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Messages - Yoshiken

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Tournaments / Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« on: July 05, 2009, 04:03:15 PM »
I can't help but feel a DDS/DDS2 character could be good for this. Let them have, say, 2 Mantra per floor, with Floor 1 being just their starting Mantra. The character chosen could be anyone depending on how high we need new characters. Need a Heavy/Godlike? Give them free reign over Seraph's stat distribution as well. Looking for some interesting Light? Gale with only one Mantra per floor and his innate weakness to Lightning, a pretty common type.

y/n? If it's all good, I'll be happy to get hold of all the details and sort out what should be allowed when.

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: July 05, 2009, 02:27:57 PM »
Yeah, but I've seen guides and heard people say that you should have a team with two Fighters -and- be Lv 5+. Seems kinda needless to me.

FFI: Earth Cave. Fucking stun-lock enemies, screw you. Can't get to Lich because my Black Mage keeps dying on the floor beneath the panel, forcing me to retreat for revival/healing. Dammit.

Writeup Graveyard / Re: Season 53 Weeks 1-2
« on: July 05, 2009, 12:14:32 PM »

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: July 04, 2009, 12:35:40 PM »
DDS2 stat topic on hold. FF Summer Challenge underway~

Basically, I'm trying to finish every FF 1-10, X-2 & XII over two months. I'm looking at about 3 games every 2 weeks here.
Went to start FF8, technology screwed me over, and my TV is now broken. >_> It's gonna take a few days to get that fixed, so emulator time instead!
FFI: On the way to the Marsh Cave. Anyone who says you need Lv 5 to beat Garland deserves to be punched. I beat him at Lv 2. Using the standard speed-run easy team of two Fighters, Black Mage & White Mage. If people actually care, they can follow progress in more detail on my games blog. =P

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 53 nom pools
« on: July 03, 2009, 01:53:19 PM »
Rubicant switched in for Chaos. ^_^

Tournaments / Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Brainstorming Topic!
« on: July 02, 2009, 01:07:17 PM »
That seems like a pretty damn interesting idea - easily manipulated for a team, but easily screwed over by the dungeon as well.
This would also give me a reason to finish this game.

Need to check Rydia's speed and Gau rages options for this. Incidentally Nightshade charm is turn 3 so it's not helping here.

It is? I don't really see why, but... time to check what happens assuming Nightshade is ignored...

Gau vs Beatrix (FF9) - (For the record, I ignore Beatrix's boss forms for the reasons that I don't like the idea of allowing time-limit fights, regardless of how easy it is to beat the time limit, and that she has a competent PC form regardless.) Hrm. Both of them can 2HKO - Gau with Io and Beatrix with Holy. Difference is, Gau has a 50/50 of hitting with Flare Star first turn, whereas Bea will always need both turns.
Gau vs Rydia (FF4) - EDIT: Going by hinode's post about Nightshade not working... And, actually, this applies either way. ;o Gau needs to kill straight off to avoid getting killed by Rydia, going by the (incomplete?) stat topic... Stray Cat Rage allows him a OHKO with Catscratch, thanks to Rydia's terrible PDef, but... that's 50%. Screw you, 50/50 situation. No vote.
Gau vs Rosa Harvey (FF4) - Io works for Gau here, methinks. (Seems Rosa's best tricks are Berserk/Image and Confuse.) So... this mostly comes down to whether or not Gau is allowed immunity to Mini or not. Seeing as he's immune to Imp here, I'm inclined to give immunity to Mini as well.

Yoshi Voting Rights & Logic. Fear them.

Gau: 2-0

Tournaments / Re: Trinity Limit - Opening Act (Part 1)
« on: July 02, 2009, 12:30:14 AM »
I don't really understand the Frog Drop comparison.
In the discussion on Thievery, a couple of people mentioned allowing high-power Frog Drop because Quina need 99 frogs to get the Gastro Fork, which DL!Quina has. Roland should be allowed Recarm because it's necessary for the Healing path, which DL!Roland has. (I also apply the same logic to Serph/Sera/Seraph and the two Physical Mantra between the Hunt skills, as it happens. Not that these help any of the characters much DL-wise.)

I;m reminded why it is generally better to just ignore DDS2 forms in the DL (not that this is possible for Roland, sadly).
This... is probably true. And also yet another reason for me to get hold of DDS1.

If I recall correctly, Nall is 0.5 if he takes a slot, and 1.0 if he doesn't take a slot (allowing for 5 chars + Nall).

In which case, I'm afraid Piggy's gonna need to take another look at that team. ;p

Tournaments / Re: Trinity Limit - Opening Act (Part 1)
« on: July 02, 2009, 12:11:51 AM »
Wait, so because another mantra falls in the middle of the healing mantras, you give it to him? That's ridiculous.

