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Messages - Excal

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General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: July 21, 2015, 01:29:24 AM »
I think I prefer Avengers 2 more than Fury Road myself, though I'll happily admit that some of that is due to Avengers 2 getting a lot of antihype while Fury Road was getting all the hype.  The expectations led to different subjective experiences where one was better than the other.

I'll also disagree entirely about the Black Widow/Hulk thing, I actually felt it worked fairly well, and didn't actually come out of nowhere.  Heck, it added a fair bit to the feeling that not only is time passing between these tent poles, but that the characters have lives outside of the movies.  Sometimes it feels like a character is stuck in stasis between flicks, and it's nice to avoid that.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« on: July 21, 2015, 01:08:54 AM »
Codename Steam - Gave it a try, got to the Mecha Lincoln, decided it's not for me.  Not entirely sure why, because I want to like this game.  And I like both Fire Emblem and X-Com.  But I just can't get into this.

Might it be related to the fact that there's a mecha Lincoln?

Also, I didn't know Persona Q had FOEs. I'll grab it.
For me now the 3DS has become an Atlus console with some unimportant Nintendo games on it

Are you kidding?  If a SRW gave me a mecha Lincoln, named it ABE, and let me punch aliens and Zakus with it, I'd probably squee for five minutes in sheer glee.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« on: July 20, 2015, 08:44:26 PM »
Breath of Fire 4 - Slowly working my way through this.  Game is still as beautiful as I remember, though the pacing is still super slow and the game is still basically "you are traveling west."  Seriously, Chapter 1 is we need to take a shortcut to the Western Empire.  Chapter 2 is that worked horribly, so what do we do now?  And Chapter 3 is of course, just take the long way west!

I'm at a point where I probably should backtrack for masters I can get now but don't currently have.  I'm also at a point where I need 3k fish points in order to unlock two masters.  Unfortunately, the fishing minigame is proving less enjoyable than it did last time, and different kinds of fish are refusing to come out.  Once again, my weakness against timed hits is showing.

Regardless, as those listening in on chat no doubt know, I've crossed the great sea of water, and am approaching the sand flats.

Codename Steam - Gave it a try, got to the Mecha Lincoln, decided it's not for me.  Not entirely sure why, because I want to like this game.  And I like both Fire Emblem and X-Com.  But I just can't get into this.

PersonaQ - What, I still haven't beaten this?  Oh right, last time I went on a bender I got past some tricky stuff only to put it down for a moment, forget that I didn't save, and turn the thing off, wrecking a huge amount of progress.  Anyways, waited long enough that each step forward was more of a "Why did I put this down" as opposed to a monument to my own stupidity.  At this point, barring stupidly durable enemies, Mamudoon and Mahameon are my only offenses.  I can see why this is the game where they really shine.  a) They have a stupidly good hit rate, and few enemies block either, and not sure any block both.  While several enemies have a weakness against one or both.  b) Unlike the Atlus games, the elemental spells aren't as good.  You're not guaranteed to down someone when you hit weakness.  You're not guaranteed an all-out attack even if you do knock everyone down.  And the enemies feel durable enough that they'll usually survive all of that if it goes off, while in 3/4 if you get the All-Out attack it's rare for it not to kill.  So, yeah, just spam the ID.

As for puzzling, I'm on a stage where you're clearly supposed to use some sacred flame to create slippery bits of floor to squeak by the FOEs.  Me, I got lazy about the puzzling and just did things the crazy way, you can disrupt the patterns of the FOEs by strategically picking fights with them and running away.  Why run away?  Because they have three attacks, a buff, a turn waster, and a MT 2HKO.  If buffed, that 2HKO turns into a 1HKO for Yukiko, and isn't really healthier for anyone else.  Somehow, I managed to get to the far side of the floor without wiping.  Unfortunately, it looks like in order to open the door to the next floor I'm going to have to slip n slide the flame down past the FOEs anyways.  Kurses.

Discussion / Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« on: July 20, 2015, 04:59:48 AM »
I think the argument is less that you need to give the origins in the first episode.  I mean, Batman doesn't bother to start with an origins episode.  It's more that the early episodes make it feel like these are not folks who should be working together.  That having them split up and work solo or work with other people would be preferable and more enjoyable for the characters than being in the Teen Titans.

