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Messages - Kitten4u

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: A memes to an end(Meme Mafia: Game Over)
« on: March 22, 2010, 01:20:27 AM »
Quote from: ADoggie
Which relates to my other thing about anonymous mafia games: they're nice and all, but they're really, really hard to read in retrospect. Look back any further than the current one and you'll find it really irritating to keep track of who's who on account of the accounts changing from game to game.

I wasn't going to say anything because I didn't play, but I may be able to help with this.

I wrote a thing in GameMaker for school that was meant to be a tutorial on how to play Mafia.  What I did was I took an actual game, transcribed it into my game and then posted commentary on it (it's not done, so I'm not going to post it yet).  Anyway, I could easily transcribe all of the anonymafier games into something like that and preserve them that way, or I could upload the engine and let someone else go through the amount of tedium it takes to do that. :P  I would need help figuring out who everyone is in the past games though and how to preserve certain things because I can't (or rather don't) use quotes in my program amoung other things.

So yeah, if people are interested in me doing that then uh contact me and stuff.  I'm occasionally lurking on IRC as Kitten4u.  A better way to contact me would be MSN (

Forum Games / Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
« on: February 08, 2010, 09:04:29 PM »
Bleh, I was hoping that I would play better on my first game on a new forum.  Sorry for being spectacularly useless. x:  Anyway, I was pretty bummed that I didn't get much use out of my ability. *shakes fist at people that hammered so quickly*  Technically I could have thrown it whenever, but I couldn't move the tracker, so I wanted to wait as long as possible before deciding so I would track the right person and they wouldn't just die.  By the time all the claims were through I had town reads on just about everyone (the ??? read on Burns was the only exception), so I started to get majorly apathetic/frustrated.

Anyway, I <3 Beatrice's posts too.  They were a lot of fun to read.  Really, once I got used to RPing and Mafia being in the same setting I had a lot of fun (I didn't even mind those several re-reads I did).

Good game everyone~

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