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Messages - Yoshiken

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General Chat / Re: Help Request - Character Lists
« on: April 09, 2009, 04:33:39 PM »
Yeah, but she leaves the main storyline. She doesn't get any role in any part of the story other than the first section.

...I made the mistake of letting the uber Pixie evolve. >.>

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 16~
« on: April 09, 2009, 04:26:09 PM »
Ernst (Ys 6: The Ark of Napishtim) vs. Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII (Final Fantasy VII) - Fail intro for Ernst. Rest of the song's awesome, but... FFVII Theme is just too pretty to not vote here. Both amazing songs, though.
Wanted Person Battle (Metal Saga) vs. Influence of Truth's Appearance (Star Ocean 3) - Both are good, this is better.
Antipyretic (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs. Blow Me Away (Halo 2) - Ehh, I sorta like the second one. That said, I prefer Antipyretic (and also really need to play FFT.)
Still in the Dark (Guilty Gear XX) vs. EXEC_PAJA/.#Misya Extracting (Ar Tonelico) - After listening to EXEC, 3 seconds of Still in the Dark was enough to decide this match.
Waste Abandonment Pit (Breath of Fire V) vs. A Sunny Spot (Berwick Saga) - Meh. I'm yet to find a particularly good BoFV track.
Silver Tone (Breath of Fire V) vs. There's Only One Family Named Schroedinger (Wild ARMs 3) - Comment as above. The WA3 track seems so familiar to me for some reason...
Crash Landing (Soul Nomad and the World Eaters) vs. Sorrow's Distortion (Castlevania: Order of Eclessia) - Crash Landing started bad, but then got good. The bad part, however, killed it for me.
Title Theme (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) vs. Song of Mana (Legend of Mana) - Ack, both brilliant tracks. Tch, fine. Song of Mana's better, despite personal bias.

Eyes on Me (Final Fantasy VIII) vs. Dragon Slayer (Dragon Slayer) - OWW MY EARS. (This song literally made me headdesk.)

Cyclone (Romeo x Juliet) vs. Senketsu no Chikai (Magical Pokan) - Cyclone's pretty good throughout. Senketsu starts very bad, then gets very good. Hmm... Good enough to take it.
Rinbu Revolution (Revolutionary Girl Utena) vs. Undying Flower (Full Metal Panic) - Eh.

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 11~
« on: April 09, 2009, 03:38:18 PM »
Faith is for the Transient People (Mountain of Faith) vs. Aquatic Ambiance (Donkey Kong Country) - Faith is pretty awesome, and Ambiance is just a little too calm for my liking.
City of the Sorceress (Heroes of Might and Magic 2) vs. Rock'n Rock (Soul Nomad and the World Eaters) - Okay, what? Was that Greensleaves in the middle of that? Anyways, first song is kinda pretty, second is pretty awesome.
Sign (Berserk) vs. To Tomorrow (Arc the Lad 2) - Ack, confusing names are confusing. Yeah, the AtL track takes this pretty easily.
Fury Sparks (Tales of Vesperia) vs. Princess of Fate (Fire Emblem 6) - Wow, Fury Sparks is pretty damn awesome! Princess of Fate needed something to happen and it didn't.
The Legendary Sorceror (Tales of Legendia) vs. Energy Zone (Contra) - Hmm. Good quality, average song. Bad quality, good song. I'll go with the latter.
To Tomorrow (Berwick Saga) vs. Prelude (Final Fantasy IV) - The chanty-singing-thing got on my nerves. Shame, the song sounds good past that.
Tim 5 (Lemmings) vs. Dark Man's Stage (Mega Man Anniversary Collection) - DMS is a little too synthy for my liking.
The Unknown Castle (Dragon Quest IV Remake) vs. Weapon Raid (Final Fantasy VII) - Yeah, no doubt in my mind on this one. If I'd known Unknown Castle beforehand, I might've considered nomming it for Failure Bracket.