It's not ridiculous in the slightest, it's a perfectly valid interpretation. This is the exact same logic that gives Quina a usable DL-legal Frog Drop, and I don't see why DDS2 should get screwed over just because you don't start with overpowered characters. >_>

Discussion / Re: Rate the bad guys! (Spoilers, duh.)
« on: July 01, 2009, 05:10:38 PM »
Garland: 6/10. 2D as expected, but otherwise, works pretty well. Loses a point for creating a time paradox. *HATES time paradoxes as plot points*

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: July 01, 2009, 04:38:51 PM »
Trance, I hate you now. You've made me want to play Dragon Slayer. :(

General Chat / Re: The Movie Quiz: Revenge Cubed
« on: July 01, 2009, 04:23:02 PM »
I actually would have got two, despite having not seen Ghostbusters. w00t. (The other was Hot Fuzz~)

I wouldn't have, however, got Groundhog Day or Empire Strikes Back, despite having seen both.

Tournaments / Re: Trinity Limit - Opening Act (Part 1)
« on: July 01, 2009, 04:05:40 PM »
Re Roland, he does NOT have revival (or even full healing IMO). Revival is on a different mantra series than healing in DDS, and Roland only starts with the latter. Additionally, the top-end healing is separated on a different part of the grid. No continuity = not legal to me. I can see allowing the healing, though I don't. Revival? Forget about it. That's as legal as allowing healing to Serph.

Like I said, full revival depends on the interp. Revival, however, falls right into the middle of the healing path. There's no way of following the healing path without giving him Recarm, at the very least. And full healing would be Mediarahan and a 300k Mantra on the healing path, with 600k being the max limit given on the stat topic for Mantra.

General Chat / Re: The DL Family Album
« on: June 30, 2009, 11:19:49 PM »
*reads up*

Scar looks alarmingly like Gordon Freeman. I'm not sure what to think of this.

...Wow. He really does. o_o

Also, just realised I never bothered posting a cosplay picture here. ;o  This one was from the May MCM London Expo, which was... just over a month ago. I had one person come up to me and recognise my costume over the whole weekend. One other person knew it but didn't talk to me then for some reason, has spoken to me since. Naturally, you guys'll know it instantly~
(And, no, it's not quite perfect. I ran very low on money towards the end of production. :()
Photo is somewhat stupid-sized, so link.

Tournaments / Re: Trinity Limit - Opening Act (Part 1)
« on: June 30, 2009, 11:03:57 PM »
Or a separate team rubric?

It is, but I think either method works here. The intention is to see how much a team relies on one fighter - if it does, then it won't get through a best-of-3 match with the members fighting separately. Same applies if it's best-of-9.

And to clarify what Snowfire mentioned, seeing as I'm still working on the DDS2 topic, Roland does have revival, yes. Full healing + revival and, depending on the interp, full revival. (But he's still screwed by silence. :()

Tournaments / Re: Trinity Limit - Opening Act (Part 1)
« on: June 30, 2009, 01:41:04 PM »
I really don't know why AA is Godlike. They have only one Godlike, and he's not a very good one, and the other two are just kinda... bad.

Roland has decent durability (admittedly, not much else) and MT full-healing and revival. 'Course, Silence does screw him completely...

Tournaments / Re: Trinity Limit - Opening Act (Part 1)
« on: June 30, 2009, 04:15:13 AM »
And, in all of that, I can vote on a grand total of 2 matches. >_>

Jecht -v- Beatrix - Think he's got the power to take this one.
Roland -v- Celes Chere - Statused.

Tournaments / Trinity Limit - Opening Act (Part 1)
« on: June 30, 2009, 04:03:44 AM »
Just to explain something quickly...
I'm essentially gonna be running two tournaments at once here, out of sheer curiosity. I'm looking to see how well each team stands on its own as well as together, so, for each round, there'll be two sections: one for the whole team battle, the other for individual matches from the teams. Hope that makes sense. If not, it hopefully will by the end of the post. ^_^
And yes, it will be hideously mismatched in some cases. That's half the point of it - see how much of a difference there is when a team can't just rely on one character.

So, Round 1 is upon us, and we start with 8 teams from Godlike~

hinode - Team Whip It Good - Godlike
 - Jessica Albert (DQ8 - Godlike/4.51)
 - Feena (G1 - Heavy/4.44)
 - Lucia (Suikos - Godlike/4.38)

Lance - Team Gender Confused - Godlike
 - Jenna Angel (DDS - Godlike/5.51)
 - Adel (FF8 - Heavy/4.17)
 - Flea (CT - Middle/3.33)

Magic Fanatic - Team "What the hell, defined genders?!" - Godlike
 - Jenna Angel (DDS - Godlike - 5.51)
 - Quina Quen (FF9 - Heavy - 3.73)
 - Lucius (FE7 - Light - 2.93)

Nephrite - Team God-Killers - Godlike
 - Yuri Volte Hyuga (SHs - Godlike/5.40)
 - Ryu (BoF3 - Godlike/5.36)
 - Fei Fong Wong (XG - Heavy/4.52)

Yoshiken - Alcoholics Anonymous - Godlike
 - Jecht (FFX - Godlike/4.54)
 - Roland (DDS - Middle/3.12)
 - Ronfar (Lunar2 - Middle/2.86)

