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Messages - Corwin

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Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 3)
« on: February 19, 2008, 12:38:58 PM »
Andrew mentions Yakumo voting Otter without waiting on Otter's roleclaim. Well. Otter's had plenty of chances to claim, but here's another one. I'm getting pretty tired of the day anyhow, and since I see you and Andrew as a scum pair, an Otter vote is fine too. Don't want me to vote you, Otter? Let's hear that full roleclaim that Andrew says Yakumo can't vote you for without.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 3)
« on: February 18, 2008, 08:44:57 PM »
Tired, etc. Well. Have we discussed all that needs to be discussed? Will probably vote in the morning, so if there's someone (besides Andrew) who doesn't find Andrew scummy and thus a suitable lynch target for today, please say why in the meantime.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 3)
« on: February 18, 2008, 05:37:59 PM »
I see. Well, I'll try to be around for four more hours, tops, though the later into the day it goes, the less coherent I tend to become. Bah.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 3)
« on: February 18, 2008, 03:34:51 PM »
Who would your vote go for at this point, Yakumo?

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 3)
« on: February 18, 2008, 02:46:45 PM »
Why, Dhyer? I suppose it's how I felt after day 2, where there were two leading people up for the lynch, but town (+scum) ended up doing a last moment Ciato lynch. A scenario where people lean more towards Otter, who comes out with an awesome roleclaim just as Alex imposes a deadline... is it really so implausible, given past events?

And Andrew, I'm not flailing. Far too often, the biggest slips are the simple ones, where you basically act on information you shouldn't reasonably have and don't even notice it since the slip is at first glance so minor. Otter was hounded for why he accepted my claim of vigging Kilga, apparently without question. There's a perfectly valid reason why he would (though hardly the only one), and that would be that scum have no reason to doubt my claim. Had you said 'I'm the town cop' the way you suggested, I would be attacking you over... what, specifically? It's natural to assume you're the only cop in a game where only vanilla have flipped before. It's not at all natural to assume you are one cop out of many before any of the two confirmed cops have actually flipped or claimed. Must you or your scum buddies be rolecops? Hardly, it's just the likeliest outcome. As scum, you'd have a unique pov on townies, and one of you could have spotted LD's attempts to go after Otter persistently as suspicion of her role.

"Yeah. This is... beyond scummy behavior. You have moved from "patience with the lynch" to "must hit Andrew now!" in the space of 24 hours."

Yeah, that's not true. I gave my opinion, and asked people to fullclaim. No one did by the time I woke up those 24 hours later. As I was typing a post, OK finally did. What do you expect me to do, give up sleep on a workday for mafia, and so that Alex doesn't decide to impose another deadline that would end before I could reasonably be around? I tried to participate, and I didn't get the information I asked for, or even a counter argument of why this would be a bad idea from anyone but Dhyer. Thus, my mind about you and Otter hasn't changed a bit, and my perceived chances of getting a response don't seem too hot. Since I don't want to leave the lynch up to chance and scum, my vote should be where I feel it is needed most. The only reason it's not there yet is that there is a small, infinitesimal chance of a full claim shedding more light on the entire situation.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 3)
« on: February 18, 2008, 08:33:16 AM »
No one has voted because even a single wrong vote = scum win. I really don't think rushing us is all that productive, especially given what happened with Ciato. Go to bed, expect to see Andrew lynched... wake up, wtf last-moment Ciato train. If anything, actual set-in-stone day lengths would be superior since we would know what to expect.

Eh. Announcing my intent (but not voting despite having the chance, Otter) was to get people moving and get a claim out there from anyone who could miraculously save Andrew, unlikely as that seemed. Yeah, no one really cared to roleclaim (aside from OK just now: edit), which will probably doom us all, but I can't really do much to convince you when I have to leave a message in a bottle and then wait a full day to see if you guys agree (you didn't here, for whatever reason you have; this is LYLO, when are you going to claim, post-game?).

