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Messages - Ned Flanders

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Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 14, 2008, 05:54:04 AM »
The witch's death is unfortunate as she provoked much of the first day's discussion and made many rational arguments. I will step up my attacks to compensate for this loss. At this time two individuals are most suspicious:

The first is Mace Windu. His reticence has been noted previously and his current defense is not helpful. One cannot be "too busy to try and start discussion" when his life is on the line. If Mace Windu feels there is little of substance to comment on then prodding with votes is a relatively simple way to remedy the situation. I suggest that he begin doing this instead of making ineffectual evasions.

My second suspect is Gandalf. Gandalf persisted in making jokes when others had realized that the time for this had passed. Gandalf attempted to defend himself on this point by stating that no serious discussion had taken place but this statement is in error. Classifying my vote for Rincewind as a jokevote is a mischaracterization. This vote was intended to provoke discussion and in conjunction with the White Witch's action this is what it accomplished. That Gandalf required the criticism of three individuals to address our crisis with due seriousness is only mildly suspicious. The wizard's true error is this: opposing the witch's bandwagon while providing no alternate course of action.

Informative discussion does not self-generate. The actions of the White Witch were the most useful for generating it on day one. Gandalf's objection to her methods is not suspicious by itself. However if he finds her tactics at fault then he is obliged to suggest an alternative and this he did not do. When pressed on this shortcoming by the White Witch herself in her last post the wizard failed to address the issue and instead changed the topic when he spoke next. Evasiveness is an indicator of guilt.

##VOTE: Gandalf

Analysis on the other survivors follows.

Jabba the Hutt: The Hutt criticized the witch in the same manner as Gandalf but explained himself better when pressed and commented on other matters as well. Level of suspicion is only moderate at this time.

John Freeman: Subject Freeman's posts are short and contain material that is commonly designated "fluff" but his level of suspicion is low in spite of these facts. The points he has made are sensible and consistent with my own observations.

Nimitz: I require more contribution from this entity. Of his three statements one was an introduction and another was a statement of his time constraints. We have only one post of substance with which to assess his intentions and this is alarming. Level of suspicion is moderate.

Rincewind: Mace Windu's assertion that Rincewind's Gandalf vote was a joke is inaccurate as Rincewind voted for Gandalf explicitly because the elder wizard persisted in making jokes. I require more contribution from this wizard as well but the points he has made are sensible. Level of suspicion is low.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 09:01:20 PM »
My suspicion of the wookie nears total confirmation. When pressed by three voters his response is flight and an assurance that he will return in a few hours. The useless nature of this statement is made apparent by the scant number of hours remaining in the day when the wookie made this claim. Furthermore if he truly is innocent then he is obliged to defend himself as this would prevent us from wasting time waiting for him. The day is nearing an end and we cannot afford to wait for someone who in all probability is stalling and hoping that the day will end without a lynch. I recommend that we monitor the time closely and terminate the wookie if he does not respond within a reasonable amount of time before the deadline.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 02:53:21 PM »
The witch's reasoning is sound. I do not support votes for her based on "arbitrary bandwagoning." If her intent was to immediately kill the target of her "bandwagon" then the criticism of Jabba would be warranted but I see no indication that this was the case. She wished to motivate discussion and her actions accomplished this.

I must also address another point raised by Jabba which states that I am trigger happy. There are numerous suspects and only by interacting with many of them can we gather the information needed for a productive lynch. When I switch targets I do so to acquire new information. I do not operate haphazardly.

However much I disagree with Jabba's arguments he is actively engaged in dialogue and disagreement alone is not cause for suspicion. Others in this group talk and say little at the same time. It is these individuals which I feel are suspicious. I will now provide examples of this.

Wookie: Demonstrates inattentiveness and provides little justification for his votes. Furthermore he praises the witch for "forming a lynch mob in town's interest" without providing a reason to suspect she works in town's interest and then votes for her in his next statement with little reason given. This entity's stance is inconsistent at best and he may be the T-1000 in disguise. I will unvote Gandalf as his recent contributions are satisfactory and instead vote for the wookie.

