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Messages - Carthrat

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Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 25, 2008, 02:10:05 PM »
I really dislike Smodge's last post.

Firstly, every lynch apart from Cor's so far has been a mislynch, and Cor's was a pretty obvious case to everyone who was there. It seems ultra-dangerous to use 'but he was on a mislynch train!' as your sole criteria at the moment.

Secondly, I HATE GUTCLAIMS. I read your post as basically 'here's a bunch of people I trust for no reason and a couple I don't like, and look! They were on trains!' There are eleven people alive at the moment. Just saying you trust four of them outright seems kind of... dumb, to be honest.

I reiterate, I'm awaiting a real attempt at analysis of, well, anything here. This post, combined with your previous declaration of awayness, would seem to hint that I'm just not going to get it today. Please surprise me. Lists of people seem to be all the rage at the moment, so...

Just saying that you're not good at it is not enough for me.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 25, 2008, 01:22:37 PM »
Went to review Tonfa...

Quote from: Tonfa
Well! Nitori not being scum was :psyduck:y. Though it makes sense, thinking of it. A docbusting kill(which was his actual ability, most likely) wouldn't trigger Andycal immunity based on what is known, after all. This would also clear Corwin as town doc, I think? OR there's the case where Nitori's power was nothing at all, seems less likely, with the Mad Scientist moniker, to me. Want to see Watcher results.

Also, I'm so very glad that at least one of my hunches was correct, that being Alex being awfully scummy. Mm. Now to review day 3 by reading it over, I suppose.

You were *very* quick to confirm Corwin here. It seemed like you forgot that there was indeed a scumkill unaccounted for if this was the case. Cor certainly looked better but there was no way he was out of the running at this stage- and remember that we don't know for sure what Nitori's role actually did (just a fairly well-educated guess, I'll admit.)

That was pretty much your only post of content on day 4, which was admittedly very short. Continuing to look at what few posts you did... like everyone is saying, they're very devoid of content. You also talk about your radar lots, with random statements like this-

Quote from: Tonfa
Gate: ...radar isn't registering anything. This is vaguely worrying.

I picked that one out pretty much at random from his previous posts. You've made Gate an *exception* worth bringing up here, but you're hardly posting at all on anyone else! And again, hardly anything at all on day 3. Here's another thing...

Quote from: Tonfa
On the QR/Tai issue, I'm inclined to say it's a careful scum ploy by QR that backfired. Andrew vote on day 2 after dayvig claim has me the most uneasy of anything either has said during the course of the game here. Makes more sense to me than any possible Tai Xanatos Gambit scenario here. Both of them could be townies, though....mmph.

*At that time*, I feel this was a REALLY unlikely conclusion to hint at. YES, the possibility was there, naive cop, lack of complete role information, buuuut I know that when I was thinking about it, those ideas seemed so very unlikely. Of course, now we know that they both *are* townies (QR via death, Tai via incontrovertible investigation)... well. I think the only people who would have reason to speculate on this were scum. If I remember right, Tai *was* hesitant about lynching QR, which I find odd in retrospect but since he's clear...

Anyway, I think there's more to Tonfa that just lurkering with a glance at these posts; what he has made seems to either be shoving trains in directions they shouldn't go without proper reasoning behind them, or poor attempts at concealing a lack of real deductive thought. I would dearly love for you (and smodge, for that matter) to come out with your prophecized analysis.

In the meantime I think I'm going to follow suit and ##Vote: Tonfa.

Forum Games / Re: V:tM Mafia Signups Thread
« on: January 25, 2008, 05:44:42 AM »
summon is rofl

so much rofl

I'll play.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 24, 2008, 03:35:05 PM »
Yep, that's what I was waiting for. I had no idea if Tai had targeted himself or Corwin or OK or anything with his watcher shot, and I don't.. really need more proof than what he's said. This is gonna clear OK as well, and while I was prepared to talk to Hal about the virtues of someone else who got targeted on day 1 revealing themselves, it seems most likely that this is just a moot point.

##Vote: Corwin

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 24, 2008, 01:45:40 PM »
Quote from: Halbarad
I will not ask for any kind of evidence about whether or not it was blocked or who by, but it does leave the question out there for consideration.

Why not, actually? If someone was attacked on day 1 and somehow survived, I think it would be *good* if they came forward. Otherwise I have to assume that the scumkill on night 1 went towards... Tom. And thus one of OK and Cor is still likely to be responsible. The exact details of how the kill was stopped don't matter here- it's whether or not there WAS another kill in the first place.

