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Messages - Tanaka

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Forum Games / Re: Henchmen Anonymafia - Day 2
« on: December 14, 2009, 09:59:44 AM »
(Sorry in advance for this one. Gonna take a post to defend myself before looking at new arguments.)

As for my vote on Oddjob, for those who asked, he seemed the most suspicious to me.
No reasons listed.
I don't like these "I'll stand and wait" posts, pal. If you're gonna take some action, take some action as soon as you can! Th-that's just... usually late for me! That's all, pal!
Both the Prinnies and Oddjob have done this here - although, at least the Prinnies actually present some reason for waiting, you know? Oddjob's just kinda standing around for the sake of standing around, and I don't like it one bit, pal.
Just 'cause it's not in the post you quote, doesn't mean it's not there at all. You need to actually read the topic before you go presenting an argument, pal.

I'm always gonna go for the most suspicious right 'til the last minute.
So we're supposed to trust in Gumshoe, until he changes his vote at the last minute - great consistency there.
This whole job is about trust for all of us, pal! If I think someone's suspicious, I'm voting for them until there is absolutely no chance that they're getting lynched or until they move behind someone else in suspicion.

Listen up, pal. I'm liking the look of you less and less. Don't go throwin' your vote around aimlessly in a pressure situation.
(What on Earth was wrong with my vote for Prinny? I listed my reason for voting Prinny. But Gumshoe: no reasons given again, apparently I'm just horribly suspicious, and we should implicitly trust Gumeshoe on this, since he's so great at arresting murderers and all).
What was wrong with your vote on Prinny? The fact that there had been one post (of content) in-between you voting Weasels and unvoting/voting Prinny. Flailing with a vote is bad at the best of times, and this was with sudden death closing in, pal! You seem to really buckle under pressure, and the pressure isn't even on you!

If it weren't useless there, I'd be leaving my vote on you and callin' for a lynch.
If I'm so suspicious, why wouldn't you vote for me & call a lynch? Then again, maybe you should actually refer to some reasons.
With five minutes to the deadline?! Seriously?! I-I'm not even sure this one's worth talkin' about, pal! At that point, I was pressured to even get the post out, let alone change the lynch target!

As it is, I'm gonna have to choose.
##Unvote, ##Vote: Weasel Squad
Definitely much worse. Bad (but seemingly Town) contribution is better than nothin' at all, pal.
I find it interesting that he spends so long talking about Tony, then at the last minute votes Weasels (as he said he would, vote for the AFK who can't fight back etc.), and then doesn't stick around for the next 20 minutes to see Weasels post.
...Wait, are we referrin' to the same post here, pal? "So long talking about Tony"? That was 2 lines in a 12-line post! And the Weasels' return changed nothin' - I was around, pal, but a Vanilla Town claim is as weak as they come, and I'm not changing my vote based on a sudden death "wait, I'm still alive!" to let 'em lurk to victory.

Gilmagesh, I'm not sure where your argument really is, pal. I said Tony was still suspicious, and the only time I even suggested lynching the Prinnies was after the WoT recap. As for Oddjob, I have no idea how you can't see the case - he sat around doing nothing for most of the day, then flailed around at the last minute and essentially decided the final lynch target himself.

Forum Games / Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« on: December 12, 2009, 05:40:03 PM »

This day's turnin' out to be a real mess, pal. Tony's showed up again and, while that ain't clearing what suspicions there were, that puts him lower than certain other suspects in this case.
Honestly, pal, I don't like either of these squads much. It'll be interesting to see if the Weasels show up by the end of the day, but I think I'm happy to see the Weasels cruise to a lynch.

As for my vote on Oddjob, for those who asked, he seemed the most suspicious to me. I was pretty confident I'd be around now, so I knew I could change it if needed, but I'm always gonna go for the most suspicious right 'til the last minute.
Jammin' Ninja in a Hat! - Listen up, pal. I'm liking the look of you less and less. Don't go throwin' your vote around aimlessly in a pressure situation. If it weren't useless there, I'd be leaving my vote on you and callin' for a lynch.
As it is, I'm gonna have to choose.
##Unvote, ##Vote: Weasel Squad
Definitely much worse. Bad (but seemingly Town) contribution is better than nothin' at all, pal.

