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Messages - Tanaka

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Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 17, 2010, 03:16:02 AM »
Almaz bullet point 2:

Quote from: Almaz
- He made a weird comment about Batmanuel being suspicious for beginning a train but declaring it a jokevote.  Even though the Prinny (now a confirmed scum) did so first, but somehow this eluded Gordon completely.  Despite his suspicions of Batmanuel pre-my-vote were based on the third-on-the-wheel business.

the only real debate and conversation started when kirk/smax found the syntax suspicious (and note that neither caught the trainaspect - the first comment that there was -any- train was Gordon himself pg. 1 here in which he said, again, that it was odd but being uncertain what to make of it). also note that he mentioned the claim of being a jokevote because Batmanuel himself said so here: doink. to put Gordon's statement out so that this may be observed:

Maybe it's because I don't posess the IQ of my sidekick Jennifer, but I understood Manuel's intention with ease. What concerned me was that it was the third vote on Axel, and the closest we had come to a proper wagon - claiming now that it was a jokevote is making me somewhat uncertain.

&&& in other words he was questioning Batmanuel's claim of it being a jokevote, as it was ambiguous due to the train aspect, while saying that he understood what Batmanuel's commentary was meant to say. this just seems like a case of being uncertain what to make of Batmanuel, frankly. referencing these in your followup post seems out of whack, as in context his abstainment on Batmanuel's case seems to make a fair amount of sense.

iow the prinny train eluded a lot of people and i can't see attempting to hold that against solely gordon, and the weirdness of his phrasing seems somewhat exaggerated on your part. the existence of the prinny-established train, indeed, took a lot of people a while to catch onto. note to self: look into who first pointed this out, though it may actually have been you, Almaz. hum.

also, re: your second bulletpoint, Almaz:
Quote from: Almaz
Despite his suspicions of Batmanuel pre-my-vote were based on the third-on-the-wheel business.
my apologies, but i fail to parse this in a coherent fashion. elaborate?

Almaz bullet point 3:
Quote from: Almaz
- Ignores my further attempts to press him about his mention of "holding back on the bat".  I still don't know what this is supposed to mean!  It seems like a veiled excuse to jump back on Batmanuel later by 'having had suspicions of him all along'!

Of course I remain adamant in voting him at that point because he was ignoring me.  Not even an acknowledging of my pressing on him or anything!

a few points to make. you refer to this post here, i believe, as well as one further down the page:here.

&&& your first two quoted segments: pointing out the prinny train. which you didn't point out when you voted for him, but which he had been talking about the counterpart of (the Batmanuel train) for a bit. his response? "oh hey I didn't realize CP was at three first". which, as stated above, a lot of people missed... which doesn't clear him, but makes it difficult to hold against him - Kirk/Smax were the first to vote Batmanuel, Gordon was the first to notice/point out oh hey Batmanuel started the train, which might have been noticed over CPtrain because oh, hey, the attention was on Batmanuel.

re: ignoring your pressure, though, the second half did go uncommented on - but the brunt of your argument seemed aimed toward "there was another train!" which he commented on. the rest of it, i've already made my notes for.

tl;dr: you tossed suspicion on Middleman and Tick, but voted Gordon, and this aggravated my suspicion of you; you seem to have overblown some of Gordon's lines to make the case, which didn't quite sit well with me.

considering as how I feel the Gordon case was not well founded at the time, i still feel justified in my vote toward you for now (now, someone could reference the goddamn end of D1 and i'd at least have sympathy for the case, but the rest of D1 does not feel shaky to me and that is currently the brunt of your argument).

i realize the immensity of what i reference, Almaz, but if i could request you indulgence in one last answering to these commentaries i'd appreciate it. this is pretty much the only time i'll pull up all the relevant D1 Gordon/Almaz references like this as doing this allows me to just refer to this post.

for your sake i'll provide bullet points; if anyone attempts to tell me this is "padding" i'll bite their head off as Almaz providing bullet points aided in this post's construction greatly and courtesy demands i do the same.

