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Messages - Cotigo

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General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: October 12, 2016, 08:14:43 AM »
Strange Vision is probably going to be your best Mage Meta RW for a while. I include her in all of my parties I know I don't need to super-optimize for because it's so cool. +30%x2 MAG bonus justifies me equipping Tyro and/or Onion Knight with ATK/MAG weapons like Vinny's Shotgun so that they can use support breakdowns and then bust out Allegro Con Moto on Tyro and OK's magic BSB command when I want them to deal damage.

Most surprisingly, OK's BSB and SSB Staff synergize amazingly when you toss Strange Vision into the mix, if you throw Indoor Spell or something on him.

It also helps that I run Y'shtola with her BSB so Selphie can act as a backup battle medic. Her with her BSB commands also fills the perfect niche use for Maraise: a skill used basically only immediately before a Medicaga and Wall renewal go off. Finally, you can raise people and they don't just die immediately!

Strange Vision is among one of my favorite relics to have because it opened up my party options so much.

Literally the second I signed on as a contractor for an online company, I got an invite to interview with a better paying company with benefits.

Looks like everything is coming up Milhaus.

General Chat / Re: 2016 Miscellaneous Links: The Links Awaken
« on: October 05, 2016, 11:57:25 PM »
Might be cheaper now, but housing costs are rising faster here than anywhere in the country and it's mostly because of You People so please don't move here.

I mean the city could do things to help people living there by enacting rent control laws

oh that's against oregon state law

well it's 100% Us People's fault

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: October 05, 2016, 11:07:47 PM »

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: October 04, 2016, 04:30:28 AM »
I have now cleared basically most of the anniversary content except for Level???? Nemesis (name in japanese: The One Who Surpasses Everything) and that has no rewards so I'm not gonna sweat it too hard.

got enough mythril for one pull on Banner 4, got Ramza's, Zidane, and OK's SSBs. That makes for my... 4th Ramza SB? That makes him tied with Bartz for most-SBified character in my roster. Terra, sadly, is at 3rd with only 3. >_>

Cleared all the Nightmare dungeons except for the last one, and then went and cleared all the Nightmare dungeons except the last one.

Not much to say for the 6* skill guardians. Each one took me a loss to figure out the gimmick, a couple took more than two goes.

For the superdungeons confusingly called Nightmare Dungeons, I beat both FF5 and FFX's Cid Missions, and the Lv250 versions afterwards. Attempted the CM on FF7's but my FF7 relics are all too outdated to meet the challenge.

The fights were actually really fun! I couldn't have beaten them before now since in every party at least one of the relics I got during the anniversary.

FF5 3 little piggies, Cids Mission party:

Bartz (R1 Snowstorm Strike, R5 Indoor Spell), Sword->Damagex30%, OSB and BSB
Krile (R1 Vilagarmanda, R4 Meteo), Magic +20%, BSB
Exdeath (R5 Haste, R3 Chain Blizzaga), Ace Striker, Power of the Void (ST damage, Mag+30% and MDef+20%) and Neo Almagest (MT Damage, M. Blink) SSBs
Dorgan (R4 Indoor Spell, R4 Magic Breakdown), Battleforged, ATK and MAG +30% SSB
Lenna (R3 Shellga, R5 Curaja), Dualcast White, shared Cura-level medica SB.

All characters had fire-resistance accessories, Lenna and I think Krile blocked more than one relevant element.

Took me two uses of stamina to tweak the party. First time I tried using Y'Shtola's BSB as my RW but I did not have enough mitigation for even the instacast Curaga to keep up. Luckily, the piggies don't have any ITD so SG shines again.

The 4 rounds of mobs beforehand make a few neat tweaks to the standard boss setup. For one, Dr. Mog's and Mako Might are huuuuugely devalued compared to Battleforged and Ace Striker, since you have time to have even your mage characters waste a turn plinking to build SB. It also means that you want your heavy hitters to boost their damage in lieu of boosting SB gain. Additionally, having a hastega or Medica didn't feel as necessary as it usually does. Exdeath spent the whole buildup to the boss hasting everybody, skipping the part of the battle that makes Haste usually not feasible. Neat! As for Medica, up until the fight, if you use the defend command liberally, the trash, while way more durable than we're used to, can't really do more than scratch defending synergy characters, and if there's a lot of them they usually get wiped in 2 Meteo castings. ALSO, if you time it right, you can get SG to line up perfectly with the last attack of the 4th round, lessening the need for that early medica to wipe up the pre-mitigation damage.

