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Messages - Excal

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Forum Games / Re: Diplomacy: Fall 1901 (Ends: Jan 13th 6:30PM PST)
« on: January 11, 2015, 02:29:46 AM »
Alright folks, Fall starts.  Remember, you need to be holding your new supply centres at the end of this round in order to take them.  And, we're going to try Alex's suggestion of just having the orders be in by the end of the three days.

Alright folks, it is now orders time.

Please give a big thanks to Ciato for being willing to be our neutral order taker.

General Chat / Re: Idiot of the Day 2015: More stupid than stupid.
« on: January 09, 2015, 05:15:15 AM »

Welp, never mind then.  That's pretty dumb.

Discussion / Re: Thoughts on gamergate
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:41:08 AM »
Given what they're up to these days, not talking about them while they're dying is probably for the best.

General Chat / Re: Idiot of the Day 2015: More stupid than stupid.
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:01:16 AM »
Also yeah, he changed the Silence spell to Dumb (literally making you too stupid to cast spells), which really is dumb. I'll continue on with this.

Actually, an archaic meaning of the word dumb is unable to speak.  If you think this guy isn't a native speaker, then it wouldn't surprise me that he might use a technically correct word that wouldn't carry the connotation he's looking for to a native speaker.

Forum Games / Re: Diplomacy: Spring 1901-Negotiations
« on: January 08, 2015, 01:36:51 AM »
Yeah, what Alex said.  It is what is recommended in the rule book for a six player game.

Forum Games / Diplomacy: Fall 1903 (Ends: Feb 4th 12:00AM EST)
« on: January 07, 2015, 09:07:34 AM »
Alright folks, it is started.  First post will always be updated to have the current information for you.

Conversation amongst the players can be done in any manner.  However, for orders, they are to be sent to the unbiased moderator, Luther Lansfield.  We will have three days (72h) for talking, one day (24h) for sending in orders, and then the orders will all be made public and the board updated.  Then we will start again.

EDIT: There will be separate negotiation and orders phases.  Orders do not need to be in before negotiations end.  And there is to be no talking about game plans between players when it is not negotiation phase.

Orders must be done semi-formally, so identify unit by type and location, specify what action that unit is taking, and then specify where it is going, or which unit it is supporting/convoying.  The one order which does not require specifics is a land unit that is being convoyed.  So long as there is a valid string of ships with valid convoy orders, it's move command will be accepted.

1. Excal - Austria-Hungary
2. Snowfire - France
3. Sir Alex - Russia
4. Andrew - Turkey
5. Carthrat - England
6. Mage  - Germany

Negotiations Ends February 4th, 12:00AM EST

State of the Board.

General Chat / Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« on: January 06, 2015, 12:19:11 PM »
Just repeat to yourself.  You're still in the best part of the game.

General Chat / Re: Webcomic Recommendations
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:51:24 PM »
Hmm, I should probably drop a couple on here that I picked up recently.  But am too lazy to get links.

As for the question posed by the Duck.  I have to ask, have you tried Scenes From a Multiverse?  Seems like it's in your wheelhouse.  It's by the guy who did Goats, but every day cuts to a new multiverse with a single comic with a decent joke and is occasionally kinda deep at the same time.

Forum Games / Re: Interest in Diplomacy?
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:14:27 AM »
Le shock!

Mage is not quite available yet, so in the interest of fairness, we're starting on the 6th.

Forum Games / Re: Interest in Diplomacy?
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:56:32 AM »
Alright, I have six players.  We're set up to start on the 4th of January

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« on: December 28, 2014, 07:47:56 AM »
Focus/Aim and the rest can stack up to five times.

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« on: December 26, 2014, 01:19:30 AM »
So, Xenoblade

Gonna be starting this back up today, but last time I ventured forth on my quest.  After, that is, going back into Colony 9 for a few more quests and trying out Gem Creation.  Kinda cool, but I already have more useful Gems than I can slot from collectapedia and I have plenty of room for more ethers, so I only made one and moved on.  Finished the cave, and got my first Monado Art, kinda nice overall though it is making the Monado even more of a plot dispenser than before.  Also, Shulk as Chosen One, guess I shouldn't be surprised it happened but I had hope.  Oh so much hope.  Hopefully they handle it well, like it was for Fei and wasn't for Justin.

Persona Q

Finished the first dungeon.  Was right in that there was a boss there.  Turns out the boss can summon more mooks than SEES can handle.  Fortunately, the Investigation Squad shows up and brings their combat music with them.  I get an introductory battle with Minato and their core party (face it, who didn't use Chie, Yosuke, and Yukiko as the main party?) then boss time. 