-- The initial Gordon vote post referenced Middleman and Tick but did not make it clear why Gordon was voted over either of those other than , and multiple of the reasons were only provided afterwards (granted, the cheerleading/pressure on you was done immediately after your vote, but the data on the CP train was around the entire time)
-- Gordon lines feel like they were taken out of context in the attempt to build this case, regarding Batmanuel commentary.
-- You use the CP-train against him when this seems like a null tell at best.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 17, 2010, 03:13:12 AM »
* Hiro Protagonist glances back in. uh... huh. okay.

Tick: you vote for me, fail to comment on anything else, run back out with a paltry justification. please excuse me if i remain unmoved by your "heroics", and rather bemused as to where any of those those "points" against me are justified. until you attempt to provide backup for those statements i have little further to say.

Almaz: if you hadn't noticed, while low on there, Gordon has made my list, for much the same reason that you say you are even more convinced about his guilt - the timing of the gordon-prinny-gordon posting is, to say the least, bizarre. this being said, i appreciate your clear statements as to precisely how Gordon has rubbed you edgewise, as it provides some clarification. my issue with the Gordon train is primarily that i could not - and in some parts, still do not - see the grounding for an argument. and as you might put it, "real heroes make solid arguments with firm conviction" or somesuch.

to elaborate on the Almaz vote:

Almaz bullet point 1:

Quote from: Almaz
- I don't like how he wanted me to vote Middleman when I voted him instead.  Obviously I don't like people telling me where my vote should go when I'm perfectly capable of deciding that myself!  At the time, I felt Middleman was sufficiently pressured and wanted to press Gordon.

this is your first post toward Gordon. Vote justification:
Why are you calling Batmanuel's vote the start of a serious train when none of the votes before it were serious at all?  You know just as well as I do that heroes don't kill people for the hell of it, that goes against everything we're meant to be!  And what is holding back on the Bat meant to mean?  Do you have any grounds to build a case on him?  Share!  The only secrecy a hero needs is his true identity and only when you're a masked hero!
Gordon replied to that immediately after, noting the bandwagon that had formed (again, he did so on page 1 and did so first, mind)

Saber posted in between, voting Gordon for "hysterics" and little else. this gave me heavy pause regarding the entire case on him, and why I focused on dissecting the arguments therein. source here

second comment: here. first point you mention that you'd actually be willing to vote Middleman. until then, it did honestly read - and in part, still does to me up to that point - that you were simply cheerleading the case on Middleman, as Gordon put it. it also took you to this point to provide the explanation of middleman having enough pressure on him. regarding your argument toward Gordon, i've put &&& next to the two points at where I commented on this elsewhere in the post - feel free to use the search function to get to those lines quickly.

breaking this up here; second half coming in a sec. sincere apologies for the wall of text but i am horrible at brevity. this seems to me to be a necessary evil in order to fully explain my case on Almaz and my issues with the D1 Gordon press.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« on: February 17, 2010, 01:10:54 AM »
waugh. kindasorta bumrushed for time, so my apologies, but this post will be brief.

Middleman i'm not concerned with, at least for now; issues believing scum would bother trying to suicide/claiming to suicide, especially when said suicide still keeps prinny (confirmed scum) up there on the list of targets. sure, contrived situations could exist and merit examination if later data is static, but for now i can't see the argument.

which brings me to Axel's current vote, which i find interesting, to say the least. while i understand a pity appeal, -he had no reason to expect anyone to have pity-. my post directed at him was more yelling his face off for playing against's town's interest and frankly against common sense, and had i not spoken up, his suicide post would likely have gone unchallenged. (if you really need to suicide ask for a modkill. but resignation can cloud opinions.) is he clear, to me? no. but he's low on the suspicion totem pole, as i can find no good, clean justification for that act other than what happened on the surface.

my current people of interest as of end of day 1 are Almaz (on Gordon and Middleman train; issues with Gordon logic, was not voting on someone we can confirm is scum), Planet (was not voting on someone we can confirm is scum, substance issues, gutchecking poorly against him), Comedian/Kirk/Hazel (was not voting on someone we can confirm is scum, Comedian/Hazel have substance issues, Kirk was absent for a long stretch), the Tick (substance issues, sparse posting), Hilda (sparse posting), Middleman (day 1 antics), and Gordon (what the hell vote at end of day 1), in about that order (Axel, I am uncertain on). following this...

