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Messages - Excal

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General Chat / Re: Watching any anime?
« on: April 20, 2016, 06:56:00 PM »
Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash

I actually really liked this.  It wasn't so hot to start, but I liked the slow pace and when it was good it was really good.  The ending wasn't really an ending so much as a stopping point because, hey, needed to stop somewhere, right?  Kinda hoping this gets another season, but if not, well.  The adventures are clearly going to continue, just without an audience.


Interesting premise.  The last couple of episodes did take a turn I wasn't quite expecting which was nice, and I think that the ending did actually shore up the whole enterprise, which is rare but welcome.


This one is entirely guilty pleasure.  There are times when you really get this sense of similarity between Japan and the US.  This story where you've got a gateway from the modern day world to this fantasy world is one, since the protagonists are the noble soldiers of the SDF and a trio of magic using ladies who have conveniently fallen for the main, a surprisingly badass first Lt.  Of course, there's plenty of war and fighting, but it's all really one sided because apparently the imperial army doesn't use combat magic, or have any of the local archmages or demigods chipping in.  Nah, those are all siding with the Japanese or staying neutral.  They've got an entirely mundane army based off of the Roman Empire at its height, complete with an army of vassals that can be called in to supplement.  And numbers, boy howdy have they got numbers.  But, like I said, all mundane.  I wouldn't give Julius Caesar much odds against any of the major modern nations either, and every major fight is a curbstomping.  Of course, the empire still exists because the glorious SDF is this perfect institution of glory and honour, and their political leadership is this paragon of virtue that doesn't want to conquer by force, despite this place apparently being lousy in farm land, mineral resources, and oil.  And up until that last sentence, you could swap SDF for US Army, and you'd have a pretty good jingoistic American premise.

So, there isn't really any tension in relations between the empire and the Japanese.  But, they do manage to get some interesting stuff going on with the plot by splitting its focus in two primary ways.  First, you have the adventures of the First Lt and his crew.  Which, is light world building kinda stuff, as he goes around on the small scale doing acts of heroism and getting to know the locals, or escort/bodyguard some of them when they pay a visit to the modern world.  ((Though, that trip gets me to another guilty please bit, portrayal of the US from a non-NA PoV.  This US government is not sympathetically portrayed, and you get this crazy 4-way fight between American, Russian, and Chinese operatives and a demigoddess at a hot springs at one point.  )) 

The other plotline, and this is the one I kinda non-guiltily like, is the power struggle amongst the Imperial nobility.  Essentially, there's three children of the emperor, each with their own power base.  And over season 2, each of them develops a bit and comes to have their own response to, effectively, this overpowering military force that can tear them to pieces whenever it wants to.  Granted, there is pretty clearly a favoured one we're supposed to sympathise with.  And it's not especially deep.  But, it's a touch interesting at least.

Macross Delta

So, I heard this existed.  Not too much to say yet because I've only seen two episodes, but....  but....
Ok, confession time, I haven't seen 7 or Zero yet, so maybe these will invalidate some of what I'm saying.  And I'll admit, Macross has always been a franchise where they really, really believe in the power of song and they always have some tremendous feat accomplished by singing.  Even if it is Macross Plus, where it's the villain pulling off the crazy musical stunts.  But...  this one seems to have gone full magical girl idols?  Really?

Seriously, the core premise is something I get.  Crazy potential illness, potential space transcending madness inducing song that can be healed with the power of song?  That is something at the heart of the series.  Having them protected by armed force while they do this?  Both done with great effect in previous iterations and really sensible.  But it's always been that even when they're in a combat zone, all the singers do is sing.  The song is all they need, and they've got soldiers around for the actual fighting.  I'm hoping that there's an explanation soon about how this is a lot of crazy prepped special effects, because... yeah.

