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Messages - Yoshiken

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Tournaments / Re: Job/Class Ranking
« on: March 18, 2009, 06:04:42 PM »
Rogue > Archer > Lancer (Dragoon) > Blue Mage > Geomancer > Swordsman > Ninja > Mime > Chemist > Dark Mage > Cavalry > Cleric > Knight > Magic Fighter > Elementalist > Bard/Dancer > Monk > Sage > Axe Fighter > Status Mage > Gunner > Berserker > Summoner > Dragon > Morpher

That's my list. I'd add comments, but... meh, effort. ^^''

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: March 18, 2009, 05:38:54 PM »
Ok, so the villain thing might have done a fair bit of damage, but he was never really a -major- threat...

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: March 18, 2009, 05:36:14 PM »
Tai already wanted in, so that leaves 3 more possible spots for my next video. If you're not in Guild RPGDL and want in on the next video, let me know and tell me the class you want:

Fighter / Rogue / Mage / Samurai / Healer / Knight / Princess

Ooh, could I be a Rogue? ;o  I don't really care about being in the video, I just always like the Rogue classes.  ;D

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: March 16, 2009, 11:38:32 PM »

Forum Games / Re: French Revolution (maybe) mafia interest?
« on: March 16, 2009, 09:18:17 AM »
Hrm, probably will. I'm guessing there'll be an extra check after Pokemon mafia, in which case, I'll drop out then if I'm not gonna be playing.
As it happens, though, I'm not really interested in the French Revolution, so couldn't care much less for the flavour. That said, I don't know what Cthulu is and I've never played Shadow Hearts, so neither of those appeal to me either. :P

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: March 15, 2009, 04:07:03 PM »
VP2: Started this yesterday. Didn't like the battle system at first, but it's not that bad now. :D Just wish it moved a little faster...

General Chat / Re: Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows: G'morning, 2009!
« on: March 15, 2009, 01:37:49 PM »
...I love that the longest part of that was the section on LoD. XD
And I feel sorry for Super, trying haggis & black pudding. -.-  I know I could never eat either. =/
Still, good to hear read that you guys had an awesome time. :D

Discussion / Re: DLCon 4: Games
« on: March 15, 2009, 12:35:37 PM »
If~ I can go, then I'll be entering.
As for me going... Afraid that's still not certain. I'm struggling to get the flight to Canada in July, let alone getting down to this during that. =/

General Chat / Re: WTF?! Questions
« on: March 15, 2009, 12:25:13 PM »
1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?
Incredibly rarely. When I do, there's colour and all, but nothing else in the way of senses.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?
Ehh, not a fan of shooters, so don't have one.

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?
Yes, it does. If pain, arm. If no pain, genitals.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?
Same answer for both, and that'd be option B. I'd end up wanting to kill myself either way, but Option B presents the possibility for other people to make me want to less.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?
Uhm, I have no idea on this one. I'm never too good at judging things about myself. ^^;

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.
Again, no idea. Although I once got told that Jesters of the Moon (FFIX) was my theme song. o_o

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.
Brutally honest. I'm happy to say things as they are -at times-. In other words, I'm not gonna lie to someone just for the sake of their feelings, but I'll try to be nice outside of that. People apparently see this as a bad thing. >_<

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?
Almost certainly - I only eat the way I do because I eat what tastes good and not what is good. Assuming this ray-gun was free, I'd be using it every time I ate/drank anything. And I wouldn't eat some things for how they looked, even if they tasted different. If it was that taste in something else, then maybe - but I'd never consider eating haggis or liver just for the look of them.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.
Prob'ly, although never really considered it. Got enough graphic RPGs I haven't finished. -.-

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.
Yikes, nothing to compare to the first one posted. >.> Uhm.. The only thing I can think of is people watching "2 Girls, 1 Cup". (Which I've thankfully avoided seeing so far. >.<)
Edit: Yeah, Bard's answer just reminded me of something slightly less disgusting, but also more recent. Random guy at a train station walks into the corner of the platform and starts peeing there, burping and coughing the whole time. I was about 5 metres away at the time. >.>

Forum Games / Re: Final Fantasy Class Mafia - Interest?
« on: March 14, 2009, 08:47:49 PM »
OK, if nobody's interested in a role-heavy game, I'd happily change this a little.
I'd still like to stick with some of the more original roles I have, but I can take out some of the original or worse roles.