Once that's done, requests show up, Margaret displays why she's better at fusions than Elizabeth, and I get a lot of interaction between the two groups.  These guys clearly understand their market.  The other neat thing in all of this is that Yu is talking, he is a character here.  Pretty laid back, well spoken, and his place in the group dynamic fits with how P4 works.  He's clearly the leader, the group does seem to revolve around him not because he takes charge, but because he's insightful and says generally useful things.  Yosuke still gets the most lines, but Yu's the guy they all fall in behind.  Heck, there's even a S Link style scene where Yosuke's got something on his mind and Yu notices, gets him to talk about it, and talks him through it.

So, I think that confirms I'm gonna eventually play this game a second time just to see things from the other perspective and how they handle Minato.  Also, see if the music is handled differently since a lot of the soundtrack is P3 thus far.

As for actual plot, there still isn't much.  There's been hints that something sentient is behind all this.  Margaret has dropped some hints that she knows what happens at the end of P3, but it's not her place to change any of that so she's not telling any of the characters, or Elizabeth for that matter who she knows will take action even though she's not supposed to.  And now we seem to be going through a Shadowified version of what the P4 cast did for their cultural festival, because the writers enjoy making that cast suffer.  I may need to replay P4 because I can't remember that part of the cultural festival at all.  Regardless, all that anyone is willing to say about it is that they don't talk about it, and don't want to remember it.

Difficulty has stepped up, and now there's a nice balance between the ID skills and the elemental magics.  Heck, even the physical skills.  ID kills if it hits, but it can miss, even if it hits weakness.  And if it misses, no boost for you.  Elemental magic is basically guaranteed to hit, and will give you the boost.  Also, at this point it's getting widely available in the all hitting Ma- variants.  Finally, the physical skills are really shining against Bosses and FOEs where there aren't really weaknesses to hit, and a big ol sack of HP to hack through, so you want something that'll step up damage, but won't run out or get rid of healing reserves.  And Fuuka comes with this great party wide regen skill that makes recovering from the HP cost for physical skills a breeze.  So everything seems to have a place.  Still, Mahama is pretty awesome.

Finally, I saved the best for last.  Somehow, Koromaru has gotten even more adorable.  But, the scene you get when it's time for him to call an all-out attack?  Just this dog, sitting there, with knives in his mouth, and his tail wagging eagerly.  It's just, d'awwwwww.

Discussion / Re: Thoughts on gamergate
« on: December 24, 2014, 07:08:44 AM »
To be fair to the people who said such things, I never expected Gators to sink this low and I've been pretty angry at their little movement since I found out what they were.  The only reason I can believe this is even happening is because I have seen it with my own eyes.

Discussion / Re: Thoughts on gamergate
« on: December 23, 2014, 11:26:28 PM »
Yeah, the guy who did the article sure did a hit piece on 8-chan, but never once mentioned Gamergate as part of it.  Not stopping GG from throwing a fit at anyone linking to the article, or anyone within their own movement who think that child porn is bad.

On a side note, the guy who wrote the piece has been doxxed.

Tournaments / The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 5
« on: December 22, 2014, 12:44:47 AM »
Event 79: Craft (Disturbing Mental Image)
Some images will cause distress when they are seen, but most folks will be able to forget them fairly quickly.  Other things, once imagined, will linger.  These images will show up at the worst possible moment, or perhaps will show up frequently in a person's nightmares.  Other, more insidious mental images will cause those nightmares, will limit sleep, and cause anxiety.  But time can heal most things.  Of course, the most vile mental images are those things you will never remove from your mind.  Images that will haunt you to your grave.  Things that will remain fresh and horrific in a mind until the moment of its complete and utter annihilation.  Those are the sorts of mental images that this event seeks.  Those are the mental images of victory.

Our first contestant into this is Princess Leia, whose most enduring image is kinda the opposite of disturbing.  Of course, leaving aside the almost accidental twincest of the first movie, she has a few other cards to play.  Most of these will involve the horrors of the Star Wars universe, some of these will involve her fairly sharp wit, and a select few will involve Hutts.  She will need to be resourcefull because she has hew work cut out for her.  Divine families, as a rule, are pretty dysfunctional.  But the Greeks?  They are the Jerry Springer participants of the divine world.  And Zeus isn't just the head of the family, he is one of its worst members.  Dude is powerful, petty, randy, successful, vengeful, and, behaps the most dangerous of all for this event, creative.  Granted, the primary focus of that creativity is figuring out how to score with chicks, but he's still got plenty to spare for people who cross his arbitrary rules or just annoy him.

