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Messages - Alice

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Forum Games / Re: [Day 3] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 27, 2009, 02:00:28 AM »
@Alice - if somebody refused to do so, and claimed vanilla, then they'd be obvscum?
Not necessarily - I don't envy his position, it'd being stuck between a rock and a hard place, if he votes he dies, if he does not he gets Hella Suspicion on him. I was expecting at least some objection from him, though...

Forum Games / Re: [Day 3] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 27, 2009, 01:53:42 AM »
If I'm stuck with dying, then Smodge dying along with me is probably the best possible course. Works decently, etc, though I'm still slightly puzzled at his MANLINESS. It doesn't make sense for either Scum OR Town to do that...

Forum Games / Re: [Day 3] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 27, 2009, 01:33:45 AM »
Augh, one hour before deadline and I'm forced to claim. Yay. I'm the Magic Bullet, Townie Bomb. If lynched, the last person on the wagon dies, if killed, the person NKing me dies. Would rather not be today's lynch.

Am fine with seeing either Yoshi or Smodge get lynched. Not comfortable with anyone else getting lynched at this point in time.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 3] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 27, 2009, 01:09:57 AM »
@Kiro: I think Smodge is pretty bad as well, and would readily vote him as well, especially considering his latest actions concerning vote-switching (Smodge: why are you voting me? At least Tom and Kiro provide cases and Yoshi is trying to save himself), so I'm not seeing your point.

Also I'm not getting why people are clearing Yoshi all of a sudden, especially this close to deadline. Can we not deadline-rush Every Single Day in this game, seriously? (Also I'm not seeing the clear - his defence was unsatisfactory as far as I am concerned). Also I'm not seeing a lack of D2 presence as being all that damning either, especially considering how fast days go in this game. In any order I thought I fixed the lack of activity issues.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 3] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 26, 2009, 08:59:35 PM »
First off, no matter what you claim otherwise, I still DO NOT SEE UNVOTING SOMEONE WHEN THEY GOT TO L-1 AFTER LESS THAN TWELVE HOURS AS A SCUMMY MOVE. Please point out how it might be otherwise, because I'm just not seeing it.

Quote from: EvilTom
And calling Yoshi's recent actions 'flailing' is not right.
How so?

Regarding my case on Soppy: it was notable that he was the start of the Excal lynch train, but you'll notice that my post is asking him for some answers: I thought he was suspicious at the time, but not suspicious enough to lynch. Most of Tom's case seems to actually be on Soppy, with the major point against me being the case on Soppy yet vote on Yoshi, despite the fact that I had some suspicion on Soppy and a fairly damning belief that Yoshi was scum for his D2 actions surrounding Bard and Alex.

Regarding Smodge: why are you so jumpy with your vote anyway? It seems to sit on a single person for no more than half a day at a time or something. Why do you believe that I'm scum anyway?

Vote stays on Yoshi, but Smodge is also raising red flags for me right now.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 3] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 26, 2009, 04:09:29 AM »
@Kiro: Because Glen's actions at least make some sense as NoobScum. Flailing about when stuck in a crappy situation is almost characteristic of Noob Scum, whereas sticking to a single case which is almost blatantly bad reeks more of Noob Town with a horrible case of tunnelvision. Scum don't care who they lynch so long as they lynch Town, it's Town that would be more likely to swing towards tunnelvision on non-obvious targets than Scum. Hence my somewhat-clear of Mage, yet pressing of Glen.

@Kilga: the speed at which the Yoshi wagon developed was suspicious is all...he went from no votes to L-1 in a little over 12 hours. Mafia here does tend to go fast, but this is even more speedy than usual, it seemed to me at the time at least.

Glen does look a whole lot better than he did before after Tonfa's flip, even after we take into consideration his actions today regarding votehopping onto the Yoshi wagon as soon as the Smodge one didn't appear to be viable. Still think he's horrible, but think Yoshi's a much more likely target for today.

Soppy needs to show up and respond and offer some more analysis for today. I mean LAL is good advice and all that, but when you're saying to LAL at the same time as you're threatening to lurk past 24 hours...yeah. I'm also slightly disconcerted about him now that it's revealed that he started the Excal wagon *and* it was for slightly bizarre pretenses. His D2 activity makes him look better, being an early vote on Bard, but come on, if you're going to yell at me for not being around during the D2 Bard fakeclaim clusterfuck, don't *ALSO* not be around during the D2 Bard clusterfuck. Starting to grow progressively more wary about Soppy.

