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Messages - Chad Hutchins

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Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: May 02, 2010, 01:44:51 AM »
Back from being out all day.  I don't like Greaves and I don't like Handley and I'm not too hot on Andrews and Seamus either.  No time now to go try to make detailed examples but their play just feels... smug, as opposed to the disorganization and wariness in the rest of town.  I don't like Hayles either - STILL on the cult leader business?  Come on man that's just clearly meaningless either way.

I guess I will hammer Hayles if need be since I really dislike the Kolmogorov train.  I'm not at all sold on him being town but I feel the attacks on him are coming from shady reasons.

Kyle especially is all up the wrong tree I think.  "Being on both trains" day 1 and 2 doesn't tell us anything that simply being on the day 1 train doesn't since BOTH MAJOR TRAINS DAY 2 WERE TOWN.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 30, 2010, 03:42:01 AM »
Now, then... Chad, well, kin ye think of anyone else who'd claim the title? 

Well I would've said Peyton on account o'sheer volumes of text and bein in the thick of things.  Feels like I ain't been talkin too much this game, pretty sad if my game's still the best we've got, but so here we are.


I dunno if "too many BPs/protects" is any better than "too many millers" now.  Seems like it could be that the slowkill is the main scum kill and the fast kills are vig or third party?  Baseless speculation, maybe not, but I ain't thinkin goin down those lines is helpful no more after seein last night.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 30, 2010, 12:57:22 AM »
So hey Greaves more to the point who if anyone do you think is scummy for reasons unrelated to multiple miller/BP/etc role shenanigans?

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 29, 2010, 05:47:35 AM »
Distracted?  Heh, you mean "if I don't go mad and kill myself tomorrow" which in the absence of anyone else claiming to be slowkilled is sadly starting to look likely.

Setupwise.... okay, look, gonna lay this out.  The mod has said multiple times that he wanted a game with a lot of roles that were mostly useless or traps.  With that in mind?  I don't think miller status means a darn thing, because I don't think that there IS a cop of useful sanity to be affected by it.  I sure don't think Hellsnake would've been able to full revive anyone, just bring them back for talkin.  (That's water under the bridge now though.)  And I don't think all of the bulletproofs/protects floating around actually function as advertised (though it's pretty clear that at least one (probably Peyton's) does).  

Flavorwise... I got nothin until or unless someone else has more to contribute.  Andrews claiming amnesia scuttled any real progress in that direction.  In the event I do kick it tonight, I'll say this much:  The Order, includin my father, had a ceremony two weeks ago, and another one the night Pop died.  Their goal was to call down some sort of mysterious power on specific people.  I know who got the power from the first ceremony, and what it does, and it is at least linked to a real game effect.  I don't know who got the power from the second ceremony, or even if anyone did (though my information strongly suggests that someone did), and if someone did, I don't got any guarantees it did the exact same thing as the first time.  Still, I thought it worth pursuin, and still kinda do want to find the other person if possible.  

Good old Mafiawise...

I read over everyone and I got nothin concrete.  Kyle looked bad on days 1 and 2 but his posting today has been better and even explained where he's come from a bit.  Hargreaves, Peyton and to an extent Seamus and Jack Daniels all look like positive contributors.  

Kanbabrif or whatever the Russkie's name is has been mostly absent but then come in with good posting - yet somehow I still find myself wary of him, because the last game of checkers I played with the guy (Mai Hime, for reference) he did the same thing as scum and coasted to a win on having one good post the whole game and nothing else.  Yet it seems like he's been more open this game so... I dunno.

Greaves and Andrews got mostly the same problems.  Greaves especially I'm a little less keen on his posts, done a lotta speculating and a lotta egging on without actually bringing much useful up himself.  Some o' that is a good thing, and lord knows I been speculatin a lot myself, but... he feels off somehow, too aggravated.  I guess that's where my vote would go.

Dale and Hayles I don't even know what to think of, alternatin between scummy and townie and I dunno what.

##Vote: Nathan Greaves

I guess I'll step up then.  Why are you so keen on the eggin on, specially in your posts today?  You been doin an awful lot of yellin at people for doin things you don't like, but whar be the point, or your own case?  Seems like you wanna just talk about the millers and lynch one, or lynch Peyton for arguin to lynch one without votin one (ignorin that he could only turn his vote to Hellsnake really)?  


.... how on the green earth am *I* "lead townie" or anything close to it I haven't even posted for days because emergency work sessions killed my motivation and I don't know what's going on in this game what argh. 

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 27, 2010, 07:36:41 AM »
I switched to Hellsnake after he claimed Miller, poorly.  Just didn't actually move vote until later (but would have anyway the way the day was goin). 