##VOTE: Almaz

i do not buy the logic used by yourself or Saber (Saber flipping town means relatively little here) to press the vote on Gordon, and your choice to not switch votes from Middleman to prinny could be read either as confusion or simply as scum abstaining from a swap to a partner. for now, please elaborate the justification for the gordon vote in day 1.

short post yeah right when have i managed one of those?

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Night One]
« on: February 16, 2010, 07:10:23 PM »
he clearly meant Batman instead of Superman. metaverse decided that Batman would win that fight a long time ago, anyway.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« on: February 15, 2010, 11:59:42 PM »
Batmanuel post? elaborate in new day, weirded out means i'll look at it in the interim but it doesn't give me much to look for.

* Hiro Protagonist eyes Flay.

* Hiro Protagonist eyes Gordon, too. suddenly i have misgivings about all video game characters. geez.

prinny: honestly didn't expect you to do anything else. this is giving me headaches now.

also a claim might - MIGHT - have changed something but i doubt any momentum can be gathered in ~50 secs. blah

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« on: February 15, 2010, 11:46:44 PM »
if (generalProximity(object.Wall))
     hit(head, object.Wall)

is my recommended feeling regardless of any other inclinations/opinions. my vote still stands, middleman is now in "qwergqwevgasdv" land but still more inclined to believe that prinny is scum based on what has been covered previously.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« on: February 15, 2010, 11:28:19 PM »
smax: yes, and i apologize for the delayed response there. been rather busy myself and i decided to belay on that until later. on initial read i simply pegged him as a lurker, but after reading the post in more detail i realized it seemed off.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« on: February 15, 2010, 11:26:29 PM »

augh. middleman. please. if you are town, realize that the chance of killing scum should take priority over info learned by lynching you (this comes from the person who harps on and on about "information", mind). killing yourself, if you are town, does not aid town. yes, voting for prinny would maintain the confusion over your own actions, but if you have the chance to kill someone that has arguments to be scum, TAKE IT.

yes, you're concerned about time commitment, but if you really are town you owe it to the rest of us to try for scum instead of hammering nails in town. is this logic clear?

i don't know if this will convince but i hope it does.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« on: February 15, 2010, 10:52:46 PM »
what bothers me about the middleman train: (standard disclaimer blah blah i find middleman suspicious but the train bothers me blah blah)

Hazel post here as i've said before is simply jumping onto the train - little is truly said to justify the vote even beyond the RP ("You're not voting! That's silly!") and while I think that the basic reason Hazel possessed makes some sense, it's the padding + no new data (Axel, Gordon and Kirk said the same as Hazel, Kirk was first there, Axel and Gordon didn't add anything to that case but did provide commentary on other happenings). iow it seems simply a tacked-on vote to speed along the process.

Flay's initial two serious bandwagon-hop posts, the second being on Middleman. won't bother linking, not enough of substance there frankly. later posts have had more to process which lessens my worry toward Flay but not my suspicion of the Middleman bandwagon.

