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Messages - Mr. Miyagi

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 11:12:12 PM »
Sort of raised my hackles from the very beginning with this weird attack on Flanders. I still don’t fucking get it, man. You’re so anti-fucking-joke-vote, so you choose to pick on the guy who’s not making joke votes just because he didn’t preface it by saying “hey I don’t feel a need to joke vote so that’s why I’m not joke voting.” If that’s seeming a little rambling it’s only because I’m doing my best to recreate the soul of Miyagi’s tortured fucking logic.

Not to mention that from the very beginning here he’s going after Khan for -- and hey, Miyagi himself says it’s got no joke-ness in it -- weird reasons. Day 1 discussions have been jumpstarted in similar ways before (Khan discarded his initial joke-vote and essentially made another), and whether or not that (admittedly sort of fucking weak) attempt to spur discussion is scummy or townie is at heart a big fucking load of WIFOM.

Miyagi point with Ned was not Ned not voting: It was Ned point finger but not place vote. Say person is suspicious, but not vote for suspicious person. Miyagi not find offense too strong, so Miyagi not vote for Ned then.

This post I can pretty much follow, even though the shit he directs at Ned comes across as a little OMGUS, you know? What’s really the fucking crux of this post, I think, is his eventual vote for Elizabeth and the… you know, the fucking justification thereof. She’s a lurker. We can all get behind that to a certain extent, I think.

Miyagi vote Elizabeth not because lurker. Miyagi not believe lurker strong reason for lynch. Miyagi vote Elizabeth because Elizabeth come in during discussion, then ignore discussion and only vote on Ned with little reasoning. Miyagi want Elizabeth comment on relevant discussion then: Not pressure voting. When others so much pressure voting, and Elizabeth not appearing, Miyagi concern grow away from she who not there to he who there.

Meaning, I think, that if she shows up with some sort of defense (to which I’ve got to ask, any defense at all, man?) she’s no longer a lurker and no longer worthy of the lynch. But… man, his reason for voting Ned seems to be Ned’s predilection for voting lurkers. Meaning that Miyagi’s fucking invalidating his whole thing against the Queen from before. Am I crazy, or do other people see this? His whole tac just strikes me as having to bend the fuck over backwards in order to accuse people he necessarily knows are innocent. Since he’s, you know, probably a fucking planet eater asshole.

Miyagi vote on Ned explained in post:

Quote from: Miyagi
Miyagi want people open eye: Ned-san saying to Queen his content good, but Ned-san done nothing but talk of "lurkers", and say little of Crow-san, Khan-san or even Queen-san, when enough could be said of them. Elizabeth-san need speak more, yes, but Miyagi more worried with Speak Lots, Say Little.

More to the point, I can't reconcile the two. Miyagi ends one post with the first quote, and starts his next post with the second. Queeny hasn't posted in that period. So his case on her suspicious behavior and lurking is only stronger with time, right?

Miyagi problem with Elizabeth because she say nothing of relevant. Not because she not there.

I see an attempt on Flanders's behalf to deal with the criticism leveled towards him and to continue with his stated attempt to target lurkers for prodding. The link he uses in his case to justify the vote on Flanders is from a post made well before Miyagi's first post, at which time he went after the Queen instead.

In light of the above, I don't buy it. What, it just came to his attention all of a sudden, like one of those epiphanies? Nothing in the vote-post implies the opinion was recent, as I read it.

Ned still no comment on relevant case. Is much worse than Elizabeth, who may overlooking when posting quick. Ned just showing apathy for problem we discuss. Miyagi felt important Ned also comment on it, instead of spend Day 1 only prod lurker and do nothing else. Not can read someone action if only prod lurker and not comment on discussion.

Miyagi still wanting Khan-san respond.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 02:44:32 PM »
Miyagi open with statement: Is poor to have lost two innocent souls. Yet, now comes easier find real culprits, from look at conversation.

Serling-san say he want pursue other case this day, but Serling-san now dead. Is important we try see who he want pursue. Is important, too, look at Ned actions, though Ned more attack lurker for be lurker, not attack town for look scum.

Miyagi thinking something wrong with Khan-san. Declare he want drop hammer, then contradict self and get sudden death, then declare he want drop hammer but, in end, back down for Excel-san to drop hammer. For all that Khan-san saying during sudden death, little of Khan-san words have value. He Speak Lots but Say Little.

