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Tournaments / The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 4
« on: December 02, 2014, 04:38:39 AM »
Event 65: Bar Fight
Lots of people are good when it comes to traditional fighting.  I mean, they've got their mighty weapons, and their awesome magic.  But, how well can they really do when it comes down to the people's combat style, the humble bar fight.  Here, swords and guns are not allowed, neither is magic.  You've got your fists, furniture, and possibly even other brawlers.  And of course, it isn't just you and your opponent, there's a whole bar full of fighters.  And, as always, last one standing, wins.

Stephen Colbert would have you know that, despite being a reporter by trade, he is also a Man!  And as such he's skilled at this, the manliest of all fighting styles.  Of course, you know who is also a man?  Bleeding with a man's soul, Gai Daigouji will show that a man's fists needn't be made of steel to fight a man's fight.

Event 66: Master Baiting
Master Baiting is long, and hard.  It's not something that can be done in a single stroke, no matter how masterful that stroke might be.  Instead, with patience and repeated effort, the Master Baiter will enventually have a few frentic moments where the beast (with one or two backs, as the case may be) is contained followed by an eminently satisfactory climax and the glow of a job well done.

So, of course, for this event in innuendo and dirty thoughts, Hatbot has seen fit to grace us with Mr. Rodgers and Scrooge McDuck.  Thanks, Hatbot.

Event 67: Directing a Movie
What's not to love about the movies?  There's action, drama, comedy, explosions!  And it's all packed into a nice two hour bite.  Of course, making it is a lot more than two hours.  From writing the script to casting the actors to making those dazzling special effects, there's a lot of effort and skill that goes into making one of these.  So, we're putting two rookies up to the task of making the next great blockbuster.

Citan Uzuki knows a thing or twoabout spy blockbusters, having lived through one himself.  Reaching from the people who know nothing about what's going on to the very heights of power and God Itself.  And that's only one of the tales he has to tell.  Aside from that, he's known to be nuanced and generally skilled.  Against this we have someone who's seen more wars than most war reporters, and much like Homer, may actually be more than one person.  Anna from the FE Multiverse is ready to rock the movie circuit with her own Anna film studio!

Event 68: Rocket Jumping Obsticle Course
It's become cliche these days to deal with obsticle courses by thinking with portals.  And if there's anything we want to avoid, it's cliche.  So, instead of thinking with portals, we're gonna feed our contestants some good old fashioned invincibility stars and get them thinking with rockets!  Yup, it's an obsticle course that can only be mastered by cleverly using rockets to ragdoll themselves from point A to points B,C,D and beyond!  Naturally, the first one across the finish line is the winner.

Our first contestant might be coming into this with an untouchable advantage.  Not only is Wile E Coyote a super genius, and not only is he very used to dealing with rockets.  But he's also in possession of a wealth of experience in all the ways those rockets can a) fail, and b) blow him up.  He also has so much experience getting blown up and falling at greats distances and at high speeds, that the only thing that might make him think twice here is that he'll need to do it purposefully instead of accidentally.  But, he's up against one of the few people who might be able to match him.  While I can't recall Apu ever needing to use rockets, let alone on himself, Apu is a denizen of Springfield, where strange things do happen.

Event 69: Popularity Contest
A very simple match, just vote for who you like more.

And, to add to that simplicity, here's the two contestants!  Roy Mustang, from Full Metal Alchemist.  And Spider-Man, from Spider-Man.

Event 70: Fansubbing Anime (For Awesomeness)
I was going to say that anyone can sub anime and make it something excellent that is both respectful of the original work while changing the cultural references such that they work in the new language with the new audience.  But let's face it, people who can do that are rare.  There's a reason the Phoenix Wright games were such a surprise.  But, what anyone can do is this event.  Make a translation that is awesome, because you can almost kinda sorta see what it should be, but in the translation process something went wrong and now it's shown through the filter of hilarious insanity.

First up is someone who, despite not officially being a scholar, is probably still too good with languages and precision to really get a superbly awesome sub.  Pevara Tazanohvi, Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah may have a sense of humour, but it's unlikely to shine here.  Then again, she still has a chance as she's up against Stocke, he of the time travelling who also isn't a scholar, but who is also fairly serious and fairly knowledgable.

Pairs Event 11: Twin Obsticle Course
Obsticle courses are one of those things that test strength and agility as you try and get through all of the various annoying hoops and challenges placed in front of you.  The catch here is that there will be places in the course where a contestant will get stuck unless their partner on the other track manages to hit a button to open the pathway for them.  Both sides will be hampered by this, so each team will only be as good as their weakest contestant.

But it will be hard to pick out a weakest contestant in this crew.  First up we have a literal goddess in Palutena, who most likely will prove more than able to deal with an obsticle course.  And paired up with her is the secret agent/superhero Darkwing Duck who does have a habit of getting fowled up in various ways, but always pulls through in the end.  But against this we have Gaston, who may not have the auto-win status he pulls in the musical events.  But make no mistake, the guy is still top shape for a mere human.  There is a reason there's a song about how strong and fit this guy is.  But even he pales comparred to Lightning Farron, aka the soldier who takes out a defended train by herself and runs along a road that is basically a pretty nasty obsticle course by itself before she gains super human powers.

Quick Vote Form

Event 65: Bar Fight
Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Gai Daigouji (Martian Successor Nadesco)

Event 66: Master Baiting
Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood) vs. Scrooge McDuck (Disney)

Event 67: Directing a Movie
Citan Uzuki (Xenogears) vs. Anna (FE Series)

Event 68: Rocket Jumping Obsticle Course
Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius) vs. Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (The Simpsons)

Event 69: Popularity Contest
Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist) vs. Spider-Man (Spider Man)

Event 70: Fansubbing Anime (For Awesomeness)
Pevara Tazanohvi (Wheel of Time) vs. Stocke (Radiant Historia)

Pairs Event 11: Twin Obstacle Course
{Palutena (KI:U)/Darkwing Duck} vs. {Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)/Lightning Farron (FFXIII)}

Discussion / Re: Thoughts on gamergate
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:44:53 AM »
And all of that is without getting into the people who are apparently sending pictures of mutilated dogs to her corporate e-mail account that she can't hand off to someone else to read.