Moving on the the male lead, he also gets his share of not very good stuff.  Namely, Macross has always been decent at subverting the falling into the cockpit trope.  They did it in the original, they did it in Frontier  ((not in Plus, there they start with one of the best pilots in the fleet)) and in both cases they find themselves in the middle of a sudden attack, with a civilian in need of saving, and a valkyrie right in front of them either without a pilot, or a recently dead pilot.  In one case, you have a professional, though young, stunt pilot, and in the other you have a gifted prodigy with two years of training at a prestigious piloting school.  In both cases, they prove to be crap at fighting in their first fight, but top notch at flying well enough to carry the civilian to safety and not getting hit.  Here...  you have an aimless drifter who typically works as a warehouse worker.  Sure, he's shown to be good at using one of those to move freight around, but it's freight hauling.  So yeah, unlike the others he does get shot down and needs to actually be caught before he crashes, but given he has no experience flying it's still kinda jarring.  Also, his special skill that lets him stand out is apparently he's great at mech dancing.  Seriously, he hops into one, notes the controls are just like what he's used to ((Frontier does the same thing, but again, two years of pilot training, and heck, it even gives a reason as to why he's wearing a pilot's uniform/valkyrie ignition suit when the attack hits)) and then starts battle dancing to surprising effect.  Of course, even before this, the support valkyries that have trained pilots were doing synchronized combat in time with the music.  And don't even get me started on the military outfit that's perfectly fine with a recruit who openly states disdain for military protocol and refuses to abide by it.

I'm gonna watch it, because it's Macross.  I'm going to be hoping that some of this will be mitigated as the series goes on, that the ending won't be too stupid.  Who knows, maybe I'll even get around to watching 7, or 0, to see if it has some kind of roots in those two, despite not really expecting to care too much for either of them.

I will say two things to finish.  First, I find it interesting.  This is the third time I've seen them have a love triangle involving a pilot and a young, innocentish pop-star wannabe.  But I think this is the first time I've preferred him winding up with the pop-star wannabe.  Probably a mix of not liking him so much, thinking the other prong of the love triangle is getting dragged into this because they need a third leg for the standard Macross love triangle and she really doesn't need the complication, and because I think there's actual chemistry in that pairing this time.  Secondly, Zentraedi battleship captain.  Bout damned time, and I look forward to seeing more of him.  Heck, he even looks like a green version of your standard battleship captain, so I am hoping to see him be badass.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: April 06, 2016, 07:05:11 PM »
Have recently been playing bingo involving some kind of tentacled, floating slime.  Despite the "casino" this all takes place in being in the middle of a crime ridden slum, no one seems to be robbing it.  Perhaps this slimebeast is more fearsome than I previously imagined?

What people are robbing instead is me.  I lost my horse.  So now I'm off looting this ancient treasure tomb in order to get an especially shiny and large gem to trade.  This may seem like a lot for a horse, but it's ok.  This horse is secretly a princess.  I know because the little green monster man I'm working for told me so.

General Chat / Re: 2016 Miscellaneous Links: The Links Awaken
« on: April 03, 2016, 04:12:45 AM »
The Restoration Roadtrip?

That sounds kinda weird.  Maybe Square can pull it off though.

Discussion / Re: DLCon XI - O Canada
« on: March 31, 2016, 02:33:47 AM »
If you can't find anything, it's possible I might have a pair of couches that could be crashed upon.  But I won't have a firm answer until after the move is done, and things are discussed with the co-habitant.

Ok, I was expecting a high concentration of Jews.  But I'm kinda shocked that it's 5 Catholics instead of say...  none?  Seriously, isn't the US heavily Protestant?

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: March 23, 2016, 08:32:07 PM »
It does help explain that interview where he says that he's growing up Superman when he makes the guy question the value of altruism.  Also, it seems Snyder saw BvS as a spiritual sequel to The Watchmen.

If you don't mind spoilers, Movie Bob has a review up on Youtube.  It's a lot like his Pixels review.  My favourite bit is the non-reason why Bats and Superman decide to stop fighting and need to team up.

General Chat / Re: 2016 Miscellaneous Links: The Links Awaken
« on: March 22, 2016, 11:40:40 PM »
So...people here know that there's more than one Popehat, right?  (I believe there's Ken Popehat, and Clark Popehat, and they both use the same twitter account).  One of them is right wing and kind-of a dick, one of them is left wing.

