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Messages - Tanaka

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Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 06:21:12 PM »
Okay, I wrote this up last night after my last post so some of the information is a little outdated.

I am not at all surprised that Bard was the one chosen for the slowkill--he's the only one other than Nikolai (who I'm not even sure scum could have targeted last night) who was basically cleared from being scum, by virtue of the docfather role. (I'd say I'm basically cleared too but Hargreaves still trying to build the case on me yesterday indicates that I'm not clear to absolutely everyone, though I'll certainly go through that argument one final time if I must), and scum killing a non-confirmed townie at this point would have been really stupid and handed town the win.  So, moving on!

NATHAN GREAVES is almost CERTAINLY SCUM, and from where I'm standing almost CERTAINLY the person who revived our good friend Gershom/Moses/Jesus/Yahweh/Whatever. Yes, if I'm correct, scum revived town. Keep in mind that, Nathan knew that Nikolai was a rolecop, if an unreliable one.  Though this revival took place before Hargreaves took it upon himself to investigate Nathan, he knew that one rolecop existed, who could easily out the revivalist should he have revived a scum role.  Moreover, reviving Bike largely cleared Nathan for the next couple of days--just long enough to get us into potential LYLO, and had Nikolai not been a self-reviver, almost certainly have won the game for scum (I assume).  A gambit that paid off, if just for a little bit. UNLESS ANYONE ELSE (specifically, Kolmgorov and to an extent Mei Fan Transy) HAS A GOOD REASON NOT TO, ##FOS:Nathan Greaves that will become a vote to lynch when the time is right.

Hargreaves, now.  Hargreaves in 85% (Not Xanth here, just kind of estimating that statistic >_>) of all scenarios can't be scum--I have no reason whatsoever to doubt his rolecoppin' abilities (since they have been 100% accurate from what I can tell).  Assume he's lying to us just now, and instead of self reviver got back the result that Nikolai was a reviver--if he got that back and was scum, Nikolai would have been killed pretty dang quickly.  If he got that back and was town (which I don't believe since there's no reason to lie at this juncture as town), all the more reason to keep him alive.  Now, if Hargreaves got back self-reviver, as he's claimed?  As town, Hargreaves' explanation makes complete sense, especially since he was right and this revelation coming out now really did help town.  As scum?  Well, two scenarios there: One, Hargreaves knew that he'd only self revive on a regular kill--all the more reason to slowkill him.  Two (the much, much more likely one), Hargreaves only knew that he'd self revive, and had no reassurance that a slowkill would keep a dead dog down, as it were.

We come to that problematic 15%.  If Hargreaves only knew he'd self-revive, and didn't know the circumstances of that self revival... then that gives scum a really good reason not to slowkill. Why waste a kill and make things easier for town? It may also give Hargreaves a dang good motive for voting Ethan Hayles to get lynched instead of Kolmgorov, ESPECIALLY considering Kolmgorov's lurking was looking like it was going to get him modkilled (and almost assuredly not revived) at several points during this game.

Do I buy into this scenario?  Well... (at this point I've begun writing after reading what's happened) given Mei Fang's investigation coming back scum on Hargreaves? Given both of the pair were the ones who dropped the hammer pretty quickly together (less than 10 minutes within eachother)? Given Hargreaves was trying to build a case against a nigh-confirmed townie earlier?  Kinda. 

I want to do a re-read of Andrews (and go over Xanth's scumpair theorizing again), since he's the only one who could possibly be scum if Hargreaves ain't, and Bard's assertion's aside I'm not 100% on the whole Hargreaves thing.  I'm certainly sold on Greaves being scum, but I also don't like the killing power being potentially in scum's hands (if Hargreaves IS scum we have no reason to trust his "I can only kill the person with the second most votes" malarky).  However, I've got more pressing priorities at the moment, soooo yeah.

I'm very comfortable dropping Greaves like so much gravy, and depending on how looking back at Andrews goes I might be good with dropping Hargreaves as well.  HG certainly looks a lot scummier in retrospect but we're at LYLO and I want to be sure.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 09:00:46 AM »
oh god damn it.  blah blah blah last posts blah blah blah post before me wrong account etc etc etc

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 07:21:29 AM »
Dangnabbit.  How fuckin' ridiculous.

