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Messages - Tanaka

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Forum Games / Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« on: March 04, 2010, 12:06:32 AM »
If I read that way, I apologize, but it's in my nature to be Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school, not taking mafia super seriously is how I hold onto what little sanity I have.

Anyways, Over 9000, if you think those players are scummy, shouldn't you at least vote for them for pressure/prod for further comments so you can learn more about them?  I've already pretty much answered your lurker prod, your declaration of who you think is scummy while just leaving your vote on someone who is no longer inactive, who you also neglect to comment on in any way is just not helping you at all.

I would still be asking this question even if the vote was on someone else who was lurking previously btw.

Forum Games / Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« on: March 03, 2010, 10:58:10 PM »
I find it strange how Milhouse is so persistent in accusing me of hopping on an easy case when he specifically stated in the post where he first raised that suspicion that he himself did not see any other cases besides over 9000 worth pursuing at that time.  There isn't much I can say when my ability to post comes at a time when the good cases have already been made, are you seriously going to tunnel on me when others could just as easily be accused of the same thing?

Not happy with the Russians behavior, and will be keeping my vote there for now, even though over 9000 somehow manages to look worse every time I read over them.

I'm not happy with the breakers dismissal of Over 9000's posts as bad play, it kind of strikes me as going into WIFOM on whether or not he's really scum, if he's playing bad and not helping town, there is no reason not to have him as a lynch target unless he is confirmed town, which is pretty much lol on day 1.  Everyone else hasn't really struck any nerves with me so far, though I'm rather curious as to what Milhouse will say in regards to the Huge Box's recent post.

Over 9000's recent post doesn't really change anything for me, seems rather overly reporter style and is just eh.

Still entirely content with sitting on the Russian, hasn't really said anything of worth other then "look at me I did that to start discussion!!" and still pretty much looks the worse to me, though over 9000 is not far behind.  If anyone needs me I'll be drinking some orange juice out of a champagne glass.

Forum Games / Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« on: March 03, 2010, 03:34:59 AM »
Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I turned out this way.

Anyways, this is mod approved I was just posing as boxxy initially because I thought it would be more fun to surprise people with the initial bel air, avatar is now changed to reflect this.

There seems to be a couple of guys, who are up to no good, starting to make trouble in our neighborhood.  I don't like the soviets post at all.  It's been said, but I feel the need to reiterate it, not lynching deprives us of information.  Also has been said, the mod told us not to assume anything about the roles, and when we signed up even though this is a role madness game, we were told that not all roles would be inherently useful.  Refusing to lynch deprives the people who may potentially have no real use to their role of their only power.  Sure it may give individuals information, but what of the next day, how do the individuals distribute this to the collective without giving away their powers and making themselves vulnerable, whilst meanwhile scum would be able to share any info they receive AND kill on of us.  I can in no way see how this stance would be beneficial to town, and am very curious as to whether still stick by that stance.

I find Yo Dawgs copy pasta off of himself strange, and generally want to here more from him as that stunt is not sitting well with me at the moment.

Over 9000 strikes me as trying really hard to make himself look decent without actually attempting to make a legitimate case, I would like to see him do more then just defend himself and attack lurkers.  Though right now the Soviets just do not sit well with me at all, and I'm not so willing to go "it's so bad him can't be scum," since that is a rather lackluster thing to assume.

##Unvote: Over 9000
##Vote: In Soviet Russia

Ninjad by 2g1c, not much new to say

Forum Games / Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« on: March 01, 2010, 10:42:19 PM »
HaI gAIs!!11  HOw R u?  iM lIKe sOoOoOo ExITEd tO PlAy DIs gAMe wiT u ALL <(^.^)>.  I MEen, wHO WoULdNt WAnT TO pLAy wIt SUch cuTE KITtenS LiKe m(>'.'<)m.  OooHH111one!!1shift!!1 wE HAvE AN XBOX heRe TOo? i LUV XbOXs, Teh gAMes R SO muCH fUN TeE hEe ^_^.  SoO N E WaYZ, I dUN UssUALY TAlk lIkE DiS, IT LiKe ONly HAppENS WHeN Im EXiTED LiEK, SO GiV mE A SeC tO CAlm doWN.  So liek I also liek cake and stuff, but peanuts are way better and like, seriously.  Theres like, also alot of beetles heer or sumthing.  So anywayz I dun think I trust the guy who constantly reads peoples status, since liek he was bad in one of the erlier games liek.