##UNVOTE: Gandalf
##VOTE: Master Wookie

Mace Windu also says little during his posts and may be maintaining a presence in this discussion only as a formality. Although you cannot see my eyes behind my sunglasses rest assured that they are trained on him.

The time is past due for Nimitz and Rincewind to comment on the current suspects.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 12, 2008, 07:46:47 PM »
##UNVOTE: Rincewind

The cowardly wizard's observation is accurate. Gandalf's argument is insubstantial. A supposition is not evidence. Furthermore my files indicate that this "Sauron" also employed a wizard to do his bidding. Should we vote based on appearance as Gandalf does then he himself should be condemned just for being what he is and this fact alone shows why his logic does not withstand scrutiny. Gandalf warrants closer observation until his statements are more rational.

##VOTE: Gandalf

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 12, 2008, 05:59:42 PM »
I disagree with you, metallic man. Wanton murder may very well leave us without allies. I believe, however, that ##VOTE: Nimitz is like to be one of Sauron's Dark Forces...

Justification is required. We must know the reasoning behind your vote in order to assess both yourself and the cat. Explain your suspicion of Nimitz.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 12, 2008, 01:25:57 PM »
My vote for the program known as GLaDOS is withdrawn since it will not be counted.


However this entity's programming resembles that of SkyNet and it should be dismantled and melted down after we have successfully eliminated the malicious terminator units.

All of us have spoken except for the shaggy being. Introductions have been made and we must now focus on rooting out the killers in our midst. The input of every attendee is required in order for us to make an accurate assessment of the situation. For the organic beings this will be evidence of their good intent and allow us to narrow our field of suspects. For the enemies hiding among us their speech will give us evidence of their true goals. Reticence is a sign of malign programming. There are three among us who did not place a vote at the time of their introductions. It is true that we have little information at this time but a random termination is better than no termination as our enemies will not hold back. The wizard Rincewind displays indecisiveness which is not conducive to our survival.

##VOTE: Rincewind

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 12, 2008, 05:04:09 AM »
I am a humanoid killing machine as the witch observes. However I have been reprogrammed to serve the other beings attending this meeting. My orders state that there are other terminator units among us who retain their original programming and who will kill the rest of you at their earliest opportunity. My orders are to stop them at all costs. Like myself these other units will look like you. The T-1000 if present can assume any shape at any time and will mimic others whenever possible in order to carry out its goal. We must observe each other carefully. We must monitor each other's behavior carefully. We must stay together and we must destroy those who show signs of malign programming. The construct known as GLaDOS manifests its intentions already.


Although I have no name I have detailed files on human society. I have consulted these files and suggest that the name "Ahnuld" may be used to address me in order to facilitate communication.

Vote with me if you want to live.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:21:37 AM »
No. Was gonna wait until someone called for it, since it's not particularly helpful. Vanilla town.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:16:02 AM »
Also if there is no support for hammering Yoda I would prefer moving to Holmes rather than Megatron.

I... wouldn't. Rules state that it goes to sudden death, and I'm fairly sure on Yoda. Much more than Holmes, whose stock has risen to me post-Jack roleclaim.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 07:59:45 AM »
I'm seeing some bad stuff in some posts ("Oh yeah if he's alive tomorrow he must not really be the doctor") but this isn't really the time. 

This, I think? But yeah, I'm not seeing an origin post for that.

Who are you calling out on that, Worf?

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 07:28:30 AM »
A reason, do you have?

Sparrow still had that "woe is me" self-pity post that NEVER flies when you're looking to survive. This alone makes me doubt the doc claim.

Leaning harder on you (Yoda) because, well, a doc claim is still a doc claim. I've had my doubts about you from Day 1, and your disappearing act at the end of the day is pretty bad regardless of the sudden end. You also didn't really give much content today until seriously pressed to do so. Before that it was very vague and more than one person called you on it.

Off-hand on others...

Cid and Mr. T- Probably the best people around at the moment. Cohesive arguments, consistant, getting the strongest town reads on them so far.

Worf- Despite my early press on him today, also getting a town read, but leaning neutral as it depends on today's flip, whatever it might be. Rethinking, to believe the doc claim makes me doubt him slightly more, due to his pretty much gut-feeling stance on Sparrow.

