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Messages - Crow T. Robot

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Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 01:49:21 PM »
I... suppose I could tie things up to go into sudden death if there was a reasonable chance the people I want answers from would appear and give them. Miyagi was my previous target and I don't like him much either, so I don't feel like I would be betraying my principles doing so.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 12:26:33 PM »
Just as I can see a possible reason to do what Yangus did and be town (I touched upon that in an earlier post), I also see one for doing it as scum. Not only does it provide a smokescreen almost all the way till deadline, or also gives some a way to coast/'wait on answers' without actually doing a thing. But why? If Yangus was in Death's situation, and knew he wouldn't be able to stick around much longer, and thus was sacrificed to divert attention from his partner/try to hand said partner some cred to win the game. (I think it would be the Queen, if this case were to be true)

In light of that, I can't let it go. If we mislynch today and go into LYLO, and such blatantly scummy behavior goes unpunished, LYLO would be filled with people making seemingly-random moves, no explanations being provided whatsoever, lurking in the scummy sense and much more. If that happens, I might as well give up now.

I just don't know, and I want to hear from pretty much everyone, especially from those whom I pressed for answers, so we would have something for tomorrow regardless of my survival.

Still think the Queen is scummiest of the lot. From official votecounts, she's been the first vote both on Ned day 1, and here. I don't know if that means anything. If there's any chance whatsoever that others are around and would be willing to vote for her, it's a switch I would make easily myself due to her lurking of the bad kind and low content and misrepresentations/evasions/cases that are just plain dubious.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 11:51:16 AM »
It is so difficult to be voting alongside all three people who I believe are incredibly scummy.

##Unvote: Mr. Miyagi
##Vote: Yangus

Yangus is hereby placed at -1.

Yangus, if there was a point to what you did, and a reason you broke your word to return in time to lay out your case, you have till our deadline to convince me to switch back.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 11:01:04 AM »

From anyone else, I feel this post would be actionable with a vote. By the great maker, what is this? Khan had tried explaining time and time again how Excel misrepresented him (and even if that part wasn't clear, jumping him with a vote right after saying she was going to wait for a solid case this time around) and yet it did nothing. Only after he said how it started to be infuriating and patience-breaking are we finally greeted to a satisfactory explanation that 'allays her concerns'.

And back to Khan's 'comprehensive walls of text'. Was there anything in them that you found useful/took issue with, aside from a general better feeling that made you unvote him? Here you are, telling us you struggled through his arguments (which you told us and the mod were more than sufficient to modkill Khan over extended length) and ended up with not a single specific comment on them?

The Yangus vote at that time was incredibly lazy and easy and all that people have said already. There was more than enough time between his stated return and the deadline. I happen to think it fits into a general pattern of your votes all game.

A related point. I think it's incredibly bizarre to lay on a vote that literally comes out of nowhere and leave for X hours. However, there's a difference between voting right then and there, and intending to do so four hours after that stated time of return and explanation, while the deadline is far closer by now. At the first point, Yangus's act is almost too bizarre and attention-focusing to actually be instantly scummy; there are, after all, possible reasons for a vote out of nowhere, and Yangus might have worried that upon returning in ~8 hours one of the others would already get lynched or a train would be very difficult to divert (possibly one on himself, at that). At the second point in time, however, the silence is beginning to be quite troubling.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 10:40:01 AM »
... I'm saying who I think is townie and who I think is scummy and why.  That is what content is.

Let's compare, shall we?

Miyagi still looks good to me.  The case on him seems like people not understanding why he's doing things, but I can follow his logic pretty clearly.  I really don't get how accusing Yangus "makes him guilty of the same thing as Yangus" - the case on Yangus is that he hasn't accused anyone!

This is you on Miyagi. Compare with

You are indeed saying who you think are scum and town. However, I have issues with how you explain 'why'. You either use arguments such as 'I understand him' / 'people don't seem to understand why he's acting the way he is'. Fine, then how about showing us? No sarcasm involved, if you get something and others don't, you are supposed to educate the rest to help the person you think is town, otherwise it all comes down to gut feelings. And if you use that to categorize everyone, then we can't discuss a thing. Evidence is nice, see the post I linked to.

