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Messages - Yangus

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Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 03:04:45 PM »
An that's Hammer, stop talking all.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 02:58:55 PM »
If this is Town v. Town, we've lost the game.  So I have to believe that my suspicions of you are right, and that you're scum.  the only reason I'm holding back my vote is to give people some time to talk, and some time to ask me questions.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 02:53:02 PM »
Because I had a strong feeling that there was something off about him.  I'd give you more detail, except I can't.  I got interrupted during the time I was going to use for that (was in the middle of looking at how and why the votes for Liz shook down the way they did) and I was really curious as to the role of the Dude in all of that.  This is important if the deadlock really was Town v Town, and I didn't see anyone else was looking at it.

I was also going to be gone for a while, and wasn't sure when day was going to end, or what was going to happen while I was gone.  So I explained everything best I could while I was rushing out the door.  And I left the vote so that you guys had some idea of what was going on, as well as leaving some idea where my suspicions lay.

Anything else?

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 02:41:26 PM »
Right, no time to really think this through, so I'm going to drop the accent.  And hey, Miyagi's here, so there is a point to discussion, yay!

Anyways, you're all right, I didn't post when I said I would.  Simple reason was, I got home from work, I was fried, I had other things that I couldn't really afford to neglect, and I had to leave for my next shift in about eight hours, so sleep was also at a premium.  So, I knew I had said I'd give things a good look over, but I wouldn't be able to get my head in the right shape to do so.

That said, Miyagi...  I looked at your posts, most of them with a good eye.  You were the one person besides Liz I did manage to get a decent look at, and that's without the oversight that comes with multiple reads.  And unlike Liz, I'm not satisfied.  Your day one cases, where they did fall, were for roughly the same reasons I made my cases, except they always came within a few posts of when I made mine.  You claim I follow the pack, but the only time you ever differed was when you were on Khan, and you skittered off right quick when challenged on that.

So I'll toss this up while other people think.  I've got another fifteen minutes before I go, let's make them count.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 10:14:11 PM »
I need to go.  Got interrupted so I couldn't finish building my case, so...  I'll just leave this vote and hope I'm right on this.  Will be back in around 8 hours.

##Vote: Dude

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 09:08:22 PM »
A few words for a man of few words.  And since he likes quotin' so much, I figger that's as good a way to start as any.

Miyagi also noting Yangus-san only voting Serling as jokes, then Elizabeth when people looking Elizabeth, then Ned when people on Ned train. Only has vote in solid case. Not pursue case of his own much, but join bandwagon.

Final votecount for day one:

Ash (0): Rod Serling
Crow (1): The Dude, Khan, Death
Death (0): Khan, Crow T. Robot, Ash
Excel (0): Queen Elizabeth, Ned Flanders, Ash
Khan (0): Rod Serling, Mr. Miyagi
Mr. Miyagi (0): Excel, Ned Flanders
Ned Flanders (5): Queen Elizabeth, Rod Serling, Yangus, Mr. Miyagi, Ash
Queen Elizabeth (4): Death, The Dude, Yangus, Mr. Miyagi, Excel, Crow T. Robot, Ned Flanders, Khan
Rod Serling (0): Yangus
The Dude (0): Crow. T. Robot
Yangus (0): Ash

The only thing showin' you to be any bolder than me, mate, is you goin' after that Khan bloke earlier today, and even that you've backed out of so far.

Since I've got that up, there's one other thing I've noticed that's naggin' me in the back o' me 'ead.  Liz 'as the votes o' everyone that day except for Serling, Ash, and 'erself.  Not entirely sure wot that means as of yet, but I think there's something to it.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 08:43:42 PM »
Oi, just postin' to say that I'm 'ere now, and givin' things a bit of a look.  As for why I'm takin' so long, well...  I was lookin' over that Liz skirts posts, and...  there's a lotta things that all say she should be scum, but something don't quite add up right.  Suspect it's the way she's frustrated over that Flanders bloke that does it.  So's, I'm lookin' at the other things she's up an' said, to see if any of it fits, and looking at a few others that tickle me nose the wrong way while I'm at it.

That Miyagi bloke is top of the list, and I'll see who else follows 'im.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 04:34:57 AM »

And 'ere I thought I 'ad something.  Suppose that's why I 'ang around with the Guv, imagine 'e wouldn't 'ave made a mistake like that.  But, no point mopin' about it if we're gonna catch some world eaters.

