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Messages - Carthrat

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Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 12, 2008, 04:58:30 AM »
Unless the doc can back up Kilga's theory of a docbuster existing, I see no reason for them to out themselves at this time.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 12, 2008, 04:12:01 AM »
Shale has said pretty much everything that I find wrong with Sopko as well. I likewise didn't understand his reasoning on claiming to make sure the results of further investigations are around (especially seeing that there's a reasonably good chance of Shale dying, and I would in fact have presumed this to be the next NK.)

The thing with name-side-role is that hardly any townie is going to investigate all the way to role, when they get the information they REALLY want at 'side'. It does seem like an unusual setup to be given.

I still don't particularly want to lynch a cop today if I can help it, however. So I'm going to reiterate my earlier vote.

##Vote: MadFnorder. I'm no longer confident about this call, to be honest. But I was the previous night, and I'm certainly far more shaky on which cop I think is better off killed. Among the noncops, I've got.. Tai (who looks pretty decent), Excal (who has copclaims on his side, and I'm loathe to try and hunt a godfather unless I think all the other scum are gone), Kilga (who I've thought played pretty well in the past), Strago (mystery), and VSM (has a role that is almost suicide for scum to claim if it's a lie due to easy proof).

So I guess at this point, it's more who looks the least good to me than the most scummy. Bleh.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 11, 2008, 02:47:29 PM »
Flipping Fnorder gives us the least information, I'll grant. That he seems the scummiest is of import, though.

We may yet lose cops to nightkills. In fact, barring shenanigans, they could kill both shale and sopko before any more useful information could be provided. For better or worse, we have to assume that what we see now is all we're going to get. Who ELSE do we lose if we kill a cop? That's down to the NK...

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 11, 2008, 02:38:40 PM »
And Strago has pretty much the same thoughts I do. Have I ever told you all how much better I feel about someone if they mirror what I'm saying? Now I have.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 11, 2008, 02:37:15 PM »
Naturally, anyBut

Call me pedantic, but what were you going to say?

Aside from that, I dunno how much this helps us. I mean, I was thinking, "Ok, maybe Excal really is the godfather, and Soppy is cashing in on a copclaim with an odd role and deniability if Excal flips," and sure, they don't directly address each other. But I don't directly address Excal either, according to the logic, so yeah. At best you could use this evidence as collateral to an argument you already have.

I understand the system at least. Is anyone else having better thoughts about it than me?

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 11, 2008, 11:55:15 AM »
Eh, if Otter was godfather, he was playing it pretty badly. Of all the scum, Godfather wants to have the best record so that when someone investigates him as town, it really does clear him. I must admit I find your breadcrumbing fairly compelling.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 11, 2008, 10:51:52 AM »
Oh. I almost forgot to ask some questions.

The real question is, to each of the cops: I've pointed out certain errors I think you've made.

Soppy: Why didn't you persue VSM after your claim earlier in day 2, given how you called the defence earlier?

Shale: Why didn't you attack Cranbud after confirmining him as scum, and why was your defence of Otter so wussy?

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 11, 2008, 10:39:18 AM »
If you are a cop, I believe you have an obligation to follow up your investigative reports. You don't need to do this by claiming, but you do need to analyze the ones you have inspected and really check to see if they're scummy or townish, and to make sure your results exist in the same day. In this way, when you finally claim, you do have a leg to stand on and we can be relatively sure that, at least, if it's a fabriciation, it's a damned good one. And generally speaking, time will bear it out.

Yes, we're all worried about millers and framers and such. I feel that if you have such an investigation, you're obliged to follow it up for the time being and let the town play devil's advocate. In the event that it's shown your investigation came up wrong, congrats- you know there's something that can fool you. But until then...


Day 1- QuietRain (I was the investigation that failed on the Day 2 flavor)
Day 2- Excal (Duck Man)
Day 3- Excal (Townie)
Day 4- Corwin (Rincewind)

Sopko has made other mistakes this game, including getting Smodge and Corwin mixed up early during day 2. I'd like to know why he decided to investigate Excal at this juncture. He has at one point been suspicious of Shale's defence, indicating that if shale flips scum or vice versa, it apparently looks bad for the other. Also during day 2: Sopko claimed that Bobbin's defence of VSM would be 'rather blatant if it's scum vs. scum'. I don't see Sopko trying to hit VSM after Bobbin's flip, correct me if I'm wrong.