So I'll be going with Andy for reals, now. His roleclaim stated he was 'a town cop'. He also said he investigated LD. Well, what if he's telling the truth? He could be a rolecop who hit LD by sheer luck and found out she was a (sane) cop. That 'a' is either a figure of speach, or a slip to indicate that he knew there were other cops in the game -- a fact he would have no way of knowing otherwise. If he's a town rolecop that's lying (a possibility, if a tiny one), then congratulations, town blatantly and pointlessly lying just cost us the game.

Edit: taking out the vote since OK did claim, and others might actually get the hint that it's pointless to wait. If there are none by the time I go to bed, I'll properly place the vote on Andrew where I think it belongs.

If Andrew flips scum... Dhyer seems suspicious due to both his reluctance to roleclaim in LYLO while waiting on some magical later moment when we're not in LYLO, perhaps? Unless scum hit themselves, I don't see it happen, and I certainly won't see it happen if we mislynch. And we could, since we have less information now than with people claiming and discussing those claims. Ciato also named him, for better or worse -- her intuition was wrong about Kilga, as was mine. Him leaning towards Otter rather than Andrew... hard to say. I find Otter suspicious as hell, just not quite at Andrew's level. But it could be a judgement call just as well as it could be an attempt to diversify the candidate pool for today right after I said Andrew was my leading candidate and make us run in circles and hesitate. It probably wouldn't take long before new targets appear, and things get deflected. Yeah, no, let's settle this here.

Implicated by Dhyer, although it bears mentioning that all three people Ciato mentioned had just voted for her;

I presume he means 'implicated by Ciato'. Why do I mention this?

Quote from: Yakumo
I lean toward believing Kilga's claim, so I'm not going to consider him for the moment.

Oh, really?  You believe Kilga's telling the truth?  That's handy now that he's been vig'd by Corwin, just last night.

So... Otter is going after Yakumo hard based on a slip similar to one he himself had committed a bit earlier, of using the wrong name. He goes on to say, in that same post, "I've changed my mind.  Yakumo has soared ahead of the competition as my prime suspect right now." which is largely due to this. The other component of his suspicion lies in apparently forgetting a Night Kill, which... yes, he was guilty of himself the other day.

Mind, this doesn't clear Yakumo because Otter jumped on him. If Andrew/Otter flip as scum, then it would possibly be the same smokescreen tactic I believe Otter has employed wrt Andrew earlier in the game. And a scumtell is still a scumtell, even if fellow scum points it out (to drag this into WIFOM territory, perhaps, and make us ignore the slip). All scum need is to get us to mislynch once, and even getting Andrew and Otter wouldn't win us the game without Scum #3. What better way than to try and divert the lynch elsewhere, and fight amongst themselves if that proves impossible?

Why is he so sure of this, Yakumo? Because scum know who they killed.

Some further thoughts/responses. Why didn't I vig Andrew out of my two day 2 targets, instead going with Kilga? Because I decided to try Ciato's theory by checking someone who had NOT claimed cop, and indeed someone town didn't feel like voting for, even with Andrew temporarily off the hook with his claim. I didn't believe Andrew. I don't even more, after Kilga's flip. However, I had my suspicions about Andrew and Otter when night hit, but had no idea who the third scum could be. I knew we would be in perpetual LYLO from that point on, so this was my chance of trying to hit the third scum, and I picked the scummiest looking person to me for that. Otter finds this all 'a little funny' in his post, despite me already stating all this in the post where I claim. In turn, that makes Otter look a little funny to me.

Otter, again:

This... is actually not true. While we had 'two' cops, only one of them was, you know, an actual town role. Paranoid is worse than useless for town. As this is specifically stated to be a mentor game with a pretty open setup... what exactly would it teach the mentored players if role craziness seeped in? What, it's okay because we had more than two vanilla townies so far, unlike in VtM and Touhou? Yeah, no. On its own value, this is a stupid, meta argument, I agree. But taken with everything else, it makes sense that there were only two town cops and Andrew is Something Else (like a scum rolecop, which is my theory).

