manticoran interests at present to

##Vote: Gandalf

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 06:42:23 PM »
Due to the limited time remaining before the upcoming battle, we must make our decisions now.  Sadly, this does mean that our choices are now limited to a scant three who have already managed to gain suspicion as Havenite agents.

##Unvote: Freeman

Despite his quirks of speech and the fact that he also feels somewhat light on content despite a minor presence today, he is not a major concern at present Re: Havenite threat.  As such, our vote for his expulsion is revoked.

For those who do merit consideration:

The White Witch: Her suggestions, though cruel, are practical.  Forced reactions provoke the true feelings of those so hunted.  Her hunt has the markings of an allied advance, and so we support her efforts.

Gandalf: This so called magician (our R&D WILL crack his technology) has been consistently argueing the opposite of the Witch.  He supports his points well, but his points are counterproductive, which makes good argumentation more dangerous than not.  Especially when his core point that the Witch is aiming carelessly has been proven false by her targeted sorties.

Master Wookie: Though his presence has been inconsistant, he seems more to be a safe choice derived to cull the worst of the less-present members of our council, rather than taking a risk on one of the more able members of this caucus.

After consulting with Navy Intelligence, we believe our best recourse is to follow this Gandalf fellow, as constant and continued argumentation against our best interests must always take priority over mere absent-mindedness.

##Vote: Gandalf

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 06:06:48 PM »
Sorry for the absence, pressing events occurred which necessitated an inability to post upon the internet.  I shall now endeavour to catch up and participate once more in the discussion.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 12, 2008, 04:56:43 AM »
A man in a military uniform and a six legged cat in a spacesuit enter the room and take their places, oddly with the man standing at attention and the cat taking the seat.  Despite the cat looking intently at everyone, it's the man who speaks.

Greetings one and all, I am Commander Truman of the Royal Manticore Navy.  The Lady Harrington was honoured by your request that she attend this conference, however she has been detained by the encroaching Havenite threat, therefore she shall be represented by her treecat, Nimitz.  I am to act as his interpretor in these proceedings to root out the infiltrators here.

And, as we must begin by laying out claims of suspicion, it has come to the attention of our intelligence operations that the brother of Mr. Freeman has been responsible for the loss of one world in the Sol Federation through a Hadron Corridor 'accident' and has recently been spotted at another such facility.  As such, with such a questionable lineage, it is thought best to look there first.

##Vote: John Freeman

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