In fact, I linked to it in the post immediately above yours. There, I took issues with the way you characterized the Miyagi/Yangus connection. You blatantly ignored me, however, while making it clear that you DID read it.

Saying I'm not posting content - THAT is misrepesentation, and indeed I think you are scummy for it.

Your choice of words makes it obvious you saw a very specific request for clarification from me, and merely brushed it aside without responding.

I have by now explained why I don't consider your content to be anywhere near sufficient, and would be happy to clarify more upon request. I have also touched upon "What more do you want?" in what should be very easy to understand.

So I will quote my very direct question here again:

And then, there's the misrepresentations. Now, I'm treading dangerous territory here, since the part relating to Miyagi/Yangus is not something I myself have commented on, and I could be misrepresenting those who did here. But it seemed pretty clear to me that Miyagi was going after Yangus in part for being a 'follower' rather than pushing for cases of his own, which at the same time a brief perusal of the day 1 voting patterns shows Miyagi guilty of that very thing wrt Yangus himself. I don't try to claim that everyone should instantly vote Miyagi for being horrible, irrefutable scum (though I do think the case on him has strong merit), but if one were to defend him, wouldn't it be better to actually read the actual cases people have put out instead of doing it selectively? This is merely one post that specifically addresses it:

Am I mistaken about this? Am I correct but you disagree on some grounds? Am I correct on this aspect, and if so, does it change your outlook on Miyagi? How could you possibly miss this, as several posts on Miyagi happen to touch upon this, and it would be nigh-impossible to have an informed opinion on him without reading them? Please address these concerns of mine this time.

Yangus, the one you are voting for, has made an incredibly scummy, inexplicable move. I don't believe you could have missed it, given you responded to my post which directly addressed it, and his vote itself came just one post earlier. Comments on this?

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 10:21:23 AM »
12 hours, almost on the dot, and no justification yet. I cannot in good conscience avoid voting for Yangus unless he happens to post by the time I've fully caught up. Something about this reads Excel-stupid, but I feel that if I let another person make incredibly scummy moves and dismiss them as too-stupid-for-scum then the entire game will dissolve into smokescreens, as scum gleefully abuse the tactic.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 10:32:25 PM »
So, so annoyed. Particularly that no one thinks Lizzie is scummy with the way she acts. Like here.

Yes, of course the person going after you the most would seem scummy to you. Right. Aside from seeming antagonistic to you, as I believe you called me in a previous post, what is the actual basis for seeing me as scummy? Really, is there anything at all? Because it would be nice if your meager posts had something beyond 'I understand this person' or 'I don't think he looks scummy' with no real basis behind them for us to try and follow.

And then, there's the misrepresentations. Now, I'm treading dangerous territory here, since the part relating to Miyagi/Yangus is not something I myself have commented on, and I could be misrepresenting those who did here. But it seemed pretty clear to me that Miyagi was going after Yangus in part for being a 'follower' rather than pushing for cases of his own, which at the same time a brief perusal of the day 1 voting patterns shows Miyagi guilty of that very thing wrt Yangus himself. I don't try to claim that everyone should instantly vote Miyagi for being horrible, irrefutable scum (though I do think the case on him has strong merit), but if one were to defend him, wouldn't it be better to actually read the actual cases people have put out instead of doing it selectively? This is merely one post that specifically addresses it:

On Death and you and scummy lurking. Lurking and posting nothing of content is something I can see Yangus being accused of. Incidentally, I don't see that much more content from Miyagi, comparatively, who looks 'good' to you opposed Yangus. But you are still a far greater abuser of this. Showing up infrequently with an attitude of 'I'm busy and I can't be bothered to be around much' and not actually telling us much in those few posts you do make is precisely textbook scummy lurking. Death's posts were similarly lacking in any serious content. I also made it pretty clear this was the lurking in question, and not the Excel kind of disappearing past a deadline.