Two other points:
1. If people decided it'd be better, I'd say what each class' ability was in the opening post, so that any role information will definitely be useful.
2. Some of the roles - although not many - have posting restrictions. I'd let people choose if they wanted to play a role with posting restrictions or not upon sign-up.

General Chat / Re: WTF?! Questions
« on: March 14, 2009, 04:37:57 PM »
I didn't mean anything to do with Alexander the Great >.< I meant the fact that... well, implying that someone is less awesome just because they're bi.  ::)

General Chat / Re: WTF?! Questions
« on: March 14, 2009, 03:13:25 PM »
...minus all the bisexual stuff.

I'll take that as a personal insult.  :(

Forum Games / Re: Simpsons Mafia GAME OVER - TOWN WIN
« on: March 14, 2009, 01:11:50 PM »
Hmm... I guess the scum actions make sense, looking at it from that side of things...
Although, I'm still quite surprised that so many role assumptions were made. To assume a Cop & Doctor would automatically be present... I dunno, I guess I just prefer to rely solely on confirmation instead.

If I'm entirely honest, had Delta been lynched instead of Snow and then the "Cid is a very clever scum" argument had come up... I'd've probably bought it. In hindsight, it seems like it took me a while to get into the game, Day3 was perfect for me (despite near-death, that end-day gambit made it all worthwhile) and then it went back down from there. :P

Wow, I was only joking about the Stonecutters role. XD I didn't think you'd actually directly refer to yourself being scum. :P And I almost questioned you on the ratings quote, wondering if it was more than just a simple joke... Guess that would've been sort of right as well. XD

Forum Games / Re: Simpsons Mafia GAME OVER - TOWN WIN
« on: March 13, 2009, 11:02:07 PM »
PS: Yoshi, one of your quotes against me day 4?  The one where you asked why you were a suspect for me despite starting the Andi train?  At the time of that quote, you hadn't started the train yet.

Wow, failed to notice that. I'm assuming that's the one where you said me/Andy as remaining scum?
Hmm, same logic still applies, methinks - Andy had (presumably) already started the train against me, I'm guessing. (I can't actually find the post you said that in now, but I'm also not looking too hard any more, now that the game's finished. =P)

Forum Games / Re: Simpsons Mafia GAME OVER - TOWN WIN
« on: March 13, 2009, 09:13:55 PM »
Well, it went around in circles a few times, but we got there in the end... Eventually. =P
I was in the middle of writing a long post before Delta voted, but that was essentially saying we couldn't lose after the double Bulletproof claim.
I'm interested in knowing if the Godfather had any role powers aside from being bulletproof - because, otherwise, we had only one shot and two Bulletproofs, which strikes me as a bit odd. =P

Waiting for Sopko's role PM post to check this~

I'm quite happy to have found Andy - it was a gambit and a half for me to try getting the votes switched last minute, but I'm glad it paid off. =P

And... well, this was definitely fun for my first Mafia game ever. Hopefully, I won't be so incompetent in the next one. XD

Forum Games / Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« on: March 13, 2009, 12:52:14 AM »
*sigh* Well, that was... frustrating. This last scum is really taking us for a ride here, so whoever it is, congrats on being confusing as hell. >.<

At this stage, I'm going to say that I'm no longer claiming certainty on anyone being town other than myself & Tom.
Cid... Still almost certainly town, although for an extra reason now (although it's almost entirely WIFOM surrounding Excal. I'll not go into that unless people actually want me to.)