Not goin to altars is just flavor.

I did mess up with the quick claim and apologize, nobody else say nothin yet I guess.  The silver lining there is that the flavor I got is at least definitive enough to say it doesn't seem to be related to Nikolai's claimed power at all.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 27, 2010, 05:09:43 AM »
Now then, folks.  How about we show our respect by not going up to any altars in the mountains, and figurin out what's goin on.

Somebody did something to me last night and I'm not sure what.  Feels like I'm on the brink of some revelation, and that somebody is helping me from the shadows.  For a given value of help.  Might be the slowkill "helping" me throw myself in the lake tomorrow, I dunno, it's a sort of positive feeling unlike what Moses described but lord knows what is up with this game now.  Anyone else had unusual stuff happen? 

I'm not hot on Kyle Handley today, which probably ain't surprisin no one.  Gonna have to do a lotta readin beyond that.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 27, 2010, 04:51:57 AM »
Chad nods to the Sheriff, then walks over to the side of the casket, head bowed, for a prayer and eulogy before it's loaded into the hearse.

"Pop was a good man."

Hoarse, he stands a moment longer, trying to find words.  Then he digs something out of his pocket and starts to fiddle with it.  The pallbearers notice the match being struck a second before Chad throws it into the casket; he turns around afterwards and stops them from approaching as flames begin to rise from his father's body.

"... Probably."

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 25, 2010, 10:33:57 PM »
By "scummy" I meant "nontowny".  As in not acting like town's best interests are your best interests. 

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 25, 2010, 10:18:48 PM »
Also thinkin more on it, I think the bulletproof claim also strongly points to Hellsnake as third party.  We already got one hard confirmed flipped town bulletproof and one soft confirmed (no scum kill, nobody else claimin to be attacked) claimed bulletproof.  Now there could be any number of millers without affectin balance too much I think, but three bulletproofs is startin to have ridiculous implications if they're all town. 

And again Hellsnake didn't say nothin about this and didn't seem to think much about it, which I suppose he would have if he was town - just threw it out there to save his skin again.  If football's learned me anything it's that only carin bout your own stats and not bein a team player is about the worst thing a player can do.

Forum Games / Re: Telegraph Strawberry Spinoff
« on: April 25, 2010, 10:00:55 PM »
Brace for impact.

Also this is startin to worry me, what is goin on?

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 25, 2010, 09:57:01 PM »
Well to lay it out flat, Mr. Hellsnake, I think you're scummy!  I think you've played all today in a very self serving rather than town serving way.  I think you're more likely to be third party than scum-team as it stands but I don't think you're likely to be town.  This whole day has been full o'you revealing little bits and pieces and scramblin to save yourself, sayin "Oh yeah here's another awesome thing about me believe me or not go town!" (twice now today you done this "go town" thing and I ain't likin that), but on the offense you just been goin on about "well why lynch me when you got another choice?"  

It's like people are assumin that Hellsnake is town if he can bring people back, and also assumin Pietro is scummy enough to deserve a lynch.  Which I am not too sure on, seein as unlike Hellsnake, Pietro's behavior actually fits his roleclaim pretty well and makes more sense lookin back on it.  

Point I been tryin to make a few times today is "I can do X in the future if you leave me alive" IS NO REASON NOT TO LYNCH SOMEONE SCUMMY.  Anyone excusin Hellsnake on that sole reason while not excusin Pietro is plumb crazy, and anyone legitimately thinkin Pietro's play is scummier than Hellsnake's now, I'd sure like to hear from them about it.

Ninja by Mr. Hadley doin exactly that.  Well thank you sir, you are an honest man and I can respect that vote now.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 25, 2010, 07:54:00 PM »
Martin Andrews!  What do you know about the Order of Unseen Wisdom and its ceremonies and stuff?

Mass claims!  What in the I don't even know.

Hellsnake is still more suspicious than Pietro to me.  His miller claim play was incredibly dodgy, he's been oddly unhelpful and defensive since then, and his roleclaim was also vague (first "day 3" now "night 3/day 4").  Those not wanting to vote for him because of his roleclaim, I urge consideration of the facts that A. it doesn't prove anything about him and B. Pietro can ALSO prove himself to some extent and benefit town with revealing his investigations.


Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 25, 2010, 01:28:54 AM »
Yeah, but that only works if we think Hellsnake is townie (if he lies he hangs).  For anyone who thinks he's scummy anyway, him being able to bring someone back still doesn't prove anything positive about him, so why not lynch him?  If he guaranteed a full revival, MAYBE, since that's tangible pro town action if he is town (unless there's role madness interfering) but with that clause saying he may only get to make a corpse talk a bit?  Ehhhh. 