Still think that Yoshi is the best lynch for today, though, after further consideration. Horribad D2 cheerleading for the Bard lynch while voting Alex followed by a Duh(TM) Hammer for Town Cred(TM) doesn't endear him much to me, and none of his latest posts persuade me much to move my vote off him again, so:
##Vote: Yoshi

Tom I'm still not getting much of a read on, need to reread his posts again. Kiro, Kilga and Rat all seem Town to me at the moment. Smodge is suspicious but a distant third after my ideal lynches of Yoshi and Soppy.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 3] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 25, 2009, 06:13:32 PM »
This doesn't explain the need for an unvote. You currently do not have an active vote, for a reason I do not accept. Concerned.
Maybe we play mafia here differently, but from where I come from not having an active vote when there are still over 24 hours in the day and you're re-reading and re-analysing info (and stated as such), is not something scummy.

Quote from: EvilTom
I'm sick of this "No scum would be that bad!" stuff. If you take it far enough, we should lynch all the pro-town players and reward the scummy ones.
I vaguely remember such an argument on day 1.
Except it's not "no scum would be this bad", it's how does this make sense at all as scum behaviour? Bard's copclaim is awful but it makes sense as a last-ditch method to save himself. Mage going after someone who quite clearly does not appear to have any supporters in favour of lynch, over joining any of the current cases/trains on Yoshi, Glen, Smodge, etc makes little sense as scum behaviour as it's not likely to result in a lynch and it makes him stick out horribly. Hence why I'm not seeing scum-Mage at the moment.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 3] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 25, 2009, 05:12:45 PM »
If I'm missing something and you can prove otherwise though, I'd love to hear about it
Because it seems that part of the reasoning for Yoshi, Smodge *AND* Glen being scum is various forms of haphazard vote-switching D2. Granted, Yoshi was cheerleading while Smodge was flailing about, but I' I'm still not ready to file it away as a null tell.

Unvote because we still have 36 hours and Yoshi's at L-1 already, I'd like to do a proper reread of everyone on his wagon before potentially revoting.

@Rat: the problem is that I can't see a scum-Mage, who is clearly a noob player, going after Kilga today, an action which has garnered precisely 0 (zero) supporters. It doesn't make sense as a scum move at all, let alone a scum gambit. Seems more like horribad NoobTown(TM) tunnelvision.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 3] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 25, 2009, 04:52:23 PM »

Christ, Yoshi's at L-1 already? I still think he's quite scummy, but there's also likely to be scum on the wagon, either due to him being Town after all or due to them bussing him. Glen particularly stands out, etc. Want to know why Glen decided to switch to Yoshi so quickly after it was apparent the Smodge lynch was not going to go through.

Also Tom why does Smodge's end-of-day flailing come up as a null tell for you? I mean really, what.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 3] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 25, 2009, 10:02:59 AM »
Struck out on his own case to the exclusion of all else, then voted for an extension.
I would argue that NOT voting for an Extension D2 was the scummy thing to do prior to Bard's cop shenanigans which were awful as all heck. Anyway, now that we have two flipped scum, let's see what we can work off of. And yes, I KNOW the end of D1 actions make me look bad, but my lynch preferences at the time were Glen > Excal > Tonfa, and given the lack of willingness for people to switch to the Glen wagon (again I stress the five minutes before deadline point), I voted Excal. Turned out to have been a mistake. You could argue that Kilga is scum similarly because of his rather brazen defence of Tonfa D1. Honestly, I find this reasoning full of WIFOM and silly, so bleh.

Anyway, let's take a look at the Excal and Tonfa trains on D1 again, now that we have some flips:
Tonfa (5): Xanth, Bard, Mage, Kiro, Yoshi, Excal, Glen
Excal (6): Mage, Glen, Soppy, Glen, Alex, Smodge, Kilga, Alice, Tonfa
We now know that Tonfa is Scum and Xanth is Town, so no issues there. Excal is also Town, no problems there. Let's examine Mage and Kiro:
Mage's vote in #68 looks believable enough - and Tonfa was looking slightly odd at that time. Similarly, Kiro's vote in #69 is also valid, and neither of these people come out looking scummy. Glen, of course, comes out of this looking godawful, but that's due to wagon-hopping, not due to anything intrinsic to this particular wagon. So far, apart from maybe Glen, it doesn't appear there are any scum on this wagon at lynch time, which is...rather unsurprising and to be expected. Bard and Yoshi, on the other hand...