Forum Games / Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« on: December 12, 2009, 11:41:25 AM »

I don't like these "I'll stand and wait" posts, pal. If you're gonna take some action, take some action as soon as you can! Th-that's just... usually late for me! That's all, pal!
Both the Prinnies and Oddjob have done this here - although, at least the Prinnies actually present some reason for waiting, you know? Oddjob's just kinda standing around for the sake of standing around, and I don't like it one bit, pal.

##Vote: Oddjob

'though, if I'd been voting for Tony or the Prinnies before, it wouldn't be worth changing vote. The three of them all look pretty guilty to me, and they need to seriously start picking up the pace if they're gonna get anywhere soon, pal!

Forum Games / Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« on: December 12, 2009, 01:09:35 AM »
Ard and I have taken a close look at this detective's reports and found that most of his data is actually derived from material originated by others, as though Mr. Gumshoe were watching for safe cases while avoiding making one of his own. His suspicions of the Axems, Tony, and Guildenstern echo those of others alarmingly closely.
It's like the Axem said himself, pal. As for Guilstendern, that was as much about the excessive - what was it you guys called it? 'flavor'..? - as it was about the lack of contribution.

Ano, Gumshoe-san... first you say Whim talks too much, now I say too little?
Look, pal. When you talk, you talk a lot. It doesn't help our investigation, though. If you're gonna keep yammering on, at least give us something to work with, you know?

It's been a rough day, pal. I've been working 25 hours a day just so I can get a decent meal, and they expect me to read through pages and pages of files? I'm not liking that at all right now. (IOW, less WoT please.) Still, good to see that everyone else has reappeared in the time I've been working!

That post by the penguins is bad news, pal. I don't like a journalist at the best of times, let alone when they're supposed to be investigating. That said, they really don't seem like the criminal type! Just... a really bad witness? Although some things there really raise my hackles, like their entire "case" on the Axems. This is why I hate those journalistic types - lots of talking, but they always seem to miss the key points, and it turns out useless, since you have to re-read the posts to know the context anyway.
W-whoa! Jammin' Ninjas all round! I'm agreeing with Guilstendern, though - where'd those weasels get to?
Ard, pal, I'm... really not seeing your case, honestly. Seems like the only basis was that I'd been taking other cases only, which was then proved to be wrong? Am I missing something again, pal?

Forum Games / Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« on: December 10, 2009, 11:15:56 PM »

Axem, pal, I was just commentin' on your little self-contradiction, not your voting on the whole there. Sorry, I guess my testimony should've been a bit clearer... The voting was mentioned earlier on, but that suspicion doesn't seem as solid now.

Do we even have a clear suspect? I'm not liking Tony either, but it's solely based on his objectionable way of talking - his actual post content seems justified, even if it is somewhat too narrow-minded at this stage.

Guilstendern, on the other hand... What little he has said seems to be leading nowhere, and the pressure seems to have just fallen away. On that note, still looking towards others who've not said much of anything - Whim stands out, with Oddjob and Gilmagesh close behind.
Ard and Liz... as Smithers mentioned, a lot of useless information in their testimonies, but they're contributin' a decent amount as well.

With all that said, I think it's fairly obvious who the most suspicious is here, pal.
##Unvote: Axem Rangers
##Vote: Guildenstern

Forum Games / Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« on: December 10, 2009, 08:11:13 PM »
Dear Gilgamesh/Gumshoe.  Please be remembering to unvote before you vote.  I will not require specifics, just an unvote command.  But votes without the unvote do not get processed.

S-sorry, sir! (That won't affect my next paycheck, will it?)

Oh yes, Ard has one final note for Dick Gumshoe. You complain of several participants in this forum "talking too much," but how else is the truth to be uncovered but with steady dialogue and interchange? Is it the amount of speaking that bothers you, or that which is spoken?
Oh, sorry, pal! Let me clear that one up: I'm not happy with people yammerin' on and saying a lot while not revealing anything. If you're gonna be talking, you need to make sure what you're presenting is worthwhile!

