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Messages - Yoshiken

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Forum Games / Re: Valkyrie Profile Mafia
« on: April 02, 2009, 03:00:53 PM »
If my computer's working by then, I'll join. Hopefully, should be getting a computer (albeit a very slow one) over the next two weeks, so... add me to the list, and (if you're alright with it) PM me near the start date (or just when most/all of the list is filled) and I'll reply if I'm able to play. :)

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 9~
« on: April 02, 2009, 02:49:10 PM »
Battle with the Four Fiends (Final Fantasy IV) vs. Premonition (Final Fantasy VIII) - Only one I can vote on. Definitely the better in my opinion, although both are amazing tracks, IIRC. FFIV just has some of my favourite games tracks ever, and this one's included in that.

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 5~
« on: April 02, 2009, 02:40:02 PM »
Can't check songs on the computer I'm using now, so can only vote on ones where I know both of the songs. :(

Terra (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Liberi Fatali (Final Fantasy VIII) - Both are good, but the better sound quality wins this match.

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 26, 2009, 06:16:06 PM »
Firstly, just to clarify my position based on what Kilga said about me being possible-sneak: GMT, I Rest around 11/11.30. I then wake up, go to college, get back around 4pm. I've just finished reading through 4 pages of stuff, so my post may be a little late, but that's the way my life goes. I'll (usually) post a fair bit in response when I -do- Return.
(Also, yikes, was it really necessary to have 4 pages of new posts? This has to be the most packed Day1 I've seen from all the Mafia games I read through...)

Unfortunately... I'm gonna have to say that my views haven't changed all that much. Put simply, I still don't have a read of any Strength on, well, anyone at all.

I... sort of get Bard's case against Alex, but I don't personally buy it. It raises suspicion of Alex a bit, but also raises suspicion of Bard - a lot of the arguments seem typical for Day1, so I find it quite odd that it's being followed with such vigour.

That said, I definitely buy the case against Snow. It's not the reasoning behind it - I can understand that the train against Sylon had no real logic to begin with - but more the clearly flawed logic. I can appreciate the odd mistake, but something as basic as (the same thing everyone else has brought up about) voting for "Just because" after giving that as the reason not to vote is majorly flawed.
That said, those who've compared this to Meeple in the Simpsons Mafia, I'm hoping that's a view of "Well, it can happen" and not "It's likely to happen". Sure, Meeple went because of that. But everyone commented on how strange that was - it's not likely, just possible.

I'm not gonna hammer Snow, just for the role-claim. Otherwise, he'd easily be my main suspect. Not really sure on a second suspect - I might have to go back and re-read the topic completely at some point, but I'm posting this while my internet's working.

(Final point - I tried accessing this from college today... Most pages were filtered, except for the last, which became filtered after Xanth's post. Seems I might have more trouble checking from there than I thought, so I've no choice but to drop out if I do lose the internet, which is seemingly at about a 50% chance at the moment.)

Tournaments / Re: Beauty Contest-A/B
« on: March 26, 2009, 05:05:23 PM »

I can't help but laugh at this picture because of her ridiculously large neck. XD

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: March 26, 2009, 04:14:23 PM »

I know I've not posted before, but I know next-to-nothing of BoF and SH. Regardless, I have to say that I've really enjoyed reading these - it just adds to the whole DL atmosphere & the idea behind the DL.
As for the last one, having read the S3 manga, I can comment at least slightly, and I absolutely love it. XD  Thomas' character is pretty much perfect (can't comment on Cecile, who gets a minimal role in the manga), and the idea behind it is just absolutely ideal for the situation. Plus, it could be used well in the DL matches - an acting match between Kuja and Ghaleon needs to happen at some point.

I'd definitely love to see more of this sort of thing, although I can't say I'd like to see them too often - perhaps once a season, if that? I think that if they were written too often, it'd detract from the quality behind it - you said this was inspiration, and that's always gonna be better than something you've forced yourself to write for the sake of having to write something.

