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Messages - Carthrat

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Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 30, 2008, 01:06:55 AM »
I don't really know how much stock I want to put into role theories (there's a lot of possibilities, especially in a game like this, etc. etc.). But I'm not opposed to a lynch of Smodge *or* Tonfa. From my perspective, it really comes down to what you and Tai are going to do, 'cos your votes would be required to lynch majority.

I'm willing to wait to see if Tai has a decision by the deadline. If he doesn't come to one and you're sold on Smodge, I'll likely change.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 29, 2008, 09:59:08 PM »
I can get behind going after Tonfa, like I said, and I'm aware I'll be someone who has to vote for him. We've got about seven hours until deadline? I'm gonna toss my vote over. Shale's got misgivings over lynching a bomb- we *all* do- and my position is still malleable, but there's not that long to go and I don't actually know when other people are going to be around to discuss things.

I will probably be here around deadline time- if we want to discuss things more we should be able to in the interim.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Tonfa

Forum Games / Re: Pretty Princess Mafia - Day 2 (Rat dies. ;_;)
« on: January 29, 2008, 01:58:20 AM »
Eh, I've won, so I don't care so much about getting killed. I'll be forthright and say that I want to win twice, though.

If you don't take me up on my offer I've really got nothing else to add, and I'll just laugh and laugh and laugh as you all kill each other overnight.

Forum Games / Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« on: January 29, 2008, 12:58:14 AM »
Yak has a point. It's also not like we absolutely must run every game on that list by a certain point or anything.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 29, 2008, 12:41:04 AM »
Tai, when did you get this message? With regards to your post, well. It hasn't really helped me decide on who we want to vote for right now, which is our problem. We've asked a couple times already if people think they can shed light on what's been going on and nobody has stepped forward, and that's the only thing I think would really help us along the 'who's killed who' front.


I dunno what to make of Shale's role theory. I guess it's *possible* something like that exists but it seems unlikely. When it comes to bizzare roles it's very difficult to speculate. But I'll second his question to Tonfa (why vote Excal and not Smodge?)


Smodge and Excal both voted for Tonfa. He's one of my candidates too, although so are both of them.

If we go for the Tonfa lynch we have to be careful. Since he's claiming roulette bomb we should try to minimize the chance of him hitting a townie. This means I think everyone can agree Gate and Tai are off the cards for being on the votetrain there (as he already suggested, I think?)


I think that at this point it's really going to be up to those who haven't voted- i.e. Tai+Shale. Tai in *particular*. I am still leaning towards Smodge, mainly because of wariness of Tonfa's bombclaim, and because it will likely show if he and Excal are actually working together or not. But I wouldn't be objecting at all to the lynch of Tonfa if he hadn't claimed.

Forum Games / Re: Pretty Princess Mafia - Day 2 (Rat dies. ;_;)
« on: January 28, 2008, 11:15:52 PM »
Tai said I could.

Forum Games / Re: Pretty Princess Mafia - Day 2 (Rat dies. ;_;)
« on: January 28, 2008, 11:11:48 PM »
Requesting modkill on Shale for not playing to win.

Forum Games / Re: Pretty Princess Mafia - Day 2 (Rat dies. ;_;)
« on: January 28, 2008, 11:06:27 PM »
You care about another SK getting lynched so they can't kill you at night, but there's more in play than just SK's, and if you don't have this information your chances of victory drop sharply.

Forum Games / Re: Pretty Princess Mafia - Day 2 (Rat dies. ;_;)
« on: January 28, 2008, 10:55:12 PM »
I can't vote. If I tried to vote, it just wouldn't register or I'd get modkilled or something.

You're ALL my killer, so I don't really care what happens if you suffer, you jealous, angry bitches. My fairy told me lots and lots of things~

If you all vote for me that means you're not killing each other during the day, which means more SK randomness between the lot of you, which means you all have less chance of winning unless you recommend me and I tell you what I know and how to actually get out this game on top.

Shale, you aren't still playing the game if you just try to kill me for trolling when there isn't any gain~

Forum Games / Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« on: January 28, 2008, 02:31:22 PM »
Can the people holding signups at the moment make it clear *here* when they intend to run games? I do this because I don't want to participate in more than two games at a time (and don't really want to play in two LARGE games at once).