Magical Dreamers: the Wind, the Stars, and the Waves (Chrono Cross) vs. Flat Zone (Super Smash Brothers Melee) - It's been said - Magical Dreamers is actually pretty good. Flat Zone's not as bad as I remember it, but that doesn't even make it tolerable. (And this is why we double-check posts! Right one is in bold now. ¬_¬)

Mou Ichido Kimi ni Altai (Full Metal Panic TSR) vs. Destiny ~Taiyou no Hana (Black Jack 21) - Destiny's more my style, but the FMP one was absolutely brilliantly done. <3
Elenore (Madlax) vs. Flame (Witch Hunter Robin) - These seem like practically the same song, except one has lyrics. With this, the lyrics work well.

Discussion / Re: DLCon: Plans, where to go, etc
« on: April 09, 2009, 01:32:05 PM »
Yeah, school gym basketball courts are always good for dodgeball. Although, never played with the basket-in rule... Should try that next time...


Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of Doom Vol. 2 ~Pool 15~
« on: April 09, 2009, 01:20:03 PM »
Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World (Chrono Cross) vs. Reach Out to the Truth (Persona 4) - That style of singing annoys me. Y'know, breathy female singers. >.>
Sky Gate (Valkyrie Profile) vs. Battlefield of Steel (Princess Waltz) - Both are a bit plain, IMO. Sky Gate is moreso, so BoS takes this.
Cradle of the Ivory Moon (Soul Nomad and the World Eaters) vs. When the Northern Sky is Clear (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles) - Cradle's not bad, but is too much of the same. Northern Sky builds up and up and then... becomes a quiet, pretty tune. Pfft. Still, pretty tune is enough to beat less pretty tune.
Shin Onigashima (Super Smash Brothers Brawl) vs. Nightless City Guara Bobelo (Wild ARMs 4) - Onigashima is pure AWESOME, and I'm barely over a minute into it and, eww, synth. Ah, not much synth. Nightless City = Sleepless City = Treno, which would have been better here, and might've come close to beating Onigashima. This is good, but not close.
Idola the Fanatic Viper (Phantasy Star Online Episode 4) vs. Rakuge (Hana-Ki-Sou) - Idola reminds me of... can't remember the name of it, the fight against Brahman in DDS2. Rakuge's nice, but Idola's more my style of song. (Both are better than most of the above though.)
Confiant (Knytt Stories: The Machine) vs. Theme of Arcueid (Melty Blood Act Cadenza) - As soon as I realised Confiant was playing, it ended. Arcueid gets bad at some points (too much synth) but it's enough.
Mysterious People (Suikoden 3) vs. Bridge of Jade (May Sky) - I noticed Bridge of Jade playing. That's enough to win it this one.
Overture (Final Fantasy VIII) vs. Bombing Mission (Final Fantasy VII) - Omg. Both of these are classic songs I love listening to. Overture got a brilliant style to it, a bit of nostalgia, and some epic techniques. Bombing Mission's got good style, a few different elements combined brilliantly and a lot of nostalgia. Uhm... Bombing Mission has that annoying siren-like noise at one point, whereas Overture is good throughout, so Overture can take it. Seriously, though... For me, this is a quarter-finals match at the earlier. :/
Edit: Ah, dammit. Bombing Mission's better. Vote changed/

Waterfall (Koudelka) vs. Critical Hit (Wild ARMs) - Pfft, neither of these are that bad. I'll say Waterfall, 'cause Critical Hit had more happening.

Cruel Angel's Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs. Shangri-La (Sakyuu no Fafnir) - Huh. The intro of Shangri-La annoys me to no end, but the rest of it's better than most of the NGE... Pfft, it's long enough to be worth it.
Lu:Na (New Fist of the North Star) vs. Salva Nos (Noir) - As much as I hate Gackt (damn idol culture), this song is good.

General Chat / Re: Help Request - Character Lists
« on: April 09, 2009, 12:27:55 PM »
Pokemon's already been looked at. Legendaries & starters are being included. Possibly pseudo-legendaries, still waiting for some feedback from others on that. To start with, not including generic classes but, again, this could be changed in the same way new characters/games are added to the DL.

