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Messages - Nietz

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Well, that was a pretty short game, too bad we couldn't get more people playing. The roleplay was great though, I really felt bad about having to take people off the game because it was so amusing. If knew it would turn out like that I would have tried to pick up a character with a little more background, but then again, I just wanted to be "original".

Strago did a great game, both in RP and scum play. Carth's plan of lynching me was very good, and I was even accepting it and trying to set up my own lynch so it would leave the Comedian in a good position for Day 3.   

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day 4
« on: March 31, 2009, 11:18:16 PM »
Twist ending, huh? Good play by Meeple, really played the Prisoner's Dilemma thing for town's victory. (Well, it was not really PD, but some other theoretic game I don't remember now).
Seeing scum NK so many townies during the game was a little aggravating, but I suspected it would backfire on them in the end.

I confess I played a lot by setup meta theories, like:
- Snow's claim felt very believable because I had a similar role, and I didn't see why he would make the One-shot claim unless it was true (I didn't know at that time that most roles were one-shot).
- Tom immediately believed Snow's claim, and I was pretty sure it was for the same reason as me. So that basically cleared him for me as well. The way Alex attacked him nonetheless caught my attention as well.
- After Xanth's flip, I was convinced Team Magma would also have an Inventor on their side for balance. And why would Town Alex investigate him instead of the guy he said was suspicious? (Also, earlier I was hoping to find scum by role description myself, so I had that possibility in mind.)
- And how could anyone believe his claim that Tom was "too suspicious to waste an investigation on"!? My biggest mistake in the game was waiting for OK to post before replying to that. And then going to sleep and find out he was quicklynched.
- On that matter: What the hell, OK... Though coming so late to the game was a town tell, after 3 town modkills the last thing we needed was a cop who couldn't bother to post. His night survival was indeed fishy, I still don't understand Bard's reasons for trying to save a spent one-shot cop.
- Incidentally I never believed Meeple was actually a Vig. At first I was sure he was a Bomb trying to lure scum into killing him. And after he claimed to have shot OK I thought he was actually a Godfather. 

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day 3
« on: March 30, 2009, 01:42:09 PM »
Well I'm not so sure about Alex anymore after Meeple's claim of shooting OK. I guess I'll wait to hear what he has to say.
I'm still leaning more towards Alex because I don't entirely buy his reasons for investigating Xanth when he was so openly against Tom at the end of Day 1.
Kilga's claim as second town roleblocker is weird, though I just can't see what he would gain from it if he was scum.

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day 3
« on: March 30, 2009, 03:19:48 AM »
Oh well...

After Xanth's flip, I'm much inclined to believe that SirAlex is Team Magma's JOAT, and found out Xanth by his role description rather than alignment.
No idea about his partner, though I also suspect Delta of being Xanth's buddy.

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day 2
« on: March 29, 2009, 04:33:34 PM »
Nietz, is someone else I'm vaguely interested in.  Mostly because he drops in, says something vaguely agreeable, and then drops out for a bit.  Never a whole lot at once, just in and out.  Not sure there's anything there, just want to mention him for now in order to remind myself he's still there.
Aw, give me a break... I posted early yesterday and kept waiting the whole day without anything showing up. Apparently this game moves faster while I'm asleep. I do admit that I tend to focus on the cases that interest me and try to be succinct about then.

Anyway, I have good reasons to be convinced Xanth is scum now. Namely:
Ninja: putting me to -1. Oh well. I still don't want to full roleclaim as it affects one of the players who hasn't posted yet, but I am a one-shot rolecop (expended), which I know doesn't help my case at all.
Since rolecop is in the setup as both a town and scum role, and that I am the town's rolecop (1-shot), I'm pretty sure he's the scum one.
Incidentally, Ryogo is a roleblocker.

I will have to leave now, so someone else will have to hammer.

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day 2
« on: March 28, 2009, 06:54:28 PM »
EBWOP: "while I think scum can make(...)"

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day 2
« on: March 28, 2009, 06:53:21 PM »
Even given that, I fail to see what this has to do with the point I was trying to make. Maybe you can answer for Bard. Why are scum more likely to be inattentive to the rules than town?
It wasn't about that point in particular, just a general opinion in about gameplay.
But if you ask me attentiveness to rules is basically a null tell.