Snow... Yes, Day1 is still suspicious. And since then... Yes, the vote problem. Yes, the occasional flawed argument problem. In fact, the lack of Xanth-hammer is about the only thing going for him, and all logic seems to say that I should vote here, especially after neglecting to role-claim in a situation that's quite clearly going against him. (Also, I know it's not what you're hinting at, but should I point out that Homer was once a Stonecutter? =P)

...But, for all that I said I'd ignore instinct, I'm -still- unable to shake my doubts with Delta. Part of it may be because he's been wa~ay too quiet throughout, but, that said, the only things he's got going for him are Day1. Not only that, but one of those two points is that he was voted for by Andy & Meep - both early Day1, and both meaningless in the long run, except for giving him town-credit.

With all that said, I'm gonna say a few last things. Firstly, to Snow:
I -strongly- suggest you roleclaim. If we make a mistake in lynching tonight, we're into LyLo. And, even if you suddenly claim cop or something, I get the feeling people are gonna doubt it if town go tonight.

As things stand, FoS: Delta.
Delta has way too much to answer as things stand, and hasn't even given much of a reason for constant absences. Delta! I'm hoping we can see that post on your thoughts of the last day or two, because I'm failing to see much since you said "It is between Excal and Yoshi for me. One of you, convince me." You hinted towards switching to Andy after that, but only after things had built up in SD, and then... disappeared. Also wondering: what happened there, exactly? (This is end of Day3, by the way.)

General Chat / Re: What are you litsening to? Ver.2009
« on: March 11, 2009, 11:18:12 PM »
Metallica - Whiplash.

Forum Games / Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FOUR
« on: March 11, 2009, 11:14:09 PM »
OK, time to go through everyone left... Warning! Major Wall of Text approaching!
Would break it down into two posts, but that seems kinda pointless. Game's nearly over anyway, right?  ;-)

Tom, there's no doubt about. He's town, simple as that.
Now, the not-so-suspicious...
From here, I'll say that this is from going through every post from the start to now, so take all of this as it is, and not in light of previous posts.

Cid - Voted Andy & Meep Day1. Didn't change to Xanth after cop claim. Continued pressure on suspicious players, and the flip to lynch Andy just to end SD. Yeah, not seeing scumCid at all.
Xanth - Still can't see both of them being scum in Day1SD - the logic holds true, even if Xanth had expected Meeple could somehow be killed. Would be suspicious if logic didn't tell me otherwise.

Hrm. The three more suspicious ones...
Delta - Lots of inactivity suspicion/votes Day1, lots of possible-OMGUS as a result - who were mostly scum, to be fair. Went on to reiterate what had already been said - clarification or scum cover? Well-timed MeepVote for town, and had Andy & Meep start against him. Vote for Tom Day2, but doubting Alex understandable at the time.
Excal - Commented on Cid agreeing on Meeple, but voting Andy. Lots of attacks on Cid... Scum, reason for Cid's targeting or neither? Suddenly kicks into life upon being accused, and then gives his most townish posts on threat of Day3 lynch. Day1 on likely town, no vote Day2, Day3 on town. Expected to die Day2 with either only two posts or no effort to defend self. Said Andy was main suspect, never got questioned by Andy. Also, see all points below.
Snow - Says Delta = inactive = pointless vote. Votes Bard, corrects & changes to Rat for inactivity = pointless vote by his logic? (I know the difference between single post & no post, but... no vote & jokephase vote?) Defended Xanth in Day1SD - town or looking for town ally? (WIFOM, yes, but just both possibilities) - Also defended Meep. Still somewhat confused by some arguments, but, looking back, could just as easily be town mistakes as they could be scum moves. Also didn't change despite cop claim, and early Snow seems very townish (especially early Day2)... Ugh. The more I read, the more town this seems. Trying not to go by general feel of posts though, so...