Edit: And just got blindsided by Yangus. Oh, the hate. Miyagi is at the top of your list, Miyagi in the follow up post... The Dude gets voted on with a oneliner. That doesn't include the reason. What. Seriously, what. I can't even see a mention of him in your entire post history aside from a single referral to him which had no case or thoughts on The Dude attached to it.

I will be back before deadline, and there better be an actual reason for this by then. Just... what.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 07:47:34 PM »
Okay. I just see more problems with Miyagi at this point, and am thus changing my vote.

##Unvote: Queen Elizabeth
##Vote: Mr. Miyagi

- I don't buy his explanation on Elizabeth.
- I don't see how not commenting enough (Flanders) is worse than commenting even less (Lizzie).
- I don't feel like he had addressed my concerns.
- In fact, after being specifically asked to comment on everyone, Miyagi left me and Ash out inexplicably. That Ash was the first and the most vocal to prod him to drop the flavor while I kept on hounding him for answers (to questions which weren't even that complicated, I thought)... is it coincidence? I don't know, but I don't like it.
- That post he ends with 'waiting on Khan to respond'. Why would you wait on someone you have good reason to believe isn't around rather than create more discussion or look elsewhere in the meantime? It sounds like a good way to skirt and rubs me the wrong way.
- There's more from others, but I prefer to have my own arguments unless I happen to know the alignment of the person making them. And maybe not even then, if it's someone like Excel.

I still have grave doubts about Lizzie, but frustratingly no one shares them. I can do nothing more but actually use my vote rather than risk having it go to waste.

Edit for Khan. Originally I withheld it simply because I've made too many posts and didn't want to spam overmuch. I also saw people far more deserving of my attention. Incidentally, Miyagi wasn't in my diagram, as I believe you called it, simply because I felt unsure of him and that it warranted a second look (I started that in my follow up post). I do not like his behavior, and he has thus risen to the Queen/Excel level. Again, as his case lacks traces of WIFOM, I prefer it to Excel's. It particularly frustrates that three people look seriously scummy to me right now and only two of them can actually be scum if the rules are as stated.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 05:59:21 PM »
We lose upon parity.

I also don't think Miyagi quite answered my concerns in this post:

Another thing Miyagi doesn't address is actually a request from Ash to drop the flavor, and though it's not some scumtell, I do have to wonder why he wouldn't even comment on it either way, given that Ash and The Dude, now, have both commented on it directly.

Also, a request from people who are not Khan to comment on Lizzie and her dubious existence and content. She's not the only one I would be comfortable voting for today, but the actual lack of commenting on her just bothers me. I see her content as less than that from Yangus and Miyagi, so why do they have votes while I'm the only one on Lizzie?

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 10:25:30 AM »
And our Queen returns. I'm sorry, should I use sarcasm tags when I say that you've made several claims and I don't really believe them? I suppose it's a good thing you've told us I'm wrong on you. Now we can all summarily stop considering your case.

As a thought experiment, I would like to request you to comment on Death's behavior without knowledge of his alignment and then answer whether such behavior seems more likely to be scum or town. And afterwards, ponder whether the same thing applies to you as well. Oh noes I accused a scummy-seeming person who ended up being innocent. How unique of me. That's not a rebuttal of my attack on you, sorry. Yangus lacks content, I'll freely grant you that. Do you consider your content thus far to have higher value than his? I contest that strongly.

You're not sure what else you can do here but wave red flags? Well, here's a thought. Khan stated the obvious: there are two scum (if you are telling the truth, and of course, you are). Link Yangus to his scummy pair. If you're that strongly convinced of his guilt, how about working at it from a new direction to convince us all? But you haven't tried that. Beyond an attack on Yangus and vague thoughts on 2-3 others that don't really go anywhere, you're neutral on the rest. Coupled with your lacking, by your own admission, participation... no, 'Death did many similar things and was town' is not a defense as far as I'm concerned.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 10:25:10 AM »
Let me make my points again, this time not giving you the luxury of claiming you couldn't find them or misrepresenting my tone to mean something else.

