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Messages - Corwin

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Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 10, 2008, 05:44:21 PM »
Yo. This is actually wrong, Ryogo. I didn't keep you around since I wanted you at lylo or anything, it just happened as people weren't in the mood to lynch you. I actually planned to go for 'no kill' the last night, but Cid wanted the game to end that day so I had to pick someone. I figured Shale had to be BP, so it was either you or Alex to kill, and... I dunno, I guess you lost the cointoss?


I guess. And stuff.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 10, 2008, 06:39:45 AM »
Okay. Ryogo has acted scummy all game. Is this really under dispute by anyone, Ryogo included? His defense had been "Like I said, I'm a newb." and variations thereof. All the time. The specific quote comes from page 1, and Ryogo's playing hasn't changed one bit since. Even during my first game people didn't really care after a few game days, and I didn't even throw it around nearly as much. I can't believe scum is about to coast all the way to safety using this method.

Smodge, who keeps on acting scummy every single game despite being... probably in more of them than most people here. His scummy behavior either got him an early grave or got people to ignore him. And then he played scum, and scum won because no one really took his scumminess seriously.

Tom had to get copped to get lynched, and even then it wasn't a done deal. Quite a few people thought someone unrelated (!) or Keeshi herself were scummier, and only a breath of common sense saved us from making a horrible a mistake that day. I was filtering him to a degree, as I also often do with smodge. Without Keeshi's investigation, roleblocking scum would've remained in play.

Back to Ryogo. Let's repeat Ryogo's endgame defense, in his own words, shall we?

I still don't know what to say. I know why I'm here this day. It IS so I can be manipulated to do someone else's stuff and get the scum bandwagon going. I'm the newb, both of you know that. You also both know I've never been in a LYLO situation, which is favourable for the scum. I've also been dropping scumtells left and right, from what I've gathered from other posts. What scum WOULDN'T want me in this situation?

He acknowledges his scumminess. But it's all apparently a conspiracy theory meant to capitalize on that and place him in LYLO. Which actually automatically clears him.

No explanation, really, on why this hypothetical scum would do that to him if he were really to be cleared by something like this. But consistency and logic with Ryogo's play this game? I think that'd be asking too much. He doesn't really need to use it -- he's scum and he knows who the town are. Making cases against them on evidence he blatantly knows is false thus leads to things like that. So what's left? An appeal to emotion. Keeping on repeating "I'm town, I'm new, please believe me".

And who can forget occasional gems such as this?

Or him agreeing with you without actually reading what you claimed, as his words countered it? Except no, he says he phrased things badly. I'd like to ask how so many things keep on being phrased in ways that sound exactly opposite.

I've been blinded by my desire to give new players a chance all this game. That he supported my case on the lurkers also has been a factor, probably. Whatever, you not hammering me when Ryogo blatantly tried to force an early lynch in lylo (while admitting he knew it wasn't done!) pretty much cements you as town, so simple elimination means Ryogo must be scum. Eh. Seems consistent with my past record of guessing at roughly two thirds of the scum and being completely blindsided by the remainder. Yakumo in the restrictions mafia comes to mind.

What else can I say? If I could vote twice, I'd have done it and won the game for us, but it's pretty much up to you.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 09, 2008, 06:50:45 AM »
Well, then. No scumhammer to end the day, so this could only mean one thing.

##Vote: Ryogo

I don't know if more needs to be said at this point and talking to scum would be pointless, but if you'd like to know anything to help you decide, ask away, Shale.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 08, 2008, 08:42:44 PM »
If you've felt that way before today, why didn't you do anything about it?

The part where I still remember how difficult it is to fit in as a new player in mafia, or the fact that I was right about Keeshi, another new player here? I don't know, I wonder why. It'd be a guess for me, too, but at this point I'll have to choose the scummiest, period, and not the scummiest-while-scumtells-are-downplayed-due-to-newbieness player.

On a side note, Shale has disappeared of the forums active users list...

What are you trying to say with this? You say you're going to go ahead and vote me soon. I'm saying I find you both suspicious. You go 'Hay Shale is lurking' wink wink, nudge nudge. Are you hoping I'd try to save myself and town from a mislynch and jump at the chance?

That just makes you look scummier in my eyes.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 08, 2008, 08:29:17 PM »
Ugh. "I've been scummy, but it's actually all a master plot of scum so ignore all that. And the scum is Corwin without a doubt, except I'm guessing and I have a 50/50 chance of hitting right."

That pretty much sums up your defense, Ryogo. I'm not buying it, and not just because it relies on me being scum to really work.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 08, 2008, 08:25:37 PM »
I think you're the one who knows more than you should. And I think I've been giving you a pass for newbiness far too much, and overlooked slips too long.

So. You still seem intent on resolving all this now? How about you, Shale? If so, I'll be going to bed within the hour, so we can resolve things within this time.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 08, 2008, 08:14:18 PM »
So you think, say, scum going 'no kill' is less plausible than a doc going 'I'm protecting myself', being allowed to do that AND scum hitting him just right? I'm sorry, I don't. You don't seem to challenge Shale's ascertion that there was a night kill attempt that night. Not even the possibility of anything else enters your posts. How can you have such certainty as town?

And 50% chance? I think it's closer to a hundred. I think you're perfectly honest when you say you don't care who you vote for, just that it won't be 'guessing right' for you. And you sided with the role claim because you knew it had to be true, since you tried to kill Shale and failed and you know that as town he would have no reason to lie. So you accept it as gospel from the start, keep on the hype, and hope you coast all the way to victory.

You can't disagree with Shale? Even when he characterises your words as "I'm not sure whether to consider that a scumtell or a badly timed leap to conclusions."? Did you even read his post before you said you 'agreed' with him?