Excal > Snow > Delta > others. And now I feel stupid for the fact that I keep changing my opinions on these last few. >.<
Main reasons for this order are that Excal's only been 'cleared' through the nature of his posts, whereas the others are cleared through actions - both Day1, Delta for pushing the MeepTrain further & Snow for not switching vote off copclaim despite being alive.

Now, to go back to some interesting quotes I found on my scan through...
1st Point:
Quote from: El Cideon
Thus, I'm inclined to consider that if Xanth is scum then the early votes for him likely aren't; and vice versa.
Still following this, Cid? If so, it's a simple toss-up between Excal & Xanth, but I'm guessing a lot's changed.

2nd Point:
Quote from: Snowfire
AndrewRogue: Not sure if I'm as against him as El Cid; yesterday was Saturday after all, and any player (scum or town) would probably have switched their vote if they'd been genuinely active.  And EvilTom was already out of the woods as far as being lynched.  The one notable exception to this scenario...  a scumteam with Meeple/Andy/Excal.  In that case, pretending inactivity and letting Ryogo get lynched would be in his interest (as swapping to Ryogo would look a bit odd).
Interesting to bring this up again, now that we know Andy -was- scum.

3rd Point:
Quote from: Excal
Alright...  There hasn't been a whole lot today that's done much except to cement my opinion that scums among Andy/Yoshi/Rat.  And I'm now heavily leaning towards the first two.
Excal: Any reason you thought that me & Andy would both be scum, despite the fact that we both started the trains against each other?

4th Point:
Quote from: Excal
Oh yeah, don't think I said this yet.  Tom, if I am scum, then I deserve absolutely no kudos for surviving this far.  Day 2 I did jack all to save myself, and Day 3 my grand strategy was to...  do everything to bus my last remaining scum mate that I could possibly think of.  Might be alright for personal survival, sure.  But that's one hell of a losing strategy.
Yet you still voted for me? Seems like your strategy could have been to provide a good argument in case Andy did go, which would have seemingly been today - it was likely that one of us two was going yesterday. (Not saying this is strictly right, just that Excal's explanation isn't the only one.)

To conclude:
FoS: Excal.
I'm willing to hear him out, and I'm not voting yet on the basis that it would only take one more to lynch there.
That said, I think it'll take a hell of a lot to sway my opinion, and I'd personally prefer more logic I/we've missed on other players. With others on voting Excal now, Snow tomorrow if townExcal.
Also interested in this:
Quote from: Excal
So, Cid.  Would it have looked better if I had said screw living a second time and decided to stick with my guns?
Firstly, I'd say yes - especially in hindsight, but even at the time. Secondly, if it would look that bad to just give up, why do it the first time? One of these surrenders doesn't make sense, and I'm willing to lean towards the second one.

Forum Games / Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FOUR
« on: March 11, 2009, 06:37:34 PM »
Excal (1)- Cid
Snowfire (1)- Yoshiken

There are 30 hours left in Day Four.

Was Xanth, not me. ^^

Forum Games / Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« on: March 11, 2009, 04:48:52 PM »
Yoshiken: How much mafia experience do you have?  I think everybody when introduced to mafia has their own crazy go nuts roles game they'd like to run (including me!), but as Yakumo notes those are very, very, very easy to get unbalanced.  Even if balanced, lots of roles can make mafia even swingier than it already is.  Plus, lots of potential crazy roles are, frankly, unfun and mess up the ability of the players to recognize correct strategies.
Hmm, it's true that I don't have much experience with mafia, but I did honestly consider whether I'd be able to make & run a game myself. I've been using this to help me quite a bit, and I've got a few friends who've played mafia games before. And the idea is to make the game quite different to how it already is, although not so much that it becomes a new game completely. (And I'll note that all abilities would be the same as or similar to more familiar roles, just with different names to fit the theme.)