As for me tying Otter and Andrew together... what can I say? I think both are scummy-looking separately, certainly enough to be the prime two candidates. At the same time, I see yet more (unrelated) signs of the two possibly working together. THAT along with the individual scumminess is what would make me lynch Otter if Andrew flips scum, not just guilt by assosiation.

OK is someone I keep forget is playing till someone names him or I see a post from him. Man, if we weren't in LYLO.... And yet I ironically find myself in agreement with Otter that what few posts we have from OK don't read as scummy. Still, Nitori makes a good point here: re: Otter and his constant, low-key approval of OK. I dunno.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 3)
« on: February 17, 2008, 11:32:47 AM »
Neat, some people live!

Okay. I'll concede Andrew the point on sanities. On retrospect, it is indeed possible he wasn't told. I wasn't relying only on the flips, but also on my own role, mind. I was told in advance my shot of vig was one-time, so it made sense at least some of the cops (the non-harmful variants, anyhow) would be given the full role details. It doesn't, however, change all that much in the greater scheme of things. As for having difficulty seeing my posts, Andrew, the 'last posts made by user x' option from the user profile is especially useful when it comes to me, given I'm not active (yet) on any other part of the DL forums and I'm not in any other mafia games at present. So I'll note that if someone had trouble finding it, they might not have looked at it all that hard.

Dhyer. We have seven people, two of them with claims. I'm calling bullshit on Andrew's claim, but I can't vote frivolously with three scum abroad. There is a distant chance I am wrong, however faint, so I would like people to claim. There must be some results. What else are we going to wait on? This is LYLO, we mislynch and it's game over. Also, yes, the way they keep on being connected bothers me about Andrew and Otter, and it no longer seems farfetched that they're working together, like I've mentioned.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 3)
« on: February 17, 2008, 07:30:50 AM »
Alrighty, then. Stating intent to vote for Andrew.

Same reasons as before. Inattention during day 1, a lack of content day 2 (and let's be frank, here, even a legitimate RL reason not to be around is not a sign of towniness) except to turn the lynch on Ciato. Indeed, a lack of targets of any sort except Fnorder who ended up getting modkilled. I've said most of this before, even though Andrew still requested clarification from me... and really, why me of all people? It's been noted that actually convincing people who are there would've been the superior choice rather than appealing for someone who would be around only when most of you would be asleep by then.

And just how many cops can we have? It also is worth pointing out that he roleclaimed as town cop, without referring to any sanity whatsoever.

Otter is also likely to be scum, given LD's voting pattern from day 2, Otter forgetting someone was NKd while doing analysis (a firm scumtell, from what I've seen so far) and Otter's arguments against Ciato that seemed unreasonable at times (typical Otter or scum Otter? You decide), but with as many scum as we have I'm pretty confident we'll hit scum whomever of the two we target. The argument about Otter creating a smokescreen to protect Andrew suddenly seems far likelier than before, too. I haven't really pushed on this so far because I saw people more scummy (as I still do now, with Andrew), and partially because I was content on observing him without letting on that I was suspicious.

Oh, and a roleclaim. We're in LYLO, there's hardly any reason to hold back now. I'm the rubber ball, and I'm a oneshot night vig with my amazing powers of bouncing. Kilga was my doing, because he seemed incredibly scummy, was one of the people Ciato fingered, and yet I couldn't get support for lynching him day 2.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 2)
« on: February 16, 2008, 10:07:23 AM »
My reasoning behind the Kilga vote, in case it wasn't clear despite my admittedly brief explanations, is that you would only do a large, two-post spanning analysis on too many people for it to have any kind of focus and NOT land a vote, even a pressure vote or a 'I think you're scummier than the others, let's get discussion started' vote is a smokescreen. Despite the time that's already passed into day 2, sluggish conversation and no real leads, why would you want to go 'here, I have a lot of useful content!' but not actually contribute to focusing the discussion somewhere?