Hoo.  Okay.  So, Nikolai's cleared.  And it's a dang good thing we done lynched him, cuz now the possible scum pool is smaller.   This does beg the question, however, of why Hargreaves was so dang skiddish 'bout lynchin' the feller.  If you KNEW he was a self-reviver, why, the only negative consequences we wouldda had from lynchin' him would-a been to cull down the pool o' suspects.  Granted, the last time Nikolai was on the block, we ended up lynchin' scum instead, so this infermation comin' out now ain't that bad. But... from the sounds o' it, if Nik had gotten hisself slowkil't the revival would have gone out the shitter.  Guess it were a good thing he played so scummy that scum would have had no reason to kill 'im.

I want to hear about the results of all the goin's on last night before I weigh in any further.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 09, 2010, 08:40:49 AM »
That being said, unusually enough, while I would still rather lynch Scum, I am somewhat fine with being lynched myself if we can't come to any other consensus - you will see why when I flip (and Hargreaves knows the answer as well - I would very much like it btw, Hargreaves, if you were to keep not mentioning what X is, still).

Ha... ha ha ha ha.... ha ha ha ha ha WHAT?

Okay.  Whatever.  "Don't tell them power number 3 because... you'll see~~~~~~"

Ha ha, whatisthisidonteven...

Andrews:  And, how/why did you become aware of this on Night 4, if your power hasn't come into play at all?

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 09, 2010, 05:12:05 AM »
Okay, a little less than 2 hours from the request.  Nikolai, I don't really need to see it anymore, since the whole point was to verify that you HAD something.  At this point, anything posted could easily have been written in the last hour and 40 minutes or so, so it won't verify anything either way.  But if you had been able to produce it, I'd have been a might bit more inclined to think that, if you weren't town, you were at least trying to fake it.

Now, I have no grounds to assume that, Mr. Lurky-Lurk.  I'm going with the LAL strategy, and unless Hargreaves or yourself can give you a damn good reason for me to not be eager to lynch you....

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 09, 2010, 03:21:56 AM »
And, from what Hargreaves done said, his rolecoppin' adds a bonus doc-type effect, but if it deflects a kill then somethin' bad happens.  Bike's whole plan is to have Samuel rolecop/bodyguard hisself an' have you attack him t' verify the roles, is my understandin'.


Useful 'er not, Red, I'd like to see it.  Y'ken even put big ol' "This post is nigh on useless" tags or whatnot if it makes you feel better about it.  And the sooner the better--if it's so dang useless then there's no real point in editin' it at all.  Just want to see it.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 09, 2010, 03:12:57 AM »
"I didn't think something was fishy because ... from my perspective at best I was cleaning out the scummy people"?

So, you didn't think you had a killing role, but you thought you were cleaning out the scummy people?

* Jack Daniels takes a swig and strokes his beard.

Uh.  So which is it: You thought you were cleaning out the scummy people, or you thought you weren't the killer?

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 09, 2010, 02:29:58 AM »
The last message was directed at the chinaman, if it weren't clear.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 09, 2010, 02:29:40 AM »
Oh, yeh.  I done think that considerin' were in potential LYLO (that apparently favors town), not usin' yer power would be the best idea?  Ol' Germoses' plan seems sound, but assumin' a town Samuel we don't rightly know what that curse could be.  Errin' on the side o' caution could be best?  Though I'll rightly defer to Bike's opinion on the matter--he clearly done thought it through more than I 'ave.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 09, 2010, 02:19:02 AM »
((HA HA HA HA HA I LOVE THIS SETUP.  This is Role Madness done right.))

Good to see you showin' yer face again, Ruskie.  But I ain't too pleased.  Where's that "wall of text" you done promised us last gameday?  Sure, even if none of it's all too applicable, I'd like to SEE it if you don't mind--it would be right nice to see that you weren't just talkin' out yer Lenin-lovin' ass about it.  Don't even have to clean it up all that much.