Anyway, the fight itself. Standard piggie fight, if any one of them are dead for too long they'll regenerate, blah blah blah.

Started with Dorgan, then Exdeath SSBs, then Krile's and Bartz's BSBs. Krile's Enfired + Doubleboosted BSB commands chewed threw Nereid's HP, to the point where I barely attacked him with anything else except for that and her MT BSB command. Bartz unloads everything on Triton, except for his OSB, which he always hit Phobos (earth-weak) guy with, and always used it while under the buffs from the BSB. Exdeath mostly kept people hasted and MBarriered. Since I had fire resist gear, I had Dorgan alternate between breaking Nereid and Phobos since Triton could barely deal damage to me through Wall.

There was a bit of neat strategy here, in that you really didn't want all three in their Weak Phase, so I let Nereid's HP bar be the timer. I whittled him down to about 20% HP, then got the other two to just above half, saved up 3 of Bartz's OSBs, then went into hardcore damage mode. EZPZ

The 250 Version of the fight was basically the same, but no cid mission. Party was

OK (R2 Full Charge, R4 Full Breakdown), Dr. Mog's, BSB
Krile (R1 Viligarmanda, R4 Meteo), Mako Might
Rinoa (R5 Valefor, R3 Chain Blizzaga), Magic+20%
Tyro (R2 Allegro Con Moto, R4 Hi-Unfaith dance), Battleforged, BSB
Y'Shtola (R5 Rage, R5 Curaja), Ace Striker,

The main differences here were in the lead up. 6 Trash rounds, not 4, and they're way more durable and way more damaging. For that reason, I put Mako might on Krile in order to have her use her BSB commands to blast through them. As for the fight itself, same basic strat as last time, except I used Rinoa's BSB a lot more than I used Bartz's, and only used her OSB in a final barrage against Phobos. OK saved all his full strike charges for the same race past the weak phase, and it synergizes amaaaaaazingly with his BSB commands.

That said, my mages were STILL outdamaging that combo,
And it is really all thanks to a skill called Allegro Con Moto.

That thing is awesome. Easily my favorite 6* ability, and the sole reason these days to run a Bard.

Anyway, I'll write up the Geosangeo and Gi Nattak posts later. After I wrap those up, I'll have basically finished the game and only have events to do. Weird feeling.

General Chat / Re: 2016 Miscellaneous Links: The Links Awaken
« on: October 04, 2016, 01:00:23 AM »
Did someone just call Oregon expensive? Jesus Christ, I need to move. Preferably to Portland where things are like 20-50% cheaper than they are here.

in fairness new mexico has always been dirt cheap to live in because most people are poor

like comparing california to new mexico is probably one of the most drastic cost of living differences in the nation

side note the 2008 recession didn't hit the state relatively as hard as it hit other states because there was not a lot further down to drop

anyway point is if I lived with a roommate I could find a place for about 500/mo after utilities pretty easily so there are benefits

And if the city is doing this sort of tourist outreach it's a damn shame it's so expensive to live out there because that is one of the only niches my skillset actually fills



General Chat / Re: 2016 Miscellaneous Links: The Links Awaken
« on: October 02, 2016, 07:11:13 AM »
yeah that too actually

General Chat / Re: 2016 Miscellaneous Links: The Links Awaken
« on: October 01, 2016, 11:32:26 PM »
Japan and Oregon, peas in a pod. This video is literally a love letter.

"Odnarotoop" is Portland spelled backwards with Japanese pronunciation.

k im done

no for real tho if the goal of this is actually to woo japanese tourists nobody is gonna fuckin understand what the shit a odnarotoop is

actually having the japanese syllables arranged backwards (as opposed to every phoneme which isn't how the language works) would be "Do-n-ra-toh-po" (ドンラトーポ), which is just as obtuse but would make a japanese person go "Eh, Sugoi" after having it explained to them, which would be better for tourism while still satiating the need for the artist to feel like he's clever without attracting ire from unemployed people who would be better at their jobs than them

ANYWAY actually it's a pretty neat song and the japanese is childish but a lot better than I expected.