Graver matter. Khan-san saying when return he needs choose between Elizabeth and Ned. Saying he believe he will be surprise if not anti-Queen. Yet Khan anti-Queen when convince by Serling-san and Yangus-san. Khan-san never have stated own belief for why Ned-san should lynch, only believing what others saying, Miyagi this finding very dangerous. Never knowing who is scum, never should trusting and swaying by others easily. Especially not near end of day.

Khan-san recover little by contradict self and deadlock for more time to think. Miyagi review opinion and change: now can see merit of this. Yet, Khan-san not stating reasons for vote Ned in end, except say he now having enough from Elizabeth for tie her down.

Miyagi thinking Khan-san not have given reason for voting Ned explicitly, say only convinced by others first, then not sure, then end with still not sure and, in end, not deliver hammer as promise. Why? Miyagi not know, yet want know. Khan-san, answers please.

##VOTE: Khan

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 09:15:30 PM »
Miyagi not believe Queen Elizabeth-san best choice if speak up. Want this known.

Ned-san response to Miyagi question: for now is enough. Miyagi still wonder why Ned-san thinking vote on Miyagi then was 'pressure vote', but willing attribute for now to Day 1.

Khan-san say Miyagi first speech 'disturbing'. Miyagi want know, "Why?" Cannot work with accusations if not laid open on table. Closed box cannot be seen inside: thus, must open box for all to see what inside. When seeking planet eaters, Miyagi thinking best we not hide thoughts from others.

Miyagi problem with Ned-san not only for break tradition. Miyagi problem with Ned-san for point fingers, yet place no vote. In post after Miyagi, Ned-san pointing finger at Khan, yet no placing vote. Is like telling someone is crook, but not want arrest crook.

Miyagi more have problem with Ned-san for inattention. Ned-san saying he having problem how "I'm not liking too much that the two quiet guys casually voted for Khan", again not pay attention to Serling's vote for Khan being jokevote.

Then proceed vote for Miyagi, say Miyagi too quiet. That Miyagi have one vote, not enough pressure, when vote on Miyagi was joke too.

This all making Miyagi more worried of Ned-san. Queen Elizabeth-san not talkative, but more worried of much speak but say nothing than say nothing at all. ##UNVOTE: Elizabeth

##VOTE: Ned Flanders

Miyagi want people open eye: Ned-san saying to Queen his content good, but Ned-san done nothing but talk of "lurkers", and say little of Crow-san, Khan-san or even Queen-san, when enough could be said of them. Elizabeth-san need speak more, yes, but Miyagi more worried with Speak Lots, Say Little.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 10:34:44 AM »
Miyagi is aware of contradiction in his actions. Miyagi believe discussion could be had from his stance, but sees other issues arise.

##UNVOTE: Khan

Miyagi wonder why Ned-san 'pressure vote' on Miyagi. Even wonder why Ned-san say two vote harder pressure: one no pressure vote, is joke. Is why Miyagi not approve jokevote phase.

Miyagi curious why Ned-san say not want vote first, then worried others not have looked at those that do not speak much on Day 1 and vote. Speak but say nothing graver offense than say nothing at all. Why Ned-san draw attention away from relevant and to lurkers? Why Ned-san choose Miyagi, and not Excel-san or Serling-san? Ned-san should answer these questions, Miyagi wish for answers. Answers of truth strong weapon against lies.

Miyagi agree Death-san pushing argument that not here or there. Inclarity only sow confusion, confusion sow discord, discord sow chaos. Death-san too one-sighted. What defense Crow-san should have? Vote on him not for accusation, but discussion. Little defense Crow-san could lend, yet Death too eager for this. What Death-san would done if vote had been Death-san? Cannot defend from nothing.

Most concern Miyagi have with Queen.

##VOTE: Elizabeth

Why Queen not giving input? Much talk, many words. Miyagi see many things, hear many things, yet Queen either not seeing or hearing, or pretending not can see or hear. Why this?

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 21, 2008, 02:25:18 PM »
Miyagi not approve of wild accusations. Calm mind in healthy body. Miyagi not participate with joke votes. Time for joke votes over, now time for action.

The Khan is deceptive. Claims he has gifted us with discussion, yet has given nothing.

Ned Flanders also not have placed vote when voting jokes traditional. Has not announced distaste or non-participation with jokevote phase, earns good look from Miyagi. Miyagi wisdom can see evil at glance.