Event 80: Poetry Slam
You wanna know what a Poetry Slam is?  Well, I'ma gonna tell ya!  These two poets are gonna get up on stage, they're gonna say their piece, and then we're gonna have some random shmoes in the audience give a soulless score to the heart of these people's creativity!  Course, whoever gets the higher score wins.

Our first contestant is the Goddess of Light and Trolling herself, Palutena!  She comes all the way from Skyworld and is best known for being mission command to her personal servant, as well as the verbal mastery she shows in that role.  So, she should be ready to show why she's also the Goddess of Verse!  But she's gonna have some tough competition from the Badass Bruiser, the Mushroom Kingdom's Master of Mayhem, the King of all Koopas himself, Bowser!  You may think he's just another dumb brute, but he's one of the few folks in this competition to have busted out poetry in game.  And he'll be looking to show that skill here on the Rando Tourney stage!

Event 81: Being Charlie Brown
There are some folks that people rightly aspire to be like.  John Malkovich is a great example of this.  However, in this event the goal isn't to emulate someone great, but to emulate someone mediocre.  To be someone that the universe hates.  To be the man who loves baseball but can never win a game.  The man who does his best, but still gets blamed for ruining christmas.  The man who has a tree that eats only his kites.  The man who never could kick that damned football, and always believed that this time, he'd be able to.  Yes, it is the time of Charlie Brown, and whoever can best emulate his life will be the winner.

So, in one corner, we have the man who can do anything, Stocke.  He can travel through different timelines to do what he has to.  And odds are, he can manipulate the timelines to ensure he gets the worst of it.  He'll have to think, he'll have to work, he'll have to struggle.  But Stocke can do it, he has the ability and the knowlege.  Of course, where Stocke has to work, Wile E. Coyote simply has to be.  He lives in a world that exists only to make him suffer, and that is all he needs to be Charlie Brown.

Event 82: Bear Wrestling
Wrestling is a great sport, and we're talking the real wrestling here, not the WWF stuff.  You got two people trying to use brain and brawn in order to pin down their opponent.  No equipment, no tools, nothing but muscle.  Of course, for the tourney of randomness, that's way too tame so we got some bears.  Yup, here our contestants have to show their stuff by trying to pin a bear with their bare hands.

Anna is a mysterious merchant, but bears don't really care about that.  On the plus side, she's also finally a fighter, meaning that she can now show off the strength needed to take down that bear.  Against this, she has someone who actually has a bear as a friendly nemesis.  Yup, Darkwing Duck is no stranger to dealing with bears as his foil in the secret agent biz is a Russian grizzly named Agent Grizzlykof.  It would not be surprising if the two have wrestled at some point, so DW is coming into this with experience as well as actual hand to hand fighting skills, which may be all he needs.  On the other hand, he is just a duck.

Event 83: Run for Political Office
In a previous event, I lamented the lack of an in-universe popularity contest.  I forgot this was here.  Well, fine, running for political office has a bit more to it than mere popularity, you have to also convince people that they should trust the well being of whatever office/jurisdiction you're running for to you.  But let's face it, a lot of it is simply how popular are you, and how popular can you make yourself.  Regardless, whoever wins the vote, wins the event.

Ghandi has to be talented at this event, after all, one of his defining traits is the ability to be god-emperor of the Indian Nation no matter what sort of government he decides they're running under.  Sure, most of those government choices don't have real elections, but he can also do just fine in republics and democracies.  In fact, in the first game, it's democracy that makes him nuke happy, so he seems to excel at getting elected with a platform of "Nukes solve everything."  But, as shocking as this may sound, this is not a one sided match.  Opposing him is an American icon, Scrooge McDuck.  And he follows in the fine tradition of the industrialists, except you know he has a soul and he's vaguely cuddly.  And much like the great industrialists, Scrooge has never held political office not because he doesn't know how to get it, but simply because it's too much work for not enough profit.  Far better to work the election machine to get patsies in office who'll do the things that'll help you get even more money to swim in, just like Rockafeller [citation needed].  Scrooge comes into this with tenacity, a willingness to work hard and play dirty, connections from his many adventures, a great team to help him out that begins with Hewy, Dewy, and Louie but doesn't end there, and the ultimate political weapon, oodles and oodles of cash.

So, who will it be.  The Tycoon of Ducksburg, or the Immortal Nuclear Lord of Governing?

