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Messages - Excal

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General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: February 04, 2016, 08:02:07 AM »
Sure, but by the time you have Gaspar and his infinite cash you also have Viki and the Blinking Mirror.  And the only dungeon in that arc is Sonierre.  I just slapped a Hazy Rune on him because I had it early and it's not like I'll ever miss the thing.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« on: February 04, 2016, 05:27:20 AM »
Mass Effect 3 has a lot of points where they seem to go out of your way to show that if you make a point of being a jackass, then yeah, bad shit will go down.  If Wrex is alive, the stuff on Tuchanka really hammers this home.  It's not like ME2 where Renegade is as viable as Paragon for getting through things.

So, Suikoden 1, because I've been feeling an itch to replay it.  Tir is still as awesome as ever, and it's nice that this game that makes 100% ID on the main character effectively a selling point is happy to not only make enemies that are big, nasty, and rough to kill, but that are vulnerable to this speedy guy with Deadly Fingertips.  Heck, even when you don't have that one enemy, it's still nice to have DF because it can prune down numbers in what might be an otherwise rough fight.  And the levelling system does a good job of making those charges feel worthwhile because those first fights will get you most of your levels, and levels matter for how quickly you can end fights.

Of course...  the game is also suffering from forced party members.  You remember the scourge, but it's another thing to have to go through it again.  Gremio is forced (with the exception of the trip to recruit Flik), from the start of the game until his death.  Viktor has been forced almost as much.  And there's that lovely moment when your entire party is forced (though, fortunately, that's a very short moment).  If it weren't for this, and Gremio's general horribleness (wait...  no Lv3 spell charges at Lv32?  Only 1 Lv2 spell charge?!) it would be a lot easier to react appropriately to his death.

I'm not too worried.  His big trip to Montreal ended with him getting a drink in his face, and general mockery all around.

Tournaments / Re: RPGDL 2016 Season 1, Week 2
« on: January 20, 2016, 05:14:14 PM »
For a moment I read that as summon a turtle.  And then I was sad.  One of the FF XIII games really needed to let you summon an Adamantoise.  All it would need to do is walk through the fight.

Tournaments / Munchkin League Final
« on: January 02, 2016, 10:40:55 PM »
Sorceress Rinoa vs. White Mage Khimari

Sorceress Rinoa
Has full stock of status and elemental magics, but no Magic command.  Has Item command and one Aura Stone.  Has one Status Defense Junction, cannot cast that spell.

White Mage Khimari
Stats: HP–3444 MP–278 STR–27 DEF–28 MAG–42 SPR–23 AGI–28 LUK–18 EVA–21 ACC-12
Attack- 514 damage
Holy (85 MP)- 8223 damage
Curaga (20 MP)- 4880 healing
Reflect (14 MP)
Dispel (12 MP)
Regen (40 MP)

Discussion / Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« on: December 31, 2015, 05:08:46 PM »
Eh, I disagree.  I always got the impression that Gothel didn't want a familial connection to Rapunzel beyond what was necessary.  Rapunzel, after all, was not a person, she was just her flower of eternal life having annoyingly gained sentience and become much harder to retain ownership of, since it foolishly thought it belonged to itself.  And so we get the psychological mind games and the various strings to keep Rapunzel under control so that the flower will always be there for Gothel.

Seeing that dynamic, Rapunzel trying to grow while Gothel wants to diminish and control her, limit her to simply being a tool, is the heart of the movie.  And to try and sell "Oh noes, she may find out I'm not her real mother" as something Gothel would care about when her primary concern is depersoning Rapunzel, they just don't feel like two concerns likely to go together.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« on: December 30, 2015, 06:45:22 PM »
Chibirythem 2.  Trying to complete the roster of characters, but the game seems deadset on handing me Turquoise shards.  Almost as if it's trying to hold the rest of the dregs of the cast hostage to me picking up Kain.  This shall not work! >_>

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: December 29, 2015, 07:32:57 PM »
Fenrir, that was the Prequil Trilogy of sick  burns.

Just gonna say.  They live, and they're trying to escape.

General Chat / Re: 2015 Miscellaneous Links: Cat pictures go here
« on: December 26, 2015, 10:02:59 PM »
More Lightning bias.  Sadness.

If Squeenix were smart, they'd have realized this was a great way to hype the FF VII remake and used Cloud instead.