Discussion / Re: Thoughts on gamergate
« on: November 20, 2014, 01:24:16 AM »
I also read that article, and so far as I'm concerned, the big thing there is that context gives meaning.  Or, the quote about how if some of the people reacted to the events in Ferguson by stating that was a fine time to bring attention to the plight of convenience store clerks getting shot.

There are real people being driven away from the industry by this GG crap, real people who are having to avoid their homes because of this.  And that isn't really a side effect of jostling for something good, it's the point of this whole affair.  This is a movement that was never about ethics, and where they are equating people arguing that there should be change with someone who was trying to pass laws to ban games.

So, yeah.  The only ethical response to GG is opposition.

Discussion / Re: Thoughts on gamergate
« on: November 18, 2014, 11:12:13 PM »
So, in today's news of the absurd, Jack Thompson has entered the field.  In support of Gamergate.  The story is, he's done an interview with the guys who are doing this "documentary" on Sarkeesian and he's supposedly their big trump card with tons of connections in the biz.

Now that the story has been leaked and the big boogeyman that they've been comparing Sarkeesian too is officially on their side, you'd hope this would lead to some horror or self-reflection.  Nope.  They're celebrating.  The guy that pretty much all of gaming banded together to say "This guy is bad and needs to be stopped" is batting for their side and they think this is a good thing.

Of course, don't just take my word for it.   Read for yourself.

Discussion / Re: Thoughts on gamergate
« on: November 15, 2014, 07:28:51 PM »
Yeah...  regarding the whole Hitman thing, the folks who dislike Sarkeesian seem to be jumping on it because they feel they can show it to be demonstrably, provably wrong.  And then the argument goes that because she's wrong about that one point, she is clearly lying and that every point is then suspicious at best, and probably a lie at worst.  And why shouldn't you assume the worst?

Discussion / Re: Thoughts on gamergate
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:15:10 PM »
I forget the link, but there is actually a GamerGate News site now, where it feels like they're actually trying to give the news coverage that they feel best espouses the Gater movement. 

Tournaments / The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 3-B
« on: November 06, 2014, 09:00:39 PM »
And we're back!  Now with less trick team battles!

Round 3 -B

Event: 63: Working for the Secret Pony Cabal
Rumours persist of secret forces that rules the world from the shadows.  Some claim it's the Stonemasons.  Others say it's the Gnomes of Zurich.  Or perhaps you prefer the Church of the Sub-Genius.  However, the truth is far stranger than what you might have heard.  For the true masters of the world are the secret Pony Cabal.  These Equestrians rule with a iron hoof, and all who pose a threat to their power are quietly removed or publically discredited.  This is a contest to see who can best advance the sinister agendas of their Pony Overlords.

Who does Stephen Colbert truly work for?  Is he secretly a member of the Pony Cabal, spoofing our traditional politics as he advances their sinister agenda?  Or is he spoofing the Pony Cabal, advancing their agenda while playing at something even deeper?  Regardless, so long as he isn't disappeared for Unequestrian Conduct, he seems like he will do well.  Against this we have a pilot of the elite ATX team, Excellen Browning.  While being on the outs with her own government may seem to be a bad position to advance the agenda of her Pony Overlords, it does mean she's deeply embedded in a community made up of the most powerful known robot pilots.  And jesters are well known for being able to influence thoughts without being seen as the origin of those ideas.

Event 64: Iron Chef
Here in the Kitchen Arena, we have two noted chefs, here to compete in the famed Iron Chef competition, where they will need to make three dishes using the special match ingredient.  In this case, all of the dishes must employ and highlight the humble Anchovy.

Our first contestant is known for having nothing ever go right.  But so long as he avoids the ACME kitchen tools, Wile E. Coyote might have a chance?  I mean, it's not like his poor cooking skills have ever lost him his shot at the Roadrunner before.  Against him we have someone who we know can at least cook somewhat edible food, since she supposedly cooked stuff for guys before and they liked it.  Just so long as she can keep the poison out of the food at least.  After all, judges keeling over mid judgement is kinda grounds for disqualification however good your food might be.

Pairs Event 10: Pairs battle

This is a pretty simple affair, two teams of two walk in, and only one walks out.  As before, the teams can do whatever they want however they can.

The first team may as well be one person.  I mean, Lakitu is no slouch as any Mario fan can tell you.  He's kinda hard to reach, and will happily launch spinies at you all day until you manage to reach him and take him out.  But, when you consider both the competition he's facing (they're both great at dealing with him) and who his partner is, he's kinda a nothing here.  Who is he partnered with?  Why, no less than one of the most competant Forsaken out there, Graendael.  She comes complete with a Golden Age's worth of knowledge of weaves of mass destruction, superb defensive weaves, nothing less than Balefire itself, and a variety of stealth and mobility weaves.  These come into play because hit and run is her second favourite tactic since she hates being in a place where her enemies can actually strike at her.  But her favourite tactic plays to her strongest weaves, Compulsion.  Her specialty is the ability to take over people's minds and turn them into her puppets.  And if she can't be stopped from doing that, then she'll take an easy win.

Against this we have a literal Goddess in Palutena, whose powers will easily smash Lakitu, but she'll probably be more concerned with trying to deal with Graendael herself.  Which leaves Spider-Man to deal with Lakitu which should be easy for the web slinger, and then the two of them will need to gang up.  The problem here being, keeping one of both of them from being subborned via Compulsion.  But, Palutena's a goddess, and Spidey's got his spider sense, right?

Team Event 7: Impromptu Musical Number
Life's a happy song when you live in a world where musical numbers can happen at any time for any reason.  And in this event, we've got two teams of four where they've got to fit a musical number into their lives.  Points are awarded for how good the song and dance is, for how well it fits into life as they know it, and of course, for if it can combine entertainment with plot advancement.  Whichever team can do it best, wins.