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 08, 2008, 08:03:21 PM »
Yes, but those posts were made before you claimed and said you protected yourself AND prevented a hit on yourself. If we believe that, and I can't accept anyone deciding to vote in lylo without actually, you know, fully reading our posts, especially those containing roleclaims... yeah, that's different. Scum could well have hit Keeshi and gotten blocked there, then she dropped out. It was a possible assumption to make until your claim. Given no counter claims... no. Either you're scum and lying about the whole thing, or you protected yourself. There is no possible way to get to that conclusion at this time, and the only reason I see for making it is by slipping up while trying to suck up to you and trying to get on your side as a 'helpless new player'.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 08, 2008, 07:43:37 PM »
I'm sorry, I just can't get past
Shale, I know there is a doc, so I'm inclined to believe you. Keeshi's death was prevented, and no one has flipped any other role to protect her.

The lack of attention at such a crucial point needed to do this as town is staggering. As scum, it'd pretty much be sucking up to town and hoping any discrepancies and bad logic either go unnoticed (it helps that he's saying he's enforcing an early deadline despite lylo) or waved off as newbie play.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 08, 2008, 07:26:17 PM »
Shale, I know there is a doc, so I'm inclined to believe you

...what? You know there's a doc? How exactly would you know that if you were town without an investigative role?! More specifically, Keeshi was modkilled, stated so specifically. You say you're believing Shale's roleclaim... while disregarding who he claims as a target that night! At the same time!!!

Either you haven't read our posts very clearly, or your logic is horrible. Atrocious.

Or you're the remaining scum and you've just made a telling scumtell in a rush to side with a claimed roll. Of course, this would mean Shale is suspicious but town, and his weird claim as well as strange lack of accuracy as the game went on are true. Dammit, I don't know anymore.

Even if he were to claim now, I wouldn't believe it.

I claimed already! I claimed vanilla! How could you not notice this, I started the post with it! How would this elude you on a read on my posts?

Man, I just don't care anymore. Either this is horrible newbiness that will cost the game no matter what I say, or you've tricked me this entire game, so congrats on that.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 08, 2008, 07:10:17 PM »
And yes, it does place me out of suspicion, barring a counterclaim from Ryogo (which would announce to me that he's the scum), unless you have an explanation for how a town with one cop and the rest of the population vanilla can stop a kill.

And yet, all we have it your word on what happened that night. Perhaps Ryogo is town and has roleblock (scum did have one). Perhaps the scum chose not to kill that night (more implausible than a self-protecting doc?) Perhaps a lot of things. Quite a few of them sound more plausible to me than this whole "I'm town, I've been very spot on with my powers, vie for my attention" thing you've got going. I can't help but feel it's designed to have Ryogo and myself turn against one another, and the only reason I see for that is that you're scum trying to win effortlessly here. You guessed right on who would get killed night 1 and tried to save poor Rat! Except no, you got roleblocked. But then you guessed right again! And by guarding yourself, no less. Sadly, the more information you had about the games and the remaining players, the less accurate (read: not at all) you were, but such is life, right?

Yeah, no.

I could have? He didn't post until ten minutes to deadline and I didn't actually see it until later than that, because I was writing my own post at the time, looking over Alex's answers to the questions I'd asked by IM.

You post it at « Reply #373 on: April 07, 2008, 04:14:29 AM » (my time)
Ryogo's post is next in line, at: « Reply #374 on: April 07, 2008, 04:18:05 AM »

Ryogo's previous posts indicate he thinks Alex is scummy. Ryogo's post #374 indicates he it present. Your own post requests a time extension to catch up on things. Given Cid was kind enough to post for you what you said in IM, I somehow doubt he would've been an ass about this. And I have good reason to believe you know this.

This is your actual follow-up post+vote: « Reply #375 on: April 07, 2008, 04:29:32 AM »

I think you could've reasonably asked for a bit more time to get a decision, and under the circumstances we would've gotten it (Cid did extend that day already due to Otter, and it was clearly not enough to let you catch up). So yes, I think that you should've gone for who was the scummiest-looking to you, and not defaulted to 'oh well that dude looks awkward too, I don't mind seeing him hang'. Because what it really shows me is that you didn't care who hung as long as it got you to lylo guilt-free.

And yes, you said later you were preparing a post when hammer fell. So did Cranbud in the Discworld game (granted, it also happened to me that on the last day of Touhou). You didn't say anything beforehand and you can say whatever you want to afterward, so I'm not going to write it off entirely.

Did they leave a post and a vote in the evening, had the person they stated in advance they wanted to hear a defense from finally post it around 4am their time, and then had people hammer the whole thing at ~8:17am? When the earliest I ever get to work is 8am, give or take half an hour?

I find this incredibly petty of you. I've not challenged your claims of limited/lack of access the past day (because I doubt Cid would aid you in such a scheme, and because it's just plain lame to pull something like this). Why aren't you extending me the same courtesy? To paint me in a bad light, maybe, I dunno. What could I possibly say MORE? That YES, I want to hear Tom's defense? That wasn't clear to you? That YES, I'd like to comment on it, maybe? Sure, next time I'll wake up some time during the night to check mafia and make a post of 'don't hammer too soon plz kthx'.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 08, 2008, 07:08:39 AM »
Alright. First, it wouldn't surprise anyone that I'm vanilla. On the subject of roleclaims, I find it difficult to believe that you're a doc that could protect himself. Not impossible, given some of the roles on the #dl, but extremely doubtful due to how sane this game had been so far, role-wise. If we're to believe you, it neatly ties in with how there was no scum kill that time, conveniently placing you out of suspicion.