Tournaments / Munchkin League Round 4
« on: December 22, 2015, 11:11:19 PM »
Round 4
Trainee Ramza vs. Sorceress Rinoa
White Mage Khimari vs. Final Fina

Trainee Ramza
Locked in Ubersquire, can use all abilities from tier 1/2 jobs that cost 399 or less.
Knight: All breaks except Weapon and Armor, Weapon Guard
Archer: All Charges between +1 and +5
Chemist: X-Potion, all status heal items except Holy Water, Maintenance (Uh, relevant if he faces Izlude maybe? <_<), EQUIP CHANGE!!!
Priest: Cure, Cure 2, Protect, Shell, Regen, Wall, Esuna
Wizard: Fire/Ice/Bolt, Fire/Ice/Bolt 2

Sorceress Rinoa
Has full stock of status and elemental magics, but no Magic command.  Has Item command and one Aura Stone.  Has one Status Defense Junction, cannot cast that spell.

White Mage Khimari
Stats: HP–3444 MP–278 STR–27 DEF–28 MAG–42 SPR–23 AGI–28 LUK–18 EVA–21 ACC-12
Attack- 514 damage
Holy (85 MP)- 8223 damage
Curaga (20 MP)- 4880 healing
Reflect (14 MP)
Dispel (12 MP)
Regen (40 MP)

Final Fina
Cupil Ring, 10 Sacrulen Crystals (full healing) in inventory

Discussion / Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« on: December 17, 2015, 06:06:27 AM »
Did somebody just badmouth the animated, motorized, Doc Hollywood?  That description alone provides the entertainment value of glorious cheese!

General Chat / Re: 2015 Miscellaneous Links: Cat pictures go here
« on: December 15, 2015, 05:21:02 PM »
Also, the one article focuses on the cries of censorship when we didn't get a 13 year old in a skimpy bikini, and the rampant 4chan theories of how one woman at NoA is clearly responsible in part for these insults to frue gamers.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« on: December 10, 2015, 12:34:41 AM »
I feel odd.  Unlike every other shooter I have ever played, I just don't like Borderlands split screen.  I've enjoyed it well enough, but just because the people I've played it with have added enough to the experience to make up for the detraction of the splitscreen.  Whereas I find more than enough gratification in the single player shooter mode.

As for what I'm playing...  continuing with my fascination with the old, I decided to whip out FF8.  Of course, since I couldn't find FF8, this proved to be a problem.  I'd make a crack at this point about "since I didn't want to play anything good..." but I went with Legend of Dragoon.  And frankly, just because it isn't FFT, or Xenogears, or Suikoden 2 doesn't mean it isn't good.

Of course, let's start with the terribleness that we all knew was coming!  PSX Voice Acting!  It is every bit as bad as I remembered!  It also takes those old pre rendered backgrounds and sticks the guidance arrows FF7 had and forces you to use them.  It's good they have them, because you need them, so much.  But you can't turn them off on the many occasions where you don't.  The dialogue is also stilted in a lot of places, which isn't too surprising since this is about the point where people started to pay for decent translations, and the really good jobs therefore all still suffered from some kind of issue (though I'll still argue that Woolsey's artistic vision was generally for the best, I am far more ambivalent about Working Design's.)  Then there's Shana, whose whole purpose so far is to be a plot device and generally be devoted to Dart, and nothing else.  Oh, and be weak.  Y'know, I just realized it, but there's a lot of similarities between her and Rosa.  Granted, every now and then they switch things up, like when she grabs the bow and arrow to fight, or when it's Lavitz that slips and falls instead of her (bad move Shanna, saving someone who just slipped is a sure fire lead in to romance!  And how can Dart say no to a guy named Slambert?), but yeah...

On the other hand, the game play is reasonably interesting, and it's still my favourite take on the timed hit system.  I had forgotten that Dart, unlike a lot of RPG protagonists, is actually making decisions and has his head screwed on straight pretty much from the beginning.  He was adventuring before the plot started, sure his home town getting destroyed kicked off the plot, but it specifically started this plot, Dart would have been out fighting anyways.  When he gets the opportunity to find a place to hide, or at least get back to his personal problems and goals, he chooses to get involved because he has the skills to help Basil, and he wants to help them.  And all of this happens before he becomes a Dragoon, so at this point he's just a badass fighter, but nothing really special.