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« on: March 25, 2009, 11:09:15 PM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final) - How odd. I kept thinking that other songs had started when listening to Bird Chirps. Either way, preferred Requiem.
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3) - Whoa. Both of these are quite awesome. OtW just about takes it, in my opinion.
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3) - Ehh, sure. Won't be too bothered whichever wins this, tbh.
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3) - Ehh. Idola's not bad, but nowhere near Protecting my Devotion's standards.
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3) - Towards the start of the song, it was certain for Hot Crash. KnK didn't change much at all, but somehow grew on me over the course of the song. Win. <3
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3) - Both good, but just more pure awesome.
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI) - I thought Coin Song was an almost-certain winner here. Seems probable isn't equal to definite.
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF) - Yeah, I can't even remember Disappeared from KH. Not great outside of game either.

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI) - Again, I quite like both of the Fail Bracket entries. However, I like Slam Shuffle more for it's upbeat style, so I'll go with Dark World.

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon) - Not even close.
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground)

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 25, 2009, 10:45:09 PM »
I find it amusing that SnowFire talked about how Day 1 sucks right after voting to extend it.

Ehh, that makes sense. Day1 sucks because you don't know much about anyone, even by the end of it. At least with an extension, there might be some use come from it.

Meeple, take a Keen Eye over my last two posts. I've been including quite a few Pokemon attacks, just for fun. ;D

Delta...  Fair enough. Still slightly Maqua to me, but less so. I can understand being Torment-ed by the joke stage - this is the first Mafia game I've been in one, and I've managed to Pickup how damn useless it is. >.>

Mostly going by instinct at the moment, but I'm getting (very slightly) town reads from Strago, Nietz, Excal, Bard.
Still looking to hear more from quite a few people, with the ones that stick in my Calm Mind most being Ryogo, Alex & Tom.

Oh, just a point - without at least a small extension, I won't be around for the deadline. That's 7am for me, and I'm not waking up earlier than I already do solely for this, I'm afraid.

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 25, 2009, 08:07:17 PM »
Ahh, fair enough. I was looking at the opening post instead of the interest topic post. ^^'

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 3~
« on: March 25, 2009, 07:55:43 PM »
Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom -Nuclear Fusion- (Subterranean Animism) vs. Battlefield - The First Campaign (Etrian Odyssey 2) - Ehh, close. Think Nuclear Fusion takes it, though.
White Mask Funk (Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete) vs. Violent Storm (Baten Kaitos) - WMF's not bad, but Violent Storm is just... well, champ-quality, in my eyes.
Dark Messenger (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Water Prison (Ys Origin) - Water Prison's not bad, but Dark Messenger is more my style.
As Time Goes By ~Never Forget Me~ (Wild ARMs 4) vs. The Price of Freedom (FF7: Crisis Core) - Both are good, but I don't like the transition of styles in PoF. Edit: Ack, changed my mind. The good parts of PoF are just too good to be beaten by NFM.
True (Silent Hill 2) vs. EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION/.~lamenza (Ar Tonelico 2) - Couldn't bring myself to listen to the whole of Lamenza, so it auto-loses for being bad enough to make me want it off immediately.
The Ultimate Energy (Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3) vs. Letter - From the Lost Days (Silent Hill 3) - Okay, what? How is Ultimate Energy losing this? Ultimate Energy is average at worst, whereas Letter makes me want to stab myself. Repeatedly. With rusty corkscrews.
Le Tresor Interdit (Radical Dreamers) vs. Gothic Neclord (Suikoden 2) - Both are good, but LTI is just too pretty to not vote here.
Exceeding Love (Suikoden 3) vs. STIGMATA (Mana Khemia) - Ehh, Stigmata sounds like the singing/music would each be good on their own, but... not together. Exceeding Love, alternatively, is just quite good.

Hurry! Hurry! (Final Fantasy V) vs. Larry Butz: When Something Smells, it's Always Me (Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations) - OK, I've heard worse songs than Hurry - it's repetitive, but not amazingly bad repetitive. However, Larry's... I want this song! I love this song! Easily one of the best PW songs there is! (Not much competition, outside of Steel Samurai, but... Oh well.)