On the Excal train, we have an early hop on from Soppy, which to me is weird:
Quote from: Soppy #70
As people have noted with my argument previous, it's a softball day 1 argument. I'm actually fine sticking to it, but even I see that it's not entirely built rock solid. Meanwhile, we have Excal who has been playing hyper-aggressive townie all day. This cheerleading response to my argument seemed... off to me. Especially when he says he's trying to direct discussion, instead he has a summary post which says... nothing. And he admits it and tries to play it off as "LOL silly me" at the end.

This doesn't add up to me, since judging from how Excal's played so far he probably should have been the first to jump on my case. I probably would've been fine with it had it not had point C saying that there are holes in it, but for the points previous he's sticking with his other vote, but he doesn't. So...
No matter how many times I go over this argument I'm still not understanding it. So you vote Excal for...spectating/reporter-style posting? Or for not being on YOUR case for a mistake you made? Or for playing hyper-agressively when Town-Excal normally does not do that? I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. It's also notable that this is the start of the Excal train D1.

The rest of the people on the wagon were all deadline ninjas, and thus liable to not confer much useful alignment information.

As for today, let's see...

Mage I'm still liable to believe as being noobtown. Absolutely terrible, but also noobtown. I just can't see a Scum-Mage try to lynch Kilga in such a horrible and haphazard manner as he is trying to do today.

Yoshi is pretty much horrible. Soppy and Kiro bring up the major points, I'd also like to generally add the cheerleading D2 during the Bard lynch, essentially it seems as if you tried to believe and not believe the Bard fakeclaim at the same time, and then hammer for Townie cred at a time when it was virtually guaranteed that Alex would not, in fact, be the D2 lynch.

##Vote: Yoshi

Also not liking Smodge's horribletastic(TM) vote-switching behaviours, and I'm honestly not sure how people think he is so likely to be Town. I mean holy crap guys the amount of vote-switching he did D2 was astounding and he's almost as suspicious as Yoshi in my eyes.

Glen comes out of this mess looking a whole lot better than before, given Alex and Tonfa's flips. Still not liking his posts, but I'm starting to lean more Town regarding him right now as opposed to scum. Would like more input from him, though, especially regarding why you felt like switching from Smodge to Yoshi so quickly after it looked like a Smodge lynch was not going to occur today.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 2] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 24, 2009, 09:58:47 AM »
Ugh, let's see.

Still not feeling quite good about Glen. In fact, my D1 suspicions on Glen have only gotten worse as of #223. It seems as if you're trying to argue semantics or something. It's easy to see from what Alex said that Town specifically is playing badly because a Townie was lynched on D1. 'Tis not hard to see this. Furthermore, if you feel that you're getting a "scum feeling" from me/Bardiche/Smodge, why are you voting for Alex?

Notably, Glen's D1 posts/vote were instrumental in getting the Excal wagon going, and some of the reasoning, such as in #77 where you claim that Excal is Scum because his arguments are sloppy (FWIW, way to be a hypocrite) and then brings up a very minor case about not quoting an entire sentence for a single line of argument. Was this really your ENTIRE CASE on Excal? Not to mention the whole general horrible flailing about D1 combined with basically horrible wagon-hopping on just about anyone that wasn't you. Not to mention that any time someone asked you about your reasoning on Excal, you responded with generally horrible evasion instead of actual proper reasoning behind your vote. Way to go, etc. D2 you aren't faring much better, as seen for instance with you trying to pick arguments with SirAlex for no good reason at all while at the same time not actually scumhunting. Can't see anyone else who's more deserving of a vote right now, but... the same time, Bardiche is also horrible. Let's do some analysis of #194:
Quote from: Bardiche
When reading others' posts and they highlight Alex, it is only natural that I check whether their accusations towards him were valid. I found them valid, agreed with them and decided to pursue his lynch as his non-participation to town was more scumlike to me than the other cases at that moment. I do not feel I was bandwagon-hopping, but apparently we disagree on this matter.
Hokay. Let's take a look at your D1 posts containing votes:

