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Messages - Yoshiken

Pages: 1 ... 70 71 [72] 73 74 ... 83
I'm likely to be quite self-contradictory in ordering, so I'm just gonna do the round robin thing, because that makes it generally easier for me.

Nefertiti (Mana Khemia) vs. Bonus track- GENESIS BEYOND THE BEGINNING (Ys Origin) - Maaan this took a ridiculous amount of listening to. Think I checked each track about 5 times before actually deciding. Nice match.
Nefertiti (Mana Khemia) vs. Divine Identity (Digital Devil Saga 2) - Ohhhh maaan. Turns out Nefertiti did provide some closer matches after all! Uhm... Damn. Another close one. I... think Nefertiti takes this. Barely.
Nefertiti (Mana Khemia) vs. Calling an Awakening Memory -The Battle with Schirach-  (Romancing SaGa) - Hunh. Pretty much the same thing, only better.
Nefertiti (Mana Khemia) vs. Someday the Dream will End (Final Fantasy X) - Ahahahahahaha. Ha.

The Fate ~ Cluster Amaryllis (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs. Bonus track- GENESIS BEYOND THE BEGINNING (Ys Origin) - Wow. Clean sweep for Fate. Genesis is damn awesome, but not in the slightest bit memorable, it seems. I remember thinking Fate was the most memorable track in the tourney before I'd played SH2. Seeing as both are awesome, that's enough to decide this match.
The Fate ~ Cluster Amaryllis (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs. Divine Identity (Digital Devil Saga 2) - Ooh, this should be more interesting. Brahman's a tune with a lot of emotion, so quite similar to The Fate... but yet a very different style, so not all that similar. Hunh. Brahman starts strong, then dips slightly, then picks up again. The Fate starts slow and builds up into something good. That build-up provides a much better effect with no downtime after the good sections, so... yeah.
The Fate ~ Cluster Amaryllis (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs. Calling an Awakening Memory -The Battle with Schirach-  (Romancing SaGa) - The Fate has a beautifully crafted build-up to an excellent piece of music. Seriously, this should have won. Awakening Memory is pretty damn awesome, but doesn't have even a shred of the emotion that The Fate excels in, and wins with.
The Fate ~ Cluster Amaryllis (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs. Someday the Dream will End (Final Fantasy X) - The Fate seems that much more awesome now that I know the scene in-game. It would have completely outclassed Someday regardless.

EXEC_SPHILIA/. (Ar Tonelico 2) vs. Bonus track- GENESIS BEYOND THE BEGINNING (Ys Origin) - Yeah, so the last tourney apparently played to my tastes much more than this one. At least Nefertiti will provide some close matches!
EXEC_SPHILIA/. (Ar Tonelico 2) vs. Divine Identity (Digital Devil Saga 2) - Damn, this was a close one. Brahman is an awesome track, and a style I really like, but not an amazingly brilliant version of it. Exec is an odd style that I don't like, but done well. Prefer Brahman overall, methinks.
EXEC_SPHILIA/. (Ar Tonelico 2) vs. Calling an Awakening Memory -The Battle with Schirach-  (Romancing SaGa) - This is exactly the sort of song I like. It's not an amazing example of the style, but personal preference means I rank this much higher than Exec.
EXEC_SPHILIA/. (Ar Tonelico 2) vs. Someday the Dream will End (Final Fantasy X) - The first 20 seconds of Someday are the best, and those don't compare to any of Exec.

Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Bonus track- GENESIS BEYOND THE BEGINNING (Ys Origin) - Hunh. Genesis is good, but really fades into the background... It took me a couple of listens to get anything out of this, 'cause I kept forgetting it was there. That'll be used in a tiebreak as the decider, but it's not needed here. Beats the Main Theme pretty easily.
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Divine Identity (Digital Devil Saga 2) - Hunh. I remember thinking Brahman was really good in-game. Out of it, it doesn't work anywhere near as well. That said, I'm not a huge fan of the main theme, so it takes the win here easily enough.
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Calling an Awakening Memory -The Battle with Schirach-  (Romancing SaGa) - Not really much to say here. Prefer Awakening Memory, simple as that. It's more upbeat, has better composition, although less emotion. Relatively close, but not enough to not vote.
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Someday the Dream will End (Final Fantasy X) - So, I don't know why, but I'm starting at the bottom. Expect comments to not make sense as a result. Anyway, Someday the Dream is just so... blah. It's so plain. Especially when compared to some of the other Uematsu stuff. I'm not a huge fan of the main theme, but it's definitely the winner here.

Okay, so I could just do a list, but I wrote those comments and I'm keeping them there, dammit.