Oddjob's helpin' our investigation come along now, but still no vote? Surprising, considering Smithers had only one vote at the time. Still, better than the nothing before it, as long as it picks up soon.

To the Axems, you seem to contradict yourself... I mean, war is about finding enemies, yet pointing fingers at everyone is fine? Can't help thinkin' we need to focus eventually to find our culprit, pal.
Puttin' my vote where it was meant to be again. Sorry again, sir! Won't happen again, I promise!
##Unvote, ##Vote: Axem Rangers
Can't help noticing a few people slacking off from the investigation. Whim/Guilsterndern? You guys have said little in what you have put forward, so you should probably present some evidence soon! I learnt that trick from Mr. Edgeworth, pal!

Forum Games / Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« on: December 10, 2009, 11:11:51 AM »
With so few clues, we need a detective to shine light.  While we all hope Mr. Job shows his face soon, do you have any other thoughts, Sir Gumshoe?  Perhaps your investigation has turned something up.

Y-you want my help, pal? *sniff* Alright! I'm all fired up now! Let's see what I can do!

No I didn't. Whim voted for the Weasels for repeating a joke vote, not for being quick to jump on us for no reason. Ars and Smithers did the latter and didn't talk about Gilgamesh like they should have.
You're using some pretty shaky logic there, pal, and I'm not liking the look of it at all. You think someone's suspicious for not suspecting the suspicious suspect? In which case, why not go for Gilmagesh yourself? It's like the lizard said - you can't just throw around suspicion aimlessly.

W-wait a sec.
Small details are the way of life 'round these parts
I think Smithers is pussyfooted and non-committal and likes to fling the old suspicion-meter around wildly. Flinging everywhere is useless for us! I say that Smithers is going after Weasels and then going after the anti-Weasels.
You don't like looking at small details, then ignore the big picture to focus on one of several who's been doin' what you're saying? Look, pal. Either you follow your own advice and make up your mind or you'll be perverting the course of justice at the very least, and that's a serious offence, pal.

I'm not liking them who keep yammerin' on way too much - looking mostly at Whim, Ard and Guilstendern here, although it just seems like the usual sort of stuff for Day One of the trial. As long as it doesn't last, it won't be a problem, and it's not reason enough to lock 'em up anyway.

##Vote: Axem Rangers
You can't go suspectin' everyone. What's making you accuse Ard over Gilmagesh and Smithers, since you mentioned them all?

...W-wow. I don't think I've spoken this much in a long time. I think I need to grab some noodles before I pass out.

Forum Games / Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« on: December 10, 2009, 01:03:50 AM »

Hey! Much-needed call? Some of us have to work, pal! Just 'cause you guys can slack off when you like, doesn't mean the rest of us can!

Forum Games / Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« on: December 10, 2009, 12:38:37 AM »

Alright, pal, don't think you can escape from me! I'm an ace detective, and I've learnt a thing or two about this whole criminal catching thing!
Best way I've found to find the criminal is to... judge on looks! Just take a look at that Sahwit, pal! And here? There's somethin' fishy about that Oddjob. He seems kinda, you know, odd.

##Vote: Oddjob

Forum Games / Re: Henchmen Anonymafia Signup
« on: December 09, 2009, 12:00:35 PM »
Can't go solving a crime without a detective, pal!  :)

Forum Games / Re: Animafia - Day 3 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« on: September 11, 2009, 11:14:29 PM »
EBWOP: To be more precithe on the latht point, it'th hard to hold OldShaggy'th potht againtht him when it wath bathically 'Thorry, I can't potht'. Feel Coop'th blown it out of proporthion.

Forum Games / Re: Animafia - Day 3 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« on: September 11, 2009, 11:09:16 PM »
Sylvester's idle stance at the start of Day 2 did not sit us well, and something about his last comment the end of the previous day makes us feel that he is an Eraser.
Firthtly, I wanted to thee thome rethpontheth to the Buzz lynch/Haruhi hit before putting a vote down. It altho gave me a chanthe to thee who was thtill active. :/

- I athume you mean thith for the 'latht comment':
Yeah, lookth like I'm not gonna be able to do anythin' about the lynch anyway.
Put thimply, by the time I showed up the lynch wath thet in thtone. Coulda put my vote anywhere, wouldn't change that Crocker got lynched.
Lookin' back it wath awful ambiguouth, tho yeah. >_>

Coop claim changeth nothin'.