Tai: Attack... eh. I wanted an answer. I feel a need to be forceful about getting it. I don't harbour a serious desire to fly after Gate today (there are other, more interesting things to pursue), but I don't want to just let it go here anyhow.


Lurkers... hey, Excal, when you're going through everything can you try to note down people you feel are lurking? Off the top of my head, Cid and Tonfa spring to mind as people low on posts and content. Hal did until he ninja'd me accusing him of lurking again (he's got a talent for this, I think.)

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 24, 2008, 07:29:22 AM »
Re: Tai... what?

1) He has a role PM. It says his role in it.
2) He claims! He says NOTHING about thinking he might die if he uses it.
3) I'm like 'huh? Doesn't that role... usually die?'
4) He's like "Well, I thought I would."

*Why did he think he would?* This isn't a matter of him going "Well, my role said X, but I think it was lying." Asking him why he thinks something like that does not seem like an invalid line of enquiry and I think it's pretty weird that you seem to be presenting it as such. A flat denial from him to me would not have raised my eyebrow. A response like that does. Can you explain why you don't think this is worth persuing to me?

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 24, 2008, 07:10:53 AM »
That's.. not exactly my problem here, Shale. Gate didn't hint in his original claim that he thought he might die; I poked that out of him, then he turns around and says he thought he would die. Why is this, exactly? I can speculate- we all can. But why are we trying to answer this question for him when he should be *answering it himself*? There are some obvious answers... what's his?

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 24, 2008, 07:02:07 AM »
His claim WAS extraordinarily wishy-washy. I do think that he would have stated with definitiveness what he thought would happen *if he had that role*. And Otter's right. For almost all game people have been screaming to NOT ROLECLAIM because it gives stuff away to scum. It's just an all-around bad idea.

Quote from: Gate
CorRat: and yeah, I was kinda expecting to die, actually. Which is why I'm not entirely certain it was my protection that saved him, y'know?

Was this told to you in your role or not? Why would you expect to die if it *wasn't*, and why didn't you mention this immediately if it *was*?

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 24, 2008, 06:30:07 AM »
It surprises me. I hardly talk to Gate in #elysium. o-o

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 24, 2008, 06:19:59 AM »
I think the obvious question here is *who killed Ran*? It seems relatively safe to say that there is definately a vig or SK running around- I'm leaning towards vig due to the lack of an extra night 1 kill. It's probably better to not roleclaim this, though.

Nitori flipped mad scientist. There's killdoc connotations there if I ever saw them, so... Cor looks a bit better, OK looks kinda worse. Cor very well could have tried to protect Tom, perhaps blocked *one* kill, and on the same night, OK and a possible mystery scum could've watched and killed Tom. It'd make some sense, because Cor can presumably only block one attempt to kill a day. This is.. rather presumptious, but it was what I was thinking yesterday, too.

ROLECLAIMS DON'T STOP COMING what. Gate is a oneshot bodyguard? Doesn't that role usually *die* on impact? I can see why you'd protect Tai, though.

Tai is... hmm. I'm gonna wait a bit to see what happens, but SHUT UP, SHALE. Really. Let's see what people have to say first, and not take up pestering Tai until he's got some responses. Gotta go through all of Alex's stuff as well anyway.

Forum Games / Re: Pretty Princess Mafia - Main Topic (DAY 1)
« on: January 24, 2008, 01:43:45 AM »
Yes, you've certainly used far more of it than I ever would. I can smell the fumes with every word you speak~

Forum Games / Re: Pretty Princess Mafia - Main Topic (DAY 1)
« on: January 24, 2008, 01:22:58 AM »
Oh... oh dear. We've already had one dropout and replacement? Oh, wearing the same clothes, too! How... marvellous! Yes! And this one is a famous illusionist!

Luckily, true beauty will always trump a lie~

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 24, 2008, 01:21:24 AM »
Nitori: Doc powers couldn't effect Andrew(Excal? Fuck it, Sakuya) because of his claimed immunity to such powers. There were two NK attempts last night, if we believe Sakuya; did you or did you not receive information saying that your doc attempt had failed? By omission, I'm going to assume you didn't.