That said role-madness games are obviously potentially awesome, just that they tend to be fraught with landmines and people shrugging at the end saying "Well, that was random, I didn't feel like I had much control over what happened."  I just looked back in the archives at the games Yakumo mentioned, and yikes!  The Vampire game apparently had 3 vigilantes for the scum to deal with backed by other town roles.  (2nd edit: Apologies of course if you knew this already.  Also, found a good quote from LadyDoor on the risks of role madness games while trolling the archives: "It [the game] was almost entirely dependent on what happened during the night. And I was vanilla. I played no part in 90% of the game. What's worse, I didn't even know that enough to prevent myself from spending hours constructing posts that ultimately contributed ... I'm not even sure what it contributed."  From Incompetent Mafia, which actually looks like an awesome idea...  but could have used two more vanilla townies in the game.)

First section there - ahh, that's true.
Of course, I've tried to limit power roles where possible though, so that -should- be avoided... On the interest topic I started up, I did request anyone not wanting to play to check over the roles for me, though. :)
Unless everyone wanted to play, of course. ;)
Next point - there's no risk of role-less players not having much to do, because there'd be none. :P That said, the non-power roles are designed to work particularly with the other roles involved, and the least useful would be the first ones dropped if there weren't enough players.
Doesn't seem too bad, right~? ^_^

Into the newer topic... I like the idea of in-character restrictions - I was looking over some of the older threads, and I couldn't help but laugh at Alex's haikus. Although... I'd say that the restrictions shouldn't be too major, or it will just cause an insane amount of suspicion.
There's always the possibility of subtle restrictions, though... Look at Xanth's topics in the Simpsons mafia for the perfect example of this. (Or, this post, where I added in a subtle message at the end, just for the fun of it. :P) It's be something only the mod would understand (and any other players they're able to talk to, if applicable) but just a little more interesting. :D
?  ;)

Forum Games / Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FOUR
« on: March 11, 2009, 04:18:20 PM »
Wow. I definitely was not expecting a Rat-kill from scum. o_O  I was still quite suspicious of Rat, so I guess that clears that one up...

I've been thinking about this for quite a while today and, unfortunately, most of my thoughts have already been stated. (Mostly the parts with: Excal saying Andy looked more suspicious than me, then voting me, which he's already argued against, and my thoughts yesterday on Andy & Snow/Rat for remaining scum.)

Obviously, I still have some doubts on Excal. Mostly stemming from the post yesterday, as well as the arguments over the previous days...
Snow, again, no more than I've mentioned previous days.
I'm really not sure if killing Rat was clever or stupid of scum - sure, they took out a suspicious player w/o a role, but they're confusing the hell out of us, it seems.

I'm... gonna have to see how things develop. It's good that we have a few days left - 7 players and assumedly only 1 scum. I'd be interested to see how roles are playing out now... One of my main thoughts today was that I'd return to find a cop claim saying someone was scum and that would be the end of it, but it seems I was wrong about that. Which led to me picking up on one particular line that hasn't been mentioned yet...

Since there's still an active cop I really have a hard time believing that the scum would just throw away what's likely half their team.
Interesting. We aren't actually certain there's even a cop involved, are we? Unless I've missed something major here.

Oh, and that led me to find...
Also, preemptive reply to Yoshiken: You seemed very convinced that I was scum yesterday, voting for me and still advocating against me.  You also suggested the Snow/Andy/Meeple combo, so I expect to be criticized again.  That said, I just did some archive diving...  is there anything in specific you want me to answer for?  Most of your thoughts I feel were addressed in a somewhat reasonable way, but even towards the end you made it clear I was your number 1 suspect though not really offering much up behind it.
Firstly, I'll clarify that I did say that you, Rat & Excal all remained suspicious. Excal managed to clear a lot of that suspicion through posts that just seemed townish - you even said that yourself here.
With Rat dead, of course, you're right that that would make you seem most suspicious... but now I'm back to thinking about Excal. Why? Mostly through elimination - although Delta's still not clear in my books.
Excal & Snow were two of my main suspects throughout, so I'm back to that.
For now, this post is getting too long, so I'll leave my comments on the events here for now and post back later with main suspicions and reasons.