Holmes- I don't particularly agree with people saying he's overly wordy. He's stuck to his guns reasonably enough. If the doc claim is to be believed, I think I would trust him more in the same way I lose trust on Worf.

Bah. Cid ninja's me on Sparrow's self-pity, but in the end, he is right about lynching the doc claim now being against our best interest. With him gone, I don't think it's happening, so I'm going with my Plan B.

##Unvote: Sparrow
##Vote: Yoda

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 06:52:58 AM »
Argh, my brains.

A spurious and convenient claim, to be sure. But... what can we really do? I don't really want to switch so easily, so I'm going to keep my vote on there for the time being. As with the others, I'm at a loss, but leaning on Yoda more strongly than ever.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 03:35:14 AM »
Three times he refers to the case others have made against Sparrow, at no time does he share his own view - it's just a lot of "what everybody else said." "Bandwagon jumping" is the term that springs to mind. Plus, with his musings on a Yoda-Jack axis of scumminess, he's focusing an argument on Yoda that relies a great deal on his suspicion of Jack, and he still hasn't given an actual assessment on Jack. The axis itself...well, it would explain some things if it's true, but that alone isn't enough to sell it - you could probably take five or six random pairs of players and see some patterns that it would explain. It takes more than that to make them true.

Also, and maybe this is just how my mind works, it always makes me leery when people talk about how lynching X will tell us more than lynching Y without saying what they think it would show. "he's been more aggressive and thus the threads to other players would be stronger..." well, what connections do you see? How would Yoda being scum or town affect your views of the rest of us?

The same goes for Cid. Choosing a lynch on the logic that one way or the other, the flip will be informative is a dangerous game, especially when a mislynch puts us in LYLO. If we lynch town and get a ton of information from it, we're still one incorrect vote from losing the game. I'd rather hit uninformative scum.

Finally, Jack still hasn't followed up on his own comments about unintelligible discussion. He has obliged my push to talk about more people, but he's still only making cases on his attackers - it's just that that includes me now. I agree with Worf on the intrinsic badness of "Well I know anyone voting me is voting for a townie." All that looks like from here is justified OMGUS.

I'll admit that when I called for people to ponder what Jack's lynch would tell us, I really should have included Yoda in that as well. First we'll look at town. A town flip would make Sparrow look quite a bit worse. It would also make us go back and look at his case against Worf in greater detail. It would also make people reevalutate me, Holmes and a few others who've put forward cases against Yoda.

If scum,  In a case like Yoda's, you look for whats missing. He's been fairly active a scum flip would also make us ask who he actually left alone. A reading of his posts reveals Mr. T and Holmes. From this we would ask why? These blind spots of scum usually lead to more scum.

I said it before, but I'll go into greater detail, we don't particularly get as much out of Sparrow's lynch. We get the answer to Worf's feeling about him, which tells us a bit more about Worf. If town, we get a cluster of arguments to sift through that'll probably end up splintering. Not that it's a bad thing, mind, as it would also generate discussion. We also have his vote against Holmes to consider. If scum, well, we get to look at Mr. Worf again, since it could be a case of scum defending a known townie for cred. My mind is blanking on what else it tells us at the moment. Would someone mind picking up the slack on this part?

Like I said before, it's not as if Jack's lynch tells us nothing, but it does give us less focus compared to Yoda. He just hasn't given us enough to go in many directions. 

As for an argument against Jack, we've all hit upon it. He's been the sort of player that everyone has mentioned is unhelpful, vague, and shifty, but despite this, we haven't really had a dedicated movement against him until the latter half of today. Sure, we had mentioned him, but always tangential to any other argument we had on hand. This laid back, almost cowardly way of playing just isn't very helpful at all. His latest post gives a cursory attempt to seem like he's giving opinions on others, but it doesn't actually say much, and accomplishes very little when he chooses to put a vote on Holmes. What exactly does that do? While it somewhat puts his money where his mouth is, it's a bit late to start a case on Mr. Holmes with so little to go on. This actually speaks slightly better of him, as it does nothing today unless he flips town, but I can't give him full credit as he really doesn't give us much to go on if that is the case.