- #63, drops his jokevote, slaps a vote down on Tonfa for voting Mage due to him being horrible noob Town, but not necessarily Scum, after this is pointed out by Xanth. Fine. Whatever.
- #78, after being "wary about voting Glen" in #63, he shifts to Glen for "being wishy-washy". Way to be a hypocrite, I guess. Valid case on Glen though, imho, which somewhat alleviates the wtf factor of the switch after 15 posts.
Now things get interesting:
- #120, where he shifts from Glen to SirAlex, moving Glen from 4 to 3 and Alex from 2 to 3, as someone mentioned a couple posts above. His reasoning? Textbook lurking and not participating D1. Now, here's the thing: other than the fact that I have literally seen Alex do this in every game he was in which I have been in and/or read afterwards, but what happened to your other cases? You abandon them especially quickly for some reason, especially in #120 where suddenly you change your mind and think that Glen's play is not Scummy, but rather just merely bad Townie play. Why? There's no reasoning, no explanation behind why you changed your mind on this matter, at all. What did Glen Veil do between posts #78 and #120 to make him suddenly become merely a bad Town player instead of A Potential Scum? I'm not seeing anything of note between those two posts.

EvilTom's case on Mage is also quite notable. Still seeing Mage more as noob-Town, though. I just can't see a Scum-Mage out of nowhere go "yeah I'm not saying anything until I get Delta's opinion on things" and then just go off and vanish for a bit - it doesn't make sense as a Scum gambit, or even as a Scum Mistake.

Quote from: Kiro
Not satisfied with Alice's answer so far. You took the time in that deadline rush to put in a few sentences urging others to vote for Glen. You would have known that when you posted it, you'd have to act fast. Yet it didn't materialize when it reasonably could have. Post, F5, read, "oh, Kilga will be here at deadline since he posted 40 seconds before me," repost, vote Glen, done. That can't take more than 1 minute, 2 if you want to add a few sentences explaining the switch.
Yes, and it was five minutes before deadline. I had no guarantee that Kilga would be AROUND to switch to Glen at this time (in fact, the fact that he voted 40 seconds before me and it was 5 minutes before deadline was a decent sign that he most likely would not be constantly mashing F5 before deadline hit), so I made a call out so I could see if a switch was POSSIBLE with the amount of people who WANTED to vote, but it seems that I was right and due to a lack of coordination, which, given the rapidly incoming deadline, is not all that surprising, that there was no way to coordinate a switch to Glen that resulted in anything other than a Tonfa lynch.

So final results for now on my scum-dar: Glen > Bard > Mage > Everyone Else. Accordingly, I am going to:
##Vote: Glen Veil
But if needed to, I am fine with switching to Bardiche before deadline over pretty much everyone else. Notably, I have no idea why people are thinking Alex is Scum, I can't see any of the cases put forth against him so far being valid at all (then again, I *am* discrediting some of them partly on meta. Nevertheless...).


Forum Games / Re: [Day 2] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 23, 2009, 08:20:09 AM »
Pretty exhausted right now and after Firefucks just decided to swallow the reply I was working on I'm kind of annoyed and will finish typing that up after I get some actual sleep. What I do want to do is clarify at the day's end: how am I supposed to somehow communicate with Kilga to move to Glen when deadline is approaching in like 10 minutes? My options were either to stay on Glen and hope Kilga read my post in the five minutes before the deadline hit, or switch to one of the two active wagons that day, and I had a slight preference to Excal over Tonfa. Granted, both of the Excal AND Tonfa trains seemed a bit weird, and closer reading is warranted for both. Bleh.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 1] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 21, 2009, 05:55:53 PM »
DISlike the way that Yoshi hopped onto the Alex train immediately after it was formed by Kilga. What?

Quote from: SirAlex
Glen is rather obviously town from the way he's been flailing and throwing walls of text and fingers in every direction.
What? Every time I have seen this behaviour, it's pointed to noob scum. Noob scum when stuck with impending lynch tend to flail around horribly in every direction. Especially combined with spending entirely too much time trying to defend themselves.

Anyway, I don't necessarily disagree with the Tonfa train 100%, but I'm still not seeing what made him so scummy. There was a noted inconsistency in his posting earlier, but it seems to have been explained away and most notably there are better targets today. I would PREFER to lynch Glen, he is still a glaring Scum as far as I am concerned, but if that is not a possiblity,

##Vote: Excal

Starting to see more of the reasoning behind his train, most likely the switch from Mage to Tonfa was horribly awkward and really seemed more like trying to save oneself than actually find scum.