Forum Games / Re: (World of) Warcraft Mafia, early sign-ups
« on: January 28, 2008, 02:22:47 PM »

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 28, 2008, 01:49:13 PM »
I've been suspicious of you for a while now and I still think it's plausible that you and Excal are working together. I think it's pretty ridiculous to call it OMGUS when I've hardly been shy about my concerns.

You weren't assuming we lynch Tonfa? I.. see. The way I read it, I thought you were saying 'we lynch him, he flips townie'. I dunno, then. The 'If Tonfa is lying' worst case scenarios don't really seem to deal with him, in that the events you describe come about regardless of if he's lying or not and we lynch a regular townie.

I still don't understand your logic on the no-kill thing. If nobody gets attacked, how are they supposed to fakeclaim bodyguard or something like that? I think it's rapidly becoming a moot point, though. I do agree that it's seriously unlikely Gate would lie about protecting Tai if something else was actually responsible (it'd be way too easy to get outed.)

You talk about how you know you're town a fair bit, as if to emphasize the perspective you're arguing from. It's a meaningless statement (nobody is going to say they're not town).


Let's see. Tai's clear because of supercop. Gate remains mostly clear by virtue of being the only claimed Defender of Tai(tm). Tai hinted that something else may be responsible; if he thinks Gate is scummy he needs to say so for me to rethink things. That leaves Shale, you, Excal, and Tonfa as suspects.

I admit that I'm scared of Tonfa actually being a bomb combined with pseudo-LYLO. I said before that bomb is an effective lie for a scum under pressure and that still holds true. If it was plain LYLO I would be more likely to vote for him.

Shale has vanished for most of the day, it looks like. His previous posts mostly strike me as on the level... even if they are a bit short. They're not actually devoid of content or thoughts in general; he has definately gone back to look at people (particulary around those copclaims on day 5). It seems like he's constantly going back and checking things before he posts. I really haven't had a problem with him.

Excal himself I think is suffering somewhat from the sins of Andrew but I can't really just excuse them at this point; with that said he doesn't look as bad as you at present, and Excal himself has generally been pretty good; I appreciate he had to take some time to catch up, so I may be being a little lenient.

I've been over why I think you and Excal might be scum or working together somehow before; between you and Excal, I currently find you a more likely scum due to the general problems you seem to have with posting; I really can't tell half the time what you're trying to say or what the logic you're using is supposed to be getting at, and it seems like it could be a smokescreen to me. You've done a lot more weird speculating than Excal this thread and I can't tell if it's a smokescreen or not. You also never replied to this post- from Shale, and I feel that you should.

The three of you (Excal, Smodge, Tonfa) also have problematic claims which obscure the whole situation and naturally make it hard to be decisive. If I wasn't voting for you, I'd be voting for one of them, so... I don't really see a reason to unvote.


An extension seems like a decent idea, since Shale said he was gonna be away for most of it. I'll second Tai's request.

##Extension: Kilgamayan

Forum Games / Re: Pretty Princess Mafia - Day 2 (Rat dies. ;_;)
« on: January 28, 2008, 11:15:08 AM »
What, I stunned you all into submission?

No, carry on! Proceed with your wacky hyjinx, team SK!

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 28, 2008, 10:42:53 AM »
Why would scum no-kill that night as preparation for a bodyguard claim? That doesn't make any sense at all. How does that even tie together?

Remember that Tai DID say he was attacked then. SOMEONE was responsible for that. Alex died as well, but I don't really think scum would kill one of their own, so who the hell attacked Tai if scum didn't?

Bizzare cop results and getting trumped by a supposed miller who looks pretty dodgy himself, totally nonsensical 'Smodge Logic' that you somehow expect *us* to have to sit down and solve for you. I mean, look at this:

Quote from: Smodge
Hypothetically Tonfa Lying worst case scenario
Lynch Townie, 2 Town members die overnight, 4 left Alive, therefore 2 Non-Town Exist Both MUST be on different sides, otherwise it is Fixed Lylo

Tonfa Lying Better scenario.
Lynch Townie, 1 Town dies overnight, 1 3rd party OR scum dies with them, 4 left alive, 1 scum amongst them, not in Lylo

We're *lynching Tonfa* in this speculation, right? You've declared him as town in the better-case scenario that assumes he's lying! HE WOULD BE SCUM IN THE BEST-CASE SCENARIO OF HIS LYNCH. WHY would you expect him to be town AND lying here? We were not amused when Tom did this at the very start of the game and I strongly doubt any townie would be stupid enough to throw this kind of fakeclaim out at this point; yes, a bomb role DOES have more excuse than most, but *not about claiming bomb*. This is the most telling thing I've found and I frankly think the only explanation I've got is that you *know* he's town because *you* are scum.