1) First post suspiciously conveniently timed just after the heat was turned on. 20 minutes to write one line is baffling.
2) Second post non-committal, misrepresents flavor text as meaningful, and has waited until both Mr. Miyagi and Mr. Flanders have voiced concerns in my direction.
3) Seeming inability to pull actual meaning from the flavoring. (If you guys think I'm being obtuse, I'll tone it down, but I think I'm being clear enough)
4) Defense in the face of Death is justified, but unfairly compares yourself with "The Dude."
5) Observations were incredibly shallow given post density. Majority by weight is/was sheer defence. (I'd say that they're still not very broad, but I'll concede that this is probably the case for most if not all of us.)
6) Continued misrepresentation to drive my case off as stupid and baseless.

No, I'm far from convinced that this paints your weak yellow frame black, but I am certain this has not bore me baseless concerns. I will be looking elsewhere, but you shall remain in my field of vision.

Since Khan insists on having me rehash this, I might as well. It's only fair since I asked him something myself. Since most of this has either been addressed or doesn't actually apply and I don't actually find Khan suspicious I pretty much considered doing said response a waste of time today. Plus the sentence he chose to end that post with implied to me that he didn't have a strong case on me, would keep on watching me to make up his mind later on based on my future actions, and that hardly anything I said could actually make a difference with the above.

1) Okay. You got me. My knowledge of the character is so scarce I had to wiki up whether I have legs. I got caught up reading and stalled for longer than one normally would making the post. I also already explained my rationale for waiting before posting before.
2+3) You call it flavor text, but hiding behind flavor text is possible. It is even more possible to make slight slips and cover them up as flavor text. Miyagi is being hounded for double negatives obscuring his true meaning, and yet, it is perfectly flavorful as well as a valid argument. I considered whether I wanted to say anything, since it was pretty minor, but ended up going with it.
4) It was not so much a full comparison with The Dude but that we shared a certain aspect and that wasn't even commented on one bit. I feel it was a valid point.
5) So. Pretty much similar or better participation than most during day 1.
6) It was stupid and baseless. Like I already said in another post, building a 3-vote train from a jokevote, a vote made pretty randomly to encourage serious discussion and an utterly weak vote from a lurker for pretty dubious reasons is ridiculous. I'm not sure what you mean by actual misrepresentations I've made, though. It could be the way we disagree on flavor, scum slipping and an aspect of tunnelvision I saw at the lack of comments at The Dude.
The tin man weirds me out for not responding to my missive at I mean, his actions since then have been as if he's responded to it in the right way, but not even a nod to it at any point? Chunks of WIFOM in all directions to support yet not support his points destroys my confidence in him. I disagree with much of his current reasoning, but do not fault the position held on the foul fiend Death, who had earned the suspicion long before that point, even if not quite so early and strongly as he had originally went with. Urrgh, this is suddenly all negative when I thought I was reading him innocent after a bad start. I'm going to have to call this misguided but well meaning. (Miyagi's not in your little diagram, by the way)

I've responded now in full, since you so insisted. Chunks of WIFOM in all directions, you say? I hardly think you have a leg to stand on wrt claims of misrepresentation. The only bit of WIFOM applies to Excel, and I clearly labeled it as such. Can it really be that people don't actually know where the acronym came from? In any case, the case on Death was solid enough, if ultimately wrong. The case on Lizzie doesn't rely on WIFOM one bit, and is just as solid. I've calmly waited for her to participate, but none occurred until I finally placed a vote her way, and nothing has happened since. And back to WIFOM, I specifically chose Lizzie over Excel due to it being a key component in one case but not the other; I fail to see how it could be claimed all my arguments are thus tainted with WIFOM and thus should be summarily dismissed. I have yet to push a single case based on its merits.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 08:55:04 AM »
More to the point, I can't reconcile the two. Miyagi ends one post with the first quote, and starts his next post with the second. Queeny hasn't posted in that period. So his case on her suspicious behavior and lurking is only stronger with time, right?

Miyagi problem with Elizabeth because she say nothing of relevant. Not because she not there.

That's pretty weak, kung fu man. Lizzy not being there => Lizzy saying nothing of relevance by default. The more time she spends not being there, the more time she thus says nothing of relevance. And yet, against all logic, as time passed and deadline approached you gave less weight to her lack of content and moved your vote off her.