Therefore you WOULD, unlike OK, have some kind of kill-power (given that OK said he got blocked as a watcher somehow. Sakuya-san~ can you confirm whether or not people using roles on you would get messages to this effect or not? Andrew hasn't weighed in and both OK and Cor have said they would get such things, so.. this could clear things up!)

Meanwhile, Cor couldn't penetrate that, so presumably your kill went through and Sakuya dodged it. But then there's the kill on Chisa to consider.

Chisa strikes me as an odd NK target. However, his flip- martyr- implies that he sacrifices himself, probably very similarily to a bodyguard role. I can't be certain on this but I think it's really likely to be true. Therefore, he took himself out and it's probable that he did so to protect another.

Who? Well, honestly, I was thinking that Sakuya had two kill attempts against her, but rereading his posts earlier- he only saw/dodged one. So... I think there were indeed two kill attempts last night; one for Sakuya (possibly from you or Cor, but I'm thinking you) and one to someone else, who Chisa decided to protect. It may also be that Chisa WAS NK'd, but I just find him a really unlikely target (he was seeming kind of bad to me, he wasn't exactly a strong, argumentative townie, he hadn't claimed and Sakuya had, etc. etc.)

What you flip as may well shed some light on things. It could be killdoc, but... I think it's more likely to be scum. Regular/ineffectual doc is still possible and will likely lead me after Cor, but killdoc is going to take me to a very different place. Where? I don't want to speculate on this too much until tomorrow, but suffice to say that if this is true, I'm going to be wondering where the night 1 scumkill actually went, and I'll be significantly less suspicious of Cor than I would be if you flipped regular doc. (And yes, I know we don't necessarily find out information on flip. We'll just have to wait and see.)


On Cor.. urgh. I just don't know. I really don't feel like I should buy that he would target Tom with a docshot, not with how he was talking about him before and after the fact. But he explained that it might be possible? If you're voting for someone, then it seems unlikely that you'd doc them, but he DID claim cop, and using up a docshot is something of a crapshoot anyway- I can see him reconciling Tom playing badly with Tom still being town (I mean, he said a couple of times on day 1 that he DID think Tom was town.)

I'm gonna stick with Nitori anyway mainly on the basis of Cor's other posts looking more solid and contentful than Nitori's. Argument from lurkering again.

So... anyone for hammering? Anything else we want to discuss before night?

Forum Games / Re: Pretty Princess Mafia - Main Topic (DAY 1)
« on: January 23, 2008, 01:46:04 PM »
Oh, yes, let's be vapid together~

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 23, 2008, 10:02:55 AM »
Ciato: It's fundamentally because I didn't see any reason for someone to be pro-Mia when you defended her. There were a *lot* of flaws in the way she was posting. Yes, it may be chalked up to stress and whatnot, but.. why is this excusable? My thought-patterns basically went...

1) What Mia is doing is not excusable
2) Ciato is defending Mia for inexcusable posting
3) A townie would have little reason to do this
4) Ciato is probably scum trying to protect Mia and score 'I told you so!' points, as well as accuse mean ol' townies who attacked her of being scummy.

Since you.. have not really done this, I'm not going to push it. I'm still kind of concerned with your lurkerness previously and, well, the *tone* of your posts, but I'm no longer thinking you're scummy for the main reason I previously was.


The Andrew Thing: I'm not that sure I buy the third-party case. Just having a lot of power isn't what I'd call a tell of such (not the way this game is looking, sigh). His deception could have easily been an attempt to throw scum into confusion (misguided and somewhat foolish as it may be) and I don't think the case against him is nearly as certain as the idea of one of Nitori and Corwin being scum.

WITH THAT SAID, anyone who DOES strongly think he is a third party should be voting for him and I'm going to be very interested in those who haven't over the next couple of days, I think.


Nitori vs. Corwin. Despite my increasing concern that the simple path is never the right one, I'm gonna continue! One of them is probably scum *assuming OK is telling the truth*. Whether or not this holds water may well be proven tonight, depending on who he watches. I'm annoyed at him for claiming now, at a time when it may not have been necessary- he could've got another watcher investigation in tonight (on whoever, it hardly even matters) which could narrow things down more. I digress.