And if the city is doing this sort of tourist outreach it's a damn shame it's so expensive to live out there because that is one of the only niches my skillset actually fills

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: September 30, 2016, 08:55:36 PM »
Went ahead and honed Speedster and Allegro Con Moto to R2, and cashed in the skills I know I'll never use (Monk, Ninja, etc). Crafted Penalty Break and Viligarmandia, but kept them at R1.

Wind Orbs are kinda stretched thin (I can get Steal Motivation to R2 but then I'm done. I also realized I probably will want to keep Aegis Strike and Blizzard Strike as options, but holding off until I get enough Black Crystals to hone Meltdown to R2. Then I can spend my Earth orbs on something else.

Bribe fars, kill cars mode until the Summon Orb phase is over, then I'll knock out the Nightmare dungeons and the remaining festival stuff.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: September 30, 2016, 06:45:12 AM »
Trying to decide what 6* skills to use, so for Futref:
Abyss/Nightmare 6* abilities and upmats

Ultima, Black/Non/Fire
Meltdown, Black/Fire/Earth
Curajaja, White/Earth/Holy
Reraise, White/Wind/Holy
Bahamut Neo, Summon/Non/Black
Viligarmandia, Summon/Ice/Thunder
Crushdown, Power/Fire/Earth
Omegadrive, Power/Fire/Dark
Penalty 4, Power/Non/Thunder
Penalty Break, Power/Non/Dark
N. Cross, Power/Ice/Wind
Speedster, Power/Thunder/Wind

Class Record Dive 6*s and consitutent upmats
Snowstorm Strike, Power/Ice/Wind
Aegis Strike, Ice/Earth/Holy
Allegro Con Moto, White/Earth/Holy
Penalty Snipe, Ice/Thunder/Dark
Sky High, Thunder/Earth/Wind
Thief, Fire/Wind/Dark
Samurai, Non/Ice/Dark
Ninja, Ice/Wind/Dark
Monk, Fire/Thunder/Earth

So, thinking Meltdown, Mug whatever, Viligarmanda, Speedster, and Penalty Break. There have been a few bosses recently with obnoxious status, so lowering the infliction rate is looking more and more appealing. But in any case, this gives me a pretty well rounded resource spread. That said, Holy and White crystals are entirely unused, and it looks like I'll have a bunch of earth orbs leftover too. I suppose I could hone Allegro Con Moto, too.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: September 28, 2016, 01:41:38 AM »
I think it was a country club, not a night club. As in, a golf course.

Anyway that was one of the most hilarious things I've watched in a while. In so much that watching Colbert and Noah's takes on it were kinda redundant since you can't make that sheer level of complete craziness funnier by joking about it.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: September 27, 2016, 12:20:31 AM »
It looks like there WAS a group of people on the fringe stealing their country away from them.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: September 26, 2016, 11:49:59 PM »
Guys don't worry about your 6* class skills they all kinda suck except for Snowstorm Strike and supposedly the thief one is good too if you don't have a good boostga and not enough synergy to hit ATK cap. Aegis Strike might be cool if you don't get  a good Knight BSB (Cecil/Beatrix/Agrias) but honestly it just takes up a skill slot that could be used for dispelling or support and meh. Not that bad if you're running dual knights.

On the other hand, all of them are basically free if you did the event, so hey whatever you want. Honestly once I decide which 2-3 (maybe 4? depends on orb distribution) 6* skills I'm investing in I'm just going to spend all my tokens making copies of the skill and busting them up for their constituent parts.

Honestly though except for Thief's actually (it is basically HotE PLUS a debuff, and that is pretty sick if I run Rikku or Yuffie in cids missions. Why am I just looking into this now? I should have been using this.) the two or three standout skills in the Nightmare dungeons overshadow the ones you'll all be getting in the next week. Meltdown is great if you have any mages in your A-team and apparently Northern Cross and a couple of the later ones are pretty good. I dunno, I need to research. I still haven't even bothered over there except to get the 6* orbs and Meltdown.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: September 26, 2016, 05:01:46 AM »
So, uh, yeah, that happened.