Now, this isn't to say that you can't have teams that clearly do not work well together.  I mean, Suicide Squad is a great take on that concept.  But in that case, you need to explain early on why they're working together in spite of that being a bad idea.

General Chat / Re: 2015 Miscellaneous Links: Cat pictures go here
« on: July 17, 2015, 10:12:05 AM »
Shanarra is one of those titles that I suspect a lot of people just know and has that cultural penetration that most fantasy doesn't have.  Toss in the nostalgia kick from all the people who read it when they were teens and now have more disposable income.

Granted, given that my own attempt to read a Shanarra book ended poorly, I'm kinda expecting this'll flop, and it'll be used as evidence that what we need is another superhero show.

Discussion / Re: DLC X: Stuff to Do/Things Possessed
« on: July 16, 2015, 08:02:26 PM »
Huh, I had heard that Archipelago had a really divisive joint loss conditions that lowered it's rating.  Certainly why it never got popular enough in my own gaming circles for me to have gotten a chance to play it.

Discussion / Re: DLC X: Stuff to Do/Things Possessed
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:54:34 PM »
While I personally will not be attending, I do have a small collection of board games.  If there is stated interest, and those who are intending to go there from my neck of the woods do not mind transporting them, I would be more than willing to send some along.

Game List (so folks can express interest/state copy will already be available)
Love Letter
Eight Minute Empire
Innovation (this one basically lives with the Elf and Ciatos anyways these days)
Bloodbowl Team Manager (w/ both expansions)
Clash of Cultures
Last Will (no expansion)
History of the World
Puerto Rico (Would be kinda shocked if this wasn't already there)

General Chat / Re: 2015 Miscellaneous Links: Cat pictures go here
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:45:26 PM »
I know those feelings.  Got me a bit the first time I ran into a timebux game.  Nowadays, it's pretty simple, when I notice something like this starting to take over, I make a point of slapping down the part of me that responds to that mechanic each time it pops up.  Only takes a few times these days before the whole "the world will not end if I am not hyper efficient" thing sticks and it loses its hold.  Still, it's telling that it does take a few goes despite knowing all this.

All things considered, it's probably a good thing this game is on a system I cannot access.  It sounds like something that really plays to my biases, even if I'm reasonably sure I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

General Chat / Re: 2015 Miscellaneous Links: Cat pictures go here
« on: July 14, 2015, 06:56:15 PM »
Critical hit to the feels.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« on: July 04, 2015, 11:22:14 AM »
Your soul.  I will eat it.

General Chat / Re: 2015 Miscellaneous Links: Cat pictures go here
« on: July 03, 2015, 12:15:44 PM »
Man, "Questionably convicted murderers, go the fuck to sleep" is one of the most morbid and beautiful pieces of black humour I have ever seen.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« on: July 02, 2015, 05:55:56 AM »
This actually gives me an interesting idea for an accessory, though I don't know if it's actually possible in FFT coding: some kind of equippable accessory or hat or something with a Speed penalty on it, so you can twink your speed _down_ if desired.

FFT is hard coded to prevent equipment from giving stat penalties.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« on: July 02, 2015, 01:56:14 AM »
And you've just mentioned one of the reasons why I love me some LFT.  Don't get me wrong, I still like vanilla, and frankly, if I just want an FFT experience without having to worry about difficulty then I'll go vanilla.  But, Gained JP up innate?  Yes please.  While I like some of the other changes a lot, that change takes the obvious and only best choice for the support slot and effectively assumes you'll use it, so have an effective second support slot for something non Gained-JP Up.

Discussion / Re: Thoughts on gamergate
« on: June 30, 2015, 12:24:45 AM »
Also, since this is just a side show (most Gators these days seem to be more into the right for folks to shame fat people or that taking down the Stars and Bars is censorship), but figure I'll post this here.

Sealions of Wikipedia.  It's a place where the antics of the Gators trying to change the Wikipedia article to something of their choosing are pointed out and mocked.

