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Messages - Charles di Britannia

Pages: 1 [2]
Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia
« on: September 09, 2008, 04:01:19 PM »
4 more to go, people. ;)

Forum Games / Britannian Geass Mafia
« on: September 06, 2008, 07:27:01 PM »

That’s right; people are born to be different!
That is why people fight and compete with one another!
From there, evolution takes place.
Inequality is not an evil.
Equality itself is evil.

In this game of Mafia, there will be people who are stronger than others, people who are weaker than others. There will be people who speak truth and who speak lies. There will, ideally, be fifteen people all competing to survive, where they know not who lies and who speaks the truth.

Sign-ups open!
Quick interjection: If you like AnonySci-Fi Mafia, and EvilTom runs it before we meet the necessary amount of players, we'll wait for that to run first. Just so you know!

This game is a joint project between Bardiche and Miasmacloud. We have done our best to make the game balanced. HERE ARE SOME RULES:

- No role madness. scratch that apparently we're going a little bit lulz here, but nothing GAME AFFECTING. (think minor powers, like, really minor and lulzy)
- Try to be civil and nice! ... Yeah, idk.
- Days are going to last until a consensus has been reached.
- Knowledge of Geass isn't needed.
- Game will commence when 15 people have stated their interest, or if we decide we have a large enough crowd anyway!

1. Deltaflyer
2. El Cideon
3. ShiChelle
4. nilie
5. frequently misspelled
6. roflknife
7. andrew
8. xanth
9. Ailieron
10. EvilTom
11. Swooooooooooooooooooooooosh
12. Zoojork
13. Disland
14. Remo
15. silver

Forum Games / Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« on: June 17, 2008, 01:39:49 AM »
That claim of mine after OK and El Cid's? Yeah, mia and I were talking and are PASSIONATE-DESU~ about a Geass Mafia game. Looking for around 14 12 people.

It's totally done (not role heavy) so we'll run it after El Cid finishes and OK finishes, unless OK is like, "Sure! Go right ahead!"


Do you dare imply that the 98th Emperor of the Holy Empire of Britannia is subject to queue lines?

[ps; this is our awesome buddy-buddy account for DUAL MODDING action]

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