The first team has an odd combo, we've got Mirror B, where dancing is a way of life, and he comes complete with backup Ludicolo dancers.  As well, they have a trained thespian in the talented Mordin Solus, who knows, at the very least, intergalactic Gilbert and Sullivan.  It may not be a way of life to him, but he's got the chops.  Of course, their back end will be a bit trickier. Millenia is fairly charismatic, so who knows how well she'll perform.  But in the role of team lodestone, you have Queen Zeal, who is just kinda crazy.  If the team can find a way to work that in, they could do quite well.  But that might be a big if.

Especially since they've got A-List opposition here, as once again we've got the guy who lives in a Disney flick.  Gaston is known for breaking into some pretty good song and dance routines at the drop of a hat.  And while he may be from a completely different sort of Disney world, Scrooge McDuck at the very least can dance.  Though, I don't know how often song and dance routines happen in Duckburg.  And Anna has now been conclusively proven not to be a dancer, or a bard.  But she probably also isn't actively bad at this, and she's from a world where the power of dance is respected.  There is, of course, one problem, and it's the complete opposite of the other team's problem.  See, their last competitor may not be a dancer, but he is a professional entertainer.  And, he managed to convince no lesser force than a US Congression Budget Committee to part with millions of dollars with nothing more than some gentle words and a song.  Mr. Rodgers has singing chops.  The problem is, he's also, personality wise, the Anti-Gaston.  If this goes well, then we're going to have a musical dual where this clash is highlighted and their opposing natures complement each other.  If this goes badly, then we're going to have a catastrophy of clashing musical styles that's all dischord and no harmony.

Quick Vote Form

Event: 63: Working for the Secret Pony Cabal
Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) vs. Excellen Browning (SRW:OG)

Event 64: Iron Chef
Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius) vs. Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations)

Pairs Event 10: Pairs battle
{Lakitu (SMW)/Graendael (Wheel of Time)} vs. {Palutena (KI:U)/Spider-Man (Spider Man)}

Team Event 7: Impromptu Musical Number
{Mirror B (Pokemon)/Queen Zeal (CT)/Millenia (Grandia 2)/Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2)} vs. {Scrooge McDuck (Disney)/Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood)/Anna (FE Series)/Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)}

General Chat / Re: 3DS Friend Codes
« on: November 03, 2014, 01:50:19 AM »

General Chat / Re: Would anyone be interested in a DL writing group?
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:49:27 PM »
I'd need to do a bit more writing, but I do already have something.  Don't think it's very good.  But, I suppose that's part of the point, isn't it.

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« on: October 23, 2014, 09:43:47 AM »
As always, multiple things on the go at once.

So, I remembered recently that I was borrowing a copy of Mana Khemia 1 for the PSP.  Now, this is a case of good news/bad news, with the good news being, Mana Khemia 1, it is an awesome game of awesomeness!  And the bad eing PSP port, it has the loading times of ultimate suckage.  Fortunately, the save was basically just before you get five people so there's an actual battle system as opposed to a game where you are expected to use MP like crazy, but you have no method of getting more.  Also, Roxis and his ability to play around nicely with the Time Card system.

Anyways, been making some progress with it, both as something to play on the move, and otherwise when at home.  Forgot about Anna and her awesomeness.  Seriously, when Flay eventually gets to the point of being He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Vayne might be the one who plays the part of The Boy Who Lived, but it's gonna be Anna that gets the title of "The Only One He Ever Feared."  I mean, seriously, the guy has spent half his time running away from her.

Majora's Mask - Doing a replay of this because it is freaking awesome.  And because the other Zelda game I kinda want to replay will either involve me finding all the pieces of my NES and getting that operating, or trying to play Zelda 2 on a GC controller, which, no.  Just no.  Currently up to the boss of the swamp temple, after which I'll probably get me a Goron mask and then do some mask hunting around town.  Probably looking forward to that tower the most.  That place was nice and creepy.

My Life as a Darklord.  Like peanut butter cups, the mix of Final Fantasy and Tower Defense is a fun one.  And, oddly, I've never finished it before.  Regardless, I've made it to chapter 3 and am trucking along happily.  About to get Behemoths which will help to start leading to more choices about how to deal with annoying archers.  I hope they have Guard... because I want some way to deal with those annoying room destroying Thieves.

And then we hit the Intelligent Systems games.  Yup, two of them.  Both played on the Wii.  Both from different non-Wii systems. 

Paper Mario - Yup, the first one.  Played it for the N64 back in the day, but always felt kinda bad about it because the controllers for that system were, let's be diplomatic and say poorly designed.  So, whenever I did some of the action triggers it felt like I was destroying the poor controllers which, to be utterly fair, I was.  Hell, the N64 is practically junk these days because the controllers have been wrecked by the process of using them.  The GCN controller on the other hand, is beautifully designed for this.  And if the years (almost a decade...  damn does time fly) of using them for Blue Sparking and Smashing haven't wrecked 'em, Paper Mario won't even phase them.  Just wrecked the "invincible" Tubba Blubba and need to move on to Chapter 4, so making good time.  Kooper has been invaluable as a sidekick and easily got the first power up.  Goombario got the second, and those two are basically by power duo, though Bow the Boo has taken a good third place due to her badass slap.  Even though she does fear defense like nothing else.  Having played a lot of Fire Emblem since this came out, it's easy to see that this game was made by the same guys.

Speaking of Fire Emblem.  I've been playing Path of Radiance, because I kinda want to go over the story of the Tellius games again.  The moral of the early game was a party wide aversion to gaining strength.  I mean, a point was gained here or there, but Ike managed to hit Level 14 with only 8 Strength to his name.  I mean, a few people were blessed with Strength.  There was Gatrie, who cut and run, and Boyd, but that was about it.  On the other hand, Ike has also been averaging 4 point levels.  Specifically, he's been Averaging Speed and three other non-Strength things.  So the guy capped Speed at level 17, and is otherwise accurate and durable.  Also, after I gave him a Energy Drop, he seemed to get the hint and started gaining Strength, so after promotion her was sitting at 16 Str.