Comedian post here in retrospect also bothers me. "not much pression" (sic)? six votes before Comedian's own, and he's worried about pressure and the Flay train (which, mind, got to 4 at its peak around that time). this one. this really rubs me wrong, in retrospective. as a result i find myself slightly more comfortable with the prinny lynch.

the fact that saber's vote only lands on middleman now is also curious, though the breakdown on it, i can get. mmm. odd that weight shifts away from the prinny now, though, and by the two in the gordon voting group. something worth noting.

to the prinny: votes carry pressure, and if such pressure is not acted on, it will be noted and more can be brought to bear. and in truth my suspicion still lies on that gordon-voting group, but for now my hand is forced away. and yes, flay did bandwagon hopping, which i suspect will not be forgotten (i'd hope not, that looked really bloody strange).

Seconding Flay: noticed in reread Kirk's absence and CP's prolonged absence. too many people I'd support lynching at this point. not good.

looking over CP before end of day, but there's the breakdown of why i'm on the prinny. in retrospect, little new content, though Comedian's awkward post is something that hasn't been fully discussed yet afaik/can recall.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« on: February 15, 2010, 10:16:43 PM »
back, give me a moment, smax. augh waugh spent too much time on mafia this morning and not enough time working

iow: compiling post, will be up in 20 min at most

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« on: February 15, 2010, 07:49:35 PM »
augh, colossal sleep failure. there will be no attempts at staying vaguely in flavor here. also will be moving vote from saber, more for lack of time than from having achieved what was desired, but i will return to that point come the morrow.

prinny, as has been noted by others, is beginning to very much rub contrariwise. i can't really add to this in part because there is so much fluff and so little actual substance, but i failed to notice this. will endeavor otherwise in future. i am actually slightly more in favor of a prinny lynch than a middleman lynch, but neither is objectionable as it stands. in point of fact middleman has done much the same - many words, light substance - but in examination a few of the points on middleman seem... off, leaning me away from him. hazel/flay*/comedian are the three who haved voted here with little content toward the vote, though flay has covered himself with commentary after the fact. still frustrated in the line of smax but whaddyagonnado.

regarding the attempt on gordon, almaz/prinny/saber cheerleader are the trio... almaz I am scratchy but willing to let lie, prinny will likely be voted on at the end of this, saber is annoying me but i can't pin down why yet.

to smax: planet is low-level bugging me, much for the reasons you outlined. little time thus far so I can't give details just yet, sincere apologies, may be able to after errands. hilda is short-post, yet, but gets to the point, in my opinion - right now not really too concerned on her. comedian, it feels, provides less, would be more supportive there.

augh i spent way too much time on this *flailflailflailflail* geeeeeeh will be back in 2.5 hrs 1.5 hrs before dedline i can't think with everything else I need to do. for now, since we approach the critical hour, vote shift.

##UNVOTE: Saber
##VOTE: Prinny

most comfortable with Prinny, middleman probably ties with a few others, augh gotta run blaaaaaaaah

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« on: February 15, 2010, 01:18:34 PM »
Prinny: Hazel put much in terms of words and little in terms of actual impact (even discounting the two parts RP which I begrudge no one) into the post; thus why Hazel fell under my suspicions.

Comedian: i have little time, so i'll elaborate on the un/vote (concise, I approve) in brief: i wished for it to be registered that i did indeed support the lynch of middleman at that point (and would still not overly mind it now). accusations in later days can revolve around who was or was not on trains etc etc and i sought to, at least in part, avoid that by making my name visible therein. i will place my vote where i feel it best, but leaving a mark of support in case i do not end up being one on the final lynch train feels the best compromise i can make, considering.

mmm. middleman posts, i confess discomfort with his vote justification. flay slightly eases my discomfort toward him with the more content filled post, hazel's post solely to defend bothers me further. agree with Smax re: Gordon, and thus one final vote for pressure before i depart for slumber...

