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Topics - Lady Ashe

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Discussion / Mercenaries - A forum based strategy game.
« on: June 07, 2009, 06:46:47 AM »
Back in 2k6, a Board 8 user came up with an idea for a huge project called Mercenaries. It's a strategy game where people hire prolific video game characters for their team and battle it out with others. Win battles, get more 'gold' to spend on more mercs, until eventually only one team is left standing. Battles are determined by voting, but unlike in the DL the voting isn't based solely on number crunching.

In addition to regular battle worth, each merc has an 'ability'. An example is Squall's "Lone Wolf", an ability that allows him to challenge a single merc from the opposing team to a one-on-one duel. Whoever wins arrives at the main battle a bit late, while the other doesn't participate.

Basically it's a big strategy game that combines regular match-ups and clever ability use. I've only very briefly touched on some of the basics here, as there is a lot to take in at once. It's about to start its third season. If you're interested in playing, check out the sign-up topic below. It will eventually contain more information on the actual gameplay mechanics, or you can just ask me stuff in here. If you don't want to play you can still feel free to vote, or you can just choose to ignore this. A warning to prospective players though - this isn't some short term thing. The time you put in per week isn't that much, but it'll last for a year or more.

If you decide to sign up, I recommend mentioning that you're from here. The admins knowing that you're into this sort of thing and have been with it for years should go a long way to getting you in one of the 24 player slots.

(Don't expect there to be any problem with me advertising this here, but if there is just delete it and PM me or something)

Writeup Graveyard / Marle > Axel
« on: January 30, 2009, 08:46:18 PM »
This was supposed to be the day everything got better. Today was supposed to be the Dark Hero's glorious return to the spotlight, so why did it turn out like this?

A few hours before his fight, Axel discovered that his opponent was a princess. While Axel was off fleeing the DL, he came across a guitar playing contest in a local club. The reward? A record deal. No rules, but the only thing the participants could bring in with them was a guitar. Being an expert in guitar-based combat, he planned to just beat everyone else up and release a new album to get the Dark Hero back to the top of the charts.

Then Dante showed up.


Marle was a bit disappointed that she wasn't able to fight, but after being out for over twenty seasons she knew to take what she could get.

Not Ranked Discussion / Jessica (vs. Terada)
« on: December 16, 2008, 05:24:24 PM »
It's Jessica's premiere appearance in NR, and she is set to win it in style. Terada isn't in his mech, so Jessica can pound away at him with her oddly powerful basic physicals. This leaves her with a ton of SP to use on her timed healing cards. Terada may have damage, but it will do him little good with his inability to heal-lock Jess. Even ignoring all of these, Jessica has the ability to synthesize items in the middle of battle. These items have more than double the damage of her other skills, and will make quick work of even a fairly durable fighter like Terada. It's going to be a quick and simple match, and Jess will come out of it with an extra test subject for her latest potions.

Writeup Graveyard / Healie vs. Goofy (Both)
« on: November 30, 2008, 03:55:21 PM »
Healie's opponent this week is a physical fighter without much else. This is fortunate, as Healie has had a lot of practice sparring with Ragnar while on their quest. He knows what to expect from this battle, and how to deal with it. By healing, and healing often. All Healie needs to do to win this fight is avoid being heal-locked or running out of MP. A tough feat to be sure, but one made easier by his incredible agility. This battle between titans will be hard, but he's sure to pull it off in the end.

Goofy may not be the brightest of chaps, but he doesn't need to be to see how this one is going to turn out. Healie may have healing, but with his below average durability he won't be getting any chances to attack between heals. If he somehow does? Having damage below 1/15th of average means that whatever he does get off will be insignificant. Then when you add on how Goofy's damage increases when he is in critical health, it becomes clear just how one sided this duel is. One would expect nothing less from an Olympus Coliseum veteran.

Discussion / NaNoWriMo
« on: October 28, 2008, 04:54:11 PM »

Anyone planning on doing this?

I have actually had an idea in my head for well over half a year now, but I am not sure if I should do it. The pro to doing it is not having time to pull my usual perfectionist crap that stops my writing projects from ever getting off the ground. The thing that is giving me pause is my complete lack of talent.

I figure that most people here generally have more talent than the average person, so it could not hurt to ask. Is anyone here thinking of writing something? Have you already done so in the past? If so I would love to hear about it and I am sure others would as well.

(If this has already been discussed before on the old forums, I apologize. There is no way for me to check, so.)

Writeup Graveyard / Leblanc (vs. Chansey)
« on: October 13, 2008, 04:01:52 AM »
They say that the third time is the charm. Unfortunately, this wasn't exactly true in Leblanc's case, but losing three times in a row has to have made it that much more likely that she will win the fourth one, right? Well, that's certainly what she would have you believe. Looking at her opponent, it seems it isn't too far from the truth either. Leblanc's Regen can easily deal with the pitiful offense her opponent has to offer, while her ITD damage and negative status should be more than enough to break through Chansey's defensive game. Even if it isn't, Leblanc can always just run her foe out of PP and then pound the now-crippled Pokemon into the ground for her first NR win. It's a shame this fight is going to be so easy, really; Noojie-Woojie won't be giving away any massages for wins as trivial as this.

Writeup Graveyard / Adell (vs. Akihiko)
« on: June 30, 2008, 03:55:36 AM »
It's the perfect scenario. Two men who both understand that the only true form of combat is hand to hand combat in the arena. No women or weapons to get in the way; it's a fair, clean fight between two equally qualified men. Regardless of which of them comes out of the match with the Middle title, they'll both come out of it as winners in the grand scheme of things. This is good news for Akihiko, because he's not going to be able to keep up with Adell's blazing fists. Said fists may not have all sorts of status, buffs, and other such tricks, but Adell has never needed them to win before, and he certainly won't start needing them now. If Akihiko refuses to put the gun away and fight, it will just mean that he'll have a harder time when explaining his defeat to Mitsuru. It's not a fate Adell would ever wish for a fellow warrior, but with Rozalin's gun at his back it's a pretty clear case of "Better him than me."

Writeup Graveyard / Tink (vs. Onix)
« on: June 24, 2008, 01:43:10 AM »
He has countered with the best of them. He has knocked down the king of knocking down. He's getting closer, but this pervy toad still has two matches to go before he gains the adoration of women everywhere. It's going to be tough, because he's up against his toughest opponent yet. I mean, a pile of rocks? Deadly. Tink will have to pull out all of his stops for this one. He'll open with a Nail Bat, and then he'll probably follow it with another Nail Bat, and... Well, come on. Who needs variety to beat a bunch of stones? Tink has his attack, his speed, and his ability to counter. What more could he possibly need to ensure himself a chance at the Light Championship?

Writeup Graveyard / Tink (vs. Glass)
« on: May 26, 2008, 05:17:46 AM »
Ohoho, Tink is back for another chance to prove himself in front of the ladies. This time he's not up against some bird, so he should have no problem. His foe is a Fire Emblem boss, and they're typically lacking in terms of skillset. Admittedly, Tink isn't exactly known for his overwhelming variety of attacks, but his basic attack skills should be more than enough to get past Glass and his pesky vulneraries. If worst comes to worst, Tink can always beat the Fire Emblem character at his own game - countering. Disgaea 2 characters have their own countering abilities, taking away the edge Glass would normally have over Tink. Add on Tink's high speed and the advantage is further reduced, with Glass being unable to double Tink. Things are looking good for the frog, as while Glass is on his way to the losers lounge, Tink is well on his way to a light championship and winning the hearts of women everywhere.

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