Forum Games / Re: Animafia - Day 3 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« on: September 11, 2009, 07:03:10 PM »
Well, that'th the end of that I thuppothe.

Only one logical plaithe to put my vote now...

##Vote: Coop (L-1)

Claim, pleathe?

Forum Games / Re: Animafia - Day 3 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« on: September 11, 2009, 09:05:14 AM »
The point ith that when Coop wath prodded, he actually rethponded. Bender hath ignored my point againtht him entirely, and in fact avoided pothting altogether. If a Coop lynch ith all I can get today I'll gladly take it, but I thtill feel Bender ith a more prething cathe.

Jutht came back from an all night thing. Ecthpected to have a lot more to catch up with, but I need to thleep anyway. -_-

Forum Games / Re: Animafia - Day 3 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« on: September 10, 2009, 11:28:03 AM »
What worries me about Sylvester in particular now is just how much of a difference he's been treating Bender and Coop despite their similiarities, most notably in just how little he references Coop (twice - once in defence, once in a weak, sedated argument in comparison to Bender) while pressing Bender. As I think Coop looks worst at the moment, this reads direly for Sylvester if Coop flips scum, especially in tow of a string of 'easy choice' votes. I admittedly don't see how scumSylvester works without scumCoop.
I've theen Bender online during night phatheth, and bathed on that I'm relatively thure he'th lurkin'. Coop at leatht maketh a genuine effort ta give thome content - Bender'th the reathon they invented Lynch All Lurkerth.

I'm not thayin that Coop'th clear or anythin', I jutht really don't like how Bender doeth thinigth. My main problem with him ith that even after I accuthed him of chainthawing the Count over Cothgrove, he ignored it entirely and jutht thtuck with hith Shaggy vote. If not rethponding to catheth againtht you ithn't anti-Town, I dunno what ith.

Forum Games / Re: Animafia - Day 3 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« on: September 10, 2009, 12:29:03 AM »
Okay, after latht night'th actionth my Bender vote feelth very rithky now. Crocker threw the vote onto him at the latht minute when hith death wath more or leth assured. Either he wath tryin' to dithtanthe himthelf from a buddy or he wanted uth to think'th a WIFOM at betht.

So it'th probably betht jutht to ignore it and go on thcumineth alone. Nothin' like pressure to get the lurker'th talkin'. ##Vote: Bender

Forum Games / Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« on: September 09, 2009, 12:46:04 AM »
Yeah, lookth like I'm not gonna be able to do anythin' about the lynch anyway.

Gonna thtick with my Bender vote. Hith 'firtht day of thchool' ecthcuthe wore off a while ago.

Forum Games / Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« on: September 09, 2009, 12:41:53 AM »
Quote from: Cosgrove
Most of his reason for jumping bandwagons seemed to be the number of votes. I think this is slightly anti-town since it puts a halt to bandwagon information.
The thituation with Haruhi in particular I don't agree with. The alternative wath 'hope thomeone putth Shaggy clothe enough to a lynch to be worth thuthpecting, and given that thith wath now about halfway through Day 1 I don't think it wath worth waiting on.

Quote from: Cosgrove
For new stuff, his going after Shaggy for just lurking, and partially justified lurking at that makes him "Calling the Kettle Black" as well, which if it's a scumtell this game, I might as well use against him, too. Still willing to vote him. I'm also getting weird bonding vibes between him and Bender.
Tho you're fine with uthin' that ath an attack when it'th being uthed againtht you?

Uh-oh, didn't know we were tho clothe to deadline. Lemme think thith over real quick.

Forum Games / Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« on: September 08, 2009, 09:48:10 PM »
Aw, thcrew it. ACME thent me a pair of Lithp-Reduthing pillth ath a thank you for my conthtant purchatheth. It'll latht me one good Wall of Tectht.