In many games where I've been town, scum have tried this tactic. The most memorable is Tai as the last remaining scum in the Discworld endgame. Once he did his long 'player x talks to player y, somehow this means one would be scum based on a flip' analysis post he became my lead target for the last scum. Of course, I was DEAD by that time, so I don't intend to wait too long to put things out there now. Add that to a general lack of substance and content I get from him, despite actually having a strong presence in the thread... it just doesn't look good to me, so it's hardly this one reason to look at Kilga in depth.

Still. The only other vote is Nitori's. I also exist at a timeslot which none of the other players overlap on weekends, it seems. I do see other people as suspicious, namely Andrew. I considered it day 1 as it was derailed due to other things, and even recently when I believe I said the same thing Otter did about him, if only using less words, myself. So, let's make it official and get a claim out of him, since by my count this is the fourth vote out of six necessary for lynch.

##Unvote: Kilga
##Vote: Andrew

What else of note? by Yakumo. That feels like a weird defense approaching OMGUS. I'd find it more convincing had he pushed his case along to convert other people rather than, you know, said 'we have plenty of people to focus on, please don't include me'. Then again, given it's Kilga voting, here, I'd vote Kilga over Yakumo in a flash. I guess I would've been happier had someone else said the things Yakumo did.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 2)
« on: February 15, 2008, 10:11:58 PM »
Kilga (
My vote was purely to get Nitori to talk, and he obliged. Why should I keep a "post more" vote on a person when (a) said person has posted in a satisfactory manner and (b) I have people I find more suspicious?

Because, like I suggested in the post you're replying to, that you could use your vote to spur other people to talk? Say, those very people you find more suspicious, by your admission?

Man, even though it seems like I'd be able to play more over the weekend, I actually get less mafia time. Bah. Would like to hear from Andrew more on other people (he talks of Yakumo and Fnorder; the latter had gotten modkilled, while he quickly backed off the former once Yakumo posted). LD seems to be reading into the same thing, if perhaps from a slightly different angle.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 2)
« on: February 15, 2008, 04:40:25 PM »
And to do this PROPERLY.

##Unvote: Nitori
##Vote: Kilga

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 2)
« on: February 15, 2008, 04:38:24 PM »
Catching up.
I disagree with the idea of 'two votes is fine, this is enough pressure'. Yes, if you just want to call out a lurker, it could work. But you do have your own vote, and you should use it to call out another lurker or in some other fashion. Also, while most people haven't checked up, almost a full RL day had passed by then. We have to move the game along and get to the deliberations stage, rather than sit around in silence.
"Has everyone seriously forgotten he's playing?" -- to a degree, yes. Even though, I only have the one vote, and I went for the one with the least contribution at that point.

A response to Yakumo. I wanted a roleclaim from smodge, and it wouldn't matter if he were at -1 at the time and roleclaimed, I dunno, an uber-useful/easily-provable town role. Had anyone hammered despite that and not allowing for debate, we would've just lynched that scum the next day. And I wanted smodge to realize the seriousness of the situation... which he didn't, not doing a full roleclaim. Eh. If being at -1 didn't make him do it, being at -2 might've given us even less at the time.

Kilga has a couple of large posts of analysis. He, however, at the end of it... removes his vote from Nitori. That's it. What exactly is there to prove it's not one giant smokescreen? If your views are not enough to convince even you of anything (and this is hardly hammer, but could even be a pressure vote at this moment), why put it out there?

##Vote: Kilga

"Overall null to slightly scum read. Not bad enough to keep my vote there though. " --  Why the hell NOT? Where is your vote better-used?

Anyway, pausing at that post. Will continue later.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 2)
« on: February 14, 2008, 11:08:36 PM »
Just got back from a party, will be going straight to bed, just a quick Otter response. More later, especially after Nitori posts.