##UNVOTE: Hazel (albeit somewhat unwillingly, I would not terribly be offended at a lynch of a rabbit at this point)
##VOTE: Saber

elaborate, Saber, and by extension all those who would vote for Gordon. i fail to see his flailing, his "hysterics". he is dramatic, but reasonable within said dramatics; please provide some source or reference as to the contrary. while i have some sympathy for not being comfortable with the speed of the train, it is, regardless, at least reasonable considering the attention Middleman's drawn to himself.

should nothing highly change i will vote toward middleman when i return near the end of the day. hazel and the anti-gordon crowd mulls below him, and then likely flay in tandem with the quieter theoretical heroes.

i regret lacking any more time to elaborate or analyze further, but this is how things are sometimes. sleep comes for all of us, be we weary, ready or neither.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« on: February 15, 2010, 01:46:15 AM »
mmm. little new, but enough of interest to comment on.

regarding Almaz, i admit pleasure: while he does not completely allay my concerns, he shows more capability and willingness to dig both at suspicious behavior and at arguments. while that initial srsbsns post still rubs the wrong way, and Gordon seems somewhat scratchy as a new target, more suspicious actors have made their presence known and Almaz's commentary on the Tick's actions has been... acceptable, though it seems Almaz skimmed over Tick's later post which elaborated. curious, but for now...

##UNVOTE: Almaz

Gordon raises a decent point regarding "cheerleading", though in this case i disagree with Almaz being one - Almaz has ventured forth his vote and called people out with it, and such conversation stimulates the flow of data. Saber, i lack a solid read on, and have made a selfnote to look over when i next am capable of posting.

regarding Middleman. At this venture, he is high-priority to handle, one way or another. he is also, however, at L-3, with little competition and lack of commentary after the stead accumulation of votes. thusly, i will do something perhaps slightly unorthodox.

##VOTE: Middleman
##UNVOTE: Middleman

reasoning? i am content with a Middleman lynch as things stand, but votes have the power to provoke discussion and denote suspicions. doing as such, I hope to make clear for future reference in votecounts that i am in support of the case as it stands, and will indeed fulfill the promise herein enacted - that of willingness to lynch Middleman - if no other data streams prove profitable. instead, i would rather use my vote's full power to further the course of data flow and provide more for analysis, present and future.

Flay simply feels like he is jumping onto the bandwagon, but there is little more to say on the Middleman case without further posts from him - thus, a lack of commentary there is somewhat forgivable. the fact that this is the second time, however - his jump on Kirk being the first - worries me highly. Rabbithazel concerns me for doing much the same, but with more words behind it. for now, Flay's sins are laid upon him by Batmanuel and Hilda. as Flay and Rabbithazel sit equally poorly to me right now, i shall cover the ground less traveled, so to speak, and place my weight behind the other.

##VOTE: Hazel

i will return at least once between now and the hour of judgment, and will likely be around to witness the hour itself as well. for now, however, i've Metaverse to code. i would like to see more of Hazel, Hilda, Flay, Middleman, and... oh geez, there are others to be certain, but those are the freshest in my memory.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« on: February 13, 2010, 11:55:49 PM »
multiple comments to make here, having just had time to jack in.

This post by Middleman...

...has already been well-commented upon; the removal of his vote, however, is not what strikes me, so much as his fear to put Batmanuel "to the noose". we have time, he had minimal votes, I do not quite see why he is so stressed as a result over the presence of his vote there. the fact that he has not put another vote down is not as concerning; voting reactively can toss static into the data stream, making it harder to get a coherent picture. however, his hesitation to keep his vote down over fears of Batmanuel's far-distant doom worries me. as a result, suspicion rises here. Kirk has addressed this, I belatedly notice (typed this up before seeing his comments there), but I see little other commentary on it, and thus feel that the point merits raising again.

This post by Almaz...