*swallows pills*

'Kay, that'll do me. Sorry, I'll be back to your regular cheery cat as soon as I'm done here.

I think my vote on Shaggy will stand for now. Posted... nothing about 9 hours ago, saying basically that he needs to catch up, then leaves?  It doesnt take 9 hours to catch up with the game. Hell, it doesnt take 2 hours, with all the inactives.
So, your response to my chainsaw accusation is to...ignore me entirely and press further on a lurker? Can't say I'm fond of that.
Coop is also sort of iffy for agreeing to exactly the same, but at least in his later posts he tries to explain some of his other suspicions (or lack thereof).

Crocker's suspicion of there being an early scum in Haruhi's wagon...doesn't seem that bad to me. He got mad at Dooku for suspecting Jack for following a basic enough rule designed to get out of RVS. Accusing him of not making a vote like that well thought out enough is sort of paradoxical. What's iffy about him, though, is the fact that he hasn't bothered to vote anyone for the entirety of the day, just asking people to post more and making accusations which real sense to me.

Cosgrove manages to break his silence with a massive wall of IIoA, which is sort of horrendous. He proceeds to suspect people for doing exactly what he'd just done, basically a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Hank writes off his suspicions of me with a simple 'I looked over his posts again', which is strange but probably acceptable. Definitely not enough to put him ahead of the current wagons.

Jack I don't really have a problem with right now. Dooku's attack on him for the 3rd vote is iffy, but I can't find much wrong with him besides that.

Filbert is also really stirring up something to me. He says in his last post that he's suspicious of Crocker, and then claims that he's actually nothing compared to Coop, based on one offhand joke and his relative lack of activity? Definitely worth looking at if Crocker flips scum.

Shaggy II needs to exist. Simple as that.

I'm still very suspicious of Bender, to be fair, but I'll be around for a while before deadline. Right now I'm probably fine with either a Crocker or a Cosgrove lynch, more the former than the latter. At least Cosgrove lookth like he'th tryin' to contribute - aw, phooey, it'th worn off.

Forum Games / Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« on: September 07, 2009, 09:01:17 PM »
Bite my shiny metal ass, Sylvester. You arent even real. I mean, Cats died out 700 years ago!
Nectht you'll be tellin' me you're betht friendth with a thyclopth. T_T

Really though, disappearing for the rest of the day is because I was getting ready for the first day in my GCSE school year. After that, OH YEAH!!!!---> I need sleep, and hammer dropped before I awoke. Ooh! Nooo! Scummy bastard!
Good enough, I thuppothe, but I'm not keen on how you've thuddenly chainthawed Dooku in Cothgrove'th name. Vote thtayth for now unleth you give uth thome proper inthight.

Quethtion to the GM: Why ith Shaggy being brought up in termth on inactivity, and not Sherman, who if memory therves hath been away longer thtill?

Want to thee where Bender and Coop put their votes now that Shaggy'th replacin'.

(In other newth, thith lithp getth thorta annoying after tho long. -_-)

Forum Games / Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« on: September 07, 2009, 01:53:46 PM »
As much as I see the game of chance with those most silent has already begun, more worrisome to me is the act of sitting in wait with their votes. Progress for our quest has been delayed much already.
Ecthellent point, and now that we've got a little talkin' goin' on it'th one I'm gonna try an' rectify.

*Blatantly ignoring his role in the lynch of Suzumiya much in the same way he ignores the destruction he always causes as a result of saving Jersey*
However, what really gets to me, is that part where you decide to ignore your role in Haruhi's death.
Conthidering Haruhi wath hit, not lynched, I'm not sure where exactly thith ith coming from. Feelth like looking for an ecthcuthe to choothe one lurker over the retht, y'know?

Quote from: Dooku
Regarding Jack from the previous day: I retract my judgment of him. His attempt to strike at Suzumiya for her following the common tradition of Day 1 Mafia led me to doubt him, but I see now that there is reason to withhold such judgment of him.
Thith reathon being...? It doethn't help anyone if you thay 'I trutht Jack now' and don't bother to thay why.

Anyway, I think it'th pretty ironic (pun intended) that Bender in his latht potht athkth for more converthation...then promptly dithappearth for the retht of the day.