On my previous note, while I scum can make honest scumhunt efforts, I do believe they wouldn't be too inclined to put out strong cases, to avoid getting NK attention. Incidentally that makes more inclined to think of both you and Bard as town.

About Xanth, I noticed he did a lot of things I don't like, like player listing and throwing what felt like easy votes on Snow and Meeple on Day 1. I'd say he's suspicious, though not terribly so.

I could say I'm mostly suspicious of Ryogo, Delta and possibly Xanth right now. I'll still keep my case on Ryogo since he gave no reason to let it go.
##Vote: Ryogo

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day 2
« on: March 28, 2009, 05:22:35 PM »
I didn't like the case on SirAlex before, and I still don't see much in it. I think his reasons for going after Sylon were perfectly valid (and in fact similar to mine). The only thing about him that I didn't like was his attacks on EvilTom, who for me was looking almost certainly town by the end of the Day.
Similarly, I don't really see the case on Excal.

My stance on Ryogo is unchanged. In fact, it's worse now since I noticed he hasn't even bothered to address it when he saw no one else was particularly interested in it.
On that note, I also noticed that Delta pretty much disappeared in the middle of the Day, leaving just an easy vote on SnowFire.

Not sure what to make of Xanth yet, I'll have to read further.

You are more likely to see scum switch their vote around than town because scum have to invent reasons to vote for people they know the alignment of, and so their cases have higher chance of getting shot down, forcing them to move elsewhere. Why are you more likely to see scum be inattentive to the rules than town?
Dammit Kilga, you are still playing the wrong game! Scum doesn't have to make up cases here, they can do scumhunting as honestly as town.

You can stop doing this; if the combined forces of UncertainKitten and pesco47 couldn't piss me off you have no chance.
I always had the impression that they could. 

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 27, 2009, 01:40:31 AM »
Nietz...I have no read on.  Being on Ryogo as a vote...ok, that works.  He had been absent for a while.  Still, I don't know that much here...but going for Ryogo when he did was workable,, he's contributed.  Lurking is more posting and saying jack and shit
I`m not onto him for lurking in particular, but more because his few posts had Low Original Content and seemed like he was kind of just coasting along the whole day.
Anyway, it seems nobody else was convinced by it. But I don't really have any strong opinions in any of the other ongoing cases and I won't be awake much longer, so my vote will likely stay here until the end of the Day. 

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 26, 2009, 11:09:06 PM »
"Thou shalt not suffer scum to live" an' all that.
I don't see a point in not lynching Snow. Expecting Scum to do your work for you in any way that will end up being good is a losing proposition for sure, I'd say.
Those seem more like philosophical points than ones actually based on the GT of this variant of the game. I guess I could put it that I believe that town playing this as Mafia, instead of Multiple Factions Mafia is the actual losing proposition.
But then again, there's the fact that I don't really believe Snow is scum, and I wouldn't like to do scum's work for them.

Frankly, the one that bothers me the most right now is Ryogo. Of his three posts, the first is just some "maybe, but maybe not" weak opinions, at the end of which he just goes into the Sylon train. The second is basically him arguing that it's okay for his reasons to be weak. And the third seems little more than quoting and repetition of other's opinions during the day.
I can definitely feel the "sneaky scum" vibe in that, so ##Vote: Ryogo seems like the best case to me right now.

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 26, 2009, 07:52:14 PM »
Busy day at the lab, I didn't have time to do a decent reread and find a suitable canditade.

One thing though, is there a point in lynching SF now? Seems like he just boarded the NK Express with his roleclaim, because either he's telling the truth and will be killed by scum, or is a lying scum and will be... killed by the other scum.

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 26, 2009, 05:11:08 PM »
EBWOP: "because I don't really believe his behavior necessarily amounts to scumminess" I mean.

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 26, 2009, 05:09:01 PM »
Nietz points the finger at me for “trying to keep a low profile,” which: I am? Eh. I’m doing what I can, but even when I’m around for long chunks of time it’s pretty hard for me to contribute as much in-the-moment as those bat-like (or Australian) types who are really in the fray during the busy hours.