He's pretty neutral towards Excal on day 3. This is decent play, because you're obviously waiting for the secondary results on your present suspect if you're a slowcop. He'd also understandably be eager for information at this point, so he hammers day 3 a bit earlier than is possibly necessary.

DOES defend Excal on day 4. Pretty much says the claims against him are stupid and that Excal has been around when he's been around.


Day 1: Excal - Town.
Day 2: Cranbud - Scum
Day 3: Otter - Town
Day 4: Fnorder - Ghost

Tiny Little Detail that Shale has going for him-
...well if that ain't the biggest mixed bag I've ever seen. On the one hand...<censored>. We lost a cop before he'd even gotten any results to breadcrumb. Yech.

Lost *a* cop, as opposed to *the* cop. (Had breadcrumb in the same sentences?!) Shale hasn't said anything about breadcrumbing his role, but the general assumption is that there's only going to be one cop, or so I think. This does give him a bit more credibility. He did question Excal but not really in an aggressive tone. He also makes sure to point out that Excal looks somewhat town on the basis of, mainly, not giving any tells at all. Basically, on day 2, he's matching up with what he's said.

Not quite so in day 3. Yes, he makes a couple of shots at Cranbud. No, he's not terribly persuasive about it, and he waited until Kilga made an argument before voting; why didn't he go over Cranbud's posts more thoroughly himself, and try to figure out if he had made any slips?

Continues to defend Excal throughout day 4 and beyond. Makes a pretty weak defence of Otter as well, as compared to the one on Excal..


Day 2: Shale- Town

Kilga has come under some attack since day 2, with verifiable scum amongst them (that being Cranbud). Cranbud kept at it on day 3, too, and I feel this was before reasonable expectation of Cranbud getting lynched. His logic seems extremely weak; I'm prepared to be somewhat kind to Kilga on this basis. However, in day 3, Shale DOES come under fire, and despite this investigation, I can't see Kilga mention him anywhere at all. I would've thought he'd like to do this. In regard to he's cop claim in specific, there's not so much to say; he revealed that Shale was pro-town and that's it; a solid defence, if you presume to trust Kilga. Which I did.


So there go the three cops. And, from my perspective, they *all* look alright, but Sopko and Shale have both made some rather telling mistakes, and Kilga's role is just not enough to drag out much information from. I'm going to make a leap of faith here and not try to lynch any of these people today, despite really thinking that scum have had a big opening to jump in, here.

I am constantly interested on what people have to say on Shale and Excal right now. With two investigations on Excal and one on Shale, all coming up town, they both look pretty sweet. Couple thoughts, though.

-There are still thoughts going on about the me/Kilga/Excal vote train on VSM. Now... if VSM is actually scum (and he totally could be), suspicion for us on these grounds would drop off entirely. If he's town, though, it shoots up quite strongly. The doublevoting governor thing is a pretty dangerous fakeclaim for *scum* to make in case he gets called on it, because town, generally, does Not Like Losing their lynch.

-Since there are two claims for Excal being town, if I had to pick one of us three to lynch, I'd pick Kilga, which kind of bites because I think he's been playing pretty well so far. But I don't want to argue against multiple investigations (i.e. accusing Excal of being godfather) unless I'm either presented with really compelling evidence, or it's Lylo and I'm presented with reasonable compelling evidence.

I will vote.. tomorrow. I want other people to check if I've missed anything, further the case on Fnorder if they can (I don't know how much information his lynch would give us compared to a cop, right now, and information is becoming a critical concern. Plus, he's become more active as of late. This is slightly more on the towntell side of things than scum, IMHO.)

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 11, 2008, 05:49:04 AM »
Well, what I mean is that you were picking targets that town was universally deeming to be suspicious in general; I feel it's better for the cop to target people who give the ever-so-common 'null read'. Targeting people who are likely to die anyway seems something of a waste, especially if they're already lurking and contributing little. Sure, you might *save* one- but only at the cost of roleclaiming yourself. And you have to ask; if someone appears that scummy and is constantly lurking, how badly do we want to save them, anyway?

It's not that I don't get why they'd feel like a good target to investigate, what with already being under suspicion, but I felt there were better choices out there, especially as late game draws near and a lot of people with clean records and 'null reads' are still running around.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 11, 2008, 04:53:17 AM »
...another...cop... what.

Sopko's investigations make the most sense to me, but.. geezus. Excal is definately confirmed town at this point, with two seperate coplikes saying so (unless he's the godfather, in which case he's probably laughing his ass off.) However he has *also claimed himself as a Miller*. The only person who could find anything out about him at all is Shale, at this point.