Dona Dona (Revolutionary Girl Utena) vs. Ana (CLANNAD) - Man, I'm slowly plotting my own death after listening to these songs. >_>  Why couldn't these two matches have been split? Ah, well. Ana is prettier (which isn't saying much, but is still enough to let it win.)
Bouken Desho Desho? (The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi) vs. Mezame (Mai Hime) - Sigh. A tough one - I like BDD a lot, but Mezame's good, except for the singing, which I just find annoying. The music itself is very MegaTen-esque... Anyway, think I'll have to settle on... yeah, Mezame.

General Chat / Re: Hearts
« on: March 25, 2009, 07:53:14 PM »
11pm EST? Damn, that screws me over. Shame - I'd love to play at some point, especially seeing as I've barely played against human players. >.>

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 25, 2009, 07:49:02 PM »
The tone of it, primarily. Sure, Snow carried on with the joke stage, but to attack him on that despite it being the first post since the first call for serious mafia seems somewhat ridiculous.

However, looking back again, he then complains about a lack of serious posting & the fact that Snow made a long post to say very little, yet then gives us an Encore, saying the same thing two or three times in that post.
Finally, to finish off, he... doesn't comment on anyone or anything else. If you're gonna Lock On to someone else for not being serious, it's probably better to at least lend a Helping Hand yourself...

(Oh, and the poll count is still out - I voted Delta, not Meeple.)

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 25, 2009, 06:33:49 PM »
Ah, forgot to add. I'm with Snow on the Day1 being too short thing.


We've not really got anything solid yet, and I don't see that Transform-ing too much soon, so seems like an extension to the day is the best approach.

(Yes, the Pokemon attack jokes will (hopefully) continue throughout.)

(Also, my vote is missing from that update. ^^'')

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 25, 2009, 06:30:42 PM »
Post to say I'm still here and my thoughts on the recent developments (as minimal as they are. >_>)

As much as it'd be appreciated, I don't think we're gonna get any clarification on 3rd-parties past the opening post's "There may or may not be third parties." Which sucks.

I'm really not seeing why Sylon's Stockpiling votes at all, other than "Why not?" which doesn't appeal to me - although I'm more the person to sit and Safeguard over making a Quick Attack.
Xanth's post reads to me as he says - not a huge Uproar, just the best available - a Last Resort, if you will.
Delta, on the other hand, seems quite overly aggressive - not something that reads well to me - and is probably one of the better things to go by so far.
Meeple's post does strike me as quite odd, but nowhere near as much as Delta's.
So, simply because it is the best course of action so far, in my opinion:
##Vote: Delta

It's worth us not lynching anyone until deadline, simply for the fact that that gives us more time to Chatter and come up with something to be used later on.

Finally, just in case, I'll post this now - my internet's been hideously unreliable lately, so I might disappear over the next 4-5 days. My trainer dad should be getting a new modem/connection, just in case, but I might be around less over the next few days. Thankfully, I'll be able to post from college, so long as there's no swearing in the topic (Damn college filter...) so I won't have to Withdraw. If I can't access the topic from college, then I'll PM a mod about it.

P.S. Excuse the pun-ny comments throughout this post.

Xanth & Snow Ninjas - No new comments on Xanth's post. Seems Snow's post says a lot of the same as mine, so... what a waste it was, me typing this all up. >_>
[end Ninja]

Now, off to find me an avatar for my (utterly useless) (Bug >.<) Pokemon. =P

I can see where Excal's coming with this, and I'm inclined to agree with him, at least on the cases of FFVIII & IX. (Don't know WA3)
In the DL, what are FFVIIIers allowed? Just attacks & limits?
Where's the harm in, say, hypothetically giving them a GF, but limiting them by not allowing any menu options other than Attack? Essentially, all it does is put them on a level playing ground with the majority of other characters, but doesn't give them any illegal abilities or attacks.

(And while I'm thinking of this now, what are the rules/ideas about Selphie? How do people look at her limit in the DL?)