That was my impression, yes. But reading the thread again there's more people who could fit that. After Sylon's modkill, I'm not really sure who could be the worst case of sneaky scum, though a OK modkill for inactivity starts to seem appropriate.
Things as they stand now, I don't really favor a SnowFire lynch because I really believe his behavior necessarily amounts to scumminess, though I think the sheer WTF-ness of his arguments hasn't been helpful at all.

Ninja by Bard (and others): I do believe that there were reasons for the votes on Sylon, mainly that he wasn't actually inactive, but rather actively lurking and avoiding commenting on his case. Though apparently his health issues were actually serious enough.

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 26, 2009, 01:39:45 PM »
Majrity vote for extension will extend.  Majority vote for lynch ends day right then and there.
D'oh! My bad.

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 26, 2009, 01:18:56 PM »
How bout some more people vote Snow so we can get a majority lynch on him?  I have nothing else in particular to post.

Majority vote will extend the day 24 hours.

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 26, 2009, 12:59:46 PM »
I can't say I like how the Sylon wagon has waned without him having to do anything. And I like even less how SnowFire argues that Sylon is town exactly for doing nothing.
In fact, pretty much everything SF has said is one of the messier bunchs of contradictions I've ever seen, as a lot of people have pointed out.
The only reasons I have not to vote him right now is that I frankly don't see why scum would expose themselves so much on Day 1, and that I don't want to give Sylon a free pass for active lurking. I know he's sick and all, but as someone said, scum can get sick too, and if he could get online he could at least have posted something earlier.
Also, I noticed that OblivionKnight and Strago have tried to keep a particularly low profile as well, specially the later. I just think Sylon's case is worse right now for actively trying to keep it down even when the attention was onto him.

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 26, 2009, 12:08:23 AM »
Okay, Meeple last posts seem more solid, and he at least seems dedicated to analyze and scumhunt. Now, while on regular Mafia it's a good idea for scum to put up a pretense of doing that, I can only suppose it's not so good on multiple-faction games, as it can get you NK'ed by the rival team.

Sylon, on the other hand seems to be trying a little too much to keep it low even while the metaphorical light is over him.   

Can't really say anything about the train on myself- It does consist entirely of joke votes, after all.
Considering it was the largest wagon so far and that it was against you, you should have at least something to say about it or its repercussions. Just brushing it aside as joke votes looks like saying "Nothing to see here, move along."

My apologies. I haven't been feeling well these few days, and thought I would put off posting until I could think coherently.
But if you had time to lurk around you could certainly have posted something, considering the wagon was about the fact that you weren't around. I can't get off me the suspicion that you were just waiting for the wagon to runs its course and for a bigger case on someone else to come up without your intervention.

Anyway, active lurking for most of the day and a post with a few weak opinions like you're trying to go by unnoticed does not look good for me. So:
##Vote: Sylon

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 25, 2009, 08:18:15 PM »

Don't get on the co-mod's bad side by INSULTING POKEMON!
Not at all. I had my period of PokeAddiction, and am only afraid I might fall into it again. (But that'd be kinda hard because there's so damn many of them now that it's too confusing).

Anyway, srs bsns.

I didn't like the way Meeple encouraged a possible Sylon lynch while voting for Xanth. His points against Xanth seemed too much of a "gotcha" to me, and the encouragement of the Sylon train looks like bait for another scum to make a mistake.

I definitely wasn't up for voting Sylon for inactivity, but seeing this:

Sylon: can we actually hear from you? I've seen you lurking the board repeatedly through the day, but not a peep out of you here. I know there's not much you can say in your defence of a roulette lynch on you, but it's an odd time to be silent nonetheless.
If that's true, then Sylon's (lack of) actions becomes definitely suspicious.

Anyway, will hold on vote until Sylon has something to say.
Also, ##Extension.

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 24, 2009, 10:24:47 PM »
##Vote: Kilgamayan
For using my interest in Mafia to lure me back into any thing Pokemon.

Forum Games / Re: Pokemon Mafia interest?
« on: March 23, 2009, 11:27:19 PM »

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