First of all, let's just drop the inattentativeness arguments. Even if you believe I haven't read the rules rather than take my explanation at face value, forgetting that a person had been NK'd (and flipped as town) is hardly any better. And just so it doesn't feel personal, several people have made mistakes such as this, be they honest or be they slips. I don't feel this would be a very good way to measure scumminess on its own merits, unless we want to mass-lynch most of the players.

There was exactly one votecount that would have included my vote. One. Not votecountS, plural. A post of mine followed it, where I unvoted and revoted. It seemed pointless to point out to Alex that my jokevote had not been tallied in the same post that was removing said jokevote to begin with. Looking back, yes, it's unfortunate that I didn't just go with the flow from the start. But I can't really undo that. Ironically, I thought Alex's caution/request to read the rules referred more to keeping things civil and not disappearing. Eh, we all live and learn.

Smodge... looked as scummy as ever to me. After WoW I saw no reason to cut him any slack for 'just being smodge'. Even if the scumminess came from not playing too well rather than being outright scum, it seemed like a good learning experience to teach him, and a good choice for town to not keep it tied up in the following days over the issue of smodge's scumminess. I feel that the mere fact that I'm responding to an analysis post you've made based off smodge's vote train pretty much supports my decision to bring day 1 to a close and get us results to examine. And if not on its own merits, then certainly useful come day 3.

One final reason: while I didn't like the way Ciato and Andrew looked... it does feel true that most of the vocal day 1 fights are town vs town. I wasn't quite ready to lynch one side of the argument for day 1 stuff, so smodge was the better choice, all things considered.

If there's a need for more clarifications, I'll post that along with my thoughts on other issues when I'm not tired and drunk~

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 2)
« on: February 14, 2008, 09:50:25 AM »
Nitori playing the same way he normally does? Sure, although with a mentor that probably should've changed. When I call him a 'lurker' I mean that he lacks a presence in the game so far. I have trouble remembering he's playing half the time, and the other half I can't really see concrete, solid views on people from him. Ultimately, we tell the others about us the more we talk, and so going after someone who keeps to the sidelines makes sense to me, unless someone has a better idea here.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 2)
« on: February 14, 2008, 09:15:13 AM »
Nitori, being a lurkish kappa, should go next. ##Vote: Nitori, YES. ##Start: Conversation, maybe?

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 1)
« on: February 13, 2008, 09:31:25 PM »
Eh. Ciato, your reaction to what I thought was a fairly brief and neutral case on you made me think twice about doing it in the future, which I think is a shame. I don't like people taking offense or hating the game, but wearing an attitude like that as armor is as... well, it's one of the reasons people don't like to finger Tom and a few other players. Even though it's likely quite natural and not fake on your part, that doesn't sadly make it any less intimidating.

In any case. Smodge is still not at -1 hammer and he really should be. ##Vote: Smodge. Debate has been decent, but we really need to get going and I always look funny at people who agree with me, especially with spurrious reasoning. He fits the bill, so here's the promised vote.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 1)
« on: February 13, 2008, 08:20:47 PM »
Since it's the way your posts read rather than your actual arguments (after you explain them in follow-up posts) that bother me, Ciato, you can't really answer any questions, because I have none. I still find your continued choice of phrasing weird, but I'm willing to get smodge's flip and move on to debating based on an actual record day2.