Forum Games / Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« on: March 24, 2009, 08:19:57 PM »

Yay for being such a crap Pokemon! Maybe I can, I dunno, find some Magikarp to start beating up around here...

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 2~
« on: March 24, 2009, 08:14:58 PM »
Shall Never Surrender (Devil May Cry 4) vs. The Stage is Set (FF8) - Both amazing songs. I'm guessing whoever nommed SNS either is or should be a KMFDM fan, as the first half is very much like them. Anyways, Stage is Set just about wins this one.
Juno - Last Battle Physique (Mega Man Legends) vs. Primal Eyes (Parasite Eve) - Oh, how Dancing Mad-esque. And I think DM is better than Primal Eyes, as is LBP. Primal Eyes only has one or two good moments, whereas LBP is consistently almost-good - which is better, IMO.
Time of the Dreamwatch (Chrono Cross) vs. Cerobi Steppe (FF12) - Purely amazing song. Seriously, should make it to the finals.
Flying in the Midst of the Storm (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Sunlight Filtering through the Trees (Tales of Legendia) - Takes a while to get into Midst of Storm, but it's damn good once it does. Sunlight, on the other hand, never seems to get into it.
Howl of the Departed (Lost Odyssey) vs. Silver Will (Legend of Heroes VI) - OWW THE INTRO IT HURTS MY EARS. Good past that, although a little too chanty for my liking. Silver Will... Nothing special, but it just about wins this one. Just.
At the Frozen Depths of the Heart (Wild ARMs 5) vs. Balcony (Cave Story) - When Balcony loaded, I assumed it was for the fail bracket. :-\
Battle on the Big Bridge (Final Fantasy V) vs. Stupid Ducks (Suikoden 3) - I've never agreed with Piggy on music taste. Him liking Stupid Ducks is just one of these cases.
Under the Stars (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs. Soul Ablaze (Megaman ZX Advent) - UtS is too repetitive  - is unoriginal music something that runs throughout Ivalice? Soul Ablaze, on the other hand, is good.

Honeybee Manor (Final Fantasy 7) vs. Edge of Soul (Soul Blade) - Yeah, I can see how that one does fail, but... memories of Mog House & the Honeybee Inn just add to the fail of that song, which is bad enough as it is. >.>

Bring all the Wisdom to Britain! (Read or Die OVA) vs. Chant III Reincarnation (Ghost in the Shell) - Don't like Chant at all. :-\
Hanabi (Bleach) vs. Both of You, Dance Like You Want to Win! (Neon Genesis Evangelion) - Doesn't hurt my ears to listen to it. >.<

Comment here refers to this pool & the other - It's good to see my noms for this are actually being quite well received, as opposed to all my non-Lucia noms for the beauty contest. XD

Tournaments / Re: Beauty Contest-A/B
« on: March 24, 2009, 07:51:26 PM »
Apparently not -all- guys. :P On the ones we both voted on, there was one that was different (Terra/Touka). That said...

My interests are usually considered quite odd, I have to say.


Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 1~
« on: March 24, 2009, 05:39:08 PM »
Stickerbrush Symphony (Donkey Kong Country 2) vs. Iron Blue Intention (Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin) - Pretty. Don't see it lasting through many more rounds, but it's good enough to win this.
The Merciless Savior (Legend of Heroes VI) vs. Otherworld (FFX) - Merciless Savior defines the term "slow start"... But that's enough to let it beat Otherworld, in which the start is the only thing really going for it, IMO.
Enemy Attack (Tales of Legendia) vs. The Ur-Quan Masters: Through the Angles of Space(Quasispace) - (Star Control 2) - Hmm... Very close one. I'm gonna have to go with Enemy Attack, just because it seems like it's got a better composition - they sound about as good as each other, tbh.
Boss Theme (Lufia 2) vs. One Final Effort (Halo 3) - Despite my hatred for most shooting games, I can't deny the awesomeness of this song.
Alice (Shadow Hearts) vs. Into the Wilderness~Into new Voyage~ (Wild ARMs) - Didn't think much of either, tbh. Basic can be good, but Alice struck me as a little too basic.
Nefertiti (Mana Khemia) vs. Metal Harbor (Sonic Adventure 2) - Wo~ow. Metal Harbour was one of my noms, but Nefertiti is just made of pure awesome. I need to get the MK soundtrack, methinks... and MK.
Opening (Xenosaga 2) vs. Feel a Fear (Guilty Gear XX) - Whoa. Both are damn good, but I just love this one. I need to get hold of this song.
Faraway Promise (Xenogears) vs. The Road to Tomorrow Follows Behind You (WA5) - 10 seconds of this made me choose it over Faraway Promise, and it didn't get any worse after that.

