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Messages - Yoshiken

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General Chat / Re: The DL Family Album
« on: June 28, 2009, 12:41:23 PM »
Pfft, seeing each other IRL isn't a reason to not have a picture thread. :P I'm sure there are others who like posting pictures solely for the fact that they get awesome pictures of themself every now and then. ;)
Besides, what about the few of us who aren't gonna be able to get to DLC4~? And, besides, this is the perfect place to post the pics that'll come from DLC4!

General Chat / Re: The DL Family Album
« on: June 27, 2009, 08:03:58 PM »
Heh, I remember seeing the gallery a while back, but figured people might've changed a bit since those pics. I mean, I've changed a lot over the last two months, and I'm guessing most of those pics are older than that. ;o

General Chat / The DL Family Album
« on: June 27, 2009, 07:13:58 PM »
So, this is probably the first forum I've been on that doesn't have a topic for posting pics of yourself. ;)
And, naturally, I wouldn't've started this up if I didn't have a good picture to post...
Had my college Leaver's Ball yesterday and, while I didn't have a camera, enough other people did for me to get some awesome pics. Should be getting more soon when they're uploaded, but here's one for now: (I'm the one on the right, in the Edgeworth-esque jacket)

Tournaments / Re: Trinity Limit Tourney - Noms
« on: June 27, 2009, 01:59:01 PM »
For the teams that are given as borderlines, they may be changed if there are too many teams for any one division. Otherwise, I'm just putting them as what they're suggested as. :)

Current No. of Teams: 39
Current No. of Teams per Division:
 - Godlike: 10
 - Heavy: 14
 - Middle: 8
 - Light: 7

Ideally, I'm looking for 16 per division, although I could go with 8 in some (looking to do a not-quite-straight knock-out with this). Anyone able to think up some more interesting low-rank teams? ;)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 53 nom pools
« on: June 26, 2009, 12:25:53 PM »
*s for previous noms for future self-reference.

Godlike: - Form hype~?
**Zeromus(FF4) - Blue furball form hype~?
**Kefka(FF6) - Dissidia form hype~?
*Kuja(FF9) - Moar Dissidia form hype~?
*Jecht(FFX) - Dissidia form getting really old hype~?
Lugia(PKMN) - Movie form hype~?
Rubicant(FF4) - Uhh... Cutscene form hype~?

Heavy: - Double nomming!
**Regal Bryant(ToS) - For being able to Kamehameha out of a prison wearing handcuffs.
*Zelos Wilder(ToS) - New manwhore for write-ups? :D
***Nephenee(FE9) - Why no matches?
*Silmeria Valkyrie(VP2) - Why not?
Hrist Valkyrie(VP2) - As above.

***Cielo(DDS) - JAMMIN' LATIN RHYTHM! (Also, fun dueller!)
*Setzer(FF6) - Nothing to lose but his life... And his dignity. But he was in KH2, so that's long gone.
***Nanaki(FF7) - Cait Sith is in Heavy. This alone means Red's suffered enough humiliation. (Long-range hype~?)
Joachim Valentine(SH2) - GRAND PAPILLON!
***Rikku(FFX) - Mix/Use hype!
***Mizuki(S4) - ninja'd.

Light: - Fail.
**Soren(FE9) - Shouldn't fail.
**Serph(DDS) - Sucky main character fail.
**Irvine Kinneas(FF8) - FF8 fail.
**Cinna(FF9) - Almost-ultimate fail.
Lucia(SH2) - Interp fail.
Aeris Gainsborough(FF7) - Survival fail.

Edited: Chaos for Rubicant~

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: June 26, 2009, 11:43:08 AM »
Aww, no fun. I wanted to use my next clue. ;p
4. It's the heat that bugs me, mostly.

;) I was tempted to include something about guns in with the whole weapons thing, but figured that'd be too obvious too early.
You're up, Djinn~

Tournaments / Re: FIT Season 52, Heavy Pool 4
« on: June 25, 2009, 11:48:13 PM »
Nephenee(FE9) vs Bosch(BoF5) - I think he wins based on what I can vote for, end-game Bosch isn't even needed here.
Nephenee vs Cloud(FF7) - I'm seeing the range thing as being like FFVII's back row, which means that Cloud's doing minimal damage, but... so's the Javelin. I'm seeing this as Nephenee's win now due to WTA, but it's close.

Bosch vs Cloud - Stat topic needed, but Bosch should have minimal difficulty here. Slightly lower speed for much better damage.

Tournaments / Re: SMASH DL matches of doom.
« on: June 25, 2009, 02:12:17 PM »
I'm voting on 3D Zelda, seeing as they work better for this than, say, MGS. =P
Also, haven't played enough of SMRPG or Paper Mario GC to vote on Mario. ;o

Ike vs. Link - Link curses his low MP.
Ike vs. Samus - AETHER!
Ike vs. Snake - Good evasion and strength beats Ike's FE-system Speed.