On my vote for Tom:
On my 'switch' to Tom, that is also being distorted! I was the first to vote Tom after Keeshi's roleclaim (effectively, being the second vote on him after hers). I specifically said I wanted to hear from him and for him to use the vote as a measure of how serious the situation he was in was. Also, was there any doubt that I'd considered Keeshi more credible throughout, and that I didn't buy into the crazy 'miller/insane cop' scenarios? And then Tom ended up being hammered before I could write a comprehensive post that would've formalized the vote (or turned it to Keeshi, if I'd bought Tom's explanation when he posted); am I to blame for that as well?

Yep, that's me. You said you'd be going over our posts, so how could you miss this part where I explain the reason for 'not posting again for the rest of the day'? And speaking of things being a toss up between who looks scummiest in that situation, you conveniently leave yourself out. You were around, you were posting... and you stayed on Excal.

Rather than repost what I think about that, the relevant section of ( still covers it. Only, given our dwindling members and the fact that Ryogo or you must be scum, I'm less inclined to go the 'bad town play' route. As I reread it, I'm reminded that Excal was not, in fact, scum, so my theory could well be right.

Let's look at the more recent events:
What...I was sure...aaaaaaargh.

Well, whichever one of you is scum, thanks for saving me from making a huge mistake. I really need to reread the topic from start to finish, because after that day I was damned sure Alex was dirty.

Please explain that gloating-sounding post in light of

Ryogo doesn't look that hot to me with constant 'oh noes newb don't kill me' and various scummy behavior (not voting someone he thinks is SCUM to not LOOK BAD? And this close to LYLO? What the hell?) but I've been cutting him slack so far. What's your excuse? You knew he was around, you could've gotten him to vote Alex (yes, it would've been a bad call in retrospect, given Alex flipped town and all but we didn't know that at the time) as both of you kept on saying Alex looked the scummiest.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 06, 2008, 08:13:45 PM »
I think Alex is the one with the bad logic, not myself. I also think he made puzzling choices so far, and maybe I've been too generous dismissing his tunnel vision as a pro-town trait. His kneejerk towards me or him clearing me afterwards don't really factor into this. Him picking the easier targets does.

LAL tempts, except I know I myself haven't been posting as much as previously after Otter started talking about suicide. It's just really hard to care, and I can't really blame other people for acting like that. Plus, aside from Alex, the rest haven't been around that much, so it's hard for me to pick among them. When 3/5th of the game qualify for LAL, I no longer see it as the preferred option. So who do I lynch? The one who seems the scummiest to me out of the surviving players. Quite a lot has been said about Alex over the course of the game and the rest of you should already have made your opinions about him, one way or the other. Here is mine.

##Vote: Alex

Ryogo is either pretending, very well, to be a newbie imitating the recent bad play on the part of town, or he is just that. Occam's razor + gut = the latter.
OK has looked better to me after I finally got him to participate enough. His vote for Ryogo is strange, but doesn't elevate my suspicions of him over Alex's
Shale has made some plays I really, really didn't like. But those are few and far between.

Going to bed now. Should we mislynch and I die afterwards, best of luck and win the game, even if some of you may not feel like it, guys. Modkills are fail.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 06, 2008, 06:58:35 AM »
I don't have anything guys. If you feel the need to take me, I understand you.

It's sad that this kind of defeatists, surrender type behavior is the only thing preventing me from voting you. Unless you've decided to emulate the self-exploding townies, I don't know, too annoyed to care.

Voting someone you don't think it scummy instead of someone you think IS... and at a point where there's only one scum remaining, to boot. What will this achieve? OMGUS voting on OK. Wifom logic about the whole thing, in an attempt to prevent people from voting you. Explain all this.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 05, 2008, 02:14:02 PM »
People aren't posting and one of those few who do wants to be the fourth modkill. If we jumped the shark, there's no need to drag it out 72x2 more hours till the resolution.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 03, 2008, 07:47:26 PM »
Hmm. Alex beat me to the links.

Sopko talks about Otter a lot, and about OK, as Alex says. Ryogo, however, appears to feature more prominently from a read of Sopko's posts. Sopko keeps on going about Ryogo's apparent 'flipping' and his lurking habits. It actually stuck in my head more than the Otter material, perhaps due to the way Sopko is pretty much saying the same things over and over by phrasing them differently, and presenting minimal to no evidence for his attacks on Ryogo. I have to question whether Alex saw the Otter case more prominently because he's been on Otter's case for a while, now, and has acquired a kind of tunnelvision there.

Ryogo's the person he talks the next most about. 

I suppose if you go by absolute text, this is true, but I am interested in hearing about the impression other people got from reading Sopko's posts from the start of the game.

On myself. At first, I figured Alex was right, since the attack on me the previous day came out of nowhere. However, actually perusing Sopko's posts reminded me that he did try to get on my case before, only to realize he couldn't pin anything on me and eventually backing off. He didn't mention me day 2, that is true, but day 2 was decided by Keeshi's cop claim and a fairly decisive Tom lynch early on. Since one of the things Sopko was guilty of was lurking, I'm not sure why it warranted a 'thing of note' to you. I especially wonder how you missed his focus on me day 1 when you say:

- Corwin has basically no mentions at all till the day 3 callout.

In fact, he doesn't mention you much either, Alex, but when he does it's often say he disagrees with you, either directly or indirectly. The links, in reserve chronological order: ("I really can't say that Tom's flip inherantly clears Excal." in a clearly opposite position to you one you took) ("Yeah, when you're down to arguing about the definition of words, you're really starting to grasp at straws.") ("Al: I'm not really seeing your argument. Should have probably made your post a bit clearer.") ("Wait... what? Alex, while I agree with you in theory, if you don't believe anyone is scummy, you need to go with you who think is least town-like, who with whomever might put forth the best argument.")

It's hardly every post, and there is one where he agrees with people who include Alex to vote for Keeshi, but after reading Sopko's posts in sequence and not spread out as they are, it feels like he's trying to create a sense of distance from Alex by finding reasons to disagree with him publicly.