I'm waiting for Corwin to confirm/deny taking action on Tom night 1 and his subsequent roleclaim. He has not looked too hot since he took Andrew to task back in day two for rolefishing... but I was forgiving a lot of Andrew's mistakes based on him being a dayvig and us needing to preserve that power, along with the way people were voting for him in the past. That doesn't necessarily excuse Corwin's reactions at that time, but it *has* coloured my perceptions of him.

re: Cid: You're voting Corwin for... pressure? He's got four votes on him. Nitori had *one*. You sure you didn't have another reason?

re: Otter, what does selecting a target really prove about Nitori, though? Since scum will know about this as well (and probably already know if Nitori is actually a quack or not), the potential is there for them to mess with the results regardless of whom his target actually is. Sure, I'm all for directing a potential town nightkill, but we can't assume this will give us much clearance on the situation.

To be honest, I find the quack idea pretty weird, and it doesn't account for the scum NK. Powerless doc seems more likely at the moment (and, of course, docbuster), and the quack thing seems, in fact, like a way he may be able to get away with justifying another day or two of kills before getting lynched (I just did what you guys said!)

I'm having a lot of trouble choosing between Cor and Nitori, I guess. My opinions on Cor have wavered throughout the game, and Nitori has been lurking somewhat, but has also recently posted some stuff, including his doclaim The feeling that Cor has generally put out more content than him- along with what I find to be a highly dubious roleclaim in the end- has lead me to this.

##Vote: Nitori

It is not a very solid vote. Today, at least, I won't be annoyed if it goes to deadline, given that I want to analyze these two again and I still need to wait for Cor to claim (or at least post ANYTHING in his defence.)

Forum Games / Re: Pretty Princess Mafia - Main Topic (DAY 1)
« on: January 23, 2008, 01:12:47 AM »
Lucky for us that our audience is young~

Forum Games / Re: Pretty Princess Mafia - Main Topic (DAY 1)
« on: January 23, 2008, 12:50:48 AM »
Besides, only old women say 'dearie'.

Forum Games / Re: Pretty Princess Mafia - Main Topic (DAY 1)
« on: January 23, 2008, 12:46:06 AM »
As long as they remember that they can look, but not touch~

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 23, 2008, 12:45:29 AM »
Re: Ciato: The thing is... Mafia isn't what I'd call a nice game. Any form of emotional response can be easily faked. How am I supposed to respond to these things? "Oh, it's ok, you can have outbursts like this~/It's ok, slipping up over yourself is fine because you're new" just seems really wrong to me. I personally don't want to be labelled as someone easily swayed by such in future games, as there *is* a mafia metagame here as well (and it's stupid to deny it). There's also the point that, well, if a more experienced player reacted like Mia did, I'd be on them like a shot, you know? I don't think I really discriminate between new people and experienced people or anything like that so much as things just turn out that way. I will grant that I probably need to rethink the way I play, given my present success at fingering scum, but... part of that has to come from the rest of town as well, you know? When people react like she does- or like Tom does, and has- everything screams at me to vote for them.

People really have to know what they're getting into here. The fact that the game may well be stressful should say a lot- it's based on deception and interrogation. If you can't adjust to that, I don't know what to say.

LaL. We can agree on that at least. Let's see. There's you, but...


Given OK's watcher status I think we may as well be looking at Nitori/Corwin for the remainder of the day. Between Nitori and Cor, Nitori has been (by far, I think) the more lurkerish. I know Corwin's work schedule keeps him out of the loop for a fair portion of each day, but he makes pretty sizable posts each time. On the other hand, Nitori has a doc claim... let's echo Alex here, *Why*? And indeed, I must second Yakumo's question of 'why protect Andy when he claims immunity to NKs' or close enough. I don't feel I can really make a decision between these two just yet in any case.

Edit: I am Ninja'd by Nitori, who answers my/Yak's question pretty much as expected. If you're a quack we *should* be able to test that tonight, assuming you don't get lynched.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 22, 2008, 12:36:17 PM »
Everything Alex just said has made me more suspicious of him than either of his so-called lurkers.

I disagree that they even qualify for the term. They may not be amongst the most frequent of posters, but they've definately been here; Hal racked up quite a few during the earlier debates around Tai and QR at the start of this day. I find it ludicrous to accuse him of lurking despite the way he's said posting is not a priority (which admittedly did not win points), 'cos like it or not, he HAS been posting and quite frequently just now. I'm not going to fault him when he is, y'know, participating. He's also been quick to answer questions when I've thrown them at him, which is good.