Aaaaaanyhow, in other news, China's take on US politics:

Is Clark still using the Popehat twitter?  I know he broke off from the blog and formed his own.

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: March 22, 2016, 11:31:49 PM »
So, finally got around to seeing Deadpool.  Worth noting that even a month after release, this thing managed a super long line in the theatre hallway before the doors were opened, and the theatre itself was packed.  And by the end of it, I could see why.  On a related note, I think killing a person with a Zamboni has been added to my bucket list.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: March 12, 2016, 10:16:23 AM »
Excal: Perhaps I should let Snowfire respond, but from my perspective, I completely agree with him. My government is supposed to represent my interests, and my interests include increasing happiness for other countries, too. There are big parallels for immigration and refugees here, of course. Like yeah, there's a chance that closing off your country to all refugees like Marine Le Pen wants is the absolute best thing for France, but it's still a bad thing for the world, and even if you're French you should be concerned about that. (And in general isolationism and thumbing your nose at the rest of the world is a bad long-term plan even for pure self-interest, but I'd still take issue with it even if it weren't. Countries who give no shits about anyone but themselves are pretty much the national equivalent of asshole hyper-libertarians, and both make the world a worse place for everyone.)

Governments prioritizing the happiness and well-being of their own citizens over those of other nations doesn't necessitate having to be an asshole to other nations.  Hell, by this standard, governments are necessarily pitted against each other unless they can find ways where both countries can mutually benefit their own people in a win-win agreement.  Free-trade agreements and mutual defense pacts being great examples of agreements where a government can provide happiness for other nation's citizens while also benefiting their own.  This is without getting into the trade-off of accepting minor harms or short term losses in exchange for greater gains in the long term.

However, unless there's a specific mandate from the citizenry to act against their interests, then if there is a case where pure isolationism does happen to be the correct answer to protect the happiness and prosperity of the people of the nation, then it would be immoral not to do so.  Governments exist to serve their people, not the world.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: March 11, 2016, 11:28:02 PM »
Anyway, even *if* somehow free trade was bad for the US, what's so special about the US anyway?  If we just take a raw analysis of "Bob the American lost his job to Juan the Mexican", it's not clear to me from a moral perspective why this is a problem.  Good for Juan.

While I'm generally pro-Free Trade as well, and pretty down with the sentiment "what's so special about the US," I think you're way off base when you apply that perspective to the US government.  Given that the legitimacy of government comes from the social contract whereupon the submission to a common government is to provide a betterment of the conditions of the citizens of the nation than they would experience if they did not form that social contract, then the US has to be special to the US government.  If it isn't, then it has no basis upon which to govern.

So, the US government benefiting Juan the Mexican, or Doug the Canadian over Bob the American against his will is as unethical as the Canadian government disfavouring Doug or the Mexican government disfavouring Juan.

Of course, it feels like you somewhat agree with this point later on when you state that if there isn't enough gain to offset the losses then it was a bad deal.  Since benefiting Juan is not a problem so long as Bob's position can be improved.  Or at least, so long as utility is increased across America or the American people voice their support of accepting a loss in exchange for the benefit to others.

Weren't they also the clever, clever folks who greenlit a Fantastic Four sequel before that released as well only to have to quietly withdraw it after the movie tanked?

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: March 09, 2016, 09:23:08 AM »
While I agree that it's unlikely the US will go the way of three parties, I'd be far more likely to peg that to the culture of the States than the system.  Certainly up here in Canada we've been doing first past the post, winner take all for each riding in a pretty similar fashion to you guys (when it comes to Senate/HoR/Parliament elections, we're pretty similar.  It's President/Prime Minister selection where we differ) and we've had three parties consistently doing well since the 60s.  Heck, for most of my adult life, we've had four-five parties doing respectably on the federal level, with things just recently settling back down to three.  And frankly, it's unlikely that we're about to go to two any time soon.

Discussion / Re: DLCon XI - O Canada
« on: March 04, 2016, 11:00:06 PM »
Capilano Suspension Bridge is also easily available by transit if people want to go.  If you want something similar but cheaper, there's also Lynn Valley which is its less popular cousin.