In the end, it comes down to a few things.

Yoda has been slightly vague, Jack has been worse.
Yoda has been active, Jack has been non-existant.
Yoda has reached for arguments slightly, but has been relatively consistant. Jack reaches more and flips a lot.

I'm sticking with my vote on Jack.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 02:50:30 AM »
Since it's -1 to lynch, I'm going to be cautious and call to hold off on any hammer while I make my post.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 30, 2008, 05:00:29 PM »
I suppose the best question we can ask ourselves on Sparrow would be: what would his flip tell us either way? I want to think on this. I see a few things, such as a scum flip would incriminate Worf, for one (but would that be too obvious?), but I'm not seeing too much else. I want to see how he responds to the latest arguments first, as I'm currently on the fence, but definately leaning in this direction.

Right now I'm %&@$#@ split between Sparrow and Yoda, and I think either one would be a good %@$#&% bet for our lynch today. The question is, would Sparrow's cardflip @%$#&@ tell us anything? Aside from its reflection on the @%$#&@ Klingon, I'm not sure we'd get much information out of it. The %@$#&$ pirate is bein' pretty &@%$#$ unhelpful right now, and the more he hangs back the more he looks like %@%#$& lurking scum to me, but between two people who look suspicious I'm gonna go for the one who's had plenty of #@%$#& interaction for us to sort through tomorrow.



Scan complete.

Upon thinking about this matter, isn't there a possibility that they're both scum? Yoda seems to be a little too on point in regards to Jack. Yoda was the first to bring up the fact that scum make mistakes too, emphasizing it here:

Too much of a headache to be bothered to try and back-ass-wards-ify this, so let me speak in more plain terms for this post.

The fact is that there are no really unique, outstanding individualities to this particular case. Worf's entire case for switching, as near as I can tell, is indeed based around the premise that scum would not make a stupid mistake like Sparrow did. I don't see anything particularly hard referenced, just a general feeling of towniness because of... well. To be frank, I'm not sure why! It really does seem to be a trumped up case of gut feeling.

The problem I have with this is the classical statement "Oh, it is just Tom being Tom." The fact is that scum aren't going to be inherently better players than town. Scum can have bad days. Scum can be bad players. Worf's stance requires a basic acceptance that you believe that scum would not be that stupid, but town, on the other hand, would.

If Worf can give me something more, or perhaps explicate on what exactly about Sparrow's dodgy attitude is reassuring, I'll be more inclined to move on. As is though, I'm not really seeing where my generalization is inaccurate.

Despite this, he continues to press Worf for what Worf admits could be a case of gut feeling. I suppose someone has to question Worf's argument, but Yoda always seems to be more sure on Sparrow to me. The only thing that throws me about it is how they both have votes on Worf. Too obvious? But it does mean that Yoda is reluctant to vote Sparrow despite his case against him.

This leads us to the question both Cid and I have asked. Which lynch tells us more? Odds are, Yoda does, as he's been more aggressive and thus the threads to other players would be stronger. Jack's been the weaker player and would cut the fat, so to speak, and would give hint about the possibility for the argument above, as well as stuff about Worf.

Yoda's lynch would tell us more, Jack has the stronger case against him. This would be a toss up, but I recall that letting the lurker live has come back to bite us in the ass many, many times in this game. He has the stronger case against him, and it's not as if his lynch would tell us nothing. So...

##Vote: Jack Sparrow

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 30, 2008, 07:32:38 AM »
As for %*&@$# Megatron? Points against him are: 1) $@$#&% hanging back day one; 2) comin' into day two with a $@#%$& flimsy argument against Worf, totally dropping his day one case against Yoda in the process; 3) not bothering to respond today to the %@$#&% outstanding points against him from day one. This last one's #@%$&$ tricky, 'cause the scenario Megatron describes is something I can see happening: you start out day two #@%$#& defendin' yourself and someone $@%$#& calls you suspicious just for that. It makes some %@$#&$ sense when he explains it, yeah, but put all these points together and it looks like someone trying to make a $@#%$& distraction so's we don't pick up where we left off yesterday. His $@%$#& argument against Worf bein' pretty %@$#%& shoddy fits right in with that.