##Vote: Over 9000

So n e wayz, I liek wunt to thank all the cool people who remixed alot of my videos so dat I culd be popular enuf to play dis game.  It was so cool how he remixed alot of teh stuff! <3<3<3<3 I giv u my LOOOOOOOOOOOVE cool dude ^_^.  So liek at dis point sum of u might think I'm trolling, but I assure u I is not trolling I am Boxxy you see:

So n e wayz, I hop u guyz will b nice to me, cuz like last tim I talked wit people on teh net, some peoples started to stalk me, and liek my mom got scared, and said, ""You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought, "Nah, forget it. Yo, holmes to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabbie, "Yo homes smell ya later!" Looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of

(This was totally mod approved, avatar will change to express the correct Meme in a few hours)

Forum Games / Re: Internet Meme Anonymafia Signups!
« on: February 28, 2010, 10:46:36 PM »
Hi!! My nAmE iZ BoXXy, and LIEK, iM PoAStInG to ConFIRm oR sUMthINg, WIT LOOOOOOOOOOVE <3<3<3.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Six]
« on: February 27, 2010, 02:35:31 AM »
Quote from: Everyone
Too much singing

to all this noise Noise NOISE i have but one pure, shining, unadulterated truth that will sweep you all away.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Six]
« on: February 26, 2010, 10:54:07 PM »
have -you- ever heard of a hero who knew when to shut up? other than batman.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Six]
« on: February 26, 2010, 10:49:28 PM »
* Hiro Protagonist sighs heavily.

it's called -backup file-. ever heard of one? geez, be glad i kept a copy for you, too.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Six]
« on: February 26, 2010, 10:45:01 PM »
woo! finally logged back in, and i figured out wh-

oh, wait, you guys handled it.


well, i can tell you that dividing by zero is a bad idea, boys and girls! don't do it!

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« on: February 22, 2010, 01:43:17 PM »



(poorwallsoftext ;_;)



good luck town~! rah rah rah!

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Night Two]
« on: February 19, 2010, 01:00:31 AM »
I see our friend Axel likes to sing songs at night.  Well, not only am I a famed Federation captain, but in my off-duty time, I'm also a famed singer.  Here's a personal favorite I rescued from antiquity and made a Federation chart topper.  All of you historical folk may know it as Space Oddity.

Ground control to Captain Kirk
Ground control to Captain Kirk
Take your phaser and put it now on stun
(Ten) Ground control (Nine) to Captain Kirk (Eight)
(Seven, six) Commencing countdown (Five), engines on (Four)
(Three, two) Go to warp (One) and may gods (Blastoff) love be with you

This is ground control to Captain Kirk, you've really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Now it's time to hunt the Klingons if you dare

This is Captain Kirk to ground control, I'm boldly going out
And fighting to end the Klingon's sway.
And the stars make me look awesome today
Here am I pilotin'  my starship far above the world
The scum team is through, and there's nothing they can do

Though I'm past one hundred thousand posts, I'm feeling very still
And I think the Enterprise knows which way to go
Tell my team I love 'em very much, they know
Ground control to Captain Kirk, your circuits dead, there's something wrong
Can you hear me, Captain Kirk?
Can you hear me, Captain Kirk?
Can you hear me, Captain Kirk?
Can you...
Here am I sitting in my star ship far above the Moon
The scum team is through and there's nothing they can do

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 18, 2010, 10:50:12 PM »
...yeah. alright then, i've gotta go, will drop the hammer.

apologies, CP, but it's about time you logged out.

##UNVOTE: Batmanuel
##VOTE: Captain Planet


Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 18, 2010, 10:44:01 PM »
except trying to predict what scum does is stupid, since now they can kill somebody else tonight, Almaz, and that leaves CP... to get killed by us tomorrow because he's obviously scum. no. no no no.

...okay. fuck. i need to get going soon. should i be the hammer, then? anyone else have anything more to say?