An, if it ain't applicable no more, well, right after I'd right like to see your take on the day's situation as is.

Nah, Samuel, I'm ... kinda sure yer a good man but what's this nonsense about me bein' scum?  As Bike done pointed out, Chad comes back plain ol' doc to rolecops, and he while he also done nothin' to speak up and say he targetted me, the poor boy ain't said nothin' 'bout not targettin' me (not that he wouldda--flip's a little murky on th' topic, but I assume he didn't know nothin' 'bout his miller removin' powers, an if he did it wouldda been a right dumb move to speak up about it l'est it were to call me out on a lie ((Actually, HEY MOD!  Could you clear this one up a little? If Chad did know that he cleaned up Millers this will put Hargreaves' theory to rest, and if he didn't nothing's really changed.))).  Other people have touched more on why your line o' thought don't make no sense, but I will say if you were tryin' to build a case on me, there's plenty else to go off of--how much I been wrong about who's scum and who's not, how dang lazy I got yesterday after bein' largely declared confirmed town.  Ain't got no good excuse fer it 'cept to say I play like shit.  >_>

Speakin' o' that, though, I think it's right time to come out with what makes you so dang sure Nikolai is town and I ain't--what's so dang special about power number 3 that makes you sure the Ruskie's a townie?  Especially since it ain't come into play at all near as I ken tell--last big obvious mystery's done cleared itself up with our Chinawoman friend o'er here.  Yer backin' aside, Nikolai's makin' my scumdar flare up real bad, (which, in fairness, given that I've been convinced Pietro, Hellsnake, Handley, and until the last minute Callahan were scum but was dang unsure o' O'Malley an' Hayles, don't say too much.  Only reason I can give for being sure this time is that I think I'm gettin' better 'bout what's a scumtell and what's just poor play?  We'll see).

Speakin' o' the Chinaman... Now, I ain't one to poke at people fer not puttin' 2 and 2 together, but didn'tcha think it were a li'l ODD that every dang person you investigated got their throat's slit, or claimed to have warded off an attack?  Hell, I would-a thought that the only night somebody didn't get fastkilled was the night you targetted the boy who got slowkilt would-a raised some flags.    This... well, it ain't scummy.  If I'm to trust in Hargreaves, and you explicitly came back Vigilante, well... yer about as confirmed town as Greaves is.  Problem is I'm not too sure how much I trust in Hargreaves at this point. 

So, that leaves us with... Mr. Andrews.  Y'know, maybe I'm fishin' too much through flavor, but it were said in my role PM that Andrews was "Jon's favorite new disciple", and when Chad done poked at him fer more info he just claimed amnesia.  Mildly suspicious, now that I come to think of it.  I know his guardian angel's pretty dang busy, so I'll wait a bit fer him to weigh in on the day.  Gut says he's town, based off-a play, but... well, my gut ain't meant much all game, and we're runnin' out o' suspects. 

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 08, 2010, 09:08:05 AM »
oh my god can I can't believe I just typed "knows" as "know's".  bugs me so god damn much

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 08, 2010, 09:06:13 AM »

That feller Handley turned out to be a right upstanding citizen, din't he.  Moreover, he was right.  The more I scum hunt the more I doubt my scum huntin' instincts...

That said,

##Vote:Nikolai Kolmorgovoblablablablh

I've consistently thought you've contributed well, but in light of recent events I'm none too sure that's a good thing.  Mor'n that, you done said yew-er gon' contribute at some point an' never done it, same as Seamus.  I'm none too sure I trust this line o' logic, but votin' you puts the pressure on yeh to speak at the very least.  

I'm... I'm gonna have to reread these last 20 pages AGAIN, and even then I'm none too sure I'll come up with anythin' useful, but... shit, nothin' else is gonna bring us close to huntin' scum.  An' I think the more townies get flipped, the more I can see patterns in how they act compared to how scum acts?  Maybe so.  We'll see.

Dimension McNinja'd by Bike.  Not sure why he got slowkilled again, unless that "BIKE KNOW'S SCUM'S SECRET" carries more weight than I initially thought.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 4
« on: May 06, 2010, 04:31:49 PM »
* Jack Daniels goes back and reads the rules.