If Sopko was actually scum, then he wouldn't have needed to fabricate the miller detail because he'd have been able to just off Shale.

If he's townie, of course he wants to give us his full role.

Fnorder is seriously thinking along the same lines I was; that is, there's a plot here based on scum claiming cop and the godfather having already been isolated. However, this would put Shale, Excal, Kilga and Soppy in my sights. I would note that I have no idea how many scum are remaining; it's either 2 or 3.

Shale: Kilga took a poke at him with his oneshot cop power and he turned out to be town. Great. Shale is also claiming cop and has made two investigations of note to us; one on Excal (confirming him as town) and one on Fnorder (confirming him as a ghost.) I find his choice of who to investigate suspicious, as I've said before. Naturally, I want him to stay alive to make more investigations, which tell as much about him as they will about anyone else.

Kilga: I trusted Kilga an awful lot earlier, but I'm not so sure right now. It's mainly due to the oneshot doc claim. I'm going to assume that if we have one, the *real* doc is not going to want to roleclaim at this point... or should he? Have any of HIS doc attempts been on the right person and failed anyway? Confirming this would do something to ease Kilga's credibility. I will admit that Kilga still looks mostly alright to me, as if he was scum, he would have had to either preserve his roleblockerness (unlikely), or have some other role and be partnered with strago (unlikely, and extremely ballsy.) Also, often, godfather immunities go DOWN if the godfather got sent on a kill. If there are only *two* scum, and the godfather IS one of Shale and Excal, then strago would have had to make the kill that night. (This is getting pretty full of holes, even as I type it. I kind of think that Kilgas actual flip would tell us a lot- but I don't actually think he's scum.

Soppy: Hasn't played much, has come out with probably the most inverifiable role ever. Between him and Shale has cleared Excal for the moment. Soppy is noted for not appearing throughout the game, and I think that on face value, his roleclaim appears the most suspicious by itself. Do other people have thoughts on that?

Excal: Is looking good indeed with two cops on his side. But I am continually slightly edgy of him and Kilga for the VSM vote pattern. I keep backflipping and hovering over this.

We need to go back, check what our cops have said, and see if their actions match up with their findings at the time.

##Unvote: Fnorder. It's not that I'm not still suspicious; it's that I want to go over things and come back later, and seeing as I'm going to be away for an hour or two, I don't want a vote laid down at this volatile period.


Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 11, 2008, 04:27:19 AM »

Three ghosts.

Questionable sanity on the part of our first cop, seeing as he died before any investigations were made. Possibility of either Kilga or Shale playing us all for fools, but that doesn't really line up for me right now; I'm putting it down to just wanting to be more wary of roleclaims in general. (Unless Kilga and Strago are both scum and Kilga has no scum powers or is godfather or something, or.. or.. yeah, this is getting very xanatos-gambit like.)

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 11, 2008, 04:18:37 AM »
I find it ironic that soppy makes a mistake when pointing out the mistake of another like that. From this little interplay, I'm pretty much certain that if soppy or strago turn up scum, the other one is pretty much clear in my book.

Fnorder: Scum had a framer, it's just that Nitori died really early on. So. Yeah. Town was pretty lucky over the first couple of days, what with hitting out two extremely mean roles.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 11, 2008, 03:30:47 AM »
Given that Unoriginal said he wasn't sure about his role and thought he was vanilla, I'd wager that Fnorder would have been told much the same if he is, in fact, town.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 11, 2008, 12:15:48 AM »
I doubt Kilga is a scum roleblocker if you got blocked, Strago, owing to the one-shot nature of his roleblock (unless he's been plotting this since the beginning of the game. Which seems like a waste of scum roleblocking powers.)

Shale's roleclaim left me feeling uneasy. I just don't like his selection of targets very much at all. I would have *much* preferred him to have gone after the more active, talky people; kilga, strago, taishyr, corwin et al than a couple of lurkers this way. I can guess at his reasons, but it's not what I would do. The role he highlighted for Fnorder gives him a bit of plausible deniability if it turns out badly.

Ultimately I'm inclined to trust it for now. I just wouldn't have played this role the same way. I will agree that we had a vast array of investigative powers, but with three people pointed out to be directly immune to them, they don't seem quite so overwhelming. Let's see what this reveals for now. ##Vote: MadFnorder

If it wasn't for the case against Fnorder already, I wouldn't be voting for him. Immunity to investigations doesn't necessarily lead directly to scum. However, it's there, I probably would've done this anyway, and at least the roleflip will give us a clue.