I had just fixed my sleep schedule but I rekt it again trying to get every mythril available to me before midnight JP time (9AM my time) since all the OF Fest banners fill me with apathy. I just barely got enough to pull again, got Bartz's OSB and a third Shout. Neat. Can't really complain, netting that OK BSB and all, but maaaaaaaan I really should have prioritized sleep. @_@

Good stuff! Not Jecht's balls or Tifa's fist, but it'll do.

A day where DJ finds out his master was just pretending to throw a ball the entire time, and there were no balls to begin with.

I am sorry for your loss.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: September 25, 2016, 12:10:55 AM »
So I have exactly 3 of the items on this banner.

For my free pull I got another Platinum Sword and Blood Sword. Oh well, both are at 6 and 7*s now, respectively. Oh, Except, Wait, I Rosetta Stoned my Platinum Sword a while ago since I had so much FFT synergy. That... was dumb. Of course it's going to be on every celebration banner I'm ever going to seriously want to pull on. Oh well, lesson learned.

Gonna do some finaggling to see if I can pull off more pulls on the banner before it goes away at the end of the day.

EDIT: Mythril Present Dungeon did. Pulled. 1/11. :(



OK then.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: September 24, 2016, 03:07:55 AM »
On the Pick Up Lucky Draw, I got Rikku's Burst, Cait Sith's Critical Up SSB,  and Ovelia's dress. I think something else, but it was a few days ago so I forgot.
Skipped Lucky Draw 1.
Lucky Draw 2, I got Gafgarion's EnDarkness burst (because I needed more FFT synergy), Yuffie's Enwater Burst, and Edge's Enwater Burst. Hey, all bursts, sick.
Lucky Draw 3, I got Luneth's Enwind Burst, Vivi's Enfire Burst, and Sara's Burst.

That gives me... 2 Enfires, one Enthunder (but only that, lol, useless), Endarkness, 2 Enwaters, and an Enwind SB, four of which are Bursts, 1 an SSB, and one a regular SB. Neat. The only one that really changes up things for me is that I now have a reason to hone the physical darkness skills, I suppose. Vivi's burst will change up my FF9 CM teams, at least.

I'm also pretty sure the amount of BSSBs I have now is ridiculous, too, but there's one more banner (Ultros' Selection, I believe) to get through before I start documenting

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: September 22, 2016, 05:53:44 AM »
yeah I'm skipping Lucky Draw 1 and am going to pull on both others plus one more on one of them.  Not expecting much but OK's BSSB would make it so I could easily sell the account for money someday and that is mildly appealing to me.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: September 18, 2016, 02:38:10 AM »
FF8 event -


FF8 cids missions will continue to be the most fun missions for me for a very long time.

U++ Disciplinary Crew was also GGEZ. Of note, because I am a very rich man from previous agricultural endeavors, I went with the comedy option of honing Bio Grenade to R3 because it hit weakness and consistently dealt 14000+ damage to all three of them. Mustadio actually was kind of the star of the show, that full+mind breakdown MT SSB combined with Tyro's dances neutered their offence and overall this fight was just ridiculously silly.

Also took down the Multiplayer missions, actually did fairly well despite having to rely on pubbies.

Anyway with that I can focus on spending all of my stamina on Orbfest for now (the 8 event ends before the first round of Orbfest).  There's also a Dungeon Update out and during orbfest doing normal dungeons only costs half stamina. I have some mathing out to do to figure out when I want to use that to refresh stamina charges. Probably during Power/Non/Wind? Or maybe now during Black/Lightning/Dark. Don't need dark but Black and Lightning would be nice. That said I reaaaaaaaally need Power orbs. That probably trumps everything actually.

There's a lucky draw going on, half priced, got Rikku's Burst, Krile's Burst, and Cait Sith's damage/critical up instrument. The former two shore up my 5 and 10 synergy at least.

Fine, DeNA. Orbfest got me hooked again. *golfclap*

Discussion / Re: Musing on FF5 job balance
« on: September 18, 2016, 01:00:49 AM »
Again, that was so cool. Hope we'll get Omega/Shinryu too


it turns out that once again the white anglo-saxon protestant hegemony leaks through yet again in our nation's media

the ultimate party for defeating THE FLORA-AMERICAN MENACE THREATENING OUR WAY OF LIFE is 4 white christians in pointed white robes


General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: September 17, 2016, 12:30:36 AM »
oh. orbfest.

yeah that's a good enough incentive for make me start playing all day every day again

Earthquakes are still hitting Kumamoto after 5 goddamn months

A few weeks ago they had three big ones and my cat ran off. Lady taking care of him waited for a bit to see if he would come back and he has not. I have failed as a CatDad.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: September 15, 2016, 11:13:43 PM »
OK wow it's been a while.

