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Messages - Corwin

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Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia
« on: December 04, 2008, 06:34:20 PM »
I asked Rat. He said full disclosure happens on a flip. It wasn't in any way ambiguous. This factored pretty heavily into my decision.

Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia
« on: December 04, 2008, 06:20:31 PM »

Here, you say:

Day two fakeclaim is not a good gambit for scum, so I think it's likely he's telling the truth.

While here, you respond to Xanth with:

But this presupposes that scum always make the right play, and that since you, in this scenario, would have been making a mistake, you are not likely to be scum. This is flawed logic. Scum are just as capable of miscalculation and errors as town.

Your stated reason of voting for Tom is believing in Alex's claim, pretty much since it would be a bad move as scum, and scum Alex would surely be playing better (paraphrased, etc). If I use your own latter words to challenge that, what would be your response?

Strago here raises a valid point, and one I would have addressed if I had more time before. The benefits of lynching Tom outweigh the benefits of lynching Alex. Yes, it's true. If Alex isn't lying, then he's a cop whose alignment we can narrow down with a Tom lynch. Then, well... we pretty much win the game, guys.

But there is a problem with this. We have to trust Alex to be telling the truth. See, by choosing Alex over Tom, we do get the best potential benefits... but we also get the higher risk along with it. By lynching Alex, we get full disclosure: either he's lying scum, and we hit scum, or he flips as a cop. If he's sane, we nail Tom the next day. If he flips insane, Tom is someone we can reasonably trust to be town. In other words, we get as close to absolute certainty of alignment on a player as we can, here.

I ultimately picked Alex for what seems to me like a slip, but this is yet another reason I believe an Alex lynch to be preferrable under the circumstances. I just... I get the sense that Alex was being flippant about his claimed role. It feels off; that reminded me of his previous apparently-random moves, such as the fourth vote day 1 which kicked off serious discussion and, in retrospect, had to be a calculated move by Alex to do just that. In light of that, I'm not sure Alex would just make a slight mistake like that, and while possibly metagaming, it's metagaming based on this game's previous behavior, not baggage from previous games or elsewhere.

That said, my decision was based more on seeing a higher chance for clarity/hitting scum with an Alex vote rather than an active defense of Tom and his actions. The only thing that would actually stop me from acting on Tom's inherent scumminess is that he drew Natsuki, really, which should say everything on this subject as far as I'm concerned. And, again, that he's always scummy so I tend to filter it out.

Strago has a good point here as well (quoting the relevant fragment):

and why go to that sort of trouble to set up a fakeclaim in a game where there's a perfectly good chance of a real cop shooting you down?

This... is true. I admit I haven't considered that aspect. I can still see reasons why Alex would do what he did and not be cop, but again, this argument is quite persuasive to me.

If we lynch EvilTom and he flips Scum, we will likely not lynch Alex. He will probably be either killed by Scum or Roleblocked, what have you─Tom brings up a good point about the roleblock, though.

Bardiche, this is actually extremely unlikely! I thought the same at first, but after mulling over it I believe that it's likeliest we have three scum. In this eventuality, Tom flips scum and thus only one scum remains. That scum must kill, and thus, even if a roleblocker, Alex could not possibly be roleblocked, so he clearly could not use such a defense for himself. This is clearly the best cast scenario.

If we lynch EvilTom and he flips Town, we will need to lynch Alex to be sure of his alignment. This is very risky, and I can't imagine why scum would take this gambit since it almost certainly nails him down.

See, I'm not as certain about that 'certainly nails him'. Alex is a good player. He can certainly defend himself from accusations in such a scenario (Tom flipping town on a lynch) by claiming insanity. And then he could get away with claiming roleblockage, or even feed us results that may well be lies if he is scum. There is no logical proceeding from Tom flipping town (if he is one) to Alex hanging the next day, it's merely one of the possibilities.

And I consider this the worst case scenario. This reminds me of a prisoner's dilemma, and I prefer to be cautious in our situation.

Tom. Ah, Tom. Calling me a lurker made me sad. Even though I was too busy to participate for hours, I was actually hardly the only one to do so. I just don't get this person. And posts appear, along with another vote. This is long enough as it is, though, so I'll post first.

Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia
« on: December 04, 2008, 05:18:13 PM »
Okay, just got home, will finally have time to read in earnest. From skimming, there are 4 votes on Tom, right?

Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia
« on: December 04, 2008, 02:59:42 PM »
Many of Kilga's posts tend to go along the lines of "I was going to do X, but I will consider what is the safest route for me and go for that." or "I was going to post that! Honest! But I only said this now after Person Y said this thing." But not all of them, and he seems to get better as day 2 continues.

Anyway, that speaks for itself. What else... I do buy into the Xanth case to a degree. Sopko could well have been trying to divert votes from Xanth, and things merely didn't go the way he hoped. The way Xanth didn't try to pursue the case of 'anyone not myself' even to save himself when it seemed like the only option feels weird. Excal offers an alternate explanation, but I'm not sure I buy it. I do acknowledge it's possible.
Andrew, I don't believe we have four scum. Do you? Also, you unvote Kiro, one of your potential scum, and go for Alex instead (also in your list, naturally). What has me confused is that you go 'fair enough, for the moment' to Kiro, and I'm unsure why Kiro saying he expected to take heat for it reasonably absolves him for you.

Still. Cop claim from Alex, and a guilty verdict on Tom. That pretty much means focusing on anyone outside those two is foolish.

This is a semi-open setup, and cops can be either sane or insane. Both are 100% accurate once their alignment is known. Therefore, should we should lynch Tom, the results could be:
(a) Tom is scum!
(b) Tom is town, and we choose whether to believe Alex the next day or not. Either we'll confirm his alignment as a cop, or we'll get our second scum.
(c) There is a Framer! But on Tom, night one? I don't know.

(Or Alex lies. He could be! But given every single post from anyone could contain lies, this is pretty much redundant to point out, I feel.)

There is one reason to vote Tom over Alex. Tom has been pursuing Xanth pretty zealously. If Tom were to flip scum, that would give me the confidence Alex has that Xanth is town. Alex's flip, however, wouldn't really tell me anything about people not Tom.

And yet!
Tom's argument is correct! Alex's flip does tell us things about Tom, given we get full details on a flip.
Alex, once again. I looked back at his post here because something kept nagging at me. From the first post in the game, cops are listed as Sane or Insane. I certainly paid attention to that part of the thread once a claim got tossed up into the air.

So why is Alex going
If I am insane (or paranoid) I would much rather discover that fact as soon as possible.

Alex, are you trying to tell us that you haven't even checked what the possibilities of your role might entail, given the semi-openness of the setup?

I also wonder why I only see Xanth comment on it.

Anyway! Tom flipping tells us more. But Alex is the more suspicious of the two to me.

So far, I only managed to get caught up till Cid's post claiming the kill was on him. Skimming ahead shows that Tom sucks lots, but I still see no explanation from Alex despite Xanth raising the issue I'm also commenting here, and having posted in that time.

##Vote: Alex

I see no chance of catching up entirely until I'm home, apologies. Still, better have my mostly-informed stance out there.

Yes, I'll address Natsuki's issues with me in due time. Honestly, I wasn't stalking anyone nor was there any wrong touching~

Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia
« on: December 04, 2008, 07:48:41 AM »
And a bright new day is upon us~

I'm still catching up, and only on my first cup of tea so far. It might take a bit before I catch up fully, but that's why you learn to delegate, isn't it?

In the meantime, a brief response to Cid. I'm sorry that I can't point out to specifics about a feeling I can't even phrase right. I wonder why a mechanical student would be so concerned over it, though.

Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia
« on: December 02, 2008, 08:55:24 PM »
Where do you get a 'write off of suspicion', Strago? I pointed out that Sopko wasn't participating much, Sopko brought up Affinity was doing the exact same thing, and I agreed. If you're asking why, given the choice of the two of them, I'd rather focus on Sopko, it's (1) that new people get more leeway for their first game, as far as I'm concerned, and (2) that I actually find things I find troublesome with Sopko's post, while nothing to such an extent occurs with Affinity. That 'defense', if that's how you call it, was really a defense of my inadvertent omission of Affinity as he's not as visible to me the way Sopko is, rather than an excuse for Affinity's own actions, and I don't think it's particularly difficult to see what I was saying.

Moving on. Sopko hasn't really responded to my concerns despite being here after I made them, while Xanth... I could still go for Xanth, since I'm not convinced at all by his response on Tom (name a game Tom doesn't act horribly scummy, seriously, it's a dare and everything). Still, Sopko has really given me nothing and I'm forced to go for him.

##Vote: Hunter Sopko

Other stuff. Strago just feels weird, this isn't the first time he misrepresents me blatantly and we're still in day 1. And at the same time, he doesn't actually do anything with it, not even some FoS. Just... has it out there hoping someone will run with it and have things snowball? That's how it feels to me.

