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Messages - AndrewRogue

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Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: October 05, 2016, 04:09:58 AM »

Tora smiles, moving between languages with ease. His tongue is quite skilled. "Our people thrive on drama, Lady Akeha. It is why she leaves most of the tedium of our journey to one such as myself, not so naturally inclined towards high adventure." He looks at her once more and offers, with a somewhat hushed tone, "Though perhaps the drink here is a bit strong."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: October 04, 2016, 07:02:09 AM »

The man will guide the pair of you into one of the least damage huts, and quickly show you to another in the garb of the crane, his arm messily bandaged with apparently whatever cloth could be found. The wounds do not take an expert the assess: the man clearly got the worst of a mauling on it. Some sort of beast. The man offers a pained grin. "Reinforcements? Were we not trusted to get the job done?"

"We were just discussing what best to do. We need to to report back to Tetsuzuru-san as soon as possible." The uninjured man shakes his head, remaining in Foresttongue once he knows the newcomer speaks it. "Things are bad here, as you no doubt saw. We lost Rin in a skirmish before we even made it. Aki and Shou are in the bodies out there. Sho and I were going to try and make our way back to Inaba and report ahead of them, provided he didn't just drop dead."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: October 04, 2016, 06:41:17 AM »

"Music and poetry are both arts that speak to the soul, and draw out the hidden feelings that lie within the readers' hearts," Tora speaks to no one in particular, but smiles warmly round the table.

Tournaments / Re: RPGDL 2016 Season 3 Nominations~
« on: October 04, 2016, 06:12:27 AM »
This took a shameful amount of time to make.

Deis (BoFs)
Empyrea (DQ8)
Nailah (FE10)
Rika (PS4)

Lin (BoFV)
Nicole Mimi Tithel (MK)
Ursula (BoF4)
Freya Crescent (FF9)

Danette (SN)
Katt (BoF2)
Janice (CC)
Nowi (FE13)

May (SF2)
Yumei (VP)
Connie (S3)
Nina (BoF3)

Andy did not drop his hat. Stingy bastard. IT'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE GROUND BUT NOT FOR US

Way belated, but every time I'm reminded of this, I smile.

I need to go do a LFT run.

General Chat / Re: 2016 Miscellaneous Links: The Links Awaken
« on: October 03, 2016, 10:45:52 PM »
Did someone just call Oregon expensive? Jesus Christ, I need to move. Preferably to Portland where things are like 20-50% cheaper than they are here.

The more I joke about Texas, the less of a joke it is.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: October 03, 2016, 08:44:46 AM »

Tora offers a quiet harmony to help underscore his mother's piece, and a quiet, earnest applause upon its completion.


There are some muttered words below from what you can identify as two distinct voices. They lapse into Forest-Tongue and are hard even for you senses to decipher, but it seems positive, particularly with the word "Rishi." After another moment, they speak again, dropping back into the more common tongue.

"It's clear, otherwise we wouldn't be yelling, sell-sword. The beasts are dead or dispersed. You two can land fine. In fact, if you've got some medical supplies, Hioshi could use them. We've done what we can to help his arm, but it was gonna be a rough trip back regardless. Repeat that to your honored friend if he doesn't speak the Forest-Tongue."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: October 03, 2016, 04:53:35 AM »
"Identify yourself! You speak with the warriors of the White Fire, the loyal servitors of the champion of the Crane, Tetsuzuru-san. To challenge us is to choose death, as you no doubt see. Think carefully about your next action." The voice is masculine and commanding.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: October 03, 2016, 04:22:48 AM »

Tora bows his head and laughs. "Mother, are you trying to shame me? The fine warriors of Lady Hakuhi would no doubt find one such as mouse as a mouse underfoot. I would fear that my scurrying would place me quite in the way!" He finishes a cup of the plum wine and places it on the table. "Though I suppose if it is my dear mother's wish and Lady Hakuhi permits it, I would have no choice but to do what I could."


It is almost simultaneous that you both catch it, a gentle sound of scraping drawing your eyes to a building and a lucky glint of light delivers what you need: the brief shine of an arrowhead in a window.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: October 02, 2016, 09:28:23 PM »

As you continue forward, the fog starts to thin, until only the barest wisps of it remaining in the air.

