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Messages - Yoshiken

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RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 52 nom pools
« on: May 15, 2009, 11:02:00 PM »
*s for previous noms for future self-reference.

Godlike: - Villainy! Feline Fantasy?
Chaos(FF1) - Might encourage me to play FFI.
*Zeromus(FF4) - Blue furball a-go-go!
*Kefka(FF6) - Vwee hee hee!
Kuja(FF9) - Too pretty to not nom.
Jecht(FFX) - Might encourage me to replay FFX.
*Mewtwo(PKMN) - Needs more wins.

Heavy: - Double-nomming!
*Regal Bryant(ToS) - Downgrade plox.
Zelos Wilder(ToS) - Tackle Zidane's manwhoring and still get some decent write-ups, all at once! (Maybe there should be a manwhoring league...)
**Nephenee(FE9) - Why no matches?
Silmeria Valkyrie(VP2) - Why not?
Ull(VP2) - Why?

Middle: - Themeless nom is themeless.
**Cielo(DDS) - DL needs more latin rhythm jammin', ya?
Setzer(FF6) - Nothing to lose but his life... And his dignity. But he was in KH2, so that's long gone.
**Nanaki(FF7) - Cait Sith is in Heavy. This alone means Red's suffered enough humiliation.
*Blastoise(PKMN) - BUBBLE!
**Rikku(FFX) - Mix/Use hype!
**Mizuki(S4) - ninja'd.

Light: - Fail.
*Garet(GS) - Doesn't fail.
*Soren(FE9) - Shouldn't fail.
*Serph(DDS) - Sucky main character fail.
*Irvine Kinneas(FF8) - FF8 fail.
**Zell Dincht(FF8) - Also FF8 fail.
*Cinna(FF9) - Almost-ultimate fail.

Tournaments / Re: FIT Season 51, Godlike Quarterfinals
« on: May 15, 2009, 10:28:59 PM »
A match I can vote on. :o Won't really make a difference though:

Yuna vs. Mewtwo. Doesn't look like I need to explain this in the slightest.

Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World (Chrono Cross) vs. Nightless City Guara Bobelo (Wild ARMs 4) - Even ignoring the dull first minute of Guara Bobelo, this is close. I'm gonna have to go with Dream.
Idola the Fanatic Viper (Phantasy Star Online Episode 4) vs. Bridge of Jade (May Sky) - Aww, nice match. Still, gonna have to say Viper.
Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII (Final Fantasy VII) vs. Antipyretic (Final Fantasy Tactics) - asdfghfh. Amazing match. Going with FFVII, but not sure why. ;o
There's Only One Family Named Schroedinger (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Song of Mana (Legend of Mana) - Awesome song. If this gets through, it'll be a good match next round regardless of the above match's winner.

Left side ftw?
For some reason, I don't have the others on my computer. I'll listen to those next round if they get there, methinks. :P

Tournaments / Re: Beauty Contest Finals - There Can Only Be One
« on: May 13, 2009, 06:24:28 PM »
Ouch. Close match, but I'm still gonna have to go with Nel here. Nel really stood out to me from the start, and I don't think Riviera is final-worthy.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: May 12, 2009, 06:43:37 PM »
Ahaha, afraid not, but I like the idea. XD

1. It's a tough choice between good and evil.
2. I'd much rather just be able to sit happily amongst the clouds...
3. ...And perhaps listen to some music...

Liberi Fatali (Final Fantasy VIII) vs. The Excitement of Both of Us (Legend of Mana) - Excitement's not great. Liberi Fatali is.
The Fate ~ Cluster Amaryllis (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs. The First Unison (Valkyrie Profile) - Breathy singing is annoying, but the normal singing and non-vocal parts of The Fate are epic. Unison is... meh.
You're Not Alone (Final Fantasy IX) vs. The Extreme (Final Fantasy VIII) - Winnar?
Awe of She (Guilty Gear XX) vs. Scarlet Wind (Radiata Stories) - Both of these are great, so won't be disappointed either way. Awe of She is more my style, but they're equally good, so voting Scarlet on the basis of "better for what it is".

Ukishima (Phantasy Star Universe) vs. The Meaning of Birth (Tales of the Abyss) - Yeeah.
Tocatta into Blood Soaked Darkness (Castlevania: Curse of Darkness) vs. Bramble Blast (Super Smash Brothers Brawl) - Nice match. I love both of these so... Leaning slightly towards Bramble Blast.
Tor (Iji) vs. Marionette Messiah (Super Robot Wars OGs) - Tough choice for me. The repetitive middle of Tor balances out with the rest of it beating MM. I'm gonna go with Tor for now.
Small Two of Pieces ~Broken Shards~ (Xenogears) vs. Toward a Faraway Sky (Skygunner) - Pfeh.