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 18, 2010, 10:20:57 PM »
okay. in no form, presuming false claim, does this clear Batmanuel, but it does not implicate him either - he could be scum a partner is trying to cover, or town that's been chosen by scum so if Batty's lynched and flips town we think he's telling the truth. so lynching Batmanuel cannot in any way resolve this scenario.

considering a vote switch to CP. i do not buy the claim due to the "vanilla townie" comment, and i cannot but believe that if he is town cop that he would make sure to say simply "townie". don't know how a slip of "vanilla townie" would even come out if he is town, this doesn't seem like the sort of thing that would be said.

i have 30 minutes before i need to depart, so there is time to finish thinking this through. i will be present and checking for any more commentary.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 18, 2010, 10:10:24 PM »
i am here, and have but one question, though i suppose it's open season and more than CP really should chime in on this:

he came back "vanilla townie"? claim to have gotten role as well as alignment?

considering vote switch, though right now i'm in about 90% disbelief and don't know how to approach this. on the one hand, lynching cop claim. not something i like. on the other hand, my capability to believe you got role and alignment is really really negative right now, and to think that's just a slip of the tongue... yarghlearghlerg3jrgt12gtfqw3retfgqe...2134r2we3rwqefc. moment, thinking.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 18, 2010, 07:17:59 PM »
augh. reality intrudes, will be gone from metaverse until right near the deadline. all i have new to say on a brief skim of topic is that Batmanuel still looks worse to me than CP, if not by much; the explanation helps a bit, but... one would think noting the results of any vote pattern you saw at beginning of D2 (if not earlier, but) would be of import. as a result i'm not really soothed by that, especially since the posts seem to be a flipflop affair of relevancies.

vote stands.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 18, 2010, 12:24:55 PM »
half-present, dealing with multiple different issues/ironing clothes for interview tomorrow, have read roleclaim, willing to accept as i have far less beef with Flay. as Flay himself put it, once he "got on the ball" i stopped choking when looking at his posts. much the same with Hazel, actually. fun how that works, ne?

##UNVOTE: Tick
##VOTE: Batmanuel

reason: end day 1/beginning day 2 floppery + generally does not read too well > generally does not read too well. kinda winding down for an early night so i can be here on time for the hour o' judgment as sold by KFC. Flay... hits on a variant of the only way i could see scum Middleman; if Batty and CP flip as rogue corp agents, that would make a decent bit o' sense. (scum Middleman would require a few different elements, most of which Flay's analysis directly addresses, the rest being implied). however that's a bridge we'll frag into data once we get there.

unofficial vote count (note I kept track of the order people voted for, so the last person in each list is who they currently have their vote on).

Gordon voting: Hazel Planet
Comedian voting: Batmanuel
Hazel voting: Almaz Gordon
Batmanuel voting: Gordon
Axel voting: Middleman Almaz Tick Planet
Middleman voting: Tick Kirk Tick
Kirk voting: Batmanuel
Hiro voting: Almaz Tick Batmanuel
Tick voting: Hiro Comedian Planet
Almaz voting: Gordon
Smax voting: Planet Tick Batmanuel
Hilda voting: Almaz Planet
Planet voting: Tick
Flay voting: Middleman Batmanuel

Planet: IV
Batmanuel: V
Gordon: III
Tick: II

8 to lynch.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 18, 2010, 02:36:41 AM »
Smax: ya-huh, lemme check those.

re: Comedian: definitely under the radar, but... mmm. D1 analysis i agree he surfed very heavily below attention, today... he's more talkative and you're right, he does seem to be the first to call out Batmandu(de). give me more time, wanna look over the arguments/timings in more detail here.

Batmandu(de): ...yeah, Smax, that definitely seems to be a blatant switchup between final day 1 post and start day 2 post. seems really really bizarre, and a good catch. would support Batmandu lynch if we can't, i don't know, set Tick on fire or convince him Arthur's in trouble down a bottomless well or something. mayhaps we should tell him his spoon's down there?