The Fate: 4-0
Nefertiti: 3-1
Exec: 1-3
Main Theme: 1-3

To put this another way:
Fate > Schirach > Nefertiti > Brahman > Genesis > Exec > Main Theme > Someday.

Just wondering, what were the winner/runner-up from the last tourney out of the 4 tracks here? If Someday won the tourney, I think I'll shoot someone. ;o

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: June 17, 2009, 01:11:52 PM »
Last Remnant sounds like the type of game someone should LP and broadcast for pain and torture.

I vote Meeple.

*nod* Cast second vote. 


Okay, DL! Time to decide what game I should play next (and use for my podcast's 4th episode in a couple of weeks).
Do I:
a) Play Atelier Iris 2 over the space of about 8 days, having never played it before?
b) Start an FF8 Hatbot challenge, where -everything- except for in-battle actions is decided by Hatbot?
or c) Start training a team for a Pokemon tourney that I'm running in October? (And, if this, let Hatbot choose what Pokemon I use y/n?)

...I'm currently leaning towards b. ;o

General Chat / Re: Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows: G'morning, 2009!
« on: June 16, 2009, 06:54:38 PM »
How many of you had mothers that stayed at home? My mom worked aalll the time, far more than my dad.

My mother did this very begrudgingly, and harbored bitter resentment towards my father for it for decades (long story).

Make that one decade and it's mostly what my household was like. And that's 'cause my dad's a chauvinistic (sp?) pig. Way I see it, people do whatever they're happy doing. If those conflict, then those people prob'ly shouldn't be together.

In other news, I'm done with exams! I never have to do Business Studies ever again AHAHAHAHAHAHA! :D

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: June 15, 2009, 10:28:25 PM »
Oh, sure, it sucks end-game, but then, so does Valor because Master & Final are better. Wisdom is better than Valor for a good part of the maingame though. (Or, at least, I found it was.)
The shots are weak, but weak hits and not taking damage is better than better hits with damage. Stall tactics for the win!

General Chat / Re: What are you litsening to? Ver.2009
« on: June 15, 2009, 10:25:34 PM »
The Calling - Adrienne

This song always make me think of Adrian Andrews. ._.

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: June 15, 2009, 09:29:11 PM »
They get sillier. Also, yes, Wizard Mode sucks. You'll raise it anyway for the shiny skills.

It... does? For the level system, maybe, but the actual Wisdom Drive is freaking awesome, if only for glide-and-shoot styling. :)  (And the fact that you can beat the crap out of enemies while keeping them a mile away.)

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: June 15, 2009, 04:28:23 PM »
Ciato (and anyone else who's done Case 2-4 for that matter...), just wondering how long it took you guys to notice what was wrong with the picture at the end of... Day 1, I think. The picture of the Nickel Samurai leaving the hotel room. I remember watching my sister play that case, and I think she took several hours of trying random things before having to look it up. =P

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 52 rankings: Preliminary thread
« on: June 15, 2009, 02:11:56 PM »
Pokemon DPPt
Mother 3

Edited to add Mother 3, 'cause it's made of awesome and seems popular judging from the Futurama tourney thing~

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: June 14, 2009, 09:28:42 PM »
Obvious choice, Shadow?

General Chat / Re: Miscellaneous Links 2009 - The Re-Vengeance
« on: June 14, 2009, 08:52:15 PM »
Heh, I remember seeing that first one a while ago. Reminds me of this...

General Chat / Re: Sigs, factions and avatars: 2009.
« on: June 13, 2009, 10:26:18 PM »
Should apparently be my next cosplay, anyway...

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: June 13, 2009, 06:10:46 PM »
SH difficulty struck towards the end, where I got bored of the battle system and ran from everything in the last two dungeons and still had minimal trouble.

I did that, but not for the difficulty. Encounter rate and linear dungeons drove me crazy. Same can be said for SH.

Oh, I ran because the battle system bored me - the fights were taking too long because I used a Coral Pendant on everyone and sucked at hitting the Judgement Ring otherwise! What I meant there was that I still had no trouble whatsoever despite running, so it was SH's typically low difficulty level. ^^

Discussion / Re: RPG Ratings
« on: June 12, 2009, 01:40:36 PM »
SH2 added at 4/5~

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: June 12, 2009, 01:35:01 PM »
SH2: Complete~! Amazing game, 8/10 overall - 7/10 for Gameplay, 9/10 for Characters, 10/10 for Story/Script. SH difficulty struck towards the end, where I got bored of the battle system and ran from everything in the last two dungeons and still had minimal trouble. Took a second try on the final boss due to Spikes on everyone and a 99-hit combo that hits the whole party. >_<  Fight is wa~ay too easy once the sword, gem & mirror fall. Fifth Key is overpowered and ridiculous. Ending is somewhat crap for someone who's not played SH1. Podcast episode about this game has been uploaded. <3

Tournaments / Re: Proving grounds H/G 3: Ubertanking edition.
« on: June 12, 2009, 01:14:12 PM »
Adel is faster than Gau? Um, Adel is sluggish and Gau is above average speed.