So, mid game, starting with hitting the shores of Begnion is where the core of my team started developing.  I mean, Rolf is turning out great, Nephenee is being quietly competent in pretty much every stat.  Boyd is a solid member as always.  But the real star at this point is Jill.  Remember how I said my early party seemed to have issues with Strength?  Well, that's because everyone's strength growth seemed to be funneled into Jill.  The girl has only three stats she gets with any regularity, but as they are Strength, Speed and Defense, there is little else to say.  She also has been getting timely crits, so she's been doing a lot of hopping out of unhittable locations off of ships or from the other side of trees, murderkilling dudes, then darting back out of reach.  She's kinda been benched since reaching Daien, not because of keeping her from murderkilling her countrymen, and more because I need to cut someone from the team to make room for thieves or people to talk sense into Crow Kings, and because she just has that huge a level lead at the moment that I want people to catch up to her.

Also, special mention go to the less good members.  Oscar is one of the few people on my team who rarely doubles people.  And who rarely kills even with that.  Guy is just lacking anything that isn't defense, really.  But, easy and early Earth/Earth with Ike, plus bonus crit for Rolf/Boyd and potential for Triangle attack means he gets to stay on.  Meanwhile, Kieran got his final chance in Chapter 17.  He got a level, great!  It was a 0 point level.  He is benched indefinitely.

Of course, now all of these games have an insidious and invasive competitor.  I got the new Smash.  Already unlocked Gannon and Pittoo.  Sadly, Marth lost to a little kid.  And Ike was bested by some kind of ridiculous Space Falcon Laguz.  But they will lose sooner or later.

Tournaments / Re: Number Three
« on: October 23, 2014, 08:51:59 AM »
While this is a win for everyone, there is only one way to vote.

Thor/Ca...  naaaaah.  Can't keep that joke vote up any longer.

##Vote: Mitsuru

Tournaments / The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 3-A
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:47:57 AM »
Round 3-A

Event 61: Ladder Climbing
Don't believe the hype!  The Budehuc Tenkai Society would like to make it known that climbing ladders is NOT the easy affair that some would portray it as.  And this event is meant to highlight the ladder-challenged among us.  The challenge is simple.  Our contestants will be given a tower to climb, using only platforms and ladders.  And, they must actually climb the ladders using hands and feet, and not use some other mechanism in order to scale the tower.  With all that agreed upon, let the climbing commence!

Our first competitor is in a bit of a quandry.  You see, where he ends his character arc and series is actually worse for him climbing wise than where he is halfway through, or even at the beginning!  Yup, Rand al'Thor may have the world quaking at his passage, but lacking a hand may leave him at a disadvantage here.  Against him is the wobbly step that ruins your balanca, the slippery rung that you just can't hold on to, facing him is the terror that flaps in the night!  Darkwing Duck!  And despite him being a duck, he's definitely got hands, especially with all the tools he uses.  But, he's used to using a grapple gun, which is totally against the rules here (granted, that really works in his favour because Grapple Gun <<< Saidin) which means he may be unused to using something so mundane as a ladder.

Event 62: Fiddling Contest
When the Devil's looking for souls, what's a fallen angel to do?  Sure, he can lie, cheat, and swindle (our research department says he can't actually steal souls), but he also fiddles.  In this competition we harken back to that famous song, and while souls may not be on the line, a place in the next round of the Royal Canadian Rando Tourney is!  As always, all that matters is the ability to play the fiddle, like musically.  Any and all ability in using the fiddle, or the bow, as a lethal weapon is utterly useless in this match.

This week we have badass vs. badass.  In one corner, we have Street Fighter's Dark Demon of the Martial Arts, Akuma!  And in the other corner we have the Champion of Etro, the Saviour of Cocoon, Lightning Farron!  Aaaaand, they're gonna be fiddling.  So put away the gunswords and ki blasts.  Akuma may be all about the fighting, but he's also one of those annoying plot characters that shows up to be better than you, taunt you a bit, and then run off.  Because he's a jerk.  Meanwhile, Lightning's edge is going to be that she actually seems to have an interest or two outside of fighting, and at this point will probably get some genuine enjoyment out of doing something that isn't saving the world or helping people with random stuff.

Pairs Event 9: Figure Skating
There are few things more graceful than pairs figure skating.  The motion of two people moving as one as they glide across the ice, spinning across it's surface and through the air.  All while keeping in time with the music.  This is truly the sport of the northern kings.  And today, we shall see which team shall prove more worthy of it.

Our first team is a study in contrasts.  While Apu Nahasapeemapetilon may not be much of an athelete, he lives in a world where complicated dance routines are just another part of lime, right up there with driving to work and brushing your teeth.  This means what he lacks in physical strength, he'll make up for with choreography.  Adding skates may add another layer of complication to the whole thing, but I suspect what will really be the problem here is that he won't be expected to sing while he skates.  Not that there's any rules against it.  His partner, Citan Uzuki, probably doesn't know much about skating or dancing, but he is strong, quick, dextrous, and a skilled martial artist, meaning he's in good physical shape and able to pull off some impressive stunts.

Against this is our second team.  Oberyn Martell comes into this knowing winter like no one else in this event.  After all, you don't need to be a Stark to know about the colder season when it's seven years long.  Of course, even if skating is a thing they do in Westeros, there is a question as to whether or not Oberyn does it, and if he can pull off graceful like he can pull off strong.  Fortunately, he's paired with a being of supernatural power and grace.  Spike is a vampire, which means he's probably got the best physical shape in this competition.  Now, if only he can pull off the dancing moves.

Team Event: 6: Team Battle
This event is simple.  Two teams enter, and the last team standing wins.  No rules, no mercy.  Use all your strength and cunning to fight until either your opponent falls, or you do.

Our first team is coming in loaded for a fight.  Leader of the first team, with a man's soul and a strong back, a tenacious demon, the Great Kamina takes to the field!  Fighting in the Gurren mecha that the Gurren brigade takes it's name from, this bold and brash fighter is aiming to go beyond the impossible and claim victory.  And while he may not have his buddy Simon and his partner mech, the Lagann at his side, he does have three excellent companions.  A professional fighter with skill and style, the ROCK gets this Kamina guy and is ready to kick some ass.  Having faced all kinds of threats and adventures, Finn the Human is going to be giving it his all.  But, the team heavy is someone else who knows a bit about going beyond the impossible, straight from Dragon Ball Z, we have Vegeta.  Who is one of the most powerful fighters in this competition.