End of yesterday seems kind of odd. Corwin implied he had more to say, and then VSM lurches in with a hammer. Now Cor's dead! I think everyone can agree that he was an effective player and we should give his thoughts consideration today. Strago, I don't think we want to play our cards close to our chest in general; why would we want to do that today, exactly?

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 10, 2008, 07:35:54 AM »
I can't really make much of a case for Otter to live, I'll grant. He does have some decent posts but, yeah, lurker etc. etc. etc. Him or Fnorder dying today are both acceptable to me-

-oh, good one, VSM! I've also seen quiet Otter when he was, you know, scum. Cor seems to have caught a slip out of you just now as well.

As an aside, given the vote spread on Excal, I don't think he's *really* a candidate for getting lynched today. It's telling that both the other lynchees are voting for him, and, well, VSM's vote counts double. If you had to pick between Otter and Fnorder, VSM, who'd you take down?

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 10, 2008, 06:54:03 AM »
To me, at least, it's because both Fnorder and Otter *have* been guilty of lurking in the past, but the posts Otter *has* made have more powerful stuff in them than Fnorders. On the basis of *today* alone, Otter is ramping up more points than Fnorder, but previous precedent compels me to keep my vote where it is.

Nonetheless, it would be really, really cool if Otter posted.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 10, 2008, 06:12:51 AM »
People *keep* accusing me of slipping under the radar, or so it seems to me. I've even pretty much asked for thoughts on me before. I don't think I can be accused of trying to stay low, and if it's happened incidentally, well, that's that. Analyze away!

Case against Excal is one I think I've covered peripherally before (that it seemed likely that one person voting for VSM was scum.) I'm no longer sure how much I agree with this, owing to both Excal and Kilga looking relatively solid lately. If I did have to pick, I admit I would pick Excal (and did, earlier today!)

Tai, there's a technique you've used before that's based on giving each person one other living townie and asking "If this person was scum, who do you think it would implicate?" It is a little smokescreeny, but I think it can produce some interesting responses; I'm not sure of your criteria for matching up people, but I think I'd like to see this again.

Forum Games / Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« on: January 10, 2008, 03:43:51 AM »
Wellll let's see what we've got!

EvilTom- threw out a vote when he wouldn't be around to remove it! Made the "I'm not scum" gambit!

Smodge- Is reputedly trying to extract role information on day 1?! I didn't read it that way, although he's admitted he's fishing for information on what people are. My gut tells me he's playing townie poorly more than playing scum, but I guess he could be playing scum poorly! So.

Alex- Cracked down on smodge pretty hard! ##Unvote: SirAlex He's done this before, although, you know, I've never actually perceived him as being easy on newbies before this game (or during this one!)

Ciato- Seemed to be on smodge's side early on, but is changing tack and attacking him instead!

Summary? All cases are weak! Few tells at this time! Aggressive play != scumtell, bad play might be but I'm not convinced of smodges. Defaulting to LaL. ##Vote: Otter

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 10, 2008, 02:51:31 AM »
Hmm, mind pointing out where in your post you've put your case against Excal? I see you talking about lots of other people, but I might have missed it.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 10, 2008, 02:32:03 AM »
I am confused. Why are you voting Excal, VSM? Have you mentioned suspicions of him somewhere previously that I've missed? It seems odd to vote for someone and then look for a case on them rather than the other way around.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 10, 2008, 12:46:43 AM »
I refuse to believe themed analysis is actually helpful at all. As far as themes go, you can make up *any* justification for character x to have role y, including total subversions of what the character is about. I don't see it helping us at all, and I'd prefer it remained outside real discussion. I find willingness to subscribe to this train of thought dangerous and odd.

Gut telling you Fnorder's a helpless townie: I understand this feeling; the problem is none of the signs up until quite recently seem to point to him being on the side of good. His current activeness is alright, though I'm kind of miffed that.. he's miffed over what townies should do before they die.

Ngh. Otter's absence is also a sucker for getting votes. I feel like I've been giving him extra chances due to his previous play all game. At this point in time, I'd be comfortable lynching either of these people.

Forum Games / Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« on: January 10, 2008, 12:27:42 AM »
I read Smodge's posts again!