However, more pressing the Khan. Has not gifted with discussion. Miyagi wants know why he thinking so.

##VOTE: Khan

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Day 4: A new hope
« on: September 20, 2008, 01:42:30 PM »
Final boss, it is you who started the WIFOM with your claims of "If I was scum I'd have done this."  John Freeman was merely refuting them, and pointing out that should one wish to engage in such arguments at all, they actually bend the other way. 

John Freeman also finds it very o_O that you claim "We can't know what the scum are thinking, it's discomforting to base cases on that!"  Figuring out what the scum are thinking and doing is kind of the point of the game, and, yknow, what cases are based on.  And being as small a game as this is, it shouldn't be troublesome for anyone to put themselves in scum shoes and figure out what's likely and what's not.  Obviously you know what scum are thinking because you are scum, but this is really a matter for Nimitz and the Terminator, whom I hope will have the sense to put themselves in both of our shoes and think about possibilities and scum actions rather than blindly trust a role as you now seem to advocate.

John Freeman made his case on Terminator because John Freeman knows John Freeman is town and therefore knew that your result would implicate Terminator anyhow, either truthfully or lying if you were scum.  John Freeman admittedly overlooked the possibility that you would be scum and fakeclaim against John Freeman, but as John Freeman had already been thinking about Terminator all game John Freeman did not see a point in waiting to speak his thoughts.

If you had somehow gotten lynched and flipped scum after accusing Rincewind of lying, it would have very easily cleared Rincewind enough to bring in a win for him.  With John Freeman making a case on the Terminator and cases to be made back on John Freeman, who's going to vote for the guy scum failed a fakeclaim against?  Obviously bussing is a possibility, but not one anybody would buy into.

John Freeman also wishes to state that had he been scum in this game, he would have had the balls to claim real cop.  :(  (This is a joke not a serious argument put away the WIFOM hammer and lighten up oh god)

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Day 4: A new hope
« on: September 20, 2008, 01:03:24 PM »
"Try to lynch town" yesterday?  Except that the backup case folks have pursued all game has been... Gandalf.  Looking back on day 3, he didn't really chime in with anything, just hung back and waited for the mass claim to play out.  Very clever choice of what to claim - tracker's not quite a cop, so there's a minimal risk of a counterclaim, but by hanging back that long he got to more or less fakeclaim cop and reap the benefits of "Yeah I saw Rincewind!" once Rincewind started to come under heavy fire anyway.

As far as the line of argument goes, look at the situation from scum's knowledge - scum knew at the beginning of day 3 that they attempted to NK Nimitz and it failed.  They knew, therefore, that in all likelyhood there was going to be a doc claiming and confirming Nimitz.  Note Rincewind's pre-claims post and suspicion list.  Nimitz is carefully listed as neutral, Terminator as townie (since no one but crazy John Freeman would buy his lynch), Jabba is up at the top and John Freeman is next with Gandalf lower than both (despite Rince having been on his case all game).  Plan A and Plan B, and scum only need to get one of them lynched to win.

So Plan A claims doc, Jabba's no good.  With Nimitz alive, there's no way to take it to 3 man and convince John Freeman to take out the Terminator.  John Freeman therefore has to be the winning lynch for the final boss.  Rincewind immediately comes under heavy fire.  Gandalf still has that lingering trust issue.

Does the final boss Gandalf try to make a claim he saw John Freeman and push to lynch Freeman right then, alongside the Rincewind case and lingering suspicion on himself? Risking that town will not believe him (since John Freeman, previously Gandalf's biggest ally, sure won't)?   Or does the final boss play it safe, claim to have seen Rincewind, gain trust for an accurate result, and then step on John Freeman the next day?

John Freeman is aware this logic does not clear himself in any way (in fact it can all be applied to John Freeman in reverse), but Final Boss Gandalf's "If I was scum I'd have gone for the quick win instead of gaining trust for my fakeclaim" gun does not hold any bullets and John Freeman is at a loss to why he would claim that as his defense.


John Freeman would like to point out again Rincewind's lack of any effort at all in trying to rebut Gandalf's result.  With most of town having trust issues with Gandalf anyhow, if Gandalf was town it couldn't have hurt scum to at least try to refute him and hope a couple of people bite.  Especially, again, if John Freeman had been scum with Rincewind and could have joined on and said "I don't really trust Gandalf."  THAT would have been a relatively easy route towards a scum win, had John Freeman been scum.