But this is not going to be a one sided fight.  Leading the opposition is a military Colonel with years of wartime experience in small unit fighting as well as a human weapon.  Roy Mustang is arguably the best fighter in Full Metal Alchemist, claiming curbstomp victories in fights teams of his protagonists struggled to hold their own in, and has only lost twice.  To weather, and to God.  And he fought God blind.  Joining him as a counter for the Gurren is his own Mecha, Gai Daigouji will be supporting with his own Aesti Valis and blood hot enough to match Kamina himself.  Working from the shadows, he has secret agent Stocke who has his own battlefield experience and skills to bring to this fight.  And as an added heavy, probably more potent than Mustang himself, they have Pevara Tazanohvi, Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and badass from introduction to the last battle for the fate of humanity.

Quick Vote

Event 61: Ladder Climbing
Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time) vs. Darkwing Duck

Event 62: Fiddling Contest
Akuma (Street Fighter) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII)

Pairs Event 9: Figure Skating
{Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (The Simpsons)/Citan Uzuki (Xenogears)} vs. {Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)/Spike (Buffy:tVS)}

Team Event: 6: Team Battle
{The Rock (Wrestling)/Finn the Human (Adventure Time)/Kamina (Gurren Lagenn)/Vegeta (DBZ)} vs. {Gai Daigouji (Martian Successor Nadesco)/Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)/Stocke (Radiant Historia)/Pevara Tazanohvi (Wheel of Time)}

Tournaments / Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-D
« on: October 14, 2014, 10:34:31 PM »
Quick Vote Form

Event 53: Heckling
Vegeta (DBZ) vs. He-Man (Prince Adam) - Abstain.  Don't know Vegeta well enough.

Event 54: Kareoke
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (The Simpsons) vs. Bacchus D-79 (Star Ocean: The Last Hope) - Also going to abstain.

Event 55: Completing a Pokemon Journey
Millenia (Grandia 2) vs. Zoey (Left4Dead) - While I'm rooting for Millenia, I don't know Zoey.

Event 56: Jobbing
Zeus (Mythology) vs. Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius) - See writeup.

Event 57: Abridging
Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde (Wild ARMs) vs. Pevara Tazanohvi (Wheel of Time) - Has some pretty good banter, so I can see her doing a decent job.

Event 58: Competitive Blogging
Graendael (Wheel of Time) vs. Orc Peon (Warcraft) - I love the idea of a blog written by an orc peon.  Love it to death.  Sadly, he managed to pull one of the best entrants for this event.

Event 59: Running a Nation
Morte (Planescape Torment) vs. Citan Uzuki (Xenogears) - I could see Morte doing a decent job, but I can see Citan doing a better one.

Event 60: Committing Acts of Unnatural Science!
Tidus (FFX) vs. Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones) - clearly don't know Oberyn well enough to vote.

General Chat / Re: Would anyone be interested in a DL writing group?
« on: October 14, 2014, 09:51:25 PM »
Sure, still in

« on: October 13, 2014, 07:49:00 AM »
Yueying (Dynasty Warriors Series)/Mitsuru Kirijo (Persona3FES)


Elhaym van Houten (Xenogears)/Lucia (Fire Emblem Series)/Thor Odinson

Gods do not yield before puny things like losses!

Tournaments / The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-D
« on: October 13, 2014, 05:17:27 AM »
Round 2-D

Event 53: Heckling
As Waldorf and Statler could tell you, Heckling is the fine art of saying horrible stuff about something.  But, it can't just be horrible.  A true heckler will also make sure their heckling has the following.  It has to be clever.  It has to be unique to whatever it is they're heckling, so they have to had paid attention.  It should be funny, best of all if you can get even the person you're heckling to laugh at themselves.  And finally, but most importantly, it must be true.  It does not need to be serious, and the best hecklers don't even hold themselves as truly serious.  In this case, we're going to give our two competitors a boxseat to a live performance at the Muppet Theatre.  Whoever gets the best response to their heckling wins.

Of course...  there's a question as to how well we're going to get heckling here.  Vegeta has character development, which may be his saving grace because he starts off as a villain who is waaaay too full of himself, and everything I've heard suggests he stays kinda full of himself.  But, who knows, I may be wrong.  Against this, we have Prince Adam, who at least has that Saturday Morning Banter down, but probably isn't the best heckler out there.  Now, Skeletor on the other hand...

Event 54: Kareoke
Everyone knows kareoke, it's that thing where they take out the vocalist and then you get some people to grab a mic and make a fo...  I mean, give being a vocalist a try.  Because we're cruel, we're both going to be using one of those ones that score people for ability to sing and stick them in front of a bar crowd.  Highest score naturally wins.

While he may not quite have the chops that Gaston does (noooo oneeee siiiings like Gaston!), Apu from the Quik-E-Mart is still from a universe where people break into song with alarming frequency.  And, the guy has gotten a few leading roles himself, so he's shown this is an event he can excel at.  There's just one catch which is both a blessing and a curse, all of the songs he's sung are known tunes, with different lyrics, which means he'll probably be more comfortable with a different set of lyrics than what the kareoke machine will be piping to him.  But, if he can win over the crowd, and keep the pitch right (since that's all the machine cares about) then he might be able to pull this off.  And like was said, he does know tunes that will be on the kareoke set list.  On the other hand, he'll need those chops, because he's up against a machine at this event.  And, well, every event.  Bacchus probably isn't the best singer, but being a cyborg, it wouldn't be too surprising if he can study/download the lyrics, and modulate his vocal chords with some kind of auto-tune, which will turn this into a match of experience against tech.

Event 55: Completing a Pokemon Journey
Welcome to the wide world of pokemon!  As always, our two competitors will be given a starter of their choice, and a rival not of their choice, and will be set out to frolic in the tall grass, to compete in nation wide institutionalized animal pit fighting, and to get the eight badges necessary to face the Elite Four and prove that they are the very best, like no one was before!  Naturally, first one to best the elite four and the plot twist rival who beat them all right before then wins the event.