'Spose the first thing I'll be needin' to do is look at what the old geezer's been sayin' about me while I've been gone.  Though, I don't see why, she's a bit off on what she's saying.  That Flander's bloke wasn't talkin' against people, he was talkin' against blokes what weren't 'ere.  I suppose there might be something to it, but the things 'e said that didn't touch on that were things 'e dropped.  I could continue on, but I've said my piece on 'im already, and seems I've been dead wrong in doin' so.

Then there's this Excel skirt, or should I say Excal skirt, seems to be callin' herself by two different names if you ask me.  Can quite make out what she is, as one moment she'll be makin a 'uge fuss over a mistake in sudden death, and the next she'll be callin the mods because a bloke's in love wit his own voice.  Thinkin' about 'er a bit more brings up the fact that I can't quite remember wot she's 'ad to say about anyone.  Still don't feel right, thinkin' she's some world eatin' thingamabob, but she's jus' said 'er piece once and it's a bare skinny thing of a paragraph talkin' about three people.  The rest of it is jus' screamin' wit the old geezer when the day shoulda been over yesterday.

One final note fer this post, Khan.  I know we're a bright bloke, like the Guv, but I jes can't 'elp but feel that with your point against that Excel skirt that you're just outsmartin' yourself.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 11:19:31 PM »
Well, this is a fine how-do-you-do, right here. I turn my head for a few hours, and suddenly, ol' Neddy's on the chopping block.

I don't much care for guns, but I'm going to stick to the ones I have. People lurking are the most dangerous people. God gave us voices so we'd use 'em, provided we keep our language nice and clean. I don't really "get" the arguments against Crow, or the Queen. As for Khan, I pointed my ol' suspicious finger at him, so I don't see how you can say I didn't have anything to say about the guy. Personally, I think he has a lot of long-winded, droning speeches that go nowhere, which is fine and jim-dandy for church, but that man only worships himself.

I still think Excel is the best candidate for a lynch today, if only because her content has been erratic, sparse, and insubstantial. But it's not looking like we'll get a lynch that makes even a lick of sense. If it's between me and the Queen, well, suicide is a Sin.

##UNVOTE: Excel
##VOTE: Queen Elizabeth

Now, see, this 'ere's why I'm thinkin' you're not such a nice bloke.  See, maybe you're thinkin' all this stuff, but when it comes to saying it you're tighter than the old geezer.  And, well, honestly, I think you're just playin' us all for fools.

You say you've spoken out against that Khan bloke, well I've seen you do it, but just the once.

Now, the dooziest of our problems seems to be this Khan fella. On the one hand, he has a gosh-darned point about creating the first serious discussion, but on the other hand, I don't much care for the idea of someone trying to win us over by risking himself during an otherwise joke phase.

Not much of an attack, I think.  And that was yer second post too!  Hard to think of you as being hard on the guy when yer praisin' 'im at the same time as yer talkin' bad of 'im.  But, mayhaps I'm wrong, maybe ye've been focused on 'im because ye've 'ad nothing bad to say of anyone else.

Well, that's a right interesting ac-cu-sation, coming from someone in the "Anglican" church. I wouldn't be too sure about you having much room to talk as far as "Content" goes. I may be showing my conservative side, but I just hadn't had much room to make a decision on. I've also had a heck of a lot more'ta say than Mr. Serling, or that fella from the orient.

That said, I'm not liking too much that the two quiet guys casually voted for Khan, and I'm sure not a fan of how the Robot boy is flailing about. I'll wrap my noggin around it for a few minutes and get back to everyone.

Yer third post has ya talking bad about that Serling bloke, and saying worse things about 'im and Miyagi than anything you've said bout anyone else all day.  Then we get to your other posts and...

##VOTE: Mr. Miyagi

Now, I don't really have the stomach for this "calling for someone's death", but with innocent people being killed, I think it's time for desperate measures.

By my count, Excel, Miyagi, Yangus, and Sterling over there all had less actionable content than I did, and what bothers me more is that no one seems to be tossing any suspicion their way... ....and keeping it there. I want to see what happens when a little pressure is applied to one of these not-present nellies.

'ere you're just votin' for the sake of votin' for someone, and usin' the excuse of them not bein' 'ere so that you won't look bad from the doin' of it.  And ye blame all four of the blokes you do for postin' less than you have, despite the most worthwhile thing you havin' had to say by now being that you think the blokes voting for Khan are being all sneaky like about it.  The best that can be said is that yer at least holdin onto Serling and Miyagi.  Not that you say a thing about that.