Event 84: Chess
Chess is considered the ultimate game of skill and intellect.  Mostly this is because of two reasons.  First, it's got a bunch of moving pieces and no randomness at all.  Secondly, it is ancient in the western tradition.  These both mean it's part of the cultural background, and so if you want to show that someone is smart and a planner, then you show them being skilled at chess.  And so it is that here we respect that tradition by pitting two of our competitors against each other in this classic game of skill.  And, as an added bonus, they both come from cultures where chess is played!

Our first challenger is actually an avid chess player.  And while Roy Mustang's noted record isn't great, it should be noted he's playing against the guy who basically taught him political maneuvering and underhanded tricks.  Aside from that, when chess metaphores do show up in Full Metal, they're attached to Roy.  Which is fitting, as he's got the best mix of intelligence, cleaverness, and planning of the good guys.  Against this, well, Don Cherry's public image is not that of the chessmaster.  Granted, he was a coach, and he is pretty good at reading hockey.  But the dude is a sports expert, not a chess expert.

Event 85: Trick Shooting
For trick shooting, we've got a pretty simple scheme.  One of them calls a shot, then both have to make it.  Then the other one calls a shot, and they both have to make it.  Then you check and see if either is in the lead.  If not, then repeat that process until someone is.  The goal here is trying to be creative and skilled enough to land more shots than their opponent.

Of course, for this challenge we end up with melee specialists instead of firearms specialists.  First up we have the Fist of God, who specialises in using one of three holy swords.  Of course, Michael Carpenter is from modern times, and while he does have a preference, he also lives in a world where guns are a thing, so he can use them even if they're not his thing.  He also has access to some good trainers for this.  Aside from that, he's calm, collected, and will probably be great at setting goals for what to shoot at.  Against this, Gai does have a rifle as part of his tool kit.  But, he's a melee fighter at heart being a huge fan of super robots and their scrapping, instead of real robots and their gunplay.  He should be the better shot, but if he doesn't control his exuberance, that may not matter.

Event 86: Stand Up Comedy
Stand up comedy is one of those things that looks like it should be easy.  Get up on stage, say things that should be funny.  Get people to laugh, get down.  Of course, half of a joke in in the setup and how you say it, not just what you say.  And that isn't even getting into the problems of hecklers, or reading a crowd, or all the other little things that a good comic needs to get a laugh.  For this event, both contestants will have a fifteen minute set, and whoever gets the most laughs wins.

To be honest, I don't know Rita, though I haven't heard much about her being super funny.  However, I'll leave the arguments for her up to all you ToV players in the votes!  Against her we have someone who played all kinds of stuff for kids tv, Matt Engarde.  We also know Matt's good at playing a role and ad libbing in the worst of circumstances due to how masterfully he played his own lawyer for the first half of his own case.  So, let's see if Rita's up to the task of taking down this actor supreme.

Quick Vote Form

Event 79: Craft (Disturbing Mental Image)
Princess Leia (Star Wars) vs. Zeus (Mythology)

Event 80: Poetry Slam
Palutena (KI:U) vs. Bowser

Event 81: Being Charlie Brown
Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius) vs. Stocke (Radiant Historia)

Event 82: Bear Wrestling
Anna (FE Series) vs. Darkwing Duck

Event 83: Run for Political Office
Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series) vs. Scrooge McDuck (Disney)

Event 84: Chess
Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist) vs. Don Cherry

Event 85: Trick Shooting
Michael Carpenter (Dresden Files) vs. Gai Daigouji (Martian Successor Nadesco)

Event 86: Stand Up Comedy
Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperial) vs. Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All)

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« on: December 21, 2014, 11:08:58 PM »
So, a few games I've been playing.

First up, Crusader Kings.  Been tooling around with a few different tries, been finding I enjoy playing a Duke, haven't played a King position yet, but am debating between just cheating my way there, or working my way there legit.  However, my current goal is to start as a Count, work my way up to a Dukedom, and then see what happens. 

So, I started a game as the Duke of Krain, which is just east of Venice.  Seems nice enough, I have two counties, and I get to usurp the title of my Ducal lord whenever I want to.  Of course, getting a claim on his title, and actually making good on it are two completely different things.  I was considering trying to use nearby Croatia as a way to force grab a few more Counties to bulk up for my eventual backing up of my claim.  And as part of this, I was planning to keep one of my daughters from marrying until I could offer her to a Croatian Duke I was on good terms with.  Instead, she eloped with a freaking second son.  Who already had nephews. 