Adding to this, you've got the Dartmaster Bromance, which is pretty excellent.  The two of them really do work well together, and they have the best chemistry in the cast so far.  And you've got Rose.  Right now she's pretty much all style, but she's harsh and practical and is willing to go along and help the group.  Now, if her mysteries weren't revealed, or if they were bad, then she'd be a much worse character, but I recall them being solid enough. 

As for the plot, it's a nice low stakes beginning.  You've got a simple civil war, an ancient legend which wasn't 1000 years ago (though, I think they don't quite get how freaking long 11,000 years is), and a few hints that the two are actually connected.  It all holds up quite well after the years.

General Chat / Re: 2015 Miscellaneous Links: Cat pictures go here
« on: December 09, 2015, 10:21:47 PM »
Will definitely disagree about FF XIII as being "episodic" in the way Xenosaga was.  Love it or hate it, XIII was at least a complete story, whereas Xenosaga Ep1 ended part way through the story and it wasn't even a huge important arc.  It was just getting from Point A to Point B and explaining some stuff on the way.  You had the same base cast continuing to be important after that.  Whereas Fang and Vanille were done after FF XIII, and most of the rest of the cast should have been done, except then the Etro stuff happened, which is at least a new conflict that's not contained in XIII.

On that note, I am now much more looking forward to FF XV than the VII remake.  The ATB is generally pissing me off more than the episodic news, since I'd love to see a real attempt to make a proper go of the old FF7 combat system.  The FF7 system had huge potential, and a remake is the perfect time to make it better.  Arg.  So, yeah.  Also, with the Crisis Core stuff I know they can keep the old FF sensibilities, but I'm always afraid they won't.  And Cloud in particular is someone they seem to be good at not getting, so I'm kinda worried about that.

Combine that with just being able to play the original, well, I'm dreading the remake as opposed to just incredibly apathetic about XV.  And hey, I was also really apathetic and then disliked XIII a touch before it finally grew on me, and now I'm a fan of XIII, so maybe XV will manage that same trajectory.  There is a touch of hope there.

Tournaments / Re: Munchkin League Round 3
« on: December 09, 2015, 03:22:01 AM »
Klutz Master Laguna
Has Siren and Status Junction - Confusion
Has single Status Defense Junction - no access to Death, Stop, Break, Aura, or Confusion (it's already junctioned to Status Attack)
Has Regen for casting, and Treatment as a command

Trainee Ramza
Locked in Ubersquire, can use all abilities from tier 1/2 jobs that cost 399 or less.
Knight: All breaks except Weapon and Armor, Weapon Guard
Archer: All Charges between +1 and +5
Chemist: X-Potion, all status heal items except Holy Water, Maintenance (Uh, relevant if he faces Izlude maybe? <_<), EQUIP CHANGE!!!
Priest: Cure, Cure 2, Protect, Shell, Regen, Wall, Esuna
Wizard: Fire/Ice/Bolt, Fire/Ice/Bolt 2

Sorceress Rinoa
Has full stock of status and elemental magics, but no Magic command.  Has Item command and one Aura Stone.  Has one Status Defense Junction, cannot cast that spell.

Distorted Labrynthia
Enigmancer OOC, Fantastica OOC, Sentinel EQ, Def +25%, Res +25% - Equipped with Cuirass +6

White Mage Khimari
Stats: HP–3444 MP–278 STR–27 DEF–28 MAG–42 SPR–23 AGI–28 LUK–18 EVA–21 ACC-12
Attack- 514 damage
Holy (85 MP)- 8223 damage
Curaga (20 MP)- 4880 healing
Reflect (14 MP)
Dispel (12 MP)
Regen (40 MP)

Statmaster Silence
Weapon: Mariche (+25 All) MagicHeal
Gloves: Chariot (+25 STR, QUI, VIT) TigerRampage
Boots: Suzaku (+20 All minus CHA), TitasWave

Final Fina
Cupil Ring, 10 Sacrulen Crystals (full healing) in inventory

MegaMari ...belle?
Valkyrie w/ Renewal, Tomefaire, Res +2, Demoiselle, Celica's Gale

Tournaments / Munchkin League Round 3
« on: December 09, 2015, 03:19:50 AM »

Round 3
Klutz Master Laguna vs. Trainee Ramza
Sorceress Rinoa vs. Distorted Labrynthia
White Mage Khimari vs. Statmaster Silence
Final Fina vs. MegaMari... belle

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« on: December 08, 2015, 11:58:28 PM »
BL1 is easily the worst of the series, though the only thing to really see a lot of improvement is the writing.  The rest is just a lot of polishing.