Can still switch over to Glen, would much rather lynch Glen, so people who are claiming to wish to vote Glen, vote Glen plzkthx! Deadline is coming up very soon!

Forum Games / Re: [Day 1] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 21, 2009, 05:29:17 PM »
Ugh, rapidly approaching deadline. Need to properly go over both of Excal and Tonfa's posts before I decide which of them to vote, as 4-4-4 is a pathologically daft way to approach deadline. Still think Glen Veil is being scummy, though. Not buying Kilga's case on Alex at all, it would be decent if we had no other but in the current situation a bit of lurkiness on D1 is not worse than posting inconsistencies and undefined arguments.

Forum Games / Re: [Day 1] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 20, 2009, 02:17:06 PM »
Was going to post here but then My Immortal came up in an IRC channel I was in and then after that I felt like working on a math research problem I'm trying to puzzle through and then I realised that I really should post here. Anyway, while I'm very, VERY tempted to vote Magetastic for invoking the gambler's fallacy, even jokingly, we have bigger fish to fry:

Dislike Yoshiken and his "oh hey let's try to create a lurking table this is obviously useful" idea, but it doesn't seem like something scum'd suggest, even by mistake. Might be an attempt to be a little Too Townie, but that's not worth a vote, not by any means.

Dislike Kiro's vote for Yoshi, it reads like an attempt to vote someone for any reason disguised as a joke vote.

Dislike Magetastic's completely randomass vote on Tom, then his completely randomass vote on Kiro to "generate more discussion". Despite this seeming like a clever idea, it bears little towards Kiro's alignment, given how much Kiro has posted, and I'm unconvinced it's valid scumhunting.

I have no idea what in the actual fuck Glen Veil #30 is going on about, his reasons for finding Excal as scum (even "shooting through the roof on his scum radar!") to be...confusing and not really...existent?

Magetastic: except your attempt at creating discussion is not only patently stupid, but it's also awkwardly directed towards a specific player.

Quote from: Magetastic
My gut instinct isn't so much that Kiro is scummy, necessarily, but moreso that if we continue to discuss Kiro and Kiro-related things, that the scum will reveal themselves. Again: No evidence, just gut instinct.
Why? Why Kiro specifically?

Then you go and unvote him anyway, and then FoS him. Why? Why are Delta's thoughts so important to you?

Glen Veil is making absolutely no sense at all in #51. I feel as if I'm reading Markov-Modelling-AI-based ""sentences"": they're semantically correct, but otherwise seem like complete nonsense.

The problem that I see, is, as Alex said in #57, the act of someone spewing nonsense, then claiming for opinions from Delta, then running away seems downright puzzling. However, I can easily see it as something a boneheaded scum would do: get text from Delta, which will invariably be incriminating as all hell because it's freaking Delta, then use it to vote for him. The issue is that...there are other wagons today. Why make such stupid statements? It's all quite puzzling and it's making reading Mage off the current material that he has posted quite a puzzling mess.

Really, at the moment I'm seeing Glen Veil the most as potential scum. The reactionary attitude is weird, trying to halt discussion is awkward and bad. More notably, why is it that coming to someone's defence is awkward and bad, if it is done after the jokevote phase but still during D1? Also your accusation with intent to lynch was admittedly based off of misunderstanding and "oh hey this person is commenting on these three people clearly he is scum!".

Also, for some reason your sentences are abnormally hard for me to parse compared to everyone else's. No clue why. Clearly, you are scum.

In any order,
##Vote: Glen Veil

Kiro is a second for being really damn awkward with basically all of his posts so far. While you did explain what your reasoning for voting Yoshi was, it's still damn strange and your further responses have been lacking. Am interested in seeing more content from you.

Forum Games / Re: Worms Mafia Signups (Start Date: Wed 8/19)
« on: August 18, 2009, 11:09:32 PM »
Confirmed, and:

Also, forum's been wonky all day here.

Forum Games / Re: Worms Mafia Signups
« on: August 18, 2009, 12:57:14 AM »

Alex, Rat and Kilga know me from another site and can vouch for me being decent at mafia.

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