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Messages - Shihali

Pages: [1]
I'm out of my depth by now, so I can't post any more on Exdeath vs. Tidus, but I should go add the actual mechanics of FF5 speed to the game topic.

As far as I can tell, it's close enough to turn on how you take the FFX damage curve, how you take FF5 speed, how you scale high defense on a midgame boss to endgame, and how you discount boss stats. I'm inclined to give it to Exdeath since Tidus needs every single judgment call to go his way to win. If any one of those four judgment calls goes Exdeath's way, Tidus can't get enough damage in before his inevitable death on Exdeath's second turn.

Castle Exdeath's Agility is 50, so he mechanically has 70 charge time to your 88 average, 125% speed. But he has no input lag, so effective 133% first turn/150% thereafter has been quoted by several people and feels right.

You should have Hastega by this point in FF5 since it's for sale in Moore.

I've tried a few ideas and keep coming up a single hit short; I can get nine Quick Hits before Exdeath's second turn but aeonless damage scaling for Tidus and no credit for high-for-the-time defense say Exdeath dies to the tenth. Caladbolg is useless since Tidus does not have the time to switch (switching weapons uses up as much time as a Quick Hit) and doesn't want it after Exdeath's turn anyway.

Can Tidus have Evade and Counter on anything but Caladbolg?

If only on Caladbolg, Exdeath gets the first turn (133% speed to Tidus's 113%) and opens with Hurricane, so by the time Tidus gets to act he's at <10 HP and his damage is reduced to ~9% normal due to Caladbolg's damage scaling with HP Ultima-Weapon-style. Tidus then has his counter and until Exdeath's turn comes around again (at 150% speed) to work with. ~2.5x PCHP for Exdeath / Caladbolg piercing defense / 9% damage = Tidus has to get through effective 24.5 PCHP before Exdeath gets his next turn, and I'm not sure how he could do that.

If yes, Tidus sees a second turn and it's back to the stat topic.

Unless I'm reading the stat topics wrong, Castle Exdeath has a one-hit KO if he gets a turn. Vacuum Wave is usable in his first phase, deals 110% average PC HP physical damage (1160 damage to 1055 average and inflicts HP Leak), and Tidus's physical defense factor is 0.98 but his HP is only 88% average, which doesn't multiply out to survival.

Exdeath is also fast. His Agility is 50, which agrees with the observation that his charge time is 6 to 8 average (133%, or 4:3 average) and then rises to 2 to 3 average (150%, or 3:2 average) because being an AI he doesn't have an input delay.

Using that Tidus speed chart from the stat topic, Exdeath gets his first turn at 0.75, so Tidus should deal only 12300 damage before Exdeath gets a turn and kills with Vacuum Wave.

12300 doesn't kill Exdeath, scaled to average or taken flat. There may be a winning strategy for Tidus but an opening speedblitz isn't it.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: DL Wordpress: Now What?
« on: April 12, 2011, 07:09:47 AM »
Didn't someone also make a hack of CT once?  I have a third-hand copy somewhere "without the bonus" and pre-patched, I believe.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: May 01, 2010, 08:09:35 AM »
Alfred Schroedinger?

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: April 30, 2010, 07:10:12 AM »
On that note, Relm.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: April 28, 2010, 02:39:18 PM »

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: April 22, 2010, 07:10:55 AM »
Gilgamesh?  Doesn't fit half the clues, but is that egotistical and has that level of failure.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: April 06, 2010, 04:50:04 AM »
Necrosaro? ...I should get more sleep.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: April 05, 2010, 08:19:15 AM »

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: April 05, 2010, 12:10:17 AM »
SnowFire got it.

1. My master!  He betrayed me! - Teefa is Ariel's apprentice; Ariel and Teefa are betrayed by their master Galneon.
2. I have nothing in common with that big-chested bimbo. - Teefa's name is the same as Tifa Lockheart, but they have just about nothing in common (backstabbing royal sorceress vs. devoted rebel martial artist).
3. Were my betrayals in the cards? - A reference to Teefa betraying the hero Rooks and being betrayed, and the card-based nature of the game.
4. That bartending bimbo even stole my name! - A more obvious reference to Tifa Lockheart.