Just as Alex asked with Tom re: Excal previously, I would like to hear from people feel about the case on Otter now, given the Sopko flip. Myself, I'm wary of joining a case which is being advocated by someone who doesn't look all that great to me, especially with this latest post.

As we are not in LYLO, there is one scum left.

This is true (obviously), but I have to wonder: is Alex dropping this obvious mention of it not being LYLO to get us to be freer with our votes? If we go 'well, Excal was scummy-looking but town, we must vote the other prominent candidate from the previous day' and we actually do that without sufficient debate to allow for information from Sopko's flip and an analysis of his posts (which everyone should do for themselves!) then we could find outselves in LYLO if we're wrong. And if Otter is the remaining scum? Well, then we win today if we lynch him, so what's wrong with taking a bit more time to think things through rationally?

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 03, 2008, 04:50:19 PM »
So I'm not alone in feeling like taking a break from mafia. Nice to hear, just as it's nice to see a validation of LAL, even though it wasn't through actually employing it. More later tonight, once I've crossreferenced the remaining lurkers with Sopko's posts.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 02, 2008, 06:19:15 PM »
No one really wants to hear about my horrible day, so let's skip that. I can only echo Andrew's last two posts, on Sopko being suspicious, on OK voting Sopko where there wasn't any reasonable chance to get him lynched, and on Excal's appropriately-named 'pity grab'. That made me more convinced of this lynch.

This in no way turns me blind to Andrew's low presence, but he's nowhere near a target for me, with Excal prime in the leading two candidates, and Sopko strongest overall for his consistent lurking and strange recent posts. Ryogo needs to have more content out there and to commit himself more; he comes off a bit wishy-washy sometimes, like the recent post. Otter feels scummy as well, as I've noted before, but I doubt he and Excal are bussing each other, so hitting scum should clear him in my eyes. Dunno on Alex, he always looks scummy to me. Every single mafia game. Dunno on Shale, either, since I have reasons to believe he's town, and reasons to doubt it and it all comes to an inconclusive mess.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 02, 2008, 08:48:12 AM »
Really busy morning at work, can't comment as much as I want to.

The only reasons I haven't voted Sopko when I responded to his bizarre post and am not doing this now are that I don't want a repeat of day 1 where trying to depart from the candidates actually gave us no lynch, and that I'm wary of OMGUS votes on my part. Needless to say, if enough people are both present and agree with me that he's the scummiest person in the game due to his continuous lurking and the attack on me where he had to resort to lies (not to mention him attacking the people who were on his case consistently even if he had to rape logic to group Ryogo and myself together), I'd prefer that lynch over any other.

Again, I urge everyone to try and make lynch happen tonight.  It only gets worse for us if it doesn't -- people won't be around to make final roleclaims, we could easily get stuck with lynch by necessity or no lynch at all, and either way scum will benefit.

Otter is right, and whether we believe he's scum or not has no bearing on that, here. I'll try to be around to change my vote if people could be rallied to support the Sopko lynch, and if there hasn't still been a decision by lunch break, I'll comment more fully on the recent posts.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 01, 2008, 11:21:58 AM »

That said, there is the valid points raised about him.  First off, he left hours before deadline on day 1, knowing there was no majority, and knowing his vote was not on anyone who could be lynched.  This is baffling, as he is one of the people who I would expect not to make a mistake like that out of ignorance, much like I do not believe Otter likely to do that.  But, barring them being scum buddies, it obviously must be a mistake on one of their parts.  Secondly, there is the whole hearted view in my defense.  This is the one I really want to look into.  Specifically, his views and attitudes towards Keeshi on Day 2 which seems like a similar case, and may be useful in showing if he does hint at having concrete knowledge of who is on which side.

I find this interesting. Originally, I accepted Alex's claim about not being around after all, due to gaming or what have you. But I haven't really questioned it from the standpoint of why he wasn't around and whether I'm willing to believe he forgot we were going towards a deadline with no clear majority.

Alex's views on Keeshi seemed to resemble a bit of tunnel vision, something which I've noticed him get into a few games. Do you believe there's more to it than that? You mention looking for whether there are hints of this concrete knowledge. I haven't really spotted any during previous reads of the thread, so are you theorizing, or do you have something tangible?


The only point in his defense at all is Tom being on his case early - BEFORE he got the "only one terrible post on day 2" strike and at a time when he was a tossup lynch with OK.  My viewpoint right now is that I think the argument from Tom's behavior is more compelling and better to follow, since we know Tom's alignment for a fact, we know for a fact that the things Tom did are Scum Behavior. 

Excal's behavior?  No such luck.  Scummy?  Yes.  Flip evidence backing it up?  No.

Alex, again:

Cor, I don't see why you're trying to draw a distinction between those two actions.  I don't think it matters whether Tom was actively pressuring or joining a wagon or voting or not voting.  That early in the game, I think scum are just as unlikely to "hop on wagons" of other scum as they are to "actively convince people to vote" other scum.  What matters is that he expressed serious support for lynching Excal, and that's enough in my book.


Tom had no heat on him whatsoever, save from Keeshi, who was pretty sketchy at that time, and no pressing reason to be on the case of a fellow scum when there were other nice juicy cases like OK and Keeshi he could have jumped on instead.  The only reason I could see for him hopping on scum-Excal day 2 is that not doing so would be inconsistent with what he stated day 1... which begs the question of why was he on scum-Excal day 1. 

Please excuse the selective quoting and boldening. It is the best way to make my point without drowning us all in blocks of text. The original context is easily found via the links (or by merely scrolling up).

In any case. The boldened parts are clearly related, and pretty much answer each other. It reads that Alex is saying the following:

The only (main?) point that clears Excal is Tom voting him early day 2 (the first boldened text). The only reason he could do that while Excal could still be scum is so that Tom does not look inconsistent with his claims from day 1 (boldened text #2).