The nonsensical things don't stop coming out of you. I suspect you and Excal could be a team due to the coordination necessary to pull off a fake cop investigation on him that clears him as miller (a necessary ploy if you are trying to fake naive cop), and am speculating that your flip has the potential to damn or clear Excal and possibly clear Tonfa. I think it's about time I laid a vote on you and you try to explain yourself, particularly for the above.

Your shoddy posting throughout the game has been talked about before and I think everyone knows the score there. Furthermore, you're basically saying 'let's lynch rat or shale' without really presenting any case against of us or our posting. It frankly seems you're trying to leave it up to town to decide between two choices, both of which are likely wrong.

##Vote: Smodge

Deadline fast approaches; we've got less than a day left. Come on, people.

Forum Games / Re: Pretty Princess Mafia - Day 2 (Rat dies. ;_;)
« on: January 28, 2008, 03:53:26 AM »
Except I've already won. I don't even need to post.

I know you're all psycho killers, don't bother trying to hide it.

I can't vote. But I can recommend. And I *could* spill a lot of stuff and make it known exactly how any one of you could win.

But I'm an ass, so I won't. By the way, I've already won, but I'm also a bomb, so voting me out is a hilarious idea, please do it. HOWEVER if you all recommend me I'll consider spilling everything. I've already won, but hey, if I win twice it'll be even more hilarious.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 28, 2008, 12:52:44 AM »
Excal: I was kinda serious, I was hoping you could shed some light on why. After all, you have the complete details of your role and more time to think about it. I don't really know how replacements work; for all I know, Andrew might've talked to you about his strategy.

Since Tai's hinted his protection may not have come from Gate or Yak, it's now harder for me to believe that Yak flipped roles- although it's not impossible (I still don't get why he'd copclaim as SK at all.)

While I was left confused by my own speculation on roles earlier, Kilga confirmed that Cid would have flipped as Godfather; therefore assuming Smodge is town, he must be a naive cop that is fooled by a miller.

Smodge: I believe Tai has already said he was attacked on night 3. Don't know why you think scum would pull some no-kill gambit here. Faking naive cop is terribly, terribly easy, even breadcrumbing it from day 2 and not believing other cops; you get a lot of justification out of this. Being naive cop is not really a tell in either direction as far as I'm concerned (it's your scum thing on Excal that's really bizzare, but there's only two possibilities as far as I can see; either you're naive trumped by miller, or you and he are scum together.)

Gate: I kind of agree that if one of Smodge or Excal is antitown (re: scum), it's likely the other one is too; I hesitate to make a firm judgement on that. But if Smodge is lying about his coppery, then if he's not aligned with Excal he was taking a big gamble with the investigation results here; coordination seems more likely. Dunno how much I buy the idea of them both being a third party as opposed to scum, but this is just quibbling over semantics. Nontown, bad, etc.

Mass roleclaim. I'm... against this if it was just me who decides, but it's possible that Tai could change my mind.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 27, 2008, 12:43:40 PM »
Or, no, *Gate* protected Tai on night 3 and *Yak* protected Tai night 4. Right. >_<

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 27, 2008, 12:37:55 PM »
And... gah, I see. Yakko protected Tai on night *3* and *that's* where the unaccounted-for protection is, where as Gate protection Tai on night *4*. It was on night 4 that Yakko supposedly investigated Cid. Right.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 27, 2008, 11:22:02 AM »
Only wait that can't be right at all because Cid flipped *scum* to Flandre, so either he can't be godfather or Flandre was a paranoid schizo doc-cop who flips to SK, and if it's the former then smodge is... naive, except trumped by miller?