I didn't see no speculation on roles, or much else that's worth a real vote!

Alex, explain!

Strago, shut the #$%# up!

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 09, 2008, 03:28:52 PM »
I need to vote before I crash tonight.

##Vote: MadFnorder I can't start excusing lack of playing at this point in time. There isn't some kind of point where playing badly becomes a town tell, in my opinion. The reasons for knocking a non-contributor off have been spoken about at length before and I'm not going to go over them again, especially when they've already made a couple odd scummy tells (i.e. role precognition).

I would otherwise second Strago's vote for Otter here.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 09, 2008, 01:22:20 PM »
For the sake of completeness, then, I'm gonna run an analysis of Tai, being that I don't have many real thoughts on you, either. The main thing I have noticed is that you post infrequently, but each post is full of content. QUESTIONABLE content? We will see!

(...ok, yeah, I just wanted to say that.)


Day 1

First big post doesn't really have anything special in it. Kinda pokes at the QuietRain/Sopko tiff, but doesn't ring anything for me. Hits EvilTom for Totally Justifiable Reasons. Pokes around for more talk out of EvilTom and such. Is generally in tutorial mode, with a relatively minor count of Rote Townisms. (They're still there, though.)

Not much, ultimately! He said something along the lines of 'if tom is town and lives, scum can use him as a smokescreen' when other people referenced similar bad townie play we've had in the past. The worst I can say is that he had very little presence day 1 overall. Eh. No big deal...

Day 2

He did a pretty big post on EvilTom and Smodge's thoughts. I find this to be a little odd as my impressions of both of them were that they weren't saying helpful stuff. Nor do I feel it's useful to closely inspect the words of dead townies- we really can take them at face value, can't we? I understand that his game is extremely intense on the analytical side, but it felt like a waste of words.

He made another large post later; had a couple small ones inbetween that weren't saying much, but they were mostly cautions, or so it seemed to me. He did make a vote for Nitori- coincidentally, one right after Fnorder.

On this note, current consensus seems to be pointing to lynching Fnorder; since my current analysis is looking specifically at Tai, what I can say here is that it's very unlikely *both* Tai and Fnorder are scum thanks to the placement of these votes. If one does turn out to be scum I'd be prepared to give more trust to the other.)

He doesn't have a lot to say on most cases owing to feeling that, for the most part, they're pretty weak; he does symphasize with the VSM case and is willing to FoS Shale.

That was pretty much his last major post. What I can say about Tai here is that he doesn't feel like he's very aggressive or forceful in general; he's not so inclined to make a strong case against someone so much as riff off the case of another. I find this mildly disconcerting.

Day 3

First post includes a poke at Otter to expand on thoughts on Excal, myself, and Kilga. Then he goes after Shale for a fairly sizable chunk of text, before promising to come back to myself and Kilga later. Pretty much drops this after Yakumo and Bobbin's roleclaiming episode (with a Stern Promise to Come Back Later, huh.) Evidently wants to hit Bobbin but is relaxing for a bit to allow more discussion. Continues with pressure on Bobbin throughout the day.

Then Bobbin Dies.

He's pretty much dropped his case on Shale, I think, given the cop revelation. I don't know, I didn't see anything terribly unusual about his play here; he never did really come back to Shale or Kilga that day, though. Instead, he did eventually come back to hit Shale on...

Day 4- that's today!

He kinda backflips over his previous position, which is kind of understandable. It's a bit strange that he says Shale's play is solid apart from late day 2 and didn't mention this thought on day 3, but I will grant that Bobbin's execution may have been something of a smokescreen. What he hasn't done yet is inspect the veracity of Kilga's roleclaim. Given his previous suspicion on Shale, I'd be thinking he's giving up his position here too quickly. Has a null read on Strago and pretty much votes him just now to get his attention. Well. I can only take this to mean that you've got *positive* reads on everyone else? Come on, man, find a better reason to vote.

He's sympahtetic to Excal and finds him town-like, despite posting sporadically- I'd comment that there are certain similarities here with Tai and Excal (infrequent yet content-laden posts.)


Overall I find Tai to be... okay. I think his posts have something of an inflated word count and he says his fair share of unimportant things; he usually has one big interesting post each day that actually gives out some information on him. The current anomalies to me are his current vote on Strago and his lack of continued pressure on Kilga; I would have expected more out of him.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 09, 2008, 12:02:11 PM »
Yeah, it was addressed to Excal (who was the post I was originally replying to.)

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