Welp...  so much for that.  As for what happened to that Duke I was friendly with?  He picked a fight with the King of Croatia.  And won.  So now he's king.  And since then he's been sweeping up everything so the whole country is in his pocket and there aren't any loose bits to nab.  Dang.  And, trying to claim vassalage under him for some extra muscle will be super risky since he somehow got a claim to the same Dukedom I want.  So...  yeah.  He coulda been family.

In other assorted bad news, turns out my starting duke was the second son of the Duke of Weimar.  So there was a whole branch of the family holding some pretty nice turf up in Germany.  Except, some time around 1100, they decided to rebel against the Emperor.  So, I picked up the whole extended family since I'm the only one who hasn't lost the family lands.  The one bright side is that that branch managed to get a wonderful military commander for the eventual war I'm going to fight.  And, I lucked into finding a nearby county where they had a daughter, and that's it, shortly after his wife died in childbirth.  So, his kid is now the heir to the County of Verona.  Sweet.

But, for now, it's still just a waiting game until a chance to grab a Ducal title comes up.

Pokemon OR - Feels a bit strange since my first go through was with Sapphire.  But it is nice to face mooks that don't like Rough Skin as a talent.  Just hit Mossdeep, and am steadily rolling along.  Gen 3 still my favourite Gen, and I am happy with my Skarmory and Slaking.

Persona Q - Given that the SMT games started with first person dungeons, it should be no surprise that Persona and Etrian mix very well.  The gameplay also deals with a lot of the issues I have with Etrian gameplay.  Namely, that there's a lot of abilities you have to work towards, without any real idea of how useful any of them are going to be.  And a general impression that everything is expensive but that you don't really get a lot for that expense.  Whereas here, you do still pay for using abilities, but you have the SMT weakness system going on.  Sadly, it's more like Devil Survivor in terms of benefits than P3/4, in that it's random if you knock them over or get a followup/all out attack.  But, hitting weaknesses does give you a boost, which means all moves are free and you go first next round.  Boost can be lost if you're hit though, so going first isn't always an advantage.  As well, everyone has the wildcard now.  What this really means is, everyone has a fixed primary persona, and everyone can also equip a subpersona which is effectively a watered down wildcard from before.  You can also only switch them outside of battle.  They give access to skills as well as an HP/MP buffer at the start of each fight.  Of course, I'm hoping that the main personas evolve over the course of the game, because Orpheus is crap.  It also means that Junpei suffers, because before he had a lot of overlap with Minato (fire/slash) but that was okay because Minato quickly moved away from that to being a wildcard.  Now?  He's stuck as Fire/Slash as well, and he's still forced into the party.   They do have Junpei as physical and Minato as magical, but it doesn't seem like enough.  Especially since Koromaru also jumps on that fire train.

Aside from all that, this game is very clearly written by the Persona team, which is good because it resolves the other major issue I've had with the Etrian games, and 7th Dragon as well.  Namely, all generics, all the time.  You can run into other characters in those games, but none of your characters have any sort of personality.  Here?  The writers seem to love Junpei being an idiot as much as I do, I've gotten a dungeon break where Akihito does missionary work for protein powder, and at one point I had to shrink part of my party to super chibi size, and Koromaru's predatory instincts kick in and he hunts those party members.  And It. Is. Adorable.  Seriously, whoever was in charge of animating Koromaru had way too much fun.

Xenoblade - Been having some fun tooling around in this.  Gameplay doesn't seem super great, but it's serviceable enough for me at the moment.  Just hit the end of the prologue.  Somethings weren't surprises (wait, Shulk get the Monado?), somethings totally were (though, the gameplay end of things dropped more than enough hints I didn't pick up on), and all in all it did a good job of setting up why Shulk is travelling and why I should care about his quest.  And while he reasons are super selfish and personal, I can also dig that they also align with a pretty reasonable and laudable goal as well.  Just, because he just went through some rough shit, and he's at the start of his journey it makes sense that he's picking the selfish reasons.  So, yeah.  Guess it's fair to say I'm enjoying this a lot more than I was expecting to.

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« on: December 18, 2014, 08:18:08 AM »
Super Smash 3U, been playing both versions of this.  I think I'm going to be regularly using about a dozen characters for the near future, but that's fine.  It'll get smaller with time, and experimenting with a new roster is half the fun.  Sadly, as much as I like the character, I suspect Little Mac is not going to be for me.  That said, I am having a ton o fun as Robin, even if the damned Elf is learning how to dodge Thoron.  But, his attempts to interrupt me are leaving him eating Elthunders more often than I was expecting with my current level of skill, so bonus!  Just means I'll have to learn to be sneakier.  ;D