So I have no idea what I've talked about and what I haven't so here we go.

With the FFT event, I netted Agrias' Burst and Musty's Full+Mind Breakdown SSB. With the FF8 event coming up, I decided to level cap break Selphie and Quistis in addition to Aggy and Musty, so them + Y'Shtola have been my main team for a bit now. I've gotten Quistis' Black Magus Record Dive mastered, so she has Black 5 now and is actually kind of competent.

Also, with Rapid Fire Mustadio can actually crank out some damage and is kinda pulling his weight. The changeup in roster has been nice for my still giving a damn about the game. THAT SAID U+ fights are too much of a headache with the current setup and so my team has remained pretty static for higher difficulty stuff. 

The only SB I really would like to net now is Krile's Sheepsong, because then I'll have a triple stacked magic buff team (Sheepsong + Selphie's MAG/MND up BSB, Liberty Staff's ATK/MAG up shared), two options of OSB mages (Rinoa and Terra, and I think I netted Rinoa's enEarth SB at some point? I may be misremembering), and Hastega. With Y'shtola's healing and Selphie being able to hit as an offensive WM, I think it could be a pretty interesting team.

But anyway, aside from that... didn't bother with the Nightmare dungeon, and I've missed most of the highest difficulty Multiplayer fights due to them being too hard singleplayer and getting pubbies to melt into a good team even when I'm rocking ShoutRamza and BSBYshtola is annoying as fuck.

Recently most of the times I remember that events are over the day that they wrap up so it's kind of been a pain in the ass to get stuff done. Really just feels like chores sometimes. Still, I do have a little bit of fun with it sometimes so I guess I'll keep playing.

Discussion / Re: Musing on FF5 job balance
« on: September 06, 2016, 01:34:33 AM »
Okay yeah that list includes a lot more things than I remembered, and I forgot that Mystic Knight probably reaaaaally wants the last two spellblades.

Wait, Meteor is locked behind the Fork Tower? How exactly do you get that again? I don't really remember.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: September 06, 2016, 01:27:02 AM »

Why the fuck are we still talking about Donald Trump's visit to Mexico and his oh so predictable heel face turn upon returning when shit like this is happening?

I wish I knew what to do other than share the video and sit at my computer writing but I fucking don't. This is a goddamn disgrace.

Discussion / Re: Musing on FF5 job balance
« on: September 06, 2016, 12:45:24 AM »
Re: Namagomi's point, eh, the classes that have been chronically spending a bunch of money are going to have a lot less in the bank than those that aren't, and Reiska brings up a good point that they're going to have a harder time buying Hermes Sandals ASAP without grinding. Penalizing them for this still seems in line with the spirit of the rankings if you ask me.

Moving on, as interesting as the analysis was, similar to how only Summoner cares about Odin/Levi/Bahamut, I think it's kind of an important note that unless your Wind Crystal job is either WM or BM, you have no reason whatsoever to do the Fork Tower, as nobody except those two can cast Flare/Holy. Which really doesn't give a pass at all to the Water/Fire/Earth jobs, but honestly including Omniscient in the rankings for Knight/Monk/Thief and Minotaur for Blue Mage in the context of a Fiesta (much less an SCC!) seems a little unfair in practice.

Of course, I may be misremembering, and please correct me if I am. Are there even any worthwhile drops/chests that those jobs care about? It doesn't look like it.

Also, out of curiosity, will you be including Necrophobe in the ratings? That fight can basically be skipped by all classes if you fought Gilgamesh 4 right? Or skipped entirely if you don't care about getting that save point.

Another note, wow it really does seem like your Wind Crystal job is your most important one by far. Get Black Mage, Knight, or Blue Mage? You're safe. White Mage? Lots of trouble early game but a good roll on Water crystal will fix that.  Monk? Great earlygame, going to suck shit lategame ( 1/White Mage = Monk confirmed, please submit your thesis paper to your advisor so that you may defend it for your PHD in FF5ology). Thief? Cry and then cry some more.

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