General Chat / Re: Watching any anime?
« on: December 06, 2015, 10:51:50 AM »
Found Crunchyroll, naturally this has led to watching a lot more anime given the supply is now far greater.  Most of it is pretty excellent stuff too.  Probably going to go over them in chronological order.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica: fancy title, fancy animation.  Never really figured I'd be watching magical girl stuff, but it's as much mystery and horror as it is magical girl, and it has an interesting premise.  Start off with a deal where you get a wish granted and gain potent magical powers, and in exchange you have to fight evil creatures that regular people are helpless against.  But, the series smartly never makes the fight against the monsters the main story.  It's all about the conflicts between the cast, and between the wishes they make, the wishes they thought they were making, and reality.  Lots of fun, and the twists mean that it's a good rewatch as well as you can catch all the hints that were dropped.

Kancolle Collection: Tried it out because the theme song sounded nice, didn't make it past the first episode.  It's kinda up there in the "What the Fuck, Japan" category of anime.  Basic idea is humanity is at war with...  something.  It's nautical.  I think it's some kind of future where nations exist, but actual ships can't do squat, so they need high school girls who possess the spirit of WWII Japanese Warships to fight the enemy.  Naturally, in a war this pressing, things will look dire and bleak, like Tokyo-3 near the end of Eva.  Except, no, looks like an affluent modern town.  Ok, well let's meet the rest of the cast.  Huh, seems that our main character is a shy person without much self-confidence but has a special power (the others call her a special destroyer), and everyone else seems to have a single character trait which they need to be blasting out at all times.  I know it's the first episode, but other shows manage to show their characters have some depth in the first episode too (in fact, I'll be getting to that later).  This was the thing that finally killed it for me, when the pop idol did her act one too many times, but there's one last thing I need to rant about. 

So, you know that, despite being shy and out of their element the protagonist is going to fight.  It's a cliche, it's going to happen because it has to happen (or...  not.  Madoka actually managed to make a question out of it.  When is she going to fight, is she even going to fight?).  Of course, she's never worked with her squad before but it's her first day.  She's never practised on the open water before and can barely stay on her feet.  Ok, there's a whole thing about falling into the cockpit, and while I kinda hate it, I am well trained in overlooking it.  But when you use this characterisation, the situations where you can get her into a fight are strictly limited.  Mostly, it needs to be a desperate situation, or she needs to be breaking orders and then do well enough to get away with it.  This is neither, this is an offensive action, where she's ordered out while she's not only incapable of looking after herself, but she's also messing up and screwing up her squadron's actions.  Fortunately, this is the first episode so we're looking at war porn instead of an actual fight, so the carrier chicks show up, and the battle is won through the OPness of the glorious fleet without a single casualty so there is no penalty at all for sending someone with no training at all to a fight where they'd have done better without her.  Rargh.

Is it Okay to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon: You know, given the title, I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting, but I had heard good things and the ad looks good, so I gave it a shot.  Sadly, it hit a premature end, so I haven't seen the last two episodes yet (I'm kinda happy where I left off).  Regardless, I was expecting it to just be an adventuring themed harem anime, and while the main character Bel does get a fair amount of female attention, the show manages to somehow avoid that.  Mostly because it settles pretty quickly into a love triangle.  Hestia loves Bel who loves Aiz, who seems to have feelings for Bel.  That said, Bel and Aiz are on completely different levels, and Bel doesn't want to make a move until he feels he's her equal.  In addition, Hestia's part of an interesting social setting of gods who form houses and grant blessings to adventurers, but her's is poor and weak, having only a single Lv. 1 adventurer, Bel.  So Bel is trying to both increase the strength and prestige of House Hestia while also train himself up to be worthy of asking out the woman he's infatuated with, and those two conflicts drive a lot of the show.  Sadly, the divine politics felt a bit off, and it also felt a bit like they lost their way after the first arc ended.  So, my hopes for a second season are not high, despite the fact that it was fun, if mindless, to watch.