...somewhat confuses me. of the two who decided to attack, Kirk was more... reactive to the post, Smax more inquisitive regarding its purpose. and the Batmanuel post is odd, if only due to grammatical struggles + use of the nebulous third person. while I disagree with Cap'n Crunchplanet that Kirk was attempting to spread mud, I do agree that Smax at least seemed to be digging for an explanation, more so than Kirk. thusly, accusing Smax seems off, especially since Smax had more substance, and my suspicion of Almaz also rises.

vote stands: i am not content with Almaz's attack toward Smax, and believe that it is a sloppy approach toward building a false case. however, the Middleman also has much to explain, I feel.

regarding other cases, i lack much time and thus shall be brief:

Captain Planet's attack on Kirk: as mentioned with Almaz's commentary, I do not believe that it was meant to be an smear campaign so much as a flavorful vot-

wait, new post here spotted. and... mmm. there is one fundamental difference between the two posts, and it is the use of that third person. especially since Batmanuel switched out of it halfway through the second line of his jokevote. thusly, for Middleman's jokepost to garner less attention fails to surprise me.

also generally seconding Smax's post at beginning of page 3 here, after some thought. vote for someone who raises your hackles. while switching carelessly does produce static, not putting a vote down creates no data.

off again for a bit. y.t. just sighted raven attempting to blow up neotokyo.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« on: February 13, 2010, 05:26:43 PM »
Quote from: Kirk
Quote from: Smax
Quote from: Saber
A Thousand words
Quote from: Gordon
Slightly fewer words
Quote from: Saber

Why does this have to be so complicated, doods? I can barely read all of this, much less understand it.

this seems the most accurate sumnation of events thus far, though the penguin's forgotten to note Batmanuel's comment that launched a thousand flailing votes.

batmanuel's comment itself... mmm. something akin to that ancient legend that my noble ancestors, many moons ago, would have called "Chrono Cross Plot". initially makes some sense, but as soon as you think about it, it falls apart. this being said, it also fails to fall apart in a way that I believe justifies a vote, at least to my mind. it reads as if he jokevotes to punish a jokevoter, in brief; while this would be inane behavior, it's the jokevote phase and should be taken about as seriously as President Gaga's brief stint. if he continues his cryptic non-statements, however, the votes will be more understandable.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« on: February 13, 2010, 01:18:40 AM »
tch, fine. but don't blame a guy for cuttin' the red tape and getting straight to the admin, ya know?

and... my, there's a bunch of intolerance here. look. the metaverse is a wonderous place where men can be men, women can be women, penguins can be penguins and bunnies can be bunnies. there's no reason to be hating just because you "don't get" what they're doing here.

of course, what some people seem to be doing here is killing people. remember, kids, snow crashin's wrong.

and someone who can lose their string of thought right while accusing someone of being the criminal overmind? yeah. that finds little good purchase with me.

##UNVOTE: Yoshiken (but I have my eye on you, buster)
##VOTE: Almaz

man, where's Y.T. when I need a good backup.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« on: February 13, 2010, 12:07:27 AM »
(Doing Science and) Still Alive:

... so, our friendly invisible narrator dude references GLaDOS in his very first post - one of the most villainous bugs to ever crash a netizen.

clearly, our friendly invisible narrator dude is treacherous scum, attempting to narrate us into believing that the rest of us are evil.

our course of action here is clear, friends.

##VOTE: Yoshiken

Forum Games / Re: Hero Mafia! [Sign-Ups]
« on: February 12, 2010, 04:24:16 AM »
master of the Metaverse and hacker extraordinaire, the humble Hiro Protagonist offers his services.

not like delivering pizza did me any good.

Forum Games / Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
« on: February 08, 2010, 12:09:25 PM »
As much as I shouted in RAGE when my informant told me who the third Mafia member was, I still had a lot of fun both playing and reading through this game. When I saw my role, I (well, firstly asked a lot of questions on the specifics, but THEN) laughed hysterically and thanked Moderator-san. The role PM was hilarious, and having a creative role was fun; considering I've played about 15 Mafia games now, and only had roles in 3 of them - 1 of which I had to drop out of - I was really happy to get an interesting role!