I see an attempt on Flanders's behalf to deal with the criticism leveled towards him and to continue with his stated attempt to target lurkers for prodding. The link he uses in his case to justify the vote on Flanders is from a post made well before Miyagi's first post, at which time he went after the Queen instead.

In light of the above, I don't buy it. What, it just came to his attention all of a sudden, like one of those epiphanies? Nothing in the vote-post implies the opinion was recent, as I read it.

Ned still no comment on relevant case. Is much worse than Elizabeth, who may overlooking when posting quick. Ned just showing apathy for problem we discuss. Miyagi felt important Ned also comment on it, instead of spend Day 1 only prod lurker and do nothing else. Not can read someone action if only prod lurker and not comment on discussion.

So because Ned was visibly there once, it had to be apathy, and Lizzy could've been using invisible mode to her heart's content but that gets her off the block? My problem has a lot to do with how you decided on suspiciousness, as it feels entirely too arbitrary. Now, while I support the view of lurking-benefiting-scum, I could easily switch to stronger cases if there's evidence of scumminess. But your evidence of scumminess that overtakes going after lurkers is... lurking in plain sight, which you ascribe to Ned and is somewhat debatable given Ned's only posted, what, once in that period? I'd expect his posting to be heavier if he were attempting that.

Now, I'm totally with you on the "Not can read someone action if only prod lurker and not comment on discussion." front. But hey, can you read someone who posts only when they're about to be lynched? Or who only deigns to post day 2 right after she receives a vote, and remains silence since? Is the behavior you prescribe to Ned really "much worse than Elizabeth, who may overlooking when posting quick"? Plus I'm not that convinced we should be giving Lizzy a break here, like you're doing. Overlooking things while panicking at being up for a lynch is possible. So is flailing as scum and lurking.

In fact, maybe someone else should place a second vote on Lizzie and see whether that nets us a second post from her today?

Khan! Question.
From there to the end = the little queen does much to sway my mind on her position, keeping in mind that it will be undone if she drops back into the background again, but convinced enough to weigh it as innocent versus probably more innocent.
The little queen sits in that queer void somewhere between likely greatest ally and conniving traitor. Roleblocking changes it for naught, as the claim fits with both possibilities and just polarizes it a step further. The lack of day 1 material is paralyzing, but it's only the passive attempt at surviving the deadlock that really turns me. The timing at sudden death was convenient but can't really have been planned when mere hours ago she should have been expecting to draw moon-lightning. Getting on for solid, if flawed arguments (I'll get to that. I hope on this eve rather than on the morrow).

Mr. Ash > Mr. Miyagi > (Mr. Yangus > the tin man > the little queen) > "The Dude"          ??Miss Excel??    () = quantum area of close yet uncertain ordering

I seek a clarification. Due to a lack of day 1 material, day 2 material and aforementioned passive defense, has her sway of your mind been sufficiently undone yet? And, in fact, what exactly makes Lizzy such a great townie? The sorta-kinda roleclaim? Inside knowledge?

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 07:21:37 AM »

The Queen responds! Once. And then she goes away. Again.
Crow is zealous, but on the wrong cases (as has just been handily demonstrated I think) and I don't know if I like how he's pushing this list.  It comes off as him having a predetermined list of targets and then finding reasons to vote for them, rather than the other way around.

I have two objections to the above. First, it's a wrong case, as in singular, not plural. Death was being scummy and then requested a modkill altogether. Such a level of low content and presence is surely suspicious well into day 2. And that brings us to objection #2, where I'm claimed to have a predetermined list of some sort. Now, I know it might seem that way, with the detailed justification for the vote on Death coming much after said vote. However, the cases on both Death and the Queen are pretty straight-forward. Neither seemed right to me from the way they've acted, and I can see a pretty disturbing pattern of lurking. I expanded on that for Death as soon as I was able to because it apparently wasn't as clear to others (given people weren't voting for him). In your case, I wonder whether I need to add anything beyond mentioning that this is your sole day 2 contribution thus far.