Flowers of the Six Braves: This makes me want to play Mafia so much.  Seriously, every three centuries or so the demon lord revives and six braves are chosen to defeat him, but we don't care about him because we all know THAT story.  Of course the braves are going to, after hardship and sacrifice, win.  No, the story here is that this time, the Demon Lord decided to try and defeat the braves by having them defeat themselves.  Namely, there's a false, seventh, brave.  This series is short, and it's all about trying to find out who's the impostor.  They do a great job with setup, and I found it a lot of fun to go through it.  And when it came time for the reveal they did it right.  You've got two climaxes, the first is the end of the eleventh when the secondary plotline wraps up and it hammers home the question "Who is the seventh" with a chance to not start the last episode to try and figure it out yourself.  There are a few things brought up in the start of the last episode that focus that question a bit before the answer is revealed, but it's mostly to show that the answer is a fair one, that you had the information all along.  That you could have, theoretically, answered the riddle of the series at the end of the eleventh episode.  The one thing about the series that I'm going to complain about is the sequel bait slapped on at the end.  Seriously, you already had enough plot hooks, did you need to stick on a new seventh brave in order to keep that going?

Silver Spoon: Done by the same author as Full Metal Alchemist? That's Good.  Set in a high school?  That's bad.  Set in an agricultural high school?  That's...  good?

Turns out, that is good.  Silver spoon is a simple slice of life anime about a city boy who broke down in the stress of the standard Japanese educational system while dealing with his father, best described as a less cuddly, if far more caring, Gendo Ikari.  However, pretty much the entire focus is on agricultural life, the growth of the main, Hachiken, and various other actual life lessons as he grows out of his shell and becomes friends with his classmates.  There's also plenty of looking at Hokkaido agricultural life, and a special love for horses and equestrian clubs.  Some of the episodes focus a bit on school hijinks (like the mystery episode), but it's telling that one of the big conflicts for the first season is Hachiken grappling with naming and then identifying with one of the pigs they were raising for meat, and what he was going to do after that pig was sent to the processing plant.  Another thing this anime does that feels fresh and interesting is that while it does have a strong focus on goals and dreams, it also takes a realistic view at them.  Just because you have the goal and the desire and means to accomplish it, doesn't mean you necessarily will.  One of the main cast is aspiring to be a farm veterinarian but who has issues with blood, and his struggle with that is one of the plotlines that is running here.

Also, this show has some really freaking impressive opening and ending music.  I'd say the best of the lot in spite of really liking Madoka's music, except...  except...

Your Lie in April: This blows it out of the water musically.  Which, makes sense on two points.  One of the best pieces is the opening, Hikaru Nara, which is by the same folks who did the ending I linked to for Silver Spoon.  The other being that outside of two of the protagonists and one child, every named character is a musician.  And even then, all of them but two are pianists specifically.  The anime is from the view of Koumei, who is a 14 piano prodigy who is a legend in the field, but hasn't played since shortly after his mother died.  He's been supported by his two friends, who do care a lot for him, one being the standard childhood neighbour/friend, the other being the soccer star/flirt.  Things kick off when the childhood friend drags him along because someone asked her for an introduction to the flirt, and they need a fourth for the double date, which introduces the fourth main character, Kaori who is a violinist.  Soon she needs a new pianist, and with the support of Koumei's friends, she effectively bullies him into starting to play the piano again.  This starts us into Koumei actually starting to deal with the trauma of his mother's passing, and the abuse she dealt him.  Of course, this isn't the whole of it, but this is a drama where everyone has their own problems and everyone is connected.  And this is where I come back to that point about Kancolle Collection that I brought up earlier.  This anime manages to give the Kousei not just one, but two anime rivals, but in five minutes it manages to make them both feel like real people with their own styles, and with real reasons to have a beef with Kousei.  And their interactions with him as the series progresses is incredibly heartwarming to watch. 

Hmm...  oh, right.  At some point here I tried to watch Attack on Titan.  It suffered from a combination of lack of compelling conflict (I was going to say compelling antagonists, but Silver Spoon and Your Lie in April have no antagonists so clearly that isn't the issue) as the titans as thus far super boring and the main characters are boringly super competent.  Perhaps this might change, and maybe I'll watch more, but for now I'm not caught.

Discussion / Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« on: December 02, 2015, 08:23:16 AM »
I've never seen original Slayers, and really should.  That said, I am looking forward to the review of Next.  It's one of the anime I saw around when I saw Evangelion and Gundam for the first time, so it's kinda stuck with me.  And while Evangelion has that really catchy OP, it never really caught me the way the kinda bad translation of Give a Reason did.

