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Messages - Corwin

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Forum Games / Re: Ayreon Mafia - signup topic.
« on: February 11, 2008, 09:07:28 AM »
 :) ;-) :D ;D >:( :( :o 8-) ??? ::) :P :-[ :-X :-\ :-* :'(

Forum Games / Re: Ayreon Mafia - signup topic.
« on: February 11, 2008, 08:58:05 AM »
Oh noes Rat is scum again, how unlikely!

Forum Games / Re: Ayreon Mafia - signup topic.
« on: February 11, 2008, 08:52:43 AM »
Can I be scum with Rat?

Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 10, 2008, 05:12:13 PM »
I wish I could say I was surprised just about everything.

##Unvote: VanillaTownie
##Vote: Yakufather

I'll play/sub/whatever if I'm not alive in any other mafia game when you start, and you need the players?

Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 10, 2008, 04:49:50 PM »
It's awesome that you respond to a specific, single line out of all I've written with an answer that I consider debatable rather than clear-cut. Regardless. Alex's plan seems to be to win via mass roleclaiming, and basically catching scum as they slip up, while also relying on a block of reasonably-confirmed townies.

Roleclaim, Dear, please~

Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 10, 2008, 09:57:11 AM »
Just noticed this on a reread:

Ciatos simply don't like frivilously voting on people. I think it undermines the value of your vote. So when I do vote for someone, I mean business. Disagree with this philosophy if you like, but I can't say I have any inclination to change it.

Ah, right. Gutvote on smodge in WoW day 1 ring any bells?

##Vote: Ciato

We might as well go the Prince's route. Roleclaim.

Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 10, 2008, 09:03:36 AM »
Smoge, I never said Assamites as a whole were on the Camarilla's side, just that I was an Assamite and the Senechal is paying me to kill the Sabbat bitches so I'm happy to be included in the town.

Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 10, 2008, 09:01:19 AM »
On Ciato. Consider this an OMGUS without the actual vote, if you want, but reading through your case on me at the end of which you choose to vote me, I see a lot of misrepresentation if not outright lies.

-first post, he immediately attacks Otter for questioning the Prince because he needed -two- posts to have things explained

No, for seeking clarifications over things already clearly clarified. It was odd, it was beginning of day 1, Rat actually agreed with me on this one.

-argues with Rat about counting the anon vote, which I just find... really really weird, especially since I strongly suspect it is a scum vote

No, it was one example out of several for how Rat was changing the rules, making him look more like the third party VSM was alerting us about.

-embraces, much like Andrew, this stance: On Cid and the roleclaim. "I agree with Otter that letting go of the end-of-day lurker lynch to test Cid's claim is the better option for us."

Which I later explained by thinking Cid was scum, lacking proof, and hoping to catch him in a lie.

-votes for Alex in ths post too

Okay... this actually happened, but so what? Alex was acting scummy, and contradicting himself horribly. He also didn't seem to think he was in the lead despite being tied with Cid. As Rat hadn't been confirmed as Town at the time, he could well have been working together with him as some kind of third party, which would explain why Alex didn't feel pressured enough to roleclaim but instead asked for a 16 hour delay if he were about to be lynched.

-attacks Excal for talking in scum POV, and then votes for him for the reason of "I don't like how he votes for CPU's replacement.". He seems to be trying to put heat on Yakko instead.

Yes on the first part, what on the second. I didn't see Yakumo as any better or worse choice than Drac. I believed that they were hardly 'lurkers' due to their situation, and wanted to give them more time to prove/hang themselves. Content-wise, Yakumo posted a lot but with little content, and I took issue with him trying to use that lack of content but posted generously as something to set him apart from Drac.

-At the beginning of Day 2-2, he talks about Shale being a weird scum kill. Maybe trying to cover up the actual kill being eliminated? I'm not sure on this one at all.

It's not weird, then? Whatever.

-quizzes Alex a bit on the confirmation

I hope my roleclaim explains why I was so, err, interested.

-votes to Daykill Andrew after several others do

Again, how is that something wrong? I stated from the start of the day I was waiting on Excal's results, as soon as I saw them the path was clear.

Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 10, 2008, 08:28:29 AM »
Okay. So Alex confirmed usage of a dayvig. Previous dayvig was Town. If Alex is ITP or Scum I will hate the mod forever, so....

Alex. I still don't know why you're fishing for roleclaims. The only possible reason I can come up with is that you intend to win this quickly and decisively via roles bullshit. But hey, why not? Worked for Suiko.

You might have been fishing, but in that case, you hit the nail right on its head. While I received no PMs altering my role, it is indeed one that was stated from the start to only kick in today, since I was supposed to have spent the first night familiarizing myself with the area. I'm an outsider, apparently, subcontracted by the Camarilla to avenge the ex(-ex)-Prince and destroy all of its enemies, be they third party or scum. After seeking clarifications, I received an answer that despite being an Assamite (sorry, my VtM knowledge is spotty, I only know the basics and don't recall that one), I indeed win with the town. The reason I sought this clarification to begin with was because the flavor text seemed to suggest I was either a third party aligned with town or secret miller or some other kind of bullshit which necessitates me to remain hidden.

So, even if I get NK'd tonight, I will still have my shot of Vig to use. I will obviously not say who will be the exact target (ITP bomb? Scum could have doc or bulletproof for all we know), but town is free to pick a few for me.

And no, since I couldn't act night 1, Shale wasn't done in by me.

In any case. I don't want Alex to waste his time looking at my shifty self. Why haven't I participated as much so far? Maybe because I actually have a town role that matters, maybe because Fri-Sat is the weekend here and Sunday I'm at work, maybe because playing in two games is taxing and WoW only ended yesterday. Take your pick.

Now that I've claimed as fully as Alex expected (and with as much flavor as I can without getting modkilled for it), I want to ask Alex why he forced me to do this.

Forum Games / Re: World of Warcraft Mafia - Main Topic
« on: February 09, 2008, 09:58:55 PM »
Yes, it wouldn't have worked, I disagree with smodge. Plus, you know, that would defeat the purpose of C9.  >_>

Forum Games / Re: World of Warcraft Mafia - Main Topic
« on: February 09, 2008, 09:43:20 PM »
You solidly handed us the win, you really shouldn't.  :/

Forum Games / Re: World of Warcraft Mafia - Main Topic
« on: February 09, 2008, 09:19:59 PM »
There could be an argument against Rat and his horrible flip-flopping day 2, but it was more fun this way.

Forum Games / Re: World of Warcraft Mafia - Main Topic
« on: February 09, 2008, 08:22:04 PM »
Yeah, you gave away that you were cop with that response to me about learning from being cop in Touhou. We were going to kill you night 2 for it, but you'd gone and gotten yourself lynched, so yeah.

I still think LD acted pretty scummily, especially with the last moment vote on... me of all people. Not on QR who you suspected, to save Tom whom you believed. Without Tom around I would've pushed on the lynch with you.

Forum Games / Re: World of Warcraft Mafia - Main Topic
« on: February 09, 2008, 07:42:37 PM »
You probably wouldn't have, but who knows? The game was fun, but the 24 hour days made me sad. I was never lurking but I keep on being accused of it. Low content is fine, but I really couldn't make the hammertimes since they happened at like 2am.  :/

Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 09, 2008, 07:03:09 PM »
Andrew looks scummy, his roleclaim could well be true but he STILL is likely to be scummy even with it, it checks both Alex's and Excal's claims....

Yeah, he's the one I'd be voting for if Alex didn't ask that we don't do that to avoid shadow hammer or whatever. So, different format it is. ##Dayvig: Andrew

Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 09, 2008, 02:25:22 PM »
I see. Since that might take ages, we might as well debate other things. You paint QR with the same brush you used for smodge. Did that opinion change as well?

Forum Games / Re: World of Warcraft Mafia - Main Topic
« on: February 09, 2008, 01:40:14 PM »
Agreed. ##Vote: EvilTom

Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 09, 2008, 01:20:19 PM »
Ah, yes, Alex. You mentioned smodge leaning towards town due to assumptions about setup. Can you clarify that, please?