Oh, okay.  Hey cool so I'm gonna leave my vote on Sopko in that case since I think he's scummier.  Thanks for pointing that out.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 4
« on: May 06, 2010, 04:20:03 PM »
Ugh morning.  Gotta get to work soon.

Where the bloody hell is Nikolai.  Fer that matter, where the bloody hell is Seamus.  The more Seamus lurks the more suspicious he looks.

We still got 3 hours til deadline, but I gotta go in 40 minutes and we gotta lynch someone.


Forum Games / Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« on: May 06, 2010, 09:39:14 AM »
I vaguely have an idea of what any of that means!

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 4
« on: May 06, 2010, 05:11:03 AM »
Just a note:  It was ~18 hours at 6PM.  It is 10 PM now.  That means only ~14 hours left in the day.

Considering the majority of us will sleep at some point, and the DL is more dead in the mornings than in the evenings, that means the deadline is much, much closer than advertised.  So if the people who haven't voted (Nikolai, Andrews, Bike, and Peyton) or weighed in (Nikolai, Nikolai, Nikolai, and... Nikolai) would be so kind as to be around this evenin', it'd make an ol' boozehound mighty pleased. 

I... should be around before deadline tomorrow morning, at least, unless I wake up late for work. 

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 4
« on: May 06, 2010, 01:20:55 AM »
Re-read stuff.  I'm tired, and at work on a break.  Did most of the re-read earlier but I need to get a vote down soon.  Dropping flavor etc etc.

Seamus I still have much the same opinion on as I did before; nothing's jumpin' out as outright scummy, aside from his jumpin' on Hellsnake right at the beginning and even then that's not that bad.  Frankly still looks less scummy than Greaves, but I've been over why I've taken Greaves off the table.

Dale strikes me as pretty good.  Correctly caught Ethan on his scumminess early, and I don't have too much of a reason to believe that this was an attempt at shipping so early on.  However, initially on Day 3 he seems to have forgotten his case on Hayles, and focuses a lot of attention on Peyton.  This doesn't worry me too much since he narrows back in on Hayles later, but it doesn't strike me as that good of play.  I am also a little worried about exactly what his role PM says that causes him to believe that there's a godfather in the game, but that's the only other thing that's really brought up any warning flags.  The broken English is a little annoying, though. >_>

Of the four in the not-Hargreaves camp, Kyle Handley looks scummiest of all.  His first two days of play are lolwhat, and most of his day 3 play is analyzing who was on the first two trains (neverminding who was on the Pietro train), though he himself acknowledges that he would have been on both trains, had it not been for being "beaten to the punch" on the D1 hammer (even though I distinctly remember that going closer to deadline than I liked).   Of the people I've been scrutinizing... well, he certainly looks scummiest.

##Vote: Kyle Handley.

Oh and Nikolai?  You need to talk more.  Christ.

From memory, and ignoring roles (going entirely off play), Kyle>Greaves>Seamus=Nikolai=Andrews=Peyton>Hargreaves=Dale, as far I can see.  Taking into account the claimed rolemadness we've had so far, that bumps Greaves off.  I'm not sure I'm comfortable lynching Seamus just yet but we'll see. 

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 4
« on: May 05, 2010, 07:10:28 AM »
* Jack Daniels takes a deep drink.

Chad, Chad, Chad.  What did I tell you?  What did I tell you?
* Jack Daniels snorts, sighs, and sets down the bottle.  "You should have stopped lookin' into what your sumbitch father done... told him nothin' good could have come of it."

Sorry, folks, I's been a bit silent.  Chad's death's weighin' on me pretty hard. ((Reality: I have been too tired to deal with Mafia until this evening.))  But... now's not the time fer it, is it?