Also for those of you randomly speculating on millers - "Miller" may well mean "returns scum to any cop investigation, overriding cop's sanity" so don't be all "Pietro can't be a paranoid cop!".  Not that I think it particularly matters though...

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 25, 2010, 12:12:46 AM »
My role PM says my name is Chad Hutchins, and on day 3 my name won't be changed to something other than Chad Hutchins.  When day 3 comes along you can hold me to that to see if I'm tellin the truth.  Is this valuable?  Does it say anything about me?  Is it worth keepin me alive for if you think I'm scummy?

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 24, 2010, 09:19:40 PM »
Yeah I was lazy and didn't check to see if that was outlawed in the rules.  It was just an example anyhow, the point is Hellsnake's claim guarantees nothing about his alignment even if it is true.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 24, 2010, 07:46:54 PM »
If Hellsnake is scum and lying we should lynch him now, not days from now.  Even if he IS a reviver, that don't make him town.  What's to stop him from bein oh maybe like third party Aothingy cult and the guy he revives joins him in it?  Just as a possibility.  

What matters is what he gone and done with his role and his play, and that all seems mighty scummy here.  Specially the part here where he goes on attackin Seamus for the whole miller nonsense when Hellsnake himself played "miller" in just about the most anti town manner possible.  

Also he drops an "oh yeah Kyle's a slowkilling third party" with no particular reason other than "well he was on Moses yesterday and didn't get back on him today".  Which is... suspicious yeah and I ain't a Kyle fan but wow talk about sensationalism at the last minute, where was this last night when he was all speakin in tongues instead of helpin?  

I'm sure done comfortable stayin on him now.

... ninja by mod.  Wait, you seriously askin the game not to hammer?  Oh, okay.  Well I guess I'll check back in a day or two when we're ready to play then.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 24, 2010, 04:59:38 PM »
Oh.  Huh.  Man.  I coulda sworn I've never seen that paragraph in Peyton's post before.  Uh.  Sorry, really don't know how that happened then.

We got more things to worry about now anyway with half the game decidin to claim.  I gotta say Pietro makes a lot more sense and comes across a lot more genuine here than Hellsnake did, particularly with pointing out that people are now votin him just to vote him (and I'm no exception myself with the "I guess he's generically scummy" earlier today, yeah), so if it's between those two?

##Unvote: Kyle Handley
##Vote: Bill Hellsnake

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 24, 2010, 08:13:09 AM »
Oh and since it didn't get answered, Mr. Hellsnake...

- There any more to your miller-ness than "Bounty hunters look suspicious"?

- I understand people not claimin miller at the start of the game, even though a lotta good men would argue it's the right thing to do.  But why didn't you claim it at the end of day 1 when you had heat and knew you'd be a likely cop target?  (and if the answer is "I weren't around/didn't want to get turbolynched," then why not early today when you got heat again?  Savin the claim until AFTER someone starts talkin about maybe investigating you with something that may be a cop power is just about the worst thing you can do, ain't it?)

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 24, 2010, 08:06:56 AM »
Well, Peyton, I only saw one lil sentence on Kyle in a big post with paragraphs about other people, so kindly forgive a kid for not takin that as "clear second place definitely on his case" material.  Weird day and I ain't know what's what anymore.

I am really not likin how Mr. Hellsnake has done gone stopped sayin anything useful.  One would expect a good man to be pushin his case for who he thinks the culprits are after droppin a claim like that to save himself.  Funny how I liked him so much this mornin but now it's like he's goin out of his way to push my buttons.  But... hm.

Anyhow it's just been the four or five of us talkin here tonight so... not a lot changin on Pietro and Handley's cases.  Hadley (not to be confused with Handley) does read a bit better to me on gettin a feel for his style some more.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 24, 2010, 05:36:57 AM »
::)whatevers I don't need to explain myself anymore heil Cthulhu  ::)

Are you for real?

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 24, 2010, 05:06:29 AM »
Well uh thanks for tellin us.  I don't think I agree with you none on that point though Mr. Daniels. 

I feel like I may have run some sort of "Mafia" games in a past life or somethin where puttin in two millers is exactly the sort of thing I'd do as a mod to discourage that kinda setup metagamin. 

You two maybe wanna elaborate on how exactly your "milling" businesses work flavorwise?

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 24, 2010, 04:50:51 AM »
Man, Hellsnake, you were fakin a pass the whole time?  Why didn't you claim that right off the bat?  Why didn't you claim that at the end of the last play clock, when you got man to man coverage on you day 1?  You know if there's a defensive back out there they're gonna be wanting to investigate you!