Forum Games / Final Fantasy Class Mafia - Interest?
« on: March 11, 2009, 12:42:29 AM »
There's never a peaceful day in a hero's life! The Light Warriors, guardians of this world, have already saved it from vicious threats on a number of occasions. Garland? Cloud of Darkness? Exdeath? No, this new threat is the greatest problem they've faced - having increased their numbers drastically to help them save the world from previous problems, they now discover that some are not happy with simply being the Light Warriors. No, the members of this Rebel Faction want to be recognised for all their hard work in saving the world, and what better way to be recognised than to claim control of it? First, though, they must face their biggest threat - their former allies! With the sudden death of their Dragoon, the Light Warriors have realised that there is a problem within... And now, with guidance from the crystal (which happens to go by the name of Yoshiken), it's up to those who remain loyal to find the traitors and stay loyal to the name of the Light Warriors!

Just to clarify, this would run after Pokemon & No-Reveal mafias and any other mafias that might be planned that I've missed. I'm not trying to jump the queue or anything. ^_^

Each role no longer has its standard name - no Cop, Doctor, Mason, Godfather, etc. Instead, Final Fantasy classes are to be used. These can be classes from any of the games, and can be any of the classes, so don't automatically expect something to be there or not be there.

This would be an entirely ability-based game, with every single person having an ability of some form. Some of these are quite creative, some are not. All have been planned out (and, after/if sign-ups are full, I'd appreciate someone looking through the roles to confirm that they're all OK.)

Rules: ~ Thief'd from Simpsons mafia, edited accordingly.
-Post ##Vote: Name and ##Unvote: Name to vote and unvote. Anything else will not be acknowledged.
-Town must lynch; ties are resolved via a maximum length 24-hour sudden death. If sudden death exceeds 24 hours, both/all players with most votes will be lynched.
-Scum must kill
-Days will be 48 hours, subject to extension if desired by popular demand. Post ##Extension if you want one and if at least a third want it, it will happen.
-If anyone attempts to use an ability, they will be told the outcome of their ability use, regardless of success or failure. Targets will also be informed of ability use unless the ability specifies otherwise.
-All ability uses must be PMed within 24 hours of the night starting. Failure to do so will result in the opportunity being forfeit. If you wish, you may PM night actions before the night begins.
-Replacements will only be permitted on days one and two. Any hardcore lurkers or people who want to quit will simply be killed after that.
-Play to win
-Don't edit your posts
-Do not post your role PMs
-No personal attacks on players or referencing previous/external attitudes - keep it all in this game only.
-If you're not sure, ask, especially if you want role clarifications. Mod is in no way responsible for any mistakes made due to lack of understanding.

So, interested? If so, post here. :) Looking for 15 people, ideally, although could very easily cut that down.

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: March 10, 2009, 11:15:08 PM »
Yeah, I game-overed. Sucks, 'cause I still had about 10 Holy Bone Ms, a Godly Charm & some Exorcism Slips (of all sizes), but thought I had a second Astral Pouch filled. Turns out I only had the one. =/

Forum Games / Re: Pokemon Mafia interest?
« on: March 10, 2009, 11:12:23 PM »
Hrm, guess I could try it. Although I've been failing miserably at the Simpsons one, but oh well. :P

Forum Games / Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« on: March 10, 2009, 09:12:33 PM »
...Is this topic still used? If not, why not?

Anyways, I'm-a looking to run a game, yesss...
Quite generic with the theme - RPG (or, more specifically, FF) classes. However, very role-heavy, in that no person would be without a role. Roles based around the classes (so no revealing classes at game-start) and would aim for some pretty original role ideas.
No idea if there's a queue for running games any more so... I'll just see how people respond here, I guess, if at all. =P

Note: Assuming there were enough people, this would probably still be run after the other mafia games that are already open for people to join. I'd just like to know if there's some interest in it...
Either way, I still think either this topic should be revived or a similar one should be created. >.>

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