Kirk post, mmm. need coffee, back later, but i'm not convinced on calling Comedian's first D2 post meaningless.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 17, 2010, 10:37:57 PM »
augh, IE ate post. in short pleased with Hazel/Hilda contributions, Hazel's noticed something that I wanted independent backup on (the Middleman/prinny/lack of third train option pushed) and Smax also caught this.

this being said, re: Hilda/others, not totally impressed with the charge against Almaz. issue with using the prinny post against him? it is very easy for town to be very bloody nervous at end of day about who they should be aiming on - i have no hesitation admitting i was freaked as fuck and the only reason i stuck to prinny was the Middleman argument reread gave me bad vibes. there are a few other points i can be sympathetic to, but that one strikes me a bit off.

i suppose the more summarily thing to say would be "you weren't there, please do not knock too highly the hesitations of those that were".

i'll keep an eye on that case for now.

Middleman: thanks for covering the size/content ratio in far more detail than i did, and that helps shore up the case.

Axel: my book goes into a forty-page diversion of sumerian mythology and language. you get what you invited. Y.T. might have been less long-winded, tho.

in final, i wish i had a second vote to punch CP with.

back in a few hours, going through wakeup rituals.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 17, 2010, 04:22:36 PM »
Flay: ah-ha. thanks for catching that for me. you are correct, his vote for captain planet was during the jokevote phase, but he attempted to justify it during that "looked kinda off" post. so he voted for CP as a jokevote but then decided to keep it on there when jokevote phase ended? that... completely fails to countermand any of the rest of the argument. thanks for catching my mistake there, regardless.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 17, 2010, 03:18:59 PM »
...why do i let myself respond to this sort of thing? oh, right, easily baited into replies when i notice something interesting. wasn't an argument, but you voted for him because of it. what? flay was on prinny before you, and as i said, there was no reason to believe that case would carry momentum - not when multiple other cases were ongoing at the time. we're lucky it did. but the fact that you chose to place your vote there instead of anywhere else nine hours to deadline arouses my suspicion - it's only that we know he was scum that stops me from considering it a flat-out scum tell.

and congrats on lacking walls of text! dissecting arguments requires those sometimes (shock. awe. horror.), and i'd consider walls of text superior over mudslinging, refusing to provide any explanation for the mudslinging, and now what seems like hopping off at pressure while attempting to handwave earlier behavior that wasn't in the jokevote period.

vote stands.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 17, 2010, 02:58:54 PM »
Gordon: coming to your defense? i pursued Almaz's argument because i didn't like it - neither his nor Saber's at the time sat well with me. the argument could have been on anyone. don't care, won't care in the future when i aim to dissect other arguments. the argument itself was what i had the issue with, as finding faulty argument are one way to track down scum, and until Almaz's last posts i was not content with the content of his arguments, thus i was not content with him, thus i voted him. clear?

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 17, 2010, 02:10:13 PM »
... those posts, entirely too long. it seems i have the heroic prediliction of enjoying the sight of my own bloody words. will commit to brevity when i do reply to people next. i'm WoT'ing and that's a habit that annoys me, even if it's in the effort to clearly communicate data.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 17, 2010, 02:06:22 PM »
##VOTE: Tick

and now to do something, that, in retrospect, i should have done a while back, but now i just get to make it look like omgus. what fun, you know?

this has two things. something that appears mudslingy on CP ("You look kinda off." as the main justification? really?) and saying Hazel made sense. it took pressure by Smax to refine this any further, to...

this. which, okay, this explains some... except. except you claim that he's using another's arguments as opportunism. he/Saber were the only two that voted Kirk there, and Saber's vote was over being confused at Kirk's attack on Batmanuel (all roads lead to Batmanuel, it seems?) comparing the two of them's arguments...