MegaTen demons are, mostly, not involved in the story in any way, shape or form. Take Nocturne for example: the only demon that is compulsory is the Pixie, who leaves within a matter of minutes. So demons/gods aren't being included there - except for, of course: Gozu-Tennoh, Lucifer, Futomimi & Sakahagi. (Them, and the human/part-human characters are about the only ones from SMT:N.)

Random enemies aren't being included, actually. Even Goombas and Koopas. (Well, except for the specifically named ones from, say, Paper Mario.)

I think the problem here is that I -do- know how big a task this is - that's why I'm trying to get as much help with this as possible. I.. can't really comment on SF, never played it, but with other games like that (example: S4), I've used titles where possible (example: Na-Nal Island Chief), and left the character out if there's no title to give them that people will recognise them by.

FFVII's list has already been done - yes, there are a lot of random characters like Hart - and there are probably about 100 characters, including BC, CC & DoC.

Haven't got either of those ones yet. Games covered so far are:

Advance Wars (series)
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
Final Fantasy (I-X, X-2 & VII:CC & DoC)
Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland
King of Fighters (series)
King of Fighters Maximum Impact (series)
Legend of Zelda (series)
Mortal Kombat (series)
Phoenix Wright (series)
Pokemon (series)
Soul Blade/Calibur (series)
Street Fighter (series)
Street Fighter Alpha (series)
Street Fighter EX (series)
Suikoden (series -Tierkreis)
Super Smash Bros. (series)
Tekken (series)
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: April 09, 2009, 12:20:51 AM »
Think I've learnt from my mistakes first playthrough. I've done the mandatory Wyrm fight, and ended it with 5% as opposed to the 8-10% I had last time. Now, I have 30 Aid Kits, 10 Heal Kits and 15 Tonics. Items are going to be my saviour this time, and if I manage to die with this preparation, I think I need to give up gaming for life.

Discussion / Re: How "important" is -insert country/region-?
« on: April 09, 2009, 12:17:00 AM »
Though, that's mostly because the US is so large that different regions will have different costs of living; in a smaller country like the UK the regional differences like this are on a much smaller scale and thus much less noticeable. 

That's not strictly true. The general rules still apply - the more desirable an area is in itself, the more it's gonna cost to live there. I live in a very tourist-central area of England, and monthly rent for a single-bedroom flat here is about £600. Was talking to a friend who lives a bit north of London and he said it was usually about £200 there.
Add into that the fact that wages should play a part - the average wage in Devon is the lowest in the country, and Torquay has the second lowest average wage for any town/city within Devon.
'Course, I've no real idea exactly how different that is to the US - all I know is that the difference is quite definitely very noticeable.

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: April 08, 2009, 07:09:35 PM »
Yoshiken: Use more items.  Items are completely broken in BoF5 and you should be using them constantly.  You pretty much have to to beat the bosses without D-Dive.

That was exactly the problem - I'd not been using items much up until Deamoned. I managed to beat him with only minimal D-Dive (used it once to finish off, only gained about 3-4%). 'Course, I used most of my items to beat Cupid and then... died on Vexacion. Having beaten all the enemies in the area beforehand, my only hope was to SOL: Restore and... there go my items. Can't beat Cupid. Restart.

General Chat / Re: Help Request - Character Lists
« on: April 08, 2009, 07:06:47 PM »
Based around to a notable degree, then. If it's surprising to find out, then it's good enough for the contest. =P
Basically, that rule is there just to take out the hoards of characters from sports games with bad licensing - I don't want 100 Davide Becknam's in this contest.

General Chat / Re: Help Request - Character Lists
« on: April 08, 2009, 02:01:01 PM »
Hrm. Comments taken and acknowledged. I'll have to look at narrowing down a good few lists - as said, exclude things like FFIX Moogles or BoFV fairies.

As it happens, I've already considered things like Tetris - no, the blocks are not characters - and cut out a fair amount of "pointless" characters - I've excluded characters who didn't originate in gaming (cutting out every film, comic or anime game), real-life or based on real-life people (taking out Guitar Hero & every sports game under the sun) and customised characters (meaning no MMO or simulation creations).