My question, though, is thus: why exactly is this scenario, which you clearly acknowledge is possible by bringing it up yourself, dismissed so easily in your defense of Excal? In fact, it seems like the most logical version of events as supported by fact. Let's look at it again. Tom promises to vote... but doesn't. Keeshi, who is around, thus cannot switch to Excal, and Excal isn't lynched.

So why do all this? Plenty of possibilities. Scum couldn't possibly know Keeshi was cop day 1, so they could've hoped people would stay on her case and swung the vote over. Had Tom followed suit after his initial vote, would any of us have noticed? I know I was partially filtering out his posts, which was bad but the logic often pained me enough to do this. Also, Excal (if scum), like Tom, could've had some powers that were useful having. Excal could be the godfather, and end up 'cleared' by a cop town is almost assured to have. We could go on and on, but I just can't see how you're rationalizing Excal is town based on evidence that points in the other direction, on top of being largely suspect to begin with.

which begs the question of why was he on scum-Excal day 1.

And yet, he didn't have a vote on Excal when things went down. You're downplaying this, but I think it is very important as I've descibed above. He got the benefits of both worlds: he supported town on a popular lynch candidate, but also stopped just short of actually laying a vote. The latter could either be due to knowing Excal is town and wanting to avoid the assosiation for lazy people digging only through votecount posts and not much else, or due to knowing Excal is scum and trying to keep him alive (which worked, I must add, as Excal is still with us).


What do I make of all this: Tom is weird.  Very much all over the place.  He was focusing a lot on Ryogo (generally helping him, supporting him, cheerleading, though did call him out a bit and try to draw attention here and there), as well as Carth/OK/Cor as potential scum mixes that require some sort of combination of matters to accomplish anything.  From what I can see here, he's fully right in saying scum wouldn't kill Excal or myself at night - we both would draw fabulous attention, and kept alive, both of us would probably be lynched.  I think this is why Keeshi really did the claim - to keep that from happening, and why she went after Tom - get something new.  Mmm...

So, I think I'm not very suspicious of Excal now, despite the shitty logic - his bit of explanation to me in particular...makes sense, though it's not what I'd do, personally.  So I think I can forgive that for the moment, at least.  It looks like he really wanted myself and you to take the fall, and I doubt scum would do that.

I don't really like how he defends Excal here. The logic seems to be "Tom went after both of us, so I'm inclined to believe both of us are actually town. Agree with me, which incidentally clears me as town as well."

I'm interested to hear what Alex thinks of this. He believes Tom's actions clear Excal. Does he agree on OK?

And a question to OK. What do you think about my points to Alex in this post and previously?

So, scum from this, from my analysis, seem to be somewhere within the possibilities of Cor, Shale, Otter and Ryogo.  Preliminary, mind you - this is just an analysis of Tom's stuff, and I need to take a better look at the interactions to be sure.

This is a bit personal, so take it with the usual grain of salt. But I feel a disconnect between how OK analyzes Tom's references to myself, himself and Excal together (he goes  'Carth/OK/Cor' for himself and me, and 'myself and you' to effectively bring Excal into the mix later), and draws from this that he and Excal are cleared while leaving me in the list of suspects (Rat's dead and town, so that leaves only me of the four listed there). Was it because Tom didn't vote me? There weren't any trains on me, so to do that he'd need to start a case himself -- something Tom avoided doing this game, as he only tagged along for whatever seemed popular, citing others and then joining in.

Also, why do you group Shale with your suspects? You say:
Shale...I get such a good town feeling from, though Shale is the most-least mentioned person in Tom's posts.  This is a gut feeling...Shale's...probably been on the fence, with regards to other things, though. 

Does your gut feeling refer to feeling there might be something off about Shale despite him looking good? Is it about him feeling town, while logic points you elsewhere? Please clarify.

Also, who is your leading candidate for today?


Interesting look on Ryogo, but I don't feel we can afford to lynch just based on possible info gained from a flip. It's been said ad nauseum, I know, but he is new and I see scumtells from people who have actually been around as having more meaning.

Can't really begrudge you for voting Otter, since you hit the points about him that seem quite scummy.


I do want to look over Ryogo and Corwin. I keep forgetting they're here. Ryogo especially...

This is an outright lie, and worries me quite a lot. I haven't forgotten Sopko's lurking tendencies from the beginning of the game, even if he keeps on getting a pass on them, pretty much. To see him accuse me of lurking is not something I can keep quiet about. You keep forgetting I'm here? I find that incredibly hard to believe.

I also find it quite telling that Sopko picked the two people who have been suspicious of Sopko from the start and have been calling him out on it periodically.

For Corwin...

Corwin's been a lot better about keeping tabs than Ryogo, but thusly has escaped suspicion more than anyone else, I think. It's just gut feeling. He went through Days 1 and 2 mostly targeting OK, but also supporting an Excal lynch. He was also one to switch to Tom without so much as a debate.

The truth is getting twisted so much here that I can't call this a misrepresentation. It's a pack of outright lies!

I've been going after lurkers, which are people I've defined as having no or low content. I went after YOU, and only switched to OK, the other lurker for two reasons: everyone seemed content giving you a pass, like Rat, for some bizarre reason and OK had by that time gone far longer without content. What he did have out was scummy, so that's where my vote went. Day 1 didn't have a lynch, so I had no reason to switch from this target. While I supported the Excal lynch to a degree based on how scummy Excal seemed, you also omit that when the choice was between Keeshi and Excal, due to pretty much excusing Keeshi's behavior as newbish and having a gut feeling that she was town, instead of trying to help her by moving to Excal, I tried to convince everyone of following LAL and lead the way there. What is suspicious about championing a proven approach to the game that never fails to get scum if used decisively throughout the game?!