Beatrice, Joker and, to an extent, Warboss. Congratulations on the roleplay. You three stood out to me as the best here, although I can safely say that everybody was damn good.
Oh, and sorry for picking on the roleplay to build a case on you, Rat. ;)

Forum Games / Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
« on: February 08, 2010, 11:38:43 AM »
Seeing as Joker was (according to my sources) a Rolecop, that may have been a bad plan. If any of Cop/Rolecop targeted me, I was doomed, and I figured at least one would (correctly! Yay!)
It was a good role to survive with, actually. I just had to try to choose when to save myself and when to block others. I should have realised the Jailer claim was problematic to the Mafia on both sides of the coin, and known I was doomed to die.

Edit: And now I read the role PM and see that he could be a rolecop, he just wasn't when it came to targeting me. Still, the thought was there.

Forum Games / Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
« on: February 08, 2010, 10:51:42 AM »
Beatrice for Town MVP. Well PLANNED.

It's worth noting that I was seriously worried you'd target me - rightfully so, apparently! - to the extent that I figured "It's not necessary to save myself!" (It was the fact that I was mildly low-profile, yet you completely skimmed over me - no comments whatsoever, which seemed really odd to me. I also thought, of course, that you had a power role. ;o)
I seriously considered saving myself, though, and.. apparently that was the right choice too. NOT AS PLANNED, etc, etc.

Forum Games / Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
« on: February 08, 2010, 09:24:42 AM »

Forum Games / Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« on: February 03, 2010, 11:02:06 AM »
...Seriously? The Saiyan and the Warboss have been very scummy so far, and now we have a three-way Mason claim?
Alright, I'll bite. For now, at least. Ikari-san hasn't looked much better.

##Unvote, Vote: Gendo Ikari.

Makes it 4 votes for the Warboss and 3 for Ikari-san still, by my count. I'm curious as to why you've announced all three now, as opposed to just hinting towards a third, though, and why Gaston was not used to confirm, seeing as he's potentially dying during the Night as it is.

That's a good point, actually, Ryuk. I'd forgotten that Wily was playing, yet he doesn't seem too suspicious otherwise. I guess I should make some PLANS to check over him again when I have more time.

Forum Games / Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« on: February 03, 2010, 04:10:44 AM »
So many people, so few votes...
Burns-san's bad play, Ikari-san's WIFOM, the Saiyan's lack of an explanation for defending the Warboss and the confusion surrounding Gig's roleclaim. All of these are problematic, but with the Warboss refusing to help and his weak logic throughout, I find myself keeping my vote steady.

Saiyan, would you explain why you continue to defend the Warboss? He's put forward little and helped even less, yet you continue to ignore him or dismiss arguments against him on grounds of flavour.
No, I'm not understanding this one either. Gig seems to be claiming that he hasn't used time as an excuse. I've been fine with it, but it's definitely there.
He also seems to be ignoring that Gaston himself stated that he didn't throw the potato during Night 0, but had the choice. I think that would imply very strongly that he began with it, unless the potato can be thrown multiple times in a night, which can easily be clarified by the Warboss.

Forum Games / Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« on: February 03, 2010, 02:05:32 AM »
Now Kira, why do you want to bring up Dahlia here I wonder. My motivations? Same as anyone else: None. It was Night 0, no one said a word. I picked her as I could've easily picked anyone else. And you say I actually voted for her. You need to recheck the statistics, sir.

Burns-san, may I request that you read the notes carefully? I was asking about you voting for Gig based on the fact that he had voted for Dahlia when many others had, and that was based on this statement:
I just can't look away from this mise en scene between Gig and Dahlia.
Some clarification on your reasoning would be appreciated.
Looking back, it looks like you may also be referring to Dahlia's vote? This came at a time when Gig was highly suspicious, so I see no reason to take more from this than any other vote.
Yes, Gaston-san is the newest ninja, Ryuk. We'd both assumed that the reason for absence, at least into Day 2, was apathy regarding the death sentence. I'm going to assume, having seen the joys moderator-san finds in tormenting us, that we won't know if this summon has saved you until the Night. Perhaps he truly is a Shinigami! An apple, Moderator-san?

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