Link vs. Samus - Me not allowing Link access to Potions kinda screws him over.
Link vs. Snake - Lens of Truth, AoE damage and powerful attacks. More MP would make it more certain, but I think that's enough for him to take it.

Samus vs. Snake - CRAWLING DODGE HYPE.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: June 25, 2009, 01:43:40 PM »
1. I like to punch slice things.
2. Actually, punch could've been more accurate, maybe.
3. Yet, despite my talents, I'm quite averse to fire...

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: June 23, 2009, 01:37:58 PM »
1. I like to punch slice things.
2. Actually, punch could've been more accurate, maybe.

Tournaments / Re: SMASH DL matches of doom.
« on: June 23, 2009, 03:22:32 AM »
Will vote on these later, methinks, when I'm not collapsing from tiredness.
For now, will say that as far as Link/Snake goes for Snake's hiding, 3D Zelda hype? (The HP & MP in those work in similar ways, with each heart being 4 HP, for example, and the Kokiri Sword having attack power of 2.) If that's allowed, then Lens of Truth reveals Snake and allows for attacks at the same time. (If it can look through a treasure chest, it can look through a cardboard box!)

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: June 23, 2009, 03:10:45 AM »
DDS2: I needed a game I could complete quickly so that I can record stuff for my podcast by Thursday, so this was my port of call.
Except I can't beat it quickly, because I decided to get figures for the (currently mostly empty) stat topic, and have decided to do a DL-legal-only challenge to go alongside this. And damn, I hate myself for it.
All of a sudden, Agni goes from being a stupidly easy boss fight to being a total bastard. Only Roland has Void Fire, and only Serph & Roland have Bufu (Serph has Bufula). Only Cielo and Argilla have Media, with Roland having Dia and Cielo also having Diarama. Gale is useless for this fight.
So, I start by taking out the 4 Karma soldiers. Then, Void Fire and Bufula/Bufu the crap out of the first Gdon for the rest of that turn. After the Ice Drain starts kicking in (a.k.a. after their turn), I start using Mazio instead of the Bufus. When they waste turns from Agidyne, I hit with Bufula again. It worked, kind of. Until Agni stopped with the Agidynes and started using MT physicals every turn. Doesn't help that him and one Gdon got 4 criticals between them in one turn. Is there something I'm missing, or am I just on the losing end of a stupid resource war here?

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: June 22, 2009, 10:06:05 PM »
For Penance & Dark Aeons, it's basically a case of max all stats, get everyone full Overdrives, and Entrust the lot to Wakka and Attack Reels the crap out of it. Aeons are there to take damage again.
It helps that the Dark Aeons drop armours that come with the Ribbon ability.

RPG Stats Forum / Re: Digital Devil Saga 2 (Full)
« on: June 22, 2009, 10:02:00 PM »
Going to edit in notes on bosses here until I have some actual PC/temp notes. (I knew there was a reason I was doing this run through!)

For all bosses: They're immune to Death/Expel and, for the most part, status. However, all of the support the bosses get are susceptible to status (but still immune to the ID skills)

Vetala/Andras: The Andras have Zan, but will only use it when Vetala is down. It does about the same damage as an attack, with some small notes for weakness/resistance:
 - Attacks did 12 on average to me. Zan did 11, but that's because Gale's resistance skews things. If you disregard that, it's 14 instead. (For some reason, Argilla only took 1 more than Serph, despite weakness)

Tribhvana 2: The party HP total seems obscenely high. I was around Lv 20 for this fight, and the highest in my party was 170, which was Gale with Life Bonus. An average of 193 is waaaay too high.

Abaddon: Phase 2 definitely has Zandyne/Mazandyne as well. It wouldn't surprise me if it were just Ganga's skillset from Tribhvana 2.

Curse seems to have some kind of effect on attack, in addition to the ones noted in the above post. (Basic physical from Serph went from 108 normally to 86 under Curse.)
Scratch that, just some real variance on attacks. Hunh.
Poison, on the other hand, put it down to 42, which has to be halved or something.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: June 22, 2009, 09:24:17 PM »
Oh, didn't know that. :o I was just going by the party you use to fight against Milon-Z, who is probably the most notable zombie enemy.

1. I like to punch slice things.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: June 22, 2009, 12:52:31 PM »

Tournaments / Re: Trinity Limit Tourney - Noms
« on: June 22, 2009, 12:32:56 PM »
Wish I could have thought of another lizard guy but oh well, Shady is funny enough. Go go Ards Anti Tank Punch Hype.

Shiba (S3)?