In addition, while it's not filled with the usual awfulness one associates with Gators, it does come with some brain bleach.  Most posts contain a clip of actual sealion antics which are adorable as opposed to horrifying.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« on: June 29, 2015, 08:32:13 PM »
Fire Emblem if: Apparently it's going to be called "Fates" in America. For a while I thought THIS was the FExSMT crossover, for a couple of reasons, not the least of which being that there's a game called Shin Megami Tensei if.

Anyway, for those that don't know, the premise is that your Avatar is a special snowflake Dragonborn-something-or-other who was born a prince of not!Japan but then was kidnapped as a baby and raised by the King of not!England as a prince and not told his own identity, and indeed even the actual Princes and Princesses think he's family. He's given a bullshit reason why he's not allowed to leave the kingdom, so he's raised among a close-knit family for his whole life until King of not!England decides to use him as some kind of trump card and sends him out to battle, whereupon he's captured by the army of not!Japan. The royal family of not!Japan quickly realizes his identity and are overjoyed at finding their long-lost brother and son, and quickly invite him to rejoin their family. After King of not!England activates his trap card involving special-snowflake Kamui (Avatar), the not!Japan army brings him to the frontlines of the battle, where both of Kamui's families are now staring eachother down and demanding that Kamui come back to them.

Ha wha? No. Kamui was hold hostage because of a hostage exchange. He was given to Not!England just like how Aqua was given to Not!Japan.

I had thought I had read that in the promotional materials somewhere.  Glad to see it repeated.  Between that and the Djinn report stuff, I am getting kinda stoked about the game.

Discussion / Re: Thoughts on gamergate
« on: June 29, 2015, 08:25:47 PM »
While it probably started that way, at this point, given how they speak in 90% cliched war movie dialogue, I'd be surprised if it hasn't just morphed from 'veiled rape reference' to 'these are our colours'.  Quite frankly, what they're up to on any given day is horrid enough, there's no need to bring in ancient history that's probably not connected to why it's done anymore.

General Chat / Re: 2015 Miscellaneous Links: Cat pictures go here
« on: June 19, 2015, 07:15:49 AM »
He was also a pretty boy in Crisis Core, so...  yeah.  The extended FF7 universe has him looking good before and after the game.  I'm not expecting during to be much different.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« on: June 09, 2015, 08:13:17 AM »
And being in the process of replaying Lunar, even Working Designs could field some real duds with their references.

So, what have I been up to?

My own retro nostalgia kick is getting fed with some Breath of Fire IV.  Since I'm too lazy to find all the pieces to my old PSX, I'm not doing it vintage and, like the poseur that I am, it's getting played via PS2.  When last I left off, I thumbed my collective noses at some imperial jerk before teleporting halfway across the world and breaking into a secret installation...  just to get caught.  Metal Gear Dragon this ain't.

So, back to the beginning.  No worries, just gotta bust a worren out, and we'll be on our way.  On that note, I've gained the most useful babysitter ever in a canine samurai.  Also, finally gained a Master for folks who aren't magically oriented.  Ryu is still staying with Rwolf, but I'm debating it, because he does have some good uses for power.

Codename STEAM: Gotta go to a bridge and rescue some folks.  Neat.  Sadly, despite talking a lot early on, the conversations seem to be dying down a lot now.  Granted, IS is not really known for their character work or plots, so this isn't really a huge failing.  Game is proving to be interesting though, and it's nice to have a full party.  For all that the new shiny subweapons feel like they're actually weaker than the initial stuff.

Aside from that, it seems a friend remembered my love of mixing groundhog day with death from the skies.  So I got a shiny copy of Majora's Mask for my birthday.  Beat the first boss, and am currently hunting for Fairy Pieces in Waterfall Temple.  This thing is, well, I was curious how it would stack up.  They really did do a lot to change the game, giving it a complete graphical overhaul, as well as changing the controls to work well with a second/touch screen and making it work with the 3DS in addition to just streamlining the hell out of it.  It is clearly a refined and much improved version of the game.  Heck, when you're in first person mode, you can even change where Link is looking by tilting the 3DS, which is kinda cool, totally optional (you can turn it off), and I've actually been using it to fine tune my arrow shots a bit.  >_>

Discussion / Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« on: May 29, 2015, 09:46:00 AM »
While the second half of Season 3 is quite strong, I have to agree, Season 2 is where Avatar is strongest.  Bitter Work is easily my favourite episode, though Lake Laogai and Zuko Alone are excellent competition.  As is Appa's Lost Days, honestly.  That said, while I find Tales of Ba Sing Se to be hit or miss, I can't fault you for picking it for best episode.  Iroh's Tale is excellently done.