So I was roleblocked last night.  There is a scum roleblocker!  Good to know.  Blah blah obvious attempt to set me up for lynching since this is clearly highly suspicious to claim, but no one else has reasons to trust me on it, so yeah moving on.  There is nothing I can say to defend against the case on me except to keep playing and making cases on others.

Blah blah obvious attempt to avoid responsibility for the fakeclaim? Softclaim? I'm not sure how to call what you did the previous day.

KHAAAAAAANN was saying:
Has been as yet unaddressed despite several posts since. Contemplation fails on why the tin man manages to pass off direct comments. I'd also second the call, as I don't think it even parses well as WIFOM. If you're seeing a femme fatale partnership, Miss Excel's vote for the little queen in the first place is suspect, as I can envision several better paths for her to have gone down at that point than making an ass out of herself over the little queen. No commander in history could have approved of such a gambit, nor the gambit of leaving Miss Excel as the remaining traitor at large in case of a lynch.

And in general I can't see the massive benefit in turning up, making mistakes and taking responsibility for executing an innocent (I'm incredibly minorly concerned by the move of simply unvoting the little queen over voting for Mr. Flanders as well having previously said he also deserved it - as I've been accused, so did Miss Excel say that she would address Mr. Flanders if she had the time and then did not) over just opting not being around at all and working through the lurking claims. At least most of us are being careful against lynching her for what may be honest mistakes, but it's not as if she's gained great credit for that.

In case he means I haven't addressed the concerns in question in the first paragraph, I actually have here ( ) in the final paragraph of that post. On retrospect I saw it wasn't the best place for the clarification, but we are not allowed to edit our posts.

I do worry about their potential partnership, and I do think Excel is getting away with too much. It is my concern that the more 'mistakes', as you've called it, that Excel does, the more she would get away with as time goes by.

And I'm not going to comment on Excel fully just yet, but the request to have Khan modkilled is pretty disgusting given Excel escaped a modkill dictated by the rules for a prolonged period of absence herself, and I consider that a far greater offense than posting more content than 300 words per post would allow.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 09:19:49 PM »
Vote on Death, erm, withdrawn.

Okay. Moving on down the list of demonstrated scumminess to ##Vote: Queen Elizabeth. Since my view of Excel contains wifom this is my choice until I have satisfaction, if such can be provided by her.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 08:33:52 PM »
Continues to say I am expected to comment on rather than brush off....

Just goes to show even robots can typo.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 08:27:37 PM »
Death is an evil planetoid-sucking monster. Let us review his failings in detail.

1) He talks in caps. All the time.

2) He has all of three posts. All in caps. Yes, every single letter of them.

Jokevote on Queeny.

Voting me. Come on, that's proof of epic scummitude right there. Not convinced? I'll concede Khan's post placing a second vote on me started the serious discussion, but I disagree that Death's second post contributes towards it in any real or constructive way. What do we have there? Stating the obvious, and of game statistics to boot, relating to Khan's actions. A disagreement with Miyagi without any real strength behind it or any amount of follow-up whatsoever. States the obvious again, that Flanders hasn't yet placed a vote, in an invaluable bout of genius I am hard-pressed to absorb. Requires explanations from myself none of you would really have been able to give in my place. I even recall Miyagi calling Death out on this...

Death's third post returns to this, and says he expected more. He doesn't explain what more is. Continues to say I expect to comment rather than brush off a jokevote (which was the first vote on me) and a conversation-starting vote (which is hardly more serious or was given with an actual reason behind it). Finishes by saying his thoughts of the Dude are clear to all without it being stated. If you say so, Death. In fact, why don't you say so? And talk more about people not me? Or actually about everyone, including me, with something substantial?

4) No net access or whatever. That's not a towntell. It's simply not a distinct scumtell. Regardless of the reason, Death remains a quiet person that keeps to himself, has stayed out of both trains, did keep to an early train I find puzzling (and not just because of me, but because it went as 1 jokevote->2 utility->3 hey sure why not as far as votes go). We know more about Excel and Queeny and Yangus than we do of Death, and we're already well into day 2. If he had the time to contact the mod, perhaps he could also spare a moment to post to the board itself and say as much to us in person? Then we could at least judge his truthfulness rather than receive it as word of mod and treat it accordingly.