Our first competitor may have never had anything at all to do with pokemon before, doesn't mean she doesn't have experience getting others to do the grunt work for her on her world wide journey to pick up plot coupons.  Only now, there won't be anyone to sass Millenia as she goes at it.  I mean, gathering the various body parts of Valmar, gathering the eight badges?  How different can it be?  Against this we've got a survivor of the downest and dirtiest kind.  In fact, Zoey may be looking forward to just getting to travel having something else doing the fighting for her, and mostly not having to deal with the ravenous dead.  But, will her skills be adequate, or is this her real test?

Event 56: Jobbing
Sometimes, what the job calls for isn't a triumphant victory.  Or even a win of any shape or size.  Sometimes, you need to lose.  And you need to look good doing it.  This is the art of the jobber, the person who makes the entertainment happen because they're there to lose, to suffer, to be defeated.  And the best ones are the ones who get us to care about them even as we know they can never win.  To root for them even as we watch and wait for the inevitable trainwreck that all their hopes and dreams turn into.

This is the point where I'd give the victory conditions, and a writeup of the strengths and weaknesses of both competitors.  But, as I see it, there is no argument this week.  Commentors, feel free to prove me wrong.  But the match here is Zeus, he who doesn't really know how to lose (Kratos doesn't count as this is Mythology Zeus, not GoW Zeus).  Really, the jobbing in Greek mythology is done by mortals who broke some arbitrary rule he or his Olmypos Bros came up with.  Or, who stood between him and a fine piece of ass.  And against him we have the patron saint of jobbing, Wile. E. Coyote.  The guy who, no matter what he was chasing, will lose in the most ludicrous ways because the universe hates him.  Huh...  kinda like most of the heros of Greek mythology...  So, yeah...

Event 57: Abridging
Abridging is the fine art of taking a work, and then cutting out the excess, reducing it down to it's essentials so that someone can get the soul of a work without having to go through all of it.  That is proper abridging, we're more interested in comedic abridging, which is similar, except that you're also highlighting the ridiculous of the soul of a work.  The more you can keep that essential nature of a work and still keep it funny, the more likely you are to win this event.

Cecilia is noted for her courage, for her mastery of magic, and for being a princess.  Less noted is her vibrant personality and busting out the jokes.  As such, she'll probably be super good at the formal abridging, but can she make it funny?  Against this, we have Pevara of the Red Ajah.  Where she is known for...  well, being a generally good person, and even showing signs of a sense of humour.  Possibly even without having to add on the qualifier "for a member of the Red Ajah" where both things are in direly short supply.  She will likely also be good at the formal abridging thing (though not so much as a Brown or White), but will she be able to get more humour?

Event 58: Competitive Blogging
In today's blogosphere the click and link is a hard won and valuable commodity.  In order to gain the fame that earlier generations of net stars squandered you need to be sharper, faster, wittier, and more controvercial than ever before.  As always, whoever can get the most followers wins.

Our first contestant will be a natural.  After all, Graendal has a sharp wit, acute observations, and keen insights into human psychology.  Also, the shenanigans she gets up to and the co-worker gossip she'll have to dish out will just be incredible.  Because while no one can sing like Gaston, there is no one who can be catty like one of the Forsaken.  Against this, we have a lone everyman whose very lack of personality inspires us to empathise with him as he puts up with an incredible amount of ludicrous situations, suicidal orders, and just a heaping helping of shit from the universe.  The Orc Peon, taking to the net under the title Stop Poking Me!, will share his slice of life stories from a world of warcraft.

Event 59: Running a Nation
We've had the debates, we've had the wars, but now we've got the peacetime challenge.  Running a nation, full stop.  Both of our contestants will be provided a pretty standard country if they can't otherwise provide one of their own.  And they'll be given a four year term, and at the end, we'll take a look and see which country did better.

Our first competitor has a way with words and a sharp mind, which is good because he's got nothing else going for him, literally.  But Morte won't let being a floating skull stop him, as his wordcraft will prove to be the key to his performance in this challenge.  The problem is, he's not great at making friends, but that might not be necessary if he's smart about his policies.  Against this we have another super intelligent competitor.  Yup, Super Spy Citan Uzuki will show us if he's as good at leading nations as he is at spying.  Given how many heads of state he pals around with (and let's be honest, Citan's buddies are probably doing more ruling of Fatima than Bart is) and who he seems to share some hefty discussions with, the man probably comes into this with some good idea of what does, and does not work.  At least, in a world torn apart by gears and fighting.  Maybe a land at peace will trip him up?

Event 60: Committing Acts of Unnatural Science!
And after some matches with some great competitors, we have this...  Committing acts of unnatural science is exactly what it sounds like.  Regular scientists have ethical boundaries, or will otherwise be held back by things like self-preservation, or not wanting to wreck the world because it's where they and the guy who signs their paychecks lives.  This match is about the people who are mad, who are touched in the head, who are generally laughed at by supposed fools at the academy.  The people who pervert the laws of nature and physics in their science.

We're...  not gonna get any of that.  First up, we have Tidus.  The guy's not an idiot, but he ain't super bright either.  His only real advantage is that he probably knows some rudimentry stuff about Machina given where he grew up, and the local religion publically files playing with Machina under this category.  Against this, we have Oberyn Martell, who has the advantage of not being held back by ethical constraints.  Of course, what he'll do probably won't be classified as acts of science, unnatural or otherwise.  Just...  unnatural acts.  Because Westeros is special like that.

Quick Vote Form

Event 53: Heckling
Vegeta (DBZ) vs. He-Man (Prince Adam)

Event 54: Kareoke
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (The Simpsons) vs. Bacchus D-79 (Star Ocean: The Last Hope)

Event 55: Completing a Pokemon Journey
Millenia (Grandia 2) vs. Zoey (Left4Dead)

Event 56: Jobbing
Zeus (Mythology) vs. Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius)

Event 57: Abridging
Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde (Wild ARMs) vs. Pevara Tazanohvi (Wheel of Time)

Event 58: Competitive Blogging
Graendael (Wheel of Time) vs. Orc Peon (Warcraft)

Event 59: Running a Nation
Morte (Planescape Torment) vs. Citan Uzuki (Xenogears)

Event 60: Committing Acts of Unnatural Science!
Tidus (FFX) vs. Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)

Tournaments / Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-C
« on: October 08, 2014, 09:20:15 AM »
Quick VOte Form

Event 49: Calvinball
Hulk Hogan (Wrestling) vs. Scrooge McDuck (Disney)
A good match, but this event plays to a lot of Scrooge's strengths.