Aside from that, it feels so nice to have a usable Link back, and I'm really impressed with how Charizard plays.  Shulk, well, he's kinda weird, but my mains for Melee/Brawl were Marth/Ike, so he feels pretty natural to me and I'm adding him in.  I'm actually tempted to add Pikachu back into the roster as well because no one's using him, but, eh, we'll see.  It does explain why I have little desire to add Peach back in despite liking how she plays, since I think Ciato's using her.  Same with not feeling a need for trying out the new and improved Bowser.  He gets a great deal of love already.  Theoretically, I should probably not use Lucina, since we are all using Lucina.  But screw that, Marth's been one of my mains since Melee, him and his less bloodthirsty clone are on my team.  Feels like Ike is still my best character, since all of the tricks I used with him in Brawl feel same or better, but some of his other moves, like Eruption, just feel straight up improved.  Does mean I'll be hosed if I ever play him in Brawl again, but I doubt that'll be an issue.

Forum Games / Re: Interest in Diplomacy?
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:16:49 AM »
Anyways, I'm planning to start this thing when a) we get seven players, or b) when we're a few days into 2015.  See no real reason to start this over christmas.

Tournaments / The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Redemption Round!!!
« on: December 12, 2014, 04:53:04 AM »
Because folks getting eliminated and that's it is way too final, we randomly decided to bring some folks back!  So we took a look at who all of you wanted back, the favourite contenders that simply didn't have what it takes to move on.  then we threw all of that out and asked Hatbot who he wanted to see again!

So, without further ado, we bring to you the Redemption Round!

Event 71: Causing the Zombie Apocalypse
Any fool can survive a zombie apocalypse, but it takes a special kind of fool to cause one.  In this event, our contestants have their pick of how they cause the zombie apocalypse, whether it be by designing the zombie virus, running a corporation that causes it, or even just mucking about in black magicks best left alone.  Regardless, victory here is in achieving a zombie outbreak, and in how effective this outbreak is at dooming all like as we know it.

While it seems unlikely to anyone would ever doom western Europe to a shambling death in order to keep Swedes out of the NHL, if anyone was ever going to do that, it'd be Don Cherry!  While he's probably not a scientific genius, and all those allegations of black magic have gone nowhere, the guy does have a fair chunk of hockey and endorsement dollars to throw behind this.  Against this we have...  Arcanine.  Welcome back Arcanine!  While some pokemon are skilled enough in the dark arts and malicious enough to cause a zombie apocalypse, Arcanine is probably not one of them.  Since, y'know, his traits are the more canine ones of bravery and loyalty, and his few dark attacks are biting things real hard.

Event 72: Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues
Some villains have a pathological need to get caught.  Either that, or they really do see crime as just a big game between themselves and their crime fighter of choice.  As such, they don't want to commit the perfect crime, but rather, want to leave a series of clever clues so that they show that their nemesis really is a dunce as they can't catch a crook even with hints.  Of course, this never ends well, but it never stops them from trying.  As usual, last one caught wins, but if neither of them get caught then the contestant who gives the more blatant clues wins.

Our first contestant is noted for surviving in the deep waters that is Westeros politics, for all that he's probably the least devious member of his family.  Jaime Lannister is known as the Kingslayer, but he survived killing a king, which is a notable achievement.  The question here is, can he manage to string along a proper crime fighter when his last caper involved him getting found out by Ned Stark?  Against this we have the political hero of the original trilogy, Princess Leia Organa.  She's not just a budding Jedi, she's also probably the smartest of the heros in the original trilogy, and as such, should be more than capable of eluding capture should she choose to take up a life of crime.

Event 73: Talking to Fish
Because events that Aquaman can win, should he ever be nominated, amuse me we have talking to fish.  In this event, whoever can best hold a conversation with a fish is the winner.

Fresh from his go-karting defeat, Matt Engarde is ready to win his way back into the tournament.  While he may not be able to talk to fish himself, he has access to some snazzy gadgets, an agent, and a fan club who'll probably be willing to help him.  Not only that, but he should be able to find some way to make some sort of tv worthy drama out of it, right?  His opponent, Vegeta is looking for redemption after losing yet another fight he should have won.  Sadly, his super saiyan fighting skills will not avail him when it comes to talking to fish (now killing fish?  That he can do).  Of course, he's got access to all sorts of alien tech, so maybe there is some sort of fish translator in the bunch.