In case the above is a bit difficult to understand, I'm not challenging Death's connection troubles. I'm challenging that his absence is solely derived from those, and not a combination of the aforementioned, and then a healthy desire to lurk and see whether coasting would provide him with an opportunity to strike against someone we are currently debating. That's what I believe and will continue to do so until and unless Death proves me wrong by showing up and talking.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 08:08:13 PM »
Miyagi, Miyagi....

I can't really get past the following:

Most concern Miyagi have with Queen.

Miyagi not believe Queen Elizabeth-san best choice if speak up. Want this known.

More to the point, I can't reconcile the two. Miyagi ends one post with the first quote, and starts his next post with the second. Queeny hasn't posted in that period. So his case on her suspicious behavior and lurking is only stronger with time, right?

Of course, Flanders could have overshot her. However, unless my sensors deceive me, he only had a single post in between, right after the post Miyagi's first quote comes from. Here, for your references:

I see an attempt on Flanders's behalf to deal with the criticism leveled towards him and to continue with his stated attempt to target lurkers for prodding. The link he uses in his case to justify the vote on Flanders is from a post made well before Miyagi's first post, at which time he went after the Queen instead.

This all making Miyagi more worried of Ned-san. Queen Elizabeth-san not talkative, but more worried of much speak but say nothing than say nothing at all.

In light of the above, I don't buy it. What, it just came to his attention all of a sudden, like one of those epiphanies? Nothing in the vote-post implies the opinion was recent, as I read it.

Maybe Miyagi can explain this mess, I dunno. Death is still scummy-seeming to me. I'll get to it, too. First, to respond to the Dude quickly: Yes, it is wifom and I even spelled it out there. My intent with that paragraph was pretty much to state categorically that even people who seem stupid can still be scummy, and that we shouldn't dismiss Excel's actions as so beyond the pale clearly only someone on the side of town could've made them.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 07:04:03 PM »
Well, that was craptacular, but now I'm here again, ready to devote my time and keen robotic senses towards something actually important. Like finding the scummy planet eaters crowd.

Let's see. Khan, funny shirtless dude that he might be, feels at worst guilty of being a long-winded meatsack. I feel his hatred and rage are too specific for him to be an omnicidal maniac. My robotic gut, the existence of which we can infinitely debate if you all wish, has pegged him as not a threat to the little corner of hell I call home, and nothing thus far has changed that initial impression enough to consider voting for him. Squeaky clean? Hardly, and there's plenty of doubts I had, especially originally. But that's about it.

Excel is a waste of flesh and sinew. Let's use her as a pinata and see what comes out. The more I think about her, the more my opinion that someone that stupid is probably a dupe of the planet eaters. And that's not even considering the wine in front of me and the potential of obfuscating stupidity, which gives people a pass far too often. But why would someone get that kind of attention, one might ask? Because her lynch was very unlikely to happen at that stage with Queeny so close to lynching, and certainly not during sudden death between Queeny and Flanders. If you're going to make such a bold play, where else but day 1 if you consider yourself reasonably safe from lynch? And if Queeny's scum with her, it's not just bold but brilliant, in a crazy sort of way.

Queeny is a very good option and only Death's supreme scumminess is preventing me from looking at her as a replacement pinata at this time. The softclaim is weak and doesn't factor into my decision one bit, as well it shouldn't. Let's see some quality content and participation here, and have it speak for itself.

I lack opinion on Ash and the Dude. I also lack it on Yangus, except in his case, I don't like his me tooism. Unlike the Dude, I can't point at specific instances he makes me feel that way, but my robotic sense of justice is tingling. If I were forced to point to something after all, I think I have to say I don't like his voting. And in the end, he did move from Queeny. He's hardly solely responsible, but I don't like the combination of the way he reads to me and helping someone I don't like either (except far more) escape from hanging.