General Chat / Re: Top 10 poll
« on: May 27, 2015, 09:33:55 AM »
Hmmm. I wonder if perhaps the Shining series, Suikoden, and FFXI will rate highly in the aggregate.

No less so than FFT, I imagine.

General Chat / Re: Top 10 poll
« on: May 26, 2015, 07:16:12 PM »
I would argue that even in a ranking topic, unless you're the only contributor and it's for a wide audience, then subjectivity will make a better list than objectivity will.  Especially in something like the ranking topic we have here, where the whole point of value is a score gained by averaging multiple subjective valuations.

The one place where I would concede that striving for an objective valuation of a game has merit is something like a review.  Where you are attempting to not so much determine if you like a game, but if someone else might like a game.  At which point you need to be able to see it from a viewpoint outside of yourself.  It is still a fundamentally flawed method of doing things, but still the best method in spite of this.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« on: May 26, 2015, 07:10:55 PM »
So, finished Ace Attourney vs. Prof. Layton.  Game is pretty good at what it set out to do.  On the one hand, the puzzles felt easier and not quite as good as the earlier Layton games.  But then, that's a complaint I've been feeling about the series as a whole.  One thing it did do is give a highly polished Layton experience.  As for the Wright side of the gameplay, they added in a few new mechanisms, one of which (comparing different parts of the testimony against another) I kinda wish would make it into the main series.

As for the plot, its resolution is very, very Layton.  Not sure how much more than that I want to say, but, I was kinda expecting a twist like that the entire time.

FE:Awakening - Picked this up, suspect I'm just going to leave it on the back burner, so also playing it on Classic Hard.  Just finished saving Emmeryn and noodling around with side stuff.

Borderlands: Pre-Sequel - It's very much Borderlands 2 on the moon.  They hyped the new laser weapons a lot, but all they really seem to be is just a new weapon type, nothing really worth noting (though they are fun).  On the other hand, the low gravity and low oxygen environment has been used to change the gameplay by adding a O2 guage, and giving you a pack that lets you double jump with pretty good control and power stomp things below you.  It does a pretty good job of making small changes that makes the thing feel a lot more different than it actually is.

Currently playing as Athena, her melees are ok, though the range is ass.  But her big draw so far is the shield.  90 degree field of mostly invincibility?  Check.  Powers up as it takes hits?  Check.  Cool and potent Captain America style shield toss at the end of it?  Check.  Fast recharge time so you can do it lots? Check. 

I love this freaking shield.  And her snark is coming in as a close second.


So, yeah, I've been fiddling around with this game for a while, and eventually I realized something.  When they made VIP, they changed the map, but left the original Grand Campaign in.  This means you wind up in a world without rubber, and as anyone can tell you, the modern world, especially once you get near the 1890s, needs rubber.  So, a lot of my early runs were flawed and ended poorly.

So, I started again, and decided to check out the VIP campaign with Prussia.  They start off kinda weak.  I mean, they have a decent selection of provinces, more coal than you can shake a stick at, and start with a respectable amount of factories, but they have only like 19M people.  That is tiny.  It also meant that industrialization meant that I wound up with almost no farmers at one point.  Fortunately, eventually unification happened (though, the Franco Prussian War was amusing since France had the only land route in fortified and manned with a lot of entrenched troops, I couldn't go the historical way, so I loaded up troops on my superior navy and invaded Paris from the Channel).

The one thing I enjoy looking at is the different way the military is handled in the various Paradox games, and this is probably one of the strongest showings for the navy yet.  Given they're fast, don't suffer attrition, and give bonuses to coastal combat, they potent even without getting into the fact that colonial warfare means being able to go anywhere in the world.  And the navy is the means by which one is able to go anywhere.  While land units are still needed to be able to take and hold land, if you don't have a navy, then there's a lot of conflicts where you simply won't have the troops in place to do either.