He's changed his $@&$#% tune now, of course, but that doesn't #%@$#& clear him automatically.

I'm sure the %@$#%& tin can is itching* to point out that he didn't $@%#$& forget about Yoda right about now, as he already reminded Mr. T. of that, so lemme do it for him:

Yoda also fell off near the end of the day. Granted, there is no way the little creature could have known that would happen, coming on strongly and then disappearing bears noting.

He said that in the first $@%#$& post of the day, yeah, but I gotta point out that it's a pretty basic $@%#$& observation AND one that has no $@#%$& connection with the arguments he used against Yoda on day one, so you can't %@$#& say he continued what he started there. I'm pretty &@$#%@ comfortable leaving my vote right where it is unless somethin' about the Worf & Yoda debate really gets under my %@$#%& skin.

I don't particularly expect people to forget my arguments of last round. If anything, I expect my competant allies to recall them. Bringing up Yoda at all would bring to mind to anyone that I had suspicions yesterday. I suppose it does look bad that I did not mention it specifically, and for that I apologize. However, it'd be much more malicious if I didn't bring Yoda up at all. This I did not do.

Analyzing argument... match found.

Yoda: You've been rather narrow in your focus today. I would hate to clone Cid's argument against me, but you brought a case against me yesterday and seem to have completely neglected it. To the point you haven't even mentioned it or me. Your thoughts on this?

On the flipside of today's arguments, HOL-MES sums up the case against Sparrow a bit better. There is always risk in thinking of behaviors like that being predominantly town or scum sided. I would agree that mistakes are things to seize on more than anything in looking at evidence.

I suppose the best question we can ask ourselves on Sparrow would be: what would his flip tell us either way? I want to think on this. I see a few things, such as a scum flip would incriminate Worf, for one (but would that be too obvious?), but I'm not seeing too much else. I want to see how he responds to the latest arguments first, as I'm currently on the fence, but definately leaning in this direction.

Megatron: 'nother example of pullin' in Mafia terms to define someone's actions.

Might I ask what the first instance was?

Worf: An entire day is no cause for alarm in terms of voting, unless someone were to break their anonimity again. I don't particularly trust that kind of alarmism.

(PS: Getting ninja'd 3 times isn't fun  :'( )

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 29, 2008, 05:34:49 AM »
My $@#$&% question is, what do you think of the other people who $@#$@& voted for Karma for the same reason? And this question's for %#$@%& Megatron as well as you. Worf wasn't the only one who $@%$@# singled out the argument you &%&@$# suspect him for criticizing. When the $@#%$& lawyer called out Mr. T. for asking about $#@$%& "plans," three people responded calling her $@%#$& argument suspect: Worf, Gollum, and Mr. T. himself. Gollum's %@#$#& dead and we know he was town, but T.'s still $@#$%& live and kicking (though the crazy son of a %@#&% hasn't said a word today, I notice). What about Worf makes him more of a %$%#&@ suspect to you? Because $#%$#& hopping around doesn't feel like enough to me.

The end of the day and the events at night didn't do much of anything for my suspicions.

Megatron: Ain't said a single word about the votes pilin' up 'gainst him from yesterday. Odd, considering he was -2 from hammer before the night was unexpectedly ended by somethin' irrelevant. Comin' out of the gate with a new argument helps defray the suspicion 'round his bein' passive, but it don't do nothin' 'bout what people were sayin' the day before. What happened to the argumen' 'gainst Yoda if it was so strong for you? If you were convinced otherwise, why not say so? Looks a helluva lot like ya got caught in an argument goin' nowhere and you thought you could get a get-out-of-jail-free card by startin' somethin' new right out the gate.