Andrew. Eh. Don't think we got much content from him, don't think he paid particular attention thus far to the game. This would need to be watched more carefully come day 2.

Cid... comes off as mildly confrontational. I can't really put the feeling I get from his posts into words adequately. Can't help but wonder if anyone else thinks that.

If you're playing and I haven't mentioned you thus far, you should probably be posting more, yes.  >_>

Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia
« on: December 02, 2008, 07:51:50 PM »
Good point on Affinity, Sopko. I think it's due to Affinity simply being less visible due to being new here and all. At least, that's how it is for me. In other news, I should be around for half an hour more or so, I'll vote before going to bed.

Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia
« on: December 02, 2008, 07:34:19 PM »
I am somewhat disturbed by a tendency I'm seeing here to answer in the name of another player. Such as Sopko for Alex ( or Xanth for Sopko a few posts back. There's this strange feeling that it's happened beyond that, but I won't be combing our thread based on a hunch day 1.

In any case, rather than trying to explain away the concerns I and some others have re: Sopko, I'd have hoped to have seen a response from Xanth on the question I asked him.

A votecount might be nice, if our delightful co-mod could be convinced to go to the trouble of doing so~

Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia
« on: December 02, 2008, 05:30:56 PM »
Mmm. I should talk about something else besides Xanth as I wait on our executive committee leader.

Alright, then. Armed with my cup of tea, I will attempt to cover the other issues I see today.

Tom. A day 1 Tom lynch reveals nothing, and Tom has not been so undeniably scummy that one must lynch him with all due haste. I can expand upon why I think this, if there is someone who does not understand the above statements.
Sopko. Strago pointed out something interesting about his post, and as I went back and checked, I found myself in agreement. Sopko both praises Andrew in no uncertain terms and removes his non-jokevote vote from Xanth as a direct result of Andrew's actions and posts. Without even going into whether Andrew really is on the ball, the contradiction inherent in Sopko's post troubles me greatly. I also agree that Sopko's new stance allows him to cast his vote as he pleases while softening the impact either way. Attempts to have the cake and eat it, too, are something I find bothersome in mafia.

Furthermore. How exactly does removing a person from -1 to -2 allow for further discussion on its own? Sopko himself, in that very post, asserts that only 12 hours remain in the day. It is also day 1, and arguments are scarce. He does not particularly propose a new lynch target or have questions for Xanth to be answered that I can see. His actions seem to contradict the spirit of his words, here.

Since I found so much disagreeable with the aforementioned post of Sopko's, I went back to see what else he had said so far. And our little ninja had been true to his character. Could two one-liners, a post with a vote on Xanth with the only justification of claiming to find Xanth's own serious day 1 post too unfounded even for day 1, and a jokevote in the first post truly be all that you've contributed? I'm bothered by this not because I expect you to write novels upon novels for us, Sopko, but because the discussion you wished so much to take place doesn't happen in a vacuum. I don't see you making an effort to keep it going, which makes your unvote post look bad to me. And when it's the only actual post of you with something I'd consider content, I don't have a problem with having you as a lynch target.

Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia
« on: December 02, 2008, 03:24:39 PM »
After glancing at Xanth's posts, something bothers me.

First, Xanth says that metagaming is just another thing town can and that town should use all the weapons at its disposal. He even uses it to place a vote on Alex, from what I understood.

Then, later on, Xanth decides on Tom for the lynch. Here, however, I see Xanth suddenly ignore anything metagaming-related with regards to Tom. After all, is Tom actually acting differently from usual? 'hideous misrepresentation' or not, I'm not sure I like how you both take in the players's history and discard it whenever it seems to suit the case.

If I had misundestood something, please explain this apparent discrepancy to me. There is still time to the deadline, and I haven't actually placed a vote along with this post, after all.

I wholeheartedly support the statement that Natsuki is 'a total babe'.

Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia
« on: December 02, 2008, 12:01:44 PM »
Too swamped today to formulate something just yet, and I see no end to my being busy. Shouldn't it be Suzushiro's job to make sure my schedule is clear to drink my tea in peace?

Alex's response is enough for me to unvote. That's something I was able to read and I don't have a problem there anymore.

##Unvote: Sir Alex

Couldn't read about the case on Xanth, such as it might be on day 1, with the attention it deserves. I'll need a few more hours to comment on it, and to decide which way my vote should go.

Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia
« on: December 01, 2008, 08:45:26 PM »
It's true! When you frame the discussion, even incorrect things suddenly seem to fit and make sense!