I've considered what games should be included. I was looking at including games that had been released in at least America and/or Europe, and then only adding Japan-only games upon request - probably in a fashion similar to that of new characters/games being added to the RPGDL.
As for new games coming out, there's a reason I'm trying to get a great deal of help with this project, other than the fact that it'll take a freakin' age. With most new games, you can usually find at least one person who's planning to buy it. Any where I can't, I'd make an effort to get the game myself. Besides, it's not like each character would be needed instantly - there's the duration of the whole season to list all the characters, and then it's probably fine to have some delay on characters. (For example, what if a game wasn't included until at least a season after its release? That'd make it easy enough to get the game, finish it & list the characters.)

I appreciate the comments, guys, and I will look at narrowing down the list to exclude a great deal of characters. On the other hand... I'd still appreciate some help with this. Anyone?

Tournaments / Re: Beauty Contest: main bracket eliminations
« on: April 08, 2009, 01:49:33 PM »
Aya (PE) vs. Isabel (S5) - A bit plain, but I'm quite surprised Isabel got this far, personally.
Lucia (FEs) vs. Koudelka (Koudelka) - Still can't find a good pic of Koudelka, but what I can find is nowhere near Lucia's standards.
Isolde (MK) vs. Lefina (SRWs) - Ooh, close. Isolde's hair wins it for her.
Ethlin (FE4) vs. Nel (SO3) - Uhh, facially, these two look almost the same. Nel wins by figure.
Terra (FFs) vs. Celes (FF6) - Meh. Neither should really be here, IMO.
Eleanor (VC) vs. Jeane (Suikos) - Not Eleanor. Ugh.
Avril (WA5) vs. Cecillia (WA1) - Better, although not great.
Lyndis (FE7) vs. Legretta (TotA) - I like this match a lot. Both are good, but the green hair takes it.
Cissnei (CCFF7) vs. Lucia (S3) - First image I found was terrible, so found another which easily beat Lucia.
Chris (S3) vs. Linde (FESD) - Not a fan of Chris, and Linde is a potential winner for me.
Freya (VPs) vs. Judith (ToV) - Yeah, it's close. Neither is amazing, but neither is bad by any stretch either.
Mitsuru (P3) vs. Grune (ToL) - Again, close. I'll say Mitsuru on the basis of having better art available, so looking better.
Elincia (FEs) vs. Clarissa (WAXF) - The only time I anti-vote green hair is Elincia. The style of it bugs me.
Raquel (WA4) vs. Belleza (SoAL) - Red hair & better figure.
Rose (LoD) vs. Riviera (GL2) - Armour just doesn't work for me...

Leanne (FEs) vs. Melanie (MK) - Okay, I still can't find a pic for Melanie. Can someone please post one? :(

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: April 08, 2009, 01:26:13 PM »
Andy, I lol'd at those MR updates. Epic. XD

As for me...
BoFV: ARGHLEFUCK. So, I've been struggling through fight after fight of being underlevelled and having got this far through D-Diving boss fights... Levelled up a ton, beat Cupid! Went on, picked up a load more items and... Vexacion fight?! Wtf?! So, struggled to survive without D-Diving, then he OHKO-ed Nina & Ryu. Ah crap. Tell me, where was the damn Telecorder between the boss fights?! ARGH!

Edit: So, I got pissed off and decided to SOL: Restart. Maybe this time I can stop myself from overusing D-Dive. ¬_¬

Discussion / Re: DLCon: Plans, where to go, etc
« on: April 08, 2009, 01:13:34 PM »
If I can go (which is starting to look slightly more likely!), I'd definitely be up for Dodgeball. It's about the only sport I actually really enjoy playing! (I'm fine with football ("soccer") and softball, I guess, but not too often.)
'Course, I'd be happy to play both too. I'd just prefer dodgeball. ;D

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 12~
« on: April 08, 2009, 12:30:47 PM »
Listened specifically to Guiding Star so I could vote on that match...

