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Messages - Excal

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General Chat / Re: Idiot of the Day 2015: More stupid than stupid.
« on: May 13, 2015, 04:28:08 AM »
Look, this is America, where anyone can become a millionaire by virtue of hard work and never paying anyone you aren't compelled to pay by court order or bad press during your senate campaign.

Tournaments / Re: Strategy Tournament Noms
« on: May 13, 2015, 12:13:25 AM »
As in Xenogears is his army?  I'd be cool with that.  This is a first run so being flexible seems like a good idea.

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: May 11, 2015, 11:28:20 AM »
Can confirm.  I turned on and checked my phone while waiting to see if there was a second stinger.  Was not 17 minutes long.  That said, there's also no second stinger.  Can't say I really blame them, they couldn't have topped the Shawarma scene.

Tournaments / Strategy Tournament Noms
« on: May 10, 2015, 11:08:45 PM »
Wait, what?  Yup, after over a decade in retirement, the Strat Tourney is returning!

Of course, this is not going to be the old interactive fiction strat tourney.  Instead of a story, it's going to be a more standard tournament format.  Also, because I don't think that there's any real point to skill divisions, I'll instead be doing a size division.  This means three divisions to nom for.  Feel free to go for about 6 people in each division, and since this is the first go, it'll be a bit experimental.

Tactical Division
The standard form of a SRPG, this is just one fight with forces ranging from FFT sized to FE sized.  Because, let's face it, neither of them are all that large.  Troops are whatever the contestant can bring to the fight, and will involve them pitting their forces against what the other guy has.  If the character is not associated with any squad they can bring in, then generics will be provided for them.

Strategic Division
If the last one was about the battle, this one is about the war.  While before named characters could be used as combatants, in this case, no game has enough named characters to really turn the tide on their own.  But, they can still be subcommanders if that's a reasonable thing for them to do.

In this one, each side will be given a country and an army, and their goal is to take the opposing capitol.  If competitors have their own army, then they can use it.  If they do not, then they'll be given a generic one.

Special Forces

While the other two are about winning a fight, just on different scales.  This one is about how well a team can accomplish goals that don't involve beating the other side in a fight.  This will involve a lot more parallel competitions like who can capture a flag or secure and open a gate faster, or that old standby, who can burn down supply depots/senators faster.

I'm about to be off for a couple of weeks, but when I return, if there's enough noms, I'm looking forward to giving this a shot.

Who has the shortest combined time.

ie, it's obvious Zeus is gonna win the 100 Meter Dash, but I think that he's pretty earthbound, so his thunderbolts won't be all that awesome against space rocks, whereas nukes are super effective against those.  Also, it's only a hundred meters.  So, I think it's a slam dunk win for Ghandi

General Chat / Re: Idiot of the Day 2015: More stupid than stupid.
« on: May 05, 2015, 09:48:29 PM »
Oh yeah, that.  Jim Fucking Sterling Son did a video on that one where he starts off literally speechless as he showed some video of it before tearing into Steam for letting it onto Greenlight.  That thing is pretty fucking disturbing.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« on: May 04, 2015, 07:32:07 PM »
I don't know about Civ 5, but Civ 4 has a built in clock.  This is a necessary feature.

Tournaments / Re: DL Twink League 2015 Noms
« on: April 30, 2015, 03:59:27 AM »
I may think about a real setup, and I know you said you want to stay away from Optional Doom Bosses, buuuuut...

LFT: Infinite Ko Army with Move-MP UP added.

Because the Twink League needs Ko hype.

Tournaments / The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Final - Zeus vs. Ghandi
« on: April 30, 2015, 01:30:43 AM »
And so, we have reached the final event.  This time, instead of just one event, we have mashed two, Hatbot Approved, events together.  The first event is simple, the hundred meter dash, but at the end of that dash we have detonating a asteroid in space.  Both contestants will be forbidden from doing anything to the asteroid until they reach the end of the dash, but once there they can try and bust it to their heart's content.

Our first contestant is the man who won the team final and the pairs final single handedly, Zeus.  The leader of Olympus is now in a great position to finally finish it all off.  After all, there's no way he can be contested in the hundred meter dash.  Of course, after that is when the problems start.  Can his trademark lightning bolts smash an asteroid?  Could he leave the Earth to go into space to smash the asteroid?  Can his lightning bolts even leave the earth in order to do the job?  Though he is a sky god, he's still bound to the planet Earth, and asteroids are above even the sky.  And after that, there's a question of how long it will take for him to complete the job.

Against this is Ghandi, the man who had to be carried through the quarter and semi-finals, but who is well placed to win it all here.  He will, admittedly, lose the hundred meter dash badly.  But it's only a hundred meters, and at the end of that hundred meters is a big red button that will fire all the nukes.  While Zeus has questions both physical and metaphysical about his ability to destroy a space-bound asteroid, there are no questions about how well a civilization devoted to nuclear annihilation by an immortal tyrant will do against that same asteroid.