Of particular note is that Gandalf used the exact same "Hey guys if I was scum I'd lynch town today and WIN!" line yesterday in an effort to spur doubt about himself and the Rincewind lynch!  This came off at the time as just LYLO nervousness, but in hindsight slash just thinking clearly, Gandalf himself is the one claiming to have caught Rincewind in a lie - why is he nervous at all and not the person most of all going "Yeah this is open and shut" (and voting Rincewind immediately upon seeing his vanilla claim, for that matter)?  Rather than Rincewind being the one trying to get people off Rincewind....  if people bite either way, and do turn on Gandalf, then Rincewind gets the credit for having been falsely accused by the lying scum. 

John Freeman unfortunately has to sleep soon and won't be available for some hours.  John Freeman... has pretty much said all he can think of to say here, though.  John Freeman apologizes for the length of this post, and for being disinclined to keep up the RP much in it.  John Freeman hopes people can understand the circumstances. 

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Day 4: A new hope
« on: September 20, 2008, 01:28:44 AM »
The laughed overed quickly though because John Freeman yelled "LOOK OUT BRO!" and pointed up to the top of the sky. The Terminator looked up and said "NOO! John Freeman run out of here fast as you can!" and John Freeman walked real fast out.

John Freeman loked back and saw town get steppd on by the next boss and he was mad and angry.

Nice job on that fakeclaim, by the way, and nice job on this setup.  A miller and godfather with no investigative roles whatsoever, in fact no town roles but doctor and nurse?  Harsh, but I guess we needed a game like this to teach people about making assumptions.

Anyway, it looks like John Freeman's paranoia got the best of him on that one.  Apologies to Terminator - everything he said about metagaming is completely right.  John Freeman really must stop letting his nerves get to him.

John Freeman played the beginning of this game laxer than he should have, mostly because it was so trainwrecky and the 48 hour no lynch deadlines on Australia schedule made it impossible to turn things around in time.  His day 1 vote was kept on because why not, Jabba seemed lurky, and John Freeman wasn't willing to vote for the clear idiot town.   John Freeman discussed day 2 earlier - Mace Windu got angry and then seemingly abandoned the game, and John Freeman literally could not move his vote away from that legit case because it would threaten a no lynch.  John Freeman will point to his questioning of whether people were willing to move in his defense.

John Freeman was too easily taken in by Gandalf's chill attitude, and later by his logical sounding roleclaim, to ever suspect him much.  Through days 2 and 3 (where applicable), Jabba, Nimitz, Rincewind and Mace Windu were all in a blur of "pretty lurky" to John Freeman.  Rincewind flew under the radar the most due to Nimitz's absence, Jabba being John Freeman's more or less random day 1 pick, and Mace Windu's anger.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Day 4: A new hope
« on: September 20, 2008, 01:14:32 AM »
##Unvote: Terminator
##Vote: Gandalf

I could be completely wrong and Gandalf is scum and will turn his fakeclaim to me for the lynch. 

Well then.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Day 4: A new hope
« on: September 19, 2008, 03:10:34 PM »
its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my town to defeat the enemys.

Nimitz is confirmed.  That leaves John Freeman with the debate between Gandalf and the Terminator.

On the flip side of the death flips Gandalf and Rincewind had a lot of back and forth talking throughout the game and Rincewind was on Gandalf's case pretty seriously.  Not to the point where john freeman would claim it totally clears him but john freeman things that scum talking to each other less is more probable than scum talking to each other more.  Rincewinds only acknowledgment of the Terminator is "townie read all the way" and that fits with john freeman's suspicion of him. 

The Terminator has been ringing very subtle alarm bells for john freeman all game.  John Freeman has mentioned them several times already.  He has gotten a pass from everyone else for using good, logical sounding townie arguments, but in fact they are only logical sounding and do not really help to find scum.  it was easy to see master wookie was stupid but that didnt mean master wookie was scum.  mace windu same deal - hard to argue with lynching someone who behaves that way (and admittedly John Freeman was down with Windu as well). 

John Freeman read the game "Half-Life 1: Anonymafia with Klingons and Yoda" and the final boss Cid won it.  John Freeman gets the same vibe here about the Terminator.  Even with all that, John Freeman is not convinced, but between the two choices (for John Freeman) John Freeman believes the Terminator is the final boss and wants to fired his bullet from teh gun really fast and the bullets went and shot the final boss in the eyes and the final boss couldnt see.