Second Miltia (Xenosaga 2) vs. Hydlide (Hydlide) - Wha...? I... I like both of these. :(  No vote.

Soramimi Cake (Azumanga Daioh) vs. Canta Per Me (Noir) - Not good, but not Soramimi Cake.
Rise (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: 2nd Gig) vs. Poltergeist (Ghost Hound) - Rise is good, but Poltergeist is winning this mostly for the funky intro. Have to say, though, I think the singing really detracts from this song - simply having the backing music would be much better, IMO.

General Chat / Re: Happy birthdays: 2009 edition
« on: March 23, 2009, 10:49:46 PM »
Happy birthday. ^_^

Tournaments / Re: Beauty Contest-A/B
« on: March 23, 2009, 10:15:33 PM »
My interests are usually considered quite odd, I have to say. Generally speaking, though, hair & face are by far the most important aspects. Figure's always a good thing, but that doesn't just mean "thin with big boobs" - just "thin". ;D

Lady (SH3) vs. Aya (Parasite Eve)
Isabel (S5) vs. Aeris (FF7) - Ehh, can't say I think much of either.
Excellen (SRWs) vs. Lucia (FE9/10) - Yeah, it'll take something amazing to beat Lucia, and Excellen just isn't quite there.
Mia (FE9/10) vs. Koudelka (Koudelka) - If someone can post a better image, I might change my mind, but from what I can find, Mia's better.
Isolde (MK) vs. Cynthia (AT2) - Can't find a pic of Isolde. Will scroll through the old topics when my net's not being a complete bitch. (For my own future reference, Cynthia pic: )
Lulu (FFX) vs. Lefina (SRWs) - It doesn't take much to beat Lulu, IMO, and Lefina's pretty decent too.
Alice (SHs) vs. Ethlin (FE4) - Can't find good images for either of these. Bah. =/
Melvina (GL5) vs. Nel (SO3) - Hmm, Melvina's not bad, but I like Nel a lot. (Meets pretty much all of my main criteria.)

Terra (FFs) vs. Touka (Utawarerumono) - Dissidia art made this one incredibly close, but Touka still takes it.
Kyra (PS4) vs. Celes (FF6) - ...Anyone able to find me a decent pic of Kyra?
Leanne (FE9/10) vs. Lucia (Lunar2) - Ooh, ouch. Close one. Leanne has awesome eyes, though.
Maria (SO3) vs. Melanie (MK) - Melanie pic... >.>
Eleanor (VC) vs. Sarah (S3) - Didn't think much of Eleanor either way, and Sarah has freaky-but-epic eyes.
Rydia (FF4) vs. Jeane (Suikos) - Close, but Rydia takes it. Green hair & clothes are quite awesome.
Spica (ATs) vs. Avril (WA5)
Cecillia (WA) vs. Yukiko (P4)

You needed AP to use the skill when it was equipped.

Those were the crystal things, IIRC. AP was just for learning the ability.

While I can't vote on the match (or any of these, for that matter >.<), it seems to me like FFIX abilities should be allowed on the same basis as equipment in other games. I know that changes for different people, but for me, it should be main-game only - treasures & bosses. And that includes the majority of FFIX status prevention-ability equips, methinks.

Forum Games / Re: Pokemon Mafia interest?
« on: March 23, 2009, 09:04:26 PM »
Received and ready. :)

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: March 23, 2009, 08:37:21 PM »

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