Tide - Team Heavy-turned-godlike Swordgirls - Godlike
 - Beatrix (FF9 - Godlike/4.72)
 - Celes Chere (FF6 - Godlike/4.58)
 - Eirika (FE8 - Godlike/4.46)

Lance - Obviously Compensating for Something - Godlike
 - Emelious de Pamela (G3 - Godlike/5.19)
 - Arngrim (VPs - Heavy/4.01)
 - Cloud Strife (FF7 - Heavy/3.95)

DjinnAndTonic - Dick, Jane, & Spot - Godlike
 - Sir Leopold (DQ8 - Godlike/4.40)
 - Ricardo Gomez (SH3 - Middle/3.12)
 - Jane Maxwell (WAACF - Light/2.70)

So, this is what I meant about the double-tourney thing earlier. Need votes on the following:

Team Battle:
Team Whip It Good -v- Team Gender Confused
Team "What the hell, defined genders?!" -v- Team God-Killers
Alchoholics Anonymous -v- Team Heavy-turned-godlike Swordgirls
Obviously Compensating for Something -v- Dick, Jane, & Spot

Solo Battle:
Jessica Albert -v- Jenna Angel
Feena -v- Adel
Lucia (Suikos) -v- Flea

Jenna Angel -v- Yuri Volte Hyuga
Quina Quen -v- Ryu3
Lucius -v- Fei Fong Wong

Jecht -v- Beatrix
Roland -v- Celes Chere
Ronfar -v- Eirika

Emelious de Pamela -v- Sir Leopold
Arngrim -v- Ricardo Gomez
Cloud Strife -v- Jane Maxwell

Voting closes on the 8th July. (Assuming I remember to close it~)

Tournaments / Re: Trinity Limit Tourney - Noms
« on: June 30, 2009, 12:24:08 AM »
Hrm. I'm already having to switch around some teams...

Right. I did the draw for the tournament earlier - after making that post earlier, I actually sorted out all of the teams and did the whole draw then.
'Course, then SnowFire posted those teams. I decided, since they were entered in afterwards, I wouldn't include them... except for the dislike of an Obscura team. It's gonna be hard to get votes in team matches as it is and so, upon some advice, I've decided to remove the Obscura team in favour of one of those.
Oh, and then I noticed hinode's edited-in teams. >_<

So, yeah. I've removed one of my teams (Master of Puppets, if anyone cares) to make room for the Pigs of Capitalism team (I liked the name), and I'm gonna add Team Whip It Good as well, due to having two -very- similar teams in Godlike already - typically, I'm now removing both Shapeshifting teams. (Sorry, Fanatic, you've got more teams in than Neph, so seems fair to remove your one. It was Shapeshifters or God-killers.)
Aaand... to finish off, I'll remove one of SnowFire's (apparently slightly powerful for Heavy) teams to make room for the Backup Einherjar. Bye-bye, Falenas Royalists~

Everyone okay with that~? If so, I'll probably start this... today or tomorrow instead of in a few weeks, 'cause I'm impatient like that. :)

General Chat / Re: Sigs, factions and avatars: 2009.
« on: June 29, 2009, 09:08:24 PM »
So, I wanted a funny in-game shot of Cielo to use as an avatar. Google Image Search was useless in this, but I did discover that typing in 'Cielo "Latin rhythm" DDS' results in finding mine, Bard's & Snow's avatars (as 3 of the 10 useless pictures). I can't help but wonder why it was us three and nobody else...
Gonna wait before I actually find a new avatar, seeing as my internet is being crap at the moment. >_>

General Chat / Re: What are you litsening to? Ver.2009
« on: June 29, 2009, 03:25:14 PM »
Santana ft. Chad Kroeger - Into the Night

Tournaments / Re: Trinity Limit Tourney - Noms
« on: June 29, 2009, 12:32:38 PM »
Okay~! Perfect! Thanks a lot, guys. <3
We've gone up to 65 teams, meaning one's gonna have to be cut, so SnowFire, I'm cutting the Fusion one like you mentioned.
Some re-arranging will be necessary to get 16 teams in each division (final G/H/M/L numbers were 13/19/15/18) but I'll get to checking them and... hopefully have the first round up within the next week or two. :o
Thanks again~! ^_^

Tournaments / Re: Trinity Limit Tourney - Noms
« on: June 29, 2009, 02:21:04 AM »
Yoshiken - Alcoholics Anonymous - Godlike Heavy
 - Jecht (FFX - Godlike/4.54)
 - Roland (DDS - Middle/3.12)
 - Ronfar (Lunar2 - Middle/2.86)

Godlike. Definitely. Two healers and at least one with revival. (Not sure on Ronfar, can he revive?) And Jecht. Yeeaaah.

Still need a couple more teams for each division, so feel free to post teams for whatever you like. I've also got some teams that are borderline and can be switched if needed, so don't feel limited to certain divisions any more~

Edit: Just had it pointed out that both of those healers are pretty slow. Dammit. Heavy/Godlike, then, being listed as Heavy for now.

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