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Messages - Carthrat

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Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 05, 2008, 02:59:35 AM »
Well, Unoriginal is dead. Time to attack the next totally non-helpful guy.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 05, 2008, 02:22:10 AM »
Well, there we go.

##Vote: IHateThisCPU

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 05, 2008, 12:17:20 AM »
Yeah, I know all that. I'm wishing that I just didn't frigging have to pay attention to them more than anything.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 05, 2008, 12:03:53 AM »

Either Unoriginal is *really fucking ballsy* or a total newbie. Unlike EvilTom, his play isn't giving me such a strong scummy vibe, but it's still... bad. Also, if you were told you were vanilla, you may as well keep that assumption until you have an explicit reason for thinking otherwise. Way to roleclaim otherwise; the 'does action on death' role is one you want to keep *secret*, for crying out loud. Metagaming from flavour text is bad mmkay.

And now CPU is voting for himself, and calling us all idiots. What the fuck? I only have one vote, and I want to kill scum with it. Look, I might be being hypocritical here, but suddenly what Corwin said about ignoring sucky players looks a whole lot better.

Anyhow. Corwin, Soppy and Shale are people who have actually been talking who I'd consider for a vote right now. Corwin because of his odd way of putting words in my mouth and a few arguments early on that didn't really make sense; Soppy for not even knowing *how* to make sense, and Shale for cleverly disguising a lack of opinion in a few paragraphs of posting.

Forum Games / Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« on: January 04, 2008, 11:46:55 PM »
Or.. or... we could LET OUR POWERS COMBINE and run Metal Gear vs. Guilty Gear Mafia?!?!?!11one11

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 04, 2008, 01:06:52 PM »
Mmm, I see where you're coming from, Cor. Pruning is really a necessity to me, however; it's not really possible to ignore them, and it's difficult to draw the line between a town playing really badly, and a scum slipping up and flailing shortly thereafter.

I totally agree with you on the importance of what Soppy just did, however. Frankly, if anyone was 'stoking Tom's fire' there, it was probably me. And besides, his logic seems impenetrable to me. Even if Tom *had* turned out to be scum, I don't have a clue how that implicates Corwin. In fact, if I'm reading what he said right, if Tom was scum, then...

Option A) Corwin's post is designed to defend Tom by drawing suspicion... onto Corwin, who is scum! 
Option B) Tom made an intentional mistake, so Corwin would look bad... and appear scummy!

His case against Corwin really does seem built out of Tom being scum to me; I think this was misguided in day 1, but fine. To continue being suspicious of him under the grounds you've stated seems stupid to me.

Forum Games / Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« on: January 04, 2008, 10:43:37 AM »
I'll get on board for a 17-21 METAL GEAR mafia game.

Forum Games / Re: Random Mafia Sign-ups
« on: January 04, 2008, 10:38:48 AM »
I have no objection to a short day 1, by the by.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 04, 2008, 08:11:39 AM »
To be honest, that move in particular didn't really ring anything with me, but it felt like the only thing you'd said that could be from you yourself.

I didn't see anything fishy with Rain, to be honest. I think an SK wants to root out scum as much as a townie would; I mean, they're probably concerned about the possibility of getting NK'd. I haven't made much of Soppy, myself, so we'll see.

Forum Games / Re: General Mafia discussion topic
« on: January 04, 2008, 08:02:14 AM »
And I seriously doubt that revealing our characters names would actually matter! Given the nature of the setting and roles, anyone could really be anything with a bit of justification. I could even get behind posting in-character (as far my interpretations of characters go.)

No real objection to limiting the character list. Yes, I'll change my avatar if this happens. >_>

Forum Games / Re: General Mafia discussion topic
« on: January 04, 2008, 07:59:54 AM »
Dibs on Mokou. Of course. I'll dream up a list later, I'm sure.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 04, 2008, 07:59:08 AM »
I guess I'm going to second the voting for Unoriginal for saying nothing interesting at all, not even, as someone coined it earlier, 'rote townisms'. (Thanks, mystery man, I'm going to be using that all the time from now on.) Otter claims he is doing stuff. Let's face it, he probably will, blah blah etc. Also, may I laugh *uproariously* at QuietRain being the SK? Thank you.

##Vote: Unoriginal


Smodge NK doesn't tell us much. My memory of his posts is that he's said squat of import. Pity he was the cop, but what can you do? It's down to wit, brains, and cunning from here on out!