Since there is 3 to lynch there should not be danger of zombie ghoast hammer so John Freeman will again put his money where his mouth is.

##Vote: Terminator

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 19, 2008, 12:02:03 AM »
At the risk of being accused of further me-tooism, John Freeman seconds everything the Terminator said.  If Rincewind were not zombie ghoast he would have offered more than a token "u r teh liar" at Gandalf.  Gandalf may also be headcrab zombie, but Rincewind sure isn't town.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 18, 2008, 08:43:34 AM »
John Freeman submits for posterity that the wizzard is lacking in analysis of what Gandalf lying would actually mean re: finding the other zombie ghoast, were it to be true.  Just in case people weren't convinced on who to trust on this one.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 18, 2008, 04:41:59 AM »
John Freeman is astonished by this information and now reevaluating.

John Freeman sees the following pairs possible in descending order of probability:
- Rincewind/Terminator
- Gandalf/Rincewind
- Nimitz/Jabba
- Gandalf/Terminator

John Freeman realizes that to all others he is now very suspect if roleclaims are believed.  I am prepared to face full life consequences.  (and to answer any questions)

For the time being John Freeman feels good about this:
##Vote: Rincewind

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 18, 2008, 04:03:32 AM »
Well, Jabba know a confirmed innocent he protected, and Gandalf knows... something?  John Freeman is basically waiting for information, since there is no point in voting without it.  John Freeman does not see what good withholding it does, for the obvious reasons Jabba stated.  If Gandalf is zombie ghoast he will not leave this place or make a claim about tracking Jabba that he couldn't back up.  On the other hand if Jabba is zombie ghoast (which is not likely since he explains why the birds are singing and the sun is shine) and Gandalf is town and tracked him, Jabba should claim first to be potentially disproved.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 18, 2008, 02:30:08 AM »
thanks you could help bro Jabba

But who did you protect? 

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 18, 2008, 02:00:56 AM »
John Freeman says "Zombie goasts leave this game" and the zombie goasts said "but this is our scum cabal" and John Freeman felt sorry for them becaus they couldnt live there anymore because they were zombie goasts.

So we must blew up the house and killed the zombie goasts so they were at piece.

John Freeman is vanilla townie has only wepon of discussion.

John Freeman believes Gandalf's tracker claim because it is like normal people close and is consistent with his behavior so far, not quite like an officer but pretty close.  John Freeman got this read on him earlier but did not want to say anything.  That is why John Freeman has been defending him.

Jabba the headcrab zombie has looked more like friendly headcrab zombie to John Freeman lately.  While still suspicious John Freeman believes the others are worse.

John Freeman is much suspicious of everyone else, although Rincewind has kind of pushed himself to the front with that last post.  He claims general lack of attention as a reason for Jabba, but also claims John Freeman has no worthwhile content.  John Freeman respectfully disagrees - you can say "you should come here earlier next time" since other people see the things John Freeman sees too, but John Freeman has been saying things and not understanding them indicates to John Freeman that it is Rincewind who is not paying attention.  Rincewind's other opinions are very token and do not show much thought.

Terminator is scary because he reminds John Freeman of the zombie ghoast tactic of making good logical cases against hapless townies who open themselves up.  However John Freeman would expect the Terminator to step on Nimitz now if that was the case or to join in on Gandalf. 

Nimitz still has not really done anything when it would be expected for someone in his position to put forth an effort.  John Freeman does not know if this is ghoastlike or not.

At this moment in time John Freeman would prefer to lynch Rincewind.  John Freeman seconds the notion that we can learn from claim of role now but John Freeman cautions against assumptions, like the one Nimitz seemed to make that there has to be a cop around.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 16, 2008, 01:08:57 AM »
John Freeman also thought that was odd for a second, but reread and found that the post was clearly a reply to Gandalf's "Fair Wizard Rincewind, ere I write of you, answer me a question, For what reason do you consider me a worthwhile candidate?"

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 15, 2008, 10:24:55 PM »
....... John Freeman does not know what to say about this game.

John Freeman wonders where his words have been unclear, save for light roleplaying which everyone has engaged in.  Ask John Freeman and he will clarify.  Also less RP from here on, okay.