Science World also exists, it usually has some pretty awesome displays going on.

Discussion / Re: DLC next year?
« on: February 28, 2016, 10:40:38 PM »
If I can't make this DL Con, I can't make any DL Con.  Assume I'll be coming.  And that I'll be around whenever it is.

Tournaments / Return of the Rando Tourney! Nominations
« on: February 28, 2016, 03:46:13 AM »
That's right folks, for no reason at all, the Tournament of Randomness strikes again!

As always, we'll be offering over a hundred events in a variety of formats.  So we'll need a vast array of characters, all of them fictional.  If you want to go borderline, then people playing exaggerated versions of themselves, like Stephen Colbert, or Gordon Ramsey (Hell's Kitchen) are about where the boundary is.

As always, you get twelve noms.  The only limitation is fictionality, and notability.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: February 23, 2016, 11:10:28 PM »
Eh, CK, the problem with what you're saying is, if the folks in the past kicked the can, as you put it, then just how arrogant are you to think you'll do better.  Especially in this circumstance where your previous incarnations, who were presumably just as badass, got their asses kicked by the flunky with a fraction of their boss' power when they stopped being useful puppets.  And you know this as well, because Ringabell remembers seeing it.  So, even leaving beside the philosophic problem of 'if it was sealed in the past, then explain why this time killing it is an option', they actually cover that it was sealed in the past, and present some notable reasons for why not sealing it again this time is suicidal.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: February 23, 2016, 09:11:46 PM »
CK - I'll admit, I'd have liked it a lot better if it had played it that way.  Then again, I also really hate plotlines where previously the big bad could only be sealed, but for some reason you can just straight up kill them.  And frankly, if it weren't for the Gary Stu power duo, you wouldn't have been able to here.  Hence, bad end.  Even freaking FE:A, not known for it's super great plot of awesomeness, had that twist of you can either seal the boss at best, or you can kill him by having Robin freely sacrifice themself which makes killing the big bad make sense.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: February 23, 2016, 08:08:14 PM »
To continue on with what Snowfire said, I like Bravely Default because so far as I'm concerned, the best ending isn't getting to the end of Chapter 8 and defeating the final boss.  It's figuring out what's going on, how to stop it, and then defeating the person behind it.  Getting to the end of Chapter 8 is the bad end you do for completion's sake here.

Discussion / Re: DLC next year?
« on: February 23, 2016, 05:52:18 AM »
That's the kind where you have the individual rooms, right?  If so, there's plenty of them out here.  At the very least, I know one near the skytrain and next to a great Korean BBQ joint.

Discussion / Re: DLC next year?
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:08:52 AM »
Hey, you managed to get up here and accost me, once...  like a decade ago.  Yeah, we're overdue.

Strongly Prefer Vancouver

Suspect this will not be a huge surprise to anyone.  Also, dunno if the Elf and Ciato have any places they prefer, but I do know two transit friendly bowling locations.  One of which I used as the venue of a couple of events when I did party planning back when I did that.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: February 14, 2016, 04:35:33 AM »
Mass Effect 3 - Prevented the extermination of both races because I am Jesus, but then got owned by a wanky ninja. Did this happen in Jesus's life trajectory?

I have it on good authority that the thirty pieces of silver came in shuriken form.

Oh come on, the use of literally here as a literal statement is a universal claim, and the only claim that is universally true is the paradoxical no universal claim is ever true.  The RPGDL is not a place where you can argue about literally anything.

Ladyba is adorable, Grefter.  Don't give me so much enmity it forges a new timeline.  That never ends well.

This one will be easy, you just do it in one post.

Gen 2 in its entirety - 0/10 fuck off forever

Then move on to Gen 3.

You just called Houndour 0/10.

I am sorry Grefter, but we must be enemies now.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: February 04, 2016, 09:45:53 PM »
Yeah, Viktor typically clones it up because then he can alternate between guaranteeing a hit and popping healing off on people without wasting attack rounds.  I mean, guy has a good attack and is great at punching through high defenses, if he can hit.

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