Forum Games / Re: World of Warcraft Mafia - Main Topic
« on: February 09, 2008, 12:37:52 PM »
Tom's right about smodge going from "You're the last one I'd suspect" to "You are the scum!" being terribly suspicious. He mentions OMGUS, which is probably true, but that would actually lessen the scumminess and draw things towards bad play territory. And WHAT. Why is everyone voting off the bat during LYLO, oh the hate.

Tom's reasoning of Rat fingering smodge, however, is faulty. Smodge reasoning that Rat was gunning for Tom... is likewise faulty, given he even quotes Rat switching his vote from Tom to QR. Given pure numbers, it's likely one of them is scum. I sincerely hope they're not both scum engaging in a crazy staged fight, because that's likely to cost us the game.

Tom! This is what you said:

Something else I've noticed is that with all Smodge's long summaries, they're not very useful. They seem to gloss over certain areas, and inflate other ones.

Can you give a few examples for this that jumped at you? I don't mean the lack of usefulness, I've come to expect that from smodge, but the inflating/glossing over part.

Forum Games / Re: World of Warcraft Mafia - Main Topic
« on: February 09, 2008, 09:55:08 AM »
If you ignore I commented on Alex and QR looking the same way the always do, and that I preferred to watch Rat until a later time when I'd be able to make a call about him. Argh lurker whatever I have no words.

Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 09, 2008, 09:46:09 AM »
Well, then. Nice job on the lurker lynch front, this certainly reminded me why lurkers make a good day 1 lynch. Shale's death is... strange. He seemed to stay to the shadows more than most of us. Weird.

So. We have a claimed cop and a claimed Prince 2.0. Let's hear whom Excal investigated, and debate who will get dayvigged!

Forum Games / Re: World of Warcraft Mafia - Main Topic
« on: February 09, 2008, 09:09:49 AM »
LD: Because I don't like agreeing with people who look scummy, yet people who always look scummy and end up flipping the other way lead to my confusion. I like to have other options. Smodge and Tom were feeling the pressure, you weren't, and someone had to seek an accounting from you for looking shifty. I also hardly called a crusade on you, and asked others to weigh in. Looking at your reasoning, it's still hard to see it as much beyond an OMGUS. Why? Because you quoted QR partially, and that paragraph started out with:

Now, the constant corraling back to LD I can see two ways.  Looking at you for town, it's a very good idea to get people to stop waffling and pick a flipping target.  Vote them, debate them, convince others, lynch them and move on.  So, as a townie move, I can see the logic.

In any case, I still have much I don't like about you. First, after Rat called on you to vote and decide, you show up at the last minute... and don't make a decisive vote. This is even more grating because you said QR and myself were both suspicious to you, while Tom isn't... ether QR or Tom are about to get lynched, and if there's a tie, perhaps due to Hatbot's choice. And what do you do? Effectively waste your vote. Let me reiterate. You are saying QR and myself look scummy. You're saying Tom isn't looking scummy at all. And... you don't use your last minute vote to save the person who doesn't look scummy by voting a person who does, to you, and tipping the scales.

Your own answer to my suspicions is... eh. I can understand being defensive, but you're being outright fatalistic. "Had I done that other thing you suggested I should've done which would have lessened suspicion on me, it would've actually increased it!" Err, no, you would've looked less suspicious. I said as much. You're supposed to use your vote, if only to pressure people you want to hear from (except in specific cases such as LYLO, say, or when there's a clear target). The whole "I don't remember anymore" bit doesn't work for me. My posts, which you have presumably read to answer my concerns, provided links to your own posts. If you don't remember what you've written about me, you can always follow those links back.

QR: Hadn't really looked all that scummy to me in the time I was around, except for a weirdness due to the way we kept agreeing. That made me wary of her, but I likely would've voted Tom over her when the time came. He roleclaimed vanilla. In a C9 game. What. So yeah.

Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 08, 2008, 04:54:51 PM »
Ah, I see.

Shale, I don't see you voting for anyone. Who would be your lynch candidate for day 1, if you had to decide at this time?

Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 08, 2008, 04:36:25 PM »
Now that I think about it, QR, wouldn't Cid himself be a better target than a lurker? If he's indeed lying, we lynch him and don't have to wait for the next day to lynch him for lying.

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