On my 'switch' to Tom, that is also being distorted! I was the first to vote Tom after Keeshi's roleclaim (effectively, being the second vote on him after hers). I specifically said I wanted to hear from him and for him to use the vote as a measure of how serious the situation he was in was. Also, was there any doubt that I'd considered Keeshi more credible throughout, and that I didn't buy into the crazy 'miller/insane cop' scenarios? And then Tom ended up being hammered before I could write a comprehensive post that would've formalized the vote (or turned it to Keeshi, if I'd bought Tom's explanation when he posted); am I to blame for that as well?

If I had any hope that people would listen to me at last and adopt LAL at last, I'd be voting on you right now. But I've seen how that's worked out here, so I'll just go with the scummiest of the candidates actually on the table and hope that the one I picked is scum.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 01, 2008, 07:26:05 AM »
A few specific comments, maybe more on a more detailed read later.


As a request, it'd be nice to have some sort of links/quotes/post number in the points you're responding to. While things are fresh now, inevitably we'll have to analyze past days as well, so the easier it is, the better.


We know Tom was scum, we know he spoke in favor of lynching Excal day 1 and 2.  That, to me, supercedes Excal's behavior and makes me want to work from a different perspective now.  That perspective leads me to Otter, who did not vote on Excal/Keeshi even after the cop claim, has been passive on every case but Excal, has been extremely vocal on Excal, and is using what I consider to be very questionable methods to make his points.

I still think you're mischaracterising Tom's actions there. Excal was constantly under pressure and being voted for. Nowhere did I see Tom try to actively convince people to vote Excal, and it was more the joining of a bandwagon in an attempt to hide himself in a crowd without taking a controversial stand. Also, had he voted Excal day 1 the day wouldn't have ended with no lynch, which you seem to largely ignore (Keeshi was around and could've swung over to vote Excal as well to prevent the no lynch situation at deadline).

As for other people... I haven't been throwing out laundry lists of suspicion right and left because A. till now there hasn't really been cause for it and B. doing so has tended to be suicidal for me in the past, I'm sick of getting OMGUS'd for what I fully disclaim as shaky cases.  And C. I'm suspicious of pretty much everyone.  Sopko, OK and Shale, especially Sopko, feel lurkish to me.  Corwin's bought into a lot of bad logic and mischaracterizations, and seemed to be tied to Rat day 1.  Ryogo, well, feels like a classic wince-and-ignore newbie, which I'm a bit less wary of with Tom being sharp and scum and Keeshi playing terribly and flipping town.  Andrew... actually looks pretty good to me.  (But I'm not sure what that's worth, since Tom also seemed fine to me before he flipped.)

I'd swap OK for Andrew on the lurker-feeling front, myself. None are true lurkers since I haven't forgotten either is playing, yet, but OK has more content out there than any of them recently.

On the subject of bad logic and mischaracterisation, well... I think the same about you, as evidenced above.

Corwin: This one's new, and I need to reread his posts again before I'd even consider seriously voting on it, but here goes. Basically, I saw this and it raised my hackles something fierce:

There are also only two votes in the game, so far. One on Otter, and one on Excal. No new issues have really been brought up, though Otter named Alex as well, and I have my own questions to him. Still, I don't see a sudden possible swing to Alex at this point.

So barring new evidence or analysis, the day appears to be a decision between Excal and Otter. I'm not particularly comfortable with either, but Andrew's earlier words about how scum can have a real life reason for lurking, too, come back to me. The same applies to any RL reason for suspect play, really. I believe Excal when he says he was ill. But that doesn't mean he's town, as scum could be ill as well, and just as townies can make mistakes scum can make slips.

He says this twelve hours into a 72-hour day, with a grand total of one vote on each of the two players in question. How the hell is that too late to make a case on the person you think is scummiest? Scum are going to discuss their suspects with blinders on, and this is very blatant instance of "This person isn't acting very good...but let's talk about somebody else!" Also, I can't shake the idea that his needling Carthrat on Day 1 isn't just friendly ribbing. Annoying townies is a scum ploy, as is friendly banter that establishes you as part of the community.

Hackles rising, check. So what about what I said is actually wrong? What you're doing is twisting my words, misrepresenting what I've been saying as something sinister. Merely twelve hours into the day? One way of looking at it; another would be that the case on Excal remains from _day 1_ and only keeps on growing. So much has been said about it that I don't see it merely dying down... and for good reason, too, because the only one who seems to be clearing Excal right now (except Excal himself) is Alex, who is using a form of wifom and mischaracterisation to that end.

and this is very blatant instance of "This person isn't acting very good...but let's talk about somebody else!"

It is? Really? Who is this person that isn't acting very good that you're accusing me of diverting attention from? Do enlighten me before you ominously say it in the same sentence as casually throwing the word 'scum' around.

Bottom line is, people aren't voting. New cases aren't being presented. You yourself have done neither of those. And yet, you accuse me of trying to read the way this day is going to go? There are two votes on each of them now, from skimming, and a single vote on Alex. Tell me, how is this different from what I've predicted?

How the hell is that too late to make a case on the person you think is scummiest?

I think Excal and Otter look scummiest. I have to decide between them. I did.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: March 31, 2008, 12:43:08 PM »
Excal posts. Okay. The majority of the post accepts the case on him, but says he was sick and made mistakes, so it was bad play, not scummy play.

There are also only two votes in the game, so far. One on Otter, and one on Excal. No new issues have really been brought up, though Otter named Alex as well, and I have my own questions to him. Still, I don't see a sudden possible swing to Alex at this point.

So barring new evidence or analysis, the day appears to be a decision between Excal and Otter. I'm not particularly comfortable with either, but Andrew's earlier words about how scum can have a real life reason for lurking, too, come back to me. The same applies to any RL reason for suspect play, really. I believe Excal when he says he was ill. But that doesn't mean he's town, as scum could be ill as well, and just as townies can make mistakes scum can make slips.