I been mullin' it over, and I done think Hargreaves is a pretty solid candidate fer town.  I have very few issues with his play, and he comes off especially townie in light of his early day 3 play.  I was a little bit wary of him not considering the possibility of scum Nikolai, but given what he knows of ol' Nik it makes a bit more sense t' me.  Nah, I don't agree with a lot of his judgments (namely trusting Nikolai and Greaves), but fer those of yew questionin' why he done outed Greaves:  if he hadn't, he'd-a been a right fine candidate fer lynchin' come t'day, and frankly the outin' of our reviver comes with quite a bit more credibility comin' from an established rolecop ('specially by his day 3 dealin's with mehself).  Seein' as noone else has claimed the reviver position, Greaves seems right towny t' me as well in light o' this.  As far as I'm concerned at this point, both Hargreaves and Greaves are town er this is the trickiest dang gambit I done since Barnaby got shot and...

* Jack Daniels takes a good, long drink.

I done said too much.  Let's... let's ferget about that, shan't we?

Anywho, given my suspicions o' Samuel bein' town, I'm pretty dang sure he and Greaves are clear to me.  What I AIN'T sure o' is Nikolai bein' clear.  Mayhaps I'm readin' too much into the "Hargreaves knows scum's secret" bit ol' Bike brought up, but could it 'a been a clue 'bout Nikolai's alignment?  Maybe no, maybe yes.  Given that Nik's full role ain't been divulged I don't think think it's wise to vote on 'im, 'specially since at the rate he's goin' he'll get struck down by the God all mighty... ((at least this time I don't think I've seen him active in chat?))

And regardless o' that I've always thought that when Nikolai opened his ruskie mouth he brought somethin' t' the table, so in light o' that, I'm goin' ta focus on the "other" group, as has been divided all in my mind, in Peyton's posts, and in Kyle's posts.

Martin Andrews.  Problem with this feller is that he ain't got much sed, and what he's brought since bein' able to give his attention t' the game has been pretty good.  One o' my criticisms is that, yes, while Pietro's kill looks far more towny in hind than it do in the fore, recall that Pietro had been implyin' that he weren't sane AND found that Hellsinki were scum (so naive's out, and the only possible sanities were insane or paranoid. After Hellsnake claimed Miller... well, scum KNEW Hellsnake were town, so they knew he had no dang reason at all to claim Miller 'less he was.  They also KNEW Pietro were town, so the obvious scum deduction was that Pietro was Paranoid.  So scum killin' Pietro don't make much sense t' me.  Again, I ain't positive on this, but I'm pretty sure the instant kill comes from a town-friendly role.  Er at least a role that were town-friendly at the time 'cuz it done benefitted them ((I don't really know Mafia 3rd party roles, so yeah.))  Still, this is such a thing that don't strike me as scummy

Aside from that... we got...

Kyle "Sopko" Handley. 
Ronald "Bardiche" Dale.
And finally, Seamus "Excal" O'Malley.

((I'm gonna read through these folks soon.  I'm tired right now, but might be reading Mafia anyway, so if I am I'll do those one of 3.  I don't work 'til the afternoon tomorrow, and though I've got intern stuff and homework to do I'll probably be able to read through these 3 before deadline.  I'm not putting a vote down yet because though I'm pretty sure it'll be on one of them (probably Kyle or Seamus), this will force me to check back up on the topic before deadline at the very least.

Oh, yeah, re: Excal:  What 4 scum are left?  If you'll recall, we got rid of Ethan Hayles quite handily already.  So, 4 scum, minus one already = 3 scum left.  That doesn't necessitate that one of the Hargreaves trio is scum to work out even if you're in the second grouping.  Maybe I'm putting too much trust into that trio based on Hargreaves alone, but... I don't think so, at least at this juncture. 

On a side note, if the remaining three scum are the ones who didn't use an alt. account for ease of last post review I will enjoy lynching every one of you sumbitches.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 4
« on: May 04, 2010, 07:56:45 AM »
((And by Peyton, I meant Nathan.  I am tired and sober back the fuck off.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: May 04, 2010, 07:49:32 AM »
*Zenny reads up.

* Jack Daniels places his lips around the hooch bottle and doesn't stop drinking until it's empty.

((I got up to Peyton's post.  I will read that later.  As for right now I have no bloody idea what to make of the role madness that has been claimed except to wait for potential counter claims.