The way you attacked Otter just now also seems pretty, er, stupid. You're hitting him for going after an obvious case? Or because that's all he went after? Obvious cases are, in fact, *worth persuing* and it seems dumb to fault him here. Again, a quick look at his record indicates he has participated in the recent discussion. Whence do these lurker claims come? I don't like the way he seems to vanish (especially when I see him running around in IRC), but a case towards him saying that he's lurking is pretty weak at this point.  

No, I don't think either of these guys are good ideas for a vigkill, and I think you've exaggerated their lurkerish qualities way too much. There are better lurker cases to make. The one that stands out to *me* is Ciato, who has not really posted anything substantial since QR and Tai got up in each others stuff, or, y'know, all day. If we're going after lurkers, let's go for someone who is actually lurking. Nitori, as well, has only really weighed in with one post here- which is kind of jabbing at QR but not really substantial.

With regards to QR/Tai, you've considered that yes, it's possible that both of them are lying (I actually can't see this myself, care to explain how this might come about?), and that the simplest excuse is that *one* of them are lying. I don't find the whole breadcrumb thing compelling and feel that QR has made several slips, *especially* that hasty and early vote for Andrew. I also disagree with you that she should have roleclaimed, as I've covered before; I don't feel she'd be under nearly so much pressure here had she defended herself normally. (Granted, I don't know where else that pressure would've *gone*, so I could swallow this.) I think we disagree about an awful lot, especially how willing you are to buy into the probabilities of odd role shenanigans going on; yeah, stuff like Andrew implies that we could well have some strange stuff out there, but we *can't possibly guess at what's really going on*. Scum copclaims are not uncommon. This is not an unlikely trap that QR could have fallen into.

The case against Tai was significantly weaker in my eyes until you said this, actually-

"If Tai is scum godfather, what do scum gain from this?"

We misvig a cop - making it three times in a row we've failed to kill scum - and then maybe decide to lynch Tai.  From El Cid's post:  "I sure as hell don't think we should turn around and lynch him immediately if QR turns up Town."  And he's not entirely wrong in saying that, we wouldn't kneejerk lynch.  In that position scum are pretty far ahead, and with a cop being killed, godfather loses some usefulness.  Assuming Scum Tai and Town QR, I could indeed see scum taking that route, thinking this way.

Basically I think your other ideas for viging are crud and what we've got going here is way, way more likely to get us some positive results, one way or the other.


I am also taking a dim eye to Smodge's willingness to simply follow you blindly. (Re: Smodge: Scum have the power to KILL US and it's worked out pretty well for them so far. Your role speculation is, of course, completely pointless and potentially dangerous... although I didn't really read it as a real attempt to move discussion there. Still, let's not talk about what scum may or may not have like that.)

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 22, 2008, 06:34:52 AM »
I dislike people basically implying my thoughts are wrong because of things they can't tell me. Especially on gut. I don't feel like I'm going to be able to contribute further to the discussion that's going on between the words that everyone seems to be able to read but me.

Ugh. Assuming QR and Tai are NOT Vig'd, does anyone have other candidates they'd like to put forward?

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 22, 2008, 06:16:06 AM »

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 22, 2008, 06:12:50 AM »
Ran: Urgh. You're right, I'd had this thought stuck in my head that there's no way scum would have a role like that, it's just too good. I hadn't really considered the possibility of him being third party, either. What I'd done was look at the arguments against him and find them very strange on day 2, which lead me to think he looks better than not.

QR: That's not much of a restriction. I find most posts I make to usually be at least that long, with the exception of occasional oneliners. Doesn't change my thoughts either way.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 22, 2008, 05:58:26 AM »
To Andy's thing. I don't think I'm going to be able to move far beyond QR until I see her flip. Thus I would be in favour of you using it sooner rather than later. (Presumably on her. If you're going to use it on someone else, it'll give me more info as well, so...)

Furthermore, I suspect most of the discussion that goes on until that will be coloured by stuff like 'I'm still suspicious of Andy, and will be until I see his dayvig!' or 'And here's another convoluted way in which both Tai and QR are town/scum/third party/whatever'. Anything is possible. What I've put forward is what's probable.

Forum Games / Re: Pretty Princess Mafia - Main Topic (DAY 1)
« on: January 22, 2008, 05:55:58 AM »
Those fiends!

Hey, there isn't actually a 'number of votes needed to win' thing, is there? Only the deadline matters, eh?

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