Guiding Star (Tales of Legendia) vs. Live & Learn (Sonic Adventure 2) - Uhm, what? Guiding Star's not bad, and that's complimenting it. Live & Learn has the perfect balance of optimism, rock & cheese. No idea how what is essentially generic-Soul-Calibur-style is beating it. :/

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 9~
« on: April 08, 2009, 12:21:03 PM »
Listened to Someday just so I could vote on that match. (One of my noms is in a tiebreak situation at the moment, so... yeah.)

Side Battle (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance) vs. Someday (The World Ends with You) - So yeah, I like Someday's style, but lyrics... ugh. Side Battle, on the other hand, is just that optimistic almost-cheese that I love so much. (I was the one who nommed both Metal Harbour and Live & Learn as well. ^^)

General Chat / Re: Help Request - Character Lists
« on: April 07, 2009, 10:27:45 PM »
Bard - I did consider doing that, but the problem with that approach is not getting -every- character, which was my initial aim... I mean, that could be good to begin with, but it'd soon become redundant anyway methinks. Still, probably better than nothing, and I might consider doing that if I get little-to-no help.

Aiel - There are a clear number of problems with GFAQs approach, though. Sure, there are advantages, but that's the way with most things, and unless both alternatives are available, people aren't gonna know which is better. (For a few disadvantages, people generally only nominate a limited number, so some characters would not get in despite being relatively popular, just because there are other characters preferred over them - FFVII characters are probably the prime example of this. >.>  Secondly, there aren't enough nominations on GFAQs for one match, and that's not even taking into consideration the multitude of multiple nominations. A lot of people are nominating characters, but there are also a lot of people who aren't, and this approach gives them as much of a voice in the outcome as those who do nominate.)
The other point for me to comment on there is that, while inferred, the number of characters doesn't instantly relate to the length of the contest/poll. By increasing the number of matches each week (it'd be run weekly), then the poll becomes shorter. Obvious, I know, but just pointing out that more characters doesn't instantly mean less votes.

General Chat / Help Request - Character Lists
« on: April 07, 2009, 10:02:36 PM »
Project Info
So, I'm working on a small project at the moment. And by small, I mean holy-crap-why-the-hell-did-I-start-this?. Basically, I'll cut to the chase and assume people here are intelligent enough to know what a poll is. I'm planning to create a website that runs a huge games character poll. It'd be based on popularity, not strength of characters, so any character -should- have a chance to win it...
Thing is, I always personally find myself annoyed with GameFAQs Character Poll. Sure, it's the biggest character poll on the 'net, but it also only contains, at most, 128 characters. On the forums, the nomination topics usually only reach a few topics worth, yet those characters will get over 30000 votes in each match. The obvious idea here, for me, is that not everybody who's voting is nominating characters. This means that not everybody is having a say, and this means that it's not a fair contest.

Request Info
Still reading? Great. Here's where I need the help then...
I'm looking to create a games character poll with every games character ever. Yes, even the most minor ones. Problem is, I've not played all that many games, and I've completed even less. Internet's useless, 'cause I can't determine which characters are important enough to include - for example, an S4 character list included the Queen of Obel, who never actually appears. So, I need people to provide lists of every character from games. Yes, eventually, I'll need every game ever, and I realise this'll take an eternity to do, but with enough help, I think it'll be possible.
To clarify, there are three types of characters to be included in this:
1. Those with major or reoccurring roles. This would include, for example, Nina (BoFV) (major role) and the Travelling Merchant (VP2) (for appearing repeatedly).
2. Those with "speaking roles". This means anyone who has a decent amount of script, even if they aren't all that important. An example is the Old Man on Death Mountain (Zelda: ALttP), who talks a lot, but doesn't affect the storyline and isn't given a name.
3. Anyone who's specifically named. Examples are Agania (Zelda: ALttP) (random sage in a cave, no relevance other than being named) and the Moogles from FFIX (yes, I'm going to be including all of them...).

Post here first if you are willing to help so that I can double-check that the game(s) you're willing to do haven't been done already, and I'll greatly appreciate any and all help with this. ^^

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: April 07, 2009, 06:02:53 PM »

Discussion / Re: RPG Ratings
« on: April 06, 2009, 05:15:53 PM »
Added Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria at 3/5.
Added Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter at 2/5.