Which means I'm back to looking at Tonfa, as it's the more obvious solution. Christ.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 27, 2008, 11:13:36 AM »
Smodge got you as scum. Let's say he's a legit cop (he certainly can't be naive). We need to explain how he got town results for Cid and Yakko. I think I can account for both of these. Remember that if he's scum, all of this is moot.

1) Cid was a godfather of a different name; regardless, he appears as townie to cop investigations.
2) Yakko was not, in fact, an SK all the time! He was EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID HE WAS and flipped to SK after that day. Why does this seem possible?

Night 4, three people were attacked. One was Tai, who survived, and the other two were Ciato and OK, who did not. How did Tai survive? Yakko claimed to have protected him that night... I think I believe him. He ALSO accurately outed two scum as a schizo Paladin. Remi dies, he flips to SK. Where do all these kills come from? I don't know who targeted who, but I can at least spell out what might be the source-

1) Regular scum NK.
2) Potentially, the vengeful thug- gets extra NKs after they die? Seems possible via the rolename.
3) A Mystery Killer who may still be at large.

Night 5 we have three kills *again*. Who are they?

1) Regular scum NK.
2) Serial Killer Flandre.
3) Either our Mystery Killer, or the vengeful thug strikes again!

It's difficult to account for the mystery kill on either day, and I am inferring what Alex's role did from the name (as others have done.) However, I think it's a pretty good guess. Why don't I think Yakumo was an SK beforehand? It just... doesn't add up; where were his kills from day 1, and where are all these other kills coming from? *Why would he claim cop* if he was an SK all the time? Either he outs scum and they kill him, or he says a bunch of people are town (and that's not really much evidence towards being a cop without seeing flips), or he gets it wrong and scum lynch him for lying/he's branded paranoid/naive/whatever, those aren't good things to be and the probability of getting lynched goes up. For someone who needs to win alone, their survival chances drop pretty sharply with a copclaim like that no matter what their faked results are.

This role is fucked up if what I'm saying is right (docop flipping to SK? *HUH*?) but I.. don't know what else actually fits. Could be wrong about vengeful thug, which means we have a mystery killer and Yakumo as SK killing people on night 4... but then how did yak expect to claim he'd protected Tai and then survive to endgame when something else was responsible?

So, yeah. Seems most likely to me that Flandre was a conditional SK (I figure on Remi's death, I guess, though I can't be that sure.) And back to my original point- if this is true, then Smodge's investigation was accurate when it was done. And I think it's really likely to be true, too.

I'd think lynching Excal would be our best bet at the moment for the information on Smodge's legitimacy alone... except Kilga doesn't necessarily flip miller status on death (after all, if Cid was godfather, that status wasn't flipped.), and we have this pseudo-lylo thing hanging over our heads. If Tonfa isn't lying about being a bomb, the possibility might stem from lynching him, but we still do have NKs out there we can't account for and may still be around.


Smodge's post: Insane supercop is something I obviously can't buy. Naive cop who read scum out of millers anyway is possible. SCUM is possible, I wouldn't put it past you to just forget Excal said he was immune and come up with a result, but he did all but ask for you to investigate him... so I'm probably going to let you off the hook today.


I gotta check Excal/Andrew's posts. But under this light I think he looks awful; for instance, I remember Andrew not declaring night-action immunity until day 3. This seems like a pretty sucky thing to do given that he was actively cultivating attention during day 2 and sucked in two town actions which may have been better used elsewhere (OK watcher and Nitori (weird)doc, respectively) which gave him legitimacy on the 100% night-action immunity thing; did *anyone else* use night actions of any kind on him after that?

IN FACT, I can think of *no reason* not to publicize that to town, not after you've already spoken about a daykill! I... would like to hear Excal explain why Andrew did not declare this before I continue along this line of reasoning.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 27, 2008, 09:45:31 AM »
Smodge, I no longer have any clue what to make of your results. I'm seriously tempted to just call them all bullshit and vote for you, but Excal presumably has something to say here.

Excal, you hinted that something like this may have happened tonight yesterday, and today is the time to reveal what's going on. I distinctly recall you saying that you were immune to all night actions, but you've talked about a mysterious drawback forever. Some explanation is demanded- if we have to play twenty questions or if you have to jump through hoops to get the point across, so be it.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 27, 2008, 08:10:35 AM »
Reply to Tonfa first.