General Chat / Re: Webcomic Recommendations
« on: April 23, 2015, 06:15:43 AM »
Moving on from Daleks that know way too much about my heart, I present to you all Tower of God.  It's a Korean comic about a boy called the 25th Bam who enters a tower that's kinda a cross between HunterxHunter and SaGa 1.  As such, nifty martial arts fighting happens fairly often, complete with some low key mystical powers.  However, there's two main twists.  First, most of the fights are part of tests or competitions, which means that each one has something going on besides "Beat the other guy up" which changes the tempo and makes for nice twists.  Also, the person who writes it obviously likes intrigue, so why everyone is doing what they're doing is important.  This also leads into the key themes, trust and betrayal.

The first season is really just a gripping introduction to the world and how things work.  While the second season (It feels like it should be on the third season, but season 2 is still chugging along) introduces the main plot and widens the focus. 

{Zeus, Mohandas Ghandi} vs. {Darkwing Duck, Michael Carpender}

Eh, this is really Zeus vs. Michael, and while he is a badass fighter, I've never gotten the impression he's a God Tier fighter.  I mean, heck, it's a plot point that folks in his tier do not want to scrap with Hades, who should be a good analogue to Zeus.  This feels really open and shut.

Pairs Event 12: Tag-Team Battle

It's time for a throw down.  As usual, these two teams are gonna duke it out, but only one of them can be in the ring at a time.  However, when that fighter is on the ropes, if they can get to their corner and tag in their helper for a quick double teaming and then jumping back to the sidelines to rest.  Think of it as a two man MxC match.

And much like MxC, the balance in this thing is all kinds of wonky.  We've got our best and our worst fighters on the same team.  Mohandas Ghandi may be an immortal nuclear tyrant, but he's also an old and frail immortal tyrant.  And Civ Nukes are not point blank weapons.  On the other hand, he's teaming with Zeus, so he may as well hunker down with some popcorn.  If his opponents can get through Zeus to get at him, then he's already lost.

Against this, we have the Fist of God, Michael Carpender and the Terror That Flaps in the Night, Darkwing Duck.  Darkwing Duck, while resourceful and plucky, isn't really the sort to take on the divine.  While Michael Carpender actually lives in a universe where Zeus exists.  Of course, while he's top notch in a fight, there's a question of whether or not his Knight of the Sword powers would kick in against a target that might not actually ping as evil.  And, whether or not, even if they did, he could face off against a target in Zeus' league. 

{Zeus, Mohandas Ghandi} vs. {Darkwing Duck, Michael Carpender}

General Chat / Re: Sigs & Avatars! Re-branded for Maximum Profit
« on: April 13, 2015, 11:56:04 PM »
Finally got off my butt and replaced my old, presently non-existant, avatar.

I am the biggest Roy Mustang fanboy and his team is not winning this.

;_; {Zeus, Darkwing Duck, Mohandas Ghandi, Michael Carpenter} vs {Bowser, Wile E. Coyote, Roy Mustang, Matt Engarde}

General Chat / Re: Webcomic Recommendations
« on: April 13, 2015, 07:56:28 AM »
Captain K...  has stolen my bookmarks.


Team Event 8: Capture the Flag

This week, we have only one event, as our eight competitors get sorted into teams for one winner takes all event.  And our final team match of the tournament is Capturing the Flag.  This classic event involves a field divided into two halves.  Each side is considered the territory of one side, and if you get tagged in it, then you have to go to jail for ten minutes, or until a team mate manages a jail break.  At the far end of the field, lies the flag.  The goal is to get to the far end, grab the flag, and get it back out again without getting caught.  And of course, no actual attacks are allowed, and doing so will get the violator kicked off the field for ten minutes (we're just gonna have Zell on the side tossing invincibility items at everyone anyways, just to be sure.)  In addition, while there will be a vacant field in the centre, there will also be a section of forest to one side and delapidated cityscape to the other for those who want to be stealthy.  The game will be going on for four hours, with each successful taking of the flag counting for a point, and whoever has the most at the end wins.  If there's a tie, then first point in overtime wins.

The first team is brimming with raw talent, though it does have an issue with two different immortals who are used to command being on it.  Zeus will back up his desire to be in charge with the raw physical attributes of a god, and general perfection at whatever he wants to do.  Of course, his traditional weakness is 'easily distracted'.  Granted, the other side won't have any attractive women on the field (barring some stellar acting by Matt Engarde), but this doesn't rule out Zeus simply deciding to leave the field, because he's never been good with rules.  Ghandi is the other immortal, and he's coming into this unable to use his two greatest strengths, taking the enemy base via application of lots of troops, or just nuking it into the ground.  He does at least have leadership ability, though it's somewhat on a larger scale than this event.  Backing them up are two excellent competitors.  Darkwing Duck, like all superheros, is physically fit, and good at catching people or otherwise getting into places he probably shouldn't.  And Michael Carpender, when he's in his fighting trim, is pretty close to human peak condition.  Though it seems unlikely he'll have divine intervention here.