In a short time you will arrive at the village of Bajun. It's a small, fairly common looking place, not helped by the fact that it looks like several buildings have been hit with axes. Over and over and over again.

The overall look is not helped by the bodies in the streets. Many hobgoblins and... significantly less humans than you'd expect. Despite that, the place seems oddly deserted, with nary a living thing in sight.

((OOC: Perception + Awareness. Hearing specialties/bonuses are what we're looking for.))

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: October 02, 2016, 08:35:52 AM »

The creatures are easily identified as the same beasts you encountered a time ago: hobgoblins, humanoid beasts born of the Wyld. The Crane warrior seems normal, mortal wounds aside. There is no particular sign of taint that jump out at you.

For Rish, tracks are easily found, as there appears to have been no effort to disguise them. Plants are pounded down, branches broken, and it continues in the direction of Bajun.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 30, 2016, 06:49:26 AM »

For Rishi, it is much as you fear. You would expect to see some manner of spirit, but the place is barren.

In fact, it occurs to both of you that an odd silence pervades the area. The wind seems dead and still. There is no rustle of bird or chirp of insect. Between the two of you watching carefully, you are able to identify a small area where the brush was disturbed and scattered, as if in a fight.

With that identified and Rishi's eyes penetrating the fog with ease, you are able to locate a quartet of bodies: 3 hulking brutes, covered in thick hair or fur and a woman dressed in the livery of the Crane.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 30, 2016, 12:48:51 AM »

You can find a local yeoman who fits the description and will gratefully accept your generosity.

The night passes peacefully and leads you once more into another chill, grey morning. The mist seems oddly heavy as you near Bajun.

((OOC: Perception + Awareness, sight or hearing bonuses/specialties are fine. Stunt 1 for both of you.))

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:43:27 AM »

"Unfortunately, I was not blessed with the selfsame talents as my most illustrious mother, nor does parentage..." he hesitates for the briefest moment, taking a sip of the rice wine he still has, "...we were all expected to distinguish ourselves on own merits. My talents with song and performance are malodorous, rather than melodious." He smiles at Akeha, "But still, I sought my place and found it in a sulfurous burst of firedust. I have a modicum of talent when it comes to operating such armaments, and my knowledge became indispensable in teaching others to use them as well. While I would not boast so proudly as to compare myself to the skilled warriors under your command, I function quite adequately as a protector for my mother and my people."

"I also dabble in poetics, but it is a trifling affair, a study of the great masters of our land and the merest shadow of their art."


That particular man shrugs. "Couple days, I suppose?" He glances to his companions at the table who nod various agreement on order of -thereabouts- or so.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 29, 2016, 07:04:07 AM »

Tota eats and drinks quietly, providing the occasional sound of agreement, smile, or nod. His mother no doubt recognizes it as his behavior when trying to take mental notes.


The people are happy to see Khun and they eagerly chat and engage, asking about little aches and pains that are easily prescribed.

One man nods. "You're asking about those folks that come from the town upriver, yeah? I told 'em they ought to go home. San is dead. The only safe place anymore is here along the Yellow River."

An older woman shakes her head sadly, "There are things out in the forest and the swamp. Men bred with beasts. Animals that speak. They even say San still walks the mists, hunting the things that have come. We've had some folks down south make it this way, saying monsters came and cleared out their whole village. We're safe up here so far, but... well... they were brave soldiers, but I expect you won't be seeing them again."

A young man takes a long drink from his cup. "I told them to go west and find Bajun if they wanted to see if the rumors were true. I left because I knew things were getting bad. Hunting hounds stalking the town. People started disappearing. Ghosts. The San no longer flows. Bad, bad omens."

General Chat / Re: Watching any anime?
« on: September 27, 2016, 09:23:54 PM »
Mob Psycho 100: Excellent comedy shonen action series. Reigen is a true hero and the last episode was an absolute joy. It enjoys itself while taking potshots at more serious versions of its genre (ala OPM), thought I think the overall effect is much greater here.

KonoSuba: SAO, but intentionally funny. I laughed a bunch. Ashley laughed a bunch. Show loves breast shots, sometimes just for having them, sometimes to be funny. Takes the piss out of both fantasy and trapped in another world quite nicely.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 27, 2016, 07:51:59 AM »

"The liquor of a town is the taste of that town's spirit. To request something other than the labor of the locals is a grave dishonor and something that I could not abide." Tora seems a bit uncomfortable at the table, but he adjusts quickly. "It is no surprise to discover a town is rotten when their spirits are foul." Sampling the rice win first, he nods. "As expected, a rich and strong taste."