3. Okay. NOW I AM GETTING TOLD SCUM AT FOR TAKING DIFFERENT POSSIBILITIES INTO ACCOUNT IN THIS GAME? WHAT THE HELL. Ahem. I'm tempted to get more venomous but that would do no good to anybody.
Thing is, this tends to lead quickly to WIFOM land. Heaps and heaps and heaps of combinations of roles are possible, and I just don't think what you had here was probable speculation at the time. It's not much, no, but...

And this is the reason why I would have done a spit-take had I been drinking something when checking this morning. By scum. Isn't that an awfully convenient light to present me in. I know you like your case but WHAT THE HELL. Are you seriously that hell bent on seeing me dead? (Actually...Lyncher? Is that you, Yukari-sama?) Definitely taking another closer look at Hal, this kind of determination goes beyond healthy.

This is getting OMGUS-like. I appreciate Hal should've cleared up some stuff, like what questions he'd asked- and his response post had some stupid flaws in it as well (pointing out that there's prejudice against the person he's trying to get lynched, I mean... *duh*?)

But he flipped town, and I don't think you can deny that despite the overblowness of some of his arguments, you likewise can't deny that you haven't looked terribly good all game. Yeah you've been busy with stuff and that's made you lurk and other people figure things out faster than you because of that... these kinds of arguments aren't persuasive. The rantish nature of your post is not really cool either. Like he's said- you've looked bad all game, and the other peripheral stuff, like 'scummy defences' and the what I've picked up on are just more and more minor tells that don't help you.

Roulette bomb seems more insane every time I think of it. Usually, if you think a bomb is scum, you can nonetheless take a precaution and force some other person you think looks bad to hammer, thus either double-lynching and getting 1 scum and one town, getting two town (but at least under controlled conditions), lynching scum, or having the one guy refuse to vote and thus making the bomb look better while you lynch the other guy instead. We.. can't really do that with you.


Smodge. His roleclaim is almost meaningless at this point. Don't really know how much I buy it as an attempt to clear Cid given the circumstances (It establishes weirdness is going on with cops, but that means we're going to want to find out what's going on- and the quickest way to do that was to lynch Cid in the end.) Naive seems the obvious solution if he is in fact town.

I believe he does have a track record of saying 'my gut says xyz is town' about his subjects beyond just yesterday. A minor mark in his favour despite the ease with which this can be done. His posting in general is totally riddled with flawed arguments and forgetfulness. Lesse... here's one thing that catches my eye on day 2.

Quote from: Smodge
i want thoughts on myself, i have had a much lower post count yet no one has seriously considered me for anything.

The post he made preceding this one contained...

Quote from: Smodge
Rat wants my thoughts on Strago endtrain.

Here's another thing.

Quote from: Smodge
The attack on Andrew seems almost rediculously weak and i can see it as a possible scum tactic after observing Alex's accusation on myself as the same in Random mafia.

This was on day 2 as well. I can't remember what the status of Random Mafia was at this point in the game, but I do know that Alex was *town* in that game; he may or may not have thought Alex was scum at that point but it's really immaterial; he could't be sure. He *couldn't* draw the conclusion that because Alex was acting that way in one game, the action here was likewise scummy. I think it's possible he may have gotten confused (as, of course, were he scum he'd certainly know Alex was scum in THIS game.)

Throughout the entire game he's also been enamoured with roles in general (marvelling at the power of town, listing what roles we know exist... I don't know if it's an attempt at fishing or not, but I do know that without justification, role speculation is *dangerous* because of how tells and such can be dropped in responses to it- at the least.)


I am curious about Smodge's thoughts on Tonfa and vice versa at the moment. They're my top candidates for lynching. I... really don't know what to make of the number of kills flying around at this point. There are just too many possibilities.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 26, 2008, 03:16:49 AM »
I'm gonna hammer this soon, most likely.

Like I've said, Cid hasn't looked terribly bad to me this game, lurkerness aside (there were worse culprits here, after all). But today is something of an exception. I found his initial response to Yakko indistinct. The fact that he said that Yakko's investigation of a dead person being convenient indeed seems really off, given that Yakko has actually been persistant in his pressure on Cor to this point.