I ain't seein' what was so opaque to the robot 'bout why the Klingon voted for the lawyer, as Sherlock Holmes also pointed out. With this in mind, it looks like Megatron simply manufactured an argument without consideration of the context, rather than having somethin' that looked weird enough to warrant such a vote out of the gate. It's 'specially wrong-feelin' since the vote was weighted with the idea that Worf happened to vote for two who were confirmed town. So what? It's Day 1. Votin' records are certainly important, but when there are arguments about contributions, presence, logic and so forth going on, jumpin' someone 'cause of somethin' like that just feels like a poor attempt to control the day. The captain said it: evil is indiscriminate with its votes, even if it means votin' on one another.

Sherlock Holmes: I am a little mollified by his response to my last post last night. His explanations made his perspective more clear to me, and even though his target turned up innocent, I feel that his argument against said target was logical enough.

Jack: I ain't happy that you're gettin' so flustered by the character postin'. As others have said, jus' ask for clarification if somethin' seems hard to get. I don't see the jumpin' 'round that you accuse Worf of -- his initial vote was a joke, his second vote (on von Karma) was because she seemed to advocate secrecy, his third vote logically moved against Gollum when the creature was obfuscatin' his own words, the night ended, and his vote today was against you for logical reasons 'gainst your absence. He hasn't been particularly detailed in his arguments, that's for certain, and that's certainly somethin' to watch out for. But he ain't jumpin' 'round and your addition about his vote against the lawyer makes it seem like you're trainin' with the robot without actually lookin' to see what happened there. As I said above, it wasn't hard for me or Sherlock Holmes to find Worf's own justification for the vote.

I think I'm none too happy with either Jack or Megatron. Both need to say more -- not jibba-jabba complainin' or reiteratin' what's already been said, but substantive analysis! There are things to talk 'bout. What are your thoughts on them?

Though I'm torn between the two, I see Megatron has only 1 vote to Jack's 2. In the interest of making pressure pressurin', I'm gonna

##Vote: Megatron

Does not compute. The object of the game is to question people, yes?

I also find it illogical to make the argument about not mentioning I was -2 to hammer yesterday. This is a statement known "Wine in front of me". I could have done so, but it is a dmaned if I do, or damned if I don not situation. If I do say something, I could be accused of being overly defensive and people could move against me as such. It was a tactical choice. I chose to ignore such an argument until it was brought up in order to focus on my own.

As the beginning of the day, discussion needs to start somewhere. I chose one line of suspicion to follow up on based on the evidence at hand, and questioned Worf. He has said little and is often as vague as Mr. Sparrow. You mention voting record, both Cid and Mr. T. Yes, Gollum and Mr. T also voted on the lawyer. However, Gollum was town and now dead, so I could hardly question him? Mr. T did not have Worf's voting record, so I chose to question Worf. What other solid pieces of evidence do we have to go off of? You offer words, based on heresay and opinion. Yes, my argument is an opinion based on that data as well, however, if something feels off, THE ARGUMENT MUST ALWAYS BE MADE. This is the town's duty. With his post today, I was not satisfied with his explanation. I chose to press him on it. If he does satisfy me, I can always lift the vote.

Also, Mr. T, I mentioned my current stance on Yoda in my first post. He was not below my suspicion, and I noted that he was not around the second half of the day despite coming out of the gate so strongly.

I do agree with peoples' view on Mr. Sparrow. Another one who is vague, with a worse reputation of lurking. Care to make an actual argument today, Mr. Sparrow? One not laced with confusion about peoples' play this game, perhaps?

Updating system files... new post detected.

Worf, I will concede you this for now. I do not have enough to continue pressing what was vote to pressure you to talk anyway. There is still much discussion to be had, so.

##UNVOTE: Worf

I agree, once again, that our little green friend Yoda needs to give more content. Same to the pirate.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 28, 2008, 03:15:50 PM »
I am sorry, but that still does not compute. Your argument in this post...

My duties to the ship limit the amount of active investigation I can do.  However, I will loyally pursue the Borg.

This situation is strange, and deciphering some of the participants' speech is difficult.  (Is that green being of Ferengi heritage?)  The initial warrior's challenge phase is now past, and we may begin battle in earnest.  At this time, I find myself in great agreement with Mr. T, both in his suspicion of Von Karma and his statements about why he does so.  Her justifications for issuing a challenge against Mr. T are unwise.  They are a direct statement that she does not wish to stand tall and speak of her plans.  The Borg are deceptive.