He has either eaten similar cuisine, as he follows Akeha's patterns in eating.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 27, 2016, 04:27:09 AM »

((OOC: Have Stunt 2 Credit on that, so get the Willpower back.))

As promised, the people are surprisingly unsurprised by a flying cloud setting down in their midst, and the few passing by greet Khun warmly.

The inn itself is crowded, bursting with men and women eager to unwind from a long day of work.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 27, 2016, 01:33:53 AM »
"Of course." He smiles brightly, youthful charm bright on his face as he turns toward Akeha and bows deeper. "It is my distinct honor for my most unworthy self to be welcomed to your table alongside my most esteemed mother, Lady Hakuhi."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 27, 2016, 01:20:06 AM »

"Small or large, mounted on gold or lost in the earth, a diamond remains a diamond, Lady Hakuhi." That form of address is much more comfortable, as demonstrated by a little quirk in the smile that hints at a little wryness to the gesture. Inclining his head politely, he turns to Lee. "How may I assist, mother?"

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 26, 2016, 09:13:56 PM »

Tora bows his head to the young woman and excuses himself, hurrying to join. He bows politely. "Mother. Tetsuzuru... san," he says, stumbling over the unfamiliar mode of address. "Your town is a wonder, replete with delicacies that rival those of every other township we have visited along the Yellow River. The people are kind and appreciative of the arts. On behalf of everyone, I wish to thank you for the generosity you have shown and hope that we may live up to the expectations that we have set."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1 - Scene 2)
« on: September 26, 2016, 07:18:40 AM »
((OOC: Zhun, go ahead and craft away. You can still find the goods locally. 2 Successes is the goal and will give you a minimum 7 days worth of doses. I believe you should actually also have several doses from your previous adventure available.

Success is a decent tasting drink that gives you +1 Dice vs all Wyld related rolls and 3 Silver XP.))


As the sun begins to set, rather than beginning to retire, the city comes alive this night.

Of course, that is a bit unusual. Often the town tends to settle as the shroud of night overtakes it, but today has been an unusual day for Inaba, with people rather than goods flooding the dock. And not just any people: performers who promised to share their art with the people. Thus it is that as the lanterns light, so do grills for fish and fires for pots of noodles. Tonight, in the crisp autumn air, the people will celebrate.

Having completed his duties to his mother and his people, Tora is enjoying the opportunity to eat, drink, and be merry, having found a seat alongside a slight redhead who laughs and chatters away as they both sample some of the catch of the day.

Even the guards seems to have relaxed... a little, at least. While main eat, drink, and be merry, there are still some who stand alert at the fringes of the celebration, swords at their side.

Already some small warms up have begun, performers testing instruments and limbs that have too long (more than five minutes) gone unused. The atmosphere is pleasant, warm, and welcoming.


((OOC: Assuming you wanted to set out this eve... If not, let me know and we can excise this.))

At around the the party is beginning in Inaba, your cloud will put you over the small port town mentioned by Akeha: Sansi. The town itself sits on the opposite side of the bank, near where the San River spills into the Yellow River.

Much like Inaba, the citizenry is beginning to pack up for the night, but unlike the people of Inaba they are actually looking to chill out for the evening. Drink in the bar, sleep, etc. This would have been the first stop of the five warriors from the White Fire Company, so presuming they didn't drown in the river, you should be able to get news of them here.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 24, 2016, 06:55:00 AM »

Tora nods. "Of course, mother." Smiling brightly at Hana and her guards, he will gesture for her to continue, asking her politely for the last few questions to be repeated so he might answer the venerable bureaucrat's inquiries to the best of his abilities.

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 23, 2016, 09:59:46 PM »

Hana and her escorts bow in response to Akeha's approach. "Ah, Tetsuzuru-san. I was preparing to send a runner for you."

Forum Games / Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« on: September 23, 2016, 06:48:06 AM »
((OOC: We may indeed assume that Akeha and Vol will arrive about this point. Persuade will not be necessary. Rishi is similarly free to stay at the fringes or engage as desired.))

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