Or, to recap, I placed a second vote on a person, it being a jokevote. Alex later in the day added the fourth vote and by that time I couldn't really see a reason to help train someone with what was originally said jokevote. Alex possibly did this to get discussion started! But it is not up to me to make excuses for his behavior, and the one he gave when questioned on that was pretty feeble, as far as I'm concerned. I hardly have much here, but when I apply Alex's justification of 'X might be scum, I dunno' I find that it suits a vote for him more than it does staying on what ended up being a train, but was certainly nothing of the sort at the time I placed it originally.

Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia
« on: December 01, 2008, 07:46:51 PM »
Our illustrious teacher, I have an important question for you. Are you, per chance... drunk? Perhaps a little bit? Because 'he might be scum' applies just as well to you and your line of reasoning in this situation, I feel.

##Unvote: Kilgamayan
##Vote: Sir Alex

Forgive me, Natsuki! I am a weak creature and my convictions change, but not my love for you!

Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia
« on: December 01, 2008, 03:46:46 PM »
Calling me a stalker is so terribly mean-spirited! Why, I merely happened to be where my Natsuki was facing terrible danger, ready to save her from her enemies, whoever they might be. Ahem. How about some green tea? It is one of my formiddable powers, I am told. I have plenty for everyone.

For what it's worth, I support the drive to get things into the serious phase. I'm at a loss how to contribute to it at the time, however, since I agree with Cid's reasoning and so wouldn't actually be pushing him for explanations on his vote here.

Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia
« on: December 01, 2008, 07:05:41 AM »
How awful! I was framed, I'll have you know, framed.

I must concur with my Natsuki that it's always the quiet ones. ##Vote: Kilgamayan

How dare you accuse Natsuki?! Your time will come, Senou....

Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia Signups
« on: November 29, 2008, 08:38:09 AM »

Forum Games / Re: My-Hime Mafia Signups
« on: November 25, 2008, 08:01:44 AM »
Let's all get along! Fufufu~

Forum Games / Re: Dr Who Mafia~?
« on: November 02, 2008, 08:31:00 AM »

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: Game over (Scum win)
« on: October 29, 2008, 07:01:09 AM »

Tom: Pretty much what Rat said.

Excal: Yeah.  :/
I kept on thinking he would claim, especially after that day 3 post of his, but the longer he didn't the scummier he seemed to me. And then he just gave up instead.  :/

KHAN: I'm sorta curious, why did you do stuff like extend day 1 into sudden death?

Morbidly amused that I still smacked smodge for his capitalization, and still went after Alex till the bitter end, despite not having guessed either.

Forum Games / Re: Incompetent Mafia - GAME OVER (Game Topic)
« on: October 16, 2008, 12:41:13 PM »
Plus when you're stressed and have huge walls of text to read, it helps to not, you know, gloss over those that you just know would make you cry.  >_>

Forum Games / Re: Incompetent Mafia - GAME OVER (Game Topic)
« on: October 16, 2008, 08:35:32 AM »
I would be more than happy to, LD, once I get my own answer re: the restrictions enforced on Remo's last post, if any.

Forum Games / Re: Incompetent Mafia - GAME OVER (Game Topic)
« on: October 16, 2008, 08:05:07 AM »
Smodge for town mvp, an honorary mention for Sopko. Delta for scum mvp, seriously. I've been following the game and his posts made me cry. Forgetting your targets? Doing the next thing to claiming scum while arguing? Yeah.

Smodge! Please spend more time on making your posts legible, I was constantly thinking that if the presentation matched the excellent logic (and choice of targets) you wouldn't be going up for lynch only to be saved last moment by Andrew.

The note in the day 2 votecount that pretty much tells people to look for something suspiciously missing felt pretty unfair to me. Not really for balance issues or what not, but just because it felt uncool. Scum made a pretty worthy gambit, and it didn't feel like it justified a word of mod that something was rotten to practically hand town another chance.

Question to Remo or the Captain! Did Remo's last post really have to be that evasive, or could he have just posted 'Rat is scum, I am martyr cop, lynch him plz'?

Forum Games / Re: Succinct Mafia
« on: September 03, 2008, 05:59:33 PM »
The past few days have been pretty busy and filled with hateful overtime well into the late evenings, quite unexpectedly so. I posted the confirmation after Rat bugging me to do it, and forgot the game started until pretty much a few hours ago. Sorry everyone.

Forum Games / Re: Succinct Mafia
« on: September 01, 2008, 08:59:18 AM »

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