At present there is little I can make of the voting order for Dread Thomas. His play was certainly dreadful, and any scum could've seen that early and predicted him being a viable target, right on top of it being day one to boot. What I can try to garner information from is what people were actually saying.

It strikes me that as far as Day One's go, there was actually plenty to talk about. There are lurkers- great, let's keep calling them out. There were a few things that seemed odd to me.

-Corwin's comments to/about me.
Rat... well, he's more than happy to have Tom lynched, and as he knows him well I think he also must think that Tom's playing a bad town game. Whether Rat wants him dead to help town or because it's easy is anyone's guess.
Finally, if you believe Tom is irredeemable this game and this feeling is shared by the others, he can be ignored with relative safety. His single vote won't matter for a while.

No, I can't, and even if I could, the rest of town probably won't. You said that bad townie play shouldn't be excused, but that seems to be precisely what you were suggesting here, framed in a seemingly acceptable format. Your text felt like it was telling me what I thought, which really, really rubbed me the wrong way. You still didn't really give a reason why you thought he was town over scum.

-VSM. If anyone is guilty of "hay guys I'm here" posts, I'd say it was him. Start of the day: He says he doesn't have anything to say. Middle of the day: He basically said that he agrees with what's being said to date (and in doing so, says nothing.) End of the day: Tells us what we think of Tom like so:

Tom makes a role-call and role-claim and no one disputes it. If we still vote for Tom, we're essentially saying either A)Tom is Twoflower and Twoflower is Scum. B)Tom is Scum and Twoflower is an acceptable Scum Alias. or C)Tom is lying about being Twoflower and is also Scum.

Nobody was going to dispute a vanilla roleclaim. There was *one* thing he said that might be interesting: That people who voted for Unoriginal because he voted for himself might seem suspicious. This just seems like reaching into a barrel and pulling out something random to me. I'd like you to talk about who you think might be scum, or at least who's acting strangely, or what you'd like to see... or anything, really.

-Shale. Didn't say too much early on (jokevoted eviltom, funnily enough). Tried to 'buy time' for DreadThomas so other people could post. Seems a bit strange but okay... in the end, he hasn't come out with much, except consolidating his vote on EvilTom with a reason early on, and then taking it off later. Not much content. Posted a summary post today and a rules clarification before he left. This might be a bit hypocritical of me, but it does strike me as padding, as they say. I'd like to see more out of you.


Basically, right now I'm looking for people who played day 1 timidly and without vigor, as well as lurkers. Stabbing the latter now, you cannot get away with this forever. If there's anyone I've missed who fit these criteria, please point them out for me so I can stab them, too.

Forum Games / Re: Random Mafia Sign-ups
« on: January 03, 2008, 09:06:12 PM »

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 03, 2008, 09:05:49 PM »
In the bold tradition of OK...


And now I run out to work, very little else to add here at this time.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 03, 2008, 12:51:49 PM »
Nah, he was talking to CMDR_king.

Forum Games / Re: Random Mafia Sign-ups
« on: January 03, 2008, 12:39:33 PM »

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 03, 2008, 12:37:41 PM »
Lesse. Firstly, I am totally supportive of hitting lurkers. There's nothing else to say about it. I think we should ditch this speculation over Otter having, say, some weird post restriction or whatever until day 2 at the least; anything could've come up. I agree it's odd, let's see if he has something to say today first.

Dread Thomas! You pressured me and tried to evoke conversation? Good job! It worked, congrats.

Right, well my suspicions go to those who have sat back and watched the towny in-fighting.

Was this talking about us? I hope so. In general, can you try and be a bit less fatalistic with your posts? Saying stuff like 'may as well help town before hammer' etc. is kinda morale-killing.

I'll endeavour to use actual quotes from now on. Agree with you on people hanging back and not really saying much being somewhat queer. My current candidate for that is... VSM! Early on, he says things like...

I don't see a need to pad my post-totals if I don't have much to say, Commander.

Neither do I, but I usually do have something to say, and so should you. Especially now, there's been lots of voting and posting. Also, people seem to be basically saying "I don't really find anyone terribly suspicious, let's go for the lurkers." People like Smodge and Corwin. Pointed questioning seems to be what I'm good at, so...

Corwin: Why do you think Dread Thomas seems more like a bad townie than a bad scum? And why is bad townie play excusable, anyway? I feel this is treading extremely dangerous ground as far as future arguments go.

Smodge: Asterixing your Is was not necessary. Since nobody looks *really* scummy to you, who, lurkers excluded, seems the *most* scummy? This is a question people should really think about if things look pretty opaque.