And in yer last post ye go on to say that all we should be expectin' from you is that you'll be looking at the blokes what don't talk much?  When ye haven't been sayin much else to start with?  'ell, you switch over to that Excel skirt for no reasons I can see, and then in yer next post, you claim it's Khan and Excel ye've been after when your posts say it's been Miyagi and Sterling you've had your eye on.

Yer posts don't add up when you give yer reasons, and you talk so to hide the fact ye'r not tellin' us anything.  I think we've got you fer certain, and I'll be right chuffed to see you 'ang for it.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 10:56:31 PM »
Now, 'ow do you figger that, mate?  I've 'eard nothing from our hosts 'ere saying that this Death bloke is in fer anything fer not showing us 'is mug.  Same wit our friend what's wearing the crown.  Where are you gettin the idea that they'll be getting what fer fer not talkin?

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 08:48:18 PM »
And that's tha thing, see?  Excel noticed it when she made 'er edit, and not thinkin' she'd be back, made a quick decision in case other people changed their minds, or other things happened.  Life ain't so simple an all that, so her vote might make the day.  Also, Ash, I didn't think that Death feller was one o' the ones you went after cause he weren't talking.  He's the one you went after after someone else did, and yer vote for him is the one good thing I can pin to you.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 07:50:10 PM »
No respect for spendin' a bit of time in order to do right well in this thinking thing.  Mayhaps the Guv would be a bit quicker about it, but I'm the one who's 'ere to be doing it.

Now, seein' as the only thing people 'av to say about me is that I don't talk much, there's not much I can add to that.  But, I do 'ave some things to say about the rest of ya.  This Excel skirt, I can see why she'd get some attention, flailing about like that.  But my nose don't twitch fer her, making me think she might be on the up and up.  No fault for those who do see something funny, but, I jus can't feel it meself.

This Ash bloke, though, does make my nose twitch something fierce.  E's all strutting about talking about how we should go after the folks who ain't talking like, even as all 'e really does is say that or go after the noisy targets, or blokes who've already got someone on their 'ead.  It don't seem right that someone should be using all that noise to say nothin jus to try and go after the folks who can't say nothin.

As for this Serling bloke, I'd just like to offer my apologies.  We got off to a right bad start we did, and with you all going and finding a reasonable thing.  I've been looking at this Flanders fella, and all 'es been doing is hiding behind 'is church and usin' that to say why 'e don't vote, or even talk bout much more than why he don't vote, or why he ain't a planet eater.  Even 'is votes are just there sos that we don't vote him on account of his not takin a stand.  And, as much as I don't like the old geezer, all she's done is not explain her self and act a bit crazy like.  Flanders 'ere has been talkin a lot, and saying less than I 'ave, and that's impressive.  Impressive enough for this, really,

##unvote, ##Vote: Flanders

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 06:37:50 AM »
Well, I reckon you can put as much pressure on me as you like, but I don't see as it'll do any good if I'm not 'ere to be feeling any of it.  Now, it seems we've all 'ad a right old time while I've been elsewhere.  Fer starters, I havr to wonder at this robot what took almost twenty minutes to write a line of text.  Nuthin all that great or mysterious-like either, just talking back to that Dude bloke was all.  but 'e ends it all off with a line fer that Khan fella, and it makes my nose twitch it does.  But, 'is votin' seems right sound to me, so I'm not so interested in 'im.

That Queen, seems a bit like the old geezer.  A little funny in the 'ead, and not so willing to say why she does things.  Well, mayhaps that's simply the way of skirts, or the way of crowns, or both really, but it seems right fishy to me.  Commin' in all silent like, and attackin' poor Ned 'ere for nuthin that makes sense to me.  So's, I think it's right time I did my bit to 'elp out against these planet eater blokes and put my vote where it'll do some good.

##Unvote,  ##Vote: Queen Liz

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 21, 2008, 03:49:20 AM »

Did'ja see that?  That bloke's 'ead jus went and exploded, not even a trace as to why.  And already we've got ourselves acting in a fine pickle, all pointin' fingers and wot not wivvout even taking a moment to think.  Granted, I'm not much a one fer thinking, that's usually something I let the Guv do, but he's not here so's I'll just have to figger out what he'd be thinking if he were here.

I reckon he'd 'ave something to say to that Ash bloke.  All fiddlin about with that stick o 'is, but not a reason why he's waggin it about like that.  I mean, sure we've not a whole lot to go on, but he's not even giving us the teensiest bit to use.  But for now I figger I've got to rest my axe on that Serling bloke.  The way 'e talks puts the 'airs on me back up in the oddest way.

##Vote: Rod Serling

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