Event 74: XCOM Budget Limbo
You're in charge of a shadowy multinational organization that is the only shield between your species, your civilization and the ultimate other, a bunch of extra-terrestrials that seem bent on abducting and performing all kinds of unethical experiments on the citizens of the world.  So naturally, your biggest concern is on convincing the nations who are a part of the coalition to keep on sending you cash, right?  This event puts our contestants in charge of X-Com, and they have the stated goal of keeping their funding.  It's not so much about saving the world, as it is on keeping the cash coming in so they can keep paying the scientists and soldiers and affording all those fancy plasma rifles they need to fight the aliens.

Zeus got knocked out because he couldn't job as well as the ultimate jobber, that's no dis.  Now he's got a gig that's more in tune with his skills.  After all, Zeus was top dog on Mount Olympus, how hard can X-Com be?  Of course, Zeus was top dog on Olympos because he was the biggest, baddest, and toughest of a fairly big host of divine beings.  Aside from that, he's kinda petty, and not all that great at actually doing beaureaucratic work.  I mean, even the folks who venerated him didn't really call him a people person.  The aliens will be stopped, but how much of that funding will make it through unscathed?  Against him we have Lightning who recently got knocked out for obsticle course failure.  Or, more accurately, for getting paired with an obsticle course failure.  She too is a leader, even if it's much smaller scale than Zeus.  However, she's much more detail oriented and way better at dealing with people as well as being practacle in her goals than Zeus.  Besides, this time it'll be interesting to see how she does at saving the world with beareaucracy.

Event 75: The Hundred Meter Dash
The hundred metre dash is pretty much the human equivalent of 0-60 for cars.  It's about how fast can you start, and how well can you keep it up over a short period of time.  Simple event, simple description.

Erim may be a goddess, but that didn't stop her from being taken out early when she failed to stop Instrumentality from happening.  Now she's back, and while she's never been much of a physical powerhouse, she is divinely powered and that should count for something.  Michael Carpenter was also knocked out first round, though now he's back into his wheelhouse.  He may just be a human, but he's peak condition human that's used to tearing around battlefields while lugging plate armour and a greatsword, and that's ignoring his day job as, well, as a carpenter.

Event 76: Duel
This event is also simple.  We've got an arena, two combatants enter, one fight leaves. 

Rita Mordio is a member of Brave Vesperia and a mage.  That's really all I know about her, but she's an rpg character, so you know she's baseline competant for mayhem.  Against her we have the one contestant who is not a returning member, but is instead brand new for this redemption week!  Aquaman!  Yup, dude shows up, Hatbot throws in the event that is made for him!  And...  he doesn't get it.  But, he is a member of the justice league!  That counts for something, right?

Event 77: Figuring Out How to Use Unknown Technology
Here's a piece of tech, you got no clue what it really is, or how to use it.  But the situation is looking pretty bad, grim even, and if you don't figure out how to use it, then the day ain't gonna be saved.  This even is about figuring out how to use that piece of tech, and whoever can do so first, wins.

Lakitu was doing great, and then he found himself on the wrong side of a fight from a Goddess and got knocked out.  Now he's up to showing what he can do with science.  Of course, while he does use some high tech stuff for his MKTV network, does he actually ever get shown as a scientific genius?  Against him we have Mohandas Ghandi who got knocked out for being stuck in a beauty contest with a vampire.  Which, really, isn't a knock, since Vampires are the sexy corpses.  Now he's got to show off that he's got a sharp mind, but he also comes into this with the fact that one of the big things you do in Civ is figure out how stuff works.  I mean, tech research is huge, and if you don't do it, you lose.  Of course, how long it takes to research stuff is a touch of an issue, so while he can do it, can he do it faster than Lakitu?

Event 78: Elvis Impersonation
In this event, we hail to the king, baby.  Yup, it's Elvis time!  And whoever can rock his jeans melting style the best can claim victory and return to the Rando Tourney!

Vin may have lost out because she wasn't enough of a man, but can she get back in by being the King?  While the Elvis style isn't hers, she has done acting and deep cover infiltration before, and I'm sure she's ready to show how she can overcome any challenge.  Against her, well...  Bowser's got a bone to pick, after the shame of being taken out in the first round over something as lame as Jogurt Herding.  But he can dig being the King, y'see.  And since he's got no problem with the neon style or being the biggest, baddest, ego in the room, the King of all Koopas is gonna show the Rando Tourney just how to rock it in some blue suede shoes.