...I was going entirely by the stat topics. That said, I don't remember Adel being even remotely fast, and Gau... according to stat topic, he's average. Ack. Speed in favour of Gau is definitely enough to swing this. *changes vote*

Tournaments / Re: Proving grounds H/G 3: Ubertanking edition.
« on: June 12, 2009, 03:05:30 AM »
Gau (FF6) vs Celes Chere (FF6) - Ouuuucccch. Both of these seem like they have the capacity to block practically anything the other throws at them. I'm inclined to hand this to Gau on the basis of Magic Urn full-healing and Celes' lack of Osmose/Rasp.
Gau vs Kyogre (PKMN) - Nightshade Rage seems to destroy Kyogre completely. Status, absorbs water and Gau has natural ice resist through equips. Ouch.
Gau vs Rayquaza (PKMN) - Okay. Gau is average speed, and has Turn 1/2 ID with Veteran (or the same for Woolly's Ice3). Rayquaza is 110% Speed, meaning he gets one or two turns to take out Gau in. Rayquaza is... hmm. I think Hyper Beam gives him this.
Gau vs Adel (FF8) - Okay, I have really low Adel respect. Edit: Gau outspeeds, wins.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: June 11, 2009, 12:49:24 PM »
Hmm, two come to mind instantly for that, but I'll go with...


General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: June 10, 2009, 12:22:16 PM »
Startin' with the obvious ones, Zelos~? <3

General Chat / Re: Sigs, factions and avatars: 2009.
« on: June 10, 2009, 12:18:04 PM »
Fair enough. Changed to a placeholder one for now, and sorry for any problems. ;)

Although, I have to ask: How -have- you tried to explain it? o_o

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~FINALS~
« on: June 10, 2009, 11:57:34 AM »
Nefertiti (Mana Khemia) vs. EXEC_SPHILIA/. (Ar Tonelico 2) - Chaaaaaaaaamp. Edit: SCREW YOU DL HOW IS NEFERTITI LOSING? ;_;

Key to my Heart (Tales of Destiny 2) vs. Dragon Slayer (Dragon Slayer) - Ugh, how did these two get here? Not amazingly offensive but just quite bad against retro gaming sounds. I'll go with the one that had the capacity to be good.

Canta Per Me (Noir) vs. Destiny ~Taiyou no Hana (Black Jack 21) - Canta is... decent. I can't say it's amazing, but it's most definitely quite good. Destiny... meh. I'm thinking it's not quite as good, personally. It's different, but I prefer Canta.


General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: June 09, 2009, 11:14:31 PM »
Hrm. Maybe. A few people in chat suggested the same, but I had no trouble whatsoever on the Terada (or whatever his name was - the boss on the battleship.) It was just those damn Flying Drones and killer spider things that were screwing me over.

Tournaments / Re: The DL Tweak League: Noms
« on: June 09, 2009, 11:09:06 PM »
Just a point on the Spikes/Huge Jug Joachim... That SP isn't effectively doubled - when using the two together, the 1 SP from being hit while in Resist Defence rounds to 1. However, Will Power could work, right? Unless I'm missing something or the in-game description lies.

Edit: And, it turns out Will Power doesn't work. Screw you, game.

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: June 09, 2009, 09:47:57 PM »
What's with the sudden difficulty spike at the start of Disc 2? I've gone from enemies I can generally OHKO at the end of Disc 1 to (ignoring the section as Kurando & Blanca) enemies that are generally OHKOing me and take about 4 turns to kill with my strongest characters. And that isn't helped by the party-split.

Only one I can vote on...

Zelos Wilder (ToS) vs. Garet (GS) - Yeah, this isn't even close to being close. Zelos is said to be a skilled warrior, is 'the Chosen' -and- always has a way of getting the upper-hand, regardless of situation. Garet is an Adept. And supposedly a pretty dumb one at that. Zelos could probably win this match through intelligence alone. (As has been said, yes, he's intelligent; most of the pretty-boy stupidity is just an act.)

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: June 09, 2009, 04:03:28 PM »
That made me think of the part where Regal breaks them out of the cell. It's not exactly magic, but... well, it's pretty close.

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