What's Up? (Star Ocean 3) vs. Key to my Heart (Tales of Destiny 2) - Is actually notably crap. (Key to my Heart's not good, but... not particularly bad.)

Yasashii Yoake (.hack//SIGN) vs. Colorless Wind (sola) - Hrm, pretty close.
Guns & Roses (Baccano) vs. Blast My Desire (Initial D Fourth Stage) - Ack, tough match. Guns & Roses is damn good, but Blast has been on my playlist since I downloaded it and it's really grown on me.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: What games can you vote on?
« on: May 08, 2009, 03:42:13 PM »
Chrono Trigger
Digital Devil Saga 2
Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones (FE8)
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (FE9)
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Persona 4
Shadow Hearts 2
Suikoden 4
Tales of Symphonia
Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria

Breath of Fire 4 - Was getting the dragons and getting back over to the Imperial capital.
Breath of Fire 5 - Basically, everything but Elyon.
Disgaea - Never finished it. Think I'd just got Maderas, so no Gordon, Jennifer or Thursday at least.
Dragon Quest VIII - Got to the bit just after getting the boat. Doesn't give me much voting right at all.
Golden Sun - Pretty much the 4 playables only. Although I did fight Saturos once.
Persona 3 (FES) - Got Mitsuru in my party. Getting there~
Super Mario RPG - Played it about halfway, long time ago. I don't tend to count this at all, honestly.

RPGDL Discussion / FF9 stat topic discussion
« on: May 07, 2009, 06:29:55 PM »
But yeah, it isn't too bad. I mean the formula
[# of successful Steals * Zidane's Speed / 2]

Just pointing out that since the formula is known, you can just calculate how many steals you need to get it to 9999.  It's only 435, which is uh a lot less than 700 guys.

Going by the formula above, I've got it as 625 steals with optimum speed equips, and 690 otherwise. ._.
Not sure if I'm doing something wrong there, but if I am, I can't find it.

General Chat / Re: New user alert!
« on: May 06, 2009, 09:59:37 PM »
Also, not the main topic, I know, but Cloud most definitely is emo - not because of FFVII (he changes to be pretty awesome by the end of that), but because of AC. They basically took all the good changes they made to Cloud late-FFVII and threw them in a blender before pouring it into a bowl of acid. AC-Cloud would've been good if it weren't for the major focus on "I couldn't save her..." >_>

Oh, and, uh, hi! ^_^


I'm glad Nel got this far - I still would've said the best finals for me would've been Lucia-Nel (woulda been impossible with the draw, but those two are the best, IMO.) Cecillia... I can't stand. I hate Cecillia wholeheartedly and wish she'd've gone and died early on. Also, it's worth noting that I've not played any of the games these four are from and am basing all of these opinions solely on the pictures. And I still think Nel is awesome.

General Chat / Re: What are you litsening to? Ver.2009
« on: May 05, 2009, 06:53:40 PM »
Thrice - Hoods on Peregrine

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: May 05, 2009, 12:06:26 AM »
1. It's a tough choice between good and evil.
2. I'd much rather just be able to sit happily amongst the clouds...

The Merciless Savior (Legend of Heroes VI) vs. One Final Effort (Halo 3) - Why not? Either one, really.
Nefertiti (Mana Khemia) vs. The Road to Tomorrow Follows Behind You (Wild ARMs 5) - Underdog vote. I'm fine with either one here.
Primal Eyes (Parasite Eve) vs. Time of the Dreamwatch (Chrono Cross) - Yeeah.
At the Frozen Depths of the Heart (Wild ARMs 5) vs. Battle on the Big Bridge (Final Fantasy V) - Doesn't take 2 minutes to start. >.>

Violent Storm (Baten Kaitos) vs. Water Prison (Ys Origin) - Ooh, very good match. VS intro takes it.
True (Silent Hill 2) vs. STIGMATA (Mana Khemia) - Probably the best slow song I've heard all contest.
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3) - I'm still not a huge fan of this Idola, but OtW's not great.
Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3) vs. Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) - Ack. Consistently good, or great with a bit of annoying. I'll go with consistent.

Honeybee Manor (Final Fantasy VII) vs. Hurry, Hurry! (Final Fantasy V) - I don't care if it becomes tolerable. THAT NOISE.

Canta Per Me (Noir) vs. Bring all the Wisdom to Britain! (Read or Die OVA) - Easily.
Mezame (Mai Hime) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground) - Not a tough choice at all.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: April 30, 2009, 07:31:17 PM »
Alright, I'm expecting this to be incredibly easy to guess, considering it's my first shot, but I'll give it a try anyway...