Event 50: Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
Lightning Farron (FFXIII) vs. Ferris Beuller
After the "Help Bueller Free Humanity" campaign surprises everyone by managing to overthrow our overlords, Bueller gets disqualified when Principle Rooney shows damning evidence that Ferris Bueller was actually living it up at the Gold Saucer the entire time with his girlfriend and that the entire campaign wasn't even started by Bueller, but instead by some folks who heard a rumour that Ferris was totally going to start a rebel army.

Of course, despite Lighting getting the win, none of this will stop people from still giving Bueller the credit.

Event 51: Being Mysterious
Anna (FE Series) vs. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)

This is a case of quality over quantity.  Namely, a mystery where there is an answer is, I feel, better than a mystery where there is no answer.

Event 52: Swimming in Money
Darkwing Duck vs. Hello Kitty

Scrooge's big thing is that, much like the American Dream, anyone should be able to do what he does if they're clever, resourceful, and determined enough.  Which, oddly enough, should apply to swimming in money as well.  And when Darkwing Duck comes across some crazy or off the wall situation he seems to have some strange technique learned from some far off corner of the world which is super helpful.  So, I suspect if he had to, he could actually swim in money.

Team Match 5: Rock Band
{Ryu (Street Fighter 2), Erutus Profiteur (BD), Don Cherry, Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} vs. {Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), Excellen Browning (SRW:OG), Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations), Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)}

Yeah...  I can't see Dahlia tanking the team.  And Gaston is top notch at this even, and thus wins.

General Chat / Re: 2014 Miscellaneous Links You Won't Believe
« on: October 08, 2014, 08:46:25 AM »
Firmly believing that this should be a topic of shiny happy things, and not Gamergate, I have an alternate link.

Scientists have figured out how to get people safely in and out of cryosleep for short periods of time, and they're working on lengthening that period of time so that manned missions to places are more viable than they were before.  And, they put up a faq on the whole thing.

General Chat / Re: 2014 Miscellaneous Links You Won't Believe
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:42:02 AM »
Ah, but now it involves women having sex.  And as we all know, there's nothing straight men find more offensive than women having sex.   

General Chat / Re: Would anyone be interested in a DL writing group?
« on: October 07, 2014, 09:48:41 AM »
Getting a board shouldn't be too hard.  I remember having to make a board for something else I was involved in about a year and a half ago and aside from making the place look fancy, it was super easy.  And I'm guessing that for what we want, just the default skin should be enough.

General thoughts, what Lady Door and Zenny said sound pretty good.  I like the idea of a three strikes system where you can erase them at a third of a strike per round.  And as a novice, I don't have strong opinions on length of pieces to be workshopped.  Though, perhaps we can start with a trial length, and after one round of workshopping, see if we want to revisit that length.

Tournaments / Re: Contest of Hotness Advanced Third- Round 4
« on: October 06, 2014, 06:58:09 AM »
Chris Lightfellow (Suikoden III) vs Yueying (Dynasty Warriors Series)
Mitsuru Kirijo (Persona 4 Arena) vs Karin Koenig (Shadow Hearts: Covenant)
Elhaym van Houten (Xenogears) vs Nel Zelpher (Star Ocean: Till the End of Time)
Thor Odinson (Marvel Cinematic Universe) vs Lucia (Fire Emblem Series)

All four matches hit varying shades of obvious for me.

Tournaments / The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-C
« on: October 06, 2014, 06:55:02 AM »
Round 2-C

Event 49: Calvinball
Other games can get boring or stale because they're always played the same.  But Calvinball is always different, which makes it the superior game.  Yup, Calvinball is a game of few rules, where the way you get points and how you win is made up on the fly each time, so victory can only be determined by quick wits and creativity.

We'll be starting this round off with a bit of Hulkmania.  And while Hulk Hogan is going to be a little hurt by the fact that WWE wrestling is kinda scripted, he is still a good entertainer.  Specifically, he's an entertainer who's used to working with a live crowd which requires being able to react to the crowd.  Against this we have someone who isn't any kind of entertainer at all, nor someone given to games in general.  However, Scrooge McDuck started from nothing and made himself a Multi-Kajillionaire on the basis of never backing down, a sharp wit, and an ability to roll with pretty much anything and go for the win.

Event 50: Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
If fiction has taught us anything, it is that man eating robots enslaving humanity for their own nefarious purposes is less a possibility and more an inevitability.  But it has also taught us that humanity is tenacious, and that a hero will rise up in order to liberate us from our robotic overlords.  So, let us see which of these heros will do the better job of saving humanity.

Lightning Farron has a name for the day when she will be called upon to save humanity.  And that name is Tuesday.  Because, seriously, that's about how often she's getting called upon to save people these days.  Needless to say, having twice gone up against divine threats, robotic overlords are probably a step down from her usual fights.  Her competition lacks her raw power as well as her experience, but he is known for being sneaky and for his ability to rally people.  Which is good, because this is one day Ferris Beuller won't be able to take off.  However, his ability to get away with shit at the highest tier, as well as his ability to get people to band together for his cause should give him a strong edge.  And, his one greatest asset over his opponent is his luck.  While Lightning seems to be unable to catch a break, Ferris Beuller seems to be made of horseshoes and four leaf clovers.

Event 51: Being Mysterious
As any hack knows, the key to popularity is being mysterious.  Well, and brooding.  But mostly mysteriousness!  Who cares if the mystery ever gets resolved so long as it exists in the first place.  So, what we're going for here is which character is going to be dealing with a party of protagonist types who know nothing about them, and whoever can manage to keep the mystery about themselves going longer is the winner!