Tournaments / Re: Munchkin League Round 2
« on: December 01, 2015, 09:22:11 PM »
So far as I can tell, the GF is mentioned specifically to justify the junction setup.  Magic is mentioned explicitly in the setup, the GF command is not.  So I'd rule against him being able to summon a GF.

Tournaments / Re: Munchkin League Round 2
« on: December 01, 2015, 02:44:12 AM »
Laguna does have the Magic command, but he only has three spells.  Confuse, Regen, and whatever he's using as his status defense.

Discussion / Re: DLC next year?
« on: November 30, 2015, 07:16:43 AM »
My thoughts on a Vancouvercon should be sufficiently obvious.  That said, I will look into being able to go if other locations are selected.

Tournaments / Re: Munchkin League Round 2
« on: November 29, 2015, 10:19:27 AM »
Wind God Jet
Equipped Gale Claw + Lucky Hand Mediums

Klutz Master Laguna
Has Siren and Status Junction - Confusion
Has single Status Defense Junction - no access to Death, Stop, Break, Aura, or Confusion (it's already junctioned to Status Attack)
Has Regen for casting, and Treatment as a command

Trainee Ramza
Locked in Ubersquire, can use all abilities from tier 1/2 jobs that cost 399 or less.
Knight: All breaks except Weapon and Armor, Weapon Guard
Archer: All Charges between +1 and +5
Chemist: X-Potion, all status heal items except Holy Water, Maintenance (Uh, relevant if he faces Izlude maybe? <_<), EQUIP CHANGE!!!
Priest: Cure, Cure 2, Protect, Shell, Regen, Wall, Esuna
Wizard: Fire/Ice/Bolt, Fire/Ice/Bolt 2

Magical Kongol (LoD)
Add Legendary Casque (take 65% from Magic) or Magical Hat (50% more MP)
Bandit Shoes
Choice of Magic Ring (MA+30), Rainbow Earring (Status Immunity), Amulet (Double MP), or Wargod Sash (+50% SP)

P-BOFF (Pigeott - Bred Only For Fighting)
Jolly, Keen Eye, Brave Bird/Roost/Giga Impact/Feather Dance

Sorceress Rinoa
Has full stock of status and elemental magics, but no Magic command.  Has Item command and one Aura Stone.  Has one Status Defense Junction, cannot cast that spell.

Seraphic Rena (SO2)
Valkyrie Garb + Angel Armband

Distorted Labrynthia
Enigmancer OOC, Fantastica OOC, Sentinel EQ, Def +25%, Res +25% - Equipped with Cuirass +6

White Mage Khimari
Stats: HP–3444 MP–278 STR–27 DEF–28 MAG–42 SPR–23 AGI–28 LUK–18 EVA–21 ACC-12
Attack- 514 damage
Holy (85 MP)- 8223 damage
Curaga (20 MP)- 4880 healing
Reflect (14 MP)
Dispel (12 MP)
Regen (40 MP)

Laggy's Gen 3 Jumpluff
Item: Leftovers
Moveset: Sleep Powder/Leech Seed/Substitute/Aerial Ace
Only fights in glorious sunlight. If only I could be so grossly incandescent.

Statmaster Silence
Weapon: Mariche (+25 All) MagicHeal
Gloves: Chariot (+25 STR, QUI, VIT) TigerRampage
Boots: Suzaku (+20 All minus CHA), TitasWave

Burlesque Dancer (FFT)
Hamedo and Tynar Rouge (+3 PA/MA and Auto-Haste/Shell/Protect)

White Mage Aerith
Mastered Restore, Heal, Barrier, Lv 2 Time

Final Fina
Cupil Ring, 10 Sacrulen Crystals (full healing) in inventory

Crested Lemina
2 Chiro Crests, can use any Staff, Healing Ring

MegaMari - Maribelle
Valkyrie w/ Renewal, Tomefaire, Res +2, Demoiselle, Celica's Gale

Tournaments / Munchkin League Round 2
« on: November 29, 2015, 10:13:55 AM »
Round 2
Wind God Jet vs. Klutz Master Laguna
Trainee Ramza vs. Magical Kongol (LoD)
P-BOFF (Pigeott - Bred Only For Fighting) vs. Sorceress Rinoa
Seraphic Rena (SO2) vs. Distorted Labrynthia
White Mage Khimari vs. Laggy's Gen 3 Jumpluff
Statmaster Silence vs. Burlesque Dancer (FFT)
White Mage Aerith vs. Final Fina
Crested Lemina vs. MegaMari... belle

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