##Vote: Bender

Forum Games / Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« on: September 07, 2009, 01:13:40 AM »
Okay, let'th take a better look at thith.

Firtht off, Buzz mithrepped me in hith latht potht.
Sylvester hangs back and makes comments about Haruhi, and then voted me when I had those opinions.
I already ecthplained that I couldn't make out Haruhi'th reathonin' for her vote cauth she thpoke tho terribly. And if I'd theen Buzz have an opinion on Haruhi rather than thaying nothing about it, I'd have been leth inclined to thtick my vote on him. He ecthplained himthelf after I'd left for the day.

It'th difficult to chooth a perthon in particular to vote, mainly becauth there'th pretty much no talkin' goin' on. Shaggy'th thill totally uthless, but Bender vanishing for the thecond half of the day doethn't help either. I don't theem to remember Thargeant Cothgrove thaying anything utheful other than jumpin' on the Buzz wagon, either.

Quote from: Hank Hill
Also, the cat seems to be jumping onto bandwagons left, right, and center. First, a jokevote on the boy here. Then, as the he becomes popular, the cat leaves its vote where it is. Next, it puts a vote down on the girl, who has replaced the boy in fame. And its final vote? Well, that one has landed on Mr. Lightyear. Aside from that, it has one post that says... what, exactly? That the boy needs to speak again? This wagon hopping is most alarming, if you ask me.
- Given that Shaggy had yet ta post, and the only other cathe at the time was the 'third on the wagon' one, I thought it wouldn't hurt to put a little pressure on the potenthial lurker.
- Already ecthplained that I couldn't make our her reathoning for all of her thpam.

Wanna thee thome people talkin' before I lay a vote down.

Forum Games / Re: Animafia Begins! - Day 1 (Special Spectator Request, too)
« on: September 05, 2009, 11:07:35 PM »
Shaggy pothtin and not actually thaying anything utheful maketh my blood boil.

Thpeak up, please.

Forum Games / Re: Animafia Begins! - Day 1 (Special Spectator Request, too)
« on: September 05, 2009, 09:27:09 PM »
Okay, I mithed your ecthplanation for the vote on Crocker. Come on, thpeak English a little better for uth, like what I do.  ##Unvote

As for spaceman over there, that's just bad play.  Town? Eraser? Does it make sense for either of them to do it?  That's why I asked him the freaking question, so we'd know why he was doing it, so we could tell if it was some kind of evil Eraser reasoning.
Tho, you're willin' to admit that he'th playin' badly, but the mithtake ithn't thcummy? How ith makin' a vote with no reathoning anythin' other than anti-Town play?
Heck, can ya ecthplain to me any way thith could come acroth ath even a mithguided Townie? ##Vote: Buzz Lightyear

Dooku: He'th already ecthplained it to ya. Third on the wagon'th probably thcum. It'th ruleth like that that'll get you outta the random voting thtage and move into real dithcussion.

Forum Games / Re: Animafia Begins! - Day 1 (Special Spectator Request, too)
« on: September 05, 2009, 04:49:51 PM »
Okay, let'th take a look at thith.

Firtht, now that he'th been prodded, ##Unvote: Shaggy. Better thingth to do than poke at inactiveth.

Haruhi ith bathically trolling the thread. In particular, it annoyth me how she thticks a vote on Mithter Crocker thith late into the day without any thort of reathoning, and immediately claimth that she'th away for the retht of the day.

Count Dooku'th vote on Jack is thtrange. 'Third on a wagon ith likely thcum' is admittedly a poor thtrategy, but on Day 1 it'th not like you've got much elth to work with.

Also flaring up my feline intuition is the little thpaceman. Yeth, he'th voting Haruhi, but he'th really not giving much reathoning ath to why he'th doing it. Conthidering there'th leth than 24 hourth in the phathe, voteth with no ecthplanation are pretty poor.

Theveral people thtill haven't pothted enough to really comment on. Coop, Hank, Cothgrove and Dooku are the nameth that come to mind.

For now, ##Vote: Haruhi Thuzumiya. Embrathing your inner child ithn't helping Town in the thlightetht.

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