Snakes alive I don't know what now.  My gut still says dumb town seein all the other goin ons but I don't know if I can trust my gut no more cause that's a hell of a fumble.  I mean a heck of a fumble.  Sorry, Ma.

Well now that you're claimin miller you got anything else you wanna say?  I'd like more lookin at Kyle still so I ain't movin my vote right yet but uh realistically speakin Hellsnake I think you are gonna snake in hell today now.

Well I just got ninja'd by that so uhhhhhhhhh I guess thats enough to not lynch you today anyhow.  I guess.

Man what.

No, I don't know what the Order worships or even that they worshipped anything at all.  All I got is Pop's notes on meetings and who was in it, it don't say what they did.  I know they did somethin two weeks ago involvin Pop and I got strong flavor reasons to believe they did the same thing again the night Pop died involvin someone else, someone who is here in town with us and they may'a got some actual special power from it.  I don't know what it is or if they're good or bad or other but it's just my lil flavor sidequest so I am askin about it.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 23, 2010, 08:51:22 PM »

So misters, even though I ain't spoke up too many times, I thought I was at least pretty clear with what my opinions were.  This comes up when Mr. Peyton steps up and makes a big long speech that as I heard it boils down to "Hellsnake is dumb not scum, Pietro is textbook scummy, ain't nothin to be done on Moses" and then a bit of self defense and one toss-off mention of Kyle as maybe scummy.

Now... ain't that exactly the conclusions I came to and posted earlier?  Sure does look like it, cept with a ton more reportin, downplayin Kyle, and then a lurker accusation on me - which I guess is for only needin a few sentences to say things instead of a wall, given that Mr. Peyton otherwise seems to agree with me?  Dang, I hate it when the smart kids come in an' try to make me look stupid.  I may not be the brightest in school but I got an eye on punt fakeouts and man but I am willin to vote Mr. Peyton as well now for reporting and downplaying Kyle and up-playing me.

An' then we got some more stuff goin on with Moses and Hellsnake, which aw hey, Peyton gon latch on to to yell at Hellsnake again.  Well now how does that make any sense?  If Moses is DYIN tonight like he says he thinks he is then why is askin for his role such a bad thing?  
... and why does Mr. Hargreaves somehow get that Hellsnake is a cop from that?  Not entirely clear what is up there.

Anyhow Kyle came back and defended Mr. Peyton's reportin style too so I am definitely thinkin they are buddy buddy and not too good.  A Pietro is fine too an all but I think I'd now really like to see one o'them two get tackled today myself.

As for the flavor stuff.  Well I have not heard back from Martin Andrews yet so that makes it hard to say anything.  Also Moses gone and changed his story so now I'm not too sure what to think.  I have been lookin through Pop's stuff though and what I am still sure of is that there is one other specific person in town affiliated with the Order of Unseen Wisdom and their rituals (other than the three I mentioned) and I would like to find out who they are.  This is all mostly just a side thing though... for now.  I ain't sure whether there are game effects or not from it all but it's implied there might be so why not?  But it is all aside from actual cases, so.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 22, 2010, 09:36:41 PM »
Hey all.  I got to work down at the drugstore today (or the insane tutoring girl, whichever), so I ain't got much time now but after this the crazy should finally be over for me.

Short version thoughts:

- I am pretty sure Moses is town.  Moses, please tell us exactly what happened to you in as much detail as you possibly can.  Ask the mod how close you can get to quoting if possible. 

- I think Mr. Handley's switcheroo is crazy as all get out and combined with his stuff yesterday he needs to tell us what is goin on.

##Vote: Kyle "Sopko" Handley

- I am also willin to vote Pietro (who has not stood out at all to me which is bad) and lurkers

- I am not willin to vote Bill Hellsnake today, based on my continuing read on him and Handley's vote. 

- Martin Andrews, Ethan Hayles, and Jack Daniels - I want you to tell me everything you know about the "Order of Unseen Wisdom."  In particular I would like to know if any of you three specifically has any flavor information on what happened the night my Pop died.  I do have reason to believe this flavor affects gameplay in at least a slight way.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 20, 2010, 08:24:51 AM »
Callahan's botherin me with his outcry of "Fine, kill me, see if I care!" I ain't never seen an innocent man say this

I guess you ain't never played much Mafia football before then cause I seen this happen like once every game or two when a rookie gets trained on! >_>  Not really a point in his defense but I don't think it's a point against him either.

Buuut it looks like he ain't around to claim anything so... yeah.  Not much else to be sayin.  Guess I've gotta get myself to bed on time now.  Dunno if I'll be around for deadline but will try.  I ain't a huge fan of takin down Mr. Callahan but I ain't got anything that's gonna dissuade it either and I guess he's a better suspect than the other big trains.

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