Then it really seemed like he'd given up- as if he didn't expect anything he was going to say would make a difference-

One moment, post in progress. Do give me the dignity of a few final words, no?

Like Otter says, his whole attitude has not been one suited to preserving himself at all. I dunno just how much his flip will clear up with cops as well; I *guess* that if he flipped town we wouldn't be trusting Yakko's and we would be trusting Smodge, though. But given that one could be naive and the other paranoid and any combination therein... eh, occam's razor would dictate that we ignore Yakko's cop finds from then on if this happens.

I would have disagreed with Hal that this case is so clear-cut, but

1) I do think that checking out cops and copclaims is one of the biggest fonts of information we can get.
2) Cid has done a poor job of defending himself.

So. Waiting for a Cid roleclaim at the moment... but I really don't know how much help it will be at this point. I'm hesitant in pushing him for NOT claiming (we have no idea what his role is at the moment) but I do think the obvious time to do so for him is right after he gets copped, and he DID seem to imply (to me, at least) that Yakko was trying to frame him for a reason. Sentence in question didn't seem like flavour at all to me.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 25, 2008, 11:19:21 PM »
Cid's last post...

the only reason I'm taking the time to post right now is because my poor deluded sister's trying to frame me.
You're implying Yak is scum here, i.e. that he's taking a dive to attack you. Now, why would they bother doing this? I'm gonna call for you to roleclaim at this point.

Throughout day 2 he threw out a couple shots at people who were lurking, and then one at Cor, but overall his presence was very low at this time. Day 3 he opened with a pretty hefty post that mainly focused on the QR/Tai thing, but I didn't see anything horrible about it on first glance (yeah, he was pro-lynching QR, but again I don't think that's necessarily a scummy stance to have taken at the time.) Went after Corwin later on day 3 when choosing between Nitori and Cor to lynch. He DID slam Cor day 2 for taking on Andrew for a silly reason.

Did say he highly suspected Andrew on being a third party but would rather 'hunt scum', yes, I think this is somewhat weird behaviour.

And after that, the only post he makes of interest is the list just now. Lesse...

Surprised Yak didn't rate higher on it, given that they both went after Cor 'before it was cool', as they say. Nothing else stands out as too unusual.


Cid doesn't really look that bad to me at a glance. This is mainly looking at his posts stand-alone. In fact, if you'd asked me before the copclaim, I'd probably be more likely to point to Yakko as the more likely scum. His flaw could be a lack of posts, but he's had *some* content, I wouldn't be calling him a lurker (especially not with other more lurkerish lurkers around). Yak HAS repeatedly gone after Cor throughout the game (and said stuff like "I've had a bad feeling about him all game..." so I'm inclined to give his copclaim credibility.

I don't think he's been that close to Cor and Alex in opinion throughout the game, except that he did, like them, seem to think Andrew was sus (for having too much power, mainly.)


Smodge uh do you mean the hammer on Cid or the hammer on Tonfa, although Tonfa hasn't really got *anything* going for him at this point?

Edit: Copclaim. So... you... got four town results on four investigations. One set of investigations obviously can't be trusted, especially focusing on the Cid part. Worth noting that the investigations were on different days. My question to both cops now is: why did you pick the targets you selected, and what do you think of the other cop?

I'm no longer sure I want Cid to roleclaim. However I am curious as to why he didn't do so in his response to Yak. Since he thinks Yak was trying to frame him I assumed there'd be some reason why he believes this.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 25, 2008, 04:01:47 PM »
Hokay. Tonfa's claim doesn't really give him a shred of clearance. If it's TRUE there aren't really ways around it we could hope to rely on, but claiming a bomb variant is just as likely a cheap trick to get people scared. This wouldn't shift my vote in the least...

...but the copclaim has a pretty damned good chance of doing so. It's pretty obvious; if he's lying, we kill him the following day. If he's not, that's one step closer to victory for us! (Again, I think the roleclaim came earlier than it needed to, but... eh, it's a tough call to make at this point of the game.)

Him being paranoid would be what gives us problems, though, but it wouldn't take much of a case on Cid for me to give this a try. He's been really indistinct to me during the game, I know he's posted but I can barely remember a thing he's said.

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