Tournaments / Re: Trinity Limit Tourney - Noms
« on: June 22, 2009, 02:27:10 AM »
Okay, just done collecting the teams for the first time, and we're up to 25 teams so far. Just a few things that'd help for now, while I aim for a few more. Can people, if they have any spare time, check over the teams briefly to check that the ranks are mostly okay? And, more specifically, I need ranks for the following teams:
  • GlenVeil - Team LolSpoiled
  • DjinnAndTonic - Dick, Jane, & Spot
  • DjinnAndTonic - Successful Playboys
  • DjinnAndTonic - Blonde-Haired Healing Archer-Princesses

And, while I'm here, I think I might suggest a few teams...

Master of Puppets - Light
 - Relm Arrowny (FF6 - Light/2.68)
 - Mel (S3 - Light/2.60)
 - Gepetto (SH2 - Light/2.29)
I've not played S3, so not 100% certain on if there are team capabilities. Mostly did this just for the theme, as I'm fairly sure Relm & Gepetto have minimal team-play options, but whatever. Also, tourney needs moar Light.

Hell's Angels - Godlike
 - Piastol (SoA - Godlike/5.53)
 - Sephiroth (FF7 - Godlike/5.51)
 - Lamington (Disgaea - Godlike/4.72)
Again, not certain on the whole team - only know Seph - but Life2 on PC!Seph (if that's allowed) could make for some interesting matches. If not... team of Godlikes is still made of win? Also, Seph can cast Wall on other characters too.

Doglike - Middle
 - Koromaru (Pers3 - Middle/3.38)
 - Blanca (SH2 - Middle/3.27)
 - Kosanji (S3 - Light/1.80)
Blanca for magic, Koro for attacks and Kosanji... well, okay, the only one I know here is Blanca, but whatever. Manifestation hype?

Current No. of Teams: 28
Current No. of Teams per Division:
 - Godlike: 6
 - Heavy: 11
 - Middle: 4
 - Light: 3
 - Unknown: 4

General Chat / Re: What are you litsening to? Ver.2009
« on: June 21, 2009, 09:41:51 PM »
Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG Character - Mk. II
« on: June 19, 2009, 12:02:35 PM »

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 52 rankings- making the final cut
« on: June 19, 2009, 11:25:07 AM »
Haven't played either game.
Both seem rankable to me, from what I've seen around the site, although I'd rather wait before ranking P4 bosses.
Seem like they're similar to their already-ranked prequels, although I'd like some chance to get hold of P4 before finding out about spoiler bosses. ;o

Tournaments / Re: The DL Tweak League: Noms
« on: June 18, 2009, 10:26:37 AM »
Yeah, I think Guts & Flame Orb covers the attack side of things well enough for most opponents. The speed is gonna be the major problem as far as I can see, so I'd be inclined to say Jolly > Adamant.

General Chat / Re: What are you litsening to? Ver.2009
« on: June 17, 2009, 09:57:00 PM »

Relatively unknown German music that's really not my normal style? Sure, why not?

Tournaments / Re: Trinity Limit Tourney - Noms
« on: June 17, 2009, 09:50:43 PM »
Can we submit more than one team? Because I'd like to actually have a sane team.

Yeah, more than one team's fine, although I'd like an order of preference just in case there are a lot of entries.

Tournaments / Trinity Limit Tourney - Noms
« on: June 17, 2009, 02:13:35 PM »
Just to say before I begin, I won't start this one for quite a while. There are a fair few tournaments running already, and I think I'll wait 'til a few of those are at least nearly over before starting this one up.

It's pretty common knowledge that there are some characters who just don't translate well to a DL setting. Some are for in-game system reasons - Hi FF8! - and others because they rely on illegal items and equips.
And then there are the team players.

Okay, for this tournament, I want people to nominate teams of 3 players. This'll work in a similar fashion to the team battles at the end of each season, except these aren't just gonna be "Who can take out the Godlike opponent first?" and that they'll allow characters who don't get a chance to win to use their team abilities - thinking Lucia (SH2), for example!
Now, so that we don't just get teams of overpowered win (Myria, Ghaleon, Yuna! lol), there's one simple catch - your team must have a theme. And this can't just be "Villains!" or something simple like that, it needs to be an interesting theme. Something that really narrows it down to those characters.

A few guideline rules:
 - Please use ranked characters only, just to keep voting rights available for most.
 - When nominating teams, list characters in order of rank, followed by DL numeric ranking.
 - Specify what division you think the team would fit. If there's enough variety in the teams nominated, I'll be putting them in the different divisions, so this'll help out a lot. If you aren't sure, just put what you think for now and we can always find what others think a little closer to the start-date.
 - ...Give your team a name. It can be as creative or as unoriginal as you want, but the name has to show the theme connecting each member in the team. ;)

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