Hailing from the many lands of Fire Emblem, Anna is an old pro at this event.  Despite showing up in all sorts of places across space and time, we only really know four things about her.  1) She can break the fourth wall, 2) She apparantly has a boyfriend, 3) She claims she has a lot of clones/sisters, kinda like Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny, and 4) They all really like money.  And this is despite dealing with a good half dozen different parties.  Against this we actually have one of the better contenders in this event from the Potterverse.  Nope, not Dumbledore, though he'd be a pro.  Instead we have Luna Lovegood, everyone's favourite crazy person.  Or is she?  Her mysteriousness stems not from knowing very little about her, because she's more than happy to talk about herself and what she believes, but instead comes from not knowing how much of what she says is actual truth, and how much is craziness.  Especially since some of the crazy later turns out to be true.  Regardless, this will be a good fight.

Event 52: Swimming in Money
Y'know Scrooge McDuck, that guy who's currently in that event further up the screen?  Well, he's got this neat trick where he dives into a vault full of cash and swims in the thing like it's full of water.  I mean, when they remade his game, they gave you a vault just so you could dive into the thing and swim in gold coins.  Now, we're not asking anyone to dive in.  But we are asking our contestants to swim in that vault.  And whoever can swim in it the best, wins.

Our first contestant comes into this match with an odd advantage.  Darkwing Duck is best known for getting dangerous and engaging in spy or superheroic adventures.  But, he's also quite good at learning strange, but useful, skills.  In addition, he's only two degrees of separation from the master himself since his sidekick is none other than Launchpad McQuack, who is Scrooge's pilot.  All of which means, that if swimming in money is a skill that can be learned, instead of a superpower that Scrooge cannot share, then Darkwing Duck has a good chance to pick it up.  Against this, we have a competitor who is perhaps less good at learning skills, but also doesn't exist as someone who has some kind of comedic lightning rod attached to them either.  And Hello Kitty also is no slave to physics, meaning that she should have a chance to pull off the swimming in cash trick as well, and look strangely kawaii while doing so.

Team Match 5: Rock Band
A Rando Tourney staple, we've got four contestants on a side going up, each one taking a different instrument and then doing a set.  Whichever team can get the highest score on their set will also take the win.  And, of course, there are no safeties on, while a struggling member can be saved, once they go down a third time, they're done.  The member in question can try to avoid this by starting at a lower difficulty, but that also means less points, so a balance of daring and skill is required.  And remember, the four positions are Lead Guitar, Singer, Drummer, and Bass Guitar for the scrub.

Our first team is coming into this without any notable contenders.  Sure, Caesar, Don Cherry, AND Profiteur are all good with words in different ways, but it's unlikely that any of them are the singing type.  And none come with a musical pedigree, though Caesar, having been raised as a noble, might have some training that would be worthwhile here.  Oddly enough, their best competitor will probably be Ryu whose reaction speed should be the highest of the bunch of them.  That said, with the exception of Profiteur, they're all also pragmatic, and so they shouldn't need to worry about bombing out, going instead of a difficulty level that should ensure a finish.  But will it be enough?

Let's cue up the music, this event has been won.  Because no one in this contest can sing like Gaston!  No lyrics will pose him a challenge, five stars will surely be his!  The question is, will anyone else on his team be able to drag him down?  Excellen is known for her speed, and given that's mostly piloting a mech, being able to handle a guitar or the drums should be a cinch for her.  And Roy Mustang is competant and pragmatic.  So, while he won't be a huge asset, he's smart enough to realise his team is strong and he just needs to stay out of the way.  Which leaves us with the problem: Dahlia Hawthorne.  She can go either way, she is smart.  She is ambitious.  And, she likes being 'rescued' by others.  There are two ways this might play out.  She might be smart, realize that Gaston can take this thing with his singing chops, and let her team carry her.  Or, she might get hung up on the rescue mechanic, go on a difficulty level she can't back up, and need to get rescued too often, or at a time when no one can rescue her, and tank the team.  She's the sorta character who can go either way, and which way she goes is the way the team will go.

Quick VOte Form

Event 49: Calvinball
Hulk Hogan (Wrestling) vs. Scrooge McDuck (Disney)

Event 50: Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
Lightning Farron (FFXIII) vs. Ferris Beuller

Event 51: Being Mysterious
Anna (FE Series) vs. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)

Event 52: Swimming in Money
Darkwing Duck vs. Hello Kitty

Team Match 5: Rock Band
{Ryu (Street Fighter 2), Erutus Profiteur (BD), Don Cherry, Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} vs. {Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), Excellen Browning (SRW:OG), Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations), Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)}

Tournaments / Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-B
« on: October 06, 2014, 06:35:52 AM »
Quick Vote Form

Event 41: Forming a Superhero League
Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers) vs. Spider-Man (Spider Man)
Spider Man is kinda champ level at this event.

Event 42: Raiding the Great Maple Syrup Reserve
Lord Helix (TPP) vs. Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert)
Also champ level.

Event 43: Excelling at Sports That Don't Even Exist Yet
Stocke (Radiant Historia) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG)
Even without the time travel, he's pretty good at improvising.

Event 44: Cat Bathing
Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood) vs. Samus
One of the few people I could see getting a cat to consent to be bathed.

Event 45: Manliness Contest
Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time) vs. Vin Venture (Mistborn)
This is a tough one, going to tie break to the one what is a guy.

Event 46: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse
Akuma (Street Fighter) vs. Lucille Ball (I Love Lucy)
If Lucille could get to other survivors, she might have a chance.  But I don't see her living that long.

Event 47: Duel Arcane
Mirror B (Pokemon) vs. Red Shirts (Star Trek)
Red Shirts and mystical stuff never mix well.  They take themselves out just trying to qualify.

Event 48: Winning a War
Mog (FF6) vs. Queen Zeal (CT)
Yeah...  not close.

General Chat / Re: Would anyone be interested in a DL writing group?
« on: October 04, 2014, 01:25:00 PM »
Hmm.  While I do like the Skype idea, voice to voice is very effective, it is impractical.  As such, I like the idea of the forum as primary method with perhaps an informal Skype session set up every now and then which, if you can make it, great.  But if you can't, then no loss because the forums are still there.

Forum Games / Re: mafia thing
« on: October 04, 2014, 01:13:16 PM »
So, what?

Play Mafia, it's like teamwork with your lynches?

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