Cap'n Crunchplanet seems to me the two arguments are completely different: Saber calls Kirk out due to her incredulity that they failed to recognize Batmanuel's first post as a jokepost. Captain Planet breaks down Kirk's first argument there some more and calls it into question. iow there was no opportunism present, CP was presenting a new argument (whether or not it holds water is a story to return to later, i suspect)

this is the swap to Prinny. about the one post that felt productive, here. and imagine that, it was the last post of the day. mmm. at that time prinny only had two votes, yours the second, and there were only nine hours and change left. wonder if you never thought the train would actually take off? had no reason to suspect it, at least not at that point, but for now this is still a mark in your favor.

this is the first post targeting me, in which you mudsling - yes, it's mudslinging, as you blatantly refuse to provide any examples, proof, -links-, anything, to even remotely justify these claims. "suspicious interactions with prinny"? that reads straight as mudslinging, 'm afraid. "bogus list"? no explanation. "fluff"? what gorramm fluff? you mean like your little RP tossouts? yes, i do the same. as much a scumtell for me as it is for you, dude. "dubious voting record"? what, that i had my vote on Saber at one point? that i chose to denote my willingness to vote Middleman in an unorthodox way?

url and here you say there's commentary about Hazel that looks suspicious. but... don't provide sources, references or -links-

and really, i hammer the link part home, because one would think you'd think of providing links to what you consider suspicious instead of quoting "out of context" if you, you know, actually bothered to read my posts and notice that oh, hey, links are bloody useful things!

tl;dr: mudslinging, epically contentless, his argument on CP is nonsensical after review, his argument on me is entirely smear campaign, i don't get his fascination with the rabbit, but this reads entirely like scum attempting to coast by tossing out one or two lines and then disappearing again. i am ashamed that it took Tick mudslinging at me to make me wipe off the interface and see precisely what he'd been doing but there you go, i'm hardly perfect at this vigilance thing.

in his favor he was second on the prinny train but i personally consider that a null tell at this point (others might disagree, thus why i add it here) - little reason to believe at the time that the train would take off with Middleman around, though i'm glad it did as it took down scum.

others, thoughts on this case? i'll return the courtesy in the morning, i really don't have much more to say on Tick - Almaz's case had multiple possible end interps, some of which i would have been hammering down on him for, but he has resolved my issues to my satisfaction. Tick has simply attempted slander on both CP and me at this point, and i can't be bothered to reply seriously to any attempts he may make to try and add substance to this.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 17, 2010, 02:01:27 PM »
will keep this brief, somewhat short, handle this with as much succinctness as can be mustered, but appreciate your reply, Almaz. if you have any questions as to which part i meant to reply to which, poke me and i'll clarify.

first: (reply to first post)

two elements. one, my reading in the end simply tells me that Gordon was holding back on Batmanuel due to uncertainty, which was present in both those first two posts. secondly, this is part of why i did the un/vote gimmick - to demonstrate willingness to vote on Middleman. no such gimmick or even no real clue was present for your statement. this being said you've cleared this up some, appreciated.

second: (reply to first half of second post)

okay. this simply at this point looks like two different readings. my general interp was that he was simply not sure on Batmanuel and making a note of that, but other people became more suspicious to him later in the day and so he shelved that uncertainty. this being said i think i see where you come from on this. your comment/clarification on your Middleman call out is appreciated, though i would not have read in "there are already enough votes on Middleman" from the context there.

i can't really argue your unwillingness to move your vote, as even though i had mine on the prinny, in those last fifteen minutes i am decently sure my stomach was doing cartwheels, worried that not only Middleman was town and in danger, but that prinny might also be town. fortunately i do not listen to my gut! but that was incredibly nervewracking and, while i can't see the way in which prinny bandwagon hopped as bad town play (it just seemed bad play period, town or scum, but)... ymmv and all that.

third: (second half of your second post)

really most of this is fairly sensical. regarding the -- taking Gordon outta context line, i was referring to the Gordon thoughts on Batmanuel lines. you've cleared this up - while i don't agree with your points i now think i understand how they would be made, and this is greatly appreciated.

finally, yes you did use the CP train, if only in passing, during this post, where you held the existence of the CP train against him regarding his own comments on trains. this being said.

##UNVOTE: Almaz

at this point, i think i get your arguments, even with my disagreement (Gordon's actions toward Batmanuel don't really seem bad to me), and am willing to chalk this up to differing opinions. your assistance is much appreciated.

ninjacomment: i think "hysterics" as a term is getting tossed around too easily at this point, Captain Lays? it's been tossed around D1, being tossed around now, and it does seem to be Almaz' style more than actual hysterics.

vote in next post.

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