That was harder than I thought - I knew the game was obscure, but there's a stat topic, so I thought more people had played it.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: April 04, 2010, 07:56:28 AM »
Still nowhere close.  Rashidi is warmer, in the sense that freezing is warmer than -5.

1. My master!  He betrayed me!
2. I have nothing in common with that big-chested bimbo.
3. Were my betrayals in the cards?
4. That bartending bimbo even stole my name!

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: April 02, 2010, 05:49:17 PM »
This must be harder than I thought.

1. My master!  He betrayed me!
2. I have nothing in common with that big-chested bimbo.
3. Were my betrayals in the cards?

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: April 01, 2010, 04:37:36 AM »
Alas, I'm not skilled enough to keep the clues pointing to Luke/Asch any further.

1. My master!  He betrayed me!
2. I have nothing in common with that big-chested bimbo.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: March 31, 2010, 06:22:12 PM »
Wow, I didn't think that stab in the dark would be the answer.  I haven't played many games, so it narrows down the options.

Next character!

1. My master!  He betrayed me!

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: March 31, 2010, 07:57:17 AM »

Unranked Games / Re: Dragon Warrior (Full)
« on: March 27, 2010, 10:39:39 AM »
Note to people looking at NES stats: Ryan8Bit has all but completely cracked the game.  Read his mechanics FAQ here:  He's working on a Dragon Warrior simulator to computationally find the optimal run through the game.  

I find it interesting that against randoms at the bottom of Charlock Castle Stopspell has a 44% (7/16) chance of being blocked, but against all other enemies you would want to cast Stopspell on, Stopspell works 81-100% of the time.  Monsters with Stopspell often have 44% resistance, but if your plan hinges on casting Stopspell on one of those your plan has other problems.  

Sleep resistance is common and increases as monsters get stronger but wildly variable.  An average from Skeleton to Red Dragon is 50%, but there's only one monster with exactly 50% resistance and many with <26% or 94% (15/16 is maximum).

Also, Erdrick's Armor grants, along with 33% damage reduction from fire (Hurt spells and firebreath), immunity to Stopspell.  I got breathed on for 70 damage (65% HP!) with the Magic Armor on for experimentation.

Although you have no chance to heal between forms, status ailments (the only possible one being Stopspell) do clear between the Dragonlord fights.  Dragon Warrior does not have any statuses that persist between battles, so the game seems to treat the Dragonlord as two battles strung directly together instead of a continuation of one battle.

On to the main point of the post:

This is from my old playthrough of the Japanese SNES remake of DQ1+2 (so probably the same as the GBC version).  I didn't take care to make it a DL-legal playthrough but I don't recall using seeds.

LV: 19 (possibly overleveled?)
HP: 145
MP: 115
Strength: 84
Agility: 80
Defense: 44
Attack: 124
Defense: 97

Loto Sword
Loto Armor
Silver Shield

Attack: 40
Heal (3 MP): 26 healing.
Firebal (2 MP): 17 damage.
Sleep (2 MP): Sleep, hit or miss (86% on RockGolems, 0% on otherwise non-magic-resistant AxeKnights; might check monster's power)
Radiant (2 MP): Lights up dark areas.
StopSpell (2 MP): Silence,  very high (~94% in tests - except against Wizards, 40%)
Outside (6 MP): Escapes a dungeon.
Return (8 MP): Returns to Tantegel Castle.
Repel (2 MP): Stops encounters on the field.
Healmore (8 MP): 91 healing.
Firebane (5 MP): 60 damage.

There is no magic defense in this game; if a spell hits it deals full normal damage.

Since randoms are no stronger than they were in the original, the Hero is much stronger than in the original, but Sleep is said to be very unreliable.  On the other hand, StopSpell is nearly 100% except against enemies with specific resistance or magic immunity (general magic resistance like a RedDragon is not enough).