So, how does this observation fit into this playthrough?  England.  In the standard campaign, I've found England to be on top of their naval game and to have dozens of the top class ship ready to roll.  Naturally, this makes going to war with them a nightmare scenario as your fleet is probably going to get smashed.  And because they're Britain, your land army, however strong it might be, is piddly and useless against their island if you can't manage to land on it.  In this game, however, they contented themselves with about a hundred ships, all wooden.  Well, not entirely, they had a handful of ironclads and monitors.  This became relevant around 1889 when the Scramble of Africa was underway and they decided they wanted me out of colonizing.  At this point, I had about 50 Protected Cruisers, and a dozen Proto-Dreadnaughts in addition to another 50 Ironclads.  It led to the odd situation where Brittania not only didn't rule the waves, but they quickly managed to have no fleet at all, and they did worse than their allies in the war.  Britain managed to harry me in one of my colonial holdings, whereas British India managed to kill one of my armies (granted, I made a dumb mistake) and kept their fleet (they made sure to avoid fighting me), and Canada also managed to off some of my divisions and they were the only ones who managed to win a naval fight against me (Unlike the rest of the British Empire, they had a PC and it managed to catch an escort of Ironclads and Monitors off guard).  Making this even worse, they didn't have many troops in England or Scotland so I could walk all over the place, while they had more than enough troops on Ireland to wreck my shit, but they had no ships to move them with, nor ships to break my blockade with.

Oddly enough, while Canada rebuilt their fleet and a few years later were the third strongest fleet in the world (quality, not quantity), England declined, and declared war on me again.  After losing their transports in that second war (which were all, for some reason, hanging out in the Sea of Japan and got accidentally killed because I was there for the Boxer Rebellion), they seem to have finally come around to building a modern fleet.

General Chat / Re: Top 10 poll
« on: May 22, 2015, 11:40:03 PM »
Sounds like a good case of critically good as opposed to actually good.

Those films that critics love, with love worked into every shot, with technical skill and imagination infusing it from storyboards to last edit, where the characters and plot all have at least three layers of meaning going on from start to finish.  That will never gross more than 1% of what is made by whatever pap is getting spewed out by Michael Fucking Bay.

General Chat / Re: Top 10 poll
« on: May 22, 2015, 06:38:23 PM »
As to why the RPG Rankings topic is seen as being "objective" I suspect it's because the only way you can really get something objective out of something inherently subjective is by getting several subjective views and then aggregating them.  As such, the Rankings topic should have everything rated on a subjective "how much did I enjoy it" scale instead of a "how good do I really think it is" scale.  Or, that your top ten games there should be the same as the list of games you'd give to Scar.

As an added side note, if the general consensus was that individual rankings in the RPG Rankings should be objective instead of subjective, then the individual rankings should not only converge, but there should also be argumentation between participants as to what scores people are giving games.  Subjective means that it's all opinion and taste and you can't be wrong unless you're lying to yourself.  Objective means that there is, in fact, a correct score that is right independent of what anyone else thinks it should be, and that people can and should present arguments if you are not giving it the correct score.

General Chat / Re: Top 10 poll
« on: May 22, 2015, 10:03:47 AM »
So do know there's this topic called RPG ratings where lots of people have ordered the RPGs they've played, usually in sequential order, usually also with numerical ratings.

By all means, if you want to combine this data with data from other forums that's cool, but yeah, it's already there, you don't really need to get people to PM you a brand new list.

That was kind of why I asked my first question: I assume that Scar's question is about people's "favorites", whereas the RPG Ratings topic is more about people trying to objectively judge how well-made a game is.

Granted, it's a game.  If I enjoyed it enough to make it one of my favourites, then it's well-made.  If it has super awesome graphics, prize winning writing, characters with so many layers they put onions to shame, and mechanics that work like German clockwork, but I cannot bring myself to care about it, or am actively repulsed by the final product, then it has failed as a piece of entertainment, and has earned its 3/10 ranking.

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