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: April 05, 2009, 09:08:54 PM »
Wait... There's only that one ending? I mean, the plot before the ending was a trainwreck, but an enjoyable one. I actually loved the plot, but then the ending was just... bah. They had so much space for things to happen and then... stuff ended. =/
(I'm guessing either sidequests or alternate endings would add to it - I'm praying for the latter, because sidequests would just mess up the things I'm thinking of, e.g. Dallas. Hmm, guess sequels could add to it as well...)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 51 nom pools
« on: April 05, 2009, 08:19:31 PM »
Adding stars to my previous noms for future self-reference.

Guv(DQ8) - A good main character? That's enough for me!
Tibarn(FE9) - Kills stuff. Quickly. 'Nuff said.
Zeromus(FF4) - Giant mushroom monster FTW! (Or, blue furball, going by un-crystalled appearance.)
Kefka(FF6) - Because everyone needs some destruction in their everyday routines!
Mewtwo(PKMN) - Psychic cat. Can't go wrong. *
Gilgamesh(FF5) - For the BtS write-ups!

Laharl(Disgaea) - Too~ long witohut a season... *
Lezard Valeth(VPs) - Just completed VP2, needed some characters. "I AM CLEARLY NOT EVIL" ftw.
Nephenee(FE9) - All shall fear my Wrath! *
Quina Quen(FF9) - You no can have season without Quina nom-nom! *
Rufus(VP2) - Just completed VP2, needed some characters. Pure awesome. Also, VP archer hype!
Bosch(BoF5) - I'm-playing-DQ-now hype?

Cielo(DDS) - Ehh, status whorin' should be winnin' in Middle, ya? *
Cagnazzo(FF4) - Middle?! Good defence, good healing... Maybe I just resent getting owned by this guy once.
 ~ 5 hour fight, ended up losing. Went back, bought electric weapons, went back to him, won in under 2 minutes. >_>
Nanaki(FF7) - Pure awesome. And... long-range treasure chest item hype? Maybe? *
Blastoise(PKMN) - Longest Pokemon Mid without a season.
Rikku(FFX) - Uhm... Use acceptability hype? *
Mizuki(S4) - Needs to win! *

Cinna(FF9) - Fail for the win!
Zell Dincht(FF8) - Ohhhh YEAAHHHH!!! *
Porom(FF4) - Twin for win! *
Serph(DDS) - Main character fail! Needs upgrade for respect points.
Garet(GS) - Golden Sun!
Irvine Kinneas(FF8) - Pure awesome. Also, Pulse Ammo hype?

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: April 05, 2009, 07:07:15 PM »
VP2: Completed this last week while my computer was down. Didn't really know what the hell I was doing at all, so no sidequests past entering Asgard, but tore final boss to shreds. Releasing all Einherjar (except Phyress, 'cause she was awesome) and using all stat boost items on Valkyrie? Throw in Psychosoma & he fell in about 5 hits. Awful ending, but I'm guessing, from what I've heard, that there are multiple endings... Please?

BoF:DQ: Started this after finishing VP2. Started absolutely horribly, but picked up after that. Although... I've just beaten creepy-form-Bosch for the first time, and my D-Counter's around 70%. I'm not gonna be able to do a damn thing, am I?

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 8~
« on: April 05, 2009, 05:05:41 PM »
Ehh, not voting on the matches (not gonna listen to all the songs now) but I'm just gonna defend my nom slightly. (Or more, argue ignorance.)
Full version > short version. Guess I shoulda considered that it would only be the anime version for Zetsubou Billy and not the version that's, y'know, good. (Plus, MtH are awesome and I've seen them live & met them. Personal bias ftw.)

Tournaments / Re: Beauty Contest Pool C/D
« on: April 02, 2009, 03:08:06 PM »
Can only vote on ones I know already... :(

Lucia (S3) vs. Rinoa (FF8) - Not a fan of this Lucia, personally...
Tethys (FE8) vs. Chris (S3) - Ehh, personal preference.
Freya (VPs) vs. Lethe (FEs) - Comment as above.
Ilyana (FEs) vs. Elincia (FEs) - Not creepy.

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