DracoLord (form 1)
HP: 200? 240?
Speed: Always goes last.

Resists magic (Firebane failed 1/3).
Immune to status.

Attack: 28
Firebane: 29
Sleep: Sleep, ~50% (I wasn't taking notes)
Healmore: Healing (unknown amount)

Damages to randoms/him:
Attack: 40/33
Firebal: 17/17
Firebane: 60/57

Appears to have ~80 defense, as a critical hit scored 112 damage and IIRC Dragon Warrior uses a subtraction system.  Or 110?

Thoughts: Much tougher than the speedbump from the original.  Healmore and Sleep are the two spells you don't want a monster to have and StopSpell immunity can make beating him a frustrating exercise in RNG outmaneuvering.  Not a serious threat to the hero, but he can drain resources needed for:

DracoLord (form 2)
HP: 350?
Speed: Goes first 50% of the time.  Fastest enemy in the game?

Resists magic (Firebane failed 7/17, 40%)
Immune to status.

Intense flames: 51
Physical: 40
Emits a bright blaze: 13
Breathes fire: 12

The DracoLord always uses these attacks in the above order.

Damages to randoms/him:
Attack: 40/25
Firebal: 17/18
Firebane: 60/59

A critical hit scored 110 damage.

Thoughts: Losing magic immunity hurts.  Firebane-ing him to death is a viable strategy if you make it through the first form with enough MP.  Despite triple HP in this form he should prefer his original form unless his opponent has ITD physicals or something else that ruins his defense.

RPG Stats Forum / Re: Chrono Trigger
« on: May 12, 2009, 06:32:57 PM »
I got my hands on CT DS Ultimania, and it comes with a handy speed chart!  Assuming it is correct:

Speed is linear; there is a fixed amount of time needed to fill each character's gauge based on the speed setting, and each point of Speed subtracts a fixed amount (the exact amount depends on battle speed) from the time needed.  Haste halves refill time; Slow doubles it.  I'm going to use battle speed 5 as the base for my calculations, because the numbers come out neatly that way.

At battle speed 5, a notional "0 Speed" character would take 5 seconds to fill the bar, minus 0.2 seconds per point of Speed (so Speed 16 = 1.8 sec).
The average speed, 11.3, equals 2.74 seconds to fill the bar.

*Speed 8 Hasted = 1.7 sec = 161%
Speed 16 = 1.8 sec = 152%
Speed 14 = 2.2 sec = 125%
Speed 13 = 2.4 sec = 114%
Speed 12 = 2.6 sec = 105%
Speed 11 = 2.8 sec = 97.9%
Speed 10 = 3.0 sec = 91.3%
Speed 09 = 3.2 sec = 85.7%
Speed 08 = 3.4 sec = 80.6%

Unranked Games / Re: Dragon Warrior (Full)
« on: November 26, 2008, 11:31:10 PM »
Are these for the original or the remake?  They look like they're for the original.  I ask because in the remake the Dragonlord displays different behavior; he makes smaller attacks for 3 rounds then a much nastier fire attack on the 4th (if my rusty memory is correct it does 60-80 damage against similar Hero stats).  Overall I think the remake Dragonlord was harder, although some of it was coming into the fight at level 18 instead of level 24.

Discussion / Re: Main Character elemental quirks: THE RETURN!
« on: January 15, 2008, 03:33:30 AM »
7th Saga:
Kamil: Fire, he doesn't get ice.
Valsu: Brokenation. (Okay, ice.)
Lux: Lightning - he's the only one to get lightning magic.
Esuna: Ice, she doesn't get fire, and it's not a bad fit.
Wilme: Fire, I guess.
Olvan: Fire, I guess, he doesn't get ice.
Lejes: Gets fire before ice; I'd say darkness on thematic grounds with zero mechanical support, if you have to have a 7th Saga element it's Fire.

Arcana: None.  The game has a well-defined element system and all humans are classified as having no element.

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