Therefore, I'm more comfortable with voting for Excal. I do want to hear Excal's thoughts on Alex, something I've neglected asking for, and I would ask that people don't just hammer him without that, if they feel the same way I do about today's lynch target.

##Vote: Excal

Edit: OK posts, and yes, I'm satisfied with that explanation. Everything said after the fact should be taken with a grain of salt, and I do, but I'm satisfied with it more than I am with people who believed in the 'third option'. But enough has been spent about that, and restarting that argument here won't really help any, I think.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: March 31, 2008, 10:36:36 AM »
Alex says: Failing to vote on a duality like that is, IMO, a definite scumtell

You continue: when you were the only player who stayed away from the duality on day 1.

That's not "equat[ing] Excal vs. OK with Keeshi vs. Tom?" Certainly looked that way to me. I'll repeat. "I think it's telling that you are doing it to a degree."

Moving on. As Excal has shown up recently, I see no problems with waiting until he responds to the points I've raised, plus adds whatever independent content he wishes. I will use those along with the case laid out against him to decide whether my vote should go his way.

Re: yourself (as in, Otter), I still think you look scummy, in part because of your actions the previous day. However, we've gone over that enough, and I don't feel there's much left to be said there. Again, I'll quote my previous post as I say that you look scummy to me, "But it's not nearly enough for a vote, as far as I'm concerned."

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: March 31, 2008, 10:13:48 AM »
Tom's posts.

The first one lays a vote on Shale ( It's a jokevote, but the next post Tom goes "Joke-vote phase is boring. Ok, onto the issues:" and yet keeps his 'jokevote' on Shale. (

He comments on Shale there only tangentially, at best, and it isn't phrased as a way to support his vote in what is now a serious atmosphere, past the joke stage.

Third post ( Cheerleading, mentions Andrew and Smodge and keeps the vote on Shale.

Fourth post ( Attacks Rat while relying on Shale's arguments. Comments on other people who are not Shale. Vote on Shale remains.

Fifth post ( Short. No unvote in sight.

It took Tom till his sixth post to unvote Shale. ( All while laying no case on him despite the transition into serious discussion, Tom acknowledging it has occured, and being there and active. No explanation is given for unvoting Shale, such as a realization he should have done that sooner, any mention of Shale's innocence in his eyes or even a new target for the vote.

Post 7 ( No Shale mention, no votes. Tom mentions considering Excal and Keeshi, who were both players with cases on them at the time.

Post 8 ( Cites Shale again while providing nothing original himself, and places a vote on Shale's target.

Post 9 ( a post on Keeshi.

Post 10 ( Keeshi accuses Tom, Tom snaps back at her with a vote. -- brought just for completeness's sake.

The trend I'm seeing here is Tom doing his best to tie himself to Shale. And based on his voting pattern, I believe this actually goes towards clearing Shale. The way he kept the vote on Shale feels as if he were hoping other people could join him. At least there's something out of a glance at Tom's posts.


Comments on the recent posts:

Andrew (, I would like to ask you the following question, given that Ryogo appears to be one of your two prime candidates (Three with Excal? Please make that clearer, too.). "Say Ryogo is scum, what does that tell us?"

Sopko ( I can't help hammer coming in just as I was starting to type up my post. Here's Alex's final vote ( and the timestamp on it: « Reply #231 on: March 30, 2008, 08:17:30 AM »

Given that I get to work around 8am (give or take half an hour), and that day it was 8:10am, I couldn't do much about that. If you can find other instances of me 'lurking', do please say so.

Excal ( "That said, I will endeavour to give a full and detailed answer to all inquiries sent my way"

Okay. I would like to hear your opinion on the matter of OK, Otter and Shale staying on you instead of deciding the cop/scum claim the previous day. Do you agree with me that it was a bad call (and not because you were the alternate lynch target)? If so, do you believe it was scummy, perhaps as part of a strategy I theorized about? If so, which of them would look the scummiest to you?

Question 2. With Tom's flip as scum, do you believe it reflects on someone we haven't covered yet in our analysis of his posts, votes and actions?

Otter (

Where exactly did I equate Excal vs. OK with Keeshi vs. Tom?

Say, here?

Quote from: Alex
Failing to vote on a duality like that is, IMO, a definite scumtell
when you were the only player who stayed away from the duality on day 1.

I think it's telling that you are doing it to a degree. But it's not nearly enough for a vote, as far as I'm concerned.

You also make a telling slip: "if Excal was scum, why wouldn't Tom go after OK instead?"  Not only are you making WIFOM assumptions about what scum would do, you're assuming OK must be town, which we haven't established at all.

This is true, regardless of my suspicions of you, and I'd like to hear an explanation for this from Alex.

All cards on the table, it looks a lot to me like Excal and Alex are scumbuddies.

To clarify, what are you proposing, here? Lynching Excal, and if he flips scum, then lynching Alex?

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: March 31, 2008, 09:18:39 AM »
Had a bit of free time at work, posting this earlier than expected.


Well, it's awesome that we hit scum, but the info we got from Tom=scum (being that Keeshi seems reliable, though she still could have been bussing) is immediately rendered useless

How so, Otter? How could a confirmed cop be 'bussing' scum?


OK has stepped up massively, which is a good thing!

I'm inclined to agree. It doesn't eliminate my previous suspicions against him, but I don't seem him as a lurker now. Plus, there are people more suspicious than he at this point.


To answer your question, I didn't like letting a no-paper-trail cop claim decide the lynch, one way or the other. The person who'd acted scummiest was Excal, so I kept my vote there.