I can't seem to escape the curse of having been scum so many times in the past. Maybe I should /nick Andrew and be done with it.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 03, 2008, 08:56:41 AM »
How can I defend myself against "Rat's voting for me! He's voted for me before- when he was scum!"

How can I defend myself against "Rat's voting for me, and in doing so pushed me over the halfway point! That's scummy." The only thing I can do is explain why I've voted for you- which is a hint of OMGUS, your erraticness, your original reason for voting me, your supposed 'trap', and now the way you're acting as if just because you can accomplish something within the rules, it's also a good option to take. Without, might I add, justifying why you took your actions.

On that note, I know the rules of Mafia quite well, thanks. Roleclaiming without need is bad because scum would like to know your roles, to better direct their nightkills. Your roleclaim didn't put YOU in danger. Maybe it put ALL THE OTHER TOWNIES with roles in danger because now scum can assume you're vanilla and go after someone with an actual role.

I'd really like other people to weigh in on this, although I admit it's the period of time where most of you guys are asleep. If it's just the both of us shouting at each other, we're unlikely to get anywhere.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 03, 2008, 08:04:53 AM »
Empty posts? I'll direct you towards your 'joke'.

Everything is wrong with that kind of baiting, by the way. It makes you look super-bad. It's unlikely to work because the idea itself was awful. It's an *excuse* for a foolish action.

You've played in a few games at this point. You're beyond 'newbie' status, why are you highlighting this? Why would I think you're a particularly easy lynch regardless? You roleclaimed very early- you're not that close to lynch right now, why did you do it? I'm not going to roleclaim myself until there is need, which there isn't.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 03, 2008, 07:46:48 AM »
There's no rule against it, but it's metagaming to a degree. Be cautious in your use of this kind of thing- it can frequently lead you on the wrong track.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 03, 2008, 07:37:19 AM »

<EvilTom> I'm voting for Rat because he's always scum!
<EvilTom> Now I'm keeping my vote on him because he's scumbussing! Probably. Maybe? >_> (This is a joke! Right, that's fine.)
<EvilTom> Actually, I'm gonna vote for the guy Rat's voting for. Why didn't I do this before? Um...
<EvilTom> Now I'm voting Rat again for posting! Clearly it's scum trying to avoid lurker detection. (As opposed to, y'know, keeping on top of things.)
<EvilTom> Hmm, I'm gonna vote for some lurker dude... BUT I'M STILL GOING TO VOTE FOR RAT LATER, SO THIS VOTE IS MEANINGLESS.
<EvilTom> We don't get useful information out of mislynches. Haha, actually I was baiting.

You seem to have started with the assumption that I'm scum, and you're now looking for reasons to vote for me. I don't really care about getting jokevoted early. I don't even care much (even if it does irritate me a bit) if people *bandwagon* me early to get me to talk and shit. I do care when you try to come up with other stupid reasons to vote for me while saying at the same time that it's day 1, so we can't really make much of anything. You supposedly tried to bait people by proposing a bad play and seeing who agrees (as opposed to making a bad play and then realising it later, which is what I find more likely.) Basically, your play has been all over the place, and not in a good way.

##Unvote, ##Vote: EvilTom.

Reason is obvious at this point, I should hope. Agree with everyone that it's bizzare Otter hasn't posted yet. He does know we've started, right?

Still not really thrilled with unoriginal. Jokevotes should be for other people, mang! You get a playing field going and can go out from there. Voting for yourself just doesn't help at all (if you are a townie, you do not want people voting for you, because you dying is bad for town! There is always a better target than *you*, as far as you're concerned.)

Don't care much about Corwin voting for me. Early bandwagoning is a decent tactic for either side when you really get down to it.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 02, 2008, 09:02:51 PM »
Whoo day1. Things of note are the miniwagon on me, Otter not posting, CMDR posting up a List of Facts, and just recently Soppy voting for QR seemed weird to me.

Oh, and, of course, Unoriginal's stupid jokevote on himself. Asissted suicide ftw.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 02, 2008, 06:35:29 AM »
Another... scumbus?

That is a joke, right? Right.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 02, 2008, 05:49:15 AM »
I'm not going to let you punks Andrew me!

##Unvote, ##Vote: Unoriginal

You're certainly living up to your name with that jokevote! Voting you for voting yourself, which is the dumbest one I've seen so far. I'm always willing to support people who want to kill themselves~

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 02, 2008, 01:23:32 AM »

##Vote: Shale


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