Oh, except I'll say that the instant kill being town-friendly makes a lot of sense given who N2's target was (Pietro).  But that's all I'm basing it off of, so I may be missing something.

Other than that I have no idea what to weigh in on aside from saying I vastly underestimated the sheer, ludicrous role madness of this game.  "There CAN'T be 4 millers why would anyone do that" HAH))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: May 02, 2010, 01:17:58 AM »
'snot what I'm asking at all.  I'm asking you to divulge this information because whether or not they die tonight will confirm or deny my suspicions.  And, if revealed after-the-fact, then it's much harder to take the information at face value.

But since at the moment I'm more concerned about powers you're unaware of than I am of powers you're outright lying about (and thus your alignment), I won't press the issue further today.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: May 02, 2010, 12:51:51 AM »
Hm.  The problem, Nik-o-lai, with askin' us to disregard the whole cult leader gaffe... well, you make it AFTER you point out that the rules allow for no alignment switching.  Pointin' out the rule comes on April 25, 2AM, and talkin' to Moses about being a cult leader comes on April 25, 4PM.  A mistake made in earnest?  Perhaps, an' I'm inclined to buy at the moment that given it's the only thing that I really see wrong with yer play, lurkin' aside.  The whole thing about Pietro playin' like a cop comes before we know fer sure that he's a paranoid cop, an' though I ain't followed Mafia enough to know proper cop play, layin' low and goin' after someone I done examined the next mornin seems like the thing I'd do.  

I think that Greaves and Hayles beat you out on bein' suspicious but yeh ken't just ask us to stop bringin' up what's a pretty dang large mistake.

Now, Hargreaves... I done think, given we're an hour to deadline... well, seein' how the next hour goes you may be inclined to divulge what makes you so confident in the ruskie.  If it's lookin' like he ain't gonna be the one lynched (and since Hayles is at L-1 he may not be), an' we're all still around in the mornin', well... You may want to divulge the infermation tomorrah.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: May 02, 2010, 12:38:25 AM »
Doing a re-read on Nikolai right now (I still don't see him as that scummy, but maybe I'm missing something by reading his posts from the last post view instead of in context), but for now... Peyton, I'm going to have to ask you again: Who did you target last night?  I'm thinking there's more to your power than you know, or perhaps more than you're letting on.  And I'd like you to answer before the next night, please.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: May 01, 2010, 08:19:03 PM »
Kay, Seamus? Comin' back in 8 hours ain't gonna do a lick o' good when the deadline's in 7.

Jack: My "guarantee" is on Kolgomorov, not Andrews; if you want to make a case on Andrews, be my guest.
I don't necessarily see the "correctness" in Kolgomorov deducing that Pietro was playing like a cop, given that he was and knew he was a paranoid, i.e. non, cop.
Also, Kolgomorov has somewhat tied himself to Handley, in that if Handley flips an obviously scum role, Kolgomorov's looking mighty shaky for not mentioning it. (though if Handley's scum with a neutral role, obviously we learn nothing).

Ah, I misunderstood.  Gotcha.  Though now that Andrews is postin' again I still don't have much t' go on.  His posts strike me as quite good content-wise, but that's a gut reaction and my gut's been wrong before.

And it's as yeh say, about the ruskie and the salesman.  I just had that thar symbiosis backward.

Hm.  I'm really not likin' Greaves' last few posts, t' be right honest.  Even if he felt he were gettin' too wall-o-texty, completely omitting Handley from his analysis seems a little off, and the "it should be obvious what my thoughts on Handley are!" just strikes me as scummy.  Additionally, the point he's bringing up against Peyton again isn't based off of anything in his posts, but just off of role speculation. Bad, bad, bad.  I'm very tempted to shuffle my vote off Hayles to Greaves at this point, but we still have a little bit of time so I'll hold off. 

Sigh.  6 more hours til deadline and I get the feeling a lot of people ain't gonna be around.  This sucks.  I'll try to read more into things but unless there's more content I don't think I'll reach any new conclusions.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 30, 2010, 11:39:24 PM »
Oh hey look I was also wrong about where Hayles was at.

##Vote: Ethan Hayles.  No harm in this yet, I hope.

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