Uhh, what? Are you serious? In the situation that we had, one of those two had to be scum barring madness! Even if we voted blindly, that's a 50/50 chance of hitting scum, perhaps 100% if bussing were involved to deflect attention from Keeshi! The chances of hitting scum elsewhere are far smaller, and not as informative whereas deciding the cop claim/scum result would've assuredly hit scum next day (town Tom would've resulted in a scum Keeshi lynch, and town Keeshi's lynch in scum Tom's).

Yeah, I don't like it either, but we had no choice but to decide between them right then and there. One of them was assuredly scum, and that scum could have had powers that would hurt us! (Tom had, we were shown by his flip) We couldn't let the scum live! So what if Excal looked scummier to you? That's entirely irrelevant to who should've hanged the previous day (except in where you could comb his posts and his interactions with both Keeshi and Tom to help you decide). No, no, no.

Ditto for Otter with his "See Shale, really.  I didn't trust Keeshi, but I thought Excal was more likely to be scum." (

...right. "I didn't trust Keeshi" should translate into KEESHI IS SCUM AND I MUST VOTE HER when combined with Keeshi claiming cop and fingering Tom as scum!

The reason I'm going over these reactions is that it's not just example of bad, horrible play (which it certainly is), but that it certainly looks interesting after the flips. There's more than one scum in the game. Scum would certainly know who's telling the truth here. Trying to get Excal lynched by ignoring Tom and Keeshi could have been part of a strategy to keep Tom in the game longer (why bother? because he had roleblock, perhaps?). Naturally, attacking Keeshi right after her claim would've turned bad for them; her flip as a cop would really put them under an unfavorable light, and they would know as scum she had no reason to lie about her role. In fact, fingering Tom pretty much confirms it. Wouldn't it be just safer to delay the decision, have Keeshi roleblocked, and then try to lynch her where she'd seem all the more suspicious and it'd be far safer?

Of course, this theory isn't compatible with the one where Excal is suspicious due to a bizarre lack of assosiation with Tom in his last post. I just can't see a gambit like this which also involves sacrificing Excal-as-scum. I don't want to limit myself by going "Well, ONE of those must be true" but it does seem quite likely, so I'll use that as a working basis for the moment, until and unless there's more information available.


Let's say there's a paranoid cop. Are you willing to leave the issue unresolved, in that case? All this achieves is dividing us into two camps, those who rightly can't ignore a cop claim with a scum result, and those who believe a player is scummy based on no flips (essentially, not much different than during day 1!). That, in turn, makes you and those who think like you look more suspicious to the rest of us, and if you're really town, one of your main obligations is to not act scummy so we won't waste time on you as we hunt for scum.

So I remain as unconvinced as you are. That was bad play. The only question was whether there was a scummy element involved, and that's what I'm trying to decide right now.


Eww, massive block of quotes. Was that really necessary?

Anyway. You don't sound quite committed to anything. Your arguments read... reserved, for lack of a better word ('certain amount of risk', 'less inclined', 'somewhat goes against'). Who do you think should get the axe and why? Are there others you find suspicious enough to name them as candidates? Do you see any links between a possible scum team?


Cor: I understand your objection, but look at it this way.  First of all, in a 13-player game, I'm not going to dismiss the possibility of a paranoid or insane cop (again: insane cops can actually be helpful to town, so it wouldn't shock me to see one used even by a mod who was actively avoiding role madness). 

I touched upon this above. Even though we disagree on the likelihood of this scenario, I still believe that simply leaving the matter unresolved is bad play and generally a recipe for badness. By putting it off for an Excal lynch, when will we get to resolve Tom/Keeshi? During LYLO?

Next, let's say I had accepted that there was no chance of a paranoid/insane cop, meaning one of Keeshi and Tom had to be scum.  I still didn't have a very clear read on those two; Keeshi was my second favorite to lynch, but I was still uncertain about her:

Quote from: Otter
I think Excal's actions have been more damning, overall, to the point where I'm having a really hard time imagining an explanation for his actions if he were actually innocent.  Keeshi looks bad herself, and would be my second choice to lynch right now, but I can still sort of see how it could happen if she had good intentions; not so for Excal.  I'm leaving my vote on the player that seems most likely to turn up scum.

To put it another way: okay, so let's say one of Keeshi or Tom has to be scum.  Offhand, I'll say I was estimating maybe a 70% chance for Keeshi to be the scum between them, as I saw the case against her pretty clearly but also could see understandable reasons for her scumtells if she was telling the truth.  That would mean I saw roughly a 30% chance for Tom to be scum.

Now we're following the scenario I considered most likely, of what is there barring game madness. Your percentages are off. It's not 70/30/90-95 for Excal (I didn't quote the Excal part since it would've inflated the quote too much, but the context is above and the link is present for those wishing to check it out). It is, in fact, 100% for Keeshi+Tom, and we get our answer after one of them flips. Let me repeat it, a guaranteed certainty (barring game madness, a scenario we tackled in the previous point) that one of those two is scum and we'll hit scum.

But what about Excal, you might say. What about Excal? If he's also scum, having revealed his scumbuddy(ies) we should have more information to judge him by.

Are you really saying I should have voted Keeshi here, when it seemed significantly more likely to me that Excal was scum?

Yes. Most certainly, without reservation. If you believed Tom over Keeshi, you should've voted Keeshi to resolve the situation, and then used the flip and other evidence we'll have gathered by then to go after Excal if your case were still supported after the resolution of the Tom/Keeshi mess.

This seems like a good stopping point as I've almost caught up, and I don't want to type up tl;dr posts.

Things I found generally of note:
-Alex seems to think Excal less rather than more suspicious based on Tom's posts. Huh.
-Ryogo's latest posts have been 'headache/booze/whatever excuse' and apologies for not doing more, as well as such contradictions as 'I don't know what to think anymore' and 'my logic was spot on'.
-Alex seems to be mischaracterizing Tom's behavior as pushing for an Excal lynch, when it reads more that he was joining a bandwagon.

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