Against this, we have a team that can generally be considered the underdogs.  For starters, they're having to field Wile E. Coyote.  While he will undoubtedly have some ingenious ideas on how to catch the opposing team, there is a 99.999~% chance of them backfiring horribly.  Then you have Matt Engarde, who is probably pretty fit and is certainly super competitive, but is otherwise just a normal guy.  He'll probably be able to outrun Ghandi and that's it.  Of course, if his acting chops can distract Zeus, that might be worthwile.  Then you have Bowser, fortunately, there are no bottomless pits or lakes of lava, so he probably won't be offing himself, and the guy has been getting steadily faster over time which will also help.  Of course, he's also as stealthy as an exploding clown car.  The main ace in the hole here is Roy Mustang, who's experienced at being stealthy, is skilled at non-lethal small unit tactics, and for Zeus control purposes, is an expert at alcohol and short miniskirts.  Even with all this, it's questionable if his team can manage against the raw physical skill the other team possesses.

Quick Vote Form
{Zeus, Darkwing Duck, Mohandas Ghandi, Michael Carpender} vs {Bowser, Wile E. Coyote, Roy Mustang, Matt Engarde}

General Chat / Re: Idiot of the Day 2015: More stupid than stupid.
« on: March 20, 2015, 07:35:25 AM »

TL;DR: Guy has controversial opinions in required first year humanities class over at Reed.  Focuses them on people made uncomfortable by them.  When asked to stop, he decides to become even mouthier.  Eventually Prof boots him because the other students were starting to be unable to focus or learn properly while this guy was mouthing off.

Discussion / Re: Thoughts on gamergate
« on: March 02, 2015, 09:17:26 PM »
I suspected that that was a reference to LD in your defense of the piece.  Nice to see it confirmed. 

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« on: February 23, 2015, 01:49:05 AM »
And then in a shocking twist, it turns out that Occam is actually the villain from case 1 disguised as Occam, and the killer is actually Occam disguised as your assistant.

Where is your assistant?  That's what Case 5 is for.

Discussion / Re: Rank Characters based on In Game Use: Reboot!
« on: February 16, 2015, 04:52:37 PM »
I'm curious to see what others have to say, but reading after ranking.  Warning: the following impressions are about a decade old.

Phantasy Star 2:
Rolf Landale: 10/10
Is either the best or near the best at everything.  Technically forced, but since there's no scenario where you wouldn't want to be using him, it's hard to tell.

Nei: 6.8/10
She's not all that good.  However, she levels fast, and she's your healer in the early part of the game so she stays competitive.  Near the mid game she starts to peak and then fall behind, but she has the good grace to leave before she becomes a lodestone.

Rudolph Steiner: 9/10
Docked a point for having no healing and no flavours to what he does.  However, what he does do is tank like a boss and pack the second best damage in the game so he doesn't really need a second dimension.

Amy Sage: 9/10
This game is a grindfest, and what you need for a good grindfest is a good healer with tons of reserves.  She doesn't do anything besides heal, but you've got three other people to do the killing so she can focus on keeping them alive to kill.

Hugh Thompson: 1/10
Honestly, I tried using him, got nothing, and stopped doing so.  I hear he's ok on the first half of the game?

Anna Zirski: 5/10
She's fast and hits MT with her physical.  Has a few useful techs as I recall.  But honestly, she's just there to drop items and add in the chip damage when Rolf or Rudo fall short.

Josh Kain: 1/10
Someone I have heard is kinda useful on the second half of the game.  Given that I had already settled on my party and levelled up long before his day in the sun arrived, he never got off the bench.

Shir Gold: 1.2/10
She gets you access to the improved Save function.  That is all.  Granted, this is freaking huge in this game, but you get it, and then you bench her never to be seen again.

Discussion / Re: Disney Films by Way of Role Modeling and Gender Relations
« on: February 06, 2015, 02:52:39 AM »
The list doesn't seem to include Pixar, which may be owned by Disney, but is a separate studio.

Also, I feel sad that the Rescuers is not listed as the beloved cultural icon it should be. 

Forum Games / Re: Diplomacy: Fall 1903 (Ends: Feb 4th 12:00AM EST)
« on: February 04, 2015, 02:23:35 AM »
Confirming the retreat to the Aegean Sea.

Forum Games / Re: Diplomacy: Fall 1903 (Ends: Feb 4th 12:00AM EST)
« on: February 03, 2015, 11:40:54 PM »
Argh, sorry for vanishing.  That said, as things stand, Snow taking over is super, awesome, definitely for the best, and I'm glad to see that's what happened.

Discussion / Re: Thoughts on gamergate
« on: January 14, 2015, 02:11:02 AM »
Let's add in a third SWATing.  This one in Vancouver.

Discussion / Re: Thoughts on gamergate
« on: January 13, 2015, 05:01:44 PM »
Sadness.  It did not last, and the domain has been handed back.

Also, in addition, opponents of Gamergate have been getting SWATted.  So yeah, there's been some attempted murder by cop going on recently.

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