John Freeman continues to feel strong townie vibes in every post Gandalf makes and thinks the case against him is trumped up.  John Freeman also has big vibes of suspicion from Terminator and Nimitz before even realizing they are the two on Gandalf.  However, John Freeman also does not feel good about Jabba, Windu or Rincewind, especially Windu for his attitude. 

John Freeman cannot know the proper course of action until the mod resolves the non-anonymous post but supports lynching either Windu or possibly turning to Nimitz.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 14, 2008, 09:28:15 PM »
John Freeman finds himself with awkward timing for this game.

John Freeman thinks the following people may be headcrab zombie:

Jabba - kinda cursory presence?
Nimitz - Just not enough information on him?
Terminator - Looks like Gordon Freeman but stepped on Master Wookie like the final boss.   John Freeman is wary of good logic applied to totally oblivious easy cases.
Mace Windu - John Freeman does not like his low presence, nor his angry response to votes on him.

When John Freeman thinks of Gandalf and Rincewind the contrysides were nice and the plants were singing and the birds and the sun was almost down from the top of the sky.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 14, 2008, 01:44:32 AM »
John Freeman had to go faster like the speed of sound and got there fast because Gordon needed him where he was. John Freeman looked at road signs and saw "Day 2" with someons writing under it saying "u shudnt come here" so John Freeman almost turned around but heard screaming like Gordon so he went faster again.

John Freeman drove in and did another flip n jumped off his motorbike and the motor bike took out some people who weren't participating much infront of John Freeman. John Freeman smiled and walked fast. John Freeman then looked on the ground and found wepon so he pickd it up and fired fast at zombie lurker goasts in front of a house.

##Vote: Mace Windu

Zombie goasts leave this place!  You not participate much!  John Freeman also has a bad feeling about Rincewind and no information on Nimitz.  John Freeman wishes people would not self hammer and ninja John Freeman's post he was going to make at end the of day 1.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 12:20:38 PM »
A mod car was hiden near by so when John Freeman went by the mods came and wanted to give him a ticket and modkill someone for inactivity ending the day. Here John Freeman saw the first monster because the mod was posessed and had headcrabs.

John Freeman does not like the day ending with no lynch!  John Freeman believes any lynch is better than none.  John Freeman is wonder where people are.  John Freeman goes by and gets a resistance feeling from Gandalf and would prefer other trains, but John Freeman feels time pressure.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 05:33:38 AM »
Agreeing with White Witch.  On day 1 we are late and have to drive and bandwagon someone really fast.
Symbolic transformation of jokevote to real vote on Jabba here.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 12, 2008, 10:12:41 PM »
*ramped off the building and does a backflip and landed.*   I will kept driving down the road and make sure there was no zombies around because I ddint have weapon.

Ahnuld is living up to his family name and being very attack and target switchy!  I like him.  But I do not know if it is good that he votes on something not in the game!
Jabba are still headcrab zombie.  Headcrab zombie must say more than one line for jokevote to come off.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 12, 2008, 03:09:26 AM »
I got an email from my brother that said that aliens and monsters were attacking his place and aksed me for help so I went.

##Vote: Jabba because he are headcrab zombie

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: June 02, 2008, 12:44:53 AM »
Worf. OMGUS.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

I admitted I did not consider a facet of the argument. I did admit this. I then demonstrated how it did not matter, because it inevitably descends back into more Princess Bride terminology, putting us back to square one.

I've found repeatedly that the best way to find to scum is to scrutinize their methods of argumentation. Failing to acknowledge counter-arguments, using hyperbolic argumentation, twisting and contorting argumentation and generally subverting the process of argumentation. You've done all of these. I've called you on them. And then you fall back under the protective banner of OMGUS.

OMGUS relies on someone making a counter-vote and attacking strictly based on the fact that you were voted on by someone. OMGUS relies on doing the exact opposite of what I've done. I've found legitimate fault with your argument. I have been suspicious of you because of the content of your argumentation against me, which I've felt is distinctly shoddy. My problem is not with you voting on me, but the reasoning behind your votes. It is the very foundation of Mafia. I feel there is a disjunct between the reality of the game and your presentation of the game. Ultimately, this is what scum would aim for. I see no reason for you to have argued the way you would have if you were town.

So. Hearing the arguments and the like, I'm not seeing anything that is going to dissuade me from thinking you are scum. Nothing. So. With other voices weighing in, I no longer feel there is anything to dissuade me from addressing this. If I'm right, we get one more clue to identify the last scum. If not, then the game is over.

##Vote: Worf

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