Miyagi, eh? I'll need to read the Dude's case and check the logs for myself, so I'll defer that one for now. Thoughts on Death should also be consolidated, so that will happen as well.

tl;dr version: Death > Excel/Queen Elizabeth > Yangus | Khan, the Dude, Ash

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 02:31:04 PM »
So where was Death during the much-prolongued deadline or the prelude to it? Tin minds want to know. ##Vote: Death

Excel, on second look, just seems stupid rather than evil. But are not the stupid easy targets for the manipulations of planet eaters? In the end, this tells us nothing. Queeny still looks pretty bad, so let's see some content there.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 08:32:48 PM »
No Queeny so far, and Death is allowed to survive. And how does that even work? The mind boggles, breaks, grinds into powder.

There also seems to be a move to Ned instead of Excel and Queeny, and I'd prefer to expose the latter's vile associations first out of this selection.

##Unvote: Death
##Vote: Queen Elizabeth

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 06:03:18 PM »
And the reason why lurkers lurk is shown once again. It is clearly to avoid making spectacles like the hyperactive freak. 'Take over the world?' That's a stupid villain plot if I ever heard one. And I did. Many, many times over. If Excel is not a planet-muncher, she's clearly an enthusiastic copycat, a sympathizer to their cause. We can't let that stand.

I don't really have anything better to do than have flashbacks of crappy movies as I wait for time to run out, so I'd like to hear from Yangus, first. He happens to be voting Queeny, and I'm curious to see whether he would reveal his true colors the same Excel did, or remain hidden in the shadows, which tells us much as well.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 04:12:34 PM »
Yes. This artificial life form wants to see Death return and show participation, to have the lurkers weigh in and leave a record instead of coasting all the way to day 2. There's also an a part of me that wants to see Queeny mount a defense of some sort so that her likeness to a B-movie villain could be properly judged, and her fate decided.

She certainly feels strange, but there are plenty others I'd rather see answer for their crimes, and I'm voting for one of them right now. If no said defense takes place to my satisfaction within a few hours, with the deadline and all, I might change my mind. But I don't think that time is here just yet.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 01:56:08 PM »
To respond to the shirtless one, how can you quote my words and yet miss the last sentence amongst said quote? It clearly explains why no heels were being gnashed. And no serious discussion was really occuring at the time of the jokevote! True, a certain someone tried to start discussion, but I couldn't really do much of use at the time except OMGUS him or vote myself, neither of which appeals. Or I could've welded my mouth shut altogether and seen how well that went. Or just done the Flanders thing and checked whether robots abstaining from voting would be treated with the same courtesy as humans.

So back to the anti-Kirk. He speaks and speaks and speaks and it got my shiny metal head confused. Built for logic? Evil? Me? And the finisher, where he at the same time states that I'm suspicious, that he has no case or evidence on me and that he doesn't expect this day to be about me without actually doing anything with his vote. If you think I'm stupid enough to work with the planet eaters, let's see some proof for me to refute so it won't be last minute. If you don't, use those much-boasted, flavorful skills of searching out the true demons instead? And if you think I am the demons and don't feel like either looking further nor getting others to buy your case, I have to question your sanity.

(Death still looks scummiest, and the lurking people would follow by their nature of slipping past radars and avoiding commitment.)

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 07:25:51 AM »
Some of us like to consider what we're about to say. First impressions are important! So I calculated the line to present me in the most positive light, and the one I actually had, and went with the latter anyway.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 05:08:19 AM »
Life-challenged entity clearly in league with planet munchers: the post you so selectively savaged was actually a subtle way (too subtle, I see) to point out that Khan's phrasing was somewhat puzzling. Voting a person, be they human, robot or otherwise, and effectively labeling it as a smokescreen to 'occupy us' while they did something else in the meantime felt quite off to me. It was not, however, a proof of guilt by any measure to me. I didn't feel it actionable with a vote.

My robot ass, which is quite real if certain people would like to check up close, wants to hear more from those Miyagi, Yangus and Excel fellows, same as the yellow one. His skin is just a shade off from mine, which makes us natural allies. I do wonder why he picked Miyagi off the three, whose although-meager participation had actually been backed by a real and not joking vote so far.

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