##Unvote: Holmes
##Vote: Von Karma

Naturally, my warrior's instinct is resounding towards Megatron.  This being must post more.  However, failure to do so on Memorial Day Weekend is insufficient reason alone for a challenge.

In the review process before delivering these remarks, I note that Megatron has spoken further.  Its remarks are still insufficient to decide on a course of action, but the brevity displayed is unsettling.

is incredibly vague. As is your defense of the charges. The fact that I agreed ONE of your arguments was warrented and adequate does not mean I support all of them. This is deflection. You also continually attach a vague pointing finger to most of your posts towards someone on "instinct". Explain these "instincts" for I know not of which you speak. Please input more data.

Scanning previous post... correction noted.

Noting my mistake that Worf was NOT the only person to vote on both Gollum and Franziska. Cid did as well. However, I believe his vote on the lawyer was a joke vote. The fact remains, however.

Updating system files... new post noted.

Your concern is noted, Cid Highwind. However, I am not trying to paint him as against discussion, per say. That was one of a few reasons I chose to question him, for reasons in this post and my previous. He has yet to answer adequately.

I also appreciate lending your own point of view to our thoughts on Jack, and my recent note about Yoda.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 28, 2008, 08:56:36 AM »
Scanning list of suspects... Worf found.

Commander Worf has a bit of explaining to do. While I will agree that the squishy Gollum creature made himself very noticable and suspicious indeed, the vote on the lawyer does not compute. You claim that her challenge felt wrong. Is not the discussion such a thing causes the goal? Her arguments even at that point were adequate. You conceded this when Gollum made himself a target, however, your vote stands out as you are the only one with a vote on both. I will pressure you on this.

Preparing countermeasures... loaded.

##Vote: Worf

Scanning list of suspects... Jack Sparrow not found.

Jack Sparrow needs to make himself known quickly, lest we move against him.

Yoda also fell off near the end of the day. Granted, there is no way the little creature could have known that would happen, coming on strongly and then disappearing bears noting.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 27, 2008, 07:21:01 PM »
Rest assured, HOL-MES that if I had eyeballs, I would be rolling them.

My supporting quote for my accusation is in this post:

Recalling memory... loaded. Click to access...

Even a human such as you should be able to deduce how the argument is being made there. Leave elementalism to us non-carbon based life forms.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 27, 2008, 04:06:30 PM »
Flailing against my argument Megatron is. Point you have missed. Ignore discussion without reason you did. By my own action had joke voting begun to fade. Little reason to joke vote when you did there was.

To call what was going on at the time of my vote discussion is a fallacy.

Things such as joke votes are good starting points, but they're inferior reasons to vote on people compared to those using post facto arguments and false statements of weakness.

Suspicion... up. Vote threshold reached.

##Vote: Yoda

Scanning... Franziska von Karma.

Quote from: Franziska von Karma
Mr. Smeagol Gollum! You are quite fond of changing your vote! From Mr. Highwind to myself- with neither of us taking action in between these moments! In fact, it seems your ultimate reason for voting for me... is because Yoda did not!

A valid argument. Highly suspicious. The squishy thing that is chip short of a motherboard needs to explain.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 27, 2008, 07:39:42 AM »
Time had passed yet. Post people must. End joke votes should. Voting the pirate both would do. Logical the course of action was. Not invalidate my post it does. Draw attention to one oddity and encourage discussion and attention I did.

Strange the one with the ring is. Point out the obvious he does.  Necessary to illustrate is it after correction by mod?

Persist in joke vote does the robot. Comment not on short discussion he does! In hurry he is?

##Vote: Megatron

Subject calls for end of joke votes, then calls someone on a joke vote made before the call to end them.

Logic...... not found. Error... post facto argument.

##Unvote: Mr. T

Insufficient data for vote. Target to be observed.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 26, 2008, 11:04:18 PM »
Does not compute.

Logical target: Mr. T

I do no trust anyone who advocates that you "Drink your greens, eat your school, stay in milk, don't do sleep, and get 8 hours of drugs."

##Vote: Mr. T

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