1. It's a tough choice between good and evil.

Discussion / Re: DLCon 4: Travel!
« on: April 29, 2009, 06:38:57 PM »
Not yet. :/ That's what I need to be sorting out soon, and the tickets aren't gonna be booked 'til it is sorted, but I now know for certain that I can get the tickets, at least.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: April 29, 2009, 05:38:36 PM »

Discussion / Re: DLCon 4: Travel!
« on: April 29, 2009, 05:15:21 PM »
Gonna be getting the plane tickets this week, should be arriving at Newark a few days before the con (25th, to be precise), and... don't know what I'm doing past that. I'll need to sort that out soon, but it's incredibly likely that I'll be going now. :D

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: April 28, 2009, 04:34:10 PM »
Geldoblame? (I'm expecting this one to not be a good villain based on that clue...)

General Chat / Re: What are you litsening to? Ver.2009
« on: April 28, 2009, 04:27:41 PM »
Rise Against - Drones

General Chat / Re: Idiot of the Day
« on: April 28, 2009, 04:19:20 PM »
Not major, but something on the swine flu, seeing as there's been nothing yet. Was reading a BBC News article about it earlier, with one quote sticking out in particular:

"Britons are being advised to consider leaving Mexico."

Oh, yeah, nice going there. Let's tell them all to leave as opposed to, y'know, containing this potential pandemic. ¬_¬

(Article link: )

Edit: Oh, another epic quote from that article.

"Scottish Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon said tests were being carried out on nine people who came into close contact with the pair and who also have "mild cold-like" symptoms."

Expect a lot of uninformed fools to start saying "I'm getting a cold - is it swine flu?!" (Yesterday's Xkcd comic sums this up brilliantly.)


Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World (Chrono Cross) vs. Battlefield of Steel (Princess Waltz) - Sounds like one's just a techno-ish version of the other. And I don't like techno-ish.
Cradle of the Ivory Moon (Soul Nomad and the World Eaters) vs. Nightless City Guara Bobelo (Wild ARMs 4) - Takes about a minute to actually kick in, and I resent it for beating Shin Onigashima, but it still owns this match.
Idola the Fanatic Viper (Phantasy Star Online Episode 4) vs. Theme of Arcueid (Melty Blood Act Cadenza) - Arcueid, how are you not winning? D:
Bridge of Jade (May Sky) vs. Bombing Mission (Final Fantasy VII) - Kinda clunky piano tune vs. awesome combination of styles and sounds.

Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII (Final Fantasy VII) vs. Wanted Person Battle (Metal Saga) - Awesome build-up to a beautiful track. Potential tournament winner for me.
Antipyretic (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs. EXEC_PAJA/.#Misya Extracting (Ar Tonelico) - Doesn't hurt my ears. ;o
Waste Abandonment Pit (Breath of Fire V) vs. There's Only One Family Named Schroedinger (Wild ARMs 3) - Relatively close. WAP takes too long to kick in, though.
Sorrow's Distortion (Castlevania: Order of Eclessia) vs. Song of Mana (Legend of Mana) - Wo~ow. Closest match here by a long shot. Underdog vote.


Waterfall (Koudelka) vs. Dragon Slayer (Dragon Slayer) - Actually fails.


Shangri-La (Sakyuu no Fafnir) vs. Salva Nos (Noir) - Ear-destroying ending loses.
Senketsu no Chikai (Magical Pokan) vs. Rinbu Revolution (Revolutionary Girl Utena) - Uhh... sure?

Because Frog Drop isn't magic-based -or- physical-based, as far as I know.
This goes back to the argument about the naming of moves - Silence blocks the "Blue Magic" command, which also contains attacks that are physical-based. Arguing that it's magic based solely around the naming of it is completely pointless, as that doesn't actually give anything other than a category for the attack, not how it actually works.

Seems there's no specific way to determine if it's physical or magical, so I guess that's open to interpretation.
Judging from my most recent finding, though, I'm gonna have to say that it does look like Quina loses - Goblin Punch is based on Magic in FFIX, not Attack. If that's not physical, I highly doubt Frog Drop or Limit Glove are.

Terra (FFs) vs. Cecillia (WA1) - Two worst quarter finalists, go figure

Flat Zone (Super Smash Brothers Melee) vs. Bitter Dance (Star Ocean 3) - asdfghdgjk.

Always 9999 at 1 HP. Useful on the LLG. Not sure why it's coming up here, W8 doesn't have HP-1 or anything.

No, but Auto-Life has a 1/9 chance of putting Quina back on 1 HP and I think he'll have enough shots to be able to use Limit Glove, seeing as he's faster. The only question is how much it deals to W8 with his defences, if anything at all.

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