##Unvote: Ciato

May I ask for a votecount, please? I think my vote would place smodge at -1 to hammer, but it's getting late and I don't want to hammer before giving him a chance to roleclaim.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 1)
« on: February 13, 2008, 07:03:02 PM »
I can live with brief but I honestly don't see where I'm being rude or nasty. I think either your train of thought doesn't work with your argument, or you're writing it in a way that seems self-contradicting. That is suspicious and I'm voting on that. Please don't accuse me randomly of being uncivil. If your stances are clear, why are you being questioned on them repeatedly? Perhaps it would help to take a step back and reread your posts to see if, maybe, there could be something off about them.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 1)
« on: February 13, 2008, 05:40:20 PM »
LD: This is getty silly. Alright. I will say a lower-case otter, as in the animal, no ambiguity. I was a bit annoyed originally at the entire thing, and it snowballed places that just obstruct the game. Fine, I'll bow down properly and 100% to the full letter of the rules.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 1)
« on: February 13, 2008, 05:28:05 PM »
##Unvote: Andrew
##Vote: Ciato

I honestly thought it was bad phrasing and town-vs-town day 1 arguing thus far, but Ciato's last post bothers me quite a bit. In the same breath she calls my second vote on a person a train and suspicious, while the next sentence condemns smodge for seeing a second vote as scummy and starting a train. And then she returns to two votes in a larger game (such as this, wrt WoW) not being as suspicious after all.

Yeah, this looks like a shiftier stance than Andrew's to me, especially since it comes later on in the day and not in the transition from jokevote phase. When I try to read your arguments, Ciato, I find some of your words refuting or invalidating others of them, and that simply shouldn't happen. That it isn't the first time you... misspoke? Slipped? Well, that's disturbing and vote-worthy, IMO.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 1)
« on: February 13, 2008, 10:36:55 AM »
I misunderstood it, since the whole forest and balls over the top thing seemed related to small mammals, Alex. It... didn't seem like a rule you would seriously enforce, unlike being civil or not quoting PMs. Anyway, mind doing another clarification? If you choose to impose a deadline, is it a no lynch if it is reached without majority?

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 1)
« on: February 13, 2008, 09:08:26 AM »
Haha I actually used 'Otter' which is a mammal and a small one even if the name is capitalized you are not paying attention die scum-- oh please. I just can't get into flavor I don't know so I try to avoid it altogether so as not to ruin it for those that are in the know.

Anyway. I'm following the rules to the letter, now, so the vote should stand. Moving on... I accept your explanation for the unvote bit, though I'd keep my vote on you for the time being until I see someone scummier or town reverts to LAL. Smodge's explanations to you might change that.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 1)
« on: February 13, 2008, 07:34:45 AM »
Okay. I've never been in a game where flavor was actually enforced, and my last post/vote for the day was next to Alex's. I didn't realize yet at the time that the mammal thing was mandatory instead of some accounting mistake, and I try to avoid flavor in settings I don't know.

Ciato's stance is puzzling. It'd be one thing if she championed debate over voting, instead of just doing away with 'pointless' votes that leave behind a record. Then again, looking it over once more, it's the way she said it that bothers me, not the actual arguments. Not dropping a vote, here.

And Andrew still looks shady. So, once again, ##Vote: Andrew, unless I need to actually say some name for it to count.

A quote from Otter, of all people, that I found relevant to the matter:

Let me introduce you to something called "the unvote."  It's when you take back a vote that turned out to be pointless and based on nothing, enabling you to use your vote on someone else.  We recover all the ammunition we use to spark the conversation, with no harm done, and there's usually plenty of "Okay, I'm removing my jokevote now, and now that I've got more in front of me, I'll put down a more serious vote" type posts.

Exactly right. If you jokevote and lay a second vote on someone by mistake... you can just unvote him later when you use a serious vote. Doing it to re-jokevote, only on someone with no current votes to minimize confrontations of "You're starting a train on me, you scum!" is something I consider scummy.

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 1)
« on: February 12, 2008, 08:14:53 PM »
Andrew unvoted Excal. Everyone's being extra-careful to avoid stepping on toes and ohnoes laying a second vote. Andrew literally shies away from this, so:

##Unvote: Fnorder
##Vote: Andrew

Forum Games / Re: Within a Deep Mafia Forest - Game Topic (Day 1)
« on: February 12, 2008, 09:37:19 AM »
##Vote: Fnorder for OMGUS! Countless anons playing mafia can't be wrong!

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