Quick Vote Form:

Event 71: Causing the Zombie Apocalypse
Don Cherry vs. Arcanine (Pokemon)

Event 72: Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues
Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones) vs. Princess Leia (Star Wars)

Event 73: Talking to Fish
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) vs. Vegeta (DBZ)

Event 74: XCOM Budget Limbo
Zeus (Mythology) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII)

Event 75: The Hundred Meter Dash
Erim (Lufias) vs. Michael Carpenter (Dresden Files)

Event 76: Duel
Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia) vs. Aquaman (Aquaman)

Event 77: Figuring Out How to Use Unknown Technology
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series)

Event 78: Elvis Impersonation
Vin Venture (Mistborn) vs. Bowser

Forum Games / Re: Interest in Diplomacy?
« on: December 11, 2014, 09:26:44 AM »
Knew I should have double checked the rules.  That said, yeah.  It has rules for variable numbers of players, which is good

Forum Games / Interest in Diplomacy?
« on: December 11, 2014, 08:00:45 AM »
I've heard this mentioned a few times in chat, but, I'm actually curious.  Is there interest in a play by e-mail, or forum messages, DL Diplomacy game?

Way the game works is simple.  You play one of six great powers in Europe, and you're trying to take over half of the supply centers in Europe (basically, important provinces) by using your army.  The catch, there is no luck.  You win only by bringing in superior force, or hitting where there is no opposition.  And, given that all armies/navies hit the same, and no one has any advantage, you can only win by convincing other people that they want to help you, typically by making deals.  The art of the game is in knowing which deals to keep, and which deals to break, and when to plant the dagger.  This is helped out by there being a period of negotiation before each move, and then all of the orders are handed in so that the moves can be implemented simultaneously.

Looking for seven players, and while I'm sure we all trust each other out of game, perhaps an eighth person to take the order e-mails and either implement, or post the moves would be helpful.  In addition, rules can be read here.

1. Excal - Austria-Hungary
2. Snowfire - France
3. Sir Alex - Russia
4. Andrew - Turkey
5. Carthrat - England
6. Mage  - Germany

Now including a map of the starting condition.

Discussion / Re: Thoughts on gamergate
« on: December 07, 2014, 10:25:21 PM »
I just love the whole "Someone has to speak up for the fans!!!" part.  Because no one else would ever dare to criticize Bioware.  I mean, I remember when ME3 came out, there were all these people who wanted to say something, but vocally disagreeing with Bioware?  Never!

On a side note, it seems that a charity for disabled gamers decided they did not want money from GG.  GG responds with a DDoS attack and mass rage.

Discussion / Re: Thoughts on gamergate
« on: December 07, 2014, 12:31:20 AM »
I kinda like the debate as to whether he simply has one skull that he moves all over the place, or simply has a skull for every room in his house.

Tournaments / Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 4
« on: December 02, 2014, 08:28:08 AM »
Quick Vote Form

Event 65: Bar Fight
Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Gai Daigouji (Martian Successor Nadesco)
Yeah...  I can totally see a GEKIGAN-CHAIR! attack coming from Gai.

Event 66: Master Baiting
Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood) vs. Scrooge McDuck (Disney)

Event 67: Directing a Movie
Citan Uzuki (Xenogears) vs. Anna (FE Series)
I was leaning Anna until Snowfire mentioned the giant martial arts robot angle.  Hell, explosions also sell, and he can get some pretty spectacular explosions just by letting Bart do his thing and hoping some camera crews survive and then working some plot explaination for why that explosion happened afterwards.

Event 68: Rocket Jumping Obsticle Course
Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius) vs. Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (The Simpsons)
As per usual, Wile E.'s plan is perfect.  However, all of the rockets he uses seem to be duds.  He spends the entire time trying to get them to work until finally, Apu wins.  As Wile E. starts to stalk off, frustrated at his loss, is when they all go off.

Event 69: Popularity Contest
Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist) vs. Spider-Man (Spider Man)
Next time, I really need to add one in for who's more popular in universe instead of this one where it's just vote for who you like more. 

Granted, that other one would lead to a total stomping, as Roy is a guy who staged a coup against a popular government and came out MORE popular than before while his co-conspirators basically shot down their own political careers.  Meanwhile, Spider Man is the guy who has the head of a major newspaper determined to ruin him, and the public always seems to be waffling on whether or not it likes him.

Event 70: Fansubbing Anime (For Awesomeness)
Pevara Tazanohvi (Wheel of Time) vs. Stocke (Radiant Historia)
Snarkier (barely) and less knowledgeable.

Pairs Event 11: Twin Obstacle Course
{Palutena (KI:U)/Darkwing Duck} vs. {Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)/Lightning Farron (FFXIII)}
This really comes down to DD vs. Gaston.  And as much as I like DD, Gaston was able to fight a beast one and a half times his size on a rooftop in the rain, and almost won.  Dude has strength and agility enough to ace this course.

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